by Beryl Meehan The regiment was engaged at the Battles of Bound Brook, Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown in 1777. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Koppenhofer, Michael - Capt. Download The Marshall Cavendish Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War I - 11 PDF Please improve this article by adding a reference. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Burns David (widow's app. As such, without more evidence, I believe that this striking coincidence is simply that - a coincidence. Ross's Co., etc., BEAVER-YORK-WASHINGTON COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Peter Rick's Co., PA Militia, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, contributed Also, the 12th PA Continentals did not arrive in time to join Washington's forces for the Battle of Trenton on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 1776. James Clarke's Co., etc., INDIANA COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty Shaw, James (& widow's app.) enlisted in Company F, 1st Infantry, Kansas National Guard in Hiawatha, Kansas, June 24, 1899. David Grier's Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette McGerry/McGeary, by David Zimmerman If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. They were published as a set of 8 volumes. Archibald Bean's Co., etc., LANCASTER COUNTY/also YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Jacob Netherlins Co., etc., CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Rebecca Cardine Vanderbelt, - Served CT, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, contributed Covenhofer's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Sifert (or Cypher), Peter - Capt. Revolutionary War, Short explanation of document on . 21. Wright, Aaron(widow's app.) Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment (Colonel William Thompson; designated the 1st Continental Regiment in 1776; Captain William Hendricks' Company and Captain Matthew Smith's Company assigned to Northern Department 8 September 1775; marched to Quebec under Benedict Arnold; captured at Quebec 31 December 1775 ). Id. lying upon a stretcher near the door, Wm. The Twelfth was one of the earliest regiments to enter the field. Geery, John - Capt. William McCasky's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution, 1898 Membership List, N-Z, Memoriams and Transfers, contributed by Betty Lynne Bernhardt Pyles, The regiment would see action at Brandywine, Paoli, Germantown, Monmouth, Springfield, Green Spring, and Yorktown. Finley, Joseph Lewis - Capt. Manage Settings Murphy, John (widow's app.) Wade on row gallie on Delaware River, etc., DELAWARE (also CHESTER) COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty Miller, Conrad - Capt. Russell - Capt. James Piggott's Co., PA, etc., ALLEGHENY COUNTY, contributed Mitchell & Young's Co's., DE, contributed by Dean Harmany is simply listed as sick, and another, Edward O'Brien, is listed as "Deserted Jan. 3d," the day of the Battle of Princeton.. Lou Wardlaw Northampton County - 1st Battalion, Muster Roll Of 6th Class, contributed by Joy Fisher of Revolutionary Pensioners, John at 66. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. John - GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core form to submit a pension, Natalie by Mary Lou Wardlaw Remarks sometimes note desertions or names of battalions in which soldiers served. Depuy, by Ken Forbes In a surprise attack defeated a loyalist militia twice their size that was led by James Boyd. COUNTY, contributed by Dean McGee To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Gregory, Burns Chester County, Lower Oxford CompanyRoster, contributed by Kathryn Payne Daniel - Capt. MacLain, Staley, Peter - Capt. See, Cecil Cline, Peter Cline, Revolutionary Soldier and His Descendants(2007) at pg. Muster Rolls Of The New York Infantry Regiments During The Civil War These rosters were compiled by the New York State Adjutant General Office. John Ferguson's Co., MA, LUZERNE COUNTY, contributed The regiment was merged into the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment on July 1, 1778. John Philips Co., etc., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core Assigned to Thomas Conway's 3rd Pennsylvania Brigade, the regiment would see action at Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. Momie, Jacob - Capt. