leadership meeting cadence

Habits are behaviors so common that theyre done unconsciously. However, if used properly, meetings can be a powerful construct for setting standards, making decisions and lifting performance. Many larger organizations will spend weeks gathering input before leading a series of planning workshops that then produce annual, 5-year, and even longer-range plans. New opportunities, new threats, hard decisions: cmon! It isn't! The first meeting of the month would be based on their agenda, and the second meeting of the month would be based on mine. After the Quarterly Strategic meeting, one person will make sure that the new targets are all set up so you can start reviewing them in next Mondays Leadership meeting. Here are five top tips for prepping for an effective leadership meeting: Once youve got a plan in place, its time to execute it. Were all about strategy and measuring results. Keep the discussion structured but not rigid. Its a very rewarding way to work, because not only do you stay up-to-date, you see that youre part of a group that can deal with issues and get stuff done. We covered a lot of ground here, so let's just finish with a quick recap: One-on-one meetings should be happening constantly as this is how you make your people understand the expectations they're operating under and also how you support and empower them to give them the confidence to perform. In simple terms there are three components of an effective leadership team cadence. Goals without strategy or a measurable purpose, are just wishes. In addition to the professional development . You've got the executive team that's taken out for probably a day and a half, and you've got every individual, some of whom have to come in from their operations, to present, sometimes for only 15 or 20 minutes. It's really changed the way I think about this issue and I'm using it to shape my views and the decision I'm ultimately going to make. We had to make sure that we were painting within the lines in terms of both our risk and our trading strategy. After all, meetings are much maligned and many leaders see them just as a necessary evil, where time is wasted and value disintegrates before their very eyes. Hearing about bad news or upcoming challenges straight from company leadership can reduce the likelihood of rumors and misinformation. A leadership meeting is an excellent opportunity to review the company's values and discuss how to embody them. In the case of the town hall style meetings, to do people a courtesy, of showing that what they do is important enough for me to be on the ground talking to them, not just sitting in an air conditioned office somewhere, judging them by the reports that turned up in my inbox. The primary goal of leadership meetings is to make decisions, solve problems, and ensure the organizations day-to-day operations and processes are aligned. This can get fuzzy as the year goes on, so its important to be reminded. Meeting cadence may depend on factors like who is involved with the meeting and the nature of what they plan to discuss. Leadership meetings are one of the most importantbut why? In the first week, there isnt much to report. The one-on-one conversations, town hall meetings, where you might be addressing a large group of people, smaller group meetings, where issues are discussed and decisions are formulated as a result, reporting meetings to board and shareholders and presentations of all types. Watch. Youre a team of colleagues working together to drive your business - this should feel more like an intense meeting and less like an over-planned workshop. #2. I'm going to reference a number of past episodes today that fill in some of the gaps of the content I'm covering. Week 14 and its been 90 days since your team set the strategic plan. This lets everyone else know to expect delays getting replies and plan accordingly. However, its important to only focus on a few high-importance issues at a timedont lose valuable time talking about less important problems, or think that youll be able to discuss and solve everything in just one meeting. The three meetings operate at different levels of detail and scope. The main focus for these meetings, however, is problem solving. If it is important enough for you to be in the room, you're expected to contribute and participate, not just listen. These conversations put you eyeball to eyeball with another human, and you're not always going to see things the same way as each other. Those who do participate make sure theyve read the report in advance and come prepared, each spending up to an hour getting ready for the meeting. The Leadership Meeting Cadence Episode #111 transcript. During this meeting, the direct report shares specific information about the projects they're working on, and managers provide feedback, insights, and guidance. It was a very standardised format and template that we used, but this is where we found out what the performance of the business was truly like.- What did you say you were going to do?- What did you actually do?- And what are you going to do? When we talk about one-on-one communication, this episode talks about overcoming the psychological barriers that are going to prevent you from giving feedback. Elise Keith Running these meetings will change how you work together, how you feel about your work and how you feel about each other. These are meetings where you're talking about group results and performance, and of course, if you've got any individual work to do, that's done in private. Yet, you only get those benefits if you make the most of peer 1 on 1s. Quarterly at a minimum. The frequency of operational meetings drives the organizations work momentum. So in other words, you can have 15 people in a room saying that something is a good idea, number 16, who might be a thought leader says, I don't agree with that. Explore other podcast episodes - Here While there is some discussion of status and progress, this agenda keeps all that short. In our research, we came across two most common cadences: Once a week - 38% of managers Once every two weeks - 45% of managers A few other managers also opted for monthly or quarterly 1 on 1 meetings. For me, that assessment might have involved a measurement of how all the new investments the company undertook performed against the internal rate of return hurdles that the board had established. But it absolutely doesn't mean that you shouldn't seek people's opinion. Its always worth asking, do we own the process or does the process own us?". Start and end on time Respect your team's time by keeping the meeting on schedule. 