View Page. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Great Town of Ivarstead - JK Patch.esp . Those are only patches during installation: Variants of LITERALLY EVERY PATCH (if needed, not all of them are) are available on the PCE page. Art Imports (palaces only right now, if you see others that need it, let me know. So I re-enabled Relighting Skyrim and it was the same, maybe half were casting light. These patches contain no direct assets, only edits to references and navmeshes. JK's Skyrim Changelog.txt - JK's Skyrim SE Changelog - [FOMOD] Minor cleaning (patch order, typos edition), [JKs New Gnisis Cornerclub - Immersive Citizens Patch] Added missing ESL flag, - [New Gnisis Cornerclub - 3DNPC] - updated cell settings and minor tweaks to match newest JK's update, - [New Gnisis Cornerclub - Alternate Start] - reworked to match newest JK's update, - [New Gnisis Cornerclub - Cheesemod] - updated cell settings to match newest JK's update, - [New Gnisis Cornerclub - ELFX] - updated cell settings and minor tweaks to match newest JK's update, - [New Gnisis Cornerclub - SFCO] - updated cell settings and minor tweaks to match newest JK's update, - [New Gnisis Cornerclub - Skyrim Underground] - updated cell settings and resaved navmesh to match newest JK's update, - [Temple of Mara - AI Overhaul] - revised for new version of AI Overhaul (1.6.7), - [FOMOD] Patches designed for specific version of patched mods are moved to separate groups, additional warning page added, - [New patch] Dragonsreach - ScrollScribe, - [New patch] New Gnisis Cornerclub - Keep It Clean, - [New patch] New Gnisis Cornerclub - Rigmor of Bruma, - [New patch] Palace of the Kings - DX Faction Crossbows, - [New patch] Ragged Flagon - Reatistic Water Two, - [New patch] Riverwood Trader - Riverwood Redone, - [New patch] Sleeping Giant Inn - Riverwood Redone, - [New patch] Sleeping Giant Inn - Riverwood Redone (for Lux), - [New patch] Sleeping Giant Inn - WiZkiD Alchemy Table, - [New patch] Temple of Talos - Alternate Start: New Beginnings, - [New Gnisis Cornerclub - Wraithguard] - patch no longer needed (removed from archive, remains available in old files section), - [New Gnisis Cornerclub - ASLAL Underground] - patch no longer needed (removed from archive, remains available in old files section), - [FOMOD] Fixed Understone Keep detection, - [FOMOD] Fixed bug with installer not working properly without PCE active, - [FOMOD] Fixed error with missing Bee and Barb - Embers XD selection, - [Bannered Mare - Keep It Clean] - adds door auto-close function, - [Bee and Barb - Keep It Clean] - adds door auto-close function, - [Mistveil Keep - ELFX] - removed unnecessary FormID List edits, - [Temple of Dibella - ELFX] - removed unnecessary FormID List edits, - [Temple of the Divines - ELFX] - removed unnecessary FormID List edits, - [Temple of the Divines - Redbag's Solitude] - forwards updated navmesh, - [Temple of Kynareth - ELFX] - removed unnecessary FormID List edits, - [Winking Skeever - Keep It Clean] - adds door auto-close function, - [FOMOD] Changed PCE warning page loading order - now it loads first if PCE is detected, - [FOMOD] Reworked interiors choose page, palaces moved into separated group with modified dependencies and installation possibilities, - [FOMOD] Bee and Barb - Dawn of Skyrim patch moved from navmesh to miscellaneous group, - [FOMOD] Palace of the Kings - updated autodetection for Guard Armor Replacer patches, - [FOMOD] Understone Keep - Second Great War patch now detects and installs correctly, - [FOMOD] Winking Skeever SPO patch installing conditions changed - patch won't install if you have Lux - JKs Winking Skeever patch (to prevent CTDs issues), - [FOMOD] Non-plugin dependant patches (beds for Sleeping Giant Inn, trees for Temple of Mara and Understone Keep) moved to separated groups, - [New patch] Candlehearth Hall - Immersive Citizens, - [New patch] Candlehearth Hall - Keep It Clean, - [New patch] Silver-Blood Inn - Immersive Citizens, - [New patch] Sleeping Giant Inn - Keep It Clean, - [New patch] Temple of Talos - Immersive Citizens, - [New filenames] Thirty-eight files have been renamed for consistency with the others and to help us keep order in our ever-growing collection, - [FOMOD] One more fix to winking skeever - fishing choice. JK's Interiors Patch Collection - Nexus Mods :: Skyrim Special Edition JK's-ELFX