I started my business for 75 cents. I said I did not need any help. Q: How does the Census Bureau typically ensure that people complete the survey? It is also known that the Bureau inadvertently posted sensitive information of over 300 innocent citizens. I have received two of them so far in January 2010 and I am ignoring both. Optimize Your Non-Profit with Census Data. I told them they were barking up the wrong tree and they need to follow the U.S. Now they called again and wanted to ask these questions over the phone. The House GOP proposal would eliminate any increase in funds for 2020 planning, and it cuts nearly $500 million in total from the administration's request, including reductions for the American. Other countries pay equally and get that ever elusive socialist universal health care. Ridiculous. Lock and Load. I was hot and told her I have her number and I will call when I'm ready. Currently, Oscar is a 7-year-old boy with ODD whose refusal behaviors have begun to be both verbally aggressive and physically violent. Our town boasts 90,000 citizens, but we know there are at least an additional 10,000 illegals here (yes, here in Mexifornia). This is harassment, I am no threat. ACS has only been going since 2005. Why don't you post the number in your family, their names, ethnic profile, give us your address and then, we will consider giving merit to your post. SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1) Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1; C799 Task 2 - Task 2 paper; . I am sure that will go far. OMB No. I get hourly calls during the week. I received the ACS invasion of privacy letter on my door yesterday. Two days later, I was standing on my porch. The survey goes to a random sample of addresses in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned. And then I get this BS from a government agency? Then you want to threaten with fines? Although Mark xxxxxxx, the field representative, was professional, thorough and pleasant enough, Ive requested the Bureau cease these harassing efforts a second time during the phone call after he visited my home. I am just not going to answer any questions. They aren't the enemy, so I don't act hostile towards them, but it still unnerves me how they got my cell phone number. I said if this "government guy" wanted to talk to me, I would immediately reserve my right to remain silent until I was represented by counsel. Finally, the last enumerator knocked one more time, then took away the last notice, which I decided to leave there. At first I thought this was the census under another name, then as I read it I could not believe how invasive it was. So they bully and threaten and use fear to scare people into compliance. This job fair is also open to FCPS teachers seeking transfers, current applicants, and FCPS . As a note, we live in a small, rural town so that may make a difference in whether it's worth the effort for them to continue demanding the information. That's all it is. I then hung up. [28] http://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/is-my-privacy-protected.html. From what I've read online about the operation methods of the Census Bureau staff that won't have any chance of avoiding a phone call "Computer Aided Telephone Interview" But I'm hoping that by telling them every time that their OMB# is expired it will shorten my interview process somewhat. Further, congressional rules on enforcement were controlled by the Republican Congressional Committee overseeing Census Bureau Operations, when the Republicans controlled congress. I am a retired airline captain and a former captain in the U.S.A.F. Then two weeks later a reminder to fill it out. I have worked as an enumerator. What I want to know for sure is: Can they make, force, and punish you for not filling out this thing? They are just being bullies. 5.6K views 5 years ago The Wild Life #53 FULL EPISODE: Have you ever heard of the U.S. Census Bureau's "American Community Survey"? They have came to my door unannounced on many occations. I am a nurse, taxpaying honest citizen and I will not be forced into answering these obscene questions! Oh wait, we have a socialist leader now. Yeah right! Continued refusal may lead to additional visits by a supervisor. Due to a likely technicality, I received this, with the wrong address. The American Community Survey is an offshoot of the census, but the ACS is done every year. If my birth date is going to help somebody get elected or the state (district) gain an extra seat in the house, then get the expecting mothers' due dates for the year while at it. I will not answer and/or return this form in spite of threats of fine, imprisonment or court appearance regardless of where the threat comes from. We have starving, homelessness, government corruption. 6)repeal criminal legislation like H.R. Cowards! She said they don't do that. my wife and I pay our taxes and feel if that's not enough for our government, then "Too bad Charlie". Ridiculous. LOL. And if said "enumerator" doesn't like it, tough! So glad I came across this website while researching whether or not I had to respond to this stupid ACS I just got in the mail. The Rutherford Institute has received hundreds of inquiries from individuals who have received the ACS and are not comfortable sharing such private, intimate details with the government or are unsettled by the aggressive tactics utilized by Census Bureau agents seeking to compel responses to ACS questions. Shame on you! In the case of direct taxes (a direct tax is a tax on property based on ownership), this provision requires Congress to apportion the tax among the individual States based on population. lets hope this isn't all to simply mark people who do and do not comply. What I find interesting is that when I visit a home of an immigrant they are almost excited to give me whatever information I ask for. they will tell you its the law, but since when do we have to answer to the government who lives in our house and who they are related to and what time we go to work, what time to we return? For the information of the people here, Congressman Poe (Texas) and Bachmann (Minnesota)have introduced legislation to eliminate the ACS intrusive questions. Complete