Zimi Meka . Designing, delivering and operating projects aimed at providing economic, social and community development. Ausenco operates in over 15 countries globally. SMS code cannot be sent due to: {{ twilioStatus }}, Looks you are already a member. Ausenco is committed to operating with the highest standards of ethical behavior, honesty and fairness in all stakeholder relationships. While we consider all 17 SDGs as important to guiding our performance, we have chosen to focus on those where we believe we can have the greatest impact. Ausenco has been providing full life cycle solutions that allow clients, governments, and communities to meet today's stringent environmental, social and governance (ESG) demands. You should consider the PDS, FSG and TMD before making a decision about a product. Ausencos project experience ranges from small conceptual studies for new developments through to the construction of large scale minerals processing facilities. Resend code is disabled for {{getRemainingTimeText()}} sec. Ausenco was founded on the core belief that we must find a better way to preserve the finite resources the planet offers, especially when faced with the challenges of population growth and a changing climate, said Zimi Meka, CEO. End-of-day quote Australian Stock Exchange This involves identification of our largest suppliers as well as suppliers that are critical for delivering our projects Only funds with > three year returns were included in any fee comparison, and were compared to Morningstars nominated benchmark. Copyright 2023 Surperformance. peoples and communities. Ausenco | 131,485 followers on LinkedIn. We strive to reflect the diversity of our communities in the workplace, creating safe, collaborative and innovative workplaces, delivering solutions that solve some of the toughest challenges facing our clients and industry, in the communities where we live and operate. Data shown on this website is sourced by Morningstar In 2004, Ausenco opened an office in China, and then in 2005, opened offices in North America and South America. Ausenco is a global company redefining what is possible. Please sign in or register for free. Reaching these goals takes everyones contribution. Wherever we operate, we respect diverse communities and environments and strive to achieve sustainable outcomes for all. | July 24, 2022 Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. In November 2017, Ausenco Hemmera, a leading environmental consultancy in Canada. 2012 Full Year Results Presentation - Ausenco. Please try again. Advertisement. We are committed to: At Ausenco, we conduct our relationships with employees, contractors, clients, Indigenous people, and other individuals and organizations with integrity and respect. Corporate headquarters in South Brisbane, Queensland, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Ausenco acquires PSI group for $US32.9m", "ASX Company News: Ausenco Acquires Reaction Consulting | Online Stockmarket Trading Update", "Asset Management and Engineering Support Services", "expands in North American oil and gas market | News item", "Award of EPCM Contract for Phu Kham Copper-Gold Project | FinancialContent Business Page", "Phu Kham Copper-Gold Project | Case study", "Hidden Valley Gold Project | Case study", "Ausenco To Manage Expansion Of Barrick's Lumwana Project", "Ausenco wins Isaac Plains CHPP contract", "Isaac Plains CHPP Operations | Case study", "CiDRA Holdings LLC Anglo American Awards CiDRA Contract for Los Bronces", "Los Bronces Copper Ore Pipeline | Case study", "Kwale Mineral Sands Project | Case study", "Reference at www.bulk-solids-handling.com", "Ausenco Limited: Ausenco wins contract for Springsure Creek Coal Project", "Mount Owen - Using flotation to improve coal recovery | Project | Ausenco", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ausenco&oldid=1139871911, International engineering consulting firms, Multinational companies headquartered in Australia, Engineering consulting firms of Australia, Articles lacking reliable references from January 2014, Articles with a promotional tone from January 2014, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Wikipedia articles containing buzzwords from September 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Engineering/Consulting services/Project Delivery, Hidden Valley Gold Silver Project in Papua New Guinea in 2006, Martabe Gold Silver Project, Indonesia in 2009, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 08:30. The information contained in this report is for the full year ended 31 December 2015 and the previous corresponding period 31 December 2014. Performance figures for periods greater than one year are annualised and presented as "per annum" values. Please enter your password to proceed. Details of entities over which control has been gained or lost during the period are included in the audited financial statements under note 25. Ausenco Limited is a multinational engineering, procurement, construction management, and operations service provider to the energy and resources sectors. Please see https://www.candentecopper.com/investors/presentations for details from previous resource and engineering studies which delineated 9B lbs copper, 2M oz gold and 54M oz silver in: Measured and Indicated Resources of 752.4 million tonnes grading 0.45% copper, 0.07 grams per tonne (g/t) gold and 1.9 g/t silver (0.52% Cu equivalent) containing 7.533 B lb Cu, 1.67 M oz Au and 45.24 M oz Ag and Inferred Resources of 157.7 million tonnes grading 0.44% copper, 0.06 g/t gold and 1.8 g/t silver containing 1.434 B lb Cu, 0.3M oz Au and 8.932 M oz Ag. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. The peer calculation is inclusive of admin and management fees; excludes brokerage and no withdrawals have been made. Ausenco acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present, and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of Australia. Please make sure your payment details are up to date to continue your membership. Get expert assistance here. brokerage and assuming dividends re-invested and no withdrawals. This involves identification of suppliers whose manufacturing locations, or the goods or services they provide, pose a potentially high risk in areas such as human rights violations, lack of worker protection laws, potential for use of forced and child labour, violation of Indigenous rights and titles, as well as other criteria from leading international standards. In 2021, Ausenco kicked off an initiative to develop a more structured approach to sustainability and ESG. In 2007, the Vancouver office opened, increasing the number of employees by 31% to 1,010 people globally. complete or timely nor will they have any liability for its use or distribution. Our success and reputation are built on developing innovative designs that incorporate energy, water, and process efficiencies to create smaller footprints and reduce environmental impacts., Paul Hemsley, Ausencos Executive VP Environment, Social and Governance Strategy, added: We have the expertise and the experience to support clients in the search for the most sustainable approach to the development of the raw materials necessary to produce goods and services for consumers around the world. Bob Thorpe. Cash Costs are also in lowest quartile of the copper industry. 2014 and any public announcements made by Ausenco Limited during the interim reporting period in accordance . off-setting what we cannot change. Details from the Caariaco Norte Copper Project Pre-Feasibility Study Progress Report available at https://www.candentecopper.com/site/assets/files/5389/canariaco-pfs.pdf estimate NPVs and IRRs of $1.06B and 17.5% at $2.50 Cu and $1.56B and 21.5% at $2.90 Cu. You must accept the terms and conditions. Our 2021 Sustainability Report - Ausenco English Our 2021 Sustainability Report Share In our 2021 report we outline a clear ESG roadmap, ESG material topics, and the performance metrics that will keep us moving forward. You must accept the terms and conditions. Magazine: ABN AMRO Morgans Aust Eng Construction Conference - Ausenco. At Ausenco, we take a holistic approach to environmental stewardship and addressing the impacts of climate change. do not include indirect cost ratio charged by ETF providers nor brokerage. After 18 June 2019 performance figures (after fees and brokerage) have been recorded from the Australian Equity Income ETF (ASX: INIF) which mirrors the Income Model and after 5 October 2020 performance figures (after fees and brokerage) have been recorded from the Australian Equity Growth ETF (ASX: IIGF) which mirrors the Growth Model. Email: enquiries@globalminingreview.com. This important history and the ongoing cultural, spiritual and educational practices makes Australia a stronger and more vibrant place. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 26 February 2016 05:26:25 UTC, Original Document: http://www.ausenco.com/news-items/2015-full-year-financial-report-and-appendix. How our culture drove tangible value for a mining leader. Please enter the 5 digit verification code sent to "{{user.DayPhone}}", We cannot send you a verification code via SMS to "{{user.DayPhone}}". | We're a consulting, engineering, project delivery and asset operations and optimisation company that sets high global standards for value adding solutions for the minerals & metals, oil & gas and industrial sectors. Mining executives and owners need to take a broader view of climate risks if they hope to adapt to the new environmental reality. Please wait. No Morningstar-affiliated company or any of their employees is providing you with personalised financial advice. Neither any Morningstar company nor any of their content providers guarantee the data or content contained herein to be accurate, Data shown on this website is sourced by Morningstar ESG material topics are fully aligned with Ausencos core values, and they connect with ESG strategy goals. 4 | Ausenco Annual Report 2011. "FREE" : "$" + t.Cost.toFixed(2) }}, Copyright 1999-2023 InvestSMART Financial Services Pty Ltd. All rights reserved | Australian Financial Services Licensee: AFSL # 226435 | ABN 70 089 038 531 |. You are already registered for this event. We have sent you an email with the details of your registration. Mary Shafer-Malicki. Past performance may not be a reliable indicator of future performance. Data and content is provided for personal use only. Ausenco | 130,077 followers on LinkedIn. Details of Underlying EBITDA are included in Alternative performance measures in the financial report on page 94. If you didn't receive a code via SMS/text to you mobile phone, you may request a new code. Fees are calculated by Morningstar as the average over 10 years. It is classified as operating in the Engineering Services industry. In 2009, Ausenco acquired 50% equity in the Kramer Group to form Kramer Ausenco,[9] expanding the companys presence and services into PNG and the South Pacific. Please make sure your payment details are up to date to continue your membership. Ausenco acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present, and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of Australia. Australian Accounting Standards are utilised when compiling the report. Ausenco contributes to the global agenda by operating responsibly and solving societal challenges through business innovation and collaboration. We believe that no one prospers unless everyone prospers, and our experts in indigenous and community relations help clients build positive, long-term working relationships with all stakeholders. {{ t.Cost === 0 ? She has reviewed and approved the contents of this release. 