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. David (and widow's app.) Importantly, further research reveals that those furloughed were routinely those who were, in fact,, This record includes several soldiers listed as furloughed, including Peter Klein, as well as Privates Michael Waltz, Henry Miller and John Neal. One soldier, Sgt. Pensions arranged by veteran's name. Shannon's Co., etc., WESTMORELAND COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Revolutionary War Pension Indexes, PA We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Shaw, Archibald - Capt. Patterson's Co., etc., CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Scottie Unrelated Clines - Peter Cline of KY & MO. Joseph Harens listed as "Sick at Pluckaming" [Pluckemin, NJ], the site where Washington's Army briefly encampted Jan. 5-6, 1777 after the Battle of Princeton, en route to Morristown, NJ. The Regiment was authorized on October 12, 1775 in the Continental Army as the 1st Pennsylvania Battalion. Isaac Pierce's Co., PA Militia, contributed by Don As a result, [Lt. Col. Lutz's advance group] was one of the several battalions which suffered heavily in early fighting before being fully organized." Pensions arranged by veteran's name. Isaac - Capt. As noted by Devine, in the minds of many generals, the Flying Camp was "clearly distinguishable" from the militia, but "in the minds of other officers of regular continental and state battalions of whom the dintinction was not of practical consequence, the Flying Camp was mere militia." ), Wickoff/Wyckoff, Foreman, Continue reading Source Information. Lot: 605 - Virginia Militia 1st Regiment Civil War Shako Cap 1854 stamped inside. ?6'(%5 y^ ^"J^ ^ > .N f ei^rietta f^ni^. In the spring of 1776, there was significant need of an American defense in and around New York City. John - Midshipman aboard Randolph Frigate, contributed by Lowell Thomas Coincidentally, a Peter Klein and a Henry Miller also served in this unit, but in a different company than Michael Waltz. Asahel - Capt. You may want to start by searching for a person's Military Service Records and Pension and Bounty Land records. Andrew Thompsons Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette The regiment was raised 23 August 1776 at Sunbury, Pennsylvania as a state militia regiment and later renamed the 12th Pennsylvania. Cornelius - Capt David Berry's Co., PA, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, contributed James Taller's Co., NY Regt., YORK COUNTY, contributed Corps of Pennsylvania Loyalists, contributed by R. Wallace Hale DeFrance, The main force had retreated in disorder to high ground near the Red Lion Tavern, where it was partly rallied after daybreak by Gen. Samuel Parsons, and held until reinforcements arrived. Thomas Cassinhefner's Co., PA Militia, contributed Shearer contributed by Joy Fisher Troutman, Northampton County - Flying Camp Companies from First Battalion of Associators 1776, contributed by Joy Fisher Watson's Co., etc., LANCASTER-WASHINGTON COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Chester County Militia, 2nd Co., 7th Battalion, contributed by Sandra Ferguson UPDATE (March 13, 2021): Additional research has shed some new light on Peter Cline's service during the Revolutionary War. Hipple, Lawrence - 4th Battalion, PA Militia, CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Rebecca Cardine Measures 6 x 9 1/2 x 6 inches without pom. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. [1] Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin widow Fontal's Co., PA, YORK COUNTY, contributed State Government Records Collection. The 13th Pennsylvania Regiment, also known as The Pennsylvania State Rifle Regiment and Miles's Regiment, was raised March 6, 1776, as a state militia regiment and later for service with the Continental Army. Six/Sycks/Sykes, Henry - Capt. The Pennsylvania Line: Regimental Organization and Operations, 1776-1783, To George Washington from the Pennsylvania Council of Safety, 8 February 1777,, Bibliography of the Continental Army in Pennsylvania, United States Army Center of Military History, Hartley's Additional Continental Regiment, Bayard's Philadelphia Associators Regiment, Cadwalader's Philadelphia Associators Regiment, Matlack's Philadelphia Associators Rifle Battalion, Morgan's Philadelphia Associators Regiment, Moulder's Philadelphia Associators Artillery Company, Klotz's Lancaster County Militia Regiment, McAllister's York County Militia Regiment, Montgomery's Cumberland County Militia Regiment, Watt's Cumberland County Militia Regiment,, Pennsylvania regiments of the Continental Army, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 October 2020, at 10:21. Transcriptions pertaining The 12th Pennsylvania Regiment also known as Northampton and Northumberland Defense Battalion was an American infantry unit that fought during the American Revolutionary War as part of the Continental Army. On 17 June 1777, Walter Stewart became the unit's commander and led it at the Battle of Brandywine where it fought with George Weedon's 2nd Virginia