Also, the authors do not explain the Electoral College sufficiently as it relates to the 2 parties. The text's consistency is quite strong in that it provides a comprehensible, conceptual framework and predictably organized units, chapters, and sections for the study of American government and politics. The book is up to date and has most of the usual citations one would expect of an Introduction to American Government text. Kerala Plus Two Sociology Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 1 Introducing Indian Society Introducing Indian Society Questions and Answers. Instead the chapters information jumps around and the data needs organizing. Finally, the authors, reviewers, and the entire team worked to build understanding of the causes and impacts of discrimination and prejudice. U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals 2020; Introduction to Contracts, Sales and Product Liability; Law for Entrepreneurs This is probably a sensitive issue. This is a difficult problem, because our history of oppression and inequality is lengthy and robust, and so where does one start? What is the role of the ideas of separation and hierarchy in the caste system? The "Key terms" sections at the end of each chapter will be helpful to students who aren't sure whether they understand a particular term. It is arranged in a manner that provides foundational sociological theories and contexts, then progresses through various aspects of human and societal interactions. Of course, this is a college textbook and there is much to learn, my recent experience is that if the volume of the reading appears ominous such may not be read in whole or be comprehended as well as the instructor may have hoped. Additionally, there are sections within each chapter that can be assigned in other courses. The writing appears to be objective and factually correct. The text also does a better job than most of discussing the importance of Voter Registration in Chapter 7 (Voting and Elections), including coverage of the Voting Rights Act and Shelby County v. Holder (2013). The book is very accessible. Much of your textbook is solid, such as Chapter 8 on the Media. Identify politics should be present in more sections of the text. Overall, I like the organization of each chapter with the review questions, further reading and film suggestions. The chapter on civil rights includes sections on African Americans, women, native Americans, Alaskans, Hawaiians and the LGBTQ community. 7.1. Overall, Introduction to Sociology 3e aims to center the course and discipline as crucial elements for understanding relationships, society, and civic engagement; we seek to lay the foundation for students to apply what they learn throughout their lives and careers. This matters very much for American government texts, and the author has done a very good job here mixing long-standing historical examples with contemporaneous material. I particularly liked the "Get Connected," "Links to Learning," and "Insider Perspectives." [Quiz answers at end of chapter] Short Answer. A.) I did not see any issues with the accuracy of the book. Reviewed by Amanda Sink , Senior Lecturer , UNCG on 12/5/16, It covers all the areas that may be taught in an American Government intro class. Grammar was excellent. Overall, this looks like a viable option for an American government 101 course. Because of the texts design, I believe that it will be a manageable task to keep it up to date. And, as an instructor, I particularly appreciate the supplemental resources provided for teachers and the study aides in each chapter for students. Because of the breakdown by the author, students can tackle smaller blocks of material easily and I believe that this will help with comprehension of the material. In addition, the wide range of topics, data, and legal circumstances in sociology change frequently, and portions of the textbook may become out of date. Reviewed by Matthew Jacobsmeier, Associate Professor, West Virginia University on 4/15/20, The book covers all the main topics that good introductory American Government textbooks typically cover and also includes chapters on topics that are not covered in detail in many textbooks. I am impressed with the comprehensiveness of the textbook. Studying with Reading Greek Very well done. Where is the concept of deterrence? I liked the Supreme Court and Electoral College Appendices, very nice additions beyond the usual set of founding documents. American Government 2e is broken up with numerous sections with targeted learning goals and clear intention to allow students to read each section in whole or in small parts. Community-created content will remain viewable until August 2022, and then be moved to Internet Archive. Published posthumously in Germany in the early 1920's, it has become a constitutive part of the modern sociological imagination. If you click on a chapter title, say Media, nothing happens, except it opens the subsections of the chapter. have even added very impressive policy chapters (domestic and foreign) that you only see on occasion. Experiences and participation of African-American, Latinx, Asian, indigenous, women, and LGBT citizens fill a chapter. In sociology, you can embellish your answers by including relevant diagrams and flowcharts. Although there is an internet link to the Articles