Blufpand H.N., Tromp J., Abbink F.C., Stoffel-Wagner B., Bouman A.A., Meeteren A.Y.S.-V., van Wijk J.A., Kaspers G.J., Bkenkamp A. Cystatin C more accurately detects mildly impaired renal function than creatinine in children receiving treatment for malignancy. Renal function-based carboplatin dosing using measured glomerular filtration rate (GFR) results in more consistent drug exposure than anthropometric dosing. The volume of distribution was allometrically scaled to corrected lean body mass. 2011 Sep;20(5):482-91. doi: 10.1097/MNH.0b013e328348c11f. In Figure 2, %PE in anthropometric dosing appears to be directly related to body weight, leading to significant underdosing in the youngest children, while %PE is mostly positive in studies above 10 kg. [15] developed specific creatinine-based eGFR equations for children with a malignancy. The weight used in the above equations is IBW. Jodrell D.I., Egorin M.J., Canetta R.M., Langenberg P., Goldbloom E.P., Burroughs J.N., Goodlow J.L., Tan S., Wiltshaw E. Relationships between carboplatin exposure and tumor response and toxicity in patients with ovarian cancer. Carboplatin AUC Calculator Amputee Calculator Info - Dr. K's Calculators official website and that any information you provide is encrypted found a relatively stable extra-renal clearance of carboplatin equivalent to about 25 mL/min in adults [4]. Ekhart C., Rodenhuis S., Schellens J.H.M., Beijnen J.H., Huitema A.D.R. These different eGFR equations might be used instead of a gold standard GFR measurement in the widely used Newell equation to calculate carboplatin clearance [6]. Patient-specific data were collected and used to calculate a carboplatin dose before and after the SCr assay change using the Cockcroft-Gault equation, with the Calvert et al. This carboplatin dosing calculator uses the Calvert method to calculate the total carboplatin dose needed to achieve a given AUC (area under the free carboplatin plasma concentration versus time curve) while taking into account renal function. Prediction of creatinine clearance from serum creatinine. 2007;12:913-923. Pharmacokinetic determinants of cisplatin-induced subclinical kidney injury in oncology patients. Generally, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is estimated using serum creatinine and calculated according to the Cockcroft-Gault equation. Abstract. Patient-specific data were then used to calculate a carboplatin dose before and after the SCr assay change using the Cockcroft-Gault equation, with the Calvert et al. 4. Historically, this error was balanced by an error of almost equal magnitude in the measurement of the serum creatinine. Estimated Clearance Equations Cockcroft and Gault equation: Male: CrCl (ml/min) = (140 - age) x wt (kg) / (serum creatinine x 72) Female: Multiply above result by 0.85 Reference: Cockcroft DW, Gault MH. Creatinine clearance calculator If you need medical care or advice that is urgent but not an immediate, genuine emergency, please visit or call 111 first so that trained NHS 111 advisors can tell you the best place to be seen quickly. Given the physiological differences in body dimensions and renal function [20] between young infants and older children, we analyzed patients under two years separately from older children. The average between a cystatin C- and a creatinine-based equation improves estimation of GFR in both children and adults and enables diagnosing Shrunken Pore Syndrome. Because of these challenges, questions arise as to what should be done by agencies like the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the National Cancer Institute, or by pharmaceutical companies to combat this significant public health issue. An official website of the United States government. The delivered area under the curve (dAUC) was calculated [ (actual carboplatin dose at cycle 1 dose calculated with uncapped/unbanded eGFR) 6] and dichotomized at the median value. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (, carboplatin, children, renal function-based dosing, glomerular filtration rate, cystatin C, retinoblastoma. The percentage prediction error (%PE), defined as: The absolute percentage prediction error (APE), Accuracy assessed by calculating the proportion of predicted AUC values within 30% of measured AUC (P. Received 2021 Oct 8; Accepted 2021 Nov 19. Thomas H., Boddy A., English M.W., Hobson R., Imeson J., Lewis I., Morland B., Pearson A.D.J., Pinkerton R., Price L., et al. Carboplatin Calculator | Calvert Formula Use of estimated glomerular filtration rate for drug dosing in the chronic kidney disease patient. In a study in adults, Ekhart et al. Carboplatin dosage: prospective evaluation of a simple formula based on renal function. Copyright 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. No pre- or post-treatment hydration or forced diuresis is required. Cockcroft DW, Gault MH. Data can be obtained at reasonable request. Of note, the difference in eGFR between both age groups was highest for the Berg equation and lowest for the Schwartzcrea equation. 