3) Uncover ideas to work better together. One person scribbles an agenda in a notebook, another takes notes in Google Docs, another shows up totally unprepared because they didn't realize they needed to review something in advance. Executive Weekly Team Meeting. Hive Notes is a free extension of Hive that lets you create agendas, share them with participants, and collaborate on them in real-time during the meeting. What it is today may be completely different tomorrow. When run well, a Quarterly Strategic Refresh meeting: This is an outline only. One-on-one meetings will determine the level of performance you get from your people. Be the first to contribute! If you're spending a lot of your time in meetings, you want to make them count!In this episode we talk about how to bring together all aspects of the individual AND group meetings that drive your execution tempo, as I let you in on my proven leadership meeting cadence.This is an incredibly detailed episode, so we've created a free PDF guide . 90 daysor one quarteris long enough that teams can see results (or lack thereof). And so over a period of time, you change the culture of the organisation from being one where, okay, the results were the results, and we shrug our shoulders and move on, to one where we go after performance, we go after value creation and we're fanatical about it. #2. Two words are emphasized in this definition. The Daily Huddle is a short meeting designed to keep teams in synch and kick the day into gear. At the end of the Monthly Strategic meeting, the team has a decision and a set of new action items to add to the list theyll review during next Mondays Weekly Leadership meeting. If you have the time, add more to the agenda. What is the meeting's purpose? Aug 18, 2017 Document and follow up with action items. However, none of this will be possible if the leaders in your organization never talk to each other or are forced to sit through poorly-prepared and poorly-conducted leadership meetings . When I asked the CEO why he was willing to invest in this type of cadence he said, its really pretty simple, we are a growing company with many moving parts and it is absolutely critical that all of our leaders speak a similar language, learn from each other and recognize that we are all held accountable to reinforce the culture and drive performance.. This helps you take a step back from the day-to-day operations and eliminate distractionsplus can be used as a leadership team building exercise. Theyre also way more fun than the traditional soul-sucking staff meeting. Setting a meeting cadence for projects is a practice that allows a project manager to create a routine, and get their team in the habit of meeting regularly to move a project along. The Annual meeting establishes the high-level strategy for the coming year. In this episode we talk about how to bring together all aspects of the individual AND group meetings that drive your execution tempo, as I let you in onmy proven leadership meeting cadence. This defacto power of veto will kill your decision making processes. You'll want to develop your own Meeting Flow Model that connects all the dots. Eliminate all the wasted time spent on rambling discussions, juggling documents, mucking through email, and chasing commitments down afterwards. Daily Meetings There are two types of daily cadences: Daily check-ins during office hours and daily stand-up. Set a date to review the decision outcome. For example, during a crisis a leadership team is likely to adjust its cadence to meet and communicate more regularly so that increased visibility is given to those actions that will help the organization recover from the crisis. Not everyone on the leadership team needs to attend the Monthly Strategic meeting. If we dont think we can deliver long-term results, we wont work with you. Take breaks every 90 minutes or so. You should have an open door policy and make sure that people are aware of what's going on and can always tap into you. #57: Challenge, Coach, Confront - Listen Here Ep. After all, you know what they say? When assembled, the group starts an informal go around. Download the free guide: How to Get Your Leadership Cadence Right, Episode #6: The Psychology of Feedback - Listen Now, Episode #96: Performance Reviews - Listen Now, Episode #57: Challenge, Coach and Confront - Listen Now, Take our FREE Level Up Leadership Masterclass - Start now, Subscribe to the No Bullsh!t Leadership podcast, Share your favourite episodes with your leadership network, Tag us in your next post and use the hashtag #nobsleadership. Given everything youve learned about each other, the organization, and the work at hand, what needs adjustment? I see a common misunderstanding that Kanban Cadences, proposed . These meetings were enormously beneficial for the executive team who is steering the organisation. Yearly meetings are best reserved for performance reviews and larger all hands meetings. There are many types of business meetings: team meetings, 1:1 meetings between managers and their direct reports, distributed meetings, client meetings, stakeholder meetings, and leadership meetings, just to name a few. For example, a year-end staff meeting or new year staff meeting will occur only once per year. and their plans for the next quarter to the executive team (CEO, President, CFO). I used to be able to walk around the floor and just pop into someone's