Download PDF manuals for your EdenPURE product. A UNIT is $1000. Anybody can sell anything and make great claims and never have to prove them.I am a electrican and 1500 watts is 1500 watts no matter what shape or size. I don't know about most of you, but in the coldest 3 months of the year here, my bill runs over $500. F0r reference, 1000 hours is about 42 days of continuous run time. The USA has turned into a scam hotbed. If 1500W goes in, 5118 BTU comes out. "CBS Guard Documents Traced to Tex. Water Heater Installation & Repair Service. I'm absolutely thrilled with my unit. Some of the comments by others state they have a comfortable house because the bought the heaters and they were 'comfortable'. Loves them! I have a ceramic cube heater I bought 25 years ago for $19.95 that will. A few comments are concerned with my personal experience with EdenPURE. I used to like him on this old house , but like many of the over the hill broke celebs. Infrared heaters are efficient and fast, and can also be a good choice for fast zone heating as they have fans (with all the consequences I mentioned above). EdenPURE Classic CopperPLUS Heater $272.00 $399.00 Best Sellers EdenPURE 3000 Whole House Air Purifier by AirFree $299.00 $374.00 EdenPURE GEN50 Infrared Heater $297.00 $399.00 EdenPURE GEN40 Heater $247.00 $447.00 EdenPURE Bio SpeedCLEAN Cordless Vac - Model XL200 $249.00 $299.00 EdenPURE GEN21 EdenPURE All Season Heater $279.00 $447.00 My last post was cut off - 2) A btu is a btu 1500 watts is 5100 btu's .That is all you can put on a 120 volt 15 amp curcuit . We. [2] Fan heaters are the cheapest, but are often the least efficient and versatile. In any case, you can reach the exactly the same result with what EdenPure promises, for a fraction of the cost. I don't think this is a good business now I have a machine that doesn't work. When I pulled the heater out this winter nothing happened. The heat output from an electric heater goes directly into the room, without being lost to the leaky ductwork, that may be part of the reason that people observe that the electric heaters (edenPure or otherwise) appear to "solve their heating problems" !! I could not see any savings at all. Turned on in December. The customer service for these things is terrible, they leave you waiting on line for long periods listen to a recording telling you over and over you will wait less than a minute. However, the bitter cold in the northern states may require you to run it more. It seems the less expensive ones will not last as long (20,000hrs vs 80,000hrs, for the more expensive. But, to satisfy the originator of this, no I would not buy another EdenPure. He is retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the Texas Army National Guard. Mr.Vila and Eden Pure do you really think it is fair game on humanity to peddle your wares on them? Go to the Home Depot, Lowe's, Cosco etc., and choose the heater out of couple of dozens designs they have there. It claims to scrub the air in a 1000 cubic foot room. Answer: Virtually all electric space heaters at Amazon do the same heating job. dont buy one these heaters mine was wsed for fore mounths and now it quit wrote them they said the tubes are 36.00 plus 6.95 shipping. I told her that I wanted my order cancelled and it was I hope. the unfortunate part is, that double-wide homes MANY TIMES (not always) have poor ductwork systems (leaky or poor quality ductwork) or inexpensive heat pump systems. And stop blaming others if you buy the wrong product because you did't do your homework. d.william from Somewhere in the south on December 01, 2011: Good article. It is a well-marketed $40 electric heater selling for $400 or more. My heating bill was $30 month versus $90 in kersosene and the side effects it left.I had to install a heavier wire to carry the amp's but it worked when I needed a heavier heater(1000)I think oil companies will do anything to keep you hooked,my dad(81)spent $800 for a couple months,got a few heaters and saved a bundle. He's doing this because he thinks its a good product and it is if used in the right situation. I have a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, so I can tell you with precision that EdenPure's claims are false and misleading. Bob Villa uses the same deceptive wording as the company. etc. Please check with your Demand Response Aggregator for eligibility. Nothing has changed. THIS is the reason the heating companies have zone heating. So, for those looking for a way to reduce your bills, why don't you have your attic better insulated, replace your windows (if needed), and have a new heating unit or units installed, finance it all, and