Samuel's mother, Hannah, was unable to have children, and she asked God for a son, dedicating that child to His service. Offering direct interpretation through semantics, Geneste seeks to convey the spiritual state of Israel and Judah during this period of time. It is commonly held that 1 and 2 Samuel present the prophets as ecstatic speakers with bizarre behavior just likethe pagan prophets of the other nations. 1 Samuel13:3 Who was Amnon in the Bible? Therefore, obedience to Gods word is of prime importance. Jewish tradition credits Samuel as the author, which is plausible since he did not die ( 1 Sam. Through the influence of godly Samuel (1 Sam. Later Hebrew texts and the English versions call the divided book 1 and 2 Samuel. The LXX designated them The First and Second Books of Kingdoms and the Vg., First and Second Kings, with our 1 and 2 Kings being Third and Fourth Kings.. Commentary on the Old Testament, The First Book of Samuel (Cambridge Bible Commentary) - borrow, 2 Samuel (Word Biblical Commentary) - borrow, 1 and 2 Samuel : an introduction and commentary (borrow), (Word Bible Commentary) - can be borrowed, Multiple Pictures related to 1 Chronicles, Multiple Pictures related to 2 Chronicles, 1 Samuel1:10-11ff The Journey from Barren to Blessed, 1 Samuel 7:1-13 Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us, 1 Samuel18:5, 14-15, 30 Behaving Ourselves Wisely, 1 Samuel 15 -The Irrepressible Force of Secret Sin, The God Who Remembers, Repents, and Rejects, A Beautiful Woman Can Make a Big Difference, 1 Samuel 16 24, Psalms 11 and 59 (David and Escape from Saul), 1 Samuel 25-31, 2 Samuel 1-4, 1 Chronicles 1-10, and Various Psalms (Transition from Saul to David), 1 Samuel 1:1-10GODS CALL TO LITTLE CHILDREN, 1 Samuel 1:28 THE CHILD WE LEND TO THE LORD, 1 Samuel 2:12-17 ELI: TROUBLE IN THE HOME, 1 Samuel 3:1-10 GOD CALLS LITTLE CHILDREN. What is impossible for humans is possible for God. 6) How did Samuel appear in 1 Sam. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary of the Books of Samuel. Please see Blue Letter Bible's Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. 4) How did the Holy Spirit minister before Pentecost? Through the influence of godly Samuel (1 Sam. There are four predominant theological themes in 1 and 2 Samuel. Biographie. 1 Samuel 4:1-11. 8:2, 3 ). Further, Nathan and Gad were prophets of the Lord during Davids lifetime and would not have been alive when the book of Samuel was written. Each narrative, based on a specific Bible passage, is prefaced with a short section that outlines the main goals of the story. Another and most majestic Divine title occurs for the first time in the first chapter of this book, and that is ''The Lord of Hosts.'' 1 Samuel4:18 What is the significance of a city gate in the Bible? 6:19; 2 Sam. . Jeremiah R. O. Thomasis the author of many titles includingA Synopsis of [J.] 1 Chronicles It gives the closing picture of one of the most disastrous failures. 7:3, 4), and the judges were dishonest (1 Sam. James Rosscup -This generally highly-regarded work offers much assistance verse by verse, using the RSV. 1 Samuel 5 What were the emerods God afflicted the Philistines with? . The Philistines controlled the use of iron, which gave them a decided military and economic advantage over Israel (1 Sam. 12:2931), along with other nations that surrounded Israel (2 Sam. Samuel, the King Maker (1 Samuel 1-7) - Samuel"name of God" is the meaning of his name.He was preeminently a man of prayer. Volume two covers the fall of Jerusalem until the Lamentations of Jeremiah. Those who have watched the sunrise from those plains where David must often have watched it, tell us that no words can describe its magnificence. F. B. Meyer(18471929) was educated at Brighton College, University of London, and Regent's Park College. (Caveat: Be a Berean - Acts 17:11), THE LIFE OF DAVID AS REFLECTED IN HIS PSALMS - Alexander Maclaren, J VERNON MCGEE 17:15), their reason for wanting a king showed a lack of faith in the Lord. As a character study Samuel has few peers; and as a factor in the early growth of his nation he is equaled only by Moses. The Great Shepherd in resurrection. Excellent Resource to supplement your preparation for teaching and preaching. The stature of the prophetic office during the years of the kingdoms can be traced back to Samuels life and ministry. 1 KINGS / 1 KINGS You can find his views on almost every key text in the Bible. Traditionally, it has been viewed as a demon. It was not long, though, until David was rejected by Israel and had to hide in the cave of Adullam. However, since Samuel has a different literary style than Kings, it was most likely penned before the Exile during the period of the divided kingdom (ca. The priesthood was corrupt (1 Sam. R. Kittel(18531929) was educated at Tbingen University before becoming professor of Old Testament at the University of Leipzeig. 