Schedule an appointment with a doctor. you can choose the date and time of your appointment, you experience greater convenience and certainty. The following telephone number is no longer in use: 0151 201 4190 please call NHS 111, Walk-in and pre-bookable attendance slots via NHS 111, To book an attendance slot atany of the above centres, please call NHS 111. Arrowe Park Walk-in Centre Arrowe Park Hospital . When attending a walk-in clinic or attendance slot please remember to: Do not attend if you have a high temperature, new/continuous cough or loss/change to your sense of smell or taste. Click HERE to donate or to find out more - or click the link from within the Thanks a Million map. minor cuts and wounds wound care and dressings, skin complaints rashes, sunburn, headlice, stomach ache, indigestion, constipation, vomiting and diarrhoea, womens health problems, e.g. See the Passport Fee Calculator. Our virtual visit services can treat and diagnose through online video and phone appointments. There is an NHS walk-in centre at Arrowe Park Hospital - next to the A& E Department. If you need to have any diagnostic tests such as an x-ray then this may increase the length of time you are at the hospital. If you need an interpreter please contact the number on your letter as soon as possible so this can be arranged for you. The WCHC website uses cookies to improve your on-site experience. Compassion, Dignity, Justice, Excellence, Integrity. The aim of this website is to provide access and information on all currently available and emerging therapies and investigations for conditions affecting the large and small bowel, ano-rectum and perineum, including the multidisciplinary treatment of pelvic floor problems. Your doctor will write to your GP and if you would like a copy of this letter please ask at the time of your appointment. out the request form below. Arrowe Park Hospital is multispecilaity hospital in Wirral, Merseyside, England. Walk-in or pre-bookable attendance slots. Review your information and click "Confirm Details" to schedule your appointment. Should any patient or visitor need assistance from the front entrance to a specific area for their hospital appointment, surgery or to visit a patient, you can pre book a volunteer assistant who will meet you at the main entrance and escort you to the area. After you confirm the appointment, you'll receive your final confirmation number. We offer a wide range of modern and effective treatments for all bowel symptoms and conditions, conferring our patients competent and friendly care. Search for services, locations and more. Copyright 2023 Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust. To reduce waiting times and provide a more efficient service we have introduced a reminder service for some specialties. A wheel chair can be provided if required. Arrowe Park Rd, Birkenhead, Wirral, UK. Arrowe Park Hospital Internal Grounds (Stop C) is 132 meters away, 2 min walk. Excellent care by all the staff Rated 5 stars out of 5 . All face to face appointments for outpatients at Arrowe Park Hospital have been stopped with immediate effect - except for in "exceptional circumstances". For a pre-bookable slot please call NHS 111. If the Welcome Desk is closed, then please go to Switchboard which is directly opposite Main Reception as this is operational 24/7. Home; Work with us; Services Browse our services A to Z . team was very caring and polite in behaviour. This is because not all our services are yet linked to Choose and Book. If you are not able to attend the service inform us and we will send you another appointment. Imaging reaches a new level at Arrowe Park. 8am to 10pm at weekends and on Bank Holidays. See updated . You can book appointments up to 4 weeks in advance. Our privacy policy tells you more about our information practices when you provide personal information to us. Report an issue with the information on this page. As expressions of God's healing love, witnessed through the ministry of Jesus, we are steadfast in serving all, especially those who are poor and vulnerable. If you don't see a time that works for you, check another location. Carers of vulnerable adults or children may also attend. Depending on the reason for your appointment, you could see a consultant or a doctor, a nurse, a therapist such as a physiotherapist or occupational therapist or a radiologist if you need an x-ray. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Please note: Appointments are not available on holidays. The Team will assess your needs and direct you to the most appropriate service to receive care. Secretary: Paula Adams . The Wirral Surgeon provides a wide variety of treatment options for bowel symptoms and bowel conditions,whether benign or malignant. Appointments Line. Learn more about our mission, vision and values. Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment. Pool Lane is 172 meters away, 3 min walk. The WCHC website uses cookies to improve your on-site experience. ", 'Pubs need to adapt' if they are going to survive the times ahead, "Although we are living during a cost-of-living crisis people still do have money. Your GP practice will also give you a password with your appointment request letter. sending out appointments to patients and maintaining appropriate records. Hospital parking. We do not disclose your information to third parties without your consent, except to facilitate the transaction, to act on your behalf or request, or as legally required. Instead, the hospital will run telephone consultations for patients wherever possible. Written by a patient at Arrowe Park Hospital. Enter your search term . I am looking for advice on looking after my young family, I have received treatment and want further information, I want to improve my own health and wellbeing, wear a face covering when entering any of our clinic buildings, gel your hands upon on arrival in the clinic waiting room. The policy set by the local Trust - Wirral University Teaching Hospital, also includes Clatterbridge Hospital. I understand the hospital's policy of cancelling . We'll use your location to find clinics, hospitals and doctors closest to you. This consultant could do with a few lessons in how to treat and speak to patients and to arrive on time for appointments. Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment. Sat. Arrowe Park Urgent Treatment Centre, Arrowe Park Hospital, Arrowe Park Road CH49 5PE Monday - Sunday, 8.00am - 10:00pm (including bank holidays) Victoria Central Walk-in Centre & Minor Injuries, Mill Lane, Wallasey CH44 5UF Monday - Sunday, 8.00am - 8:00pm (including bank holidays) (X-ray facilities - open at 8.00am - 7.30pm) Directions. To change your appointment location, cancel this appointment and create a new one. thrush, menstrual advice, muscle and joint injuries strains and sprains*. Arrowe Park Hospital is multispecilaity hospital in Wirral, Merseyside, England. 07500 870 587 . All face to face appointments for outpatients at Arrowe Park Hospital have been stopped with immediate effect - except for in exceptional circumstances. Schedule an appointment with a doctor. Visited January 2023 Report as unsuitable Provided by Arrowe Park Hospital has not yet replied. Follow us on social media for all the latest news and announcements, St Catherine's Health Centre, Derby Road, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 0LQ, For service contact details please visit the relevant service page. The Reception staff will then book the request with the Portering Team. You do not need an appointment. Directions. Carers of vulnerable adults or children may also attend. If you would like to change your date, time, number of applicants, or contact information, please cancel this appointment and schedule a new one. We operate from two main sites, Arrowe Park Hospital and Clatterbridge Hospital, while also providing a range of services in community sites. John Barnes is more worried about Manchester United coming to Liverpool on Sunday than he has been in recent times. See a health care provider without going to a doctor's office. Thank you for your understanding and support. Something went wrong, please try again later. Barking Community Birth Centre London - click on 'your appointments' for details of self-referral Barnet Hospital London Basildon University Hospital Essex Bedford Hospital Bedfordshire Bolton NHS Foundation trust (information on community midwifery service, Princess Anne Maternity Unit, Royal Bolton Hospital) Broomfield Hospital Chelmsford, Essex Patients who do not let us know they will not be attending their appointments cause unnecessary delays in patients being seen. Orange County Choose Your Region . If you have any special requirements please contact the number on your letter and we will do whatever possible to assist you. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. ", Roberto Firmino's agent breaks silence on 'unbelievably emotional' Liverpool exit, Roberto Firmino refused to hold talks with other clubs before deciding his Liverpool future, according to his agent. Close menu, For more information call 0300 123 5474 (freephone, 7 days a week 8.00am - 8pm), visit or like our Facebook page @SHWirral. Page last reviewed: 29/11/2019. Delays in clinic can occur but our staff should be able to tell you the reason. This service is available Monday - Friday between 0900 - 1600 at Arrowe Park . Please let us know as soon as possible if you are not able to attend your appointment so it can be given to someone else and not wasted and we can arrange a new time for you. Your appointment request letter lists your unique booking reference number, your