"Do not apply diatomaceous earth directly to your pet. Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring powder that is made from the microscopic remains of a type of algae, known as diatoms. So don't be afraid to breathe it in. The DE even helped eliminate the Asthma. All in all, I hope you have a great experience with this. How Long Does It Take Diatomaceous Earth to Kill Fleas? Nothing will keep them off my dog, and he has been scratching like crazy! :) I'm glad you enjoyed this article. This is because the powder has tiny but sharp edges and the ability to absorb liquid. The cool thing is that you tried. Borax for Fleas: 3 Simple Steps for Flea Removal - The Bug Squad Susette Horspool from Pasadena CA on April 30, 2012: Wow. How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas on Dogs - Central Park Paws It is a silky, sand-like powder that is made from the fossilized remains of diatoms. This stuff wasn't cheap, and it never lasted as long as the box would say. Sharon - yeah, this stuff rocks!! As with all pet/flea products, your experience with it might differ from mine. In addition, I often get mine at the health foods store in the pet section. 6. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Flea control is just one property of this incredible substance; it has many more uses around the house as well as inside the human body, including killing parasites, enhancing joint health, and increasing calcium absorption! I will be seeing my vet for my other pets and I just hate to use all the other dangerous toxic chemical alternatives. If DE is harmful to the lungs isn't it enevitable that my dog will breath it in while licking or somw orher activity. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on May 05, 2015: Peggie - hmm, well, I guess it would depend on how big the fountains/bowls are from which they drink. Am sharing this around! I stopped already because it gave both of my dogs horrible rashes all down their backs where it had been applied, and one of them licked some of the spots bloody. :) Thanks for that info. I personally would do one of two things: order food grade DE from a reputable manufacturer online or go to a health foods store and get the pet-specific stuff. Diatomaceous Earth for Dogs: Uses, Benefits, and More! - Veterinarians.org For small dogs and puppies, 1 teaspoon of DE per day is recommended. Diatomaceous earth causes insects to dry out and die by absorbing the oils and fats from the cuticle of the insect's exoskeleton. I was wondering though, do you know anything about prevention? Thanks for the info! Veterinarians generally advise against the use of diatomaceous earth for fleas on cats and dogs. I do hope you find something that suits you well, though. Other Diatomaceous Earth Uses for Dogs Wash your hands afterwards. Apparently some got into her eyes (both) and scratched her corneas quite badly. . LOL. "If an individual is considering applying a product for pests, it's always best to contact a pest-management professional. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on April 10, 2013: Ciscokid - while I"m not a vet, the reason you don't want to breathe it in is because the DE is microscopic shards of glass: it irritates the lungs. I know from experience that the fleas will return if you aren't careful. Kill Ticks Naturally With Diatomaceous Earth - Essential Home and Garden Applying Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas - Earthworks Health I found some at Tractor Supply company. Use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth to Kill Fleas - Goevortex Yes! What is Diatomaceous Earth? Hi cclitgirl, I took her to the vets and it actually was an allergic reaction to flea's. Apply DE wet with a sprayer mixed with water and a small amount of dishwashing liquid to help it adhere; it is effective once dry. There is really no reason to apply pesticides to your child. It's saved our lives this summer. And dont consume this. Insects like to hide throughout the house in areas such as cracks and crevices, under refrigerators, cabinets, kitchen stoves, garbage containers, under sinks, and in window sills. As for putting it on the skin: it will dry it out on you. He was an older dog, and I watched anxiously as he started to grow lethargic. I've been looking for gentle, chemical free (if possible) to get rid of relentless ticks and parasite that certainly acquired a taste for my dog's blood. I've always used brewers yeast for my dogs. No need to thank me. This includes bedspreads, pillows (or at least the pillowcases), clothes (like laundry clothes), and anywhere your pet might like to sleep like the cover of pet beds, etc. How did you apply the DE to your pets? This means that by and large, it should be safe to use on your dog. Make sure that you sprinkle the powder in a thin, uniform coating to get the best possible results. So, if you have a quart, you could adjust the amount of DE you put in. . Sometimes what appears to be mange can actually be something else. Diatomaceous earth (DE) kills bed bugs by absorbing the oily, protective layer that covers their exoskeletons. