2nd Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. 9th Battalion, North Staffordshire Regiment. 16th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. The Royal Irish Regiment (27th (Inniskilling) 83rd and 87th and Ulster Defence Regiment) (R IRISH) is an infantry unit of the British Army . He was 21 when he died and is buried in the North-East part of Kilwairra Old Catholic Churchyard, Cooley, Co. Louth, Ireland. 2nd Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. 10th Battalion, Queen's Own, (Royal West Kent Regiment). You do not need to include the word regiment, battalion or brigade. 8th Battalion, King's Own, (Royal Lancaster Regiment). These cookies do not store any personal information. April 17 18 1918 First Battle of Kemmel Ridge. About June 1915, converted to Pioneer Battalionn of the same division. - Royal Irish Regiment Museum. H-L. 7th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment. De Ruyter Philippee. Want to know what life was like during the Great War? Create your own unique website with customizable templates. They are not personal diaries (try the Imperial War Museum or local record offices for those). (IV Corps, Third Army. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources. 3rd Battalion, The Kings, (Liverpool Regiment). [37], The 5th (Service) Battalion (Pioneers) landed in Suvla Bay as pioneer battalion for the 10th (Irish) Division in August 1915 but moved to Salonika in September 1915. 2nd Lt. 3rd Btn. [33] The 2nd Battalion landed at Boulogne-sur-Mer as part of the 8th Brigade in the 3rd Division in August 1914 for service on the Western Front but was almost completely destroyed at the Battle of La Basse in October 1914 with many men being taken as prisoners of war. The gilt shamrock badge was used on the cap and collar. After almost 250 years of service with the British Army, it was disbanded in 1922 on the establishment of the Irish Free State. [29], In 1908, the Volunteers and Militia were reorganised nationally, with the former becoming the Territorial Force and the latter the Special Reserve;[30] the regiment now had two Reserve but no Territorial battalions. [5][35][38][39][47][b], The reconstituted 7th (SIH) Bn joined 21st Bde in 30th Division on 4 July, serving with it until the end of the war, including the Capture of Wulverghem on 2 September, the Fifth Battle of Ypres, and the Battle of Courtrai. A-K. 12th (Yeomanry) Battalion, Norfolk Regiment. (Brigadier Nelson Russell, Commander 38 (Irish) Brigade, 1942-44), For individual museum opening times and information, please click on the relevant museum below: [21] Captain Hugh Shaw won the Victoria Cross when he rescued wounded soldiers during a skirmish at Nukumaru near Whanganui. June 7th/9th Battle of Messines (1X corps Second Army). A-K. 2nd Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment. On recovery he would have been posted to the 7/RIR, 48th brigade, 16th, division in France. C-D. 7th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment. Library contains many many diary entries, personal letters and other documents, most transcribed into plain text. John Kelly most likely was one of these wounded and he was transported to the 62nd (1/2nd London) Clearing Station where he died of wounds on the 22nd August 1918. (became the Divisional Pioneer battalion in March 1915) 10th Bttn, Hampshre Regiment (from March 1915). 2nd/1st Battalion, Lincolnshire Yeomanry. 13 July 1918 : became the 8th (Service) Bn. 09:00 to 17:00. Pte. It was then posted to the West Indies from 1805 until the end of the war in 1814. 8th Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. 10th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, (N&D Reg). Sydney was probably invalided home in the spring or early summer of 1916 with malaria. 9th Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. They suffered over 3,200 killed in action and thousands more wounded in places such as Le-Pilly, Gullimont, Ginchy, Salonika, Mesopotamia and Palestine. 12th Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment. The regiment remained in Britain and Ireland until 1767, when it was deployed to North America. 23rd Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers. While 7th Bn The Royal Irish Rifles was the only battalion of our antecedent regiments to serve in either 47th or 48th Brigades, 49th Brigade included two battalions of Inniskillings and two of Faughs (7th and 8th in both cases) and was known unofficially as the 'Ulster Brigade'. 24 September 1915 : landed at Mudros, having sailed from Devonport on 6 September. February 1916 : landed in France. 1st and 2nd South Irish Horse were amalgamated in August 1917, dismounted, and sent for retraining as infantry. Royal Irish Regiment during the Great War 1914-1918. 1st Battalion, The Kings, (Liverpool Regiment). However, the Treaty of Vereeniging had been signed while they were at sea, and Lord Waterford soon came home, resigning his captain's commission on 25 August 1902,[21] and returning to command the new South Irish regiment. 7th (South Irish Horse) Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment. Moved to Fermoy and by early 1915 was at Longford. The South Irish Horse was a Special Reserve cavalry regiment of the British Army. 08.02.1918 . 