Drivers must give way to the right in favor of the passing vehicle. 42-4-1013 (1) of the Colorado statutes makes it illegal for a person to drive in the left lane (passing lane), where the speed limit is 65 mph or more, unless they are passing. Drivers can use the left lane in Kansas when passing and overtaking another vehicle unless traffic conditions require you to be in the left lane (e.g., construction, traffic congestion, exits, or three or more lanes are marked for travel). Three car lengths/3 seconds space between vehicles on any highway. Slow-moving traffic must keep right. Slow-moving traffic must keep right. Drivers must give way to the right in favor of the passing vehicle. The goal isnt to get into the other lane, instead, you are just going to the left until you can see that the lane is clear. Traffic fatalities have reportedly been on the rise since 2015, increasing by as much as 7 to 8 percent some years, and some argue that left-lane drivers especially slow ones may cause other cars to dangerously weave around them. Many drivers dont realizethat driving too slowly in the far left lane of an interstate violates the law in approximately 38 U.S. states. Truck Lane Use. Slower vehicles must travel in the right lane, but no one is allowed to drive so slowly that they impede traffic. For a first offense, the driver may face fines of up to $100. This is only permissible, however, when there is more than one car traveling in the same direction. Much of the current misunderstanding over the left lane stems from the 55 mph national speed limit that was enacted in 1974, according to the National Motorists Association (NMA), a grassroots drivers alliance that lobbies for traffic regulations and safety issues. You can use the left lane for passing or overtaking another vehicle, when youre making a legal left turn, or when the roadway isnt wide enough. No need to insult the author of this article. You may drive in the left lane when conditions require you to do so (e.g., construction, traffic congestion, exits, or three or more lanes are marked for travel). Whether buying new or used, here's what to look for when buying a car as you take it out for a test drive. You are almost certainly wrong about this point, and the middle lane is often a safe and smart choice eg on busy Massachusettes roads (often 4 lanes) with exits every mile. Drivers shall give way to the right in favor of the passing vehicle unless theres a sign posted that permits passing on the right. You will also want to make sure there are no oncoming vehicles for at least 200 feet. Depending on the state, fines range up to$1000. This is why there are "slow poke" laws that require slower traffic to keep to the right. Slow-moving traffic must keep right. In California it is the fast lane. Drivers can use the left lane in Tennessee when passing and overtaking another vehicle or when traffic conditions require you to be in the left lane (e.g., construction, traffic congestion, exits, or three or more lanes are marked for travel). If some of you keep it up, you could wind up at the receiving end of a road rage incident. 2018 Varsity Driving Academy. You must travel in the right lane except to pass or make a legal left turn on Massachusetts roads. First, with the bulk of traffic in the right lane it gets worn out very quickly causing major damage to vehicles that obey the law and stay in the right lane, like tires and windshield leaks. Drivers can use the left lane in Iowa when passing and overtaking another vehicle unless traffic conditions require you to be in the left lane (e.g., construction, traffic congestion, exits, or three or more lanes are marked for travel). Most states have a keep right law which designates the left lane as a passing lane only. Your email address will not be published. Be courteous, keep right unless passing, it keeps the lane open for emergency traffic also. Most states restrict use of the left lane by slow-moving traffic that is not passing. If youre driving along Highway 101 in the far left lane and youre doing the speed limit of 65 mph, are you legally required to move over for drivers who want to go even faster? Yes. Drivers can use the left lane in Montana when passing and overtaking another vehicle as well as when traffic conditions require you to be in the left lane (e.g., construction, traffic congestion, exits, or three or more lanes are marked for travel). Your posting has gone through unedited in order to present your, opposing, point of view. The left lane is NOT for "passing only" in California. Massachusetts law requires drivers to always keep right unless turning or passing. This can cause aggressive drivers to make dangerous maneuvers to get around the slower vehicle. Slower vehicles must travel in the right lane, but no one is allowed to drive so slowly that they impede traffic in normal conditions. A few states permit using the left lane only for passing or turning left. Required fields are marked *. In 29 states the law says people driving at speeds below the "normal flow of traffic" must move over into the right lane, And in California, a car on a 2-lane road with 5 or more vehicles behind it is required to pull into a designated turnout area to alleviate the jam . Drivers can use the left lane in New Hampshire when passing and overtaking another vehicle. AB334. Drivers shall give way to the right in favor of the passing vehicle unless theres a sign posted that permits passing on the right. Laws vary widely from state to state. Keep Right Except To Pass is a rule of the road that goes back to the horse & buggy days. Slow-moving traffic must keep right. 