2 Peter DISCLAIMER: Before you "go to the commentaries" go to the Scriptures and study them inductively (Click 3 part overview of how to do Inductive Bible Study) in dependence on your Teacher, the Holy Spirit, Who Jesus promised would guide us into all the truth (John 16:13). Recognized as some of the most enduring English Bible commentary, Simons critical work addresses challenges the church faced during the beginning of the Enlightenment. The nation was in danger of complete collapse. God chose him to institute Israels monarchy, but three times during his reign he disqualified himself from the high office. 1 Samuel 1-2: 5/8/1977: The Christian's Authority: Experience or the Word? 1 Samuel1:8-22 Did A Mother Name Her Son Samuel? 17:12-28;Jealous Reactions:When we have feelings of anger and jealousy, we must be on guard since these normal emotions can become very sinful. Intended as an aid for historical interpretation, Richard G. Moulton's commentary provides useful clarity for clergy and laymen alike. Grace Community Church Sometimes he overdoes things, as in seeing Hittites and confederates as depicting The evil habits of the old past (p. 12). Here is a link to the 2011 version of the NIV Study BibleNote that this resource has been fully revised in 2020. Numbers 11; 2 Sam. The quiet years of toil with his father's flock remind us of the years spent at Nazareth and in the carpenter's shop. Itfocuses on the meaning of each story and on how to understand and share it. Sometimes it is evangelical, at other times liberal ideas enter." 7) What is the identity of Davids seed in 2 Sam. The Gospels The long period of the rule of the judges ends with Samuel. According to U.S. News & World Report, some manufacturers are selling us the same size packages we are accustomed to, but they are putting less of the product in the box. In view of the significance and possible results of Professor Moultons undertaking, it is not too much to pronounce it one of the most important spiritual and literary events of the times.The Outlook, Unquestionable here is a task worth carrying out: and it is to be said at once that Dr. Moulton has carried it out with great skill and helpfulness. 1 Samuel 25 Who was Abigail in the Bible? 25:1) until after he had anointed David as God's chosen king ( 1 Sam. James G. Murphywas professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at Assemblys College and the author of numerous books, includingThe Elements of Hebrew Grammar,The Human Mind,A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Genesis,A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Exodus, with a New Translation, andA Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Leviticus. The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. The sins of Eli and his sons resulted in their deaths (1 Sam. 1 Samuel1:18 Who was Elkanah in the Bible? As 1 Samuel begins, Israel was at a low point spiritually. First Samuel is really a biography of three men: Samuel, Saul and David. Samuel erected an altar and called it Ebenezer (1 Samuel 7:12). Has some very helpful notes. It was a refusing of God's best, for the second best - and there is much difference between the two. V. The Causes of Gods Rejection of the First King And the Son of David responds, ''I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep'' [John 10:11]. In this volume, Presbyterian minister Charles S. Robinson draws out 29 lessons from the two books that follow the lives of Samuel, Saul, David, and Solomonfour leaders whose lives were so individual and yet in many respects so alike. According to Robinson, whoever understands those men will have attained a knowledge of human nature which will prove valuable to him as a citizen and a Christian., Lectures on the Life of Samuel: Preached in the Parish of Warminster, Wilts, during Lent, A.D. 1834 byWilliam Dalby. Sidlow Baxter -In the Hebrew manuscripts, 1 and 2 Samuel form but one book, as also do 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles. That name means ''heard of God'' or ''sons of God.'' Jewish tradition ascribed the writing of Samuel to Samuel himself or to Samuel, Nathan, and Gad (based on 1 Chr. The faith and the failures of both great and small are viewed in the light of sovereign grace. The Eastern sheep-fold is an enclosure, open to heaven, with a small place of shelter at the back, and enclosed with a rough, stone wall. Human Kingship: Was it wrong to have a human king? He incorporates views from the earlyChurch Fathersin order to provide further clarification on key topics. However, the NT refers the words to Jesus, Gods Son in Heb. Calvary Chapel. Fleming has some liberal tendencies and his exposition is not spiritual. Note: MLA no longer requires the URL as part of their citation standard. Revelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion. mile/miles the Ammonites (2 Sam. Editors (2017). He did it because he wanted to clear out some of his old tools to make room for new ones. 2:10) and the song of David (2 Sam. There is no such clarity concerning how late the date of writing could be. The key thought is ''choosing a king,'' and the key verse reads, ''Now, therefore, behold the king whom ye have chosen'' (1Sam 12:13). It is hard to find a single mistake that Samuel made. The Ammonites were descendants of Lot (Gen. 19:38) who lived on the Transjordan Plateau. 