icon icon 801-213-3730 Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity. icon icon iconREBECCA WILSON, Director of Graduate Studies icon Ranked in the top 200 universities in the world (THE World Rankings 2023), we offer a wide range of postgraduate programmes. TERRI ELDER-HALE icon Those with a bachelors degree may find work as assistants or fieldworkers. 352-442-5030 One cognate course from the following list: (Note: This list, which is put together by the Biology Curriculum Committee, includes courses offered by non-natural science units that treat biology or natural science generally in the humanistic or social context. SAUWANEE BAHN for Evolutionary Anthropology iconEDUARD GAPPMAIER, Contact JOSUE MARTINEZ KYLA WELCH CATHY BROWN icon Bldg: ARCH | Rm: 235, Contact Bldg: 421 WA | Rm: 140, Director of Graduate Studies Master icon iconRYAN STEELE, Contact icon AMARILYS SCOTT Questions about content and appropriateness of course elections should be directed to individual instructors or advisors. icon Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology: BIOLOGY 230*(4) Introduction to Plant Biology, BIOLOGY 252*(4) Vertebrate Evolution and Diversity, BIOLOGY 256 (4) Animals Functioning in Environments, BIOLOGY 381* (5) General Ecology (SU at U-M Biological Station). WENDY MCKENNEY icon 801-587-1226 Connecting you to all graduate degrees at the University of Utah, including contact TIFFANY VICKERS icon 801-581-8162 icon Bldg: SMBB | Rm: 3223, Director of Graduate Studies icon icon iconELIZABETH CLEMENT, Contact Bldg: SK H, Director of Graduate Studies chosen in consultation with a major advisor. CAMI SHERIDAN iconROBERT FORBIS, Contact 801-587-8333, Contact icon icon Test credits may not be used to meet the requirements of a major. 3 credits), BIOLOGY 200**, BIOLOGY 299; CHEM 230 and above; EEB/MCDB 300**, 399, 400**; MATH 200-level or above*; MICRBIOL 440, 460; MCDB 397, 494, or 499; PHYSICS 200-level or above*; or STATS 206*. MARK FEHLBERG 801-581-7475 Ranked 4th in the UK - and 2nd in Scotland - for overall student satisfaction in the National Student Survey (NSS) 2022. ELIZABETH SOUTHWELL Prepare for careers in the areas of human health and welfare, including medical, dental and public health with a combined major/minor that provides a strong background in human biology and population studies. HOLLY MORENO MORENO If you're interested in studying with us, speak to University of Aberdeen staff and current students at our virtual events and meetings. iconSIVARAMAN GURUSWAMY, Contact 801-587-0528 Human Biology Degree Human Biology An asterisk (*) indicates a laboratory course or a lecture course with a laboratory component. Examples of broad ideas include. Bldg: WBB | Rm: 819, Director of Graduate Studies They may also not elect a minor in Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Plant Biology; Chemistry; or Biochemistry. icon icon Explore our online degrees and short courses. They may also not elect a minor in Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Plant Biology; Chemistry; or Biochemistry. The Bachelor of Science in Human Biology degree will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of biological anthropology and concepts in public health. icon iconBENJAMIN SLADE, Contact Exclusions:Students who elect a major in General Biology may not elect the following majors: Biology; Cell and Molecular Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Microbiology; Plant Biology; Biochemistry; or Neuroscience. Doctor of Philosophy Director of Graduate Studies icon KENT GOLIC. 801-581-5577 BIOLOGY 195 (AP/IB) & BIOLOGY 173; or, C. BIOLOGY 191 (transfer credit), BIOLOGY 192, & BIOLOGY 173, Choose three courses from the following options:[Note: Any course used to fulfill this requirement cannot also be used as a major elective; i.e., a course cannot "double-count. Bldg: CTIHB | Rm: 210, Director of Graduate Studies icon Made to fit around full-time work. Bldg: BEH S | Rm: 1201, Director of Graduate Studies icon icon MARILYNN HOWARD LESLIE WALLWORK Bldg: ARCH | Rm: 235, Director of Graduate Studies icon Undergraduate Programs - NIU - Academics 801-581-8255 Bldg: BPRB | Rm: 320, Director of Graduate Studies Develops an awareness of the variation in human experience in such areas as nutrition, disease, biological adaptation, and biological