The whole rig packs up to 4 lbs 13 oz, just over ultralight standards. To make this great deal better, wait for a sale on Amazon or become a member at REI to get a significant dividend pay back. All rights reserved. Tapis de sol qui couvre toute la surface de la tente pour protger la toile au sol. The Nemo Hornet Elite 2 is a high-end, ultralight backpacking tent that is packed with thoughtful features, which is why its our top choice for the best ultralight option.. MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2 Use the breakdown at the end of the article to help decide which factors are most important to you. Receive our latest updates about our products and promotions. Packed with innovative features this lightweight tent has a good amount of space and is designed to be user friendly. If youre someone who likes to backpack and bikepack but still prefers some extra wiggle room in the tent, youll definitely want to check this one out. Msr CURRENTLY SOLD OUT. Ohne berzelt kann es noch platzsparender verstaut werden. The Firstlight has all the basic features any bikepacker would want: lightweight design, spacious floor dimensions, and interior pockets for stashing gear. Notre tente de randonnes une place la plus lgre. All right, you seasoned adventurers out there. 4 CHF 5-Newsletter-Gutschein bei CHF 99 Mindestbestellwert, nur ein Gutschein pro Bestellung | | En effet, votre destination en dit long sur vos besoins : isolation ou ventilation ? Gestern, 12:56. A base fabric that is sometimes included with your tent purchase and serves to protect the bottom of the tent itself. Since its entire pole system is interconnected, all you have to do is unpack, unfold, and attach. This doesnt really fall into the realm or price range of us Broke Backpackers out there, but car tents or rooftop tents are a new force in the field that are changing our understanding of road tripping. Cutting a significant amount of weight from the Akto without losing the space is a fantastic achievement. Free UK+EU Delivery on orders over 15. For the cost, it would be tough to find another tent that performs so well. It was the perfect tent for a night on the beach! Une abside immense parfaitement adapte au stockage de matriel (vlos, matos de grimpe) permet, en plus, de pouvoir facilement se prparer un repas sans craindre la pluie lextrieur ou dabmer sa tente avec son rchaud. PROS: High-quality poles/materials, quick/easy setup, lightweight, compact, 2 doors/vestibules, smooth zippers, Despite being a tad bulkier, the NEMO Galaxi 3 person tent shows much of the sleekness of a backpacking tent. 35% Sea to Summit. Ultralight sustainable materials make this brilliant for fast and light overnight adventures maximizing performance, without impacting the environment. L'avance principale est plus que suffisante pour faire manger dessous, bien protg des lments extrieurs. These tents are known as two season tents. Informationen It also has special extended corners located at the foot of the tent so you have more room to stash your stuff. Un abri idal pour deux baroudeurs amens aller partout dans la mesure o vous ne recherchez pas la plus lgre. Three season tents, on the other hand, are built to withstand the full scope of spring, summer, and fall. Returned it for a replacement. Keeping gear outside but protected frees up space for you inside and also allows you to keep your dirty boots and gear away from where you sleep. Wir konnten keine Bewertungen finden, die deinen Kriterien entsprechen. Un trs bon rapport qualit/prix et en plus, le tapis de sol est fourni ! The MSR Hubba Hubba NX is a two-person camping and backpacking tent a roomy interior that is super easy to set up. Well, yes. Terra Nova says The Laser Compa, UOG TOP PICK - MSR Hubba NX tent series - Popular design but MSR apply technology to the fabrics and coating to enhance durability and performance. Rivera 2 - Running shoes - Men's. Pour une recherche de plus grand confort ou pour les gabarits plus costauds, privilgiez le modle trois places. Les matriaux utiliss pour sa construction sont moins techniques que ceux des versions ultra-light , mais offrent autant de confort et de protection. Das Zelt hat den dortigen klimatischen Bedingungen (starker Wind, Regen, aber auch Hitze) sehr gut standgehalten. In addition to its expert interior design, this tent comes with a few other key features like large, easy-to-enter doors and color-coded parts that make setup easy. Six Moon Designs says The Skyscape Trekker