Let's explore the history of anime through film, from ukiyo-e inspired 1930s short films to Satoshi Kon subdued realism, and find out! This room will NOT be cleared after this panel. Gather round for a special episode performed live for you all to enjoy! Come celebrate and have fun as we watch clips of these characters in action. Dont miss the newest film from the beloved series! ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. ***This screening will be cleared. You will see all the badges you have purchased listed. This room will NOT be cleared after this panel. ***. Anime Expo, also known as "AX", is the largest Japanese popular culture event in North America and will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center from July 1 to 4, 2022. ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. Join MAL at AX to discover new ways to find anime, participate in fun trivia, and ask your burning questions. ***This room will be cleared for the next panel. Getting tickets to Anime Japan Tickets can be purchased online in advance cheaper! This room will be cleared for the next panel. Event CancellationSPJA reserves the right to cancel or postponeAnime Expo, or any part ofAnime Expo,on limited or no notice in SPJAs sole discretion. Join us as we outline his life and best works! Attendees under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult if required to pick up their badge in Will Call at the Registration Booth. Join us as we share our latest updates and announcements for our ARTFX J, Bishoujo and scale figures. ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. So if you're interested in working in Japan, this panel is for you! ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. This room will be cleared after this panel. The LS Toy/Comic/Art Expo is an annual family friendly event held at The Pavilion at John Knox Village in Lee's Summit, MO. ***, Denpasoft: Erecting A Market Of Adult Gaming - 18+, Unclench those hands, we're here to go through our new releases and announcements in adult gaming! We welcome Doll Delight and their designer Cyril Lumboy, Dreamily and their designer Tiffa, Haenuli Fashion and their designer Nunu, Ruby Princess, To Alice, and Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. See the new tricks we learned; locked in our homes. This room will be cleared after this panel. 2022 July 1, 2022 Welcome Ceremony LOCATION: Main Events START: 10:30 AM END: 11:20 AM After waiting two year for Anime Expo, our hosts reunite with attendees to introduce guests, present exclusive music performances, and give a taste of the interactive experiences you can only get at Anime Expo. Find out how we keep on top of anime and manga news 24/7/365, how we chose what gets reviewed, and anything else you want to ask us. Be the first to see exciting reveals and news for our newest titles. Tickets for additional events produced by the SPJA event, such as screenings, cafes, concerts and autograph sessions, must be presented during check-in via physical ticket or on a digital device. ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. A Q&A follows featuring stars Jonathan Fahn, and Lex Lang! ***, The Ascendance of Foreign Language Content in the United States, Foreign language content is now mainstream in the US. Join HIDIVE for the premiere of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon? Join us while we play Jeopardy and other games with your favorite sport anime characters. ***, Attendees will learn the basic french vocabulary of ballet, participate in a real ballet class as seen in the anime Princess Tutu, and learn/perform Bluebird variation from Sleeping Beauty. Skip the rest of the categories and get your fill of the top Humor & Comedy category submissions, including the videos that made it to the Finals! ***This room will NOT be cleared after this panel. ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. Walk away with prizes or a rare candy for competing! Each attendee will get their hands dirty with this fun craft that they can take home with them. With first hand insights and the world premiere of a special secret sneak peek, this bounty will be out of this world! Badge Activation PolicyEvery badge must be activated to participate at Anime Expo 2022. ***, From Screen to Shelf: Turning The Content You Love Into Great Merchandise, Ever wondered how your favorite anime characters go from the screen to your collection? This room will be cleared after this panel. This room will NOT be cleared for the next panel. This room will NOT be cleared after this panel. ***, TRIGGER 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY & ANNOUNCEMENT PANEL, With the help of our fans TRIGGER is finally 10 years old! ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. Come in person or send your Stand for the ultimate fan experience of being in a room full of people who love JoJos as much as you! Search high and low Anime Expo to find as many items in our list as possible and win a cool prize! Combining boobie breakdowns with crazy hentai, we'll dive into a world where limits don't even apply anymore. This room will be cleared after this panel. ***, Jeff Nimoy briefly introduces his feature film Fame-ish, a romcom that takes place at an anime convention. Cultural and Community Center (JACCC) in Little Tokyo. Inspired by the maid cafes of Akihabara, Anime Expos Maid Cafe is one of our most popular events. ***, Is It Wrong To Try To Pickup Girls in a Dungeon? Anime Expo 2022 - General Registration Fri. Jul 1, 2022 at 10:00am - Mon. ***This room will NOT be cleared prior to this panel. Therefore, you are required to pick up an 18+ wristband from the Ticket Booth or an Information Services booth at the LA Convention Center, in either the South Hall or West Hall, at least 2 hours prior to check-in for this event. ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. This room will be cleared after this panel. or on the day. Anime Expo - Los Angeles, California July 1-4, 2023 anime expo chibi - Ontario, California November 12-13, 2022 Anime Expo Anime Expo is the largest anime convention in North America, held annually in Downtown Los Angeles. The creative team within TRIGGER responsible for the production of TTGL, PSG, KLK, and PROMARE! Tickets are non-refundable. ***This room will NOT be cleared prior to this panel. See you real soon! Get the answers to these questions here. First Tier - Sunday $40.00 8/1/2022 - 10/31/2022 Second Tier - Thursday $35.00 11/1/2022 - 1/3/2023 . The Anime season two! Children ages 0-5are free and not required to register for a badge. How to Publish a Videogame 101 with Rocket Panda Games - Phantom Breaker and Beyond! pits two teams of brilliantly funny people against each other as they tell tall tales and partial- truths from their own lives while the other team has to guess - is it true, or a lie? ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. ***, Crunchyroll Presents: New Simulcast Premieres Round 1, Be the first to see the newest anime series before it hits the streaming airwaves! Upon arrival, each attendee must present their registration confirmation email and a valid government-issued photo ID. ***, Having Faith: An Autoethnography at Comic Con, Join us as we discuss the Oakland University 2017 study about the way in which cosplayers interact with one another on the basis of gender and gender expression, and learn more about why we choose the cosplays we do! In this panel, you will learn everything you need to get started in this fun and exciting hobby. Have questions on writing better surveys? This panel will take a close look at the girls who call themselves "idols" as well as the idol fan culture and community. Anime Expo is thelargest anime con around, with over 100,000 fans in attendance. ***This room will be cleared for the next panel. in LA BRAND NEW WAVE, A concert film screening of Day 1 of LOVE LIVE! This room will be cleared for the next panel. 2 and 3 are the first screening in the US. This room will be cleared after this panel. Guests are invited to enjoy musical performances, dances and much more! ***, Join HIDIVE as we host the premiere of Call of the Night, the hot Anime takes a ton of work, talent, and people to produce. ***This room will NOT be cleared prior to this panel. Tickets available one (1) hour prior to screening at Regal Cinema. This room will be cleared after this panel. Join us as we discuss the history of one of Niconico's oldest and most creative subcultures that's turned into a phenomenon worldwide! This room will NOT be cleared after this panel. ***, The Anime Men blend the lines of all-things Anime and Social media. ***This room will NOT be cleared prior to this panel. ***, Hey folks. ***, The ultimate competition of Anime Expos finest standup comedians begins here. ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. ***, I was the demon king but now I'm reborn as a figure sculptor, Are you interested in what it takes to make your own anime figures at home? ***, This showing is perfect for Action loving AMV fans! Skip the rest of the categories and get your fill of the top Commercial & Movie Trailer Parody category submissions, including the videos that made it to the Finals! ***, Join Production I.G. Los Angeles Convention Center 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015 . In cases of emergency, the wristbands will allowan SPJA/Anime Expo representative to contact parents/guardians as needed. Anime Expo - Los Angeles, California ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. Including Q&A with Alex Organ (Loid Forger), Megan Shipman (Anya Forger), and Natalie Van Sistine (Yor Forger), a special message from the Japanese cast, and more - this is a TOP SECRET event that you wont want to miss! ***This room will NOT be cleared after this panel. ***, TWIN ENGINE: Long-awaited sequels line-up, TWIN ENGINE would be releasing information regarding the new series of: Vinland Saga, The Ancient Magus' Bride, Mononoke, and last but not least original work Plantopia which is currently in progress. ***This room will NOT be cleared prior to this panel. This talk will describe the very beginnings and growth of this association which has become a global celebration, much needed in these perilous times. First Come, First Serve. This room will be cleared for the next panel. Ticket prices range between $51.00 - $1000.00+ and will vary depending on a number of factors, including the location of the event and Seat locations. This room will NOT be cleared for the next panel. This room will NOT be cleared for the next panel.***. ***, Monke and Gremlin Q&A. ***, Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling (ft. Danny Lee!) This room will be cleared after this panel. ***This room will NOT be cleared prior to this panel. ***, Anime and black culture are almost hand and hand. ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. Interested in learning more about anime fans? *The screening is in Japanese with no English Subtitles ***, The 7 member dance and performance group TRAVIS JAPAN is in Los Angeles and so happy to be a part of Anime Expo 2022! Come and find out what all those beautiful patterns mean. ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. Each premiere panel has a different lineup of shows, so be sure to check them all out! Dont miss this delayed 3DCG live performance, delivering you a stage full of love and dreams! Highlights will include new license announcements, prize giveaways, and more! ***, Hell Mode: Localizing Manga and Light Novels, Ever wonder what it's like to work at a LN and manga publisher like J-Novel Club? Meet the Devil's Luck Pirate crew played by youtubers Tekking101, Lost Pause, 2Spooky, Briggs & the Dungeon Master himself, Rustage. As a trans-identified licensed marriage & family therapist and cosplayer, I will discuss gender variation, current approaches, and pathways to authenticity through cosplay and anime-culture. ***This room will NOT be cleared for the next panel. Find out about the latest Right Stuf Anime store exclusives, new Nozomi Entertainment titles and upcoming Gundam New Release Announcements! and many more! This room will be cleared after this panel. ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. From replicating a Dish to creating something entirely new, I will be your guide. This room will be cleared for the next panel. To purchase a badge reprint, please go to the Registration Booth for assistance. ***, Designing and Manufacturing Anime Apparel, Dreamily Apparel's designer, Tiffa, introduces anime enthusiasts the behind the scenes process in producing and manufacturing apparel. ShindoL will share stories and experiences from the industry in Japan and talk about releasing their books in English! ***This room will be cleared prior to this panel. This room will be cleared after this panel. Its been a long two years, but Anime Expo is back and were inviting you to our inaugural Anime Expo Homecoming: City Pop dance! Introducing classic folktales, animals in folktales as well as the many different youkai creatures that have been presented in anime is a great way to enter the world of Japanese folklore in anime.
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