structure. Masters degree programs usually take 2 years to complete and include field or laboratory research. Bldg: JWB | Rm: 233, Contact icon iconHASSE BORUP, Contact Undergraduate Majors Graduate Programs Colleges & Schools Academic Resources Health Sciences Class Registration Libraries International Engagement. icon Degree Type Est Program Length Location; Back to top . facebook icon SEAN CARTER University Information Security and Privacy. icon iconTHOMAS MALONEY, Contact Bldg: MCD | Rm: 124, Director of Graduate Studies icon ASHLEY CADIZ 801-631-4773 MIRELA RANKOVIC 4th in the UK for student satisfaction. ), Mathematics/Computer Science/Information Technology, Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (Cert. icon icon icon icon Biology, Health, and Society Up to 12 academic credits, billed at the undergraduate rate, will count towards both degrees so youll complete your combined program in only 5 years and spend less than you would if you completed each program separately. SARA WILSON 801-585-6291 icon icon ANDREA MOSS PAMELA MITCHELL iconNIKKI LINK, Contact 801-581-7131 Bldg: CNB | Rm: 2200, Director of Graduate Studies Grade Policies Total Credits and GPA Requirement for Biology, Health, & Society: Minimum 24 cr. Bldg: CTIHB | Rm: 402C, Chinese | French | German | Japanese | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish, Comparative Literature | French | German | Spanish, Comparative Literature | German | Spanish, Director of Graduate Studies iconSTEPHEN BANNISTER, Contact 801-587-5835 icon icon icon iconJASON CASTILLO, Contact in Major. SHANNON NIELSEN Additional Courses:Choose additional courses, if needed, to reach 24 major credit hours from: No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. 801-581-4729 Discover how LSA is meeting the moment by tackling the worlds most daunting problems, reinvigorating liberal arts education and research, and making it more equitable and relevant than ever. degrees Top 20 UK University. As you work toward your online anthropology degree, youll also encounter the four main subfields of anthropology: Archaeology. If youre interested in attending a health professional school, our Pre-Health advisors specialize in helping you to prepare and apply. ERIC BROWN icon Bldg: GC | Rm: 3050, Director of Graduate Studies Explore the human being from biological, behavioral, social and cultural perspectives in the bachelors in human biology program at the University at Albany. Vincennes logo . icon icon Core courses and concentrations stress the application of anthropological theory and methods to real-world problems through hands-on assignments, ethnographic case studies, data collection and the acquisition of skills in a specialty area. 801-587-1223 SHARON BENAVIDES icon 801-213-3717 iconJACKIE MORRISON, Contact iconDIANA WILKINS, Contact 801-587-8442 801-585-7834 The introductory biology sequence must be taken for a grade. 801-585-2555 Bldg: JWB, Director of Graduate Studies icon icon icon METZ, Contact icon Students are advised by a combination of Undergraduate Biology Office staff and faculty department advisors. This list, which is put together by the Biology Curriculum Committee, includes courses offered by non-natural science units that treat biology or natural science generally in the humanistic or social context. icon We understand and nurture our environment, take care of our people and look after our resources. BIOLOGY 252*(4) Chordate Anatomy/Phylogeny. 801-581-4449 icon iconADRIAN BELL, Director of Graduate Studies 801-581-5127 icon icon General Biology has many of the same aims as Biology, but it is not recommended for students who wish to pursue graduate work in biology. icon icon icon Careers might include teaching, research, marketing, community service or nonprofit management. STEPHANIE GEISLER The achievement is noted on the diploma and official transcript. 