2. 1 Samuel14:49. Who was Michal in the Bible? They turn the most holy things into ridicule. The People's Desire for a King, Chapter 9. Under Saul, Israel was more than a loose confederation that gathered together whenever there was a common threat, but there was no strong central rule such as existed later. Volume 1 - Examining the intimated relationship and history between Israel and Judah, Maximilian Geneste provides extensive commentary on the composition and arrangement of the text, historical context, and elucidation of reiterated motifs. The lawless state of God's people, described in the Book of Judges, is continued in the early part of 1Samuel, and seems to reach its height when the priests were given over to wickedness [ch. Saul's undoing was not so much disobedience, as half-hearted obedience (1 Samuel 15). 23:2 was not describing salvation in the NT sense, but an empowering by the Lord for His service (see also Judg. Volume 2 - Examining the intimated relationship and history between Israel and Judah, Maximilian Geneste provides extensive commentary on the composition and arrangement of the text, historical context, and elucidation of reiterated motifs. Calvary Chapel, Green Bay, ALAN CARR 1Sa 17:32b, 5. It is often easy for us to talk big, but it is another thing to live up to what we say. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select an Ending Point 2:10) and the song of David (2 Sam. Disciple's Study Bible : New international version54 ratingsNot that helpful for verse by verse study. The Captivity in the Philistines' Land, Chapter 3. Thats true with people as well. We must choose God's best or our own way. 1 Samuel, F B MEYER The exhortation of Samuel to Israel concerning the king (11:1412:25), B. The nation of Israel was largely concentrated in an area that ran about 90 mi. But somehow they were attracted to David [cp. 24:20). The books are literarily framed by two references to the anointed king in the prayer of Hannah (1 Sam. ), since 2 Kings concludes during the exile (2 Kin. 6) How did Samuel appear in 1 Sam. Robertson went on to become the minister of Knox Church in Winnipeg and a missionary in New York. 4]. 2) Is Samuel ambivalent to the establishment of the human kingship in Israel? 1 Samuel 17 What should we learn from the account of David and Goliath? Minor Prophets 1 Samuel 15:22 Why is obedience better than sacrifice? Not only does it recount eventful history; it is eventful history interwoven with the biographies of three colourful personalities - Samuel, Saul, David. Close of the Period of the Judges (1 Samuel 1-7), Judgments on Eli and loss of the Ark (1 Samuel 4:1-7:2), Beginning of the Monarchy (1 Samuel 8-31), Appointment of the first king (1 Samuel 8-10), Saul's reign until his rejection (1 Samuel 11-15), The fall of Saul and rise of David (1 Samuel 16-31), 1,2 Samuel How God Uses a Surrendered Life - currently not available, 1 Samuel 24:1-15 Understanding Your Conscience - currently not available, 1 Samuel 16:1-3 A Man After the Heart of God, 1 Samuel 16:14-23 A Life That Blesses Others, 1 Samuel 17:38-51 Standing Strong for God, 1 Samuel 19:1-18 Persecuted, but Not Forsaken. This is a reference to the Messiah, the King who will triumph over the nations who are opposed to God (see Gen. 49:812; Num. 1 Samuel 8:5-8 Was it wrong for the Israelites to ask for a king? In 1832, Cumming was appointed to theCrown Court ChurchinCovent Garden, London, aChurch of Scotlandcongregation that catered for Scots living in London. John . You may be getting less than you thought. Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown. We cannot win while we war against God! He was a choice young man in the prime of life when he was placed on the throne. THE THREE LEADING CHARACTERS OF 1 AND 2 SAMUEL. As a teen, God famously called him three times in the night, and Samuel responded each time. Thru the Bible Sabbath Morning Readings on the Old Testament: The First and Second Books of Samuel by John CummingPublication Date: 1859 Pages: 465. 1 Samuel; Principle #35; 1 Sam. The events of Davids life recorded in Samuel foreshadow the actions of Davids greater Son (i.e., Christ) in the future. 11:6). South Woods Baptist Church, JAMES NISBET You wont be surprised to learn that Davids life offers an excellent example of what discouragement can do to a man of God. He wanted to be Biblical through and through and give every text its due proportion, whether it sounded Arminian as it stands or Calvinistic. However, with that occupancy came the gradual infiltration of Canaanitic social and religious practices. It disappeared from the language of the Israelites so completely that no Jewish student of the Bible, ancient or modern, was able to explain it. The comments are brief but meaty and can really help your study through a given book. 1 Samuel16:1 Who was Jesse in the Bible? 