in Chapter 2, I find it more useful for students to have access to the Articles within the textbook so they see they are important. Because the art is openly licensed, anyone may reuse the art as long as they provide the same attribution to its original source. The framework of the text is internally consistent. The text is extremely consistent. The hyperlinks are effective for those who want to review the source and to learn more. Issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, and class are addressed in appropriate ways. I didn't notice any serious grammar problems. This book uses the For example, I appreciate the discussion of women as political candidates in the chapter on elections. The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. The professor can supply larger themes to the broader course and this textbook can fit nearly any theme with important and clear information on American Government. As mentioned earlier, the book is reasonably up to date. It is only mentioned in the chapter on civil rights. read more. I repeat that the textbook content is well written. The text will be accessible to students. For teachers and those interested in sociology, it offers a comprehensive overview of topics such as family and socialization, education and learning, gender issues, race and ethnicity, organizations, crime, and deviance. The only suggestion that I would make is to include a little bit more political psychology, especially in the chapters on public opinion and the media. While some sentences are a bit languid and I might have organized thoughts differently, there is no direct error in any sentence that I could see. The text covers exactly what an introduction to political science/government textbook should cover. Introduction to Sociology 3e aligns to the topics and objectives of many introductory sociology courses. The explanation of disagreements and legal decisions in particular is objective yet clear what values, tradeoffs, etc were at stake and how the decisions affected government especially. Question 1 Simplify: 9 log 9 (4) = A. Because the textbook has less of an editorial voice, it is easier to move chapters around. At the time this edition was written, the information in figure 3.17, presented data on the legality of same sex marriage by state in our country in an easily understood and precise manner. Carol Jenkins, Glendale Community College There could be more treatment of the concept of power in the beginning of the book. Please click on the links below to see the answers for your workbooks. The headings and subheadings are appealing and provide the students with direction about what is coming next. In addition the appendix with major judicial cases will withstand the passing of time and it isn't difficult to add a couple of relevant cases per judicial year and then review the choices every four or five years. Cynthia Tooley, Metropolitan Community College at Blue River Unfortunately, I found the hyperlinks within the text to be a bit distracting. The "Key terms" section at the end of each chapter is a great resource for students studying for multiple choice exams. There are chapters on media literacy, public opinion and polls, civic engagement, that might be taken separately from the actual discussion of government structure. I have also discovered no instances in which the presentation seems unduly slanted or biased. Overall, the textbook provides accurate information, but there are some places where it comes up short in this regard, and a few statements made in the book are not as clear as they could be. The text's clarity is excellent. It is not overly burdensome or clunky or overwhelming in its text portions. The text, while voluminous, should be readily understandable to the typical student. One small issue: I found that I could not order a free 'desk' printed version from the publisher, as is standard for normal texts. The book is well laid out and uses terminology consistent throughout the chapters. This is a major issue with political science texts as the students are very focused on the present time, so the texts need to be very current. Would be nice to build out the list for a bunch of other chapters as well. The chapters contain accurate information. It is not overly complicated and written at the appropriate level. Pamela Alcasey, Central Texas College The core discussion of these topics are present in Chapter 11 on Race and Ethnicity, and Chapter 12 on Gender, Sex, and Sexuality, but their causes and effects are extensively discussed in the context of other topics, including education, law enforcement, government, healthcare, the economy, and so on. Different perspectives of complex issues are presented. The use of terminology appears to be consistent between chapters and is a strength of the textbook as repetition is valuable for student retention of a particular term or concept. Introduction to Sociology 3e aligns to the topics and objectives of many introductory sociology courses. The text is very culturally sensitive and I see no cultural offensiveness. Examples used are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and gender. Reviewed by Charles Young, Associate Professor, Umpqua Community College on 1/3/20, The text covers exactly what an introduction to political science/government textbook should cover. That