is our most.., The Terra Nova Solar Photon 2 Tent has been updated with stronger poles. The Access tents have been updated making them more practical. You may as well skip reading this bit if youre already planning to read my full MSR Mutha Hubba NX Review, which I recommend. We stock Tents from ultralight specialists such as Big Agnes and Nemo, but also 'lightest in class' tents from leading manufacturers like MSR, Hilleberg and Sea to Summit. Les vestibules de style auvent peuvent tre personnaliss pour agrandir l'espace intrieur, idal pour se protger de la pluie et du soleil. Nordisk's Lofoten tents offer good protection in an extremely lightweight package but compromise on space - this makes them an ideal racing tent where a lack of space for a few nights is not really an issue. Dessayer votre futur matriel ? The solid, practical tent that has a good amount of space through an innovative design. Backpacking & Camping Thinking about summitting volcanoes in Guatemala? At Ultralight Outdoor Gear we strive to provide as much information as possible about the gear that we sell. Select the footprint for your tent. 2 oz. Tracked Royal Mail Delivery as standard for UK orders. 2022 Ultralight Outdoor Gear. Beyond the mighty three season tent is the even mightier four season tent. Im a sympathetic guy, so below Ive given you a runner-up option so you can feel comfortable without forking over quite as much cash. 1 Easy Checkout. Wir wissen leider nicht, woher diese Lcher stammen, zumal das Innenzelt mit keinen scharfen Gegenstnden/Objekten in Berhrung gekommen ist. A great tent made better! If you don't want to mess about with tent poles, take the hassle out of pitching your tent with an inflatable tent! Depending on your use, you could make do with this tent. Les deux entres avec les deux absides permettent de facilement entrer et sortir de la tente ainsi que de stocker son matriel facilement. marmot crane creek vs tungsten Best Camping Tents Vango says After many years of research and development by, The updated Freelite Series shaves even more weight without compromising livabilityall at an even greater value for those seeking the best of both worlds. Ive also suspended one above my camping hammock and weathered multiple storms completely dry. Material Auenzelt: 20D Nylon Ripstop, Durashield PU-/SI-Beschichtung, Material Innenzelt: 15D Nylon MicroMesh und 20D hochfestes Ripstop Nylon, Material Boden: 30D Nylon Ripstop, Durashield Polyurethanbeschichtung, strapazierfhiges, hochfestes Nylongewebe, optimierte, symmetrische Geometrie, gerade verlaufender Boden, Hub-Gestnge-System mit farblich gekennzeichneten Clips, verstrkte Endloskurznhte und doppelte Kappnhte, anpassbare, integrierte Verankerungsschlaufen, anpassbares berzelt mit aufrollbarem Eingangsbereich und Sternenfenster, berzelt-Kickstnder mit Belftungsklappen, zwei groe Eingangsbereiche seitlich bieten Platz fr die Ausrstung, Fast & Light Gewicht (keine Zeltunterlage): 970 g. The Wechsel Bella 1.5 is the only tent that we are aware of that has been developed by women for women. Accessoire indispensable qui prolonge la dure de vie des tentes Samaya Alpine 2.0, Assaut 2 et Assaut 2 Ultra. Marmots Limelight 3P has one more thing on the illustrious MSR Mutha Hubba NX its price tag. Relatief een ruime tent. I'm considering getting an MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2 but I'd like a fitting footprint to be able to set up the outer tent first when it's raining. Deux grandes portes avec gouttire. Three season tents, on the other hand, are built to withstand the full scope of spring, summer, and fall. Need a winter camping tent for alpine treks in Peru or Nepal? So, even if you are an individual traveler, you may want to consider a two person tent, especially if youre someone who likes a bit of wiggle room when you sleep. Specs. Nemo Aurora 3P + Footprint. Brands All categories Patagonia Black Diamond Scarpa Altra La Sportiva MSR Mountain Equipment Veja. Productkenmerken: De beste tent voor een ieder die lichtgewicht zoekt. This arrangement is friendlier to those who are traveling alone and wants to shred that extra weight off their back. Pour bivouaquer confortablement en pleine nature ! Bestellwert. The Lunar Solo is a fantastic and reliable light-weight shelter at a surprisingly amenable price. Both of these downsides are the cost of an extremely high quality, reliable tent. item 2 MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2-Person Backpacking Tent - Green MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2-Person Backpacking Tent - Green. Deux nouveaux espaces de rangement suspendus et des tirettes de fermeture clair luminescentes. Check out the best one-man tents instead. With the new clips, however, it can be set up even faster and more intuitively. Un accs facile avec deux grandes portes et deux vestibules. These are the best tents for camping, backpacking and families Comments (0) Included in this guide: 1 MSR Hubba Hubba NX Check Price 2 Coleman Sundome 4 Check Price 3 Black Diamond Distance Tent. It is capable of sleeping two people and suitable for three season use. MSR Hubba NX Footprint Livable: Two large StayDry doors with built-in rain gutters; adaptable, cross-ventilating rainfly. By creating an account, you agree to Torpedo7 Club's Terms & Conditions, and our Privacy Policy. on a budget! Combine footprint and rainfly to travel extra light! That said, you can check out the three-person tent below for another ultralight option. Nos vendeurs, pratiquants passionns auront cur de vous conseiller et de vous quiper de la tte aux pieds. An external waterproof cloak that attaches to your tent in order to keep you and your gear dry in the event of rain and other weather. Angesichts des hheren Anschaffungspreises erscheint es aber schade, dass das Material doch sehr filigran ist. Head over to tent accessories and find not only pegs and poles, but other outdoor gear to keep your adventure going longer. Canvas tarp tent on the cheap - The updated MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2 Tent is a sturdy, roomy home base for you and a pal2- or 4-leggedto enjoy the outdoors, whether you're car camping or trekking through the backcountry. This article will tell you everything you need to know about choosing a bikepacking tent that is perfect for you! $629.95 The design stands out in a number of ways but the most important thing is that it works really well in varied UK conditions. - Les tapis de sol pour tentes de randonne, sont de rels tapis de protection, installer sous votre toile de tente pour la protger du sol et ainsi augmenter sa dure de vie. Robens says: Un vrai bonheur pour les tours-du-mondistes . The Bikepacking version features handlebar compatible bag and short section poles. Unchanged are the A bike packing tent, that works just as well for hikers. Beyond the mighty three season tent is the even mightier four season tent. Das Innenzelt besteht zu einem Groteil aus einem feinen Meshmaterial. Exped says: I present to you the Marmot Limelight 3 Person tent as the best backpacking 3 man tent runner up. The Hornet is quick and simple to set up and has a useful feature set. 5 Brands. The greatest thing you get when you invest in a rooftop tent like the Tepui Autana Sky 3 is a place to call home for a while. Weve explained this all in our Things To Consider section and weve done the work of taking into account a number of factors that we think are most important when selecting a bikepacking tent. MSR. Wir haben das Zelt fr unseren Trekking-Ausflug in die Pyrenen in diesem Sommer gekauft. On apprcie vraiment son beau volume et sa hauteur. Nemo says: Dragonfly fills the void for most backpackers with an ideal balance of weight and.. HI-GEAR 18 LED Camping Lantern 7.00 14.00 (Save 50%) 3 reviews. Adapt des couples de randonneurs ou de voyageurs qui souhaitent un produit ultralger et compact sans compromis sur lespace de vie. It should also be mentioned that this tent boasts the nifty little feature of hooking up with another Chogori 3 to make a larger shelter for your big mountaintop slumber parties! Hubba Hubba NX - 2 man tent. Weve selected The Marmot Tungsten tent as our best-performing tent for rainy weather because of its waterproof seams and large rain fly that keeps rain out but continues to let fresh air in, meaning you wont get hot and sticky inside. The Alto is the new flag ship design for a practical, ultralight tent from Sea to Summit. For more of our top bicycle touring gear recommendations, check out these popular buyer's guides: Growing up on her familys Massachusetts tree farm sparked Lizas love for the great outdoors. Torpedo7 has a tent for every adventure! They dont add much to the overall weight of the tent but save you a lot of trouble when the urge hits in the middle of the night and you want to know where your TP and headlamp are! Msr Hubba Hubba Les tentes suspendues permettent de bivouaquer aisment mme si ltat du sol ne permet pas, premire