Patch (this one) Put this mod toward the bottom of the load order. This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions. Let me know if you run into any trouble. New patch not guaranteed to work with old version, - [Mistveil Keep - SFCO] Updated for SFCO v2.0. You will need to seek permission from, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets. - [FOMOD] Radio buttons should FINALLY be picking correctly if you don't have given mods installed. - [Sleeping Giant Inn - SPO] Removed master requirement from patch, so it should work with all versions of SPO. Even that nexus page says there should be way more: For more information, please see our Thanks to Neko for the first revision, Czasior for some quick clean-up, - [Temple of Mara - The Brotherhood of Old] One more bench got flagged persistent, so CR forwarding that, - [FOMOD] Fixed Temple of Dibella tab showing when Temple of Dibella wasn't installed, - [New Patch] Temple of Dibella - AI Overhaul, - [New Patch] Temple of Dibella - AI Overhaul - Priest Vendors, - [New Patch] Temple of Dibella - Armor and Clothing Extension, - [New Patch] Temple of Dibella - Oblivion Artifact Pack, - [New Patch] Temple of Dibella - Priest Vendors, - [FOMOD] Shift a few New Gnisis patches to radio dial, - [FOMOD] Fix case where you can't check patches in New Gnisis tab, - [FOMOD] Wrote out most abbreviations. Jk Skyrim Lite for Skyrim SE? ETaC - Complete_JKs Skyrim_Blowing in the Wind_Patch.esp. Translations/uploads to other sites are permitted for cases where both/all parent mods also permit translations/uploads to the other site (or have previously granted permission to that specific site) under the conditions involved (paywall, etc).All credit for products should go to:JKrojmal and Teabag86 for all of the above JK's mods and for having been generally helpful in the process of making these and when I was learning with earlier patches :)DarkMaster06 for the Mystic Condenser and AI Overhaul patches for DragonsreachMonops for helping out with the Blue Palace - PCE patchblitzicestorm for the first revision of the Blue Palace - Enhanced Solitude patchmnikjom and SpiderAkiraC for AI Overhaultarlazo for After the Civil WarUNI00SL for Amulets of SkyrimNickaNak for Animated Armoury - DAR versionkryptoptyr for Armor and Clothing ExtensionSentorPat for Skyrim Artwork ImportsDar0ne_45 for Art of MagickaBadGremlin for BadGremlin's Collectionaviform, EpicCrab, DoubtSuspended, PhysicsFish, and Daniel Hodge for Cheesemod for EVERYONENazenn for Cloaks of SkyrimArthmoor for Alternate Start - Live Another Life and Cutting Room Floorvaelka for Dawn of SkyrimDeserter X and docteure for DX Dark Knight ShieldDeserterX for DX Celes Rogue and DX Celes MercyEasierRider for EasierRider's Dungeon Packmindflux for Embers XDanamorfus for Enhanced Lights and FXWiZKiD for ELFX Fixes and Lanterns of Skyrim II - Tamriel Master Lightskojak747 for Enhanced SolitudeSarthesArai for ESO ImportsAbabmer for Extravagant Interiors - Solitude and TitansBane for the patchMike Hancho for Helgen RebornShurah for Immersive Citizens - AI OverhaulForteverum for Immersive Jewelrylordkoz for Immersive WenchesKris Takahashi for Interesting NPCs and KaptainCnucklz for keeping track of it on NexusSthaagg for Keep it Cleanedhelsereg for Konahrik's Accoutrementsicecreamassassin and the LOTD team for Legacy of the DragonbornwankingSkeever for Legacy of the Dragonborn Collectors and VendorsFunkyGandalfCat for Leviathan Axe - Dwemer Artifacts SEKreaQ for M'rissi's Tails of Troubles SEDave0523 for Mystic CondenserPsBoss for New Dibella StatuesInstantKor for New Treasure Hunt SSEWatcherzero for Oblivion Artifact PackSokkvabekk for Opulent Thieves GuildSetteLisette for Palaces and Castles Enhancedthe Sands of Time team for Populated Cities and TownsAndrealphusVIII for Priest VendorsFerogain for Ragged Flagon Alternate Entrance-ExitAdolon for Red FlameRedBag for RedBag's Solitudecloudedtruth for Relationship Dialogue Overhaul--JawZ-- for Relighting Skyrim - SSERigmor for Rigmor of BrumaPrivateEye for Royal ArmoryGamwich for RugnarokReath for Second Great Warprister5 for Skyrim Project Optimizationclintmich and icecreamassassin for Skyrims Unique Treasuresgutmaw for Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaulviltuska for Skyrim SewersUrtho for Solitude SkywayCzechHero for Store Entrance Doorbellswatcherzero for