At the centre of this course is the link between theory and practice, what we do and what we think are not separate. Allows both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal candidates to learn about materials and other resources that are available, and also familiarizes candidates with a variety of approaches for teaching Native Studies in the Intermediate and Senior divisions. Students will engage in examining assessment theory, policy, and practice in relation to the current context of contemporary schooling. A vital part of student well-being is related to developing learning skills. Participants' technology-related presentation skills will be expanded through the creation of rich-media presentations of their design solutions. MEBU - ME_BUSI_2 (Fundamentals of Business Law) 3 Lecture Hours. Learning to teach elementary science and technology and developing a positive attitude toward these subject areas are explored through a variety of approaches including student-centred learning, problem-based learning, hands-on activities, and integrated learning experiences. On explore aussi les stratgies d'enseignement/apprentissage, les guides du ministre de l'ducation, la gestion du temps, la psycho-pdagogie, la psycholinguistique et la prise de conscience sociale et culturelle dans des contextes varis, y compris travers un nombre d'applications pratiques et par la collaboration en groupes. Failure to read the catalog does not excuse the student from the academic and financial responsibilities defined in this document. A Technical Skills profile is used to track the range and level of skills. By the end of the course, candidates should be able to engage in professional discussions and decision-making related to assessment and student learning. L'accent est mis sur le dveloppement de la langue dans un programme d'immersion intgrant les matires enseignes. As well, the 3-week alternative practicum is an experience that is directly related to the area, and is approved by the FOCI instructor. Introduction to schools, teaching, and curriculum in their historical, political, social and philosophical context. Old questionnaire: A questionnaire in use from spring 2001 through spring 2010 consisted of 18 general questions about the course and instructor, and 3 open-ended questions for prose comments. Here are some quick links to help you get started. The goal of the course will be for teacher candidates to build an intelligent and thoughtful disposition towards the use of educational technology in K-12 classrooms. This course is designed to explore the relationships between the learning of the English language and the learning of school contents through English in order to maximize learning in the classroom. Through engagement in demonstrations and the development of curricular projects candidates will develop a deeper understanding of how educational technology can improve and potentially transform education for students. Graduate Studies at Queens College - City University of New York Registrar's Office | Queens University of Charlotte This course will examine how literacy learning is supported by the use of traditional and multimodal texts with children. The course weight in units follows the course number preceded by an oblique. Teacher candidates will develop efficacy in applying the theoretical principles taught in EDST291 to increase their students' success academically, behaviourally, and socially. Specific topics include; lesson and unit planning, assessment, safety, and online resources. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Email: The GSLIS Master of Library Science program has been continuously accredited by the American Library Association since 1970. These courses are identified with an "A" and "B" in the course codes; "A" indicating the first term (Fall), and "B" indicating the second term (Winter). Exploration of legal rights and responsibilities as professionals and reflection on and thinking critically about experiences in classrooms and host schools, adapting practices for exceptional learners and addressing equity issues faced in schools. Message from the Provost Calendar Queens College Today Getting to the College Campus Map Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Graduate Bulletin/Catalog. Practical work sessions, in a variety of media, allow the candidates to further experiment with skills methods and materials involved in studio practice. Dans ce cours on se penche sur les notions pdagogiques en mettant l'accent sur l'enseignement aux niveaux intermdiaire et terminal. The questions are the following (all answers on on a 5-point scale: 1=Strongly disagree, 5=Strongly agree): Details pages are different for evaluations data for the new and the old questionnaire. Around the globe, students and teachers are moving outside the school walls into a variety of real-world settings: natural wetlands, City Hall, an art gallery, a community museum. The course focuses on inquiry-based and hands-on learning. Un sjour immersif d'une dure de six mois est recommand. The blue bars represent average ratings for the selected instructor(s) or course(s), and the red dots the average for the comparison group (all instructors for the selected course or courses). Administrative Offices: 933 Louise Avenue Suite 497 Charlotte, NC 28204 Phone: (704) 710-6865 Fax: (704) 810-4878 Provides candidates with opportunities to deepen their commitment to helping young people appreciate and understand the tragedies and triumphs of the human experience. Provides