As a graduate, you may seek employment in observatories or continue your education with graduate programs in astronomy or astrophysics. Ph.D. in Physics (applications accepted until January 5, 2023) M.S. Undergraduate Minor in Astrophysics The Astrophysics minor is related to the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Astrophysics, which CLA offers in partnership with the Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics in the College of Science & Engineering. Minor in Physics | Department of Physics and Astronomy A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required for the lower-division minor requirements as well as for the five upper-division courses used for the minor. A Minor in Physics recognizes interest and significant study in Physics, while requiring less time and fewer classes than needed to major in Physics. When you study astrophysics at UND, the universe is your classroom. You'll be given opportunities to pursue r esearch and teaching . Astrophysics Minor | Texas A&M University College of Arts and Science The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Undergraduate Catalog Actuarial Science Minor *Topics in these classes vary, as do the number of credits that can be earned. Program Overview. Students should consult a physics advisor and obtain the required approval no later than the beginning of the junior year. Astrophysics Minor | Department of Physics - CU Denver Department Chair Email:, Department of Physics Students cannot complete minor or ancillary course requirements as pass/fail. Requirements for the minor in astrophysics may be used to fulfill the requirements of the major in physics. For more detailed information please speak with your advisor. Astrophysics Minor Requirements | University of North Dakota Best Master's Degrees in Astrophysics 2023 Astrophysics - Minor < Texas A&M Catalogs < Texas A&M University A minor in astrophysics is offered for students who are interested in an understanding of the astrophysics of stars, galaxies, and the universe. Tufts is a student-centered research university, which means that we like to dig into our passions deeply and figure things out for ourselveswhether that involves using silk to regenerate tissue or spending a fully-funded summer exploring the political implications of Shakespeare's plays through the Summer Scholars program. For more detailed information please speak with your advisor. Math 4480 at Boston College - Mathematics of Voting (for math majors) STS 10, Reading Lab: Mathematical Models in Social Context; STS 10, Reading Lab: Classification; Math 19, Math. Minors - TAMU Physics & Astronomy - Texas A&M University Use the form below to receive more information about our graduate programs in Arts, Sciences and Engineering. Astrophysics Minor Apply Now Prepare students for entry into the competitive science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workplace with a minor in Astrophysics. The minor in Astrophysics helps to prepare students for entry into the competitive science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workplace. Fax: 617-627-3878Email Department. Minor in Applied Computational Science | Department of Physics and Astrophysics unifies discoveries from many sciences including physics, chemistry, and biology using techniques in statistics, data mining, and applied mathematics. It is also suitable for students who intend to pursue careers in areas that may benefit from a technical knowledge of astronomy such as science writing, scientific journalism, or science teaching in schools. Students must complete a minimum of 6 upper-division (3000-level and above) PHYS credit hours. * Engineering majors will take ENGR/PHYS 217 in place of PHYS 227. There is also the opportunity to do research in this field. Minors in Chemistry | Department of Chemistry - Students can also receive a Minor in Mathematics. In it, majors develop, draft, and present a scientific paper based on original research performed with a faculty member or based on existing research on a particular topic. In this interview, AZoNano speaks with Professor Andre Nel about his involvement in innovative research describing the development of a 'glass bubble' nanocarrier that could help drug formulations access pancreatic cancer cells. Course Requirements Astrophysics (Minor) - School of Earth and Space Exploration Campus Box 157, PO Box 173364 Academics | Tufts Admissions All rights reserved. Astrophysics Minor | University of North Dakota The balance may comprise courses drawn from the core or elective lists. Home | UA Science | Physics Astrophysics Minor For undergraduate students having a particular interest in the subject, a minor in astronomy and astrophysics is offered. Students must make a grade of C or better in all courses. Three courses in astronomy (numbered AST 15 or higher). It includes the study of the solar system, galactic and extragalactic astrophysics, as well as cosmology. The Astrophysics minor gives you a chance to combine a study of the celestial world with courses in other relevant disciplines. See departmental advisor for approval. major in psychology and minor in communications. Minor in Astrophysics - Department of Physics - UMBC The physics department offers minors in physics, biophysics, and astrophysics. Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology | Physics Department If you are majoring in a different field but wish to take some Physics classes beyond the introductory level, or if you began work toward a Physics B.S. Collaborative Learning and Innovation Complex (CLIC) Minor in Astrophysics Contact Us If you have a background in math or science, this minor will provide you with the entry-level skills needed for a career in professional observational astronomy or astrophysics. Acceleration credits (for example, AP credit) may not be applied toward the minor requirements. Research areas in astrophysics include the following: Theoretical models of stellar evolution; globular clusters, helio and astro-seismology, and galaxy formation (Brian Chaboyer).Infrared, optical, UV and X-ray studies of supernovae and supernova remnants (Robert Fesen - emeritus).The cosmological evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes, through X-ray, optical, and infrared . Browse our over 150+ majors and minors below! October 31, 2022 . Used by permission only. Astrophysics is an important and well-represented subdiscipline of physics. As the Biden administration warns about the possibility of widely used cryptographic systems being broken, Professor of Physics and Astronomy Peter Love weighs the risks. Homepage | Department of Physics and Astronomy - Tufts University Learn about our department Department Announcements The Tufts Physics faculty have international reputations in a broad range of subjects, and collaborations between department members and members . Collaborative Learning and Innovation Complex (CLIC) Senigallia - Wikipedia Majors & Minors | Tufts Admissions Most students who minor in astronomy and astrophysics are majors in another science, though majors in other fields are also possible. For astrophysics majors, student research culminates with Physics 399, our required two-semester senior seminar. ENT courses range from 2 to 4 credits. 574 Boston Avenue, Suite 304 Students develop technical skills and problem-solving experiences that expand the tools used in the modern, high-technology world. Majors & Minors | Tufts Admissions Program Finder Tufts provides its undergraduates the resources of a major research university and the attention of a liberal arts college. Undergraduate Programs | Department of Mathematics - Tufts University Required 25 credits, including: To earn a degree, students must satisfy all requirements in each of the areas below, in addition to their individual major requirements. The astrophysics minor has also been used to obtain summer and semester-long spring internships at various NASA facilities and other institutions in the space industry. Students develop technical skills and problem-solving experiences that expand the tools used in the modern, high-technology world. You will develop technical skills and problem-solving experiences that expand the tools used in the modern, high-technology world. in Physics Entrepreneurship (applications accepted on a rolling basis, apply by May 15 if you require a . Astrophysics Major | Haverford College Requirements of the Astrophysics Major -Astronomy Department Minor in Astrophysics | Ball State University View undergradMajorAstrophysics.pdf from AMER 0094 at Tufts University. Astrophysics encompasses physical law at the largest scales; from planets in the Solar System and planets around other stars to the evolution of galaxies and the stars that populate them, massive black holes in the center of galaxies, and the origin, growth, and ultimate fate of the Universe. Office: 617-627-3029 Students must complete a minimum of 9 PHYS credit hours with CU Denver faculty. BA/BS in Mathematics BA/BS in Applied Mathematics Fifth-Year Master's Degree Program: BA/MS in . * Please note: Physics 89 is a requirement for the physics major (replaces Math 54). Only one upper-division class may overlap between your major and the Astrophysics Minor. Three credit hours of ASTR491 must be taken in a single semester, and approval from the professor must be obtained prior to registering for ASTR491. AST 321 Introduction to Planetary and Stellar Astrophysics, SQ (3)* AST 322 Introduction to Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics, SQ (3)* AST 421 Astrophysics I (3) AST 422 Astrophysics II (3) The material below describes the requirements for a minor in Physics. Music Engineering at Tufts - Tufts University In general, the hierarchy of courses will address the pillars of foundation, breadth, and depth in a given area of Chemistry. Physics Minor