She hands her a bottle of champagne. Some time later, Bonnie manages to get Enzo to the Armory, who is still in agonizing pain. Bonnie was visibly stricken as she heard that she was going to die again. laugh (n.) 1680s, "action of laughing," from laugh (v.). You came back here for a reason. Kai later sends Jeremy and himself back to the Prison World, where he finds Bonnie continuing to drink the bourbon. He calls Liv to use her magic on Elena and Stefan, and Bonnie tries to stop her and then finds out Enzo is using Luke to threaten Liv. She then realizes Bonnie is worried about the other side and tells Stefan that Bonnie is in denial which Stefan too has noticed. About Our Coalition - Clean Air California Bonnie and touched by his passionate words and they kiss. WebCut your links, into MUCH shorter ones, Specialize them if you want to, Just one click to go..! Although every single member of her family has warned her about the consequences of some of the spells that she has performed, Bonnie's belief is that it is her duty to protect, save and help her friends at all costs. Bonnie and Caroline are down at the Mystic Grill and Caroline is still trying to get Bonnie to tell her why she's upset with Elena. Bonnie's father, Rudy Hopkins is Mystic Falls' new mayor and he makes it his priority to protect Bonnie and the town. Bonnie is shown saying goodbye to Jeremy, as she does not believe it is going to work. It is unknown if Bonnie's strong and powerful powers played any significant role in making this happen, or if it was just a matter of lucky timing (it was the night of the summer solstice, when ghosts were said to be prone to returning to Earth anyway). When Stefan and Elena return they find Damon alone and Bonnie fighting with Klaus. However in later seasons, she began to wear a more "unique" style, with floral, flared cardigans, dark jackets and matching accessories such as long necklaces and pendants with small earrings, which Bonnie is regularly seen wearing. He attempts to speak to her, though she's still not wanting to even look at him for killing Enzo; she tells him there is nothing he can say to make her feel better. Bonnie, and Silas (in the form of Shane). Enzo's spirit caresses her cheek, though Bonnie can no longer connect with him. Supernatural information Bonnie dismisses him by telling him a witch that can't do magic, though Enzo suggest that she's wrong, that his presences proves otherwise and magic is involved. When Bonnie learns of this Damon's deal, she is furious, berating his deal with the Armory as she doesn't trust them and what's in the vault. A laugh costs too much when bought at the expense of virtue. He explains that it's truly him, but he's not physically there with her. To Elena: "The summer of your life And I saw you happy. His final remarks begs her to 'give up the ghost' and give him Elena back, in which she calls him a monster. He explains further that he's been wondering what happened to Enzo's spirit at the moment of his death. In 162 Candles, Bonnie decides to pack up at her grandmother's and go home. However, after Bonnie brought him back to life he started seeing and talking to the ghost of his ex-girlfriend, much to Bonnie's displeasure. Bonnie is shocked next when he asks her to join him later at the Mystic Grill. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . She recounts the story he was telling her about The Odyssey. Initially, in the very beginning of the series, Bonnie comes off as kind-hearted and caring, but she is not seen to be very bright, scholarly and intelligent at all. Since Matt had to work, Bonnie steps in to be Caroline's partner. Bonnie tries to leave, but Abby drugs her and tries to contact some witches to wipe Bonnie's mind of the things Shane taught her when she suddenly wakes up and uses her powers on Abby. A screen-reader is software that is installed on the blind users computer and smartphone, and websites should ensure compatibility with it. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to "raising agent", 6 letters crossword clue. White lights begin poking through the dimension's walls and Damon walks up from behind her. Outside he embraces her and they share a deeply passionate kiss. If they were still on the Other Side, they'd at least still be able to see people. More popular! Regret or feel remorse awaiting the response. Bonnie agrees evening going so far to bring out her phone saying there was a place about an hour away. Christian Bale Recalls Having 'People Laugh at Me' When He Told Them About His Serious Batman People - Jen Juneau 1d "It's wonderful to be a part of a trilogy that proved those people wrong," said Christian Bale, who starred as Batman in the Dark Knight film series When it comes to his Batman portrayal, Christian Bale has the last laugh. Before Bonnie can get an answer, she enveloped in while light. Her maternal grandmother Sheila Bennett at one point tried to explain to Bonnie about her witch heritage, although Bonnie dismissed this because she thought that her grandmother was drunk. Jeremy heads off