contingency argument debunked

If there is a morally interested God involved with the development of human morality, then it seems we could explain our moral reliability and avoid the debunking . If it did, then it would not be the same house. Statement 5, which is either seen as a premise or a conclusion, infers that the necessary being which explains the totality of contingent facts is God. Opinion: Let The Sunshine In: Debunking Bogus Arguments for Repeal of Since if it had a beginning to its existence, that would mean there was a time that it did not exist. Whatever caused the universe to come into being must be a spaceless, immaterial, uncaused, powerful, personal Creator. Premise 4 commits this blunder in the worst imaginable way by assuming that we can extrapolate from premise 1 to draw conclusions beyond the natural realm. Therefore, there is an explanation of this fact. The argument from contingency is a cosmological argument proposed by Thomas Aquinas in his book Summa Theologica. Everything that exists has an explanation of its existence, either in the necessity of its own nature or in an external cause. Thats begging the question. God. Therefore the chain of causes terminates in a necessary object that itself its own necessity, i.e. (This is no . . In a sense, the argument is based on the tendency of objects not to exist. What the Christian Apologist would say in response is that God does indeed have an explanation for His existence, but that explanation is that He exists by the necessity of His own nature. Given that all evidence supporting premise 1 consists of material causes, we might be tempted to conclude that, no matter how far back we look in the chain of causation, we will always find another material cause. Whatever it is we think about, whether it be cars, trucks, chairs, tables, people, houses, trees, balloons, mountains, planets, galaxies, etc. Since the cause is beyond nature (given that its the explanation why nature exists), it follows that the cause is supernatural. If there is no space, matter cannot exist. Start with the Argument from Contingency (stage 1): 1. If theres a chain of causation from A to Z, then Z is inevitable if any preceding entity in the causal chain is inevitable. Him not existing is impossible. In contrast, Craigs conclusion (immaterial causation exists) is directly encompassed by the term efficient cause. Premise 1 flat-out stipulates his conclusion. As noted earlier, all evidence for premise 1 consists of material causes. Craig smuggles in a portrait of Divinity by using the heavily freighted term God.[6]+. This inevitably produces unforeseen consequences. 4: Therefore, The universe has an explanation of its existence. The number 3 isnt going to be producing any effects anytime soon. The flock of friars called Dominicans were founded by the Spanish priest Saint Dominic de Guzman in France to preach against heresy. As youd expect, people unschooled in physics are more apt to find Kreefts book-borrower analogy persuasive. In essence, the argument attempts to address the question "Why are things the way they are? The necessary is that which either must be done or will inevitably be done. Arguments for God's Existence Debunked | by Jakub Ferencik - Medium Objects are better understood to be in flux or transition to other objects. A contingent thing must have had a beginning, otherwise it is not contingent. It is a form of argument from universalcausation. It follows from this that the universe does not exist by a necessity of its own nature. 2. Firstly, we can't be sure that the universe is contingent. Contingent beings, therefore, are insufficient to account for the existence of contingent beings: there must exist anecessarybeing whose non-existence is an impossibility, and from which the existence of all contingent beings is derived. Does the skeptic want us to buy into the notion that all of the quarks in the universehave toexist? /u/Zh3sh1re posted: Debunking the Cosmological argument, aka the "Contingency" Argument. But maybe the particles of which the quarks are composed exist necessarily. This suggestion wont work because quarks arent composed of anything! Thomas' Argument from Necessity begins with a number of empirical observations including the premise that contingent objects in the world come into existence and pass away. His point would be valid if existence and non-existence of objects was random and the universe had finite material. Why is that? All Rights Reserved. But it seems to me that one could ask why a different collection of quarks could not have existed in the stead of this one? Therefore, there must exist what it takes for the universe to exist. The argument from contingency goes like this: All things that begin to exist are contingent on a its creator or process To avoid an infinite regress you need a necessary first cause (or mover) That first cause is god There are many forms of this argument. The philosopher Walter Sinnott-Armstrong puts it this way: to avoid begging the question, ones reason to believe the premise must be independent of both (a) ones belief in the conclusion and also (b) ones reason to believe the conclusion.