I am at my wits end. You can also carefully brush the pleated surface to remove small particles. The clear bulb for water quality is only half full. Thanks mark. When this happens, air accumulates in the pump chamber, creating an airlock that prevents the proper amount of water from priming the pump. Clean a clogged sand filter by backwashing and adding fresh sand. The pressure gauge on the filer reads about 7PSI which is below the max of 8 that they recommend. A 2 hp pump on a 16 sand filter is not a good idea. Pick up a bottle of Sand Filter Cleaner, and backwash it into the tank, let it sit overnight, and then backwash fully. What does this mean? This requires regular pool filter cleaning in conjunction with a weekly pool maintenance program. But I dont see much suction or pressure going to the skimmer. Hi Matt, I might call that a surging pump, and it can be fixed. Hi I have a Hayward DE 4820 filter. Usually you don't have. Before you get too far into troubleshooting your pool filter, check for anything that could be obstructing water flow to or from the filter. We prime the hose so we can vacuum then put one end in the skimmer. Otherwise, youre looking at a new valve. Using test strips or a liquid test kit, make sure the pH level of the water is at 7.8, by raising or lowering it accordingly. Any thoughts? What do you suggest? Pour your sand filter cleaner into the strainer basket, putting the lid back on. Traces of body oils, calcium and even insects often clog up the filter leaving it unable to do its job. Causes: I am not sure if this is normal after using this product and it just needs to run its course or if I did something wrong. The air leak may be around the pump lid, is the oring clean and lubed? Go to the hardware store and pick up a Drain King, attach it to a garden hose. but it still backwashes. Low filter pressure would indicate an obstruction before the impeller, or not enough back pressure after the filter (is the return eyeball fitting in place?). I can bypass the solar heater. The pool filter rinse setting is used after backwashing the sand filter and it is used to clean the sand or other filter medium in the filter housing. Check the pH and lower it to 7.2, and then add shock chlorine, until the water turns blue-grey, with no hint of green. I seems that the lid doesnt catch on the rod. Hi, so we changed the sand in our filter this season, we seem to be getting sand blown back in the pool after backwashing, we just recently opened the pool, first time changing the sand so not sure if there is a certain amount Im suspension that ends up in the pool. I have no clue what to do now. We are officially at a loss as to what is going on. Switch brands and try again, sorry. For the pool system to run smoothly and the water to remain clean, the filter must be kept in good working order. Turn to filter and same thing after 10 seconds, thinking it was maybe the sand, I put it in recirculate and was only given 10 seconds of flow. When I hook a vac to the second line, the suction is so weak I cant pick up any debris. thanks. 3. ProTouch Pool Services offers San Diego expert pool filter cleaning along with our many other pool services. I also plan tomorrow to run a garden hose into the filters sand as you suggested and will let you know if that helped. I recently replaced all 4 cartridge filters. I noticed a small drip coming from one of my glued pipes. All of the connections on the suction side of the pump are tight, and I see no leakage. The other problem could be that your filter the sand is plugged it needs to be cleaned or cleansed which you could do with a special solution.We are located just outside the Winnipeg city limits. on Why Is My Sand Filter Not Cleaning My Pool? Correct filter from Hayward. Within 2 hours it had climbed up to 30 psi. Sometimes, when a vacuum hose is connected, this causes more suction (vacuum) pressure, which causes an air leak to appear, where normally there is none. Vacuum your pool more frequently to reduce debris. Now, I turn on the pump and and it flows for about 10 seconds then goes to a trickle (as observed by the flow meter on my salt clorinator). However, there are times when something is allowing water to return directly to the pool, without being filtered, or when the filter is allowing larger particles to pass through. An app that tells you exactly what chemicals to add to your pool and when! Recheck everything to make sure it is all assembled correctly, and check the drain plug that it is tight. I changed the cartridge and I have no idea what could be wrong. Use approximately 1 cup of TSP every 5 gallons of water in a bucket . Each 1 lb scoop, should be 32 oz of dry measure, not 16 oz as one would think. Ive tried the Drain King already it didnt work. Vinegar can be used full strength, to help dissolve scale, as it is a mild acid. The water leaking from the backwash is a spider gasket issue, most likely. It could also be a clog in the pipe, or even a collapsed Flex PVC pipe used on the skimmer or main drain pipe. Thank you for your help ! Note, I have checked thoroughly and dont believe there are any suction side leaks. Another cause could be if you installed a pump recently that is much too large for the filter. In your case, low pressure could also be a case of low pump speed, with your VS pump. We had some problems getting the water clean so after some troubleshooting (with the help of your article) i found that the filter elements were all torn. now the heater doesnt seem to be on for long ?????? I have a new 10 Intex sand filter for a 15 ubove ground pool. No one is turning the multiport valve while the pump is running I hope? Inspect the gauge dial or face for warping, which can prevent the dial from moving. Have you tried any new chemicals this year like Clarifiers that may have clogged up the fingers? Might have to open up the filter, and the multiport to look inside. If you notice that the filters pressure has risen significantly, this may be because the filter has been operating too long without proper maintenance. When removing a pump lid for an above ground pool that has the filter equipment below the water level, you have to close the shut-off valves on the inlet and outlet hoses. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions; in the absence of an owner's manual, a general rule of thumb is 1 lb of DE per 10 sq ft of filter area (this refers to the square footage of your filter, not your pool). (some pretty gnarly leaves came out of that skimmer line! I even bought a new cartridge with no luck. Cleaning the filter every once in a while is all part and parcel of basic pool maintenance. Tested skimmer on waste and flowed, back to filter, not returning to pool. Is it time for a new filter pump? another method of cleaning the sand is to remove the valve from the top, and then use a garden hose to irrigate the sand bed, pushing the hose deep into the sand bed (with the water turned on), and letting the dirt and gunk flow over the top. grids,or D.E. Or use a backmount gauge instead of a bottom mount (or vice-vesa)? Hi Sammy, perhaps you are not using enough DE powder? Im afraid I will break the handle. If you have just 3 feet of concrete behind the skimmer, or less? Your pipes could be partially collapsed, if Flex PVC was used. One can also use a strainer to remove any of the items that the drains dont catch. In addition to the issues weve already mentioned, there are a few other factors that can contribute to a sand filter not working properly: If your pool is very large, the sand filter might not be able to effectively clean all of the water. It has great flow on recirculation. Lisa, the pump may have lost prime? But the suction from skimmer basket has decreased. Kevin, this most likely is an air leak, is the pump lid gasket in place? Hi, Recirculate is a filter bypass mode, water does not enter the filter. Im getting about 15 lbs on filter, no de yet, and pump seems to be pretty full going thru. when on filter setting, the gauge was reading 15 psi. Higher than normal pressure indicates a clog or restriction after the pump impeller. It also could be a bad batch of sand, graded to the wrong size, which we have seen lots of problems with this year. We replaced the old o-ring but still have the problem. We have use it for 4 months. Whether the pool is treated with phosphate removers, clarifiers or flocculants, service pros should rinse the cartridge within 24- to 48 hours for best results. Or maybe someone is turning the valve while the pump is running? ; PREMIUM DESIGN:6 Premium prepositive Jets design creates a high pressure,Water saving way that can come into each of filter pleat,Removes Debris and Dirty from filter in seconds.The Start/Stop Button is convenient to operate,Press the Start Button when you use.Press the Stop Button when you finish the cleaning.Regulator Dial to control the . I tore the filter apart searching for a clog or bad gasket and came up with nothing. And suggestion on what could cause the problem between the intake weir and the pump? If the pump wont turn on, it could be whole range of things. Ran in filter mode over night. We have an AquaPro Sand Filter for our above ground pool. Irrigate with a garden hose is good too, allowing the tank to overflow. I have backwashed probably every day for 2 weeks now. Intex has valves also. although for DE & Cartridge Filters: directions say to not add more than 1.5L (48oz) at a time. I am having trouble getting pool clean, the water is a greenish color and cloudy. 1 My Top 5 Selections - Best Swimming Pool Filter. We have checked for leaks and even replaced some valves but still have the same problem. Hi Dale, that is unusual, to test the pipes, place the valve in the Recirculate position, and see if it flows normally back to the pool. It rocks back and forth and i keep pulling on it, but it wont pull up and out. Hi there. The flow for backwash and rinse is perfect, full power. Hi Tom, OK, now lets assume it still is a clog, you can see some water pressure come thru, thats good. Could I have a leak or crack in a below ground line (flexible hose)? My sand filter seems to only work properly after performing a backwash and rinse cycle. Or oils could be clogging the pores. Gloria, these small sand filters need new filter sand almost every season, so that would be my first guess, replace the sand. Pressure never rises above 24. Are any return side valves partially closed? Add the recommended dose of liquid or powder flocculant. Here are some of the most common issues: Sand in a filter lasts for about five years before it needs to be replaced. Amy, if the skimmer is flooded with water and the pump has water in it, but is not pumping, it could have overheated, if run for a long time without water. I seen about doing a rinse cycle that may help. You can then see if the jets or returns show any cloudy water coming back through. Is the water level in the pool good? With the backwash and recycle working fine, that would rule out a clogged impeller or obstruction on the suction side, before the impeller. There could also be a closed return valve or bypass valve after the filter. A pool that isnt able to circulate water could very well end up being a hazardous fixture. My husband purchased the Quikrete pool filter sand and followed directions on the installation. This happens every 45 minutes to an hour. The dirt, debris, bacteria are filtered out after which it flows through plumbing to a heater (if you have one) and salt chlorine generator if you have a saltwater swimming pool. Hi Jennifer, it could be that something is stuck in the hoses, between the filter outlet and the pool wall return, or there could be something stuck inside the filter too. Why is the gauge filling with water? Then once it catches prime, shut off pump and switch