Jude: fight for the faith! - OverviewBible There is no obvious requirement that every single word spoken or written under inspiration must necessarily end up in the canon of scripture. But to avoid connection with Judas Iscariot, the infamous man who betrayed Jesus, most English translators have used the . Apart from the Lords brother, only two other candidates have any degree of plausibility. Enoch was a prophet of God and spoke His Word. What we don't know for sure is exactly where this story comes from according to verse 9. Jude - Chapter Nine - BibleOne.net Jude's letter- Free Bible Commentary in easy English Rome, or at least Italy, seems to be as likely a place as any for the place of composition. The three main dates proposed for Jude are: (1) sometime during the apostolic age (c. 50s-60s), (2) the latter part of the first century, and (3) the first half (usually the first two decades) of the second century. And do you think that this might hint at an apocryphal book as being inspired? On the other hand, R. C. H.Lenski, the Lutheran commentator, holds to the idea that this is a direct quotation. This would be similar to a modern day preacher citing a line from an atheistic scientist or philosopher. As we argued in 1-2 Peter, that audience was at least Gentile, and probably Pauls churches in Asia Minor. Seventh, the Syrian church did not accept Jude as canonical until the sixth century, suggesting that his labors were not there. However, there are two other considerations which would tend to date it a bit later. Especially for the Jews it was part of their common culture. This would be like a Christian apologist citing an atheistic author in a debate against an atheist. This is the second of the apocryphal passages referred to in notes on Jde 1:9. See the 2 Timothy 3:8 note; Jde 1:9 note. Did Jude copy from the book of Enoch? - NeverThirsty First, the false teachers were antinomian. Introduction A consensus exists today - nearly equivalent to established fact - that when Jude in the New Testament refers to Enoch in vv. 66 CE, therefore, seems to be the most probable date. Enoch's prophecy in Genesis is 365; today's solar calendar. It may also be argued that Paul is quoting Jesus rather than Enoch, but what difference does it really make? (6) Even though there is no hint of the false teachers denying the second coming in this epistle, there is an eschatological urgency throughout the letter. It became known to modern students through a translation from this into English by Archbishop Lawrence, in 1821. If you take this one step further you can see that Enoch left this earth just 75 years after Adam. Paul even quotes from secular writers, the most notable of whom isAretus, whom he cited on Mars Hill (. Further, if our suggestion as to destination is correct, then Jude would not have written if he had known that John had recently arrived in Ephesus. For now, note the following references: Verse 3the faith once for all delivered to the saints. Bauckham says this refers simply to the gospel itself, arguing that this is exactly the tactic which Paul used against false teaching (Gal 1:6-9; Rom 16:17).. How do you respond to them? 2. There are two reasons normally given: It is natural to think of predominantly Jewish Christian churches, both because they evidently come within the area of Judes pastoral concern and responsibility, and also because of the high degree of familiarity with Jewish literature and traditions which Judes allusions presuppose., (2) Even those who employ the second argument recognize its inherent weakness: The latter is not necessarily a decisive argument, since such Jewish material was no doubt used in the instruction of Gentile converts and since a writer does not always tailor his allusions to the knowledge of his readers., First, the false teachers were antinomian. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Second, the major difficulty in attributing this letter to the brother of the Lord is that the Greek is quite goodperhaps too good for a Galilean peasant.7 Although we have dealt at some length with the probable bilingualism of first century CE Palestine,8 as well as the possibility of an amanuensis reshaping the thoughts of an author, one point is significant here. We have argued that 2 Peters readers were in Asia Minor. And, at this point I am sufficiently old to announce publicly that I am still of the position that I was right and my questioner wrong. Here is the section of The book of Enoch "Jude" quotes from (Or vise-versa). One consideration that must be kept in mind, however, is that if Jude is prior to 2 Peter and if Jude is dated c. 65 CE, then 2 Peter must be pseudepigraphical. Yebamot, fol. Nobody knows where Moses was buried. . 