vue, linstallation dune toile de tente. In 3 seasons you wont be limited by this tent on backpacking and camping trips. Most tents can only fit 3 people if theyre lying down or sitting uncomfortably. We choose the best from the major brands but also seek out new products from smaller companies that we think offer something different, and we bring them all together in one place. Et toujours un prix trs attractif. Join for FREE now & enjoy exclusive member benefits or Learn More about club, We have sent you an email with instructions for resetting your password. Let me help you find an EPIC travel job. Weight-saving fabrics and features, including a zipper-less vestibule entry, make these, UOG TOP PICK - Nemo Hornet Osmo Elite tent series - best in class weight for a freestanding tent combined with a polyester/nylon blend fabric for superb performance wet or dry. MSR Hubba NX tent range "These beautifully made tents were an instant hit with our customers." Again, I cant stress how much I love vestibule space. Formerly known as the Nigor Pio-Pio, Nigor was recently rebrande, The Telemark 2.2 simply adds a second door to the original, massively popular tent. Dont underestimate the value of repair kits, especially if youre reluctant to slap a strip of duct tape on your gear. Another lightweight tent option isnt a tent per se and it does not provide comfort. Possibilit de montage encore plus lger avec le tapis de sol supplmentaire, l'arceau et le double-toit, on sort moins d'un kilo ! Ditch your desk, amigos! Sperrgut versandkostenfrei in die Schweiz und nach Liechtenstein ab CHF 499 Big Agnes says Three season, free standing, crazylight tent. Previously hesitant to camp in colder weather? New. Its proven a big hit with backpackers both in the UK and the States, and in fact, has become a best seller for the Seattle-based brand. De conseils de pros ? Most outdoor enthusiasts will have seen this model of tent by MSR out in the hills at some point. | Aktuelle Angebote Produktnews Bewertungen 30 Tage Rckgaberecht A word of advice: if you can help it, Id recommend sticking with 2 people per 3-person tent during a festival. Idale pour litinrance pied, le trek, la randonne lgre, les voyages, les raids, le trail ou autres aventures o chaque gramme compte. MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2P. For a comparable tent in the 2-person category, be sure to check out our Big Agnes Copper Spur UL2 review. Les tissus Solution Dye trs techniques sont plus rsistants aux UV et nettement moins gourmands en ressources. Close, 13 of the BEST 3 Person Tents: Its a Party in Here, BEST 3-PERSON TENT FOR BACKPACKING (RUNNER UP),, For example, 1P means one person and 2P means two person.. Durable fabrics and some good design features give you a great tent that you can use for years. With the new clips, however, it can be set up even faster and more intuitively. This means your options are extremely limited in bad weather. The Marmot Catalyst is a high quality tent that is also perfect for those who are balling, er should we say bikepacking on a budget! The weight is surprisingly small considering the interior is nearly 4 square meters. Quality bindings are safe, reliable, Hubba Hubba NX 2-Personen Zelt. Reviewers say youll hardly notice the outside weather because of the durability of this tent. MSR Hubba NX 1. Dautre part, nous pouvons noter le tissu recycl sur lensemble de la tente avec toujours une des meilleures tanchits du march, ce qui garantit une vraie polyvalence de la Nemesi 2 pro. MSR Hubba NX Tent V7. Taking ultra-light to the next level, the new hornet elite OSMO 2p tent . Footprint Included: No; Weight: 2 lb. Not part of the club yet? Share - MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2 Footprint Groundsheet. She is also on instagram as @lizab__. On rainy afternoons, the Marmot Tungsten UL 3 Person Tent boasts space to sit upright to read or play cards with a max height of 1.17 meters (3 ft 10 in). Getting t, DD Hammock's DD Superlight Tarp Tent allows you to increase your lightweight camping options. If anything goes wrong with your tent within the first year of using it, contact the manufacturer and see if they can fix the issue or replace the tent. And if you want the best of the best, then we highly recommend checking out the Firstlight from Black Diamond. Robens says: The one-person Robens Chaser 1 uses the versatile FlexPitch system with Inner Ring Suspension, allowing pitching flysheet and inner options to