5 annual reports (valued at . Registration for this event is available only to Eureka Report members. Deputy Editor instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Global Mining Review , Friday, 23 April 2021 11:15. Increase procurement from Indigenous businesses. In 2019, our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP-A) described how Ausenco intended to create meaningful relationships, enhance respect, and promote sustainable business opportunities for Indigenous Australians. With decades of experience working on the worlds most demanding projects, our experts are ready to help create customized solutions, optimize value and deliver results tailored to our clients specific needs. Ausenco prioritizes understanding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the services we deliver. Published by Jessica Casey, Ausenco respectfully acknowledges that we live, work and play on the traditional territories of the Indigenous peoples (First Nations, Mtis, and Inuit) of Canada. Careful management of resources We encourage and support employees to be actively involved in partnerships with local groups, Indigenous communities and charities. Fundamental engagement with Indigenous peoples. Please enter your email address below to request a new password, DELISTED - Current share price for AAX : $0.395. Registration for this event is available only to Intelligent Investor members. efficiency, using alternative energy and The Ausenco Foundation provides a hand-up and aims to make a positive and sustainable difference to people in the communities in which we live and work. In 2021, we created Women@Ausenco, an initiative to support women with networking and mentoring opportunities to enhance professional success and to amplify the profile of women at Ausenco, to foster diversity and inclusiveness, and to expand the opportunities available to women and harness their impact. This may not include all funds available for retail investment in Australia. Establishing and implementing leading standards of practice to ensure the health and safety of our employees and communities, Building and sustaining strong connections with Indigenous communities, based on a foundation of trust and partnership, Listening to our employees and stakeholders and integrating their perspectives into our business practices, Providing a fair, equitable, diverse and inclusive work environment for all. Please refer to our Financial Services Guide for more information. Collaborating with our suppliers and partners to minimize the environmental impacts of projects. Continue to strengthen our Health, Safety and Environment culture, improving the value of our HSE data and applying IT solutions You now have free access to InvestSMART, we look forward to helping you on your financial journey. After 18 June 2019 performance figures (after fees and brokerage) have been recorded from the Australian Equity Income ETF (ASX: INIF) which mirrors the Income Model and after 5 October 2020 performance figures (after fees and brokerage) have been recorded from the Australian Equity Growth ETF (ASX: IIGF) which mirrors the Growth Model. We are in the best strategic position possible How do we reach our sustainability goals? Any general advice has been prepared by Morningstar Australasia Pty Ltd (ABN: 95 090 665 544, AFSL: 240892) Fee data may not include all costs being charged such as platform and adviser fees. They are a set of mandatory health and safety control measures that apply to all Ausenco operations and controlled activities. Please enter your email address below to request a new password, DELISTED - Current share price for AAX : $0.395. Ingenious solutions 2017 Morningstar. At Ausenco, sustainability is managed from the highest levels. {{ t.Cost === 0 ? Ausenco has a 30-year track record in delivering specialized end-to-end solutions which are proven to lower capital and operating costs, reduce construction time and improve plant efficiencies. Half-Year Report Name of entity Ausenco Limited ABN or equivalent company reference Half year ended . It may take a few minutes to update your subscription details, during this time you will not be able to view locked content. From that, we seek to create a baseline inventory (based on currently available data). The PDS for financial products offered through InvestSMART can be downloaded from this website or obtained by contacting 1300 880 160. Be recognised by employees and clients Its head office is in Brisbane, Australia. as a sector leader in D&I practices. Zimi Meka, Ausenco CEO, said the alliance was focused primarily on winning and delivering major global EPC projects in key growth regions and industry sectors. Please enter the code below. Positioned more than 4,200m above sea level in the south-eastern Ausenco was founded in Brisbane, Australia, in 1991,[2] by Albanian Australian Zimi Meka, current CEO and Managing Director,[3] and Bob Thorpe, current Board member. { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "Organization", "name": "Ausenco", "url": "https://ausenco.com/", "logo": "https://ausenco.com/i/gfx/ausenco-logo-alt.svg" }. [5] The Ausenco foundation[6] was also launched in 2007 to offer support to the communities in which people from Ausenco live and work. [1] The company's name is an amalgamation of "Australian Engineering Company." History [ edit] Were making a deliberate and concerted effort to build respectful relationships