Despite being seen as the seemingly benevolent acts to the world, it was a smokescreen for Lelouch's plot, which he calls the Zero Requiem. In 1813, Elizabeth III died childless, nominating Ricardo von Britannia as her successor on her deathbed. The term is also often associated with patriotic admiration of British imperial might and the so-called Pax Britannica or 'British Peace'. Although not large, since soldiers are carried by plane, much of the Britannian Navy is shadowed over by the Airforce. was a nation born from the defeated remnants of the british empire and was the world's dominant military superpower that ruled over one-third of the world and one of the large empire-unions that control earth initially in the early 21st century, the others Other aspects also include appretiation for classical arts, the opera, equestrianism and the names of certain Knightmare Frames i.e. The Britannian military has suffered heavy casualties from the open skirmishes and the war with the UFN, cutting all of its military power in half after the conflict had ended, but thanks to Nunnally and Suzaku Kururugi, now under the guise as Zero, the remaining Britannian military has become the Order of the Black Knights. The name changed after the declaration of Acts of Union in 1810. The general Britannian policy to allow each area to govern itself and send tax revanue back to the homeland to financially support the empire. In Episode 2, Shirley Fenette's swim club friends are shown to be watching some kind of comedy chat show on a small handheld television. In the ensuing chaos, bodies were dug up from thw reckage of Narita mountain and a memorial was built in honor of those who died in the battle. One example is when she makes Nunnally a goodwill ambassador of Japan after Nunnally inherits her royalty. Army Names: Knights of the Round, 1st Holy Britannian Army, 2nd Holy Britannian Army, 3rd all the way up to the 10th. This is comparable to the Holy Britannian Empire evolving from the British Empire after transferring the seat of the empire to its North American colonial holdings following a Napoleonic invasion around the same time frame. California is just California. Lead by the corrupt Imperial Family, the Holy Britannian Empire is the premier power of the world. Information flows fast and freely across Britannia despite the state-sponsored propaganda in news panels and networks. When Lelouch vi Britannia ascended to the throne during 2018, he quickly abolished many policies that grew during the Charles' era. It is assumed that there are at least 24 different numbered Areas, though only a few are specified. When they're not in armour, army officers and soldiers wear blue uniforms. Lower nobility controls much of the business and bureaucracy outside the Royal Family, and judging by the number of legal and illegal businesses that appear in occupied areas, capitalism is widely encouraged. Britannian Military | Code Geass Wiki | Fandom South Britannia was ruled by Spain and it is also the stand of Spanish-American Empire before its retreat to Columbia. As the B.R.I.G.A.F were expanding the territory to the Northern South America through the army and navy to annihilated out the Spanish out of Columbia, the Navy of Britannia also annex the Caribbean nations. Origin Collectively, all Non-Britannians living within the Empire as referred to as the "Numbers", which many Britannians try to separate themselves from. It is shown to be one of the largest, most powerful, and most technologically advanced military forces in the world. Please select which sections you would like to print: Alternate titles: Heiliges Rmisches Reich, Sacrum Romanum Imperium. Holy Britannian Empire(Earth 6) | Chaos Fiction Wiki | Fandom 1 yr. ago. Alias After the Zero Requiem, the Holy Britannian Empire was dissolved and later reformed into the Principality of Britannia. It was at this time that the "Ascension Throne Britannia" calendar was established in the American version. As the East India Company collapsed and Australia declared its independence, Her Imperial Majesty Elizabeth III consolidated Britannian possessions in Canada . Among the Britannians themselves, there does not appear to be a great amount of discontent with the current governmental system. It is played on several occasions during the show most notably 3rd Prince Clovis la Britannia's funeral, which gives most of the lyrics in the anime. Full Name The Holy Britannian Empire, also refereed to as the Britannian Empire or just Britannia, is a nationstate . California Base is a major port that is used by the Britannian Pacific Fleet and is based on the west coast of the Britannian homeland somewhere in California. It envisioned itself as a dominion for Christendom continuing in the tradition of the ancient Roman Empire and was characterized by strong papal authority. Of the three theories the last was the least important; it was evidently directed against the pope, whose constitutive role it implicitly denied, but it was also a specifically Italian reaction against the predominance in practice of Frankish and German elements. Currently, Britannia is the one of the hyperpower in the world along with the European Union and the Asian Federation of Nations. The Britannians are pro-monarchist British aristocrats from the British Isles themselves that fled to North America after being deposed in the Napoleonic Wars. The Holy Britannian Empire ( Shinsei Buritania Teikoku) (1813 a.t.b.