1. We should note that Jude adapts these citations at certain points to correct them with the Bibles teaching. Such urgency would be spawned both by a sense that the Lords return was at hand and by the sudden rise of false teachers who would do what they could, if possible, to deceive even the elect. The book of Jude is a powerful little treatise that warns the children of God of the dangers of apostasy from the faith (contrary to the claims of some, that a Christian can never so fall from grace as to be lost eternally). Domitian then dismissed them and put an end to the persecution of the church. If he were to write in 70 CE, he would be at least 60 years old and perhaps in his 70s. This is interesting not only because these two letters are among the most disputed of the corpus Paulinum, butbecause they were also sent to Ephesus. Fifth, most likely, Judes audience (or enemies) were citing these books. And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam Thus described to distinguish him from Enoch the son of Cain, (Genesis 4:17,) who was only the third from Adam; so early was the prophecy delivered, referred to Jude 1:4: prophesied of these As well as of the antediluvian sinners. 11:49-53). They are waterless clouds who promise satisfaction of ones spiritual thirst, but in reality are barren. Apart from the Lords brother, only two other candidates have any degree of plausibility. It is notable that Jude's quotation from Enoch was the chief reason for the Book of Jude's rejection from the Canon of the Bible for a number of years. Perhaps Jude is attempting, to some degree, to have the same effect on his audience, viz., the. These two considerations seem to support the conclusion that Jude has gone out of his way to introduce this nautical imagery. Fourth, if Hegesippus account of Judes grandsons has even the smallest element of truth in it, this suggests that Judes grandsons lived in or near Rome in the 90s CE. It must be reiterated, therefore, that our dating of this letter at 66 (-67) is quite tentative. In just 25 verses, Jude covers a few important points for Christians to remember: The threat to the faith. It may be argued that these words of Christ were spoken much closer in time to the use of them by Paul (inActs 20) than the words of Enoch recorded in Judes epistle. 2. Although we have dealt at some length with the probable bilingualism of first century CE Palestine, as well as the possibility of an amanuensis reshaping the thoughts of an author, one point is significant here. First, he was taken by God and did not see death. addyce9e17022f037a89e93c11f4f9056e29 = addyce9e17022f037a89e93c11f4f9056e29 + 'prca' + '.' + 'org'; (2) It is true that Jude also uses agricultural imagery throughout this epistle, but most of this is already found in 2 Peter, would be common to his own background, and does have excellent parallels in the OT and other Jewish materials. Juchasin, fol. It is a common representation in the Old Testament also that God, when he manifests himself, is accompanied by great numbers of heavenly beings. Since Jude, in all likelihood, was not a fisherman, and since this material is not found in his source, it seems that he added the analogies for the sake of his readers. Is Jude 1:14-15 a direct quote of any remaining part of the Book of Enoch? Two arguments are used for this date: (1) references in Jude (vv 3, 17) which seem to indicate that the apostolic age had now passed, and (2) the identification of the false teachers with Gnosticism. It was not just the church in Alexandria and in Ethiopia which used 1 Enoch at times in the first centuries. make a strong case for) seems to unite Jew and Gentile. You will flee by the valley of My mountains, for the valley of the mountains will reach to Azel; yes, you will flee just as you fled before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Most scholars accept Jude as both authentic and written by Jude, the brother of Jesus. The Cross And Boasting (Galatians 6:12-15), 6. Critics argue that either Jude believed these books were Scripture, or the book of Jude is not Scripture itself. The Lord cometh - That is, the Lord will come. The current view is that Jude is referring to an apocryphal book without necessarily endorsing it, the same way Paul quotes Greek poetry. But such an upper limit is already anticipated in our first consideration, the time of Judes birth. Jude & Enoch: Part V - Rev310 Judes argument does not hang on these apocryphal passages; instead, we could back up everything that is written elsewhere in the OT. [2] Norman Hillyer, 1 and 2 Peter, Jude. Enoch prophesied in a time similar to the time Jude wrote his epistle and our time. When I studied plain geometry, I learned and memorized the so-called Pythagorean Theorem. At one point, God even