NHS number and a list of hospital or clinic options for you to choose from. I need help with communication . Radiographers Hannah Benson and Emma Reaney, Wolverson engineer Frank Cousins, radiographer Janet Quirk, Wolverson engineer Graham Haslam, superintendent radiographer Barry Jones, care support worker Shirley Eisenberg and radiographers Amy. CH41 8DB . Out-patient clinics are held twice a week for NHS patients at Arrowe Park Hospital (Friday afternoon) and Clatterbridge Hospital (Wednesday morning). Address. This includes the following limited circumstances: to a congressional office on your behalf; to financial entities regarding financial transaction issues; to a U.S. thrush, menstrual advice, muscle and joint injuries strains and sprains*. Mr Titu is responsible for the introduction of several modern minimally invasive techniques for treating colorectal diseases on the Wirral: laparoscopic and robotic colorectal resections, trans-anal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM), robotic ventral mesh rectopexy, haemorrhoidal artery ligation (THD), peripheral tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) and the anal fistula plug. Please choose a subject from the menu on the left to find out more. To change the date, time, number of applicants, or contact information, edit your appointment information and click "Review Appointment" at the bottom of this page. Step 3: Select a Time. Make an appointment at the Registrar's Office, either by telephone 0151 606 2020 or you can go to and book an appointment.. This could be by telephone using the national number on your letter or on the internet. Thanks a million, NHS workers - we love you. Please note that whilst the vast majority of appointments can be booked this way, in some cases you will need to telephone the hospital directly to make your appointment. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Arrowe Park Road Upton WIRRAL CH49 5PE. Copyright 2023 Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust. We also offer: online booking for appointments at a time to suit you, National Chlamydia Screening Programme for Wirral (NCSP), free postal testing kits chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhoea and HIV (16 only), fully accessible clinics open 6 days week across five venues in Wirral, specialist clinics for young people 19 and under, six days a week, easy read materials (available upon request ), free contraception and sexual health support from partner pharmacies and GPs (emergency contraception available from our partner pharmacies and LARC available from our partner GPs). See updated information on Walk-in Centres, Uregent Treatment Centres and minor injuries, Follow us on social media for all the latest news and announcements, St Catherine's Health Centre, Derby Road, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 0LQ, For service contact details please visit the relevant service page. We need our health workers now more than ever as they work superhuman hours and go above and beyond to protect us. 1 The Department of State charges additional fees for Passport Books and/or Cards as well as processing. If you know where and when you would like to be seen, you may be able to book your appointment before you leave the surgery. There are some exceptions to the new rules. Every effort is made to see patients at their appointment time but unfortunately this is not always possible. If you are waiting for an appointment we will send you one as soon as possible or write to you to ask you to contact the Booking Office to arrange a date and time to suit. Mr Liviu Titu is a fully accredited Consultant Coloproctologist and General Surgeon with over ten years of experience in the management of colorectal cancer, pelvic floor disorders (rectal prolapse, faecal incontinence, obstructed defaecation) and anorectal problems (haemorrhoids, anal fissure, fistula in ano, anal skin tags, pilonidal sinus). 1450 Medical Center Dr., Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Driving Directions . We provide assessment, treatment and advice for minor injuries and illnesses including: *These services are only available at Victoria Central Walk-in Centre and the Minor Injuries Unit. You may be contacted approximately 7 days before your appointment and asked to confirm your attendance. If there is a compelling, safety-critical need for a physical visit to hospital, this can be arranged at the discretion of the specialist team concerned. Moreton (Merseyside) is 641 meters away, 9 min walk. Your doctor and clinical team will make sure that you are involved in any discussion or decisions about your treatment. Email. Please complete the on line booking form below. You may also be required to supply a urine sample for testing. If so, you can take the appointment request letter away with