Prerequisites Physics 1250 - Introductory Physics I (5 hours) Physics 1251 - Introductory Physics II (5 hours) 574 Boston Avenue, Suite 304 A student majoring in physics who wants to minor in astrophysics cannot use the 3000-level and above courses applied to the Astrophysics minor for their Physics Major requirements. Learn about the courses available in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. The grand narrative of astronomy holds wide popular appeal and lends itself to interdisciplinary study: there is a deep history and cultural context, the night sky is profoundly inspiring and accessible to everyone, and the spirit of exploration is communicated in daily media reports of new discoveries. Department of Physics and Astronomy The PDF will include all pages within the Graduate and Professional Catalog. UCLA Division of Astronomy & Astrophysics Therefore, the College strongly urges students to consult regularly with their major advisor and CLAS advisor to confirm the best plans of study before finalizing them. The Music Engineering program was originally launched in 1998 as the Musical Instrument Engineering program, and was funded in part by Steinway & Sons and Selmer Instruments, with an emphasis on research in acoustic musical instrument design and manufacture. All members of the Division carry out active research programs that garner widespread international recognition. Must have a minimum of 6 hours of 300- and/or 400-level coursework from TAMU (Student Rule 14.16) To declare an Astrophysics minor, fill out the ASTP Minor Declaration Form and email it to as a PDF file attachment. Select a School Select an area of study Tufts University TriPac (Diesel) TriPac (Battery) Power Management The astrophysics minor cannot be combined with a major or minor in physics. We are accepting applications for Fall 2023! For more detailed information please speak with your advisor. However, it is not possible to receive a minor in more than one of these fields. computer science internships for undergraduates Undergraduate Programs | Department of Physics and Astronomy Department of Physics and Astronomy Tufts University Collaborative Learning and Innovation Complex (CLIC) 574 Boston Avenue, Suite 304 Medford, MA 02155 Office: 617-627-3029 If you have taken a Math 54 equivalent before transferring into Berkeley, you may take Phys 89 pass/no pass. Graduate Programs The Department of Physics and Astronomy offers both master's and doctoral programs with a full range of graduate-level courses and research opportunities in astronomy, biophysics, condensed matter physics, cosmology, elementary particle physics, and quantum information. Undergraduate Programs. major in psychology and minor in communications Download PDF of entire Undergraduate Catalog. Fax: 617-627-3878Email Department. Minor in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Program Restrictions, Allowances and Recommendations. undergradMajorAstrophysics.pdf - ASTROPHYSICS MAJOR Course work involved, how hard it is? Five courses are required for a minor Computer Science 15 (3 SHUs) Computer Science/Mathematics 61 or Mathematics 65 Two courses chosen from Computer Science 40, 105, 160 and 170 One additional elective course in computer science numbered above 15 Forms CU Denver General Graduation Requirements, Clickherefor information about Academic Policies. Physics Minor | Department of Physics - Ohio State University Request for Graduate Program Information - Tufts University Does anyone have any thoughts on how that would work? Minor in Physics Minor in Physics The material below describes the requirements for a minor in Physics. Medford, MA 02155 Courses will include those in astrophysics, solar systems, and space environments where you'll learn about everything from the origin, evolution, and properties of the solar system to the components of the universe . A minor in this field combines a theoretical approach with observational analysis. Office: 617-627-3029 Astrophysics Minor | Morehead State University | Kentucky ! Astrophysics - Minor | Degree Details | ASU Degree Search Physics Minor | Department of Physics | University of Washington The Minor is open to all undergraduate students. Astrophysics | Department of Physics and Astronomy Also, physics majors may elect to receive the astrophysics or biophysics minor from the department, but not the physics minor. Acceleration credits (for example, AP credit) may not be applied toward the minor requirements. Interested students may wish to compare with the physics minor offered by the department; in a sense the Astrophysics minor is a more restrictive version of the physics minor and only one of the two will be granted (one cannot get both a physics and an astrophysics minor). All courses used in fulfillment of the minor must be taken for a grade of C- or better. Professor of Physics and Astronomy Danilo Marchesini discusses the new James Webb Space Telescopeand the research projects he has running on it targeting massive galaxies from the very early universe. 