* Studies were separated into clinical case-studies or population-based ADHD trait studies and were further separated by childhood (aged <18 years) and adult studies (aged >18 years) due to the developmental perspective of ADHD and creativity (Cassotti et al, 2016; Franke et al, 2018; Healey, 2014). Given that, theoretically, controlling for IQ should increase the strength of the relationship between scores on the B-DEFS (and ASRS) scales and components of divergent thinking, scale variables were entered in step one and verbal IQ and non-verbal IQ were entered in step two in all models. (2019). Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. There were no case-controlled studies of children with a formal diagnosis of ADHD using creative ability or achievement measures identified by the authors in their systematic search. The dynamics of creative ideation: introducing a new assessment paradigm. There are several potential reasons for why, in contrast to Taylor et al. Compare convergent thinking. Live fast, die young? Frustrated Women and Hopeful Men: Is There a Connection? Divergent and convergent thinking, and the standardized tests that measure them, are well-suited to a laboratory setting; how well they translate to the real world is another matter. Whereas, a separate study reported a positive association between self-reported creative achievements in daily life and self-reported ADHD symptoms. You may know it better by the phrase "think outside the box" - but we want you to think of it as more than that. Five Signs that You May Be a Divergent Thinker - LinkedIn Scheduling this time into your day will also help prevent distraction and procrastination. Nigg J. T., Stavro G., Ettenhofer M., Hambrick D. Z., Miller T., Henderson J. M. (2005). First, the sample size was relatively small, making the meaning of non-significant results ambiguous. ADHD OR attention deficit hyperactivity disorder AND convergent thinking; 3. Effects of stimulant medication on divergent and convergent thinking Guan Lim C et al. Neurodivergent Thinking Patterns. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2020; 119: 66-85, Sciberras E et al. Because his inner critic disallows neither the ridiculous nor the sublime, he can be innovative, ingenious and fascinating. Students with ADHD have poorer academic outcomes in general than students without ADHD (Frazier et al., 2007; Dupaul et al., 2009; Dipeolu, 2011). Palladino describes a boy who struggled with the linear method of learning: He was a boy who learned only by doing. Third, laboratory tests are typically conducted to assess a narrow set of executive functions, which provide little insight into how the daily behavioral manifestations of executive functioning ability relate to functional outcomes. However, undergraduate engineering GPA is a poor predictor of later success in the field of engineering (Samson et al., 1984; Bretz, 1989), for which divergent thinking and related abilities are key (National Academy of Engineering, 2005; Cropley, 2015; Brunhaver et al., 2017; Passow and Passow, 2017). See if there might be opportunities to problem-solve or brainstorm. Divergent thinking takes place in a free-flowing manner and is spontaneous, which results in multiple possible solutions in short amount of time. Divergent thinking refers to 'thinking outside the box' and coming up with creative solutions while convergent thinking refers to coming up with the correct answers. Whereas some studies found evidence for enhanced divergent thinking ability in college students diagnosed with ADHD compared to students not diagnosed with ADHD (White and Shah, 2006, 2011, 2016), other studies and meta-analyses found no association (Barkley et al., 1996; Paek et al., 2016). The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. What Is Divergent Thinking? Definition and Examples Three scores may be computed according to the testing manual: a general composite IQ score, a verbal IQ score, based on scores for the verbal knowledge and riddles subtests, and a non-verbal IQ score, based on the score for the matrices subtest. However, after controlling for academic achievement, there was no positive effect of ADHD symptoms on creative achievement. The systematic search highlighted two population-based studies which investigated the association between creative achievements and individuals with self-reported ADHD symptoms. Subclinical symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are associated with specific creative processes. Neurodivergent Diagnosis: Accepting Your Child's Neurodiversity - ADDitude This is also related to divergent thinking, which is about fully exploring ideas, creating unexpected connections, and spontaneity. What competencies should undergraduate engineering programs emphasize? The Divergent Thinking Child - Life, Love & Parenting adolescent, and adult literatures and a concomitant study with college students. For example, although the model was statistically significant, B-DEFS and IQ scores accounted for only 4% of variability in originality scores on the TTCT-Figural. Gifted children with ADHD often