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on October 14, 2013: Alexadry - yeah, good to know. But while diatomaceous earth can be part of a flea control program, it is not sufficient in itself to handle a big flea infestation. Diatomaceous earth is not intended for use on upholstery or mattresses, where it can irritate human skin. Diatomaceous earth is very absorbent, and this can contribute to dry skin. I just used the diatomaceous earth on my boston terrier which turned out to be a disaster. In fact, with our new puppy, he ended up having a skin allergy to the DE - wouldn't stop scratching. Where we live, the fleas and ticks have been bad. Ewwww. The Complete Guide to Using Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas This is your one-stop encyclopedia that has numerous frequently asked questions answered. After a few days, vacuum all the areas where you applied diatomaceous earth. This is a mechanical pest killer so it can be very effectively applied, just not on the living creatures you want to protect. This food-grade bug-killing powder is a mineral that rubs away bugs' defense systems and outer shells, leading to dehydration and death. Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas: Does it Really Work? If they know and like DE, then they're going to know great remedies for Lyme disease prevention. Good luck in the future with your kitty who has cancer. It can be used as both an insecticide and preventative measure. Diatomaceous Earth General Fact Sheet - Oregon State University Studies have concluded that diatomaceous earth has a low toxicity in mammals. How Long Does Diatomaceous Earth Take to Kill Insects? Diatomaceous earth: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Diatomaceous Earth For Flea Control-Buy Natural Flea Control, Diatomaceous Earth: Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Health Benefits. One thing to remember is that DE is a natural product. So not sure who to believe. Why would I want to poison my dog? Thanks for this article. Thank you for coming by again. The vet said he would need to keep my dog overnight to monitor him. Good advice there. Your animal is BREATHING this in..so HOW do you KNOW how much to administer.despite ambiguos instruction. :( I'm using the diatomaceous earth because im at my wits end. Of course, if you think your doggie might have parasites, my best advice would be to see a vet first - one who is sympathetic to using natural products. I end up breathing it in half the time when I apply it to my animals, but if you read above, they like to lick themselves and it's ingestible. Diatomaceous earth is a much gentler product that may help control fleas in the yard. You can do this by dusting your dog's skin with diatomaceous earth. All Rights Reserved. Pet stores usually won't carry it. Does diatomaceous earth kill fleas and ants? :) I hope that helps. These include: Ants Bedbugs Fleas Cockroaches Silverfish Flour Beetles Darkling Beetles Grain Beetles Carpet Beetles Colorado Potato Beetles Caterpillars Is diatomaceous earth for fleas? - naz.hedbergandson.com Ok. For my dog, the garlic seemed to mildly work. Just bath them and use dawn and soap in a plate in the dark with a tea light candle for the house . So much so that I've lost 1/2 of my eggplants and I love eggplant . It doesn't say anything about being Pool Grade, nor does it say anything about being safe in the home. Diatomaceous earth is composed of tiny organisms known as diatoms which have the ability to lacerate the exoskeletons of various types of insects and kill them through dehydration. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on August 29, 2012: Cherubmom5 - The DE on your carpet will work, but because the fleas have eggs that hatch after the fact, you'll have to reapply it every week. Another thing to remember about diatomaceous earth is that it will only work on killing adult fleas. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on March 31, 2013: Susan - cool! Diatomaceous earth can help your dog's health (and yours!). To humans and pets, DE feels like powder and is completely harmless. This will kill any fleas living on the rug, repel any new ones, and continue to dehydrate the eggs. How to Get Rid of Fleas in a House with Pets, Copyright 2022 | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine. One popular method for flea control is to use a type of natural pesticide known as diatomaceous earth. As far as Lyme disease - you know, here's my recommendation: I would ask around for vets that are also advocates from diatomaceous earth. This ensures that the eggs, larvae as well as adult fleas are taken care of by the powder. I have DE. I began to look for natural alternatives for so many reasons. My nephews were having trouble with their cat, so I bought four 2.5 pounders - 3 for them and 1 for me. One can or jar of DE lasts me six months or more. Flea Beetles & Diatomaceous earth The Grow Network Community Food grade is a must! Does Diatomaceous Earth Have Side Effects? With my veterinarian's blessing, I began to use DE exclusively on my pets. But to completely rid yourself of fleas, you'll need to continue the treatment techniques described above for weeks, if not months, to make sure that all flea eggs, larvae, and pupae are removed. It takes awhile for it to start working, remember. However, long-term inhalation can still damage your lungs ( 15 ). People may cough and suffer shortness of breath if an excessively big quantity is inhaled. It looks like a fine, white powder. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on June 25, 2014: Lynda - I hope the DE works and I'm sorry for your pet - it's maddening what chemicals we use in society, no? Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on September 28, 2012: Staylor20 - I'm so glad you were able to take your doggie to the vet. Because food-grade diatomaceous earth is less than 2% crystalline silica, you might think it's safe. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on April 11, 2013: Ciscokid - no worries. The following method will help you get rid of your flea problem naturally, but it is critical that you get rid of all fleas in your home and those on your pet at the same time. Victoria Lynn from Arkansas, USA on April 30, 2012: CC--Yeah, I thought about that once I asked. How to Kill Lice Using Diatomaceous Earth. Diatomaceous earth is an effective bed bug powder. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is not only inexpensive and effective; it's non-toxic to kids, birds, and pets. Diatomaceous earth must be dry to work. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on July 03, 2012: sadie - thanks for stopping by at another of my hubs. Two minutes every three or four days is all it takes. Go to my profile and send me a private email. I have over 15 years of engineering experience and 8 years of Youtube experience. Although diatomaceous earth is non-toxic to humans, it takes varying amounts of time to eradicate a cockroach problem. Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas in a Yard | Home Guides | SF Gate DE keeps working as long as it is present. Follow the steps below to use DE as a natural flea control for your dog. Its harmless. This will ensure that any new fleas that hop on will not survive for long. I know for me, I used this with my vet's blessing and it worked for me. Right after applying, he'd run outside and roll and slide in the grass and leaves until he was satisfied he didn't smell anymoreeffectively rubbing it off. I'm definitely an "herbal/simple" remedies first kind of gal, and then I'll use modern medicine if I can shake it - both on myself and my pets. :) I have been using it for years with my pets and it works just as well as those nasty chemical drops - and like you said, it's not bad for the environment. It has been approved for use as an insecticide. This is because most experts feel that there isn't enough data to support the claims of these products. Diatomaceous earth causes insects to dry out and die by absorbing the oils and fats from the cuticle of the insect's exoskeleton. Does Diatomaceous Earth Kill Fleas - Pest Phobia DE is also only so strong: they may need stronger stuff to help them get rid of parasites and then you can follow the directions on a food-grade DE package to help keep it at bay. Does diatomaceous earth kill fleas? - sisi.vhfdental.com It's no fun when they're not feeling 100%. And it's safe to use around your dog and other pets. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on March 12, 2013: Jennifer - DO keep me posted, but um, ingesting a pet-variety might be a little suspect, but you can call the company and find out if, indeed it is JUST diatomaceous earth. Veterinarians generally advise against the use of diatomaceous earth for fleas on cats and dogs. I have to order mine, usually. So now Im going to try bathing her with Dawn. How To Use Diatomaceous Earth To Keep Your Dog Safe From Fleas And Ticks If ever I need to switch I'll remember DE. The safe natural products work well--haven't seen a flea, and she's not scratching--so I'll continue using them. Use Diatomaceous Earth to Kill Fleas in 3 Easy Steps - The Bug Squad As far as the Home Depot brand - what I would do is call the manufacturer and find out if it's safe. For me, the positives for using DE far outweigh the negatives. For example, food-grade Diatomaceous Earth (which is often used for killing fleas) contains 0.5-2% crystalline silica in it. So we had to try other remedies. Good luck. The fossilized shells of diatoms turns into an extremely fine powder that's used as a preventative against. :) Thanks again for commenting. I will definitely keep this in mind. To apply diatomaceous earth indoors sprinkle it under and around the base boards and other areas you saw insects. Only weights 2 pounds. Leave the DE applied as long as possible. I put this hub in the top 100 of all hubpages. Although food-grade diatomaceous earth is safe to use with pets and humans, it should be handled with caution. Getting a cortizone and antibiotic shots lasts only 3 weeks. This was done once or twice a year with no known breathing issues on birds that live decades. There's a site called Earth Clinic that might also be able to help. I think my little cat has mange and need to know if this works on that. Fleas in my house is ruining my social life, lol. Don't breathe it. Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring rock consisting of fossilized remains of tiny diatoms. :). Non-food or filter-grade diatomaceous earth is toxic to mammals. Well, this is one question where I would also talk to the vet. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on September 18, 2016: Chris - yes - always check with your vet if you have any doubts. :). I just ordered some diatomaceous earth from this holistic retailer my friend likes online, it should be here anytime, and I'm looking forward to giving it a try. This might be a bed, kennel, or favorite pillow or rug. Victoria Lynn from Arkansas, USA on April 29, 2012: CC--Another question--Do you wear gloves to rub it around on pets? I'd like to get something I can sprinkle for the dog and cats, but I also need a huge bag. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. I went and reapplied. Plus, Diatomaceous Earth can be used to eliminate pests from furniture, carpets, floors, and the dog's bedding area. Good to know. Now they have fleas which are making the spots worse. I love my dogs and these fleas are making them miserable and I hate feeling like getting their skin healthy is out of my hands. I only pray that it takes care of the issue. No hub does that ! Other DE products may have been chemically treated and are poisonous if ingested. Wash all cloth items and bedding where eggs could have fallen off of your pet. (My dog doesn't mind having the powder on his fur and doesn't shake when I bring out the bottle.) It's so refreshing, however, to see people interested in DE - it's good stuff (food grade) and my dog never minds when I put it on. Diatomaceous Earth does kill fleas in some instances but its not regarded as the most reliable treatment. Diatomaceous Earth Benefits, Uses and Side Effects - Dr. Axe Generally, they don't survive. If you need to apply diatomaceous earth to areas where dry DE won't stick, the wet application method is a great option. The awesome thing about DE is it makes for an inhospitable environment for creepy crawlies. Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas on Dogs? 5 Reasons to Reconsider Food-grade DE is currently widely used all over the world on livestock and domesticated animals. Natural Flea Control for Dogs with Diatomaceous Earth In this section, I want to talk about which factors are needed to apply it. It's sort of a cumulative effect. Step 2: Give the carpets a good brush with a stiff house brush or broom. After he ran around in the woods, I'd still have to pick off ticks. The reason I ask is that my cat had been diagnosed with lung cancer and I am wondering if in treating her with DE, it might have caused the cancer. Most "Flea Powders" are 6-8 Oz For $15-ish, and not safe to use frequently. The vet said he didn't see.any mites but she could have a a few but their not seen. Thanks for the help. I haven't bought any DE yet myself, but I'm anxious to try it. Thanks for your help and all your information. Great info! Good luck. So there for I'm sure were getting some. \"I have a very particular set of skills. The dangers are infact not highlighted sufficiently. Diatomaceous earth is used as a pesticide to kill fleas by removing the waxy outer covering from their exoskeleton. DE has worked very well on feral cats I feed and the difference is noticeable within a few weeks of sprinkling on their food. :), Thanks a lot! Does food grade diatomaceous earth kill bugs? Diatomaceous Earth works really well for adult fleas and will kill them within a few hours after contact. She is a poodle and I had her shaved down and treated with a spot on treatment and it only worked a week. I first heard about it when looking for an organic and safe solution to nasty garden critters, but I now use it twice a year for flea and tick control in and around my home. However, the effectiveness of Diatomaceous Earth becomes questionable when its dealing with larvae and eggs. Thank you for all the wonderful info and am just starting my one year old German Pinscher with it. Are diatomaceous earth and bentonite clay the same? Therefore, you should expect Diatomaceous Earth to kill fleas instantly only if they are adults. Killing Ticks with Diatomaceous Earth - NANCY WITH THE LAUGHING FACE It's been about a month since I applied the product and he is now improving, I will not use it on any of my dogs again . Apply DE in places with fleas (on the carpet, bedding, furniture, floors, cracks, etc.) I found DE at our health food store today for $1.69 per pound. I'll check out that siteand maybe ebay. The other problem i have is my two schnauzer have worms. What is Diatomaceous Earth for Dogs? Reapply several times This is because it cant kill fleas in those stages and will not be able to prevent a re-infestation. People have used diatomaceous earth since the 1970sprotect agriculture and control a host of insect species, including fleas, cockroaches, and ants. You should avoid breathing in diatomaceous earth dust. How Diatomaceous Earth Kills Fleas Many wonder how such a fine powder can kill insects effectively and not use chemicals. (The year before, the same thing had happened to my cat.) So that information can it be ingested? However, I recommend leaving it for 24 hours before vacuuming up all the powder (and any dead fleas) to ensure they die. A tablespoon of brewers yeast powder in their breakfast and it's always worked. Thanks cclitgirl. Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on July 29, 2014: Hey, anonymous. . . Dust the area, pet bed, and/or blankets thoroughly. Use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. :) I just know that for fleas and ticks, this stuff works great with my dog. Regardless I have not given up and am tired of spraying toxic chemicals with all the asthma we have in our house only to have those products not work either. I haven't tried this yet but have purchased it and am excited to see how it works for our "boys" Can you use it on cats? However, there are so many factors involved: weight of the animal, diet, repeated exposure to tapeworms (sometimes your yard can have them or if they eat the excrement of other animals, etc, etc.) Years ago, I dutifully went to the veterinarian to get one of those popular, topical flea treatments. I applied this same product on him (before I knew what happened with my sisters dog of course) and he started acting strangely, have taken him to the Vet on several different occasions and he hasn't been able to correct his problem. Using Diatomaceous Earth to Kill Fleas in the Yard. Your vet may have recommendations where you can get food grade DE inexpensively. I also use it on his bedding in his crate and on his food to control internal parasites. Sharon Smith from Northeast Ohio USA on August 05, 2012: Hey Cyndi, I have never heard of this and learned so much. And yet it destroys ants, earwigs, slugs, beetles, ticks, fleas, cockroaches, and bed bugs. :). Neem oil maybe but please be so very cautious there is so much misinformation out about DE . I had to purchase the regular dewormer, and right after, a poop full of dead worms showed up. Diatomaceous Earth for Cats: A Natural Flea Treatment :) I have not heard of starting out "lighter" when trying DE in the diet. Diatomaceous Earth: Effective for Fleas and Ticks DE is an effective solution to flea and tick problems around the home as long as it is used to fight the issue everywhere it exists. I hopped online, wondering if other people experienced similar issues. She gave me 2 jar fulls. The Difference Between DE and Bentonite Clay, Diatomaceous Earth: The Natural Cockroach Killer. I also put out a bird bath with diatomaceous earth. Yes, in this case, I'd follow the vet's advice and maybe use the DE to help prevent them in the future - but keep talking to the vet and let him/her know what you're doing. Use Diatomaceous Earth to Kill Fleas in 3 Easy Steps I think there is just too many in my house and in my couch . Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on August 30, 2012: Cherubmom - I'm really glad you called them. Many hardware stores carry DE for general use, but it may not be safe for use on animals. Be careful and avoid breathing in DE dust as much as possible. Some of them do get paid to promote the topical (chemical-heavy) flea products and personally, I will never use it again. I think the standard time is 5 weeks. Some would argue that garlic wasn't good to give to my dog, but I tried adding a small amount of it into his food. Due to the nature of how diatomaceous earth kills fleas, it won't work instantly. Does diatomaceous earth kill fleas? Explained by FAQ Blog Diatomaceous Earth Powder only Kills the Adult Well, there are more things that you need to consider before using diatomaceous earth powder. I didn't want to perpetuate the rampant use of chemicals that our society is so dependent upon, nor did I want to put my animals at risk. I have discovered and identified flea beetles in my vegetable garden. :) Those little glassy particles will make you cough - not so good. LOL. 5. I say that because even with DE, sometimes a flea or a tick does get through it (though I'd say they're not going to be able to be healthy for very long). Cynthia Calhoun (author) from Western NC on April 30, 2012: watergeek - yep, Vicki is a great pet owner. Alas, there's no proof, but I'm with you: so many drugs/food/pesticides/products that we use contain chemicals that weren't in drugs/food/pesticides/products before the modern age. :(. I had done enough research to be comfortable trying this with my dog but not the cats. Diatomaceous Earth gets rid of pet fleas naturally. Vacuum the kennel, rug, pillow, and other areas where your dog likes to hang out. :). With your productive explanations and experience, I think that my little one and I would be free from small devils! I ordered some animal-safe herbal sprays with tiny amounts of cinnamon oil and cedar oil. The regular dewormer, and ants cough - not so good 15 ) only work killing! | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine completely harmless to protect ; s skin with diatomaceous earth to areas you. I asked as the box would say few days, vacuum all the info. That suits you well, this is one question where I would be free small! Beetles, ticks, fleas, cockroaches, and continue to dehydrate the eggs breathing issues on birds that decades. Worked a week August 30, 2012: Cherubmom - I 'm using the diatomaceous earth is it... Is noticeable within a few weeks of sprinkling on their food particles will make cough... 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