OpenShift Container Platform release 4.8.23, which includes security updates, is now available. If you set ScrapeTimeout to a value greater than the ScrapeInterval value, Prometheus would stop loading the config map settings and fail to apply all subsequent configuration changes. However, unauthenticated access is preserved in upgraded clusters so that existing use cases are not broken. With this release, a cleanup function is added to limit the number of statuses. (BZ#2025396), Previously, the SystemMemoryExceedsReservation alert using Prometheus QL was using hugepages memory consumption. Now, the oc volume set command applies the value of the --claim-class option to the storageClassName attribute in the PersistentVolumeClaim object, and volume snapshots can reference the attribute value. (BZ#1919032), Previously, the oc apply command would fetch the OpenAPI specification on each invocation. With this fix, instead of relying on a redirect from the router, the Ingress Operator Canary Check Client sends canary check requests over HTTPS from the start. Therefore, update scripts and jobs that inspect buildConfig.spec.triggers[i].imageChange.lastTriggeredImageID accordingly. (BZ#1919291), The Cinder CSI Driver Operator now automatically provisions a default VolumeSnapshotClass object for Cinder CSI when creating a default storage class, rather than having to create the VolumeSnapshotClass object manually. This fix updates OLM to override deployment-specific resources only when the spec.config.resources section is set to a non-nil or non-empty value. many core Kubernetes functions are now built using custom resources, making Kubernetes more modular. OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 includes the following alerting rule changes: The ThanosSidecarPrometheusDown alert severity is updated from critical to warning. (BZ#2050637), Before this update, the API version for the kafka CR was updated. A missing subject name fails to load the Project Access tab. (BZ#2096692), After rebooting each cluster node, cluster Operators network and kube-apiserver turns to degraded after rebooting each node of the cluster and the cluster turns unhealthy. Azure DevOps provides developer services for support teams to plan work, collaborate on code development, and build and deploy applications and infrastructure components using IaC technologies such as ARM Templates, Bicep, and Terraform. For installation instructions, see the following documentation: Installing a cluster with z/VM on IBM Z and LinuxONE, Installing a cluster with z/VM on IBM Z and LinuxONE in a restricted network, Installing a cluster with RHEL KVM on IBM Z and LinuxONE, Installing a cluster with RHEL KVM on IBM Z and LinuxONE in a restricted network. As a workaround, set the load balancer type Services to Local traffic policy. (BZ#1928008), When you add a node to local volume discovery, you can now see a list of existing nodes, which reduces unnecessary navigation. (BZ#2051407), Previously, when using the bond CNI plug-in for an additional network attachment, it was not compatible with Multus. (BZ#1955517), Previously, some OAuth server metrics were not initialized properly and did not appear in searches in the Prometheus UI. Removing iRMC from enabled_bios_interfaces. For more information, see Tutorial: Deploy and configure Azure Firewall using the Azure portal. You can view the container images in this release by running the following command: OpenShift Container Platform release 4.11.1, which includes security updates, is now available. The Istio sidecar proxy will trust the HOST header, and incorrectly allow This fix adds code checks to prevent the reference to The login events include failed login attempts. Cluster administrators that have automation that takes the canonical host name and prepends a wildcard or a subdomain should be aware that the canonical Ingress host name is set as .apps... More information can be found in the following changelog: 1.21.5. This was due to Alibaba Cloud only supporting volumes larger than 20 GiB. This leaves the network interface without a configuration. This caused in-cluster tolerations to diverge from the manifests listed tolerations. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHBA-2022:1427 advisory. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB, Type of the disk attached to each node (e.g. When the template was removed, the secret remained. To align with upstream Kubernetes having moved the LegacyServiceAccountTokenNoAutoGeneration feature gate to beta and enabling it by default, OpenShift Container Platform now also follows this security feature and releases with the feature enabled. (BZ#2063829), Previously, vSphere RHCOS images had no /etc/resolv.conf file. update the istio-sidecar-injector configuration map using the kubectl apply command. As a result, no pods should be left behind during removal. Support for API endpoint was deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform 4.7. OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 supports three additional labels for the NFD Operator. Starting with OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.34, support for using the Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) in mint mode on Microsoft Azure clusters has been removed from OpenShift Container Platform 4.8. While post-installation support is still available by activating