you and book your appointment later. Arrowe Park Lodge Arrowe Park Road Woodchurch, Birkenhead CH49 5LN England +44 151 677 5031 Website Menu Open now : 10:00 AM - 11:00 PM See all (38) Get food delivered Order online Ratings and reviews 233 Travellers' Choice 2022 RATINGS Food Service Value Atmosphere Details PRICE RANGE 399 - 1,596 CUISINES British, Pub Special Diets We have convenient clinics where you can get care today. Dr Nikki Stevenson, medical director at Wirral University Teaching Hospital, said: We realise this can be distressing for patients awaiting appointments; however, this decision has been made to prioritise the safety and healthcare needs of our patients. Thank you for your understanding and support. All rights reserved. Find patient reviews, specialty ranking and compare with nearby hospitals. Click HERE to drop a heart or a message on the map, and show you appreciate the efforts undertaken daily in the NHS. You can book appointments up to 4 weeks in advance. Only available time slots will be displayed. For a pre-bookable slot please call NHS 111. On the last occasion I even missed my appointment as I was late by 10 minutes cause I was not able to find a parking spot for over 40 minutes, even in paid parking lot. 01519295555 . I have read, understand, and agree to the Terms and Conditions . The following telephone number is no longer in use: 0151 201 4190 please call NHS 111, Walk-in and pre-bookable attendance slots via NHS 111, To book an attendance slot atany of the above centres, please call NHS 111. Website. Arrowe Park Hospital - News, views, gossip, pictures, video - Liverpool Echo Arrowe Park Hospital 11:56, 14 FEB 2023 Drivers 'pull hair and scuffle' as chaos descends on hospital car park. Follow us on social media for all the latest news and announcements, St Catherine's Health Centre, Derby Road, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 0LQ, For service contact details please visit the relevant service page. Sexual Health Wirral is more than just a clinic. telephone advice a face-to-face consultation at one of three centres in Arrowe Park, Eastham or Wallasey a home visit where deemed clinically necessary Usual opening times Monday to Friday: 6.30pm - 8.00am Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays: 24 hour service (8.00am - 8.00am) The Team will assess your needs and direct you to the most appropriate service to receive care. Hospital staff are contacting all patients affected, but said that if anyone has not heard yet they should assume their appointment has been cancelled. Secretary: Deborah Jones . Private patients are seen at Spire Murrayfield Wirral Hospital on Monday afternoons, Wednesday afternoons and Thursday evenings but other times can also be accommodated if necessary. If so, you can take the appointment request letter away with you and book your appointment later. Careers in Health and Social Care Open Day - 4th March 2023, Feedback, Compliments, Concerns and Complaints, your appointment letter and any additional items listed on it, any medicines you are taking (including herbal preparations) together with your medication list, money for prescriptions or proof that you do not need to pay. Teen told mum 'don't worry' minutes before he was killed in hit-and-run, LFC fan Liam Simpson was described as the "kindest soul", Drivers 'pull hair and scuffle' as chaos descends on hospital car park, Patients have described the parking situation as a "nightmare", Mum couldn't stop crying as son, 5, screamed in pain in hospital, Bobby Harry started getting intense pains in his left leg last summer, that left him unable to walk, Check all A&E waiting times, treatment times and ambulance response times at your local NHS trust, An NWAS spokesperson said "the ambulance service remains under extreme pressure", Nurse joins strike after friend died 'due to staff shortages', Nurses took to the picket line outside Arrowe Park hospital today, 'Numb' nurses staffing corridors as patients wait hours to be seen, Nurse Katie Kendrick said loved ones should not be cared for in a corridor, Man 'feels lucky' despite going 'numb' after terrifying diagnosis, John Fisher was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year, despite having no symptoms, Mum says baby's 'special' New Year's Day birth is 'best way to start the year', Hannah and Matthew Roberts-Dodd welcomed their baby girl at Arrowe Park Hospital, Detectives search land after young woman shot dead on Christmas Eve, Police scoured the area following a fatal shooting at a pub where people were celebrating Christmas, Mum 'had a feeling' baby girl was going to be born on Christmas Day, Coryn Platt and Shaun Baxter welcomed their baby girl at Arrowe Park Hospital, NHS nurse sacked for stealing two tablets from Merseyside hospital, Morgan took tablets from the hospital