2022 Jul 19;24(3):583. doi: 10.3892/etm.2022.11520. Probably my first presentation at any conference. As the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of free carboplatin is related with efficacy and toxicity following carboplatin administration, carboplatin dosing is defined as a. Verschraagen M., van der Born K., Zwiers T., van der Vijgh W.J. Kidneys play an important role in clearing (excreting) drugs. The Wright equation, similar to the Jelliffe one, does not require a patient's height or weight because it describes unstable renal function normalized to a body surface area of 1.73 m 2 . FOIA 2017 Aug 20;35(24):2798-2805. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2017.72.7578. Of all of the patients, 46.2% were female. Levin A., Stevens P.E., Bilous R.W., Coresh J., De Francisco A.L., De Jong P.E., Griffith K.E., Hemmelgarn B.R., Iseki K., Lamb E.J., et al. Example: Calculate the creatinine clearance of a 22 years old man who weighs 64 if the serum creatinine is 140 mg/dL. The results show that application of the alternate size descriptor adjusted body weight in the Cockcroft-Gault equation can improve dosing accuracy especially in overweight and obese patients with low serum creatinine levels. The Marquardt method was used with a stop criterion of 1.00 106. Ma J., Stoter G., Verweij J., Schellens J.H.M. The percentage of body mass is used as follows: Foot 1.35%, at the knee 6.2%, at the hip 18%, hand 0.6%, at elbow 2.25%, at shoulder 5%. This was not observed with any of the eGFR-based dosing methods. To be eligible for study participation, patients had to be between 0 and 18 years old and scheduled to receive carboplatin for the treatment of retinoblastoma. First, we did not use a gold standard GFR technique for direct comparison with the eGFR equations and did not assess the most accurate CKiD-3 equation incorporating anthropometric data, creatinine, urea and cystatin C [29,43], as urea had not been measured. Current and Emerging Options for Patients With Melanoma Brain Metastases by Firas Y. Kreidieh, MD, and Hussein A., Treatment of Amyloid Light Chain Cardiac Amyloidosis: Systematic Review and Future Directions by Dunya Alsomali,, The Clinical Importance of Prognostic Markers in CLL with John N. Allan, MD, Nivolumab and Relatlimab as Frontline Therapy in Advanced Melanoma with Nikhil I. Khushalani, MD, 2022 - Millennium Medical Publishing - All Rights Reserved. Estimating glomerular filtration rate for the full age spectrum from serum creatinine and cystatin C. Berg U.B., Nyman U., Bck R., Hansson M., Monemi K., Herthelius M., Bjrk J. About this Carboplatin dose calculator. This was adjusted for children by introducing a weight-dependent term of 0.36 (i.e., 25 divided by the weight of an average adult of 70 kg) to be added to GFR in the Newell equation [6]. It has been used extensively by us in other studies for which both methods were compared and showed to be similar as well [23,24], as described previously immediately after sample collection [25]. Data were collected retrospectively from 128 lung cancer patients with serum creatinine <0.8 mg/dL (71 mol/L) who had received chemotherapy that was mostly platinum-based. Mathijssen RHJ, de Jong FA, Loos WJ, van der Bol JM, Verweij J, Sparreboom A. Flat-fixed dosing versus body surface areabased dosing of anticancer drugs in adults: does it make a difference? The assistance of the nurses on the pediatric oncology (outpatient) ward is also greatly appreciated. Riccardi R., Riccardi A., Lasorella A., Di Rocco C., Carelli G., Tornesello A., Servidei T., Iavarone A., Mastrangelo R. Clinical pharmacokinetics of carboplatin in children. If radiopharmaceutical clearance is not used to measure GFR, creatinine clearance (CrCl) estimated by the Cockcroft-Gault method 14 is commonly used to estimate GFR. 3. The site is secure. Flat Dosing of Carboplatin Is Justified in Adult Patients with Normal A large simulation study compared eGFR by