face unique challenges. The study reported that healthy control participants on placebo were similarly impaired on the divergent thinking tasks. Shifting your focus from your struggles to what makes your brain unique can reveal strengths you never realized. His teacher called him addled. Although convergent thinking, narrowing down ideas and solutions by discarding inappropriate or less desirable ones, also plays a role, divergent thinking ability is critical for solving novel problems (Guilford, 1987). People With ADHD More Likely to Think Outside the Box Divergent thinking - Wikipedia Divergent Thinking - 9 Powerful Ways To Nurture Your Child's Creativity Divergent thinking occurs in a spontaneous, free-flowing, 'non-linear' manner. There were no appreciable differences in the values between the contrasting correlations, and conclusions based on the results remained the same. The ability to think divergently has been associated with different cognitive processes, including intuitive and rational thinking styles. In it, subjects are asked highly specific questions about their past achievements in 10 creative domains, including drama, humor, science, writing, and cooking, among others. Negative effects of ADHD symptoms on convergent thinking were described in one child and two adult studies. Using Divergent Thinking to Become a Better Leader - ProjectManager Null effects of methylphenidate on creativity were also noted in the four studies that included adults without ADHD. Give yourself permission to explore your strengths without shame. Our ability to think creatively, be inventive and think outside the box speaks to our strengths." This thread is archived . Descriptive statistics for all variables included in the analyses. . In recent research, psychological professionals were found to overdiagnose ADHD approximately ___ percent of the time. The study reported enhanced divergent thinking under methylphenidate in ADHD participants. Systematic search for the effect of psychostimulants on creativity provided a final selection of 12 studies; six studies of children with ADHD, two studies of adults with ADHD and four studies of adults without ADHD. The ASRS (Kessler et al., 2005) assesses the characteristics (i.e., symptoms) of ADHD, based on the criteria for adult ADHD in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Third, the amount of variance explained by some of the models predicting components of divergent thinking is rather small, despite being statistically significant. Now that you understand what makes you unique and the importance of honoring and caring for yourself, consider ways to capitalize on your strengths on a daily basis. (2019). Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #divergent, #divergentthinking, #different_thinking, #differentthinking, #divergenting . Dr. Kurtz emphasizes that ADHD presents so many challenges for childrenfocus, task completion, perseverancethat getting through high school successfully is a feat that requires proper support from both family and educators. This questionnairewhich, like the CAQ, depends on self-reporting by the subjects its administered tois designed to explore preference for each phase of creative problem solving. The measure conceptualizes creative problem solving in four phases: clarificationlets look at this problem, as White puts it; brainstorming; developing and refining of ideas; and implementing the arrived-at solutions. EEG alpha synchronization is related to top-down processing in But the key seems to be the inhibitory controlthe same thing that allows somebody to not be distractedwhich possibly could put a mental wall between what is right in front of them and other possibilities.. What is divergent thinking? - Quora It is a thought process of coming up with varied creative ideas to overcome a problem and generate a solution.". Frazier T. W., Youngstrom E. A., Glutting J. J., Watkins M. W. (2007). "'You're allowed . Self-care doesnt just mean doing nice things for yourself every once in a while but truly allowing yourself to do what you love and enter a state of flow. CT and AZ contributed to the conception and design of the study. Creativity and ADHD: a review of behavioral studies, the effect of psychostimulants and neural underpinnings. High quality Divergent Thinking-inspired gifts and merchandise. Divergent thinking isnt a synonym but its an essential capacity for creativity. "Understand how the ADHD brain is wired. Although White did not find statistically significant differences here, she definitely noticed the trend. Divergent thinking is a way of thinking of ideas, with ideas spinning off those ideas. , Bridging the gaps between engineering education and practice. The final model explained 10% of variance, with verbal IQ as the only significant, positive predictor of TTCT-Figural elaboration. Automated scoring of divergent thinking tasks is a current hot topic in creativity research. (2020b), scores on the TTCT-Figural positively predicted GPA along with non-verbal IQ. The current study was conducted to better understand the relationship between ADHD characteristics