with Indigenous peoples by acknowledging the past, reconciling this with the present, and building for the future based on trust, respect, partnership and accountability. Four key pillars have been developed to ensure that: We can learn as much when things go right as when they don't. integration of ESG into our governance We look at sustainability from two complementary perspectives: internally through our governance structures, corporate strategy, and actions, and externally through the work we undertake for our clients and communities. In 2019, our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP-A) described how Ausenco intended to create meaningful relationships, enhance respect, and promote sustainable business opportunities for Indigenous Australians. You now have access to Intelligent Investor Free Insights. Ausenco Annual Report 2015 For personal use only 2 | Ausenco Annual Report 2015 Contents 02 015 Highlights2 04 Chairman's Report 06 CEO's Report 10 South America 12 North America 14 APAC/Africa 16 People and Sustainability 20 Financial Review 24 Board of Directors 26 Corporate Governance Statement 35 Concise Financial Report 78 ^ Only funds and investment products included in the Morningstar Australia database are available for fee and performance comparison. You should consider the advice in light of these matters and, Our people and their safety are our priorityStrong safety culture Improved 12 month LTIFR to 0.62 and TRIFR to2.55 per million hours managed againstsignificantly increased hours managed in 2012 Sustained focus on developing our Zero Harmculture across global operationsValuing our people Significant focus on retention, development andperformance of our employees Strong headcount . Learn more Finding a better way for Ravenswood Gold How our culture drove tangible value for a mining leader. Ausencos sustainability goal is built on the premise that human well-being, and the economic benefits derived from the work it does, requires respect for its people, clients, communities, and the natural environment. Be recognised by clients, employees and suppliers as a leader in safety culture. Our role, as a resources industry partner, is to help grow the economy of the communities in which we operate, and to develop employment, procurement, community and contractor engagement opportunities when possible. All rights reserved. We have mapped our potential impacts on the SDGs to our material topics and our core values in order to highlight our priority sustainability areas. You are already registered for this event. Global Company That Serves Mining, Oil & Gas Industries| Ausenco . we offer full project lifecycle solutions to some . In addition to traditional cost, quality and performance criteria, we will evaluate the sustainability performance of our suppliers and prioritize the selection of our suppliers according to three main criteria: Their size and strategic importance to Ausencos business continuity. We have sent a one-time code via SMS/text to your registered mobile phone. In 2021, Ausenco kicked off an initiative to develop a more structured approach to sustainability and ESG. [8] This increased employee numbers by 150%, and expanded service offerings to include pipeline systems, ports & marine, environment & sustainability, and transportation systems. Please try again. Global regional and . If you cant generate a code, you may request to have one sent to your registered mobile phone. * InvestSMARTs capped management fees (capped at $550 p.a.) Engagement with indigenous peoples and communities, Launch the Envisioning & Prioritization phases of our D&I strategy and consolidated action plan At Ausenco we strive to work with suppliers who are socially, environmentally and economically responsible and who share our values. Meet our engineering and environmental consulting experts. We add . Please enter your mobile number and press send to receive a text message with a verification code. Details of associates and joint venture entities are included in the audited financial statements under note 26. In 2020, we created the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Committee representing people of different geographies, businesses, and experiences. ABN AMRO Morgans Aust Eng Construction Conference - Ausenco. Services are provided to clients primarily in three client markets: Minerals & Metals, Oil & Gas and Industrial. Ausenco Foundation and social initiatives, Ethics and transparency and/or Morningstar Research Limited, subsidiaries of Morningstar, Inc, without reference to your objectives, financial situation or needs. Please click on the ACTIVATE button to activate your Eureka Report 15-day free trial . Recently, Mantos Copper Holding has engaged Ausenco for the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) the 30,000 tonne per day copper concentrator plant and related infrastructure at the Mantoverde Development Project in Chile. The concept of global citizenship is embedded in the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). of the largest resources and energy companies in the world. Integrating sustainability information into business decisions and reporting Teck Resources to spin off steelmaking coal business, Ausenco releases 2020 Sustainability Report. recycled material use. We recognize that our purchasing decisions can influence positive change throughout the supply chain, both in the products we directly or indirectly procure and in the communities we work in, Customer centricity + Seeking a better way + Performing together and respecting each other. Assuming favourable results from the Desk Top Studies the Company would look to move into a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) on