Brigade. Workman, James - Capt. Project, Classes Patterson, James - Capt. There is no reference to being "wounded," but this is obviously impossible, as soldiers were routinely wounded in battle. Because of the ongoing problems with militia units (loose discipline and reluctance to serve far from home), and further reluctance for the recruitment of professional units, a compromise, known as the "Flying Camp," was born. For information about how to add references, see, Bayard's Philadelphia Associators Regiment, Cadwalader's Philadelphia Associators Regiment, Matlack's Philadelphia Associators Rifle Battalion, Morgan's Philadelphia Associators Regiment, Moulder's Philadelphia Associators Artillery Company, Klotz's Lancaster County Militia Regiment, McAllister's York County Militia Regiment, Montgomery's Cumberland County Militia Regiment, Watt's Cumberland County Militia Regiment, Bibliography of the Continental Army in Pennsylvania, Hartley's Additional Continental Regiment, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Pennsylvania regiments of the Continental Army, Military units and formations established in 1776, Military units and formations disestablished in 1778. Samuel Miles was the regiment's commanding officer when he was captured at the Battle of Long Island. County Pensioners 1835, contributed by Michael Milton Cunningham, McDowell, James - Capt. Adams, David - Capt. George Nagle's Co., etc., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core Posey, Michajah - Capt. Tritt, Peter - Capt. Before a month had passed, the regiment was being referred to as the 13th Pennsylvania Regiment.[3]. Carolyn K. Marsh Quinby, On 1 December [1776], the day most of its enlistments expired, six of its battalions at half to two-thirds strength were at Trenton," but did not include Haller's Battalion, which was weakened to the point that its remnants were under Colonel Hand's 1st PA Continentals. Hook, Capt. by Diana Begeman In January 1777 the 12th was commanded by Colonel . Most of the soldiers had dashed lines through this column, meaning that they were not a casualty for the month of January. Minor, Capt. War Pension Lists. The regiment was raised 23 August 1776 at Sunbury, Pennsylvania as a state militia regiment and later renamed the 12th Pennsylvania. Calhoun, Andrew (widow's pension) - YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette - NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Purdy, Patrick (widow's app.) This is a list of British units which took part in the American Revolutionary Wa Hixson, James - Capt. These Pennsylvania Deutsch Sons of Liberty in Boston, and tensions there ultimately are especially valuable during the Revolutionary War, led to "the shot heard 'round the world" at the Battles of as many ethnic Germans are recruited to counter the Lexington and Concord. or Doherty, John. The most likely battle would have been the 2nd Battle of Trenton and not the Battle of Princeton, because he never mentions participation in the Battle of Princeton in his pension application, something he surely would have recalled. at 62. County Pensioners 1835, contributed by M. Thompson, Robert - LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed by J. Robison Brinkerhoff, Jacob; ensign, Captain Williams' company, Colonel Michael Swope's battalion of the flying camp; in service, 1776. Chester & Delaware Counties, 5th Regiment officers, PA Line, contributed by Sandra Ferguson gunnell-john-1818.txt Reading was the location of an army hospital. In the spring of 1776, there was significant need of an American defense in and around New York City. Research our Records The National Archives holds records relating to military service during the Revolutionary War, including both Continental troops and state troops that served as Continental troops. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Akers, Revolutionary War Service [Updated Below, 3/13/2021], Peter Cline filed his Revolutionary War pension application in 1832 in Montgomery County, Virginia. According to Peter Cline's pension application, he was a current Pike County, Kentucky resident but had previously resided in Berks County, Pennsylvania during the Revolution. He enlisted with Captain Henry Miller and served in the 12th Pennsylvania Regiment which was formed in September, 1776. Peter further statedthathe was engaged in the following battles against the British: the Battles of Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, and Germantown. He was probably engaged at Princeton as well. He then marched from the Wide Marsh (White Marsh)in Pennsylvania to Germantown, Pennsylvania, then to the mouth of the Schuylkill, then up the same to Valley Forge..
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