574 Boston Avenue, Suite 304 Physics Minor The Physics minor consists of the complete sequence in general physics, modern physics, and two 3000/4000-level courses in the Physics major course sequence. Astrophysics Minor | Physics Forums ASTROPHYSICS MAJOR CONCENTRATION CHECKLIST STUDENTS: Submit with the Advisement Report and any other major or minor checklists Study Resources The following courses are required for the minor, adding up to 12 credit hours. Undergraduate Programs | Department of Physics and Astronomy I am an aerospace engineering major. Tufts University Collaborative Learning and Innovation Complex (CLIC) tufting workshop boston For coverage that revealed the complexities of building the James Webb Space Telescope, designed to facilitate groundbreaking astronomical and cosmological research. No more than three hours of ASTR491 may be used for this requirement. Astrophysics Minor | Academics | WPI Our seventeen faculty, approximately 30 graduate students, and around 50 undergraduates come from all over the globe to participate in and learn about research that is exploring the physical world on a range of scales. 2021 The Regents of the University of Colorado, a body corporate. Tufts University hosts a diverse Physics and Astronomy group. From high energy to high redshift, faculty, graduate and undergraduate research spans a wide range. The Physics PhD program and Physics: Astrophysics PhD Program offer a full range of graduate level courses and research opportunities in astronomy, biophysics, condensed matter physics, cosmology, elementary particle physics, and quantum information. but found your interests shifting in another direction, completing a minor in Physics may be . Minor in Astrophysics Minor in Applied Computational Science MS in Physics MS in Physics: Astrophysics MS in Physics: Physics Education . To satisfy the minor the classes must be completed with a grade of C or above. 1200 Larimer Street, NC3123 Download PDF of entire Graduate and Professional Catalog. For immediate assistance, please contact us at or +1 (617)627-3395, Monday - Friday 9:00am-4:00pm ET. All courses applied to the astrophysics minor must be taken for a letter grade. For more detailed information please speak with your advisor. Physics and Astronomy Wednesday, Aug. 31 2022 SU (N) matter is about 3 billion times colder than deep space Universe's coldest fermions open portal to high-symmetry quantum realm Tuesday, Aug. 09 2022 Smalley-Curl Institute rewards students' summer research The Smalley-Curl Institute held its annual Summer Research Colloquium Aug. 5. Whether you are a current or prospective physics or astrophysics major, an engineering or life sciences student fulfilling a requirement, a liberal arts student looking for a natural science course, or just someone who wants to know more about the physical world, we're committed to providing you with an exciting, challenging and . Earn a minor in Astrophysics by meeting these requirements. A Master in Astrophysics is a structured, research-oriented program that allows students to more fully develop their knowledge of the universe and of physics within a dynamic environment. Thanks!! Trailer. Program Requirements and Policies The Minor in Applied Computational Science requires five courses and a capstone experience. Welcome to the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Tufts University Our seventeen faculty, approximately 30 graduate students, and around 50 undergraduates come from all over the globe to participate in and learn about research that is exploring the physical world on a range of scales. Prepare for graduate school with expert tips from CWRU physics professor, Doc Brown. Physics and Physics: Astrophysics | Arts & Sciences - Tufts University Students must earn a minimum grade of C-(1.7) in all minor courses taken at CU Denver and must achieve a minimum cumulative minor GPA of 2.0. The Physics and Astronomy Department allows you to focus your study by participating in research and interacting with the people at its forefront. Minor in Astrophysics The material below describes the requirements for a minor in Astrophysics. Four electives in Physics (choose any from the following): any Physics courses numbered PHY 15 or higher. Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology Robert Wagoner (650) 723-4561 Research Area (s) Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology Risa Wechsler Info Links Galaxy Formation & Cosmology Group Research Area (s) Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology KIPAC Lunar Eclipse Viewing Party Date: - The minor in astrophysics consists of a minimum of 20 credit hours. All Engineering majors will take ENGR217/PHYS217 in place of PHYS227. College of Engineering, Design and Computing. Minor in Applied Computational Science Students interested in pursuing this minor should contact Professor Peter Love. The PDF will include content on the Program Requirements tab only. All graded attempts in required and elective courses are calculated in the minor GPA. Restrictions Students are strongly encouraged to consult with the astrophysics advisor, meet physics faculty engaged in Astrophysics research, attend departmental astrophysics-related seminars, and explore ways that astrophysics relates to research undertaken by faculty in other disciplines. Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Department of Physics and Astronomy Astrophysics < University of Chicago Catalog Specials; Thermo King. Course Requirements Lower-Division Courses Calculus: Course Requirements 5 courses: Denver, Colorado80217-3364, North Classroom Building Each minor requires a total of six courses, made up of two foundation courses, two core courses, and two elective courses. Department Chair: Michael "Bodhi" Rogers, PhD, RPA Required Prerequisite Courses PHYS 121 (4 credits) Introductory Physics I Alberto Sadun (Astrophysics Minor Advisor). Why I Study Astrophysics at Tufts and Why You Should Too The material below describes the requirements for a minor in Astrophysics. Students must complete a minimum of 17 PHYS credit hours. Department of Physics and Astronomy | Wiess School of Natural Sciences Illinois Tech's minor in astrophysics can be coupled with other degrees to give students additional credentials for jobs in the highly competitive space . 2022-2023 Texas A&M University Graduate Programs | Department of Physics and Astronomy - Tufts University UCSC General Catalog - Astrophysics Minor Science, technology, and society. What You Can Do with an astrophysics minor You'll be prepared for a career in research, teaching, software development, education and public outreach. Department of Physics and Astronomy A new study finds that overall climate and exclusionary behaviors are the biggest factors for LGBT+ scientists leaving physics, with women and trans people most likely to experience harassment, A state-of-the-art viewing instrument will help Tufts astronomers seeking to answer the deepest questions in astronomy and physics, Welcome to the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Tufts University, Three Questions About Quantum Computing and Secure Communications, New Webb Space Telescope Sees into the Universes Deepest Past, Natalie Wolchover, Physics Major Tufts class of 2008 and Neubauer Scholar, wins Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Journalism, Assistant Professor of Astrophysics (tenure-track). Part-Time Lecturer in Physics in Medford, MA for Tufts University You can narrow down your options by filtering by School, Category, or Program Type. Course Requirements 5 courses: Denver, Colorado 80204. The department strives both to contribute to the growing understanding of the physical universe, and to educate students in both the content of physics and its methods and principles. See what academic opportunities the Department of Physics and Astronomy offers to students. Physics-Atmospheric Sciences (PAS) Room 232, Second Floor 1118 E. Fourth Street Mailing Address Department of Physics University of Arizona 1118 E. Fourth Street PO Box 210081 Tucson, AZ 85721 More Ways To Contact Us The following program requires a minimum of 14 semester credit hours of physics beyond the 10 credit hour introductory calculus based courses (Physics 1250-1251), along with the appropriate number of supporting math courses. Program Requirements and Policies Acceleration credits (for example, AP credit) may not be applied toward the minor requirements. The Physics and Astronomy Department has decided that, starting with the admission cycle for the 2022-23 Academic Year (i.e., Fall 2022 start of the PhD or MS programs), GRE General and Physics subject test scores are no longer required, will no longer be accepted, and will no longer be considered in the evaluation of graduate applications. The Mathematics Department offers majors in Math and Applied Math, as well as the option of earning a BA/MS in Mathematics in the Fifth-Year Master's Degree Program. Exploring the frontiers of the universe Groundbreaking research, cutting-edge technology, award-winning faculty - UCLA's Division of Astronomy & Astrophysics offers a rewarding environment to pursue higher education and topical research. There is also the opportunity to do research in this field. Toggle Tuition, Fees and Other Financial Information, Toggle College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Toggle Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications, Toggle Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Toggle Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management, Toggle Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences, Toggle Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Toggle Information and Operations Management, Toggle School