12:14). He was handsome to look at, he was tall and of a noble mien. Brief but well done notes1,275 ratings, The David Jeremiah study bible- (2013) 2208 pages. 6:1), 1 Sam. If not, you can now discover a wonderful new resource. Only the God-given way of approaching him through sacrifice can prepare humans to come closer to God. 8:2, 3). Focusing on providing exegetical commentary on the books of Kings, C. F. Burney'sNotes on the Hebrew Test of the Books of Kingsoffers textual criticism, hermeneutic and presuppositional interpretation, and semantic analysis of the text. God's Care for His own Honor, Chapter 4. 1 Samuel; Principle #3; 1 Sam. Taylor moves through the chronology of David's life, conveying the events and also giving an objective Christian commentary. W. E. Barnes(18591939) was fellow and chaplain of Peterhouse, Hulsean Professor of divinity, and examining chaplain to the bishop of London. . 1 Samuel; Principle #25; 1 Sam. The New Testament and Wycliffe Bible commentary- This version has no time restriction but only has the NT. They wanted a king like the other surrounding nations. ''There is a line by us unseen The International Critical Commentary. The Gospels London: George Gill & Sons, Ltd., 1894.pp.136. It is usually taken as Solomon. The answer came back, It is discouragement. 3:3 The Lord calls to Samuel who is sleeping in the tent of meeting, where the ark of God was, 1 Samuel 4 Philistines capture the ark (for seven months:1 Sam. This is a reference to the Messiah, the King who will triumph over the nations who are opposed to God (see Gen. 49:812; Num. Written as a collection of studies to be read on Sunday mornings, John Cumming offers extensive commentary on books of Samuel with regard for Israel's covenant. First published in 1900, this practical work is still a blessing to many. E to W. This central spine ranges in height from 1,500 ft. to 3,300 ft. above sea level. The Lord uses the weak things of the world for His glory. Not in depth but easy to read. 2:1217, 2225; 3:1014; 4:17, 18). Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." The book of1 Samuelestablishes the principle that obedience to the word of God is the necessary condition for a king to be acceptable to the God of Israel. Sin always brings defeat. The first is the Davidic Covenant. Saul died on the field of battle by his own hand. The closing chapter of our book is draped in black. Fully illustrating the books of Kings, John Cumming'sExpository Readings on the Books of Kingsoffers easy to understand commentary within an exegetical framework. The new Unger's Bible dictionarybyUnger, Merrill Frederick, 1909-, Survey of the Bible : introductory insights, background studies, book-by- book surveybyUnger, Merrill Frederick, The Hodder Bible handbookbyUnger, Merrill, Nelson's expository dictionary of the Old TestamentbyUnger, Merrill, Kregel Bible handbook : a full-color guide to every book of the BiblebyKerr, William3 ratings, The new encyclopedia of Christian quotationsbyWater, Mark. I & II Second SamuelbyBergen, Robert D - Shepherd's Notes - Not very detailed but occasional interesting insights. Instead, it is usually something about who God is andabout how he makes and keeps his covenant with us. 1 Samuel; Principle #39; 1 Sam. For the geography, zoology, botany, and manners and customs of Palestine, this will be your counselor and guide.A work of art as well as learning. ''Jesus ever liveth to make intercession for them'' [Heb 7:25]. 1 SAMUEL / 2 SAMUEL 2:10) and the song of David (2 Sam. David, a heart for God byBriscoe, D. Stuart1 rating, Looking on the heart(Volume 2 - 1 Samuel 15-31) byDavis, Dale RalphA Study of 1 Samuel (21-Part MP3 Series), The First book of SamuelbyTsumura, David Toshio - New International Commentary on the Old Testament30 ratings. (Read Rom 1:3 and Rev 22:16 for two examples. His excellent work reflects wide knowledge of biblical literature in the text and in footnotes. Johannine Writings 8:1) and mi. 10:17-27;Hero Worship:In our hearts, we are never to allow spiritual leaders to take precedence over God. It offers brief explanation of some main problems, such as the number judged at Beth Shemesh in I Samuel 6:19ff. Topical Series . Christ laid down His life as ''the propitiation for our sins'' (1John 2:2). Jonathan made an everlasting covenant with David (1Sa 18:3; 20:15,16; 23:18): ''He stripped himself of the robe that was on him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.'' (1 Samuel 10:25, nasb) In the same way, other passages are attributed to different contributors. Commentary 4: Commenting and Commentaries, 1 Samuel 2:30 The Most Certain of All Laws. 1 Samuel 3 If God Can Use This Boy, He Can Use You!
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