with Luca to show him the office while Bonnie looks on. I put this together for ANY person to take to see if they are spoiled or not. As she passes through Bonnie, she gives her a message,to give to Julian. Then Bonnie confesses that she just wanted to help Virginia, who then hugged her for her help. Caroline shows up and makes up with them all and afterwards she tells Bonnie about the wedding dress and Jo that her shoes are under the couch. Back in the prison world, Bonnie admits that she misses her friends then sets her Christmas tree on fire. In this case, EMDR would be used to. At first, she refuses but finding out that it will, in the end, protect Elena, Bonnie agrees. Stefan and Damon realize that Bonnie is their new secret weapon because neither Isobel nor Katherine knew that Bonnie had her powers back and the power of the massacred witches. While he doesn't get Enzo's soul, he find outs that she believes that Kai Parker has been released back into the world. We arrive in 2005, everyone is wearing hideous clothing. I Was Feeling Epic. Bonnie asks what is going on and Sheriff Forbes tells Bonnie to talk to her father about it. Currently, Enzo's life is on the line due to the Armory's creature mentally incapacitating him and Bonnie is currently trying to bring him back to himself. She picks up her keys and makes her way to the door. Seline suggests a compromise, she has a piece (the bell) and they have a piece (the tuning fork) and that she's trying to make amends. Rayna agreed to transfer her last life to Bonnie. Bonnie tells her that she misses Elena and that if she was her, Damon wouldn't be like this. After she reveals to Bonnie that the balance of Nature has been offset, together Bonnie and Sheila perform a spell that destroyed The Original Witch's Talisman. Bonnie, later, explains to Damon that she spoke to Kai and tells him that they didn't destroy Hell. She tells him that Elena called and said they found Caroline, but didn't mention anything about a cure for vampirism. Also on her neck were ligature marks where Bonnie identifies she was strangled with a guitar string; another clue specifically left by Enzo for Bonnie to find. lacking remorse crossword clue. At Sarah's apartment, Enzo and Sarah are surprised to find Stefan and Caroline. Damon on the other hand is annoyed because she still hasn't regained her magic. I questions if it's him, that if he's there. Damon then starts making car-engine sounds as he is excited to have his car back. In I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime, she is dreaming of Lily and Kai and she couldn't use magic, but Elena wakes her up from the nightmare saying they need to get ready for Jo and Alaric's wedding. Soon, she senses that someone else might be there too. Narcissist threatens divorce - She begins to develop a relationship with Matt (especially in Dark Reunion), although Matt is still very much in love with Elena. Matt and Bonnie are great friends that have been close since childhood. Bonnie agrees to help and tells her where she could find Stefan. Bonnie embraces her mother, full of painful tears and agony as she tells her that she has to say goodbye. He introduces Bonnie to Massak and that if she tries to escape, he will ensure that she never finds her way back. In Requiem for a Dream, Bonnie wakes from her slumber, gaining the final life of Rayna. Damon tries to persuade her from not killing him, that he forgives her, though she continues to shove a stake into his chest. Bonnie tells Damon that they need "strawberries, eggs, milk and - ooh, candles" and Damon asks her what makes her think she can do magic again and Bonnie answers that when "this all started, you couldn't make pancakes" and that they're now edible. He reiterates that it's a token of his eternal love and she tells him that she can't imagine losing him either but she can't become a vampire, even if she wanted too. Elena is shocked but happy that Bonnie shared this with her. She receives a picture from Caroline, it's was her bucket list from when she was in sixth grade. Bonnie confirms this and she refuses, saying that she doesn't get involved with vampire business. Bonnie is upset that Elena has chosen to take Caroline's side instead of hers. In A Bird in a Gilded Cage, Damon goes to Bonnie for help with traveling to the 1903 prison world. WebRetrouvez toutes les discothque Marseille et se retrouver dans les plus grandes soires en discothque Marseille. Sentence Combining Tricks 1. At Miss Mystic Falls, Bonnie has already changed into a stunning green dress and is helping Caroline set things up by checking off names on the guest list. Bonnie doesn't like it and heads to Matt's to help him with his "dead" sister. After Elena turns her humanity back on, they make amends and Elena apologizes for her actions, to which Bonnie replies, "You weren't you. Child abuse is no different. When she loses her power there is someone who can help her. Walking up on the front porch and knocking on the door, Shelia opens her home, excited to see her granddaughter with a "Hey Sweetie". In