of Education and Human Development, Toggle Educational Administration and Human Resource Development, Toggle Civil and Environmental Engineering, Toggle Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toggle Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution, Toggle Industrial and Systems Engineering, Toggle Bush School of Government and Public Service, Toggle School of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts, Toggle Texas A&M University at Galveston, Toggle Marine and Coastal Environmental Science, Toggle Electrical and Computer Engineering Program, Toggle College/School Specific Information, Toggle Colleges, Schools and Interdisciplinary Degree Programs, Toggle Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, Toggle Irma Lerma Rangel School of Pharmacy, Toggle Environmental and Occupational Health, Toggle School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Toggle Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, and Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory for the Sciences, Board of Regents and Administrative Officers, International and Cultural Diversity Requirements, Tuition, Fees and Other Financial Information, Agricultural Economics - BS, Finance and Real Estate Option, Agricultural Economics - BS, Food Marketing Systems Option, Agricultural Economics - BS, Policy and Economic Analysis Option, Agricultural Economics - BS, Rural Entrepreneurship Option, Agricultural Economics - BS/MPS, 3+2 Program, Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications, Agricultural Communications and Journalism - BS, Agricultural Leadership and Development - BS, Animal Science - BS, Production/Industry Option, Biological and Agricultural Engineering - BS, Ecology and Conservation Biology - BS, Ecoinformatics Track, Ecology and Conservation Biology - BS, Ecology and Conservation Biology Track, Ecology and Conservation Biology - BS, Forest Resources Track, Ecology and Conservation Biology - BS, Vertebrate Zoology Track, Forensic and Investigative Sciences - BS, Pre-Law Emphasis, Forensic and Investigative Sciences - BS, Science Emphasis, Food Science and Technology - BS, Food Industry Option, Food Science and Technology - BS, Food Science Option, Nutrition - BS, Didactic Program in Dietetics Track, Nutrition - BS, Molecular and Experimental Track, Poultry Science - BS, Technical Emphasis, Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - BS, Aquaculture and Fisheries Management Track, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - BS, Natural Resources Management and Policy Track, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - BS, Rangeland Management Track, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - BS, Wildlife Management Track, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - BS/MPS, 3+2 Program, Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences - BS, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences Track, Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences - BS, Vertebrate Zoology Option, Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences - BS, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Option, Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences - BS with Certificate, Plant and Environmental Soil Science - BS, Crops Emphasis, Plant and Environmental Soil Science - BS, Soil and Water Emphasis, Environmental Design Architectural Studies - BED, Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Urban and Regional Planning - BS, Urban Design Track, Urban and Regional Planning - BS, Urban Policy Track, Urban and Regional Planning - BS/MLP, 3+2 Program, Urban and Regional Planning - BS/MUP, 3+2 Program, Neuroscience - BS, Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience - BS, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Neuroscience - BS, Translational and Preclinical Neuroscience Track, Chemistry - BA, Biological Chemistry or Medical, Dental, Pharmacy School Track, Chemistry - BA, Chemical Education Track, Chemistry - BA, Environmental Chemistry Track, Chemistry - BS, Biological-Chemistry Track, Chemistry - BS, Environmental Chemistry Track, Chemistry - BS, Materials Chemistry Track, Telecommunication Media Studies - BA/MA, 3+2 Program, Telecommunication Media Studies - BS/MA, 3+2 Program, English - BA, Middle School Teacher Certification, Environmental Geoscience - BS/MOS, 3+2 Program, Environmental Geoscience - BS/MWM, 3+2 Program, Geographic Information Science and Technology - BS, Geographic Information Science and Technology - BS/MS, 3+2 Program, Classics - BA, Classical Civilization Track, Classics - BA, Language and Literature Track, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Actuarial Science Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Biological Science Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Computational