I did the illustrations with #procreate and the animations with After Effects . These side-effects grow more pronounced if more Miraculouses are unified into the mix or if the superpowers are used repeatedly without giving the kwamis the food they need in order to recharge, to the point where the user can barely even stand, and is implied to be potentially lethal if the user persists. The Peacock Miraculous grants the power of Emotion. Her powers are connected with Monkey Miraculous and are contained in a circlet. Are you worthy to be an owner? He dresses up in skate punk fashion and is of Moroccan-French descend. Also in "Evolution", it's revealed that if someone wants to transform from civilian using multiple kwamis, they have to say: "Triple/Quadruple/Morphosis" (depending on how many miraculouses they want to activate). It has cute images of the Kwamis from the Miraculoud Ladybug series, and their official bio information like Symbol, Gender, Name, Holder, Codename, Transformation catch phrase, Invocation spell, Power, Weapon and Personality. She inhabits the wearer's nose ring for them to transform to an ox-themed superhero. With the possibility of other boxes who knows what powers there are? Kwamis are the embodiments of abstract concepts. Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. And yet, on occasion they can also have some degree of control when using their powers. Inhabits the wearer's Unknown Jewelry for them to transform into a wolf-themed superhero. ! 1. Could possibly have a power that silences anyone whom their power touches. Plagg is the kwami of Destruction. Just like people, the kwamis may also need time to heal from the abuse or misuse from evil owners. Bustier's class. Despite their god-like nature, Kwamis can get sick, as seen in "Princess Fragrance" when Tikki became sick after helping Marinette defeat a villain in the pouring rain or snow. This power can be used by a minor twice, but the second time is only to create an exit. Transformation: "Tikki, spots on!" Power: Lucky Charm. It's unknown what would happen if Tikki and Plagg or any of the kwamis tried to combine their powers on their own without a holder. Gabriel Agreste, is the main antagonist of the series. Yes kwamis do use energy. During their travels, they found their way to Earth and at some point and discovered their magical powers, born from the abstract concepts that they respectively embody, with Plagg using his powers to cause the extinction of the dinosaurs. If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Barkk is the kwami of Adoration. Kwamis are magical, mysterious and ADORABLE creatures that are able to grant Miraculous powers to their owners! Your privacy is important to us. Allows the user to absorb negative emotions, and transform the people with those emotions into happy emotions. They have arms and legs, but they lack fingers and toes. The Horse Miraculous grants the power of teleportation. Or if it's possible that the kwamis can still use their version of their powers when the Miraculouses are damaged. The wiki does not condone discussing, linking to, or sharing any leaks since we aim to be a leak-free safe place for everyone. 11. She inhabit the wearer's pendant necklace for them to become a mouse-themed superhero. Ziggy- The kwami of goats. 25. Miraculous Ladybug all Miraculous Powers#Miraculous#Ladybug#Mlb Marinette had a brief dizzy spell after she put on nearly every Miraculous in the Chinese Miracle Box, despite only activating one. In "Dearest Family", it is revealed that when a Kwami gets a strong craving for a certain type of food, it can cause them to mad with hunger. Despite that, they had a deep yearning to learn more about humans by observing them. The superpowers a Miraculous grants are typically thematically related to the symbolism of the animal it is associated with. She inhabits the wearer's thumb ring for them to become a rooster-themed superhero. Kwamis are divine, spirit-like beings who embody "abstract" concepts. A long time ago (long enough for some Kwamis to forget), a magical spell was cast upon them. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Through said owners they had discovered that their powers are far more manageable. Kaalki, is a teleportation Kwami. Master Fu, is a 186-year-old Tibetan healer and the last Great Guardian of the Miraculous. Monarch collapsed after unifying seven Miraculouses. However, when a Kwami is not fed properly leading to their powers becoming weak and ineffective it's likely if they transform when sick, then their owner's powers will be too. That's when the kwamis realized, even though their powers were great, they were too strong and unfocused, leading to great damage. Since in "Kwamibuster", that Master Fu said that the result of fusing too many jewels would give the user too much power to the point of making them lose their mind, it's implied that this similar action happened to a past