Tamrielic CultureTom Tesoro for The Brotherhood of Oldkryptoptyr for Thieves Guild Requirements and Armor and Clothing Extensionmegapotato for Thieves Night on the TownArthmoor and the Unofficial Patch Team for Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Projectelr0y7 for Windhelm Brazier ReplacerZim for Zim's Immersive ArtifactsSlime Sire for Zulfardin, DarkMaster06 for the AI Overhaul patch and the base of the Mystic Condenser patch, and re-upload permissions.Timiku for the Immersive Citizens/Immersive Wenches patch for JK's Drunken HuntsmanCzasior for the SPO patch for JK's Winking Skeever and Candlehearth Hall, multiple other patches which he provided the base and I finished upMonops for helping out with the Blue Palace - PCE patchblitzicestorm for the first revision of the Blue Palace - Enhanced Solitude patchShekhinaga for the Candlehearth - ELFX Enhancer patchNeko14789 for the White Phial - SFCO Patch, and for the Sadri's Used Wares clean-up patch, and an update to the Bee and Barb - Keep it Clean patchTeabag86 for a few ELFX patches and USSEP patchesthuumed.esm for the Windhelm Brazier Replacer patchAbabmer for Extravagant Interiors - Solitude and TitansBane for the patchNiqtus for first draft of Temple of Dibella - RLO patchMissilemann for the Downstairs Room Rental and TNOTT for Sleeping Giant Inn, and TNOTT for Riverwood Trader, This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Changes the walkways and farmhouses added by JK's Skyrim in Dawnstar, Morthal and Winterhold to the No Snow Under the Roof style. Main file JK's Skyrim is still required. Old version of patch for older SFCO available in old files still. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 0 1 1 comment - Jk's Skyrim No lights Patch - Immersive laundry - JK's Skyrim SE immersive laundry replacer - Dawn of Skyrim - JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim patch - No snow under roof - JK's Skyrim - No snow under roof patch - JK's skyrim - Realistic water two - Cutting room floor I run this list and it's absolutely fantastic in my opinion. New patch not guaranteed to work with old version, - [Understone Keep - SFCO] Updated for SFCO v2.0. Jk Skyrim Lite for Skyrim SE? :: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special If you would like to use assets from their mods, please contact them. - [FOMOD] Was selecting the Temple of the Divines tab even when not installed, Huge thanks to Czasior who did the vast majority of these before the rest of us even took a look :D, - [Description] Hopefully made the front page slightly less annoying to read, - [FOMOD] Fixed case where a patch wasn't correctly getting assigned since it was looking for something random, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - 3DNPC, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - After the Civil War, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - Cheesemod, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - ELFX, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - Enhanced Solitude, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - ICAIO, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - LOTD, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - Oblivion Artifacts, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - Redbag's Solitude, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - SFCO, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - Sewers, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - SPO, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - SUT, - [New Patch] Temple of the Divines - USSEP, - [New Patch] Sleeping Giant Inn - Downstairs Room Rental, - [New Patch] Sleeping Giant Inn - Thieves Night on the Town, - [New Patch] Riverwood Trader - Thieves Night on the Town, - [New Patch] Bannered Mare - Keep it Clean. I will try both options, i'll notify in a few min. - [New Patch] , - [New Patch] Sadri's Used Wares - Cheesemod, - [New Patch] Sadri's Used Wares - Neko's ceiling and beams fixes (SFCO compatible), - [New Patch] White Phial - Zim's Immersive Artifacts. - [Temple of Kynareth - Immersive Citizens] Reverted back to how Czasior originally intended, disabling the bed, but ALSO disabling the fur, so we'll stop getting as many reports of a floating fur from people who installed on an existing save. JK's Skyrim - No Snow Under the Roof - Nexus Mods New patch not