seems to make the text even more "modular" than would normally be expected. This presumes that the only measurement of development is the economic growth. Start studying Sociology exam 1 answers. This text is not culturally insensitive. A second point, is figure 3.17 regarding marriage equality. Most of the content of the different chapters focus on the mechanics of the system and on relevant examples that will be important for years to come. This text could very easily replace the book I have used However, does economic growth generated by capitalists enable individuals and societies to equally flourish? I am considering switching to this textbook for my department. The supplemental materials (graphs, charts, figures, etc.) The text is impressively comprehensive, both with respect to its range of coverage and depth of discussion of each topic. The font is reader-friendly; pages are uncrowded. It presents materials clearly. I also don't perceive any bias. I will likely use this book to replace and supplement my graduate level course materials. For illustrations (e.g. Gail Scaramuzzo, Lackawanna College The continuing calls for student engagement is also a nice addition in that it allows the student to see more of how they can be active participants in governing beyond just paying taxes or voting. As the chapter involves an end, there is an exercise provided to assist students to prepare for evaluation. The text is very up to date, using examples from as recently as 2016. These gaps give the impression that the text has not been properly edited to make sure that text and images are combined the best possible way. - Chapter organization around the set of themes that any proper intro gov class would teach: institutions plus civil rights liberties, parties, elections, public opinion, and so on. If you are thinking about learning Classical Greek, or simply curious to learn the ancient Greek alphabet, then try the Open University website, Introducing Ancient Greek. While some textbooks do delve deeper into certain subjects (seemingly at random), it is good to see a textbook that offers nuts and bolts that will make it usable to nearly any instructor, allowing them ample room to discuss areas of their expertise without conflicting with the textbook. Electoral case studies provide for a story within a history. A couple of further notes (in no order) that didn't seem to fit anywhere else: 1. It emerged as a reaction to male-dominated developmental theories such as Sigmund Freud's view of female sexuality. However, all textbooks--standard or OER--face this issue. OpenStax partners with the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME) to offer Community Hubs on OER Commonsa platform for instructors to share community-created resources that support OpenStax books, free of charge. In reviewing the table of contents, I found the book has a logical flow that begins with defining what government is and then proceeds to provide information on the critical subjects of our democracy including but not limited to: The Constitution, federalism, civil liberties, civil rights, voting, Congress, the presidency, our court system, and the federal bureaucracy. presentation. The chapter summaries, quizzes, the suggestions for extra activities in particular are useful. For example, I may not get the chance to dedicate a whole class to elections but I can use sections of the chapter on elections in relation to civil rights, to Congress and to the Executive. Looking for the PDF version of the Introduction to Sociology by Anthony Giddens.12th Edition. Straightforward comparisons with oligarchy and monarchy. I would like the links available, but not mixed in with the text. The textbooks language is not as direct and as appealing to the pedagogical style of this new generation of students. The subchapters themselves are internal divided with separate headers, though this third level organization is not numbered. (eBook PDF) Introduction to Marine Biology 4th Edition by George Karleskint quantity (eBook PDF) Second Opinion : An Introduction to Health Sociology 6th Edition by: Germov John $ 21. 3 a partial change in the existing structure. This looks like an excellent resource--well researched and in depth. Geraldo Rivera?) The text contains no grammatical errors of any significance. I see no reason why that would be different with this text. I like the "exercises" section for assessment of learning and the "glossaries." Overall, the content is up to date. Students may understand the material better and make a deeper connection regarding the relationship of the Bureaucracy to the Executive Branch if it is covered after the chapter on the Presidency, before the Courts. Content analysis is the study of documents and communication artifacts, which might be texts of various formats, pictures, audio or video. have taken care to discuss the impact of this issues on minority populations across the many chapters, and not solely in the chapter on Civil Rights as previous texts on the subject tended to do. are excellent for visual learners and certainly enhance the message of each section/chapter. I never saw any problems with that concern. 