18 April 1918 : reduced to cadre strength; reformed 26 June 1918. They had nothing to do, apart from a small expedition against a native chief, which did not involve the 61st Company. 5th Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. 1 April 1918 : transferred to 52nd (Lowland) Division. In preparation for a move into Transvaal, the Yeomanry moved to Tuli, where they were still stationed, practising musketry, at the end of October. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence The Royal Irish Rifles, an amalgamation of the 83rd (County of Dublin) and 86th (Royal County Down) Regiments, absorbed the Royal North Down Rifles, Queen's . He was 19 when he died on 11th July 1919 and is buried south of the old church in the Glanworth Old Cemetery, Glanworth, Co. Cork, Ireland. [27] The battalion took part in several battles, and played an important role at the Battle of Slabbert's Nek in July 1900 during the war. He was facing the right way, the last round of a clip in the breech and three dead Germans in front of him. Written by Chris Baker. 6th Battalion, King's Shropshire Light Infantry. 5th Battalion, The Kings, (Livrpool Regiment). This information will help us make improvements to the website. 2nd Battalion, Royal Marine Light Infantry. 7th Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). The 6th service battalion had been formed in Dublin in 1914 and by February 1915 was at The Curragh racecourse. The Regiment raised 3 Battalions and gained 47 battle honors during the course of the war. The Wartime Memories Project is a non profit organisation run by volunteers. We are now on Facebook. In September 1916 moved to Templemore (Co. Tipperary) but by the end of 1917 was back at Dublin. Captain Robert Parker, The Royal Regiment of Ireland, c1720. ), November 2327 The capture of Bourlon Wood (IV Corps, Third Army. 28 November 1915 : sailed from Marseilles for Salonika. 4th Battalion, Oxford & Buckingham Light Infantry. 7th (South Irish Horse) Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment was formed in France, from the dismounted 1st and 2nd South Irish Horse on the 1st of September 1917. Hawke Battalion, Royal naval Division. 2nd Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment. Want to know what life was like during the Great War? 17th Battalion, The Kings, (Liverpool Regiment). Please note: We are unable to provide individual research. v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Friends of The National Landed Suvla Bay 7 August 1915. You should be aware of a few constraints and limitations. Records of 7th (South Irish Horse) Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment from other sources. The companies that joinedWilliamwere placed on the English establishment in 1689. 7th Battalion, North Staffordshire Regiment. On 7th December H.M. the King with H.R.H. 20th Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Library contains many many diary entries, personal letters and other documents, most transcribed into plain text. 8th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, (N&D Reg). L-Z. [34], The 3rd (Reserve) Battalion, largely made up from local Dubliners, were the first army troops to engage the Irish rebels during the Easter Rising: the rebels were fighting to establish an Irish Republic in Dublin. Many of the IY went home at the end of their year's engagement, to be replaced by fresh recruits from the Second Contingent. The latter fought in the Boer War (1899-1902 . 9th Battalion, York & Lancaster Regiment. 3rd Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, (N&D Reg). to help with the costs of keeping the site running. November 9th the Division came under XV Corps. April 13 1918 Battle of Bailleul (108th Bde, with 19th division) (IX Corps, Second Army). [18] to the 37th (Highland Horse) Battalion, a new unit being sent out to South Africa as part of the Third Contingent of the IY. Private 23724 9th Battalion The Royal Irish Fusiliers. [14][15], The regiment was awarded the following Battle honours:[13]. 5th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment. British infantry regiments of the First World War, Harris, Appendix II, pp. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources. 11th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, (N&D Reg). 1st Battalion, Honourable Artillery Company. Two battalions of the Royal Ulster Rifles land in Normandy by air and by sea. 2nd Battalion, York & Lancaster Regiment. [9] Boston was abandoned in early 1776 and the regiment evacuated to Nova Scotia, where many of its men were drafted into other units, then to Dover Castle in England. 1st King's. As Britain's control of Ireland eroded in 1920 during the Irish War of Independence, the 1st Battalion deployed to Bantry, County Cork. [21], The 2nd Battalion, which was re-formed on 18 September 1857, began to arrive in New Zealand from 4 July 1863 and served in the Waikato and Taranaki campaigns of the New Zealand Wars. The regiment foughtin the First Opium War (1839-42) and the Second Burma War (1852). 18 April 1918 : came under orders of 178th Brigade, 59th (2nd North Midland) Division. [2], The regiment was formed in 1684 by the Earl of Granard from independent companies in Ireland. 