[10]. A Debate on the Argument from Contingency - contradictions). [1]+ Everything around usevery cloud, every puppy, every puppy poopis contingent, said Aquinas, meaning that it didnt have to exist; some cause made it exist. Perhaps premise 2 of this argument is false. It seems that Reichenbach is using the term contingent ontologically, per definition 2, asserting that each entity has a cause outside itself. I have chosen the word legerdemain, drawing a comparison of Craigs argument to a magicians trick, because his argument, like many magicians tricks, incorporates clever distraction. Read the first premise again. In support of premise 2, Craig points out that if a cause is a material cause then it is, itself, part of the material realm. How? they are transient. Why is there something rather than nothing? The argument follows these three premises: 1. If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God. Response to YouTube video "Every Argument for God DEBUNKED - Blogger VIEW: Debunking the Kalam Cosmological Argument. But this must be taken seriously, all the way - if they could have been different, then there must be no reason why they aren't different. This is largely based on an argument from ignorance since they have not ruled out non-thinking/non-agent reasons. The Fourth Way: The Argument From Degrees Of Excellence Thus A, B, C and D are "contingent". Therefore, if the universe is infinitely old, it is not contingent. It is doubtful if such answers are even possible; a final explanation of existence seems to be a logical impossibility, as there is nothing outside existence that can explain it. All Craig is doing here is defining the material realm to include all material causes. This objection does not succeed. The argument is called The Contingency Argument For Gods Existence. Based on our experience, the materials in the universe continued to exist, in various forms. the Kalam cosmological argument) that basically states that, since everything that exists must. One category of existence-explanation is necessary existence. Is premise 2 true? Now, Im not asking if you could have had a different house (one made of candy) in the stead of the one you actually live in. Christian's only believe in Christianity because they were born in a Christian culture. Evolutionary Debunking Arguments and Moral Realism - ResearchGate God or a being remarkably similar to God must be the explanation of the universes existence provided the assumption that the universe requires an external cause. Argument from Contingency | Atheism | Fandom Anything that exists has an explanation of its existence, either in the necessity of its own nature or in an external cause. You must investigate how the terms in the argument are used. [6] Though Craig claims (falsely, I would argue) that he has arguments that prove the immaterial cause is a personal god, substituting God for immaterial still renders the form of his argument invalid. Supernatural, that which transcends the natural. In other words, definition 1 concerns what we know, whereas definition 2 deals with objects out in the real world. That seems incontrovertible. Cosmological argument - Wikipedia Therefore, the universe has an explanation of its existence (from 1 and 3). We cant infer immaterial causes from having observed only material causes. In order to have caused the universe to come into being, the cause of the universe must bebeyondthe universe,beyondspace and time. Then why make the substitution? The Magazine Basic Theme by we know that they must have some explanation for their existence. Thus, the dichotomy posed in (A1) between existing due to their nature or due to an external cause is a false one - things exist as they do due to both their nature and the nature of other things, due to the nature of Nature. We have already explained that it isn't possible for existence to have an explanation for its existence. Not the other way, though - there may be differences in the lower level that do not materialize in our level. Contingent here refers to things which interact in a causal chain with other things. The Argument from Motion: Evident to our senses in motionthe movement from actuality to potentiality. In the scholastic era, St. Thomas Aquinas formulated the argument fromcontingency, followingAristotlein claiming thatthere must be something to explain why the Universe exists. 3: The Universe Exists. Obviously not. Just as the builder of your house could not have existed inside your house, so the cause could not have existed inside of space. The argument does not rule out polytheism, pantheism or natural causes. It goes something like this[1]: A1 is extremely doubtful, especially as applied to the collection of what exists. This proposal just simply doesnt work. - The Loop The argument from contingency attempts to argue that God exists from the contingency of things. And another! But maybe that assumption is wrong. With three premises, youd need to have roughly an 80 percent confidence in each premise to assert that the conclusion is probable. Once we understand that premise 1 refers to efficient causes, its obvious that premise 1 presupposes immaterial causation. The Fine-Tuning Argument for God | Philosophy Talk The apparent tension between these two definitions of contingency is resolved by recognizing definition 1 as speaking in epistemic rather than ontological terms. But thats not the only type of explanation there is. The careful reader will see right away that this causal principle is weaker than other versions. And the second is that this kind of universe is improbable.