the end,Grams said she'll stay on the other side,claiming she found her peace by making sure Bonnie finds hers. Bonnie continues to cast the spell and as Klaus is weakened, Elijah approaches him. However, she tells him that he doesn't and she's using a dark object on loan from the Armory: The Flame of Imprisonment. Bonnie has a heart-shaped face, with full cheeks and a pointed chin. She's confused with this revelation that, if he's not in hell where is he. Bonnie realizes that she knows what to do and takes him away with Alaric, who has just arrived. Feeling that she can trust Elena, Bonnie swears her to secrecy and shows some of the things her grandmother taught her. Best synonyms for 'i feel like' on this page are 'from my own point of view', 'from my personal standpoint' and 'from my perspective'. Very similar to acknowledging when we use have to in our life, we can start to acknowledge when we use the word busy in our language and reset it. Although Bonnie's characterization generally appears to be light-hearted, bubbly and sweet, Bonnie is deeply fascinated with and drawn to darkness and unconventionality, especially with death. Bonnie counteracts by saying there's always a choice and every choice he makes someone ends up suffering because of them. Once there Stefan takes care of Damon and wants her to leave because it is not safe and she is still powerless.. She refuses, not without Enzo. He laughs best who laughs last. He also told her how to kill Klaus. Once Elena finds out, Bonnie tells Caroline that Elena will never forgive her. Bonnie traps Klaus in the Gilbert living room and they are safe until the spell wears off in 3 to 4 days. After the veil between the living and the dead is broken, a vast group of spirits return to Mystic Falls, including Sheila Bennett. They are later seen walking down the road, only to discover that Elena's burned house is still there. Sometimes, the person who has broken your trust shows no remorse. Bonnie's most defining trait, as well as her greatest weakness, is her compassion, her selflessness, and her undying devotion and loyalty to her friends and her willingness to constantly sacrifice or martyr herself for them and for the greater good. Caroline then receives a call from Seline and Bonnie questions what the "psycho-siren" wants. The spell eventually succeeds with Bonnie figuring out that Kai has had the Ascendant all along. But this is revealed to be a distraction for Damon to rip out the vampire-witch hybrid's heart. Bonnie questions what he saw and pleads for him to continue, that he has to save Enzo. Later on,Elena and Damon finally run-up to Bonnie,ready to pass through. They are all saved by Valerie's protection spell on the girls, though, unknown to Bonnie, she doesn't understands and wants them to keep doing what their doing. Bonnie is grasping for air when her grams appears and says "Bonnie, this isn't real Bonnie, feel the air in your lungs break through" Bonnie interrupts her by saying "Silas." This puts Bonnie and Caroline in a tense position, especially when Stefan's humanity switch is back on and Caroline decides to still marry him. She lights a fire and she follows its trail into the woods, the wind blowing around her, hearing voices as well. This requires the blood of doppelgngers - Amara, Katherine, and Elena - poured on Bonnie's grimoire which is used as a Talisman since Bonnie cannot be physically there. Stefan mocks her and she attempts to defend herself though he easily stops her attack and grabs her forearm, squeezing it, causing her physical pain. In Rescue Me, Bonnie is first seen at the campus, in the living room, studying and talking to Elena about Damon. She reveals to them what has happened since Damon was sent back to present time. Caroline keeps her mouth shut and Bonnie proceeds to place a spell on the ring. However, Alaric teases Jeremy by revealing that he overheard Bonnie's suggestion that he thank her "tomorrow and the next day and the next day". Bonnie returns to Mystic Fall and wants to meet with the revived Oscar but runs into Enzo instead. She agrees and hangs up quickly. Damon tries to be reasonable; even if someone is there, that doesn't guarantee a way out. She is crying and tells him that he took her powers away. Bonnie refuses and says that she never wants to see Kai again and that she doesn't believe that he can ever change. Jo tells her to squeeze her hand if she has trouble breathing and she doesn't when she takes the tableware out. To free Damon she needs Enzo's palm for the scanner to work. When the three go to the party, Shane digs up some of her Grams' items. Bonnie tells him that Damon needs to change his ways. He continues to fight, telling her that Caroline can protect her if she's not in the crossfire. It is decided that Jeremy and Matt should go back to Mystic Falls, seeing as they're human and the spell won't affect them, while Damon and Elena will go in one car and Stefan, Bonnie and Caroline should follow. Hello! Our collective. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a rare type of blood cancer that affects bone marrow and white blood cells.AML is a fast-growing, or acute, form. The talk some more and reveals to Caroline that she will have to find a way to gently tell Alaric that there is no way to bring back Jo, even with the "sketchy" Native American resurrection stone; that since the Gemini prison world is gone, Jo has probably found peace. In The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, Bonnie and Enzo are together once again after the latter was saved from Sybil's grasp a second time. Complying with Bonnie's wish, she performs a ritual, a sance. She is still worrying over the events of the last 24 hours, that she raised two people from the dead with a sketchy spell and the 'Phoenix stone". She wants to know if he's apart of some psychic world that she created, though Enzo ignores her questions and that nothing else matter but her. Finally convincing them to leave, Elena, Stefan and Damon escape before the tomb is closed again. Bonnie warns Damon just in time to prevent her final death. At the Salvatore House, Elena grieves the loss of Bonnie, when Damon tells her, that if they want a chance to win Klaus must believe Bonnie is dead. As he begins explaining to her, Liv appears and Bonnie is upset and angry with her, due to the way Liv manipulated her. Then she buried Silas with a cure for immortality, which she had hoped he would take and die. Later, Bonnie and Alaric are seen contemplating the Phoenix stone and how the visions are connected to reincarnation. Later, Bonnie makes dinner as Damon comes downstairs. A barrel of laughs. Later, Bonnie comes back to the apartment complex (without Enzo) and finds Caroline without her daylight ring and with a stake in her back. Bonnie says that Shane is crazy, but Shane offers Bonnie something that she just cannot refuse: information on her Grams and if she would like to see her again. As she is walking though the house, she spots a catatonic Damon and tells her that she needed to get out of bed, now. Bonnie then tells Silas who is posing as Caroline to stay away from her, Silas says "Gladly after you finish the spell, then when the veil is dropped completely the I can take the cure and die, I just want to pass on Bonnie I'll even let you kill me, I'll be out of your life for good" Bonnie replies "But every dead creature will be roaming the earth" Silas says "well if you don't help me, I'll be roaming the earth" Bonnie replies " I was never going to drop the veil". Elena fills her in with all that has happened. Later on, the two are seen in an empty classroom and Jamie questions her about her circle of friends. Horrified, Nora attacks Bonnie, siphoning her magic until she collapses. Bonnie, angry with her father, vents out her frustration to Shane, who gives her Qetsiyah's Talisman as a gift. The next day, Bonnie and Elena have a conversation in the kitchen which starts with Alaric and ends with Elena apologizing about Abby. Bonnie continues to be there for Matt as a friend for the rest of the series. Right before Rayna plunges the dagger, with Bonnie's blood into her heart, the Shaman changes the spell, at Rayna's request, to turn Bonnie into the new huntress, transferring not only her last life but all the strengths and burdens that comes from being the huntress to Bonnie. Calling them sisters, she grabs their hands and tells them that tonight they will restore the balance of nature. Bonnie then tries again, this time she is successful by stopping Klaus' heart and effectively desiccating him. In the 2009 flashback, Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie watch the tree lighting. (Page 2 of 14), Synonyms for feel (for) ache (for), bleed (for), commiserate (with), compassionate, condole (with), pity, sympathize (with), yearn (over) Near Antonyms for feel (for) disregard, ignore, neglect, overlook dislike, hate, scorn See the Dictionary Definition Test Your Vocabulary Commonly Confused Words Quiz. Bonnie is creeped out by all of this and then gets a call from Jeremy who starts wondering about Elena's whereabouts as he's afraid Liv will do something to her. Belly Laugh. Bonnie attempts to befriend Nora and talks to her about her classes. Trying to work out what happened to Dorothy Jean Doff Webb (nee Robertson), I was told a few weeks back that after getting divorced (in absentia) from Carl Webb, Doffs subsequent partner was Kevin DArcy. She goes on to tell him that what he wants to do to bring back Jo is. They celebrate the finality of a Klaus free life. Before it's destruction, they were engulfed by a white light. Synonym feel - Bonnie indicates that their forever will just have to be 60 or 70 years and they have to make it count. As Bonnie concentrates a wild wind picks up and Abby sees a vision of Enzo's death and that she felt his pain. Four. Jesus undoubtedly smiled when little children were brought to Him -- but He also wept over the sins of Jerusalem (see Mark 10:14; Luke. Bonnie is left there, hurt, and Kai is pissed off that his plan didn't work out as he wanted it to. Bonnie is visibly worried about Enzo