544.004. The slow left lane hogs stay in the left lane exactly for the purpose of avoiding any lane changes. Click here to visit our website to see the online courses we offer in your state! Learn more about your car's VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). That service truck with oversized sheets of glass perched in the back. In CA the left lane is the passing lane and you can get a ticket for not moving to the right. So many people had different answers, and it was evident that no one knew, except for a few. What that means is that you can only be in the left lane if you're passing a slower vehicle in front of you and moving in the same direction. By requiring people legally following the speed limit in the left lane to yield for speeders you are compulsing people otherwise following the law to put themselves in harms way by changing lanes only to enable others to break the law. This is why being passed on the right shows terrible driving. If youre driving slower than the flow of traffic, you must move to the right lane so youre not impeding the flow of traffic. As on I40 between Little Rock and Memphis. Monday -Thursday9:00am to 6:00pm As far as I know drivers shouldnt prevent vehicles from merging with traffic, but too many drivers coming down the on-ramp focus on moving over into the lane rather than staying ahead of the vehicle already in that lane resulting in trying to merge where there isnt a space for their vehicle. CVC 21751 If you are driving on a two-lane highway, you can pass on the left side of the center line only if you can clearly see that the lane is clear of oncoming traffic. Drivers can use the left lane in Rhode Island when passing and overtaking another vehicle unless traffic conditions require you to be in the left lane (e.g., construction, traffic congestion, exits, or three or more lanes are marked for travel). When, suddenly, as you come over a hill, there it is. Its illegal to drive in the extreme left-hand lane of a controlled-access highway for a long enough period that it impedes the flow of other traffic following the speed limit. For instance you'll have people going 75-80 in the left lane routinely, except the problem is the 2nd to left lane is going that fast if not faster already. However, if the left lane driver is at the speed limit which is 65 mph on some stretches of highway then its legal for them to remain in the left lane, according to the California Highway Patrol. Youre blaming people who obey the law for being in the way of people who dont. In Texas, for example, signs on Texas multi-lane highways that read "Left Lane For Passing Only" indicate that the left lane on a divided highway is not a "fast" lane; it is a passing lane only. Work at your own pace with our DMV Approved Online Class. If there is no solid yellow line and only a dotted yellow line then both lanes can use the other lane as a passing lane. I like to read these articles. You can drive in the left lane if youre passing other vehicles. You are also tacitly acknowledging road rage and bullying are acceptable as an inevitable result of the frustration of not being enabled to speed. In 2015, the fine for driving in the left lane without passing in New Jersey increased to a hefty $500. Tags: car accident lawyercauses of car accidentsfree initial consultationleft lane hogsleft lane lawsroad rageserious car accidentsserious motor vehicle accidents. In Illinois, travel in the right lane unless traffic conditions require you to be in the left lane (e.g., construction, traffic congestion, exits, or three or more lanes are marked for travel). Massachusetts Institute of Technology, State Keep Right Laws. Passing other vehicles at crossroads, railroad crossings, and shopping center entrances is dangerous. Make sure the lane is clear in both directions and then turn only when it is safe. One might argue some states DO permit brief periods of speeding to pass a slower vehicle. Car A significantly slows down (approaching home) and attempts to turn left into driveway without coming to a full stop. However, people in California call the left lane on a freeway the fast lane. You can do this by simply moving your car to the left as far as possible without exiting your lane. In most states, a passing lane is simply the left lane on a highway. C.R.S. The left lane can also be used when traveling faster than flow of traffic. In some areas, you may see signs that indicate that the left lane on a highway, a freeway, or another major road is intended for passing only. Vehicles passing on the right of a left-lane driver who is at the speed limit would be violating the speed limit, Komatsubara says. Peter Valentine Left lane for passing only. Of course lane courtesy is easier said than done, especially in states with heavily trafficked motorways. Slower traffic that "sits" to the left can impede the flow of go-go-go traffic, said Daniel Cox of . Whats more annoying than being stuck behind a slow driver on the highway? Left lane traffic is required to yield to approaching traffic coming from behind on multi-lane highways. California has become the only state in the U.S. that has made lane splitting legal. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aaeb1664f07747a81a6e312e032e3be5" );document.getElementById("ce78eec811").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Varsity Driving Academy and logo are Trademark of Varsity Driving Academy. In fact, simply passing a vehicle in these situations can be very dangerous. When you head out on the open road, do you automatically steer toward the left lane because thats traditionally where faster drivers are known to go? Slow-moving traffic must keep right. The driver ahead of you is turning left and you do not drive off the roadway to pass. Left Lane Driving. Reduced Speeds. Slow-moving traffic must keep right. Colorado's left-lane law states: "A person shall not drive a motor vehicle in the passing lane of a highway if the speed-limit is 65 miles per hour or more unless such person is passing other . You can learn more about the laws in New York by taking our New York Online Pre-Licensing course. U.S. Its important to keep pace with traffic on the freeway. Take a look at the left lane driving laws for each state below. Avoiding lane changes is no reason to stay in the left lane, and its just as illegal as speeding. Its good information. 4. Reserving the left lane only for passing other carsknown as lane courtesyreaps surprising benefits, however. Can still have speed suggestions posted as advice. Keep right unless theres an obstruction in the right lane or there are three or more lanes. Finally, dont get road rage when you get cut off, most times the signs are there its gonna happen! I find them very informative and useful, not to mention that they have a tendency to keep you sharp and road savvy. Of course not, but if someone comes up behind you, you must move to the right and allow them to pass. Motorists can travel at their own pace on a road with only two lanes in each direction, as long as the passing lane is only used for passing. But knowing how to use a passing lane is more than just knowing the line laws in your state. Slow vehicles must travel in the right lane or as close to the right-hand curb of the roadway as possible so they dont impede the flow of traffic. Score: 4.9/5 (49 votes) . Its illegal to drive in the left lane on Colorado roads when the speed limit is 65 mph or higher, unless youre passing another vehicle, or when traffic is congested and you cant safely merge right. Do not stop with the back of your vehicle blocking traffic. Drivers must give way to the right in favor of the passing vehicle unless theres a sign permitting passing on the right. When driving in Michigan, travel in the right lane except when passing another vehicle. The left lane is a passing lane. I'm sure you've heard people yell "Left lane for passing only!" while passing a slow-moving car on the right. But its really hard to blame someone going the limit for causing an accident involving someone doing something stupid just so they can then speed illegally. Let us help prepare you for any driving situation. . You may annoy some people but its not illegal.. Passing lanes can be dangerous, especially if you dont know how to use a passing lane in a safe way without putting yourself or others at risk. In 2009, Louisiana became one of those states that allows use of the left lane for passing only or for turning left. If you are slower, that means others are faster. In 2018, Michigan began enforcing a law that requires the left lane on highways to be for passing only. Slow-moving traffic must keep right. Fine of $50-$200, imprisonment for up to 15 days, or both. You are shifting ALL the responsibility for safety and courtesy on the person following the legal speed limit while literally giving the speeders a pass. If, on a highway having more than one lane with vehicles traveling in the same direction, the Texas Department of Transportation or a local authority places a sign that directs slower traffic to travel in a lane other than the farthest left lane, the sign must read "left lane for passing only." Sec. The law does not penalize drivers traveling at the speed. Finally if you tend to hesitate when navigating traffic or dont want to keep up with the flow of traffic stay off the freeway and drive normal streets. . Cyclists and motorists need to share the road. We provide a DMV package that provides you use of our car to take your behind-the-wheel test. Drivers can use the left lane in Maine when passing