this form and mail it back as soon as possible. You may have noticed over the past week on the news, many articles about the new situation in American families where the wife is now the major bread winner/wage earner. Shame it's only once every ten years. I'm also going to contact her opponent and see if we can get some action on it for the upcoming debates. It seems to me that *all* the information they need and want should be available to them from our 1040's. Now whenever we come home, Ms. Nosy Neighbor calls a different census worker who hurries over and tries to get us to answer the door. I can go on the internet and find more about you then anything the census is looking for. "Um, I filled it out twice". Go Tea Party! Thanks, people, for your informative and oftentimes humorous posts here. Does anyone know? Who is there to police the police? You want me to put the popcorn in the freezer?" I didn't sleep well last night worrying how my civil disobedience might cost me dollars and jail. This city hasn't had its streets fixed in years and we always fill out the census. The last person who called our home sounded like he was contracted through India? For another 22, the information is used to aid advocacy groups, and in nine of those cases, the Census Bureau states that the responses will be used by advocacy groups to advocate for policies that benefit their groups, including advocacy based on age,[23] race,[24] sex,[25] and marital status.[26]. This is Big Brother keeping an eye on the revolution. What do you really think they use the information for? The Census sites say as much if you read them, something like 'well wee don't really want to fine anyone'. Anytime you give out information, you can bet it gets compromised. Do you think Cass Sunstein knowing how many people, of what age, have physical and emotional disabilities is for the benefit of your family? A: The Census Bureau states that information from this survey is used to assist a wide variety of entities, from federal, stateand local governments to private corporations, nonprofit organizations, researchersand public advocacy groups. We are all empowered, so we need to get together to sue! Census employees never ask for social security numbers or full financial disclosure. According to law you must answer all Census questions or face criminal charges and/or fines up to $100. About the American Community Survey For this census at least and I assume for the 2010 Census the initial person that will come to your house, if you did not fill out the form, is just a normal citizen with a temporary job as an "enumerator". I am a 64 year old woman, living alone. No one will email you or be peeping at you from the census. You need to stop peering in my window and you need to leave right away." It is against the law to solicit minors so therefore they do not have to be counted in the total. [29] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/Name.pdf. Person 30. Here's what it says online: The American Community Survey is a legitimate survey conducted by the CensusBureau. We then engaged in a bit of "palaver" in which she said that they can require us to answer any question they want because "it's in the Constitution". Let this letter be the third request that you respect my privacy and my requests. On Monday, a worker left a letter at my door advising he would return again. This is not for every citizen, so we will not participate. I replied you already have our ages and that we are members of the human race. Wow! Just perfect for making and uploading videos to YouTube and the news agencies. Well its going to get colder before I give them the info. People, look around you and see. So be it. Empowered by Congress with greater powers to amass information about citizens, the Census Bureau introduced the ACS in 2005. We have always taught him not to talk to people he does not know and never give out information. Are we going to let this happen? The IRS has all my income info, and frankly, it'd take me hours to look up all the financial info they want (monthly mortgage, gas, electric, utility bills.) I stupidly started filling out my ACS before I learned of this. They are not better people, more deserving, more intelligent, more experienced they didn't know "how" things were going to work out they just knew they would. makes you wonder!!!???? When neighbors gave them basic information, apparently the census taker then discussed the fact that they'd looked into tax records for "the residents of our home". The Founding Fathers wanted the power to stay with the people - but it took a revolution to secure it. Instead, two weeks later, the supervisor came by, apologized and dropped off the new booklet. You will not be fined. !Now I have to pay for temp workers who have my private info to sell overseas maybe???? Matthew J. Holian, "Data and the American Dream: Contemporary Social Controversies and the American Community Survey" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) (Podcast Episode) Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. "Only a few questions"? I have yet to fill one out. The next day I saw this guy talking to my neighbor and figured he was submitting him to the same harassment I had received. I decided I did not want to answer the census because of the invasiveness of the questions. Why don't they survey me to find out my opinion on illegal immigrants, unemployment benefits to people who have barely held a job down in their life, giving child care benefits to unwed mothers who just keep popping out babies to numerous baby-daddies, who will never pay into the system so that I can collect Social Security when I want to finally retire after 50 years of non-stop work,or putting this country into mega-debt while giving money to impoverished countries that will never help us or appreciate us. I received the ACS form yesterday and read it through just to see the questions. It's hard to believe that a patriotic, high school social studies teacher, and law-abiding citizen, such as myself, could be compelled to suggest such civil disobedience--but here I am, and hear me loud. I am being harassed and threatened. Not to mention when the people came to my door I informed them that they were trespassing without proper identification and subject to arrest. A month later I received the ACS questionnaire, and coincidentally(? Lock You cannot be fined or worse for not filling out the survey. The census guy showed up here. Deaths have continued to climb, with 71,238 in 2021, the most recent data from the CDC, which notes the increase was half of what it was a year earlier, when overdose deaths rose by 30 per cent . He asked if I would consent to a phone survey and I could decline from answering any questions I thought were too personal or intrusive. Share the creative ways you use American Community Survey data to make decisions. I'm fed up with the ACS and all their nosing in my business. 