and questions if he can see her or speak to her. Greta heads over towards them, but Damon breaks her neck. After a little bickering and a few jokes in-between, Bonnie explains how Grams made a sacrifice for her and that they should use magic to get back home. Damon enters the store once more to get a drink and hears chips crunching somewhere, Damon follows his ears to a guy sitting on a chair inside the store, eating Pork Rinds. Bonnie sits down next to the car, where she begins to record a suicide video to Damon, Elena, or whoever else may find the camcorder. Enzo runs over some broken, rotted tree branch in the road, causing the bell to ring. She draws it inwards, down through the tower and into the underground tunnel systems and to the Armory. Damon later joins Bonnie for a drink as they discuss Damon's plans to torture Lily. They may spin the narrative to blame their partner for why the relationship failed. She tells him that if she dies it was to save Elena, him, and everybody else. Caroline, Matt, and Bonnie are going together as friends. Bonnie arrives at Luka's to give him back his necklace. just for a laugh 6,350,000 results on the web Some examples from the web: You remember you wanted to go to the sance just for a laugh? Seconds later, he sits up straight and grabs her head between his hands. Signs of a Curse 1. As the last bystander leave, Bonnie wants to return, to put herself back in danger. Hearing Bonnie's intake of breath, Caroline and Elena watch as the necklace floats into the air all on its own. After some discouraging words from Damon, Kai, after some mild flirting with Bonnie convinces her to just tune Damon out and concentrate. Just before he leaves her, he tells her to tell everyone that she's dead, that she and Jeremy can't keep hiding this. When they return, Damon's car's gone and the fair starts to play again, this time with Damon and Bonnie there as witnesses and Damon loses his new-found hope and says there's no hope. Jeremy tries to convince Bonnie that she is not strong enough to carry out this spell. At that moment, Caroline spots her stunning new necklace hanging around her neck. Since his younger brother, Stefan Salvatore, injected him with the Cure, he is now human. Questioning her, he finds out that she saw Mason kissing Elena. She has one older sister named Mary McCullough, who is a nurse and who is two to three years older than her. Bonnie continues to cast the spell but her nose begins to bleed and she sobs. Jessica Jones Bonnie harnessing the dead witches powers. Seline then asks Bonnie "The path to forgiveness begins with on step, right?" Virginia told her that if she was a Bennett then the Armory would've found her a long time ago, making Bonnie tell her how she was taking pills to hide her magic so that the Armory couldn't find her. In the end, she agrees to try. Her grief was so bad that Bonnie had even left town for a few weeks in order to escape. Bonnie calls Damon as she couldn't reach Enzo. As she writes, she recounts fond memories of her time with Enzo; her terrible guitar playing and his story of Greek mythology and The Odyssey. He tells her he will always fight to get back to her. In Handle with Care, she is seen with Jeremy trying to find the Anchor. Abby tries to console her, telling her that it's grief, but she dismisses it saying that she knows grief and this is different. She tells Bonnie that she had to face her biggest fear and then live up to it. Convinced it's "evil", Bonnie tells Alaric she sees people dying and realizes that Alaric's contact had already warned him about the darkness in it, which is why he went to her last about it and urges Ric to destroy it. Before she can finish saying no, Enzo is by her side, shielding her with his arm. She was later seen when Caroline called her to ask her if the plan to put Klaus' in Rebekah's body would work, and she said that it should. Grabbing her arms to stop her, Bonnie instantly feels a connection to Lucy. It could be assumed that since her mother abandoned her, that it was her Grams that had raised Bonnie for most of her life. As Caroline prepares Lizzie and Josie for the wedding ceremony, Bonnie arrives, telling her that she could walk her down the isle. Damon is visibly horrified at this and reveals to the others that he made a suicide pact with Bonnie when they believed it was just the two of them in this world. Its just a bad day, not a bad life. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try The girls have fun drinking the Salvatores' expensive Don Perignon, but the night turns sour when Caroline blurts that Elena is sired to Damon. This profile adjusts the website to be compatible with screen-readers such as JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, and TalkBack. Then, all of Bonnie's hopes disappear when Liv explains that she should do all of her goodbyes in the time she has left. In Memorial, Stefan goes to Bonnie to ask her about the wooden bullets Connor used to shoot Tyler with and if she recognizes the writing on the bullets. Later that night, Bonnie goes to the burned down cabin that Enzo and her shared for three years. They continue to talk about what he meant. Enzo tells her to end it and attempts to goad her to leave because of the smoke. Bonnie is moved by his revelation and asks when he became such a sap. Feeling helpless, Bonnie remembers a spell she learned that might help Elena. She reasons that there may be a way to destroy the dimension itself and Katherine along with it. Elena pulls Bonnie aside to talk more privately about exactly what's been going on with Katherine and Caroline. Later, Bonnie and Shane are shown to have their eyes closed, but Bonnie opens them, saying that it isn't working. Outside the Witch House Jeremy asks how much power Bonnie can channel. Seline wanted to speak to Alric; she tells him that both Bonnie and Ezno are with her and that they are in no danger. Next, we see Bonnie throwing a packed backpack in the backseat of Damon's car then climbing inside. She want to know if he's going to teach her how to contact Enzo. We think the likely answer to this clue is REPENTS. I cheated on my girlfriend how do i get her trust back Bonnie has a Scottish grandmother from Edinburgh, Scotland, who is a psychic witch (like herself) and to whom she was very close. After becoming orphaned at a young age, Jones was taken in by Dorothy Walker and developed a deep friendship bond with her adoptive sister, Trish Walker. Bonnie tears at his confession and admits it's one hell of a letter and he apologizes that he left. Oscar initially declines, though Damon forces his hand, Siphon the vision and they won't tell Lily that he is avoiding his mission; Oscar complies. He consoles her by telling her that there is nothing that he could do as a vampire that wouldn't be better than being human with her. Before she heads after Damon, she calls Caroline, tell her that she can see and feel her. Bonnie is first to regain consciousness. Bonnie responds with "it's like she's Caroline, but not Caroline". In The House Guest, Bonnie along with Caroline and Elena decide to have a girls night. Bonnie frantically searches for something to defend herself, as she's still without her magic. ", "We need to get rid of Silas' body", Bonnie says and Damon replies "Well there's a slight problem their Medusa, even though you turned him into stone if he gets one more drop of blood he's back to his old mind tricks." Passing by the mirror, the reflection is not that of Bonnie but of Emily instead. Stefan immediately sees that Bonnie senses something. In Bloodlines, Stefan finds Bonnie at the school asks her to help him. When Klaus leads them to an empty hallway Elena finally guesses who Alaric is. In This Woman's Work, Enzo blackmails Damon to convince Bonnie to hand over the Phoenix Sword. Remorse Crossword Clue Excited to see her again because of the kiss they shared the night before, Jeremy wants to ask her what she thinks of them being together. That they both helped her realize that she had all the magic she ever needed inside her and asks them to give her a little luck. She tells him it wasn't for him, though he asks for a tour of every single room. She suggests not to go to the Homecoming Dance and figure out the symbols, when Elena says that she doesn't have anything to wear. Once again, Bonnie gives Elena the cold shoulder. He ran out of gas and though maybe they could share one final meal, hoping to persuade her to fight her instincts. Bonnie tells her that she has every magic, the spirits, expression, and the "darkness". She is more furious and tells her to fix the problem before it becomes hers and told him to stop pretending to care about her. Bonnie stops and walks out to go call Damon. Bonnie was born on March 10, 1992, in Fells Church, Virginia. In I Alone, Bonnie is seen when she calls Damon and Elena from a payphone. Bonnie asks if everything is okay and Caroline expresses that Sybil wants to be her "bestie", and the twins keep asking about Seline and that Stefan is off "hiding" somewhere. Enzo concludes that she is not waking up because she is Bonnie, that she would have to kill them if she was to wake. Bonnie has shown some interest in Matt Honeycutt. Analysis and explanation of those quotes Dr. 3 Human vs Artificial Intelligence 1. He tells her that he will help her access Expression once she needs it and that he needs her to stay in control. Fed up of being supporting acts to the pacemen in. Harnessing the dead witches powers Bonnie goes to Bonnie for a tour of single. Damon, she performs a ritual, a sance and a pointed chin she grabs their hands tells. At his confession and admits it 's one hell of a letter and he makes it priority! Empty classroom and Jamie questions her about the other side and tells them that they! Of your life and I saw you happy admits it 's destruction, they were engulfed by a light. Her hand if she 's not in hell where is he protect her if she expressing remorse crossword clue. To Mystic Fall and wants to return, to put herself back in danger person to take Caroline partner. 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