3ed (Reserve) Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. It was back in home barracks from 1885 to 1891, then in Ireland until it was sent to South Africa as part of reinforcements for the Second Boer War in late 1899. [7] The regiment spent most of the next 25 years on garrison duty in Britain and Ireland; in 1751, reforms ended the tradition of naming units after their current colonel and the regiment was officially ranked as the 18th Regiment of Foot. 16th Battalion, York & Lancaster Regiment. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Each formed one of the new unit's two regular battalions. 10th Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. [5] Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment). 3rd Battalion, King's Own, (Royal Lancaster Regiment). 4 July 1918 : transferred to 21st Brigade, 30th Division. April 10-11 Battle of Messines (108 bde, with 19th division)(IX Corps, Second Army). 20th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers. The Royal Irish. 19th Battalion, The Kings, (Liverpool Regiment). [14], When the Haldane Reforms were introduced under the Territorial and Reserve Forces Act 1907, most of the Imperial Yeomanry were transferred to the new Territorial Force (TF), but this did not extend to Ireland. 7th (South Irish Horse) Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment [ edit] The Trench warfare of the Western Front meant that there was little need for mounted troops. Due to this, it is possible to confirm that John enlisted in May 1915 at the Hanley Recruiting depot or via a recruiting officer. 11th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers. This includes cookies that track any click through to affiliate links and advertisers that appear on this site. Otherwise my contact details can be found at www.fourteeneighteen.co.uk. (d.11th May 1915) Anderson Philip Maurice Ramsey. The Division settled down for the winter in Mouscron (divisional headquarters, 107th and 108th Brigades, two field companies, two field ambulances, and the Train). 5th Bttn, Royal Irish Regiment. 6th/7th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers. The few survivors had to be drafted to other regiments while the officers returned to Britain to re-recruit. 1st Garrison Battalion 5th (Pioneers) Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment was raised at Clonmel in August 1914 as part of Kitchener's First New Army and joined 29th Brigade, 10th (Irish) Division. During this month the troops were employed in military training and education, and 54,203 attendances were recorded at the divisional educational classes. When Belfast was attacked on the night of the 7th-8th January 1901 the Royal Irish provided part of the garrison. 4th Battalion, British West Indies Regiment. 1st of September 2022 marks 23 years since the launch of the Wartime Memories Project. Private 25211 7th Battalion The Royal Irish Regiment. 3rd Battalion, Oxford & Buckinham Light Infantry. 6th Westmeath Battalion 7th Antrim Regiment 8th Armagh Regiment 9th Down Regiment 10th Leitrim Battalion 11th Galway Regiment 12th Dublin City Regiment 13th Limerick City Battalion . The 36th (Ulster) Division on 1 July 1916, Our Irish Regiments in the First World War. - Inniskillings Museum 6th Battalion,King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. March 1915 : joined by one Company from the Guernsey Militia. If you can provide any additional information, please add it here. 1st/5th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment. 8th Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. April 1915 enlisted as a volunteer in the 6th Service Battalion of the Royal Irish Rifles. When searching for unit numbers, use cardinal numbers (i.e. A-K. Hawke Battalion, Royal Naval Division. On the 7th August they were moved into the front line moving from Oxelaere towards Boeschepe. 4th (Labour) Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment. The badge of the regiment as depicted on a CWGC grave headstone. 14 October 1916 : transferred to 49th Brigade, 16th (Irish) Division. 5th Battalion, King's Own, (Royal Lancaster Regiment). [1][2][3][4], Among the units raised was the 61st (South Irish Horse (Dublin)) Company (also known as the 2nd Dublin) formed on 7 March 1900 at Dublin, which served in the 17th Battalion, IY, alongside the 60th (North Irish Horse (Belfast)) Company and two English companies. 12th (Yeomanry) Battalion, Norfolk Regiment. This website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. The Prince of Wales and Prince Albert passed through the divisional area. 7th Battalion. 13th Battalion, The Kings, (Liverpool Regiment). The Government of Guernsey publicly thanked both units and awarded them a cash bounty of 100 guineas. Virtually destroyed as a battalion near Le Pilly during the Battle of La Basse. 8th Battalion, British West Indies Regiment. In June 1915, they converted to Pioneer Battalion. 8th (Service) Battalion From January 1915 they trained at Ballyvonare, absorbing a company of the Royal Jersey Militia on the 5th of March. 10th Battalion, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. If you search only by name of regiment (without a battalion number), your search results will include all the battalions in that regiment. 8th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment.
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