guaranteed to work with old version, - [Haelgas Bunkhouse - SFCO] Updated for SFCO v2.0. - [Candlehearth - ELFX Enhancer] Updated to match new plugin name. Copyright 2022 Robin Scott. - [Ragged Flagon - ELFX] Missed two CR which weren't load-order agnostic. that's for embers HD. 3DNPC is named 3DNPC and I'm too lazy to write that one as Interesting NPCs since that'd require an alphabetization change, too :P, - [Ragged Flagon - OTG] Cleaned patch which had a few ITMs, - [Understone Keep - ELFX] Resolved flickering issues, missing light added, introduced two new light types, - [White Phial - Embers XD] Shifts one missed fire to better match/not float, - [New Patch] Palace of the Kings - Embers XD, - [New Patch] Silver-Blood Inn - Embers XD, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - Embers XD, - [New Patch] Sleeping Giant Inn - Embers XD, - [New Patch] Elgrim's Elixirs - Embers XD, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - Morrowloot Miscellania, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - Morrowloot Ultimate, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - Cheesemod, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - Immersive Wenches, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - Skyrim Underground, - [FOMOD] Corrected autodetection conditions for Sadris Used Wares - SFCO patches, - [New Patch] - Elgrims Elixirs - Bee and Barb (moved from JK's Elgrims Elixirs page), - [New Patch] - JKs Understone Keep - Tree patch, - [New Patch] - JKs Understone Keep - Zulfardin, - [JKs Blue Palace - LoS II - TML Patch] File cleaned of wild edits and ITMs, - [FOMOD] Corrected dependencies for Riverwood Trader - SFCO patch, - [FOMOD] Changed autodetection conditions for Sadris Used Wares - SFCO patches, - [New Patch] Angeline Aromatics - ELFX (moved from JK's Angeline Aromatics page with change of filename for consistency with rest of the collection), - [New Patch] The Bannered Mare - ELFX (moved from JK's Bannered Mare page with change of filename for consistency with rest of the collection), - [New Patch] The Bannered Mare - Skyrim Project Optimization (moved from JK's Bannered Mare page with change of filename for consistency with rest of the collection), - [New Patch] Dragonsreach - Palaces and Castles Enhanced (moved from JK's Dragonsreach page), - [New Patch] Radiant Raiment - ELFX (moved from JK's Radiant Raiment page with change of filename for consistency with rest of the collection), - [New Patch] Riverwood Trader - BGCollectables, - [New Patch] Riverwood Trader - Immersive Citizens, - [New Patch] Riverwood Trader - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul, - [New Patch] Sadris Used Wares - ELFX (moved from JK's Sadris Used Wares page with change of filename for consistency with rest of the collection), - [New Patch] Sleeping Giant Inn - ELFX (moved from JK's Sleeping Giant Inn page), - [New Patch] Sleeping Giant Inn - M'rissi, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - ELFX Enhancer, - [New Patch] White Phial - ELFX (moved from JK's White Phial page with change of filename for consistency with rest of the collection), - [New Patch] Winking Skeever - Alternate Start mods (moved from JK's Winking Skeever page with change of filename for consistency with rest of the collection), - [FOMOD Fix] Corrected wrong file dependencies for JK's White Phial patches, - [New Patch] JK's Dragonsreach - Leviathan Axe - Dwemer Artifacts SE, - [New Patch] JK's Understone Keep - Guards Armor Replacer SSE, - [New Patch] JK's Understone Keep - Palaces and Castles Enhanced SSE, - [New Patch] New Gnisis Cornerclub - Alternate Start and Skyrim Underground, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - AI Overhaul, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - Amulets of Skyrim, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - Immersive Citizens, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - Leviathan Axe - Dwemer Artifacts, - [New Patch] Understone Keep - Mystic Condenser, - [New Patch] New Gnisis Cornerclub - Alternate Start, - [FOMOD] Fixed Celes Rogue Armor patch for Ragged Flagon not chosing by default if mod is present, - [FOMOD] Prevent the Hag's Cure tab from appearing if it's not active, - [New Patch] Arnleif - New Treasure Hunt, - [New Patch] Blue Palace - Extravagant Interiors. 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