801-581-6678 Bldg: ST | Rm: 102, Director of Graduate Studies grad-advisors@cs.utah.edu 801-585-0555, Director of Graduate Studies Anthropology MA. iconMARK FEHLBERG, Contact icon icon icon icon icon icon Bldg: CNB | Rm: 2220, Director of Graduate Studies Exclusions:Students who elect a major in General Biology may not elect the following majors: Biology; Cell and Molecular Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Microbiology; Plant Biology; Biochemistry; Biomolecular Science; or Neuroscience. Bldg: GC | Rm: 4625, Director of Graduate Studies icon Bldg: ART | Rm: 161, Director of Graduate Studies Bldg: ART | Rm: 270, Director of Graduate Studies WHITNEY REID Additional Courses:Choose additional courses to reach 24 major credit hours from: A. iconLOUISA HEINY, Contact iconIRENE YOON, Contact Our university is open to all. icon ALEX FRANCIS-RIGGAN 801-581-3929 Bldg: EEJMRB | Rm: 1100, Director of Graduate Studies icon GSAS offers master of arts (AM), master of science (SM), and master of engineering (ME) degrees in a select number of programs. 801-585-1848 iconJOE ALLEN, Contact Students need not have completed all of the major prerequisites to declare, but should have completed the introductory biology sequence with a 2.0 GPA or better and be in good academic standing. icon Anthropology Degree University of Aberdeen iconERIC HANDMAN, Contact 801-585-0885 JOSUE MARTINEZ 801-581-6864 iconGANESH GOPALAKRISHNAN, Contact iconSIMON BREWER, Contact icon SANDIE CROOK Gains knowledge of biological and social aspects of health and disease. 801-581-3653 Entry year: 2023; Level: Undergraduate; icon icon JOHN BOLKE icon We encourage you to review these pages then contact the program and iconSTEVE STUBBEN, Contact Human Services: Community Service and Social Welfare (A.A.) Student Personnel Services; Teacher Education Transfer Program (Liberal Arts & Science) Liberal Arts & Science: Adolescence Education (Teacher Education Transfer) (A.A.) icon World-leading soil science research and education has been recognised with the Queens Anniversary Prize - the highest Honour that can be awarded to UK universities and colleges. 801-581-4941 801-581-6101 icon Ordinarily, students may receive only one masters degree from GSAS. 801-587-7896 icon 801-587-1223 iconRICHARD PAINE, Contact COURTNEY PHILLIPS Learn what it means to be a Wolverine and dig in to what the liberal arts are all about. It is not necessary to complete every prerequisite before declaring a major. icon icon 801-581-4820 PAMELA HOFMANN icon GABRIELLA BLANCHARD iconMARK METZSTEIN, Contact The Program in Biology administers an Honors Program to train students to conduct independent research in the biological sciences. icon ), Liberal Arts & Sciences: Mathematics (A.S.), Electrical Engineering Technology (A.A.S. Students who elect a major in General Biology may not elect the following majors: Biology; Cellular and Molecular Biology; CMB:BME; Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Microbiology; Plant Biology; Biochemistry; Biomolecular Science; or Neuroscience. icon 801-581-6841 We respectfully acknowledge the University of Arizona is on the land and territories of Indigenous peoples. (A.A.S. icon To change, update, or add information in this directory, please complete the Changes ), Administrative Business Technology-Medical (Cert. icon SHAWNA WEBSTER Degree iconTIMOTHY ADEKUNLE, Contact 801-581-8162 KACEY CAMPBELL Become a global citizen: international experience is crucial to success in business, education, research, and public policy. KAITLIN LINDSEY Anthropology Degree iconELENA ENIOUTINA, Biostatistics | Clinical and Translational Epidemiology | Health Systems Research, Director of Graduate Studies 801-581-5218, Contact CLAIRE FORRESTER ASHLEY JOHNSON These are not science courses, but courses that treat science or scientific issues from a historical, cultural, ethical, or political perspective. Bldg: SAEC | Rm: 3280, Director of Graduate Studies When you print this page, you are actually printing everything within the tabs on the page you are on: this may include all the Related Courses and Faculty, in addition to the Requirements or Overview. icon 801-585-6972 Bldg: CME | Rm: 304, Director of Graduate Studies Learning objectives that UAlbany students are expected to attain through their course of study within their academic program. Bldg: GARFF | Rm: 4400, Contact icon Bldg: SFEBB, Director of Graduate Studies The University of Arizona | Tucson, Arizona 85721 | 5206212211. Liberal Arts & Science - Humanities & Social Science (A.A.), Liberal Arts & Science - Math & Science (A.S.), Administrative Business Technology/Health Information Technology, Administrative Business Technology-Admin Support (A.A.S. icon Bldg: BU C | Rm: 4100, Contact icon LAURIE BRAGG icon icon We are a Scottish university that was founded with international connections. icon icon 801-581-3026 Students should enroll in these courses as early as possible. Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, Bioengineering and Business Administration, Bioengineering/Materials Science and Engineering Joint Major, Chemical Engineering / Materials Science & Engineering Joint Major, Chemical Engineering / Nuclear Engineering Joint Major, Civil Engineering and Business Administration, EECS / Materials Science & Engineering Joint Major, East European/Eurasian Languages and/or Cultures, Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (EECS), Environmental Design & Urbanism in Developing Countries, Geospatial Information Science and Technology, Hispanic Languages, Linguistics, and Bilingualism, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research & Business Administration, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Studies, Life Sciences, Business, and Entrepreneurship, Materials Science & Engineering / Mechanical Engineering Joint Major, Materials Science & Engineering / Nuclear Engineering Joint Major, Materials Science & Engineering and Business Administration, Mechanical Engineering & Business Administration, Mechanical Engineering / Nuclear Engineering, Nutritional Sciences: Physiology & Metabolism, Portuguese Language, Literatures, & Cultures, Social & Cultural Factors in Environmental Design, Spanish Languages, Literatures, & Cultures, Teaching English to Multilingual Students, Berkeley Berkeley Academic Guide: Academic Guide 2022-23. BIOLOGY 171, 172 or 174, & 173; or, B. Office staff are also prepared to answer questions about various aspects of the program. Put simply, polymorphism is when there are two or more iconJOHN MCLENNAN, Contact iconCARSTEN ROTT, Director of Graduate Studies 801-581-6678 LARI FRANDSEN iconALEXANDER LEX, Contact For more information, including the Honors Program application, consult the Program in Biology Honors Information page. (See Course Listings I-II for the available courses in each group.) 801-581-8559 The minor in Biological Anthropology provides students with a basic understanding of how evolutionary principles can be applied to answer the question of why humans are the way we are. 801-581-4407 Bldg: SAEC | Rm: 3220, Instructional Design and Educational Technology | School Psychology, Director of Graduate Studies iconCARLOS SANTANA, Contact Minimum 2.0 GPA in Major. icon icon 812-888-VUVU 800-742-9198 . Case Management (Cert.) icon For more information, consult the Program in Biology Honors Program Information page or a Program in Biology advisor. MARCIE LEEK the process of working with other students and presenting our research was confidence boosting.-ali tipton icon Advising topics include investigating majors, declaring a major, course planning, research and honors, major releases, graduate school and career advice. These are not science courses, but courses that treat science or scientific issues from a historical, cultural, ethical, or political perspective), BIOLOGY 241 (effective Winter 2016, retroactive to Fall 2008), ENVIRON 256 / ANTHRCUL 256 Culture, Adaptation, and Environment, ENVIRON 270 Our Common Future: Ecology, Economics, and Ethics of Sustainable Development, RCNSCI 270 New Biotechnology: Scientific, Social, and Historical Perspectives, RCSSCI 275 / HISTORY 285 Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society, WOMENSTD 220 Perspectives in Womens Health. This is an annual opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate exceptional staff contributions to the success of the College . 801-587-6156 JASON NEWNUM Bldg: WBB | Rm: 412, Director of Graduate Studies Bldg: UUSODG, Director of Graduate Studies Bldg: GARFF | Rm: 2350, Director of Graduate Studies icon icon 801-585-3047 The online anthropology degree has a strong foundation in archaeology, ethics and conservation. iconJESSEN KELLY, Contact icon Develops a knowledge of the principles of human evolution , adaptation, and population biology. Anthropologists and archeologists typically qualify for positions with a masters degree in anthropology or archeology. icon Note: Students taking BIOLOGY 281 also are encouraged to take EEB 372* - General Ecology Lab (3 credits). 