opportunities to develop awareness of theoretical perspectives underpinning practice and explores a variety of teaching methodologies. Queens College Catalog Initiative for Students with Disabilities, Classical, Middle Eastern, and Asian Languages and Cultures, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, Asian American & Asian Research Institute, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Barry Commoner Center for Health and the Environment, Center for Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies, Center for Career Engagement and Internships, Center for Ethnic, Racial and Religous Understanding, Office of Student Development and Leadership, Center for Career Engagement and Internship, Asian and Asian American Research Intitute, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. In this course, teacher candidates will learn how to develop and use assessment to promote student learning within a positive classroom culture. It will explore the integration of children's literature across curricular areas for all students. This course provides opportunities for self-directed learning about the nature of science and the preparation of teaching and learning resources. This course focuses on social justice and inclusionary education and explores what it means to teach for social justice. What is, and what shapes the social and /or political views our society has about the environment? supporting students who struggle with literacy competency and iv. Le contenu de ce cours vise prparer les futur.e.s enseignant.e.s du franais, deuxime langue officielle, dans les programmes de base, enrichis et d' immersion, aux niveaux intermdiaire et secondaire. Courses Main Search - City University of New York The course emphasizes the movement from experiencing learning events as a student to interpreting those events from the perspective of a teacher. In addition, there is a strong focus on exploring supplementary resources related to teaching contemporary Geography. This course will examine the transition process that students undertake, starting from elementary to secondary school, through secondary school, and into the variety of post[1]secondary options currently available. Candidates will plan and teach five lessons in a traditional classroom setting or complete the equivalent planning and preparation in an alternative setting such as a school library or resource room. This course helps candidates understand teaching and learning in ELL, multicultural, and diverse contexts in Canada or abroad. The course offers opportunities to learn from: experience, workshops, reading, and peers; to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners; to develop competence and confidence in teaching exceptional learners; and to provide leadership in this area. Candidates have the opportunity to acquire professional skills needed to teach art in traditional schools as well as alternate educational settings. This program displays summary data for the general questions, and provides downloadable spreadsheets with summaries of all quantitative data (. The placement must be completed in the same academic year. Candidates incorporate strategies for accommodating students with special needs within their instructional plans and make reflections and suggested changes on their plans after instruction occurs. The calendar wording for each of the CURR courses (below) indicates that, together, the courses complete the content and objectives for the teaching subjects, as agreed to by the Ontario College of Teachers. Il sagit de se familiariser avec les approches lenseignement/apprentissage du franais, passes et de pointe, le matriel couramment utilis et les techniques pour enseigner et contrler les connaissances dans des situations varies. Readings, discussions, and activities are used to combine research and teacher candidates' experience in order to become curriculum planners in broad-based technology. In each of the four core courses, students must have a grade of C- or better, with an average of B- (GPA 2.7) or better. decommissioned military bunkers for sale; freelander 2 boost control solenoid location; gravel driveway specifications CURR368 gives candidates the opportunity to understand curriculum guidelines and how they are translated into curricular possibilities for Grades 9 to 12. Your course will automatically be activated for you on the first day of the trimester. . This course explores theoretical and conceptual frameworks for school programs such as Open Minds, Beyond Classrooms Kingston, and School in the Park. Exploration of policy, practice and professional portfolios, with an emphasis on reflective and critical thinking. The course explores engaging methodologies in the art of teaching History and citizenship in national and global contexts. The equivalent of three full weeks in an elementary (K-8) setting (minimum 90 hours), including contact with a special needs student. Info for 2021-22Teacher Candidates (Consecutive and Concurrent Final-Year). Courses that continue through the Fall/Winter are referred to as multi-term courses. The economics of . Initiative for Students with Disabilities, Classical, Middle Eastern, and Asian Languages and Cultures, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, Asian American & Asian Research Institute, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Barry Commoner Center for Health and the Environment, Center for Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies, Center for Career Engagement and Internships, Center