-2018 a.t.b.) The Earls are elected from the Royal Britannian Knights. The Holy Britannian Empire embraced Social Darwinism not only as a national ethos and mentality, but even as something akin to a state religion; Charles Darwin came to be referred to as Saint Darwin, as an example, and the Emperor Charles may very well have been named after the naturalist. (In our timeline, Napoleon also suffered his final defeat at Battle of Waterloo, though this was in 1815 and was second of his major defeats, the first one being his infamous invasion of Russia. Even before the Napoleonic Wars, the Britannian aristocracy had rejected all notions of democracy that were put forth by the Enlightenment and the Age of Revolution, instead embracing absolutism like that of the Tudor dynasty. C.C. The precise term Sacrum Romanum Imperium dates only from 1254, though the term Holy Empire reaches back to 1157, and the term Roman Empire was used from 1034 to denote the lands under Conrad II 's rule. All bills passed are given Royal Assent before becoming law. Genbu in reality however, had secretly called for do-or-die resistance against the Britannians even if it meant the extinction of the Japanese people and Japan's surrender came as a result of Genbu's death at the hands of his son, Suzaku. Britannia has 6 Duchy states across the North America, Central America and the Western Europe and 2 federal districts of Virginia D.C. and Londonium D.V. The Holy Britannian Empire is a large nation that expands over 1/3rd of the world and beyond later on. After finding out that the Japan Liberation Front had its headquarters stationed in Narita, Princess Cornelia lead a large detachment of Britannian forces and stormed Narita and egaged the JLF's defenses as they climbed their way up the mountaintops and nearly made it to the entry point to their base. Benjamin Franklin betrayed the Revolutionaries in exchange for the title of earl. Similarly, the usage of the term 'Britannia' in its name further attests to this. Control over 1/3rd of the worldAdvanced technology and resources from the coloniesNightmare Frams and legions of soldiers and armies The general Britannian policy is to let each Area govern itself. in Area 11. The national ethos and mentality soon became Social Darwinism and became the de-facto ideology of the entire empire to the point where it became a de-facto state religion and Charles Darwin is seen being refered to as Saint Darwin and the subjugation and oppression of non-Britannians was justified as a result of this ideology. Genocidal Imperialists, Britannian MilitaryBritannian Office of Secret Intelligence, Advanced technology and resources from the coloniesNightmare Frams and legions of soldiers and armies, Mass murderMass destructionWar instigationMass genocideTerrorismSlaveryHate crimesWar crimesConspiracyPollutionUnlawful imprisonmentTortureAnimal crueltyBrainwashingKidnappingAbuseNegligenceWorld domination. a History book containing information about the history of the Holy Britannian Empire, As the "Age of Revolution" reached its peak, many of the old monarchies in Europe were overthrown, but Henry X of Britannia retained an absolute monarchy. Contents 1Prologue 2UNSC 2.1Loadout 2.2Equipment Gallery 3The Holy Britannian Empire 3.1Loadout 3.2Equipment Gallery 4Notes 5Voting 6Battle 6.1Epilogue Prologue Date? Other real world US States are also named such as Alaska, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Virginia all exist and are most likely part of the homeland. Imperial Duchy of South Britannia has 31 provinces and one federal city, City of South Britannia. However, during his regime, instead of moving towards democracy, the Empire would actually progress to be more dictatorial and domineering than ever. Country busting certainly isn't a thing in Overlord. Citizens are considered adults at 17 rather than 18. Holy Britannian Empire (World of the Rose) - Fandom Britannia is (at least under the reign of Charles) domianted by competition and the survival of the fittest socially speaking. Charles zi Britannia | Marianne vi Britannia | V.V. The fleeing Royal Family moved the capital to Philadelphia. Afterwards, Zero's forces broke into the building and rescued all of the hostages and blew up the hotel building while having the hostages escape via life boats. Politics and War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Corporations in Britannia apparently wield large amounts of power and influence. The Royal Guards are military units that serves and protects members of the Britannian Imperial Family and also it is seen that members of the Knights of the Round also have their own Royal Guards. Meanwhile down below in the ghetto's hideout, the Yamato Alliance was present and was scared and worried as the entire area was surrounded and their escape routes were cut off. All Hail Britannia is the National Anthem of the Britannian Empire from the anime Code Geass Code Geass Manga Online They are leaders of Royal Guard types such as Earl Kanon Maldini who is the leader of Schneizel's Royal Guard ANDJeremiah Gottwaldwho is leader of lelouch's Royal Guards. Britannian Imperial Family . equipped floating fortress, Damocles. Sometime in 2017 a.t.b. Beornia- Country Guide | Victoria 2 Divergences Wiki | Fandom Britannia began its expansion across the world where it invaded the E.U. It is ruled by Lelouch Vi Britannia. Royal Britannian Knights (Royal Family)- Overlook individual provinces. Although descended from the former British Empire, with English as its national language and direct cultural roots that still exist in its modern state (such as drinking tea as a beverage and an appreciation for classical art, opera, equestrianism and namesakes e.g. Britannia had eventually epxanded and grew to encompose all of the Americas. All Hail Britannia! | Paradox Interactive Forums The term "Britannian" most likely originated from those who's ancestors originated from the British Isles and are presumably from Anglo-Saxon/Celtic descent. (Free Shipping! last fortress military supplies code shows Pendragon (destroyed at the time) as near the real-world city of Yuma. Seeing this occur, the EU and the Middle Eastern Federation votes to go to war against Britannia. Protagonist (Lost Stories) | Code Geass Wiki | Fandom What was the Holy Roman Empire known for? Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Outside the Royal Family, there were numerous noble ranks during Charles' era, listed here in order of importance: Main article: Zero Requiem Cambodia appears to be a part of the empire at least by the events of R2, as it serves as the headquarter for Schneizel's faction although never referred to as an Area. The first blow was the assassination of Viceroy Clovis la Britannia, forcing Cornelia li Britannia to take up the position as the new Viceroy with her sister, Euphemia li Britannia to be her sub-Viceroy. During the war, Britannia had slaughtered the Japanese resistance and decimated the Japnese Military due to their dated equipment compared to the Britannian Military. Due to the presence and dominance that Social Darwinism has on Britannian society, the Britannian people are an uber-capitalistic, comsumer obessed, and competative society with corporations having large amounts of influence over imperial society. These included the elimination of the aristocratic system, serious penalties for financial conglomerates engaging in or a part of illegal or illicit activities, and the abolition of the Number-Area system. In George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four novel, Oceania is in a perpetual war situation with Eurasia and Eastasia, as Britannia is with Europia United and the Chinese Federation. A counterargument to this breach could be that leaves are naturally green, and hence they are "proper". With the heavy losses on both its military infrastructure and the sakuradite supply lines, Britannia is now under economic depression. ; Token Good Teammate: Of sorts - Lelouch includes him among his mental list of siblings who might . Although Lelouch worked to liberate Area 11 as Zero, he admitted that Area 11 and its people are better off under Britannian rule, in terms of its economic and geopolitical situation, so long as the Japanese can live without pride. Pendragon, Imperial Homeland In Oz the Reflection, Alessandra Dolos and her assistant Jamie deliver groceries to an orphanage that is run by a nun. The sphere of influence of Britannia has also dropped dramatically to low standards where the superpower status is completely eroded into a small fraction and maintaining colonies is no longer possible for the empire to continue. [1], The fact that some Areas seem to belong to the Chinese Federation (Korea, Indonesia etc.) A Britannian area is a nation or a group of countries that are conquered by Britannia and are grouped together as one unified colony under the Imperial banner. Other residences in the capital include: Belial Palace where Nunnally resided in the year between the first and second seasons; Warrick Palace, the home of Clovis' mother, Gabriella la Britannia and the Imperial Villa at Aries (|Ariesu No Riky), the residence of Lelouch's mother prior to her death. Vehicles appear to lack exhaust pipes implying that Britannia is a green energy and pollution free society. The colonial possessions of "Britannia" at this time are not clear in relation to our British Empire; it is not made clear if Britannia ever colonized the Indian Subcontinent (as China controls it at the beginning of the series) or if it was ever an active colonial power in Africa. The Areas are under the control of the Viceroys, who are themselves either part of the aristocracy, the Imperial Family itself, or the military. In the Photo Story, Michigan is confirmed as a state, along with its real-world city of South Haven. Although, it is used to blockade desperate nations. Britannia had around eighteen-twenty one area colonies around the start of the series but more were created as Britannia continued its expansionist campaign around the world but many of them aren't identified other than Spain as Area 24. Following the ascension of Lelouch to the Britannian thrown, he abolished the area-number system and instead restored the names of all conquered nations under Britannian rule and their governments but, Lelouch remained the de-facto ruler of each area colony and only abolished the old system to earn favoratism amongst the members of the UFN. Cornelia saw this and ordered all forces to fall back and set up a trap in secret to lure out Zero and he fell right for it. Every Britannian colony is named as an area with a number following after each new area is established. The Britannian Air Force use VTOL Gunships and Knightmare VTOL as well as large Hover Ships such as Great Britannia and Avalon. Not wanting to waste any more time, Zero/Lelouch used his Geass on Jeremiah and had him release Suzaku and hand him over to Zero and the rebels. A decisive victory at the Battle of Trafalgar allowed Napoleon to invade the British Isles and occupy London. As a result of the seizure of the throne, riots broke out over Lelouch's policies, creating a strong resentment amongst the Britannian population. Which of the three is the worst: Big Brother of Oceania in 1984, Holy In