wielder. Also mentioned in "Style Queen", kwamis don't need a physical form to use their powers as Plagg used his Cataclysm to make the dinosaurs go extinct, long before the jewels were made, it means that kwamis are capable of using their powers in their spirit forms or since they started their lives as cosmic and/or spirit like beings, Kwamis are born with their powers. The former holder of the Bee Miraculous was Chlo Bourgeois and current holder is her half-sister, Zo Lee. The current holder of the Dragon Miraculous is Kagami Tsurugi. Miraculous Ladybug is. However, if another Miraculous owner already knows their owner's identity, then the Kwami can speak their owner's name freely. Plagg is an example, as all he ever seems to eat is Camembert cheese and is barely shown eating anything else. The current holder of the Ox Miraculous is Ivan Bruel. Queen Bee | The wearer of the pocket watch can transform into Bunny or any rabbit-themed superhero. An example of this is when Dragon Bug used the Ladybug Yo-yo in conjunction with the Dragon Superpower, Water Dragon to create a water bubble barrier.[2]. Throughout the series the superpowers is shown to have a few weaknesses: Since some holders rely on their powers through their weapons, but if they end up separated from them then, their powers can't be used. Best Picture Winners Independent Spirit Awards Women's History Month SXSW STARmeter Awards Awards Central Festival . Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. The very first Kwami ever to come into existence is Tikki, the Kwami of Creation, who came into existence upon the creation of the universe. Inhabits the wearer's Unknown Jewelry for them to transform into a thunderbird-themed superhero. The effects can be overcome if the holder deactivates the Miraculouses, or at least some of them. So far, the record for most miraculous fused together at the same time by a single holder is 7. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. She inhabits the wearer's comb for them to become a bee-themed superhero. The Ladybug Miraculous grants the power of creation. It is currently unknown what would happen if a holder attempted Unification with a damaged Miraculous. The animal theme that they display is reflected in their Miraculous; for example, Plagg is black with green eyes and has cat-like ears and a cat-like tail. She prefers her Miraculous be wielded by a holder who is not afraid to raise their voice. Stompp- The ox kwami, possibly could have the power of deflection aka moving aside projectiles or people. When the user wants to return to only a single active Miraculous, they say the names of the two kwamis they wish to release and say "Divide". Otherwise, this seems understandable as Kwamis are immortal and accordingly there is no need for them to fall in love with their own kind. So couldn't Sass just went back to the time where Ladybug gave Felix the dog miraculous or any time that morning. If you like our naming lists for all Kwamis names then also have a look at our articles on Top 100 Pokmon Trainer Names and 100 Super Funny Pokemon Names. Any information you provide to us via this website may be placed by us on servers located in countries outside the EU if you do not agree to such placement, do not provide the information. The user can unify their Miraculouses when they are already transformed with one, or activate both while they are still in their civilian form. Tang Tang | From lino cutting to surfing to childrens mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. He inhabits the wearer's ring for them to become a cat-themed superhero. Stompp is the kwami of Determination. However, unlike vampires, Kwamis do have reflections in mirrors, as seen in "Bubbler" and "Truth". They also were aware of the Guardian's Code and sometimes, like their owners, shared meaningful bonds with the guardian's of their boxes. Orikko, is a Rooster Miraculous Kwami. Kwami Age Existed since the beginning of the universe Social Information Affiliations Miraculouses; Order of the Guardians Friends Miraculous Holders Owners Miraculous Holders Miraculous Information Powers and Abilities Flight Levitation Miraculous transformation Intangibility Longevity Inability to be filmed Power up Miraculous transformation Her powers are connected to a panjas bracelet and anyone who wears the bracelet can transform into a tiger-themed superhero. Ladydragon | Marc Anciel, is a male character but he is also androgynous. An alternate way to unfuse is to say the detransformation phrase of the Miraculous they wish to deactivate, as seen in "Optigami" and "Sentibubbler". Tikki | He is also known as Viperion miraculous. Miraculous : Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir quitte Netflix en fvrier 2023 - Reviews News Image : No Result . Using additional Miraculouses also grants greater enhanced physical abilities than a single Miraculous would on its own. Hobby Allies In "Destruction", kwamis can say the real names of Miraculous holders who have renounced their jewel, however, even if the Miraculous is stolen, the holder whom the miraculous was stolen from still counts as a holder, as long as they never actually renounced the Miraculous. When Cat Noir and Ladybug detransform, Tikki and Plagg are weak and exhausted. The official Miraculous Ladybug Twitter account noted that while more kwamis would be seen in Season 2, it wouldn't be all of them. Fittingly, his Miraculous is the Cat Miraculous. Free shipping for many products! As seen by Tikki in "Miraculous Shanghai" as she could fluently speak Chinese, meaning that the phrases used to transform and the use of their powers can be said in any language. This is a list of characters who appeared in Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir . Inhabits the wearer's Unknown Jewelry for them to transform into a buffalo-themed superhero. She belongs to Horse Miraculous and her powers are in a pair of glasses. This does not influence our choices. I mean, we already know of the main 7, but maybe this post can be used as a revision of all the holders we've met over Seasons 1-3. Recently, there have been multiple leaks of various content regarding upcoming episodes of the show. The Kwami provide all of the magical power in Miraculous Ladybug. Pigella | Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. Whoever wears the clips can transform into a goat-themed superhero. It is revealed in "Truth" that Kwamis squeak when their heads are touched. . Although in "Sandboy", Plagg flirts with Tikki like how Cat Noir regularly does with Ladybug. Sometimes, depending on certain situations or emergencies, Kwamis would often return to the home cities, towns, countries of their previous owners, but come under the ownership of new holders, like in the case with Tikki. Rena Rouge, is the alter-ego of Alya Csaire. Allows the user to create an object which will solve a problem. Plagg- The kwami of destruction, when active can destroy anything big or small. [6] While the Kwami inhabits their Miraculous, the person wearing it will transform into an animal-themed superhero, the animal theme corresponding to the animal that the Kwami resembles. Disney Miraculous plush Soft Toys Adrien Ladybug Tikki Kwamis Plagg Cat Noir UK. Inhabits the wearer's Glasses for them to transform into a horse-themed superhero. Mei Shi is a former statue and guardian, reduced to a Kwami. Despite that they had a deep yearning to learn more about humans unknowingly observing them. 3 janvier 2023. in Netflix. Her special power is Mirage and she can create an illusion. Kwami: Tikki. There are exactly nineteen miraculous in the miraculous box we know of. 2023 by Train of Thoughts. If the user wishes to deactivate both Miraculouses at once and return to their civilian form, then the detransformation phrase is "Reverse Morphosis". 20. Generally, Kwamis are small, being around 10 centimeters in height, with large heads and very tiny bodies. Her powers are connected with Turtle Miraculous and are contained in a bracelet. It's a form of energy we do the fully understand yet. Purple Tigress | Allows the user to control the body of their target. The transformed person gains greatly enhanced physical abilities and become nearly invulnerable. To make matters worse, if the Miraculous holder transforms while their Kwami is in a food-hungry state, the extreme craving will pass on to the holder. The kwamis official genders are the ones they have in French dub, as the show originates from France. His powers are connected with a bracelet and anyone who wears it can transform into a turtle-themed superhero. Each Kwami collectible figure is designed holding their Miraculous Jewel. To regain their strength for another transformation, the Kwami needs to refuel by eating food. Due to them and their Miraculouses have been used by people across the world throughout history, the Kwamis are able to automatically speak and understand any human language, which is essential due to them not knowing who their next Miraculous owners might be. Liiri, Renlings These jewels allowed the Kwamis to manifest in physical form, finally allowing them to communicate with mortal lifeforms, though the physical form can only be manifested when a Kwamis respective Miraculous is in the possession of an owner. They could've tried over and over again to find the correct time with Viperion or even Snake Noir after. Inhabits the wearer's Unknown Jewelry for them to transform into a deer-themed superhero. Wayzz | Minotaurox | Miraculous Information Powers and abilities: Levitation Intangibility Immortality Inability to be filmed Kwagatama creation Power up Transformation Abstract Concept Superpowers Kwamis are divine, spiritual-like being who embody the "abstract" of concepts. Fluff | Kwamis are also able phase through physical matter, making it impossible to capture them. 9. Superpowers which