2 An Introduction to the Sociology of Health and Illness ethnicity on the production and distribution of disease. Get the book Instructor resources Student resources. Overall it is a bit smaller in word count than a traditional hard copy textbook and some of the chapters are smaller than I would like. And sections on the actually branches of government come near the end. The text makes the content more relevant to students by providing opportunities to analyze and interpret charts, data, and graphs to better understand current examples and the applications of the material. It supplements text content with useful links that serve as a great tool for boosting application and comprehension. read more. Finally, as noted earlier, the book does a nice job of showing that Congress is growing more diverse, while at the same time acknowledging the many ways that Congress is still not representative of the American public (Chapter 11, Congress). This art is part of the public domain or under a CC0 or similar license, and can be reused without attribution. The book is accurate with but few exceptions. I am skeptical that For printing purposes, it would be helpful if graphics and/or sections did not run onto the next page. (eBook PDF) Strategic Human Resource Management: An international perspective 2nd Edition $ 20.00. One of their theories is the Neoliberal Economic Theory, which currently influences the whole economic enterprise. Sentence structure and grammar are excellent. An Introduction to each unit with the rationale and goals would be helpful. I also liked very much the "exercises" section allowing "assessment of learning." I am not sure about the process of updates though and I suspect that within one or two years the book will need a refresh. On thecourses landing page, you will also find a short animation giving you Four Reasons to be an Ancient Greek Lover. This follows from previous comments. Those considering a new adaption for the introduction to American Government class would do well to give Kurtz et. I didnt find any interface issues in this textbook. The book contained appropriate section breaks so that students can jump directly to the relevant subsection. team: Help with the Universitys computing systems: Help with accessing the online library, referencing and using libraries near you: Reading Greek: A Supplementary Study Guide for Teachers and Learners, Language Reference Book for Reading Greek Sections 1-9, OpenLearn: free The concise introductions at the beginning of each chapter effectively frame the chapter topic. I dont think its as good as hearing from some of the real experts in the field and their approach, and I dont think it would be a good match for some faculty who like to teach from a given perspective. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clear your. Hume's ideas on human nature as the underlying purpose for dividing power is essential to understanding the American political system. I found the navigability of the textbook easy. I found the content of the book accurate and complete. The book is accurate and error-free. The book covers all the main topics that good introductory American Government textbooks typically cover and also includes chapters on topics that are not covered in detail in many textbooks. NCERT solutions for class 12 Sociology.All about CBSE Class 12 sociology important questions and answers, 1 mark, 2marks, 3marks,4 marks questions, class test sheets NCERT Class 12 sociology, NCERT Class 12 ebook, sociology chapter wise notes,sample question papers. Reviewed by M. Victoria Perez-Rios, Adjunct Assistant Professor, La Guardia Community College on 5/21/18, The textbook is very comprehensive with more than 650 pages of content plus appendices with relevant documents. IX No. From an aesthetic perspective, the textbook has a fair amount of graphic material that is appealing to students. It is arranged in such a way that updates will be easy to implement. This is a well put together textbook and with periodic revisions should be useful for students of American government for many years and decades to come. The textbook is well-written and clear. graphs, charts, etc.) Changes like these are expected and I do not think that this would be too difficult to do. The chapters are arranged in a way that makes sense to the material. There is also a Link to Learning in each module that guides readers to content related updates that are available online. The textbook content is thorough yet very clearly written. In fact, the whole world pretty much looks democratic and thats not true. In concert with the changes in the text, the accompanying lecture materials have been thoroughly revised and enhanced to include material beyond what is in the book, in order for instructors--at their discretion--to deepen these engagements. I plan to print around 100 pages double-sided in additional to providing the online and PDF links. For example, could chapter 8 be divided into six or eight sections? It is certainly a viable option for my course. I like the text's thematic emphasis on student participation. Finally, I thought that the chapters (4 & 5) in Civil Liberties & Civil Rights were in particular very informative and well done. Section quizzes provide opportunities to apply and test the information students learn throughout each section. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. A good example of such are the Continuing Challenges sections.
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