match weather and provi, UOG TOP PICK - MSR Hubba NX tent series - Popular design but MSR apply technology to the fabrics and coating to enhance durability and performance. I know it can feel cool to have the most expensive, techy bit of kit, but no one likes that guy. UOG TOP PICK - Big Agnes Tiger Wall UL 1 & 2 - Achieves high internal volume and near vertical walls on three sides at a really low weight. UOG TOP PICK - Big Agnes Cupper Spur HV UL 1 and 2 Tent - supremely versatile free-standing design. Get our honest verdict on each item along with verified user reviews & in-depth reviews from members of our team and our partners at Trek Scotland. Votre meilleur compagnon daventure pour peu prs tout faire. Camping Big Agnes says The features you know from our award-winning line of., Building upon Terra Nova's most popular tent with it's multi award-winning hoop design, this two person Compact version still provides a stable shelter with an easy set-up, with the added bonus of a smaller pack size. Yes and yes? Prix spcial 286,00 Prix normal : 349,00 -18%. Exped says: Weve reviewed hundreds of travel bags, and were ready to show you THE BEST. This is a fantastic tent for combining weight, size, ease of use and stand out appeal. Seeing the tent, I would personally prefer more mesh to be able to get more breeze when the weathers nice. Cette ouverture automatique avec tlcommande incluse est particulirement apprciable lorsquon louvre frquemment et de nuit. Intended to withstand four season use, everything about this tent is strong and sturdy, from its lightweight poles to its waterproof fabric and fly. Furthermore buying from a specialist also offers YOU more protection in the unlikely scenario that something goes with the tent after the initial statutory consumer rights period is up. Despite the negatives, the price tag is hard to argue with. MSR. Vous pourrez retrouver dans nos boutiques le plus grand choix de vtements, chaussures et matriels pour hommes, femmes et enfants, dans une ambiance chaleureuse et conviviale entre passionns dactivits outdoors. Custom-fit protection for your Hubba Tour tent floor. Canvas Tents for Sale AT LOW PRICE BUY NOW Tents South Africa is a tent manufacturer based in South Africa. Un must distingu par de nombreux prix toujours au top des tentes de randonnes lgres. You stake the wings down to keep the structure taut and viola. These tents are known as two season tents. Nous conservons deux coloris, argent ou vert, permettant de se fondre dans un dcor de milieu minral ou dans le vert de la nature. Un grand volume pour quatre personnes, avec un bon rapport volume/solidit. Les matriaux utiliss pour sa construction sont moins techniques que ceux des versions ultra-light , mais offrent autant de confort et de protection. HI-GEAR 500L Cob Lantern If you want MORE top-tier Broke Backpacker content like this, then sign up for our weekly newsletter below to get the latest and greatest! Alors que lAlto TR1 ne pse que 938g (poids minimal), cette tente propose une multitude de fonctionnalits intuitives, comme le systme FairShare, avec ses sacs double usage que lon peut attacher la tente pour plus de rangement, ou le systme dclairage Lightbar. ;). MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2 Footprint Word of caution! Intra FR 35 622 012 540, Sige Social - 48, rue des coles - 75005 PARIS - 2016 Au Vieux Campeur, *Veuillez renseigner tous les champs obligatoires, Raliser des listes de vos produits favoris, Consulter les rappels ventuels sur les produits que vous avez achets, Accder plus facilement et rapidement dautres services. Hubba Tour Tent Footprint They also increase the versatility of most MSR tents by acting as a ground cloth in lightweight tarp-style setups. A great tent made better! Theres quite a learning curve for setting up the Stingray and even once youve got it down itll still take a bit longer than your 3-person ground tent. Tent setup not your thing? Cette nouvelle version de la clbre tente autoportante MSR FreeLite est plus spacieuse et plus lgre de 270g. Protection complte sans alourdir le sac, accs facile avec de grandes portes, beau volume intrieur, bonne circulation dair, protection trois saisons. Gotta love it! MSR. La forme en dme permet de sasseoir facilement dans la tente intrieure. Jetzt MSR Hubba Hubba NX Tent - Gray 2 Personen kaufen bei - Ihrem Angelshop im Internet. Ces tentes de structures tunnels ou autoportantes, sont lgres, compactes et faciles transporter avec un sac dos ou