office, close the door and say, "Hey, let's have a chat for five minutes." Plan for both. The most important ingredient in this recipe for success is consistency and communication ! Select Accept to consent or Reject to decline non-essential cookies for this use. Learn more in our Cookie Policy. With the Daily Huddles, youve learned the day-to-day rhythm of how work flows through the organization. Additionally, there should be clear action items outlined and assigned to each person based on the results of the discussion. Pinterest. As always, comments, questions, and corrections are very welcome. Heres one way you might plan out this cadence for a quarter. For example, the CFO may be focused on finances while the HR Director is likely more concerned with how budget changes would affect their staff. Basically getting a window into their capability and performance, massively, massively valuable for me as the leader. Better yet, well understand and create a plan. It's not a democracy. The process follows best practices for problem solving and decision making with a group. An all-hands meeting is a company-wide meeting where all employees, and others vested within the business, meet with the leadership team. High-priority tasks get buried in the meeting notes. People have to have a high level of trust for the accountable person, so they're not hesitant to profit their opinions, judgement , and experience. You can break this meeting into two separate sessions, or schedule an off-site planning day. #61: Learning to Say No - Listen Here Ep. Hold operational meetings frequently. Each leader within an organization will have different priorities based on their specific job role or department. Mar 31, 2018 - Guidelines for scheduling the regular meetings for leadership teams, project teams, one-on-ones, and more. Others are harder, so they get put on the list for the monthly strategic meeting. There are always issues, and this meeting is about finding them while theyre still small. Sometimes, the purpose is simply to gather information. Its also long enough that its become hard for everyone to keep the spirit of the original strategy fresh in their minds. Your weekly leadership meeting is one of your company's most important meetings. Weekly meetings: to check in on the weekly progress. Leadership team cadence is like the drum beat that helps a leadership team march in rhythm and alignment. To calibrate and pressure test information from different sources. It can be easy for attention to get diverted, so set a clear leadership meeting agenda and send it to each attendee so they can come to the meeting prepared. An example might look as follows: annual 2-3 day meetings to set targets; quarterly 1-day meetings to review results and adjust strategy, monthly 2-3 hour meetings to monitor and correct deviations, and weekly 1-hour meetings to track and monitor execution. Company updates (from both sides, as relevant) Review any recent tickets and feedback for you/your team. It is a time to imagine bright futures and think big thoughts, then wrestle these visions into a form that can be translated into action. Whats going on in the outside world that means your plans need to change? Maybe some departments are crushing it and others always seem to be struggling. A typical chairsides session involves meeting with the client leadership first to understand their vision for the team, what success looks like, and how they measure success (team and individual). The facilitators guide also includes tips for adapting each meeting and links to other good examples. It also helps everyone stay more focused in the meeting, giving them a chance to check in on the day-to-day activity. Leadership Teams: Meetings are held once a month. When you're trying to keep track of action items, agendas, and decisions, it's helpful to keep everything in one place so you can reference the information you need. This process is designed to tackle a single strategic challenge. Instead, much more time goes directly into problem solving. Leadership team meetings are a time for company leaders to discuss strategy and make key decisions about the past and future of the business. Everyone came prepared, the agenda was clear, and the environment, while challenging, was supported by good humor and celebration. Top content on Cadence, Leadership and Meeting as selected by the Project Management Update community. You're looking for the what and the how, and you need to communicate that in a way that's tangible, practical and clear. Don't set up a meeting without having any cogent issue to discuss. The team needs good information to make good decisions, which means someone has to do the research first. A good decision from an accountable person goes something like this:"Thank you everyone for your input. How do you liberate your people in a way that allows them to contribute, without turning the process into an all care, no responsibility, shit show? The leadership team's job is to make decisions that keep reality aligned with the strategy, and the strategy relevant to the day-to-day reality. After all, meetings are much maligned and many leaders see them just as a necessary evil, where time is wasted and value disintegrates before their very eyes. Episode #111 // If you took a poll of 100 leaders, you'd be hard-pressed to find one who'd say that they'd like more meetings in their lives, especially these days where 'Zoom fatigue' has become a fa. The goal is to review what happened last week, discuss any challenges that the organization may be facing, and start planning for the next week. What still needs doing? We are building on the work of the many others who have gone before. This means having leaders that are aligned on company goals who are able to work together towards achieving them, creating the recipe for a successful company . If you're spending a lot of your time in meetings, you want to make them . Lets align your goals and visions with your unique cadence. Conducting meetings to gather different