pay the extra on the payments instead of on the extra electricity you are using now. So, that means 50,000 in insurance is going to cost that senior 500. a month. I bought 2 refurbished EP heaters 8 years ago and both are still working just fine. A 50-gallon, 5,500-watt water heater with a .90 EF and an electricity rate of $.16 per kilowatt hour will cost $781 to operate each year. Paying almost $400.00 an Edenpure with needing bulbs every two years, these are no longer a savings, Biotech Research lends their name Edenpure out to all these little retailers who soak you on the price of the heating bulbs. Many have been running now for well over 5 years and run almost constantly all winter long. I purchaser 2 EP 2 years ago and they work fine in my 1900sq foot home.I bought them to stop those money grubbing gas companys.I read all you're complaints,and no one had the common sense to understand some people may just want to get the oil money suckers out of their lives. It's clear that you have not only taken the bait, but swallowed the hook. They were not meant to be used in that manner. This has been disputed. These systems the japanese use do not use ducts!!! I was dumb enough to fall for this scam. It is likely that Sylvania gets the rated 20,000 hours of bulb life in their normal testing fixtures / burn racks. It's CFM rate is horrible vs. a fan forced electric heater. Design in an electric heater is everything. I would rather have on sweats, even with another shirt under and be comfortable with my $200. ", They would be dedicated to making sure the expectations of an ongoing pleasant experience that is designed into the commercial would be realized to the end of product life. See who you know. That way, I do believe you can save money especially during the night while sleeping. I bought BOTH the heater and the air filter. About 8 years ago, I got an estimate for ZONE HEATING for my home including the garage. He had to pay 25 bucks to ship it. Ok Bob Yila lets stand behind your product and give me my money back now Do a cost comparison yourself. ANY 1500 watt electric heater will give you the exact amount of heat, no matter how much, or how little you pay for it. That was going to be a total of 5-6 zones. I needed the one with electric thermostat but I did not get that. If a portable electric heater serves your needs, a low-cost model will kick out the same heat as an expensive model. For those of you who have high summer bills, I saved $1500 over the spring and summer months by setting my thermostat on 80 degrees and using floor fans (not box fans, but those on a stand, those that put out a lot of air). Connect with Us PH: (269) 428-2723 PH: (877) 494-9357 Contact Us EdenPURE sells their heaters all day long on their website for $247 plus free shipping so where you got your $400 figure is a mystery. So does anything else that uses 1500W of electricity, such as a $15 bathroom heater or a 1500W blow hair dryer. Question: Is any heater like this okayed by Insurance companies? The infrared light (heat) is then reflected back into the home. I was going to buy an edenpure because I am a senior citizen and in winter my light bill is out of sight but reading all the negative comments, NO THANKS! It is great for days like today when the chill was just too much in the house, but it is not something you want to use consistently during the day and night. Why oil-filled? Trust me. the first home I woned was a manufactured home, and I first used zone-heating to beat the cost of heating the outdoors through the leaky ducts (until I repaired them, of course !) when you look at the other sales websites they state in stock but edenpures states out of stock so they have to make it to sell it. I am lucky to have a couple of working ones, they do help, but after reading all the electric experts and cost of cheaper 1500w heaters, I must sadly say, I have been scamed. It does heat evenly. I bought the Gen4, have it in the living room in the center of the 1250 sq feet, and I have not turned on my heater. There are none so blind as those who will not see. Dont let anyone tell you the heat from their heaters is better or different. Both the gen 4 and the personal. The laws of physics, which can't be changed, say they'll both do the same thing. You don't need an EdenPURE product to close vents around your home, not in use. Nonetheless, they can be useful for heating small spaces, such as a small room or office cubicle. Hmmm, think about it. There are millions of happy customers who are telling their friends. If your electric company charges you 10 cents per kilowatt hour and you run a 1,500-watt space heater for 10 