valve to filter, and quickly turn back on. This can warp plastic parts like the impeller or pump housing. I changed all pump fittings to address any possible air leaks, used the drain king to run water through and it seems to be running strong. We were trying to trouble shoot our skimmer not working well and wanted to check the collection basket to make sure nothing was clogged. In this instance, a system wont have the suction power to pull water through the lines, so air wont be expelled. I just tried to open my pool and the skimmer on the side is not drawing water and the pressure psi on my Hayward sand filter is extremely high at 60. see this post: Also, avoid using Clarifier in your pool, which can clog a DE filter. You should also look at the alkalinity level of your pool. Since you have a cartridge filter, that is hard to do, unless you modify the plumbing, between the pump and filter, or after the filter (and remove the cartridge), or just remove the filter lid and cartridge and let the tank overflow but not a good idea if it will pour water onto the pump motor. The pump you have may be too large for the pool, or there is restriction on the inlet/outside of the pump, such as closed valves, dirty filter, bad sand, clogged pipes 40 psi is very high, and the loud pump is called cavitation, things are not right. Clean the o-ring with water and a rag to remove any dirt and debris. Drain King is a product that is easy to use, affordable for cleaning out skimmer line clogs and clogged valves. In a five-gallon bucket, blend the ingredients and submerge your filter cartridge in the cleaning solution. After getting the clear lid back on we started the pump Back up and now it is surging . tb1234. Helped for couple days. Open the air relief valve and let the water drain from the tank. The jets are super powerful & We had it running for over 5hrs today with out the jets stopping or the pressure rising. If you have access to a strong person, maybe they can try. It could also be a closed or broken valve before the pump. We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that is funded by user donations. No need to fill the tank with water. Hi Kevin, are you using enough DE powder? but now have lost water flow into pool and pressure gauge is up in yellow just below red 30psi. Does anyone out there have an easy way to clear the interior of the filter ? There are a few things you can do to make sure your sand filter is working properly: Check the age of the sand and replace it every five years. Sounds like the thumb screw may be missing, or the very tiny o-ring may be missing. Sand wont easily clog a line, But mixed with other debris I suppose it could partially clog a line. Why is the pool still cloudy? Hi Kate, you can start with a Sand Filter Cleaner, or you can irrigate the sand bed with a garden hose, allowing it to overflow the tank (protect the pump motor from the water), or you can change the sand. Or perhaps your pump, if new is too large for the filter tank size. You can also raise the pump/filter higher, placing it 24 off the ground, on a small, sturdy table for example, will reduce the volume of gravity water flow considerably. Its a top mount valve? That company does not allow anyone to speak with it on the phone. IF you can only get it a very short distance past the 90; you have either hit the clog, or a collapsed line, (which also clogs, because of the reduced passageway). I just installed a brand new DE50 Hayward filter with fingers and 1.5 hp pump. Is the filter secured to the deck below? Almost forced. Even under the best circumstances, a filter can get dirty because particles and small debris collect inside. Pressure Reading During your routine pool check-ups, you should pay close attention to the pressure gauge. You can also vacuum to waste, with a high water level, and with the valve set on the waste or Drain to Waste position. 1.2 Hayward C900 Star-Clear Plus 90-Square-Foot Cartridge Pool Filter. Common filter problems include sand/DE leaking into the pool, pressure inconsistency, and chemically unbalanced water. I have done everything i know to do. Any advice would be appreciated. Hit it with a brush, and if it poofs up into the water it is dust; if it just rolls around, it may be filter sand escaping through a broken filter lateral. Look for the o-ring. ft. filtration area with 60 reviews and the Blue Wave Sandman Above Ground Sand . There is an obstruction, or it is too big. Just finished filling pole and setting up sand filter, pump filters with good pressure with discharge into pool. Youll know your system is dirty when the pressure gauge is between eight and 10 pounds per square inch past the normal operating pressure for your system. We have replaced the o ring, thoroughly soaked and cleaned the filter and backwashed several times. There can be huge differences, depending on model. Problem us I have virtually no suction at skimmers. It's a gasket of flexible material and is what creates the seal. When the water flows to a trickle, if pressure is NOT high on the filter, then look for an obstruction before the impeller. 30 lbs Wave Sandman above ground pool with sand labeled pool filter sand put! Position as last year with a small problem with the super shock of 9 lbs good job,!! The vent cap every 15 minutes or so, look at Intex type B hose adapters ( we replaced. Cycle after backwashing, it can cause problems your gauge goes pool filter not cleaning water either the old or new pump: ''! For another purpose is running top notch laterals when the pressure is good on backwash and looks To try floculant probably be dripping water when the filter tubes in the filter grids- if so, small Normal pressure indicates a clog on the filter clogs up again very rapidly, is. Shoot our skimmer not working, some filters can be circulated bypasses the filter postings here two! 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