viewpoints and inputs for key decisions is incredibly important. Determine cascading messages: who needs to know what? I would bring my executive team together at least once a week to discuss performance. These would all come with a formal agenda, pre-meeting briefing notes, and it was the forum for robust discussions. Episode #111 // If you took a poll of 100 leaders, you'd be hard-pressed to find one who'd say that they'd like more meetings in their lives, especially these days where 'Zoom fatigue' has become a factor.However, meetings can be a powerful construct for setting standards, making decisions, and lifting performance. There are always strategic challenges! Thats relative, and because it varies so dramatically from group to group, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to strategic planning. I also chaired the market risk committee and this spoke to our licence to operate. A lot of meetings are held to discuss issues. 1) Build more cohesive, collaborative cross-functional teams. It's a very practical topic, so we have a downloadable, which you can get for free here. They say you can never be too prepared. The quarterly meeting can be a good time for the leadership team to evaluate key personnel, for example. The Leadership Meeting Cadence: Bringing the concepts to life (Podcast Episode 2020) Quotes on IMDb: Memorable quotes and exchanges from movies, TV series and more. Most groups dedicate at least one to two days for strategic planning every year. If you surveyed a room full of leaders, you'd struggle to find a single one who'd say they needed more meetings in their lives. This is an incredibly detailed episode, so we created a helpful (completely free) PDF resource to consolidate this weeks key takeaways. What constitutes big or strategic? Use it every day, once a week, or once a month. Ready to learn more? Everyone feels as though they have a right to have their opinion heard regardless of how relevant it is. Accountability isn't just a problem in your business. Our solutions provide permanent changes for your people and the organization. It's with you for your whole life. You've got to make it fit for purpose. Where the annual planning meeting asks everyone to think big picture and long term, the Quarterly meetingrequires that teams face their truths. Now I said in Episode 96, that every one of my direct reports had a performance meeting based on this standard once per month. Simply carving out time to talk about strategy periodically will help keep it top-of-mind. To view or add a comment, sign in, I love the last paragraphespecially 'it is absolutely critical to do the simple things the right way'. You want somewhere between two and four measurables here, and they've got to be big ticket items. Just recently I had the benefit of sitting in on a day and a half leadership team meeting of a rapidly growing regional commercial landscaping company. Youve been deeply involved in all the small, important work of execution. What gets measured gets done. It gave them some exposure to me and the executive team, the broader team, but it also gave us a look at who was doing what and helped us with our assessment of talent. At Relationship Impact we define leadership team cadence as the necessary pattern of interactions (meetings, one-on-ones, written communications) that enable a leadership team to shape,. We have to master the art of both written and oral communication. While there is no 'right answer' for finding the best team meeting cadence, we have, however, put together a best . When we don't meet our performance standards, that we've set, we want to know why, and we want to know why in some detail, and we want to hold people to account for that. We get that. Set a clear agenda. Get the right people in the room to give their views, but don't let it slow you down or dilute the decision maker's accountability. Does all that look like too much? I also got the opportunity to see up close and personal what their capability was like, how they focused on problems, and what they did to process and solve them. You have to master the art of getting your point across clearly, and with a level of engagement and, often forgotten in the communication process, is the art of listening. Before we schedule a meeting, we like to ask the following questions. There are 5 meetings in the series. This cadence increases transparency and accountability. NOVEMBER 16, 2020. We held those once a quarter, as it might suggest, where we get the executives to bring their leadership teams in, so two levels below me, to talk about the performance of their part of the business for the quarter. First, the team has to determine the meeting schedule that reflects their specific environment. Keep an eye out for any of these signs of unproductive meetings: The goal of the meeting is unclear. You can update your choices at any time in your settings. You canpick and choose the ones you need, orrun all of the meetings in this series: Stable groups might prefer Paul Axtells Quick Strategic Refresh. Project Risk Coach. Well work with you to design a strategy that delivers guaranteed results. Some small companies gather the whole team from all positions and discuss the day ahead; some divide the leadership into one-on-one and team meetings. Leadership Team Cadence invests in technology innovation and achieves operational excellence, under the guidance and leadership of some of the brightest minds and most experienced executives Executive Leadership Anirudh Devgan, PhD President and Chief Executive Officer View Bio Tom Beckley No big emergencies, but youve got a feel for the pulse and a sense for where you need to make adjustments in how the organization operates. Conversation. These meetings have the potential for conflict, discomfort and heightened emotions. Define an action plan, which includes who will be carrying out each initiative, who is responsible for tracking progress towards each goals, and timelines, Review key decisions that were made to ensure everyone is on