multipathing via the machine config, enabling multipathing during installation is recommended for nodes provisioned starting in OpenShift Container Platform 4.8. Packet-level metadata such as the protocol, source address, destination address, port numbers, number of bytes, and other packet-level information is sent to the network flows collector. (BZ#1954509), Previously, when attempting to delete a custom resource within the CNV namespace in the console UI in developer mode, clicking Delete in resulted in the Delete button hanging in a stuck state. This resource group must be empty and only used for a single cluster; the cluster components assume ownership of all resources in the resource group. With this update, the PodDisruptionBudgetAtLimit alert is no longer raised on these clusters. For more information, see Installing AWS Load Balancer Operator. With this enhancement, the contents of a catalog can be mirrored to a file system, placed onto removable media, and then mirrored back from the file system to a registry for usage by an airgapped cluster. For more information, see BZ#1940432. (BZ#1969535). With this update, the check is more lenient so that only deleted machines go into a Failed phase during an existence check. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHBA-2021:3632 advisory. This no longer happens. This fix invokes the default plug-in and prints a more useful help message when a user runs the operator-sdk init --help command. OpenShift Container Platform documentation previously referred to cluster Operators interchangeably with the alternative naming "platform Operators". You can continue to use the ingress namespace selector label, but this is a legacy label that can be removed in a future release of OpenShift Container Platform. Added the PrometheusScrapeSampleLimitHit alert to detect targets hitting the sample limit. The RPM packages that are included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2022:0558 advisory. Now, the correct style of help text is shown for the field level help instances and is consistent across the console. OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 allows you to disable the installation of the baremetal and marketplace Operators, and the openshift-samples content that is stored in the openshift namespace. Google Container File System (gcfs) has to be enabled for image streaming to be active. Terraform state is used to reconcile deployed resources with Terraform configurations. Any workload-initiated outbound call is routed to the private IP address of the user-defined route. OAuth tokens that do not contain a SHA-256 prefix can no longer be used or created in OpenShift Container Platform 4.8. (BZ#2025396). For previously installed Azure clusters that use mint mode, the CCO attempts to update existing secrets. blank to have one automatically chosen or specify a /14 block in field will only work for routes-based clusters, where Consequently, control plane hosts failed to PXE boot. For more information, see Azure virtual machine scale set agents. This fix removes the storage class drop-down list in instances where no storage classes are defined. (BZ#1881694), Previously, when pods were created and deleted rapidly, a pod might not have enough time to complete the pod sandbox creation before the pod started deletion. (BZ#2100180), The OpenShift CLI (oc) for OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 does not work properly on macOS due to a change in error handling of untrusted certificates in Go 1.18 libraries. This can result in increased costs. User node pool hosting user workloads and artifacts. (BZ#2066615), Because multiple Authentication Operator controllers were synchronizing at the same time, the Authentication Operator was taking too long to react to changes to its configuration. This has been corrected. (BZ#1968625). Consequently, some clusters in the Machine API Operator would time out because of unexpected API server outages. Block deletion of extension resources until external cleanup happens. (BZ#2039377), Previously, the standard-csi storage class did not include a value for the reclaimPolicy field. Some features in this release are currently in Technology Preview. With this fix, the HTTP transport logic of Machine API Operator now obeys proxy directives. Automatically send metrics from pods in the cluster to the Google Cloud Monitoring API. When using the OpenShift SDN or OVN-Kubernetes cluster network providers, you can select traffic from Ingress Controllers in a network policy rule regardless of whether an Ingress Controller runs on the cluster network or the host network. Now, the pipeline metrics page displays all data and graphs to the non-admin user with at least view access to the namespace. Improves metrics for Self Node Remediation Operators configuration parameters by providing minimum values for the parameters. Scenarios where pod-level bonding is required include creating a bond interface from multiple SR-IOV virtual functions on different physical functions. Do you have any suggestions for improvement? This release adds improvements related to the following components and concepts. (BZ#1994624). As a result, the hosts succeed on DHCP and PXE boot on IPv6 networks of any prefix length. Use code assistance in the Add Task form to access the task parameter values. All the pipelines make use of the tasks of the Terraform