MDRD Study equation and estimated creatinine clearance (eCrCl) by the Cockcroft-Gault equation calculated from standardized creatinine values to each other and to measured GFR for the purpose of drug dosing. J Oncol Pharm Pract. Glomerular filtration rate in children with solid tumors: Normative values and a new method for estimation. eCollection 2017. Calculation of the creatinine clearance - UpToDate You may switch to Article in classic view. 2010 Nov 29. In overweight and obese patients they were superior in reducing mean overdose from 24% to roughly 15% (predicted normal weight, CKD-EPI) and 10% (adjusted body weight) and from 25% to 9%, 8% and 4%, respectively. Calculation of carboplatin clearance may be more accurate by using other weight descriptors such as formula used to . The target AUC of carboplatin used in this study was 7.42 mg/mL.min and was based on previously published data by Newell et al [6]. Since the local standard retinoblastoma treatment protocol used anthropometric dosing based on BSA for children over 10 kg and on body weight for smaller children to achieve a carboplatin exposure within the target AUC, this approach was evaluated by comparing target AUC and measured AUC using the parameters described above (%PE, APE and accuracy). Adaptive dosing and platinumDNA adduct formation in children receiving high-dose carboplatin for the treatment of solid tumours. After the sampling procedure, all samples were immediately placed in an ice bath and centrifuged (1500 g at 4 C for 10 min), to separate plasma from whole blood. Carboplatin dose is based on the Calvert formula: Dosage = Target AUC x (GFR* + 25) *Where the GFR is provided by the eCrCl. Creatinine Clearance - Dr. K's Calculators Pharmacokinetic parameters were assumed to be distributed log-normally. Substitution of the GFR in this formula by an estimate of creatinine clearance or GFR as calculated by formulae using serum creatinine (SCR; Cockcroft-Gault, Jelliffe, and Wright) is . National Kidney Foundation. All hospitals used the Calvert formula to calculate carboplatin dose with glomerular filtration rate estimated by a formula, most commonly the Cockcroft-Gault equation (80.7%). Epub 2017 Jul 7. Carboplatin AUC Calculator - GlobalRPH multiple clearance analysis and Creatinine clearance (CrCl) values range from 1.24-2.24 mL/second. Creatinine Clearance Calculator Zorbas Y.G., Ichinose M.N., Sakagamis M.B. The main outcome parameters of this study were predicted carboplatin AUC compared to measured carboplatin AUC, i.e., carboplatin exposure. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. A recent study, reported in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, compared the MDRD formula to a new chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation, which was developed by using data from numerous studies. result in decreased creatinine clearance. In unselected populations, creatinine-based eGFR equations perform comparably to cystatin C-based equations and the arithmetic mean of the two yields the best results [28,33]. 2. 1Emma Childrens Hospital, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Pediatric Oncology, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands; ln.cmumadretsma@dnapfulb.h (H.N.B. Wright GFR Equation Calculator - MDApp Creatinine Clearance (Cockcroft-Gault Equation) - MDCalc These shortcomings of creatinine in pediatric oncology patients have been demonstrated by Blufpand et al. Amputee - Dr. K's Calculators A lot of the variability in calculating the carboplatin dose is due to physicians utilizing results of serum creatinine tests to estimate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), as based on one of various formulas, many of which have not been sufficiently prospectively evaluated. This can result in suboptimal treatment [40] since underestimation of creatinine will lead to an overestimation of GFR and overdosing of carboplatin with the potential of increased toxicity. of serum creatinine-based GFR estimations, the GFR or creatinine clearance should be directly measured in each patient whenever possible. Newell D.R., Pearson A.D., Balmanno K., Price L., A Wyllie R., Keir M., Calvert A.H., Lewis I.J., Pinkerton C.R., Stevens M.C. This research was funded by Fonds Nuts Ohra, grant number 1302-005. Carboplatin exposure using cystatin C-based eGFR equations tended to be more accurate compared to creatinine-based eGFR (30% accuracy 76.389.5% versus 76.378.9%, respectively), which led to significant overexposure, especially in younger (aged 2 years) children. and transmitted securely. Combining GFR estimates from cystatin C and creatininewhat is the optimal mix? - The estimated creatinine clearance rate (eCCr): 70.73 ml/min - The estimated ideal body weight: 181.23 lbs or 82.20 kg. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. In our small series of children with retinoblastoma with normal kidney function, cystatin C-based carboplatin dosing using the Schwartzcys equation led to more accurate carboplatin exposure than the other cystatin C- or creatinine-based eGFR methods. Measuring serum creatinine with the IDMS method may result in overestimation of the GFR in patients with normal renal function, and if the carbopla- tin dose is calculated based on this method, the dose may result in drug-related toxicities. All tests were done at a two-sided significance level of 0.05. Donahue A, McCune JS, Faucette S, Gillenwater HH, Kowalski RJ, Socinski MA, Lindley C. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Int J Prev Med. This mixture was centrifuged again at 4 C and 1500 g for 10 min. Population pharmacokinetics of carboplatin in children. Epub 2018 Oct 18. To ensure patient safety and facilitate a medical-team approach, the single most appropriate method available at each institute or medical team should be consistently used to calculate the dose of carboplatin . Go R.S., Adjei A.A. Review of the comparative pharmacology and clinical activity of cisplatin and carboplatin. [30] and Millisor et al. A retrospective analysis and review. Newell D.R., Siddik Z.H., Gumbrell L.A., Boxall F.E., Gore M.E., Smith I.E., Calvert A.H. Briefly, a two-compartment model was developed with first-order elimination which describes carboplatin concentrationtime profiles: clearance was 8.38 L/h; volume of distribution was 15.4 L and the distribution micro-constants k12 and k21 were 0.135 h-1 and 0.215 h-1, respectively. Cockroft-Gault formula Approach: : Calculate her ABW and IBW, and use the Cockcroft-Gault equation to calculate her creatinine clearance, $$ CrCl \ (females) = { (140 - 60) \times 57 \over 72 \times 1.2} \times 0.85$$. All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the Institutional Review Board of Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc (formerly known as VUmc) and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. US Food and Drug Administration. The .gov means its official. Cockcroft-Gault Formula. Chatelut E., Boddy A.V., Peng B., Rubie H., Lavit M., Dezeuze A., Pearson A.D.J., Roch H., Robert A., Newell D.R., et al. Assessment of drug therapy problems among patients with cervical cancer at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya. -, Clin Physiol. Therefore, it remains to be demonstrated whether our results can be extrapolated to other populations, in particular to patients with a more diverse range of kidney function, but it is conceivable that differences will be more pronounced in this group of patients. Interactions - bilirubin, drugs etc New 'enzymatic' method which should give reference method results. MeSH 12. Carboplatin is a chemotherapeutic agent frequently used in the treatment of various malignancies. 8600 Rockville Pike Carboplatin and Liposomal Doxorubicin for Ovarian Cancer. Validation of an Adjusted Dosing Algorithm of Carboplatin Bouquegneau A, Vidal-Petiot E, Moranne O, Mariat C, Boffa JJ, Vrtovsnik F, Scheen AJ, Krzesinski JM, Flamant M, Delanaye P. Br J Clin Pharmacol. Drug Dosing based on Adjusted Body weight, Drug Dosing based on Body Surface Area (BSA), Drug Dosing based on Creatinine Clearance, General Dose Calculations Number, size of a dose, total quantity of a Drug, General Dose Calculations - Calibrating a Dropper. P30 accuracy of carboplatin exposure prediction using FAScys and Schwartzcys was well above the 80% benchmark used for eGFR equations [33]. and E.d.B. The most commonly used MDRD formula estimates GFR using 4 variables: serum creatinine, age, race, and gender. Common estimation equations for creatinine clearance or gfr. 2. Binary performance outcome of the different eGFR equations were compared using the McNemar test, Chi-squared test or Fishers exact test. A weighted mean of 40% eGFRcreat and 60% eGFRcys has been suggested to be optimal for patients with malignancy [43]. Difference of carboplatin clearance estimated by the Cockroft-Gault Therefore, current international guidelines advocate the use of eGFR based on endogenous markers for drug dosing [38] and the detection, evaluation, and management of kidney disease [16,17]. Solved Problem: Calculate the creatinine clearance of a 60-year-old, 140 lb, 55 female? MR When deciding what factors to incorporate into the calculation of carboplatin dosing, one generally utilizes existing clinical trial data that targeted a speci fic area under the concentration-time curve (AUC). Percentage prediction error (%PE) of the different dosing methods. This has been studied extensively in adults [18,19]. 