for Ethnic, Racial and Religous Understanding, Office of Student Development and Leadership, Center for Career Engagement and Internship, Asian and Asian American Research Intitute, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Course Descriptions < Queen's University The course will then move to Indigenous educational theory, including such topics as Indigenous concepts of the person and the learner; teaching as ceremony; Indigenous differentiated instruction; holistic learning; global Indigenous identities; language and education; and education for decolonization. Students will have opportunities to interrogate contemporary educational structures and challenges in light of philosophical worldviews and positions, as well as historical continuities and changes. This course, obligatory for all candidates seeking an Ontario Teacher's Certificate, provides an overview of the legal aspects of teaching in Ontario. Course Descriptions. Introduction to arts based education (including all arts disciplines). This course will also investigate the factors that facilitate or hinder successful transitions and the importance of students, educators, parents/guardians, and the broader community working together to support students in successful career and life planning. Teacher candidates can tailor their practicum 450/451 to their interests related to the course. All programs are only designed to train those seeking vocation in the field of ministry. Engages students in approaches to making meaning from the past, including the discipline of history, citizenship education and narratives emerging from our social, political and cultural contexts. An introduction to visual art in the elementary grades. During the final term of the 4-term preservice program, this course identifies the major features and issues of a teacher's professional career. Teacher candidates use this knowledge, and their professional and school experiences to an application of the community-based project curriculum model. Provides an initial orientation to teaching History through exposure to a variety of teaching approaches, questioning techniques, lesson design and curriculum documents. Queens College motto. Student evaluations of faculty and courses are mandated by the CUNY Board of Trustees (Manual of General Policy, Article V, Policy 5.21, "Student participation in decision-making processes"), as necessary sources of evidence in reappointment, tenure, or promotion recommendations. Candidates will explore the elements of dramatic expression and develop an understanding of the intrinsic and extrinsic value of drama/theatre in education. This program focus supports teacher candidates' scholarly and personal development as they prepare for professional practice in international schools, including candidates considering international teaching after gaining full-time teaching experience in Canada. Flexible Core - Individual and Society. The format is to be very flexible, but pre-planned. This course focuses on enhancing teacher candidates understanding and appreciation of the natural environment as a classroom, increasing their knowledge of environmental issues, and learning how to teach about them. See also the Queens College Graduate Bulletin. Curriculum study is advanced through unit design and subject integration. Teacher candidates will read and discuss the major genres of literature used in elementary schools and develop criteria for judging the quality of children's literature. Critical to the implementation of this course is the modeling of a positive learning environment that reflects care, professional knowledge, ethical practice, leadership, and ongoing learning. Assessment is a central component of teaching and learning within elementary and secondary classrooms. Teacher candidates examine curricula, programs and educational thinking that challenge students and teachers to engage in authentic inquiry, problem-solving, reflection and community engagement - outside the classroom. The concentration is open to PJ and IS teacher candidates. An experiential learning approach with aspects of the course applied during the candidates' practice teaching rounds. CURR346 and CURR366 are combined in one class. Candidates will explore the elements of dramatic expression and develop an understanding of the intrinsic and extrinsic value of drama/theatre in education. Christel Haesicke, Graduate Advisor for CareersProf. 65-30 Kissena Blvd, Flushing, NY 11367 2 hr. Contact Us. Queens College, City University of New York The Enrollments tab displays tables showing the number of enrollments and sections by Department or Program, for offerings from Fall 2010. (CURR345 Music-Vocal candidates only, CURR365 Music-Instrumental candadates only; both arecombined in one class.) Summary pages display average ratings on a single bar graph, by instructor or course, for the six questions on the new questionnaire asked on a five-point scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree, displayed on the vertical axis), and for the corresponding questions on the old questionnaire. Free Courses & Programs | Queens College Find a Course; Find a Class; Find a Program; People Search. A pedagogical understanding of both the theory and practice of designing innovative outdoor programs is explored through field work involving the ideas of ecological literacy. Regulations in this catalog are binding on all students. Section number, section code, course number and title, and schedule will be identical, but the instructors will be listed on separate rows, as in the following example: We are working to resolve an an issue sourced in our limited access to CUNYfirst data, which results in some Queens College instructors who are not on the Queens College payroll to not appear listed in the Schedule tables. 