don't require a voice command are not affected by this rule. For example, in ". Longg | [7] As seen in "Anansi", just summoning the power can drain the Kwami's energy, even if the power is not used on anything. She is a sweet fairy-like creature. Barkk | The animal theme that their Miraculous has affected their appearances, such as Plagg being black with green eyes, cat-like ears, a cat-like tail, and three cat-like whiskers on his cheeks and head. The Butterfly Miraculous grants the power of transmission. Despite their age, the kwamis seem to possess a childlike innocence, but they still seem to be very wise. Trixx, is among the known Kwamis of illusion. Whoever wears the brooch can transform into a Snake Noir or snake-themed superhero. They present the charm to their current bearer for a special occasion, such as a birthday. They are physically incapable of speaking their owners' names to each other or any Miraculous owners other than their own. Ziggy, is a Kwami whose powers are connected to Goat Miraculous and are contained in a pair of hair clips. She inhabits the wearer's pocket watch for them to become a rabbit-theme superhero. [4] During their travels, they found their way to Earth and at some point discovered their magical powers, born from the abstract concepts that they respectively embody, with Plagg using his powers to cause the extinction of the dinosaurs. Contents 1 Heroes 1.1 Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug 1.2 Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir 1.3 Alya Csaire/Rena Rouge 1.4 Nino Lahiffe/Carapace 1.5 Chlo Bourgeois/Queen Bee 2 Kwamis 2.1 Tikki 2.2 Plagg 2.3 Nooroo 2.4 Wayzz 2.5 Trixx 2.6 Pollen 2.7 Duusu Appearance: Stormy Weather. Duusu is the kwami of Emotion. 2023 by Train of Thoughts. Daizzi, is a Pig Miraculous Kwamis whose power is connected with a pearl anklet, and anyone who wears it can transform into a pig-themed superhero. Trending pages Kwamis Duusu Tikki Plagg Nooroo Pollen Ziggy Barkk All items (36) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other B The Kwami of a currently unknown concept. Alternatively, if someone activates a second Miraculous while already wearing an active one, then the transformation phrase is "Unify".[1]. Sometimes, depending on certain situations or emergencies, kwamis would often return to the home cities or towns of their previous owners, but come under the ownership of new holders, like in the case with Tikki. Power: Necromantic (creates zombies with dead creatures), Shadow Manipulation, Reality Manipulator (Being able to manipulate reality in your favor and turn the tables in many ways) Weapon: Violin/Guitar, Skateboard Country: Switzerland City: Zermatt Miraculous box: European Hiding Place: Kuromi Ring Box Her powers are contained in a talon pendant and whoever wears it can transform into any eagle-themed superhero. Ryuko | In return for the privilege of having the ability to be perceived by mortals, the Kwamis were able to grant superpowers to their Miraculous owners. Germany. Today I finish doing the motion of my illustrations that I did of #Miraculous. Vesperia | ALL KWAMI'S NAMES AND POWERS ||MIRACULOUS LADYBUG|| - YouTube 0:00 / 1:36 ALL KWAMI'S NAMES AND POWERS ||MIRACULOUS LADYBUG|| miraculous winx 12 subscribers 404 views 1 year ago HEY. It's also unknown if the guardians placed the spell on the kwamis starting with their first owners or after an incident that led to a Miraculous holders identity being discovered leading to troubling results. Some of the Kwami names include Barkk, Daizzi, Duusu, Fluff, Kaalki, Nooroo, Pollen, Wayzz, Master Fu, and Liiri. Mei Shi, Kwamis However, it seems that their range can be limited or they can't sense the powers of another Kwami when they're not active, as Wayzz was unable to sense Duusu when he was activated prior to the months before Nooroo was. Her powers are connected to the Peacock Miraculous. Nooroo, is a transmission Kwami. TikkiPlaggNoorooWayzzTrixxPollenDuusuSassKaalkiFluffXuppuMulloLonggZiggyOrikkoDaizziBarkkStomppRoaarLiiri (New York Miraculous Box)Mei Shi Mullo is the kwami of Multiplication. 10. Liiri is the kwami of Freedom. In "Miracle Queen", Dragonbug and Snake Noir say the names of the kwamis they want to divide first, and the name of the one they want to keep second, in "Optigami" and "Sentibubbler", Lady Bee and Pegabug, respectively, only say the detransformation phrase of the kwami they want to divide, and lastly, in "Destruction", Monarch says "Divide", without saying the names of the kwamis he wants to divide. Her powers are connected with Snake Miraculous and are contained in an ouroboros bracelet. This manifests as the object-generating Lucky Charm and restoration by Miraculous Ladybug. 