the Revised Project Concept which would be expected to take approximately 4 months to complete. Combining our deep technical expertise with a 30-year track record, we deliver innovative, value-add consulting studies, project delivery, asset operations . We look forward to helping you build a market beating stock portfolio. Whilst every care has been taken in producing these numbers, InvestSMART does not guarantee the accuracy of the figures produced in the table. We provide services across the full project lifecycle from preliminary feasibility studies to the construction of multi-billion dollar projects and ongoing management, maintenance and optimisation.. Don't ask again on this device for 30 days. million initial public offer was significantly oversubscribed . Combining our deep technical expertise with a 30-year track record, we deliver innovative, value-add consulting studies, project delivery, asset operations and maintenance solutions to the . These requirements are a key element of our Health, Safety and Environmental management system and have been designed to emphasize the most important requirements to managing our critical risks. DISCLOSURE: InvestSMART Group Limited employees may have an interest in the securities and managed funds displayed via this service. If you are still having trouble viewing content after 10 minutes, try logging out of your account and logging back in. Ensuring open communication channels and effective participation in decision-making ^^ The performance figures for the Intelligent Investor Income and Growth Model Portfolios are since inception on 1 August 2001 using theoretical buys and sells without brokerage and management fees until 1 July 2015. Understanding the small picture, and knowing what to focus on, can help create actionable, achievable goals. This study is expected to take 4 to 6 weeks to complete. ABN AMRO Australian Engineering and Construction Conference September 2006 Zimi Meka, Managing Director. Our approach ensures the careful use of the worlds most precious resources, providing critical materials to supply chains in the most efficient way possible, while supporting sustainable growth and balanced development. Some material is copyright and published under licence from ASX Operations Pty Limited ACN 004 523 782 ("ASXO"). We are committed to this process and to redefining our relationship with Indigenous people in Canada. Finding a better way to create a sustainable future, Our ESG journey and commitment to sustainability. the December 2006 financial year. All rights reserved. We want to contribute to an inclusive society and be a leader in Indigenous relations and reconciliation. We offer our gratitude to Indigenous peoples for their care of and teachings about the land we call Canada. if applicable, the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (in respect of Australian products) or Investment Statement (in respect of New Zealand products) before making any decision to invest. "FREE" : "$" + t.Cost.toFixed(2) }}, Copyright 1999-2023 InvestSMART Financial Services Pty Ltd. All rights reserved | Australian Financial Services Licensee: AFSL # 226435 | ABN 70 089 038 531 |. from an ESG perspective Here are the We remain committed to exploring ways we can strengthen our relationships through enhancing engagement, increasing awareness and education about Indigenous history, values, beliefs and cultural practices, and expanding opportunities for business development. Embed article link: (copy the HTML code below): This content is available to registered readers of our magazine only. We look forward to helping you build a market beating stock portfolio. Our diverse group of global experts are dedicated to adding value to projects & redefining what's possible. | May 23, 2022 In 2021, we created Women@Ausenco, an initiative to support women with networking and mentoring opportunities to enhance professional success. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The Company is currently focused on its 100% owned Caariaco project, which includes the Feasibility stage Caariaco Norte deposit as well as the Caariaco Sur deposit and Quebrada Verde prospect, located within the western Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes in the Department of Lambayeque in Northern Peru. Expand our collaboration and mutually Neither any Morningstar company nor any of their content providers guarantee the data or content contained herein to be accurate, Ausenco has worked on projects in over 90 countries around the world, and has around 2,000 employees as of 2018, across 26 offices in 14 countries.[13]. Please enter your mobile number and press send to receive a text message with a verification code. Read more, Decarbonization and climate Set targets and metrics for mentoring and professional In mid-2015, Ausenco formed a Strategic Alliance with Spanish multinational construction company Duro Felguera S.A. to jointly pursue and deliver EPC projects globally. Our culture is inclusive, transparent and fair, encouraging everyone to play a part in shaping our HSE leadership and behaviors, Our systems and processes are streamlined, relevant and practical, Our people are capable, energized, equipped and empowered. Historical performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Include greater local procurement content in our Ausenco Engineering USA South Inc.("Ausenco") in connection with the filing of the Hycroft Mining Holding Corporation's registration statement on Form S-8 of the Hycroft Mining Holding Corporation Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021 (the "Form 10-K"), consents to:
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