and executive functioning difficulties, divergent thinking, and academic performance. For each phase, a name: the Clarifier, the Ideator, the Developer, and the Implementer. Participants completed the study in a private office across four 30-to-60-min sessions on different days. Third, verbal and figural divergent thinking may relate to different dimensions of ADHD characteristics and executive functioning difficulties in distinct ways. What is Divergent Thinking? A new study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, finds some truth in the increasingly popular theory that along with the thorns of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder comes a rose: increased creativity. A further five of the studies were case controlled and involved adults with a formal diagnosis of ADHD; three studies investigated divergent thinking in the general population. Is the DSM-5 a culturally appropriate assessment tool for identifying learners with adhd in Lebanese schools? The raw data supporting the conclusion of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation. The person that was critiquing their argument was in "convergent thinking" mode. The other measure White used that differs from most past studies is called the FourSight Thinking Profile, developed by Gerard Puccio in 2002. Divergent thinking refers to the generation of many original and diverse responses to a stimulus (Guilford, 1956, 1967). Is there an association between creativity and ADHD? The fourth study did not show an association between creativity and an ADHD diagnosis. Think about what you naturally excelled at in school, the hobbies you love now or loved when you were younger, and the things that light you up. A while back I had seen a lot of posts about the overlap and similarities between ADHD and Autism, and it got me thinking about some observations I'd made both personally and professionally testing neurodivergent kids over the years. White HA, Shah P. Uninhibited imaginations: creativity in adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Creativity research: past, present and future. Her ADHD subjects markedly gravitated toward the Ideator and Developer styles; her non-ADHD subjects toward the Clarifier role. The average quality rating was calculated to be 0.5 (limited quality research). Divergent thinking . First, we sought to better understand how ADHD characteristics and executive functioning difficulties, divergent thinking, and engineering GPA relate to one another. Do dimensional psychopathology measures relate to creative achievement or divergent thinking. (2017). As for why exactly her subjects with ADHD showed such marked differences in their creative abilities and their approaches to creative problem solving, White zeroes in on the question of inhibition. New DSM-5 criteria for ADHD Does it matter? Neurodivergent Thinking Patterns - We are ADHD Academic adjustment (e.g., the ability to cope with the challenges of college life) and study habits and skills (e.g., completing assigned class readings) have also been negatively predicted by self-reported characteristics of ADHD in a general student population (Norwalk et al., 2009). The site uses cookies to provide you with a more responsive and personalised service. Impact of psychometrically defined deficits of executive functioning in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. PMC legacy view 15 Divergent Thinking Examples (2022) - Helpful Professor For example, Silverstein et al. DIVERGENT THINKING: "Divergent thinking is a form of creative thinking." Related Psychology Terms. J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2020; Epub ahead of print, Becker SP et al. Instead of labeling yourself shy, consider how your reserved thoughtfulness helps you develop deep and meaningful connections. coming up with creative solutions to a problem). This RSA Animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benj. Until now the ADHD-creativity link has been an oft-repeated rumor, seen by some as something exhausted parents cling to for consolation. Shop high-quality unique Divergent Thinking T-Shirts designed and sold by independent artists. The prevalence of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a global systematic review and meta-analysis. Following completion of the study, cumulative engineering GPA was provided by the universitys Office of the Registrar. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2020; 35: 300-304, Grimmsmann T, Himmel W. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2021; 77: 107-115, Monopoli WJ et al. The second study found a positive association between hyperactivity and impulsivity symptoms with enhanced divergent thinking. An example of a question on the CAQ: Whether the subjects work has won a prize at a juried art show. The specificity of the questions is designed to limit the vulnerability of the responses to the subjective interpretations of the people answering them. However, results for the models predicting originality scores on the TTCT-Figural differed when including the B-DEFS dimensions or the ASRS dimensions as predictors. (2021). The final models explained between 6 and 11% of variance in TTCT-Verbal component scores, with verbal IQ and the hyperactive/impulsive dimension of the ASRS significantly, positively predicting TTCT-Verbal components in all cases. Learn more Thus, the B-DEFS and the inattentive dimension of the ASRS may indeed assess similar behaviors, ostensibly stemming from executive functioning difficulties related to attention. Because he was distractible and restless, he did not last long in a formal classroom. Self-care is especially important for people with ADHD. The premise behind divergent thinking is this: Those who can seamlessly access the brain's right temporal lobe are able to generate multiple related ideas for a given topic or problem by exploring . Second, participants were aware of the purpose of the study and data collection was not blinded, which may have heightened the risk of bias on the ADHD scales. Thus, although controlling for IQ did not strengthen the relationship between ADHD characteristics and components of divergent thinking, several of our models were significant in ways consistent with existing evidence. Psychological adjustment and adaptive impairments in young adults with ADHD. Abstract Divergent thinking (DT) tests are very often used in creativity studies. And if something feels like a constant burden, consider how you might do less of it on a daily basis. Of note, the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ADHD have been criticized as being too lax, artificially inflating diagnoses (Rigler et al., 2016; Fabiano and Haslam, 2020), and ethnocentric, making it an inappropriate assessment tool in some cultures (Kriegler, 2015; Berri and Al-Hroub, 2016; Shehab and Al-Hroub, 2019). OC372755), https://www.lexico.com/definition/divergent, https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckswoboda/2020/08/03/why-thinking-outside-the-box-is-the-wrong-way-to-approach-innovation/?sh=e1ed546461bb, https://www.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_changing_education_paradigms, https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-entrepreneur-stories-jetblue-kinkos-jupitermedia/. The Creativity of ADHD - Scientific American 1 INTRODUCTION Milioni A. L. V., Chaim T. M., Cavallet M., de Oliveira N. M., Annes M., dos Santos B., et al. Scope of semantic activation and innovative thinking in college students with ADHD. There is evidence that, because the primary characteristics of ADHD are distributed in the population, ADHD is best conceptualized as the extreme end of a dimension (as opposed to categorical; e.g., Lubke et al., 2009; Heidbreder, 2015; Brown and Casey, 2016). Divergent Thinking: The Role of Decision-Making Styles The present study compared adults with and without ADHD on convergent thinking, divergent thinking, and inhibitory control tasks. Examples of Divergent and Convergent Thinking. Bivariate correlations among the variables (Table 2) were calculated excluding data for two outliers on the B-DEFS total scale and one outlier each on verbal IQ, non-verbal IQ, B-DEFS time, B-DEFS organization, B-DEFS self-restraint, B-DEFS motivation, B-DEFS emotional regulation, and TTCT-Figural originality. Please subscribe to my channel: http://bit.ly/spencervideosImagine you have a problem you need to solve and you're looking for innovative solutions. PDF Uninhibited imaginations: Creativity in adults with Attention-Decit A social constructivist perspective on the potential relevance of selected dsm-5 disorders for south african children and youth. Honesty in Your Relationship Isn't Always the Best Policy, Kids Who Read Out Loud to a Dog See Improved Literacy, What to Do When Eating Disorders and Obesity Coexist, 4 Lessons Learned from Long-Term Grieving. The Creative Value of ADHD & Neurodiversity in the Workplace Petersen R., Lavelle E., Guarino A. J. The Creative Advantage of ADHD in the Workplace. Her ADHD subjects were particularly masterful when the talent in question involved a lack of inhibition. Murphy K. R., Barkley R. A., Bush T. (2001). The overall goal is to produce a number of possible solutions in a timely manner that could not have . Understanding yourself is the first step to maximizing your potential. Stavro G. M., Ettenhofer M. L., Nigg J. T. (2007). It refers to the concept that certain developmental. Scores for each dimension are obtained by summing the items corresponding to each. The boy described was Thomas Edison, the divergent, incredible mind that provided us with electricity and sound recording. The relationship between ADHD and executive functioning difficulties, academic outcomes, and divergent thinking has only previously been examined together in one study. Divergent thinkers are the innovators, the people who are not afraid to, as Steve Jobs put it, "think . Creativity and ADHD: a review of behavioral studies, the effect of psychostimulants and neural underpinnings. Descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values, skew, and kurtosis) were obtained for all variables included in the analyses. 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