*. Physicists tell us that entities are made of particles that assemble and disassemble, migrating from one entity to another. Whichever Im talking about, I should try to be clear. Debunking The Modal Contingency Argument: Part One - YouTube The difference would be only a matter of scale and complexity. For example, suppose I said to you, Yesterday I saw a huge boa and took a fancy to it. The impossible is that which will never be done; therefore, it will not be deliberated over. [23] This is why the argument is often expanded to show that at least some of these attributes are necessarily true, for instance in the modern Kalam argument . Your content goes here. There doesn't seem to be a possible answer to the question of why things are ultimately the way they are. PDF Two versions of the evolutionary debunking arguments and their 1. ) The Moral Argument NOT Debunked - Cerebral Faith Then nothing else would exist. It was only 15 years later that I discovered that my childlike insight was actually developed into a sophisticated philosophical argument for the existence of God long before I was even born. See, for example, J.B. Hartle's accessible exposition on how several coexistent classical worlds are braided out of the single quantum reality. By contrast, the conclusion of The Moral Argument does follow from the 2 premises because the argument is in the form of modus tollens. Nothing moves without a prior mover. Lesson 6: The Argument of Contingency - The "God-of-the-Gaps" - Catholic Answers Aristotles view challenges the view ofPlato, who said that rhetoric had no subject matter except for deceit, and gives rhetoric its position at the pinnacle of political debate. Something had to make the first move, and that. From (3), contingent objects cannot always exist i.e. Craig goes on to say that for something to be the cause of the material realm, that cause must be immaterial. The universe tends to have conservation laws, such as the conservation of mass and of energy. The Ball just exists inexplicably you would either think he was crazy or was joking around. If the core logical problems with this argument are a bit difficult to handle, try to consider all the less desirable aspects of the universe that must, according to this argument, also have been fine-tuned. 3: Therefore, God exists (not P). contingency argument refuted - As far as we know, there are no immaterial entities. However, that would demean God as it would mean something existed outside of God Himself which brought Him into existence. [2] Aquinas does not seem prima facie to be speaking about temporal causal chains, but rather about a dubious ontological hierarchy of efficient causes. This is to say that the truth value of the proposition iscontingentupon the truth values of the sentences which comprise it. It's the second fact that is responsible for the resurrection of the design . Here's how Freeman Dyson put it: "There are many . The universethe collection of beings in space and timeexists. tautologies) nor false under every possible valuation (i.e. It is the belief that "everything happens for a reason", that there is actually sufficient (and, indeed, good!) Every contingent fact has an explanation. Everything must have an explanation - that some fact holds means that it holds because of its own nature (necessarily) or because it was brought about by some external cause (it is contingent on that cause). [8] William Lane Craig, Objections So Bad I Couldnt Have Made Them Up (Worst Objections to Kalm Cosmological Argument), posted 2/2/2012. Could your house have been made of candy? There are infinitely many possibilities to explain the existence of the universe by naturalistic means, and even more so by supernaturalistic means which aren't God. This explanation must involve a necessary being. It is not possible that the existence of our universe is explainable by its creation ex nihilo from a lower-level of existence, without altering said existence - existence is all in one, lowest, level. 5: Therefore, the explanation of the universes existence is God. My thesis, then, is to argue in support of the kalam cosmological argument, but also to argue against Craig's claim that it must be dependent on the A-theory of time, the result of which will be a more general November 16, 2017 at 10:36 am (November 16, 2017 at 10:33 am) Neo-Scholastic Wrote: There are two types of things recognized by philosophers that are immaterial: abstract objects (such as numbers, sets, or other mathematical entities) or unembodied minds. Only one kind of cause is known: physical cause. They engage with the public to spread Catholicism. Debunking One of the Worst Arguments Against Atheism You can read it here. Critics of this argument frequently object to this premise by saying that if everything that exists must have an explanation for why it exists, then God must have an explanation for His existence. Fine-Tuning Does Not Imply a Fine Tuner - Nautilus Natural processes are not ruled out. All Rights Reserved. It goes like this: (1) Necessarily, every set of contingent concrete objects possibly has an explanation for why it, rather than some other set of objects, exists. The basic form is simple: If something exists, there must exist what it takes for that thing to exist. The rule against equivocation prohibits speakers from tricking listeners by surreptitiously switching between alternate meanings of a word that has multiple meanings. Above is a portion of the large scale structure of the universe. In this section we'll treat the "universe" as signifying not the Cosmos as a whole, but rather merely a part of a greater existence. There is no infinite regress of necessary objects causing other necessary objects. Premise 2 says, If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God. Note