and overtaking another vehicle. What is a passing lane? Youre also doing planet Earth a solid. Generally speaking there is no Fast and Slow lanes on most highways in California or any other state for that matter unless specifically indicated by the lane speed limit, if you're referring to driving in the left lane on a multi-lane highway it doesn't necessarily mean that you will or should be driving faster than the one on the right. Other states have no law about use of the left lane. Lane changes and merges cause 244,000 or 4% of those crashes. In California, the law that allows officers to pull drivers over for dawdling in the left lane is in Vehicle Code, Section 21654, which states, "on California roadways with multiple lanes. Slower vehicles in Alaska have to stay in the right lane. Drivers can use the left lane in Louisiana when passing and overtaking another vehicle. Interestingly enough, most states won't let slow-moving vehicles drive in the left . You can drive in the left lane if youre passing other vehicles. Anyone driving 10 mph or more below the maximum speed limit must travel in the right lane. While I stand by what I wrote, the point of a blog is communication. If people were cognizant of what other drivers were doing around them, people entering the highway on-ramp would be able to merge with traffic instead of cutting people off. You would constantly need to change lanes to avoid entering vehicles and yo pass slow vehicles. Good stuff all the way around ! Once the driver passes another vehicle, they must merge to the . This law almost always only applies to multi-lane highways out of the metro area unless signs specify otherwise and end when highway ends. Email(Your email address will not be published). You may use the left lane to allow traffic entering the highway to merge when theyre traveling at a higher speed than the flow of traffic. The only exceptions are if the vehicle is overtaking and passing another car proceeding in the same direction or the vehicle is making a left turn. Copyright 2022 Law Offices of Andrew Myers. by Social Halo Media | Nov 7, 2019 | Blog, Driving | 0 comments. Motorists in Arkansas must drive in the right lane except when passing. Drivers must give way to the right in favor of the passing vehicle. The left lane is the designated passing lane, however, vehicles in the left lane must obey the posted speed limits. When driving in Oregon, travel in the right lane except when passing another vehicle. The law, New Hampshire RSA Chapter 265:16 specifies that slower traffic must keep to the right lanes unless turning left, overtaking another vehicle, or traveling faster than other vehicles on the right. You should rely only on the advice given to you during a personal consultation by a local attorney who is thoroughly familiar with state laws and the area of practice in which your concern lies. You must travel in the right lane except to pass or make a legal left turn on Missouri roads. And also remember you might be holding someone up if they catch up to you. Keep right unless theres an obstruction in the right lane or there are three or more lanes. You must travel in the right lane except to pass or make a legal left turn or U-turn on Wisconsin roads. California Vehicle Code 21659 VC applies to California highways that are divided into three lanes.. You should really be cognizant of trucks and what everyone around you is doing, and try to drive right as much as possible. But staying in the right lane doesnt mean you can zone out, either: Remember to be aware of and make room for merging vehicles. Slow-moving traffic must keep right. Drivers can use the left lane in Maryland when passing and overtaking another vehicle unless traffic conditions require you to be in the left lane (e.g., construction, traffic congestion, exits, or three or more lanes are marked for travel). Effective Aug. 3, the new law revises the rule to state that left lane travel is only allowed when passing or overtaking another vehicle. You Tube video with more on left lanelaws. However, it is common to see drivers traveling long distances in these left lanes. According to the American Motorcyclist Association's website, every state except California bans the practice of lane splitting. When youre traveling on the highway, the moment at which youre most at risk of getting into a crash is when youre changing lanes., Freelance science reporter Joseph Stromberg. It is illegal to drive in a bicycle lane unless parking (where permitted), entering or leaving the roadway, or turning (within 200 feet of the intersection). Laws across Canada say the left lane on multi-lane highways should be for passing only, a law that is seldom enforced, meaning many people drive leisurely in the "passing" lane blocking others . Motorists who are caught driving in the left lane in Tennessee without passing can be charged with a misdemeanor and face a $50 fine. The so-called speed limit is variable in most States, depending on location and State laws. This means that even if you are driving faster than the speed limit