pharmacy to treat her headaches while she worked, NHS waiting times at every Merseyside hospital trust, Across the region, 20 hospital departments fail to give patients their first specialist appointment within 18 weeks, Mum feared tiny baby would die before Christmas when she didn't grow, Baby Marley weighed less than a bag of sugar when she was rushed to A&E, Hospitals preparing for 'bank holiday' services during nurses' strike, "We have nurses in Liverpool using foodbanks", Mum knew something was wrong when she began wheezing all the time, Lisa Dearnley broke the devastating news to her children after being admitted to hospital, Staff 'looking for new jobs' after parking row at Merseyside hospital, The hospital have admitted some spaces are "temporarily unavailable", PC punched mentally ill man in face because he 'could not be bothered' to restrain him, PC Sam Kane resigned from the force but a disciplinary hearing concluded he would have been sacked for gross misconduct, Mum lived in hospital for six months and told to 'say goodbye' to baby, Candice Jardine gave birth to Teddy and Sofia at just 25 weeks, Family's world 'put on hold' as newborn son rushed to ICU, Baby Stanley was born more than two months before his due date, Wirral bus services could be reduced from September, A number of bus services across the borough could see their frequency reduced, Caring for patients and saving lives in Merseyside hospitals, As a new dawn in hospital care approaches in the region, we look back at how hospitals have served Merseyside down the decades, Parents put newborn son in cot covered in frozen peas after he died, Alice and Sam Taylors newborn son Thomas died at 12 days old, Demolition work begins at hospital as part of 28m upgrade, The project is the biggest investment in the hospital since it opened 40 years ago, One in six patients leave Liverpool Hospitals A&E before treatment complete, "Our teams are working incredibly hard to treat people as quickly as possible". Sexual Health Wirral provides free and confidential contraception sexual health services for people living in Wirral. Free parking is available at Victoria Central Walk-in Centre but charges may apply at Arrowe Park Urgent Treatment Centre at Arrowe Park Hospital. Your information will be used to schedule an appointment for Retail Services. At the moment, there's no availability on Zocdoc for the selected date range and appointment type at this location. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT . Your care will not be affected in any way if you choose not to take part.There are areas available to purchase refreshments on all our sites. It is open from: 8am to 10pm on weekdays. Our Walk-in Centres at Victoria Central Health Centre and Eastham Clinic and the Urgent Treatment Centre at Arrowe Park are now open for both walk-in or booked attendance slots. The nearest stations to Arrowe Park Eye Clinic are: Arrowe Park Hospital Internal Grounds (Stop C) is 260 meters away, 4 min walk. Appointments take approximately 15 minutes per person. If you are coming to an outpatients appointment or a scan at APH and you require a Wheelchair, then please come to Main Reception (between 0800-1900 hours Monday to Friday) and ask for a wheelchair. Haemorrhoids are venous cushions (blood vessels) of the ano-rectum and An anal fissure is a painful linear tear or cracks in the distal anal canal A fistula-in-ano is an abnormal hollow that connects a primary Pruritus ani is itching around the opening of the back passage (the anus) Anal warts are fleshy skin growths that affect the area around and inside Anal skin tags are excess skin growths located at the anal opening Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the UK in both males Bowel polyps are growths that occur on the inner lining of the large bowel Full-thickness rectal prolapse is defined as protrusion of the full Bowel incontinence is the inability to control the Obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS) is a Diverticula of the large bowel are out-pouchings Pilonidal sinus is an infected tract under the skin between the A hernia is the abnormal exit of tissue or an organ, such as the bowel 2023 Wirral Surgeon | All Rights Reserved | Design & Development Leonard Marketing | Privacy Policy. Wirral University Teaching Hospital, 2023. Address. Collection is authorized by 39 U.S.C. You should check with your insurance whether the hospital is in network or not. Number for choose and book appointments line. The number of people who have died from coronavirus in the UK now stands at 1,228 and 19,522 people have tested positive for the virus. Wirral Surgeon provides a comprehensive, integrated and multidisciplinary approach in managing bowel conditions and disorders, whether benign or malignant.
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