2019 Aug 14;9(21):6284-6299. doi: 10.7150/thno.35892. Cockcroft-Gault CrCl = [ (140-age) x (Wt in kg) x (0.85 if female)] / (72 x Cr) Note: The original Cockroft-Gault Equation listed here provides an estimate of creatinine clearance, but this original formula is not adjusted for body surface area and may be less accurate in obese patients. 1988;21(2):163-7 Body surface area (BSA) was calculated according to Mosteller [35]. Acoustic feedback enables safe and reliable carboplatin delivery across the blood-brain barrier with a clinical focused ultrasound system and improves survival in a rat glioma model. Please note that dose is provided in mg not mg/m 2. Carboplatin Dosing Accuracy by Estimation of Glomerular Filtration versus Creatinuria in Cancer Patients. Each symbol indicates the same patients in all figures. Creatinine Clearance Calculator - Okamoto H, Nagatomo A, Kunitoh H, Kunikane H, Watanabe K. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. New standardized cystatin C and creatinine GFR equations in children validated with inulin clearance. and G.J.P. H&O Can you provide some background on carboplatin? ; data curation, L.M.B. ; resources, B.S.-W., A.J.W. Management of a rare ovarian carcinosarcoma: A case report and literature review. [PDF] Multi-institutional validation study of carboplatin dosing CALVERT FORMULA: Total Dose (mg) = (target AUC) x (GFR + 25); Note: With the Calvert formula, the total dose of carboplatin is calculated in mg, not mg/m2 Comments: This drug is usually administered by an infusion lasting 15 minutes or longer. Modification of diet in renal disease study group. We are experimenting with display styles that make it easier to read articles in PMC. Creatinine was measured using an enzymatic method (Modular Analytics, Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany), which is traceable to isotope dilution mass spectrometry [26]. Siddik Z.H., Newell D.R., Boxall F.E., Harrap K.R. In children, a number of eGFR equations have been developed using either creatinine and/or cystatin C [ 20 ]. Dose rounding based on the drug vial size must be in accordance to the maximum limit of 10%. Anthropometric dosing is hampered by a weight-dependent bias. Schwartz G.J., Schneider M.F., Maier P.S., Moxey-Mims M., Dharnidharka V.R., Warady B.A., Furth S.L., Muoz A. BMI: body mass index, BSA: body surface area, eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate. Details of these equations can be found in Table 1. Repeated measurements were considered as independent, therefore continuous measures of performance were tested using a Wilcoxon signed rank test. When to Use Pearls/Pitfalls Why Use Sex Female Male Age years Weight lbs Creatinine mg/dL In addition, for this equation, cancelling the units does not work, so this equation is an exception to the rule that units should cancel out. The choice of sampling points was based on population PK modeling and on sampling points described earlier in the literature for carboplatin [5,6,21]. This formula has proven to be, in both retrospective and prospective studies, a reliable tool to calculate the optimal dose of carboplatin Future studies should determine the value of the creatinine clearance as a measure for the GFR. However, the only study so far evaluating eGFR for carboplatin dosing in pediatric oncology patients compared eGFR with a gold standard GFR measurement and extrapolated these findings to drug exposure [15]. The use of the Calvert formula to calculate carboplatin doses allows clinicians to achieve the appropriate carboplatin area under the concentration (AUC) curve. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. GFR MDRD Calculator for Adults. Simplified calculation of body-surface area. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine In Figure 1, %PE of the different eGFR equations and anthropometric dosing in the individual studies is shown as waterfall plots. This carboplatin dosing calculator uses the Calvert method to calculate the total carboplatin dose needed to achieve a given AUC (area under the free carboplatin plasma concentration versus time curve) while taking into account renal function. Discrepancies between the Cockcroft-Gault and Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology (CKD-EPI) Equations: Implications for Refining Drug Dosage Adjustment Strategies. Analysis of carboplatin dosing in patients with a glomerular filtration rate greater than 125mL/min: To cap or not to cap? Male = 50 kg + (2.3 x (Height in inches - 60)) Female = 45.5 kg + (2.3 x (Height in inches - 60)) The ideal weight result is converted in both kg and lbs for convenience, where (1 kg = 2.20462262 lbs). Derivation of new equations to estimate glomerular filtration rate in pediatric oncology patients. Would you like email updates of new search results? [10] demonstrated that GFR-based dosing can lead to overdosing in children with hyperfiltration, a not uncommon finding in patients with malignancy undergoing hyperhydration [51]. Giaccone G., Gonzlez-Larriba J.L., van Oosterom A.T., Alfonso R., Smit E.F., Martens M., Peters G.J., van der Vijgh W.J.F., Smith R., Averbuch S., et al. Dose modification . Fourth, calculation of the observed carboplatin AUC was based on the publication by Ekhart et al. There is another formula for renal function that has been suggested to be more accuratethe modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD) formula. Therefore, Brandt et al. Epub 2008 Nov 7. Solved Example: For piperacillin (an antibiotic) standard dosing for patients is: What dose should be given to the above patient? It has a broad role in oncology, particularly in solid tumors. The dotted lines indicate the thresholds of +25% and 10%, also used for the calculation of accuracy (10 to 25%). After administration of carboplatin, the central venous line was flushed with 0.9% NaCl for 15 min and all connectors were changed to prevent contamination during blood sampling from the indwelling line. For all methods, the plot is skewed towards positive %PE indicating a trend towards overdosing of carboplatin. However, recent standardization of creatinine assays has resulted in lower values for most patients. Den Bakker E., Gemke R., Van Wijk J.A.E., Hubeek I., Stoffel-Wagner B., Bkenkamp A. Furthermore, accuracy of carboplatin exposure in the present study compares surprisingly well to published data comparing eGFR equations with gold standard GFR measurements as reported in pediatric oncology studies [15,49]. Carboplatin dose calculation in lung cancer patients with low serum 2009 Jun;64(1):115-22. doi: 10.1007/s00280-008-0856-x. 1998;42(4):307-12. doi: 10.1007/s002800050822. The performance of this analytical procedure was comparable to the original assays [23,24,25], regarding linearity (linear in the range of the used calibration line of 2.540 M carboplatin), lower limit of quantitation for total platinum (2.5 M), within and between day accuracy of total platinum (1213%) and unbound platinum (3%). and 19.3% capped both creatinine clearance and serum creatinine. Analysis of carboplatin dosing in patients with a glomerular filtration Creatinine clearance (Ccr), calculated using the Cockroft-Gault, Jelliffe, Modified-Jelliffe or Wright formulae . ; method which should give reference method results both age groups was highest for the Berg equation and for... Any of the creatinine clearance rate ( GFR ) results in more consistent drug exposure than anthropometric dosing was... 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Schellens J.H.M., Beijnen J.H., Huitema A.D.R creatinine GFR equations in children, a number eGFR! Weight descriptors such as formula used to in children receiving high-dose carboplatin for the Berg equation and lowest for Schwartzcrea! Based on the publication by Ekhart et al equations [ 33 ] combining estimates..., recent standardization of creatinine assays has resulted in lower values for patients... [ 18,19 ] classic view: Implications for Refining drug dosage Adjustment.... Ckd-Epi ) equations: Implications for Refining drug dosage Adjustment Strategies role in oncology, particularly in tumors. Refining drug dosage Adjustment Strategies above equations is IBW Verweij J. how to calculate carboplatin dose with creatinine clearance Stoter G. Verweij. Nuts Ohra, grant number 1302-005 in patients with cervical Cancer at National. Patients, 46.2 % were female all tests were done at a two-sided significance level of.. 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