extension. enforces a separation of responsibilities. accessibility of URLs outside of the cluster depends on the configuration of the proxy. (BZ#1957976), Previously, after CVE-2021-3344 was fixed, builds did not automatically mount entitlement keys on the OpenShift Container Platform node. You can now execute a CLI snippet when it is included in a quick start from the web console. As a workaround, you can manually add matching labels and expressions to the routes. OpenShift Container Platform 4.6 is an Extended Update Support (EUS) release that will continue to use RHEL 8.2 EUS packages for the entirety of its lifecycle. Consequently, policy checks would fail. As a result, the OLM recreates service accounts owned by gRPC catalog sources if they do not exist. With this update, an additional OVS rule is inserted to notice when port conflicts occur and to do an extra SNAT to avoid said conflicts. Use a virtual machine in a separate network and set up Virtual network peering. To review OpenShift sandboxed containers new features, bug fixes, known issues, and asynchronous errata updates, see OpenShift sandboxed containers 1.0 release notes. High bandwidth access (10s of requests per second sustained) needed. The fix in this update filters out undefined values so arbiter zones can be created only with defined values. This meant users could not change the configuration of kdump.service. (BZ#1954597), Previously, due to a strict check of the virtual machines (VM) ProvisioningState value, the VM would sometimes fail during an existence check. With this update, in the developer perspective, you can add your GitHub repository containing pipelines to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster. (BZ#2041769), Previously, you could access a quick search and add modal with the Crtl+space keyboard shortcut, but you could not close them by using the same keyboard shortcut. Here are a few terms useful to define in the context of traffic routing. Red Hat did not publicly release OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.0 as the GA version and, instead, is releasing OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.2 as the GA version. Starting with OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, automatic migration for in-tree volume plug-ins to their equivalent Container Storage Interface (CSI) drivers became available as a Technology Preview feature. For more information, see Customizing console routes. OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 and later releases include functionality that uses cluster membership information to generate A/AAAA records. The Cluster Network Operator is enhanced to support an EgressRouter API object. (BZ#1903383), Previously, the zipl command configured the disk geometry by assuming a sector size of 512 bytes. This update provides support for pod disruption budgets (PDBs) to the OpenShift Container Platform web console. This fix adds support in the installation program and the Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver, resulting in back-end volume deletion after a cluster is removed. Hence, to manage the API server, you will need to use a virtual machine that has access to the AKS cluster's Azure Virtual Network (VNet). Are you sure you want to create this branch? The Console Operator config already contained custom route customization, but for the console route only. The combination of these two behaviors means that most usage of bound tokens is no different from usage of legacy tokens that never expire. A crio hook script set the RPS mask of all network devices visible from /sys/devices for guaranteed pods. Now, a successful installation occurs when the cacert value in cloud.yaml is set to the RHOSP HTTPS certificate. With this update, Ironic queries the RAM disk for information to work around the connection error, allowing deployments to succeed. This update ensures that the partition is detected as read-only, and includes an additional check for the base device. (BZ#2038960), Previously, the Local Storage Operator looked for newly added block devices every 5 seconds, which caused high CPU usage. For more information, see Gathering data about your cluster using must-gather. This page discusses when to add a custom resource to your Kubernetes cluster and when to use a standalone service. B Now, hitting tab after oc project properly lists projects. (BZ#2084337). With this update, that situation is avoided. The RPM packages that are included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2022:7032 advisory. With this fix, during cluster bootstrap, the Image Registry Operator now attempts to create and use V2 Storage Accounts. This update explicitly sets readOnlyRootFileSystem: false in the securityContext field. This allows the canary DaemonSet to safely roll out to worker and infra nodes without issues or alerts. With this release, IBM Power is now compatible with OpenShift Container Platform 4.11. With this update, bare metal platforms are no longer treated as unknown platforms. There is currently no workaround for this issue. OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 introduces support for the AWS Secret Commercial Cloud Services (SC2S) region. This update removes the request ID coming back from the cloud provider so that error messages are stored in conditions where users can more easily find them, and eliminates recurring error messages in the credentialsRequest CR. Consequently, if a build config was created and had an image change trigger start while the cluster was running OpenShift Container Platform 4.7 or earlier, it continuously tried to trigger builds. In the administrator perspective, you can configure your GitHub application with the OpenShift cluster to use a pipeline as code. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHSA-2022:1154 advisory. If you upgrade to OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, the Node Tuning Operator removes the Performance Addon Operator and all related artifacts on startup. This update avoids requeueing expired Report CRs that have specified a retention period. For more information, see Configuring the install-config.yaml file and Additional install-config parameters. These constraints were restrictive and excluded some valid potential host names. Bonding at the pod level is vital to enable workloads inside pods that require high availability and more throughput. As a result, the arguments passed to the toolbox command are executed every time as expected. With this update, the OpenShift Console web application attempts to retry the request 3 times when receiving a 409 status code, which is often sufficient for completing the request. With this update, users can display Accessibility help above the editor using the opt + F1 keystrokes. The list of bug fixes that are included in the update is documented in the RHSA-2022:6287 advisory. (BZ#1973662), Previously, if a deployment was created without an image stream and no annotation, the deployment controller created replica sets in infinite loop. roles/compute.securityAdmin (only required if, roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin (only required if, Compute Engine API -, Kubernetes Engine API - With pod-level bonding, you can create a bond interface from multiple single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) virtual function interfaces in kernel mode interface. Although you can use the --quiet build argument to suppress printing of those environment variables, this argument isnt available if you use the source-to-image (S2I) build strategy. OpenShift Container Platform can automatically determine the optimal sizing value of the system-reserved setting when a node starts. As a result, the AWS custom service endpoint can be accessed from the users machine. The machine goes into a failed state if the templates hardware version is less than 15, which is the minimal supported hardware version for OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 and above versions. With this update, the installation program provides Terraform with a unique network ID so that the installation succeeds. (BZ#1976232), For clusters that use the OVN-Kubernetes network provider and upgrade from OpenShift Container Platform 4.7 to OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, a bug in OVN-Kubernetes can sometimes cause the pod IP address to become stale. no longer monitor the access to external services. The scrape interval has been doubled for all Cluster Monitoring Operator (CMO) controlled ServiceMonitors on single-node OpenShift Container Platform deployments. Before this release, you could not change the default value of 24h. (BZ#1896226), Previously, the Local Storage Operator (LSO) could claim disks belonging to other provisioners because busy disks were erroneously detected as free. You can use the oc get mcp/master command to review the status of the MCO-managed nodes that are available on your cluster for each pool. (BZ#1905159), Previously, hardware-assisted zlib decompression on s390x z15 systems caused the mounting of the RHEL rootfs image to fail, which resulted in boot failure for REHL s390x z15 nodes using the RHEL 8.3 kernel. OpenShift Data Foundation integrates multiple storage types that you can use with the internal image registry including: Ceph, which is a shared and distributed file system with on-premises object storage, NooBaa, which provides a Multicloud Object Gateway. As a result, it is now possible to use OpenShift Container Platform bare metal IPI when customers want to use multipath setups that are active or passive. For customers that need to enable Azure Container Registry to work with private AKS cluster, the Container Registry virtual network must be peered with the agent cluster virtual network. The following picture shows the resources deployed by the ARM template in the target resource group using one of the Azure DevOps pipelines in this reporitory. See kubectl -n istio-system get envoyfilter ext-authz for details.. Kubernetes namespace (opa-istio) for OPA-Envoy control plane components.Kubernetes admission controller in the opa-istio namespace that automatically These features are available only for OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Z and LinuxONE for 4.11: HyperPAV enabled on IBM Z and LinuxONE for the virtual machines for FICON attached ECKD storage. OAuth server audit events, annotated with login events, are now logged at the metadata level in the audit logs. (BZ#2093586), Previously, the resources created for user settings were not removed if the user was deleted. (BZ#1918442), Previously, the Container Network Interface (CNI) plug-in for Multus did not understand IPv6 addresses that started with any number of zeros. 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