Science Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Cryptography Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Economics Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Math Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Statistics Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS/MS, 3+2 Program, Physics - BS, Computational Science Track, Physics - BS, Physical Science Teaching Track, Physics - BS, Physics and Mathematics Teaching Track, University Studies - BA, Journalism Studies Concentration, University Studies - BA, Race, Gender, Ethnicity Concentration, University Studies - BA, Religious Thought, Practices and Cultures Concentration, University Studies - BA, Society, Ethics and Law Concentration, University Studies - BS, Arts and Sciences Concentration, University Studies - BS, BioInformatics Concentration, University Studies - BS, Biomedical Sciences Concentration, University Studies - BS, Business Concentration, University Studies - BS, Child Professional Services Concentration, University Studies - BS, Dance Concentration, University Studies - BS, Geographic Information Science and Technology Concentration, University Studies - BS, Geography Concentration, University Studies - BS, Global Arts, Planning, Design and Construction Concentration, University Studies - BS, Leadership Studies Concentration, University Studies - BS, Liberal Arts Concentration, University Studies - BS, Mathematics for Business Concentration, University Studies - BS, Mathematics for Pre-Professionals Concentration, University Studies - BS, Mathematics for Teaching Concentration, University Studies - BS, Race, Gender, Ethnicity Concentration, University Studies - BS, Science for Secondary Teaching Concentration, University Studies -Journalism Studies Concentration BA/MA Communication, 3+2 Program, Management - BBA, Consulting/General Management Track, Management - BBA, Entrepreneurial Leadership Track, Management - BBA, Human Resource Management Track, Marketing - BBA, Advertising Strategy Track, Marketing - BBA, Analytics and Consulting Track, Marketing - BBA, Healthcare Marketing Track, Marketing - BBA, Professional Selling and Sales Management Track, Marketing - BBA, Strategic Retailing Track, School of Education and Human Development, Educational Administration and Human Resource Development, Education - BS, Bilingual Education EC-6, Education - BS, Special Education EC-12, Kinesiology - BS, Exercise and Sport Science Track, Kinesiology - BS, Exercise Science Track, Applied Exercise Physiology Concentration, Kinesiology - BS, Exercise Science Track, Basic Exercise Physiology Concentration, Kinesiology - BS, Exercise Science Track, Motor Behavior Concentration, Education - BS, Early Childhood-3 Certification, Education - BS, English Language Arts/Social Studies, Middle Grades Certification, Education - BS, Math/Science, Middle Grades Certification, Education - BS, Pre-K-6, Generalist Certification, Civil Engineering - BS, Coastal and Ocean Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Construction Engineering and Management Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Environmental Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, General Civil Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Geotechnical Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Structural Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Transportation and Infrastructure Materials Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Water Resources Engineering Track, Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution, Electronic Systems Engineering Technology - BS, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology - BS, Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology - BS, Electro Marine Engineering Technology Track, Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology - BS, Mechatronics Track, Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology - BS, STEM Education Track, Industrial Engineering - BS/MPH, 3+2 Program, Industrial Engineering - BS/MS, 3+2 Program, Architectural Engineering - BS, Mechanical Systems for Buildings Track, Architectural Engineering - BS, Structural Systems for Buildings Track, Interdisciplinary Engineering - BS/MPH, 3+2 Program, Interdisciplinary Engineering - BS/JD, 3+3 Program, Bush School of Government and Public Service, International Studies - BA, Global Cultural Studies Track, International Studies - BA, International Commerce Track, International Studies - BA, International Communication Media Track, International Studies - BA, Environmental Studies Track, International Studies - BA, International Geographic Information Systems Track, International Studies - BA, International Politics and Diplomacy Track, International Studies - BA/MIA, 3+2 Program, Political Science - BA/MPS, 3+2 Program, Political Science - BS/MPS, 3+2 Program, School of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts, Performance Studies - BA/MA, 3+2 Program, Public Health - BS/Epidemiology - MPH, 3+2 Program, Public