0607-810 expired on 05/31/2008. A: The ACS contains questions that go far beyond typical census questions about the number of individuals within the household and their age, race, and sex. Then we have to vote them out. One week later, we got two more phone calls in one night because I hung up on the caller and he called back 20 minutes later. I told her actually it's not. so no more. This is Government out of control. In order to do that people response is required. They just closed one of the best schools in the area, and nobody surveyed me to ask if I cared about that! But not allthat other information. Public servants are just public burdens and every time their benefits cost more I have to pay for them and I don't even have any myself!!! For every question not answered, there is a $100 fine. Since when has the Federal government come to my door or anyone elses and said "We want to help you get your road paved" or any other helpful act, and then asked me for my help by filling out a form to prove the necessity? That's exactly the number printed on the lower right had corner of my ACS form. A few days ago had a census worker knock on my door. My hubby has served this country for over 30 years, we are about to retire and what a lovely retirement gift we are receiving (NOT)!.Harassment, compliments of the government, just lovely (NOT). A final note to those of you who are, or consider yourself Republicans: ACS after initial testing, "went national" in 2004. The U.S. Census has nothing to do with Obama nor most of the accusations you are flippantly throwing up online. Start Here . They want me to call an 800 number to give them my personal info. Research brought me here. Act drunk and make like you're going to be sick on them or pretend to pass out. I don't believe the ACS should, or has the right, to require more. --Lazarus. Subscribe to GovDelivery email updates to stay up-to-date on the latest news and events about the American Community Survey. Thanks! That's the truth. The enumeration is *solely for the purposes of elected representative apportionment* I told her the ACS is a violation of the Constitution and I did not believe it would be used to "provide" me schools or hospitals or fire stations, but rather to spy on me. I had the misfortune of getting an ACS survey a few years ago. She said actually it's mandatory. He claims we need to answer the long form the ACS, etc. Estimates: 1-Year. good thing inflation is under control and gas prices are not skyrocketing for no reason, and unemployment figures are under control, that they have nothing better to do than harass an honest hardworking taxpayer. There are even amendments to the amendments. So far no challenges to our door visitors. This BS is incredible. Keep being sheep. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS The ACS is not part of the enumeration required by Article I of the Constitution, and that constitutional provision only applies to a census for purposes of counting the number of people in each state. D. oes anyone understand what is involved in managing 300 million people spread out over an entire continent, each thinking all that matters is their individual needs? It is confined to determining the number of Representatives [in the House] and imposing direct Taxes among the several States. Best policy is to avoid answering the door to strangers but it's difficult to do if you are outside a lot. I threw them off my property. It is the premier source for detailed population and housing information about our nation. Let's see how much they like it. I am an American! See Clemons v. U.S. Dep't of Commerce, 710 F. Supp. Alternatively, those who returned the survey partially completed and communicated with the Census Bureau agents generally received more contacts. We have received 3 demands from the Census Bureau. I have little doubt that the ACS data is already in Israel's possession. I was truthful in all 10 short form answers. Ignore any paperwork they send you, hang up if they call you, demand they leave your property if they come to your home. Get over yourselves! I filled out the form only giving the required information by law and that is how many people live here. Now.I look forward to answering that door, cell in hand, and pressing the "video record" button. That seems to be the end of it, but only time will tell. Originally, I sent in the census form for the property stating zero occupants, then was called by a Census worker. The American Community Survey (ACS) qualifies as a government program whose purpose, while seemingly benign, raises significant constitutional concerns. Still, some citizens do not answer it. The American Community Survey releases new data every year, in the form of estimates, in a variety of tables, tools, and analytical reports. Charlottesville, VA 22906 I hope you folks do not live in my county or state. We are so far from what our forefathers prayerfully constructed as a government that it will take a real miracle from heaven for a national revival now. We live in a sanctuary city and those who work and pay taxes are supporting almost half of our population. I am not telling them anything. However, the Website for the U.S. Census Bureau. If there was no response by the time we finished our list, we were to call again. Just had our 10th home visit from census people! Don't fill out anything if you don't want the public to know some of your private information. The letter accompanying the census form indicates it's used to decide how many representatives