that Craig has substituted the term God for immaterial cause. When challenged on the legitimacy of this substitution, Craig shrugs that these two terms are equivalent. [3] What does it mean, however, to say something is contingent? This is therefore an argument from ignorance. Here's the flaw. And another! Moreover, even if the universe were beginningless, it would still be the case that it needs a cause that has the aforementioned properties. Thus, for Scott, what should be debated is a matter of rhetoric, as individuals make meaning through language and determine what constitutes truth, and therefore, what is beyond question and debate. If we trace the train of existence backward (this was caused to exist by that, which was caused to exist by that, and so forth), we must eventually terminate with an original source of existence. THE COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT. You see, according to physicists, matter consists of teensy weensy particles called quarks. Everything in our world are just different arrangements of these quarks. Robert C. Koons: Phl 356 Lecture #8 - *Types Of Explanations There are 2 types of explanations for why something exists. Things are the specific way they are due to no cause, they are truly contingent (albeit under certain constraints, such as on-average conservation of energy and momentum and so on). We all know that God is taken by most people in Craigs audience to be a conscious being, whereas immaterial cause, to the extent that it has meaning, doesnt imply any such thing. Posts: 7568 Threads: 20 Joined: July 26, 2013 Reputation: 54 #161. Thus, the universe is but a part of a multiverse. CONTINGENT BEING Argument debunked | Ghalib KamalGhalib Kamal and Substantia Nigra vs. a Muslim who tries to the existence of God through Contingent being ar. If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God. Necessarily so according to classical mechanics, or only contingently according to quantum mechanics. bunking arguments in Joyce's function and Street's contingency versions to moral realism, understood as the metaethical theory according to which . Yes, or so we argue. Because necessary existence entails beginningless existence. 2. If God exists, then the premise applies to Him as well. 4: All arguments constructed from uniform substitution have the same form as the original. SupernaturalNature and The universe are synonyms. Certain things that don't have knowledge (natural bodies) work for an end. Thats sheer conjecture. In each case the materials, or to be specific the atoms and energy that constituted each object continues to exist in another form. If nothing existed in the past, nothing contingent would exist now. Some think that existence is in some way cyclical, so that it breeds itself; this is the latest view of some cosmologists[4], and corresponds to the theistic view that God somehow necessitates its own existence (see the Ontological Argument). Contemporary scholars argue that if rhetoric is merely about the contingent, it automatically excludes that which is either necessary or impossible. ion bright white creme lightener; cervix closed but bleeding and cramping rock on song remake rock on song remake Kreeft applies this analogy to existence. which is the cause of being, and goodness; perfection in all things; known as God. 5: Therefore, The Explanation Of The Existence Of The Universe Is God. Let me emphasize that these explanations, these physical causes, are invariably found within the natural realm. Similarly, a cosmos comrpised of different quarks would be a different cosmos. The fine-tuning argument is a modern, up-to-date version of this argument. Basically there are three conditions for what makes a good argument. I might be talking about a fluffy pink stole made of ostrich feathers. The positive arguments developed here - the argument from the deliberative indispensability of normative truths, and the argument from the moral implications of metaethical objectivity (or its . Some standard objections to that argument are also briefly discussed. It should be noted, however, that science does not currently provide us with good answers to the above questions. Kreefts analogy surreptitiously transfigures this mystery about why anything exists into a presumption that there had to be a first cause. 2: If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God. The theologian William Lane Craig presents a version of Wilhelm Leibnizs contingency argument as follows:[5]+. For example, theUnited States Congresswill not convene tomorrow to discuss something necessary, such as whether or not to hold elections, or something impossible, such as outlawing death. santa maria suites key west. P1. This deliberation and decision making is audience centered. They were sometimes called the Hounds of the Lord. Aquinas, a member of this order, spent most of his life writing an estimated 8 to 11 million words. PersonalThis is an entailment of the causes immateriality. Craigs argument not only exploits deceptive wordplay, but it also incorporates fallacious logic. Therefore, some necessary cause (God) made it exist.[2]+. Cosmological Argument (Objections and Counterarguments) Spaceless because it brought space into existence. On our experience, the explanation of its own necessity, i.e if God (! Other necessary objects not only exploits deceptive wordplay, but it also incorporates fallacious logic its existence that. 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