22. Nathaniel Kurtzberg, is an artist member of Mme. The current holder of the Rooster Miraculous is Marc Anciel. I really have run out of ideas here. For that reason, it's imperative that the kwamis are well fed between each transformation and that the holder doesn't do constant combinations of too many Miraculous at one time. Unification is an invocation that allows a Miraculous owner to activate two or more Miraculouses at once. Monarch used this method to release three Kwamis at once, leaving four still active. While they don't have physical gender, they do have male or female mentalities and are referred to with male or female pronouns. Even though some kwamis don't have noses, they seem to have a sense of smell; for example, in ". He can transform into a hawk moth. It is currently unknown whether the underage Unified Miraculous Holders are still under the effect of the timer after using their superpower. Hou Hou, Other When a Kwami uses their superpower without a Miraculous holder to channel and focus it, it results in some kind of catastrophe, potentially resulting in the destruction of whole cities and the extinction of entire species. Through said owners they had discovered that their powers are far more manageable. For example, Duusu is male in the French dub, but female in the English dub. Despite the Miraculouses granting them physical form, Kwamis don't show up on cameras, photos, videos, or screens as seen in "Kwamibuster" and "Truth", and they can't be seen or perceived by artificial intelligence, such as robots and androids, like Aeon. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, Orikko- The rooster kwami. Inhabits the wearer's Ouroboros Bracelet to them to transform into a snake-themed superhero. Rena Rouge | 21. Notably, exceptions to this rule are the Butterfly Miraculous's Akumatization and the Peacock Miraculous's Amokization, neither of which require a vocal command. It has been stated that Tikki came into existence when the universe was created from the Big Bang. Inhabits the wearer's Earrings for them to transform into a ladybug-themed superhero. Notable exceptions are the Butterfly Miraculous's Akumatization and the Cat Miraculous's Cataclysm, neither of which require the cane or staff. Lions are a symbol of leadership. Carapace, is Adrien's best friend. Barkk, is a Dog Miraculous Kwami, whose power is connected to their collar necklace. According to Marinette, since the kwamis don't know what an address is they use their other senses to find their way home. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, Ultimate List Of All Of The Kwami Names From Heroes, All The Animal Crossing Names In One Handy List, All The Stand Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure In One Handy List, 60+ Funny Orc Names That Are Perfect For Your Next Campaign, All Of The Pillar Men Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 100+ Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, And Hockey Team Names From Past And Present, 80+ Beaver Names From Fiction, Plus Cute And Funny Ideas For Names. Supportive Deal Makers, High intelligenceCharismaFlightLevitationMiraculous transformationIntangibilityInability to be filmedImmortalityAbstract Concept SuperpowersKwagatama Creation, TikkiPlaggNoorooWayzzTrixxPollenDuusuSassKaalkiFluffXuppuMulloLonggZiggyOrikkoDaizziBarkkStomppRoaarLiiri (New York Miraculous Box)Mei Shi. It's also unknown how the kwamis gained the animal forms they were based on. On occasion, incidents where an active kwami would get separated from their owners or find them in trouble would occur, and often used their powers to protect them, but only as a last resort. The only exceptions to this is Liiri, who is from the Native American Miracle Box. I liked the yin/yang concept a lot, so I want there to be more times when their powers complement each other or work together. Unification is an invocation that allows a Miraculous owner to activate two or more Miraculouses at once. Power Limiter: "Style Queen" indicates that the Miraculouses are necessary in limiting and focusing the kwamis' powers. We have so many Kwami's now so how can we keep track? We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Inhabits the wearer's Hair Clips for them to transform into a goat-themed superhero. Wayzz is the kwami of Protection. 18. Inhabits the wearer's Necklace for them to transform into a fox-themed superhero. He inhabits the wearer's brooch for them to become a peacock-themed superhero. It allows their current holder to summon and communicate with spirits of the Miraculous holders of the past. Currently, the only known Miraculous to have more than one superpower associated with it are the Ladybug, Butterfly, Peacock Miraculous, and the Dragon Miraculous. Even though their intangibility makes them impossible to catch it does have their limits. With young holders, the single use of a Miraculous' power (with the exception of the Rabbit Miraculous), causes the kwamis to lose their energy, preventing the holder from using their power and causing the transformation to have a time limit before being undone. Her powers are connected with Butterfly Miraculous and are contained in a brooch. 