each state has in congress, and how much money my 'neighborhood' receives from the government. It's unbelievable that they have the right to do this, on principle alone, I will not. Their job is to get the form completed, that is all. U.S. Census Bureau Notice and Consent Warning You are accessing a United States Government computer network. She was asking the questions again and I told her that I already filled out the form so there is no reason for me to fill it out again. Direct taxes are inherently unfair because one state, with ten percent of the population, might be one of the richest states while another state, with the same percentage of the population, might be one of the poorest. A March 2021 national survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation showed that of 1300 HCWs, 48% had not received the COVID-19 vaccine. There is no legal obligation for you to answer their questions. This all happened while I was watching from my porch. Don't know if it's the "bureau" calling or not, but I'm ready for them. Q: What are my options for objecting to the ACS survey as an intrusion on my Fourth Amendment rights? finally he told her he would call the cops if she didn't leave. [27] Andrew Reamer, To Take a Bite Out of Crime: Safeguard the Census, https://www.brookings.edu/opinions/to-take-a-bite-out-of-crime-safeguard-the-census/. The ability of our federal government to properly train temporary, and permanent, employees in PII and cyber security are not well represented in recent historical accounts. Since then, they have called three or four times and stopped by multiple times. [30] The Census Bureau also maintains that responding to the ACS is mandatory and that recipients are legally obligated to answer all questions.[31]. For everyone saying what's the big deal- go play in traffic. It's those times that make the job really enjoyable because I share their pride. Does this person have difficulty doing errands alone such as doctor's visits or shopping? Proud to be American but wondering where we will be as a nation in ten years? It then adds insult and temerity by threatening me for noncompliance? You can't actually expect all of the decisions to be made accurately and take into account the needs at the consumer level based on a head county every 10 years. Q: Is this an unconstitutional invasion of privacy? I just don't answer the door. [20] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/Language.pdf. Someone brought up a good point, either here or on another forum. No one I have talked to since I received this survey has known anything about it. Thank you, Poster 188. 3) If by some chance they go for it, ask them the most embarrassing, asinine, or silly questions you can think of. That includes visitors then which would not be falsifying info. When I returned home he was scared and thought he did something wrong. The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is a national measure of customer satisfaction since 1994, trusted by US government and reflecting annual feedback from . It's paranoid people like you all who cause your communities not to get the funding they need. The highly sensitive personal information provided on the ACS form gets keyed into a master data bank. Unbelievable! Happy evading! Bring it on ACB enumeratorsgo ahead, make my day!! I've been in some pretty terrifying situations and I don't scare that easily. I have written to the senators of my state and didn't even receive a 'canned' response. [31] https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/survey-is-mandatory.html. Just weeks before a COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be made available to U.S. medical workers and first responders, a firefighters' union internal survey taken by members of the country's largest . [26] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/MaritalStatusHistory.pdf. We randomly sample addresses in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Moreover, since there are no reported instances of the Census Bureau taking legal or financial action, some speculate that the Census Bureau's threats carry no weight. The data bank, like any data bank, runs the risk of being hacked or accessed by dishonest parties. Since the Constitution established a federal government of limited enumerated powers and that document does not grant them the general power to request the information, I am under no constitutional obligation to provide it, and therefore refuse to answer the ACS. Featured Respond to the ACS Don't be rude to the people who are sent out to your house because you think you're too "special" to answer your census. Did not need the closing statement. You want me to trust the census with information that is very private? According to the Census Bureau, it randomly selects 3.5 million households each year as targets of the ACS. As a result, Congressional districts will need to be redrawn. 1 found this answer helpful | 0 lawyers agree | Voted as Most Helpful Helpful Unhelpful 2 comments Alice M. Cabrera anon10731 is obviously a census worker!!!!!! Wow. We didn't receive phone calls first, we had two visits at 7 p.m. from this lady with her little laptop. The ACS and Census Bureau have no legal standing to enforce the bogus laws that were passed to allow this survey. [13] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/HomeHeatingFuel.pdf. If at some point they insist you are declining, plead the Fifth Amendment. I am in the middle of this ACS thing now and refusing to answer. The court agreed with the defendants contention that courts have consistently considered unripe for review cases wherein there was no specific threat of enforcement or history of prosecution under the relevant statutes.. I received this census (which to clarify is not the 10 year one, we filled that one out). The CFPB has set up a phone number at (855) 411-2372 expressly to help customers in more than 180 languages, and it provides free educational materials on banking in dozens of languages. They insisted that the ACS did not receive it and wanted the information again. You wouldn't be getting personal visits and/or phone calls from these Census workers right now.
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