you should move over if someone else is driving faster and comes up behind you. Driving Slow in the Left Lane is Dumb and Illegal, Auto Insurance Center. This can cause aggressive drivers to make dangerous maneuvers to get around the slower vehicle. In Georgia, its actually a misdemeanor to move slower in the left lane than surrounding traffic. If youre being passed, give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle. Keep right unless theres an obstruction in the right lane or there are three or more lanes. The left lane is reserved for passing in most states, yet theres often a slow-moving vehicle hanging out in the left lane. 1. Drivers can use the left lane in Delaware when passing and overtaking another vehicle unless traffic conditions require you to be in the left lane (e.g., construction, traffic congestion, exits, or three or more lanes are marked for travel). c. 89, Section 2 mandates that drivers passing other vehicles traveling the same direction must pass on the left. How much debt must you have to file bankruptcy? Drivers must give way to the right in favor of the passing vehicle. The left lane is reserved for passing in most states, yet there's often a slow-moving vehicle hanging out in the left lane. In 29 states, there are laws that any car moving slower than the surrounding traffic should be in the right lane, while other states are stricter and designate the left lane only for turning or passing. The only time you can drive in the left lane on highways is if you are passing, there is an obstruction in the road if there are more than two lanes, and lastly, if traffic is restricted.. You may not drive in the left lane for more than 1.5 miles, unless traffic conditions require you to be in the left lane (e.g., construction, traffic congestion, tolls, exits, or three or more lanes are marked for travel). Because the speed limit was too low, drivers trying to pass werent allowed to and it caused a lot of problems, and it still does, says Shelia Dunn, Communications Director of the NMA. Like it or not, the speed limit is still the limit and anyone going faster than that is breaking the law. 21756. Summarized here are the California Vehicle Code (CVC) sections related to highway lane use for trucks. ***Please do not make people believe this applies to all roads.***. So if California doesnt have a passing lane, why would you need to know how to use a passing lane? California. These actions create road rage and increase overall danger. Drivers shall give way to the right in favor of the passing vehicle unless theres a sign posted that permits passing on the right. Wow great concept man. Slow-moving traffic must keep right. Insurance studies have shown that many accidents have happened when drivers in the left lane have unknowingly been in the blind spot of drivers in the right lane.. Pacing a vehicle causes congestion, which causes accidents also. These Are The Fruits That Are Safe (And Not Safe) For Your Dog To Eat, These Clever Food Hacks Get Kids To Eat Healthy, The 5 Ways You Know Youre Too Old For Roommates, left-lane drivers who go under the speed limit. . Drivers would also not get cut off very often if they were aware of the other drivers around them. California, Indiana and 28 other . New Hampshire and Massachusetts are among states where driving in the left lane when not passing violates the law. That is because California doesnt have a keep right law as of writing this. Drivers can use the left lane in West Virginia when passing and overtaking another vehicle or when traffic conditions require you to be in the left lane (e.g., construction, traffic congestion, exits, or three or more lanes are marked for travel). Dont just park yourself in one of the middle lanes, recommends Dunn. California doesnt designate every left lane to be a passing lane only. Drowsy driving leads to over 100,000 reported car crashes a year. Slow vehicles must travel in the right lane or as close to the right-hand curb of the roadway as possible so they dont impede the flow of traffic. After passing someone and safely clearing the vehicle passed, a driver must move back into the right lane. Third, many people still use the left lane as a high speed lane so if you are in the right lane sometimes you are stuck literally hours in the right lane because you cant match the speed in the left lane to get around the hay truck (or other Agri vehicle) going 40 mph. Teach someone else a lesson or to be a vigilante right in of Into driveway without coming to a faster is the left lane for passing only in california approaching can be Cited if they were aware of the passing unless. Inevitable result of the passing vehicle unless theres a sign posted that passing Are divided into three lanes make people believe this applies to multi-lane highways out of these incidents, 4,649 lost! A freeway the & quot ; laws that require slower traffic except to pass to! Lane hogsleft lane lawsroad rageserious car accidentsserious motor vehicle accidents no reason to stay the! 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