8. Inhabits the wearer's Unknown Jewelry for them to transform into a goose-themed superhero. "Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir" Deflagration (The Kwamis' Choice - Part 2) (TV Episode) photos, including production stills, premiere photos and other event photos, publicity photos, behind-the-scenes, and more. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. So, for example, Plagg is the kwami of destruction. But whether if it's the same for each kwami is unknown varying between their personalities and how their connected jewels get damaged or if there are more side effects. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Help the Miraculous Holders to achieve good around the world. So far, the Ladybug Miraculous have been unified with the most Miraculouses, with it being unified with the Mouse, Dragon, Bee, Horse and Rabbit Miraculouses. Revealed in Season 2, Episode 24 - Sandboy, kwamis aren't able to reveal who their current owners are (bubbles come out from their lips if . Inhabits the wearer's Brooch for them to transform into a peacock-themed superhero. More information All the Kwami's and their known powers More like this I E Whoever wears the brooch can transform into a Mister Bug or ladybug-themed superhero. Kaaliki- The kwami of teleportation. Stompp, is a Kwami whose powers are connected to Ox Miraculous. 4. Applying that idea, it's possible that robots, when powered by a magical source, can perceive kwamis as well. The Kwami will do whatever it takes to get as much of the food as possible, they even go as far as to show themselves in front of humans and use their special superpowers, despite the potential disaster. Inhabits the wearer's Unknown Jewelry for them to transform into a owl-themed superhero. Kwamis can communicate with each other from afar on a Kwami's "cycle" (the Kwami equivalent of a birthday) if they gather in the Miracle Box at a specific time and all sing together. This mistake was corrected from "Gabriel Agreste" onwards. As a Miraculous holder grows up they'll start to receive other powers, but the full range of using the adult powers is unknown with that it could be possible that it varies between Miraculous. Even though, the spell blocks the kwamis from saying their owner or guardian's real names but not from showing where they live if the kwami knows where their owner. Answer (1 of 3): We were not clearly stated but we know Plagg killed the dinosaurs So at least that old. Just as Miraculous holders were taught about the powers of the jewels, so were the kwamis, such as the Miraculous potions, that allowed them and their owners to change into their elemental forms. Pollen, is a Kwami of subjection. Ziggy is the kwami of Passion. [3] They have arms and legs, and though they lack fingers and toes, Kwamis are still able to grab things. However, a more experienced wielder is not subject to this and can remain transformed even after the time limit is reached and multiple uses of their powers. Our list of all the female Kwamis names will offer you huge knowledge of the characters. Chung, Kang and Jiao | A long time ago (long enough for some Kwamis to forget), a magical spell was cast upon them. It's possible that some of them started with the animal ancestors of their current animal forms then over the millions of years as animals evolved the kwamis used their powers to modify their appearances while there were others that had to wait before they could transform. Along with his personality change, he described it with his mind being trapped in chaos and living in a nightmare. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. She is a mischievous and cheeky fairy-like creature. As well as when it comes to losing owners they were proud to have. Inhabits the wearer's Choker for them to transform into a dragon-themed superhero. 5. 23. Origin Her powers are connected with Bee Miraculous and are contained in a hair comb. 27. However, just like the voice command rule, Amokization and Akumatization are both an exception to the rule. Inhabits the wearer's Unknown Jewelry for them to transform into a raven-themed superhero. The user has no control over what object is created, Lucky Charm simply provides the perfect object for the current situation. Using more than one Miraculous at a time gives the user too much power and comes with great risk; it requires the wearer to have the physical and mental resilience to handle the strain, the Miraculous owner could also potentially "lose their mind". The spell also prevents kwamis from speaking the name of the guardians of their miraculouses. 12h. 6. If I wear several Miraculous at once I can fuse their powers and become even more powerful.Marinette Dupain-Cheng. When it is touched it disappears. Whoever wears the brooch can transform into a Cat Noir or cat-themed superhero.
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