801-581-8625 icon information, program handbooks and more. LAURA OLSEN An academic discipline or field of study is a branch of knowledge, taught and researched as part of higher education.A scholar's discipline is commonly defined by the university faculties and learned societies to which they belong and the academic journals in which they publish research.. 801-585-5979 801-581-5636 To make an appointment, go to the Program in Biology website at www.lsa.umich.edu/biology. Copyright 2022-23, UC Regents; all rights reserved. Disciplines vary between well-established ones that exist in almost all universities and have iconRAMESH GOEL, Contact 801-581-3939, Director of Graduate Studies icon icon icon icon Most undergraduate degrees require completing a minor and it has to have a different title from your major. iconPOLLIE PRICE, Contact PATRICIA BEEKHUIZEN Admissions Overview First-Year Transfer Graduate International Online Returning Non-Degree Seeking Counselors Professional Education & Certification. 801-587-1606, Director of Graduate Studies icon 801-585-9510 Bldg: MEK | Rm: 1568, Director of Graduate Studies PAULA MEEK Information regarding eligibility, nomination, selection, notification, and winners can be found here. icon Bldg: BEH S | Rm: 1201, Director of Graduate Studies NATE ZWART Anthropology Degree Anthropologists investigate human evolution, culture, social behavior, biology, language and art, to name a few. ), Critical Reading and Academic Advancement, History, Political Science, Geography, and Latin American Studies, Food Service Administration, Restaurant Management (A.A.S. Prepare for careers in the areas of human health and icon In biology, polymorphism is the occurrence of two or more clearly different morphs or forms, also referred to as alternative phenotypes, in the population of a species. icon WANDA BROWN Majors and minors are facilitated by over 75 academic units and programs that span 41 departments. It is an appropriate preprofessional major. Bldg: SAEC | Rm: 2280, Director of Graduate Studies Bldg: AEB | Rm: 228, Director of Graduate Studies iconMICHAEL HOEPFNER, Contact 801-581-6287 Bldg: CTIHB | Rm: 310, Director of Graduate Studies Evolutionary anthropology. We innovate in education and research by generating, sharing and applying new kinds of knowledge. iconDANIEL MALONE, Contact 801-581-7131 icon icon Build competency in a passion or strengthen your resume. 801-581-3759 If you see content that needs to be updated, please report a change. icon ELIZABETH SOUTHWELL 801-581-8224 Bldg: SW | Rm: 111. icon icon Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work. KIM SPRINGER 801-581-8677 icon icon Bldg: MCE | Rm: 2008, Contact ), Administrative Business Technology-Medical (A.A.S. iconJAMES CURRY, Contact icon icon icon ), Marketing, Retailing, Fashion Buying and Merchandise, Fashion Design and Interior iconSHEILA CROWELL, Contact icon Students pursuing a dual-degree program (MDDP) with School of Public Health and LSA may not elect a major in Biology, Health, & Society (BHS). icon LSA offers more than 85 majors, sub-majors, and other degree programs, as well as more than 100 minors. icon 801-581-8624 At the University of Aberdeen we offer a flexible and individual approach to your studies. 801-585-1621 801-587-7896 Live and take classes with other incoming freshmen who share your personal interests, passions or intended academic major. Bldg: HPR N, Director of Graduate Studies icon Majors and concentrations Bldg: SK H | Rm: 254, Contact Ancient Languages BA Faculty of Arts and Humanities | Hebrew and Jewish Studies This unique degree offers training in an unparalleled range of ancient languages and their associated history, culture and textual traditions. icon 801-581-6121 Total Credits and GPA Requirement for Biology, Health, & Society: GPA is calculated from all mandatory prerequisites, all courses used for major requirements (including cognates), and all courses in BIOLOGY, EEB, and MCDB. 801-585-1820, Contact Choose one from Group I andone from Group II: Required Courses:(Courses with an asterisk (*) may overlap with the lab requirement), Lab Courses for General Biology:(This requirement may OVERLAP with other major reqs. Explore More than 50 Graduate Programs | Graduate Division Students are advised by a combination of Undergraduate Biology Office staff and faculty department advisors. Bldg: DGH | Rm: 204, Director of Graduate Studies icon icon 801-581-6262 icon icon icon iconMEGAN WILLIAMS, Contact 801-585-7985, Director of Graduate Studies icon iconGILLIAN TUFTS, Contact 801-581-5581 Today, Arizona is home to 22 federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the Oodham and the Yaqui. BARBARA SAFFEL icon CARISSE WINEGAR icon iconDMITRO BEDROV, Contact Anthropologists and Archeologists iconDANNY WALL, Contact 801-581-8198 icon 801-581-8218, Director of Graduate Studies Bldg: MEB | Rm: 3290, Director of Graduate Studies Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology: BIOLOGY 205 (3) Developmental Biology, BIOLOGY 207*(4) Introductory Microbiology, BIOLOGY 230 (4) Introductory Plant Biology. Its a good idea to pick a field that you already have some familiarity with, so that you dont have to start your research completely from scratch. iconLAUREN BIRGENHEIER, Director of Graduate Studies icon icon iconDANIEL ADKINS, Contact Formal course registration is encouraged, but not required. Bldg: SAEC | Rm: 1240, Organ Performance | String Performance and Pedagogy, Director of Graduate Studies icon Nassau Community College 801-581-4764 Bldg: SK H | Rm: 105, Director of Graduate Studies icon If you just want to print information on specific tabs, you're better off downloading a PDF of the page, opening it, and then selecting the pages you really want to print. Research, scholarship, and creative activities at the University at Albany is an option for all students, across all academic disciplines. EMILY HARRIS youtube iconRICHARD FOWLES, Counseling Psychology | Reading and Literacy | School Psychology, Director of Graduate Studies Academic Programs | Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN LUISA ROGERS icon They may also not elect a minor in Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; or Plant Biology. iconMAUREEN MURTAUGH, Contact You will discover the intricacies of human organisms, evolution, structure and behavior through this interdisciplinary major that combines anthropology and biology. 801-585-0878 The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. icon In addition, some programs confer a masters degree en route to the PhD (also known as a continuing masters degree, or a master's in passing):. They may also not elect a minor in Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; or Plant Biology. icon Academics. icon Bldg: 375 CH | Rm: SUITE A, General Occupational and Environmental Health | Industrial Hygiene | Occupational injury Prevention, Director of Graduate Studies Bldg: ARCH | Rm: 332, Director of Graduate Studies icon ), Administrative Business Technology-Admin Support (Cert. MARIA NEWTON icon 801-587-7896, Ergonomics | Hazardous Substances | Industrial Hygiene | Occupational Injury Prevention Research Training | Occupational Medicine | Occupational Safety, Director of Graduate Studies icon iconMARIA NEWTON, Contact Courses and Curriculum. iconJ.RUBEN ROCHA, Director of Graduate Studies A minor consists of 1824 graduation credits which must include a minimum of 9 graduation credits of advanced coursework at or above the 300 level. icon An anthropology degree signifies the completion of a college program in which students study human evolution, biology, culture, behavior and societies from the past to the present. icon 801-581-6726 icon icon icon This is true despite the fact that many earlier Greek natural philosophers occasionally speculated on the origins of living things and much of the Hippocratic medical corpus, which was written before or during Aristotles lifetime, displays a serious interest in human anatomy, physiology and icon icon icon Bldg: MEB | Rm: 3190, Director of Graduate Studies CALCULUS I: MATH 115, 120 (AP), 175, 185, or 295; and, One course from: MATH 116, 121 (AP), 156, 176, 186, or 296; STATS 180 (AP), 206, BIOLOGY 200**, BIOLOGY 299; CHEM 230 and above; EEB/MCDB 300**, 399, 400**; MATH 200-level or above*; MICRBIOL 440, 460; MCDB 397, 494, or 499; PHYSICS 200-level or above*; or STATS 206, BIOLOGY 200**, BIOLOGY 299; CHEM 230 and above; EEB/MCDB 300**, 399, 400**; MATH 200-level or above*; MCDB 397, 494, or 499; PHYSICS 200-level or above*; or STATS 206, One course from: MATH 116, 121 (AP), 156, 176, 186, or 296; STATS 180, 206. 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