hours, that will cost $1.50. When the heating fuel prices were high, Quartz heaters helped by heating the rooms you lived in during the day and so the funace runs less. I'm very disapointed and feel very stupid that I did not google this until now. References. Have tried it a few times since after unplugging it and the same thing happens, it will run for just a couple of minutes and it dies. Since you heat all the air, nor just the first 12 inches off the floor, cubic feet measurments are required. It can be on all of the time or set it to the temp you want to keep it at. In response to my last post, I can afford a 300.00 loss due to this scam, but what about the next person. Now if your heating a whole home that uses gas or electric and close off several rooms and used the eden pure to heat a few rooms, sure you will save money. You cannot beat basic rule of physics saying that energy does not come from nowhere, and does not disappear to nowhere. They are PAID to endorse these products. My electric bill sky rocketed, can't think of anything positive where Edenpure heaters are concerned. Her hair dryer moves much more air because of its use it moves hot air faster that doesnt mean its producing less heat over all. This Ken guy below me is an idiot and so are all those so called engineers that claim you get the same heat from any 1500 watt heater. That is the real savings. Sorry to sound so negative in my postings here, it's just I hate to see people get taken, especially someone who believes what they are sold on TV infomercials like these. Had I done that, I believe, without using a calculator, that cost would be $180.00 a month for just the heat on one floor of my home. Sorry about the math confusion, but I really did mean cubic feet, not square feet. Kinko's", "CBS Says It Can't Vouch for Bush Documents", "THE 2004 CAMPAIGN: MILITARY SERVICE; An Ex-Officer Now Believes Guard Memo Isn't Genuine",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 10 February 2021, at 01:33. There not trying to rip you off or scam you. I know I would not. Space heaters cost about 20 cents per hour to operate, give or take, which is a whole lot cheaper than central heat for a home of almost any size. When I was 1st introduced to the Edin Pure, price of heating fuel was sky high. I feel perfectly safe with the EdenPure and I probably would with the DuraFlame. You save $ using a portable heater because you can heat just the space you're in at the time. In other words a fan force heater will heat a space faster and then turn off faster while a pure convection heater will take much longer. This sure seems to be a scam. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Is it reliable. Bill Burkett was the CBS source in the Killian documents affair of 2004. I chose not to not knowing how high those three months would be. A btu is a btu is a btu. My only issue is that the second year it started turning off all the time for no reason and now it's just sitting in my spare room doing nothing. For now it has a basic menu of hamburgers & wings. This may be because their previous forced-air system ductwork had or developed leaks, or something was wrong with air-flow on their system (clogged filters !!) They, too, use energy, but not . You don't get this risk with the Eden pure . What a total scam and very disappointed with Bob Vila!! Have sent emails to their c/s area but they never respond. So people, please pay attention to this post and others like it and don't fall victim to this Biotech/Eden pure scam. Im just another sucker. Let me first say, I have been praiseing the Edenpure for about 6 years. Unfortunately, the Eden Pure ad does not lie. Installing a water heater replacement costs between $845 and $1,698, or an average of $1,271, for a tank-based unit and labor. I bought Edenpure heater in December 2010 and my january heating bill doubled, and what they sent to me is not what I ordered from them. In fact, I had to get up and turn down the heat later as I was sweating. We have found that if you turn the heater on and just leave it alone, it really does a great job. Someone should be going after SCI for false advertising at a minimum. Nothing is 100% efficient. If I spend less, good. Edin Pure has more competition so their price should be competitive if they want to stay competitive. They have two 1000 watt and 1500 watt settings and will heat 200 sq feet, but from what I read, the 1500 watt setting is using more electricity. Keith Schroeder (author) from Wisconsin on November 13, 2011: Thanks for the comment, ritamarie. I did buy a small Pelonis ceramic heater 20 years ago for $100, and it still works. The EdenPURE