Health - BS/Health Policy and Management - MPH, 3+2 Program, Public Health - BS/Health Promotion and Community Health Sciences - MPH, 3+2 Program, Public Health - BS/Occupational Safety and Health - MPH, 3+2 Program, University Studies - BS, Oceans and One Health Concentration, University Studies - BS, Marine Environmental Law and Policy Concentration, University Studies - BS, Tourism and Coastal Community Development Concentration, Coastal Environmental Science and Society - BS, Coastal Environmental Science and Society - BS/MMR, 3+2 Program, Marine Engineering Technology - BS, License Option, Maritime Business Administration - BS/MMB, 3+2 Program, Electrical and Computer Engineering Program, MEPS - Molecular & Env Plant Sci (MEPS), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), Notification for Students Pursuing an Occupational License, Rules and Regulations for Determining Residence Status, Academic Expectations and Program Requirements, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colleges, Schools and Interdisciplinary Degree Programs, Molecular and Environmental Plant Sciences - MS, Water Management and Hydrological Science - MS, Water Management and Hydrological Science - MWM, Agribusiness and Managerial Economics - PHD, Molecular and Environmental Plant Sciences - PHD, Water Management and Hydrological Science - PHD, Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications - MS, Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications- PHD, Biological and Agricultural Engineering - MEN, Biological and Agricultural Engineering - MS, Biological and Agricultural Engineering - PHD, Nutrition - MS/Kinesiology - MS, Combined Degree Program, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - MS, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - PHD, Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences - MS, Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences - PHD, Architecture - MAR/MUP Combined Degree Program, Architecture - MS/MAR Combined Degree Program, Land and Property Development MLP/MAR Combined Degree Program, Land and Property Development MLP/MRE Combined Degree Program, Land and Property Development MLP/MS Combined Degree Program, Land and Property Development MLP/MUP Combined Degree Program, Maritime Archaeology and Conservation - MS, Economics MS/MIA Combined Degree Program, Industrial Organizational Psychology - PHD, Business Administration MBA/MS Combined Degree Program, Oral and Craniofacial Biomedical Sciences - PHD, Educational Human Resource Development - MS, Educational Human Resource Development - PHD, Engineering - MEN/MD Combined Degree Program, International Affairs - MIA/MPH-PHPM Combined Degree Program, International Affairs - MIA/MUP-HPCH Combined Degree Program, National Security and Intelligence - MNS, Executive Master of Public Service and Administration - PSA, Public Service and Administration - MPS/PHD - EDAD Combined Degree Program, Public Service and Administration - MPS/PHD - HRSA Combined Degree Program, Education for Health Care Professionals - MS, Medicine - MD/PHD Combined Degree Program, Nursing in Family Nurse Practitioner - MSN, Public Health in Health Policy and Management - MS, Health Promotion and Community Health Sciences - MPH, Health Policy - MPH/JD-JDLW Combined Degree Program, Veterinary Public Health-Epidemiology - MS/DVM Combined Degree Program, Veterinary Public Health Epidemiology - MS, Veterinary Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Veterinary Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Marine and Coastal Management and Science - PHD, Maritime Business Administration and Logistics - MMB, Maritime Business Administration and Logistics - MMB/JD Combined Degree Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy website, Electricity and Magnetism for Engineering and Science. 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And above ) PHYS credit hours you to focus your study by participating in research and interacting with people! Ba/Bs in applied Mathematics Fifth-Year Master & # x27 ; ll be given opportunities pursue! That can be earned UND, the universe is your classroom the world... Astronomy Department allows you to focus your study by participating in research and interacting with the people at its.... The Division carry out active research programs that garner widespread international recognition one upper-division class may between! From CWRU Physics professor, Doc Brown > Course work involved, how it! You require a minor | Morehead State University | Kentucky < /a > universe is your classroom ll given! In more than three hours of ASTR491 may be used for this requirement professor Peter Love to satisfy minor. Is also the opportunity to do research in this field senior seminar requirements of junior! Or continue your education with graduate programs in Astronomy or Astrophysics Program tab. 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