speaks truth through a donkey (Num. If so, one of two texts needs to be reread: Either Jude 1 should be changed or Luke 6:16/Acts 1:13 should be reinterpreted. But not only is the evidence for a late date by no means compelling (see discussion under Date), but there is a major hurdle for the pseudepigraphical hypothesis to overcome: Why would anyone use the obscure name Jude unless this were a genuine work? The Enoch described in Genesis is unrecognizable in the description left in Jude. (f) Juchasin, fol. In this reconstruction of the purpose for this epistle, our common salvation in v 3 is a subtle reminder that Pauls expression of the faith was legitimate.24 This may well argue for a date shortly after Peters death, even within weeks. It's Satan somehow deceiving the world through false "signs and wonders".----If you read this article on WorldNetDaily, and you want to have interest in Enoch and his prophecy, I would simply refer to what the Bible says about Enoch's prophecy in Jude 1:14-15 and ignore the publicity about the ancient "Book of Enoch". Maybe it could also refer to the seven wandering stars. 1 Enoch in Jude's "Bible": Issues of Canonicity and Scriptural Repository for January 1840, pp. Yet these false teachers slander all authority, revealing their lack of understanding and triggering the natural consequences which are the very things that destroy them (10). var addy55a1c42e97c1fc3e695ee3fcd3e4f33f = 'jdengelsma' + '@'; This especially would seem to have force if the audience were the same in both cases (a view we adopt). Why is the Book of Enoch not in the Bible if Jude quotes from it? Not only this, but Bauckham denies any Semitisms for 2 Peter, while accepting several for Jude. But such an upper limit is already anticipated in our first consideration, the time of Judes birth. Fifth, Jude was an itinerant preacher (1 Cor 9:5), which at least indicated that he traveled beyond Jerusalem. What Do Jude and Enoch Tell Us about the End Times? For now, note the following references: Verse 3the faith once for all delivered to the saints. Bauckham says this refers simply to the gospel itself, arguing that this is exactly the tactic which Paul used against false teaching (Gal 1:6-9; Rom 16:17).19 What he does not explain is why Jude mentions once for all delivered (a point absent in the parallels). (3) Although v 3 hints at early catholicism, particularly if read as a statement about creedalism, this does not need to have come several decades after Peters death. Thus, although presupposition may be on Bauckhams side (though this is doubtful), real evidence is decidedly against him. 24The phrase our common salvation ( ) would seem to be an unusual expression if Jude had already had much contact with his audience. It would seem from this to have been an early doctrine that the Lord would "descend" to the earth for judgment. Bib. This would be particularly appropriate very soon after Peters death, for there would still be a perception that Pauls churches might defect (or in the least that they needed special encouragement). In v 13 he speaks of wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame, a vivid picture of the filth that they bring with them. (5) Assuming that Jude used 2 Peterand that in some way he wanted to indicate that the present false teachers were predicted by Peter,26 it is most curious that their denial of the second coming of Christ is not mentioned in Jude. We don't want to confuse Enoch with Enoch in Genesis 4:17, who was the son of Cain. His goal seemed to have been to make sure that they were not discouraged in light of the recent deaths of Paul and Peter.49 That this objective was not entirely snuffed out due to the more pressing concern of the false teachers is apparent from his benediction (vv 24-25). Syria is in all probability not correct simply because this epistle was not accepted into the Syriac canon until the sixth century. Tzemach David, par. In sum, apart from a presupposition of inauthenticity for 2 Peter, there is every reason to believe that Jude used 2 Peter rather than vice versa. 17:1-8; Lk. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. First, Judes grammar and style are much better than are 2 Peters. A Third bit of evidence that is frequently used in support of the argument of association is the reference made by Jude to the prophecy of Enoch. The text reads that Enoch "walked with God: and he was no more; for God took him" (Gen 5:21-24), which is interpreted . The answer is quite simple: during the war between Jerusalem and Rome (66-70). One view is that Jude, like all Jews at his time, and like the early church in general, was aware of the book 1 Enoch. A wide vocabulary, which Jude has, is easier to acquire than a skill in literary style, where Judes competence is less remarkable.9 Consequently, this cannot be considered a decisive argument against authenticity. (1 Enoch 1:9) Behold, [God] shall arrive with ten million of the holy ones in order to execute judgment upon all. Further, Jude did not necessarily imply that Enoch saw into the future to predict attitudes or actions of the sinners under consideration in the epistle. If this were the case, what period in nascent Christianity would best fit such a characterization? Further, since this letter is most likely intended (primarily) for a specific church, rather than as a circular letter. If Moses body was taken to heaven (Jude 9), then this would make sense of him showing up with Jesus at the Transfiguration. Thus, the very self-identification which opens this epistle not only indicates humility on Judes part, but also speaks of authenticity. There were only five fathers between Enoch and Adam. If you put it into the context of Pythagoras philosophy, that the ultimate reality is number,thenit is false because Pythagoras philosophy is false. Enoch (/ i n k / ()) is a biblical figure and patriarch prior to Noah's flood and the son of Jared and father of Methuselah.He was of the Antediluvian period in the Hebrew Bible.. Jude Quoting the Book of Enoch | Jonathan Srock If he used Mark, as most scholars believe, it is significant that not only does Luke clean up the grammar of Mark, but he also has his own tightly woven structure.31 This is precisely what we see in the relation between 2 Peter and Jude: not only is the Greek better in Jude,32 but the structure is tighter. Clearly, his understanding was that the angels lost their position or first estate because of sin, but to what specific event was Jude referring? In our view, therefore, he was, Most scholars regard Jude to have been addressed to Jewish Christians. If he were to write in 70 CE, he would be at least 60 years old and perhaps in his 70s. It is quoted from the apocryphal book of Enoch, directly, or from a tradition based upon it. The Secret Of Enoch - Walk With God One suspects that presuppositions are driving too much of scholarship when questions of authenticity are at stake. Evidence Unseen 2022. Consequently, if Asia Minor is the destination, the most strategic church here would be the one in Ephesus. 3Moffatts view that the author was an unknown Jude, brother of an unknown James, fails to take account of the fact that to identify oneself by ones brother, rather than ones father, was extremely unusual and requires an explanation. There are a few things that Enoch is known for in the Scriptures. 9:28-36). Indeed, if Jude is carrying on where Peter left off, and is trying to remind his audience that Peter had foretold the rise of false prophets to these people, then Asia Minor is quite certain as the destination. Further, it sounds very much as though the intended letter was going to be an attempt either to patch up differences or to bridge the gap between two parties. Ephesus is the most likely candidate. There are many reverse parallels in the NT: Judaizers infiltrating predominantly Gentile congregationsa phenomenon which is completely understandable (since legalism is endemic to human nature). Prophesied of these - Uttered prophecies applicable to these men, or respecting just such men as these. He argues at length against the early catholic interpretation of this epistle, but not convincingly. (c) Finally, although Jude 17 and 2 Pet 3:2 are almost identical in wording, there are significant differences: 2 Peter 3:2you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets and the commandments of the Lord and Savior through your apostles (RSV), Jude 17Remember the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ (RSV). Fourth, v 17 yields three clues concerning the literary relationship of these two letters: (a) Jude seems to be saying that his audience ought to recall what Peter (and Paul and his associates) had said to them regarding the rise of false prophets. Is in all probability not correct simply because this epistle, but convincingly. That either Jude believed these books Jude copy from the book of,... A debate against an atheist Enoch prophesied in a time similar to a modern day preacher citing a from. /A > first, the Lutheran commentator, holds to the saints 66,. Jude covers a few things that Enoch left this earth just 75 years Adam. ( or vise-versa ) 1-2 Peter, Jude delivered to the time wrote! ( 66-70 ) citing these books, if Asia Minor a few important points for Christians to remember the. Believed these books were Scripture, or from a tradition based upon it one in.. Have used the be the one in Ephesus ), 6 like a Christian apologist citing an scientist! 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