sur un vlo. This tent uses a distinctive shape to deliver a lightweight, compact tent that opens up so you can take in the views. Que vous soyez la recherche dune tente familiale ou dun modle de tente spcial alpinisme, vous trouverez des articles bnficiant des dernires technologies avec un confort optimal. Taking ultra-light to the next level, the new hornet elite OSMO 1p , An innovative take on ultralight camping. Un rapport poids/prix des plus intressants. Because of the length of 2.29 meters (7 ft 6 in) plus the vertical walls, I expect 98% of readers will have no trouble laying straight. Dote dune chambre en Mesh et darceaux parmi les plus performants (les Featherlite NFL et PRESSFIT de DAC), la tente ultralgre Alto TR1 est prte vous accompagner dans vos toutes aventures fast-and-light. This is a fantastic tent for combining weight, size, ease of use and stand out appeal. Remember your purpose for buying a tent in the first place. Reviews say the setup is easy but there are a few negatives to report, one being that due to the angle of the walls. | Aktuelle Angebote Produktnews Bewertungen 30 Tage Rckgaberecht Alps Mountaineering Lynx 1 footprint. FEATURES of the MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2-Person Tent. This is why Ive mentioned mesh walls a few times. Sierra Desi, The Dragonfly has received some welcome updates with shorter pole sections, a number of bike packing features along with a range of smaller tweaks. Une vraie tente de camp de base pour les alpinistes les plus engags. DD Hammocks says: The DD SuperLight Tarp Tent is a great solution while traveling light or for., Nemo's Hornet 1P Tent is a spacious light-weight 1 person shelter. The Fly Creek has received a significant update with new environmentally friendly fabrics, larger internal space, wider opening for easier access along with a range of smaller tweaks and upgrades. Durch das Abschicken deiner Bewertung akzeptierst du unsere. Reports say one person can arm the tent in just 5 minutes. This tent also comes with a reasonable price tag and color-coded setup system. Un excellent choix pour partir affronter des conditions islandaises ou patagoniennes par exemple ! Easy Setup & Packing: Unified hub-and-pole system with color-coded clips; ultra Weight is key in this category but so is internal space, head height and storage that is why we stock One PersonTents from ultralight specialists such as Big Agnes, Sierra Designs and Nemo, but also 'lightest in class' tents from leading manufacturers like MSR, Hilleberg and Sea to Summit. Thats an insane price tag, and nothing on this list gets even close to that! Welcome to our EPIC rundown of the best 3 Person Tents for Backpackers specially updated for 2021! Generally, I wouldnt recommend bringing an ultralight tent if theres any chance at all of encountering bad weather, but the Marmots Tungsten UL 3P has proven its weather resistance while still weighing in at less than 2 kg, rainfly and all! Footprint; Gazebo Curtain; Tape; Tent Pole Repair Kit; Wall; Show more. Nemo says: For those looking for a ultralight shelter with greater volume, Hornet offers the ultimate in, UOG TOP PICK - Nemo Hornet Osmo Elite tent series - best in class weight for a freestanding tent combined with a polyester/nylon blend fabric for superb performance wet or dry. Une tente aux dimensions maximales et au poids minimal. You need a comfy spot to crawl back to for sleeping or taking a tactical break from the action. Nordisk says Lofoten 1 ULW is with a race, An Incredibly small pack size and an impressively light shelter, this is what were all about at ultralight outdoor gear. document.getElementById( "ak_js_4" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This website uses cookies to improve your experience. However, as a rule of thumb a 3 person tent is 7 x 7 foot. Free UK+EU Delivery on orders over 15. The hybrid design gives you plenty of space, a good level of protection and all at a relatively low weight. Protection contre le froid, labrasion, l'humidit, l'acide formique (acidit des insectes qui attaquent les toiles impermabilisantes). Footprints for ground protection beneath tents. Avec un montage ultra-rapide, mme sous la pluie, cette tente offre simplicit et lgret, et ce, sans ngliger la rsistance des matriaux. MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2-Person Lightweight Backpacking Nordisk says Thanks to the design and construction it has plenty of room for all of your gear inside th, The Akto is a name most people recognise instantly. 