500hp golf r quarter mile sedgwick walmart leave of absence forms ohio state course catalog free ps4 discount codes 2022 . numeracy connections that support learning. Learning in this course occurs through a combination of structured classes, contact with professors, a self-directed independent study, and an alternative practicum. Cours donn en franais. This course addresses teaching exceptional children and adolescents in an inclusive classroom. The calendar wording for each of the CURR courses (below) indicates that, together, the fall and winter courses complete the content and objectives for each of the teaching subjects, as agreed to by the Ontario College of Teachers. Tuition and fees set forth in this publication are similarly subject to change by the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York. Exceptional learners include, among others, those with learning disabilities, chronic health conditions, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), mental health concerns, developmental delays, giftedness, and behaviour and emotional difficulties. Emphasis will be placed on the intersection of assessment practices and principles of teaching and learning. On vise faire un tour d'horizon complet des connaissances et des applications pratiques dans le but d'amener tous les apprenants dvelopper leur style d'enseignement propre en adquation avec la situation actuelle dans le domaine des langues. (Music-Instrumental candidates only). This course introduces teacher candidates to the foundations of classroom assessment and evaluation. The equivalent of two full weeks in an elementary (K-8) setting (minimum 60 hours), including contact with a special needs student. PREREQUIS: CURR321. Fall 2022 pasadena city college - This program displays information about course and faculty evaluations from Spring 2001 on, and scheduling and enrollment information from Fall 2010 on. Call Us: 1-866-680-2756. Please review this document prior to completing the Concentration Preference Survey. Phone (718) 9973790 This course introduces teacher candidates to the study of history and philosophy of education. In this course teacher candidates will have the opportunity to explore various issues and practices related to environmental education. develops skills that enhance the integration of Catholic Graduate Expectations in the classroom and throughout the school. Candidates will learn through structured classes, group discussions, guest speakers and personal research of topics specifically applicable to individual interests. Provides an introduction from a chemistry focus to the theoretical concepts and practical skills necessary for successful and effective teaching of Intermediate-Senior science. Click on any course program acronym and number (the column titled Course (hr, crd)) to go to the corresponding evaluations data for that course. Candidates will deepen their understanding of Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction, as well as other practices, and improve their ability to plan and implement these kinds of approaches in order to respond to all their students and tailor their instruction appropriately. 3. The instructor assigned approximately how many pages of formal writing (essays, lab reports, narratives, etc.)? The questions in the old and new questionnaires are different, but these summary graphs provide averages for five questions that are almost identically worded in the two questionnaires. Find an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Queen's, a Russell Group university. The City University of New York. They will develop an understanding and appreciation of dance. Students are responsible for reviewing the information and knowing the rules and regulations presented in the catalog. Through experimentation with the foundation materials of visual art, and by utilizing their various environments as sources of inspiration, participants will gain confidence in their ability to make artistic choices and to provide meaningful art experiences for their students. It will also introduce teacher candidates to the concept of culture-based education, and will aid them in finding ways to integrate Indigenous perspectives into their classrooms. (Fall-winter program Technological Education candidates only) The ability to teach effectively depends to a large extent on a teacher's ability to act as a curriculum planner for both long and short term planning. Queens College Masters In Education - Cours donn en franais. (Artist in Community Education candidates only)Candidates explore the interface between the artist and education. Teaching approaches, questioning techniques, lesson design and subject integration is, online! And explores what it means to teach for social justice citizenship in national global! Learning in ELL, multicultural, and what we do and what shapes the social and philosophical.. Struggle with literacy competency and iv regulations presented in the elementary grades variety of teaching methodologies student... On the first day of the trimester practices and principles of teaching.! > cours donn en franais and develop an understanding and appreciation of dance an initial orientation to contemporary! 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