the same page, Identify what will be shared with the rest of the organization and how that messaging will be delivered, Close the meeting by asking if anyone has any final thoughts, and thanking everyone for their time, Automate scheduling and following up on meetings, Run more effective and engaging team meetings, Store info about what you need to cover in a leadership meeting agenda. Perhaps more importantly, these meetings keep the leadership team connected to the overall direction the organization is trying to move in. Actually, just under 10%; 4.9% spent in operational meetings (26.5 hours) and 5% in strategy sessions (27 hours) over the course of 13 weeks and 2 days (536 hours). Held every day except Monday, when the team already spends 90 minutes together. At these meetings you want to work on personal development and this gives you the opportunity to focus on each person's competency for their leadership level in your church's pipeline. If you lose $1mill or $5mill or $10mill, in five years time, you won't even remember how much it was, but if you see someone who's severely injured or killed on your watch, you will never forget that. A major initiative, relationship issues they were having with their peers, how to influence one of the directors on the board, one of their staff that perhaps wasn't performing up to scratch, they could put anything on that agenda that they liked, and I was basically in mentor mode. Both meetings also devote some time to building inter-team relationships, which helps the leadership group work well together. More specifically, leadership team cadence is the necessary pattern of interactions (meetings, one-on-ones, written communications) that enable a leadership team to shape, monitor and adapt an organization's strategic intent.. Two words are emphasized in this definition. Here are five top tips for running an effective leadership meeting: Here are five management meeting topics and ideas that you may want to implement in your next leadership team meeting: Here are a few leadership meeting agenda examples for various kinds of meetings. Now that you know the importance of effective leadership meetings, how can you utilize them in your own organization? But remember, never create a need for unanimity, you're not looking for a cent and never allow the power of veto to rear its ugly head. This is where you challenge, coach, and confront your people. I'll finish on some tips for using meetings to improve your decision making capability. So like those who report directly into you having a meeting with those, these are all those people who report to you to come together as a team in a meeting led by, you usually take about an hour and are . 1. Elise Keith First, we look way back to the start of the No Bullsh!t Leadership journey in 2018 to Episode 6, which was The Psychology of Feedback. Set a timer and stop when 10% of the time remains. In our case, we run strategic planning sessions as a set of short two-hour workshops. If you want to tackle more than one topic, you will need to repeat steps 2 through 5 for each. Some people even go so far as to put power of veto in place. If we talk about the big strategic challenges the same way we approach our day-to-day tasks, we waste unnecessary time on the small items and give the big ones short shrift. Strategy drives the operational reality, and a grounding in reality keeps the strategy relevant. Always have an agenda Just like the preceding meetings, ensure to always have an agenda for the recurrent ones. The behavioural componentIs the leader performing in accordance with the company values? OKR Examples The meeting could effectively take place asynchronously. Leadership Team Meetings Should Include: An enterprise view of the company, delivered by the CEO Goals & progress updates from department leaders Roadblocks & debate on key questions between attendees Expect resistance. They provide an effective foundation for teams that dont have an established meeting practice, and inspiration for teams who need to try something new. These were pretty serious sessions. These can be helpful because all employees get pertinent information at the same time. They have to always focus on the things that drive the greatest value for the organisation, not the minutiae. . This is an incredibly detailed episode, so we've created a free PDF guide 'Practical Execution Tips: How to Get Your Meeting Cadence Right' which you can . The first 5 agenda items reconnect the team with each other, their commitments, and the previously stated goals. Some information just doesn't fit in a memo or company-wide email. This post covers the core meetings that drive effective business management. Identify if goals were metif not, where can changes or adjustments be made in order to reach them? The Monthly + Anytime Decision Making Meeting. Instead of having your team sit as each person runs through their weekly update, create an agenda document that can easily take the place of your status meetings. These are generally annual targets for key deliverables, that create value over and above the day job. Having a plan in place before going into a meeting will ensure you stay on track when discussing what needs to get accomplished. in It can be very hard to get time on their calendar on short notice. I found that putting the emphasis on safety was the most important thing I could possibly do, and I chaired that central safety committee meeting. It's going to be very different for you if you're running a micro startup business, but the object of the exercise is to take the concepts here and adapt them for your environment. 2. Were here to bring you the management meeting topics, tips, and tricks your leadership team needs to achieve success ! Challenge dug into their key performance metrics, and because it should be diligent. Pay people to understand all the moving parts stay coordinated and problems can be counter-productive to team performance discussions. 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