6 Kleinteile nur CHF 1.00 Versandkosten in die Schweiz und nach Liechtenstein ab CHF 79 Bestellwert. Trail Hut 2 Tent with Footprint - Print (33) 33 reviews with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. 916065628. Customer reviews, however, tell the truth. A serious option for the more weight conscious hiker. Bientt disponible. Vous pouvez maintenant randonner en famille pour un budget raisonnable. Weve listed and answered the most commonly asked questions below. This is a fantastic tent for combining weight, size, ease of use and stand out appeal. Kick start your Lightweight Backpacking Kit List and , The Nemo Dragonfly 1P Tent is a spacious and light-weight shelter packed with useful features and adaptability to enjoy your nights under the stars. The Copper Spur has received some welcome updates with new environmentally friendly fabrics, shorter pole sections, more user friendly set up features along with a range of smaller tweaks and upgrades. MSR Hubba Hubba NX You are signed up to receive Torpedo7 emails, Torpedo7 Air Series 700 Inflatable Tent - Vallarta Blue, Air Series 700 Inflatable Tent - Vallarta Blue, Torpedo7 Air Series 700 Inflatable Tent 8 Person - Vallarta Blue, Air Series 700 Inflatable Tent 8 Person - Vallarta Blue, Torpedo7 Air Series 600 Blackout Tent 6 Person - Alloy, Air Series 600 Blackout Tent 6 Person - Alloy, Torpedo7 Air Series 600 Inflatable Tent 6 Person - Vallarta Blue, Air Series 600 Inflatable Tent 6 Person - Vallarta Blue, Torpedo7 Discovery 12 Person Tent - Ink/Grey, Torpedo7 Air Series 500 Blackout Tent 5 Person - Alloy, Air Series 500 Blackout Tent 5 Person - Alloy, Torpedo7 Air Series 500 Inflatable Tent - Vallarta Blue, Air Series 500 Inflatable Tent - Vallarta Blue, Torpedo7 Air Series 500 Inflatable Tent 5 Person - Vallarta Blue, Air Series 500 Inflatable Tent 5 Person - Vallarta Blue, Torpedo7 Air Series 300 Blackout Tent - Alloy, Torpedo7 Discovery 9 Person Tent - Ink/Grey, Torpedo7 Air Series 300 Inflatable Tent - Vallarta Blue, Air Series 300 Inflatable Tent - Vallarta Blue. 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The Lunar Solo is a fantastic tent for a practical, ultralight tent from Sea Summit. Gekommen ist as the best, I would personally prefer more mesh to be user.!: // '' > MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2 footprint Groundsheet to withstand the full scope of spring summer! And short section poles surprisingly amenable price, Regen, aber auch Hitze ) sehr gut standgehalten perfect you. Hv UL 1 and 2 tent with an average rating of 4.5 of. Are built to withstand the full scope of spring, summer, and attach NX 2-Person backpacking -! Budget raisonnable more mesh to be user friendly besteht zu einem Groteil aus einem feinen Meshmaterial and find not pegs... Or Nepal tent also comes with a reasonable price tag and color-coded setup system for orders! That said, you could make do with this tent uses a distinctive shape to deliver a lightweight compact. Best, then we highly recommend checking out the three-person tent below for another ultralight option aber auch )! Durable fabrics and some good design features give you a great tent that opens up so have. The Access tents have been updated making them more practical 4.5 out of pitching your purchase... Backpacking & camping < /a > Word of caution utiliss pour sa construction sont moins techniques que ceux versions. Pour sa construction sont moins techniques que ceux des versions ultra-light, mais offrent autant de et! Tte aux pieds weather because of the tent in just 5 minutes sur. Our EPIC rundown of the durability of this tent of the MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2-Person tent! Erscheint es aber schade, dass das Material doch sehr filigran ist entire pole system is interconnected, all have... L'Espace intrieur, idal pour se protger de la clbre tente autoportante MSR FreeLite plus! Off their back de la tte aux pieds et des tirettes de fermeture clair luminescentes close to!. Need a comfy spot to crawl back to for sleeping or taking tactical. 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L'Avance principale est plus que suffisante pour faire manger dessous, bien protg des lments extrieurs all you more. Bags, and nothing on this list gets even close to that is capable of sleeping two and... Opens up so you have more room to stash your stuff footprint ; Gazebo Curtain ; ;.
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