addition, the map showing the World War between Britannia and the U.F.N. These supplies are also stockpiled at a standard and contain an emergency stockpile. The greatest of these revolutions at the time was the French Revolution, which eventually produced the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte. Following Lelouch's ascension to the throne, the Area and Numbers system was abolished and full citizenship granted to all former Numbers, and the former names of all Areas were also restored. She and Lelouch (Zero) declares war against Charles' nation. (In our timeline, the Battle of Yorktown was a decisive victory for the Continental Army, securing independence for the United States). Long live the Holy British Empire! During the Counterattack at the Gallows Guildford says he will kill the Japanese captured during the first battle of Tokyo but Lelouch challenges him to a duel and using the same trap as during the first battle for Tokyo freed the prisoners. Mantled Vert, Imperially crowned proper, supported by two pennants Argent an orle Gules.". Lelouch's dialogue indicates he had planned to set off the Black Rebellion by faking an injury inflicted by Euphemia to stir up Japanese emotion over his apparent death, but when his Geass ran out of control without his knowledge and he offhandedly mentioned one of the things he could force Euphemia to do, he inadvertently caused the Rebellion differently than he had intended and was forced to kill Euphemia. The Holy Britannian Empire is the main antagonistic faction of the Code Geass franchise. Two capitals divided in several occasions, Londonium D.V were counted as a capital when it holds out for the ceremonial and juriscial moments. The lord chancellor chooses a cabinet and they are formally appointed by the monarch to form Her Imperial & Royal Majesty's Government. It is known as the most powerful empire in the world. There are at least eighteen Areas (twenty-one in the manga), numbered in order of conquest, though only a handful are mentioned by name. Sutherlands, Tanks, and VTOL Gunships move in and begin destroying the ghetto as the outnumbered and out-gunned resistance forces put up a desperate last stand defense against the Britannians as they destroy the ghetto and claim that it's urban renewal to the homeland. During the Second Assault on Tokyo Settlement, the Britannian military deployed the F.L.E.I.J.A., causing a total of over 10 million Britannians dead in a matter of seconds and a temporary ceasefire was issued between the Black Knights and Schneizel. This however, backfired immensely as Britannia invaded Japan in 2010 a.t.b. Britannia is a highly capitalist and consumerist society and the ruthless 'survival of the fittest' nature of capitalism fits well with Britannia's belief in Social Darwinism. The Holy Britannian Empire, also known as Britannia for short, is an Empire nation located in North America. Alliances are NOT equal. Advanced forms of communication are present such as modern cellphones, ear pieces, computers, television and the internet among other technological devices. The Royal Britannian Knights overlook provinces that divide up the homeland. It may be that the First Pacific War is roughly analogous to the Pacific Theater of the real-world World War II, in which Britannia may have taken on the role of the real-world United States. Conversely, Britannia controls Japan, which's under Eastasian domination in 1984. Holy Britannian Empire (simply called as Britannia) is a supranational countries holds all the territories in the Americas, Britannia conquered the lands from the former French and Spanish Empire, and hold all the trading powers in the continent. Goals Citizens elect officials who create laws and such which are voted upon by the citizens, once passed it goes up to the Earls who also vote on it if the vote passes it would be looked at by the Royal Britannian Knights and the Emperor to be adopted into the law. Will he liberate Japan or Japan will end up becoming Britannian Territory for eternity. The battle ends with Xingke killing the Eunuchs, forging an alliance with the Black Knights. During this time, Britannia had gotten into a diplomatic crisis and tension with the Far-East Island Nation of Japan, one of the few independent nations left in the world, over the vital natural resource of Sakuradite, a rare mineral, over its increased relevance and the reliance that modern military technology had on it. Despite these ruthless characteristics, knightly concepts of chivalry and honour also plays a major role in Britannian culture as well. Main article: Imperial Duchy of Ashfordia, Imperial Duchy of Ashfordia is a duchy state located in central of North America, which was annexed by the Spanish Empire back when the first era of the colonial period. Prior to the invasion of Japan, Britannia comprised the entire North and South American continents as well as New Zealand and the Philippines. Strong papal authority blue uniforms is an Empire nation located in North America blockade Nations... War Wiki is a large nation that expands over 1/3rd of the Code Geass...., Elizabeth III consolidated Britannian possessions in Canada Pax Britannica or 'British '..., since soldiers are carried by plane, much of the ancient Empire! So-Called Pax Britannica or 'British Peace ' refer to the Chinese Federation (,! Britannia and Avalon a href= '' https: // '' > all Britannia... Named as an area with a number following after each new area is established Britannian possessions in Canada in... 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