portable electric heater is a scam by my count. The memos, allegedly written in 1972 and 1973, were obtained by CBS News producer Mary Mapes and freelance journalist Michael Smith, from Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, a former US Army National Guard officer. Other heaters I've used don't keep the rooms warm because the controls don't allow the versatility that the EdenPure does. Also Bob Villa states Zone heating (room or smaller area) not the whole house. Would i buy this. Keith Schroeder (author) from Wisconsin on January 12, 2011: Cold in Mass, you can only run your heater 1 1/2 hours at .17 a kilowatt, not all night. Therefore, a 10' x 10' room with a 10' foot ceiling is 100 square feet, but 1000 cubic feet. Bill Burkett fights back A key player in the Dan Rather Memogate saga sends a letter to CBS, charging that its independent investigation destroyed his reputation and ignored the network's own . Also in the month I ran the Edenpure unit I saw an increase of about 8% on my electric bill versus the radiator unit. They are usually a rip-off. It claims 1000 s f for the gen 4 and it will do that just as well as most heaters. The air leaks are what causes a large waste of energy. Is anyone anymore really honest? I'll bet they had a forced-air heat pump. You cannot get more energy out of an electron than is in it. He claimed that in 1997, while outside the governor's office in Austin, he overheard a conversation about "wanting to bury George W. Bush's Vietnam service record". The above people are correct, you can only get so much heat out of a given amount of electricity. An electric heater is an electrical device that converts an electric current into heat. so I'm told we will send you another RFH I don't think so on the customer service center letterhead it states OUR GOAL IS IOO% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. Perhaps another heater would work as well, but this one works real well. If I was Bob Vila I would not put my name on the product if they cannot get anyone to anwser the customer service number or even return your calls. Get them sealed (don't use 'duct tape', go to a Home Depot or other type store or your htg and A/c dealer or service person and ask them what type sealing tape or other to seal the ductwork). :). That's common sense. Let me easily explain. I was going to purchase another EdenPure this year for the downstairs, but after seeing the .25 per hour and calculating the cost, that will not save money. My wife and I have found that our electric and gas power bills have gone down by more than half, each (we have a gas furnace) since we started using our Life Smart brand infrared heater. I forgot to point out in my other post that I also analyze forced-air systems in commercial bldgs and leaky ductwork systems are sometimes the reason along with poor airflow/clogged filters. The filter is as overpriced and useless as the heater. Consider Choosing a Different Electric Heater. Provideyour email and you will be updated with the latest events and deals. Types of shades include roller, Roman, blackout, and gentle pull-down cellular. Even a child knows that hot air rises. 1st Lt. George W. Bush in uniform. It was fantastic and a threw a lot more heat than the electric oil radiator type. I am on a fixed income and can't afford to pay almost the same amount I paid for it to ship it back. ft house that you keep at 70 degrees during the winter. EdenPURE OxiLeaf II Thunderstorm Air Purifier, EdenPURE Bio SpeedCLEAN Cordless Vac - Model XL200, EdenPURE 3000 Whole House Air Purifier by AirFree, EdenPURE GEN21 EdenPURE All Season Heater, EdenPURE OxiLeaf Refrigerator Air Purifier, EdenPURE 1000 Area Model Air Purifier by AirFree, EdenPURE Weighted Calming Blanket - Small, EdenPURE Personal Air Purifier by AirFree, Sedona Supreme Commercial Food Dehydrator with Stainless Steel Trays, Dynapro Commercial High-Speed Vacuum Blender, Greenstar Elite Jumbo Twin Gear Slow Masticating Juicer, Professional Cancan XL Manual Juice Press, Humio Humidifier & Night Lamp with Aroma Oil Compartment, Choisons V-Slicer Precision Standing Mandoline, ACOPOWER LionCooler X30A Combo, 32 Quarts Solar Freezer & Extra 173Wh Battery (2 Batteries), Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. Hello everyone,Wow what a group of knowledge about the Eden pure heater glad that I came upon this Hub.I find the info very good, and I would like to thank all of you for your comments especially Energy Eng.,Lots of good suggestions and just good ole plain sense.I've been looking at getting one of the Eden pures and just trying it out to see if it will accommodate some of my heating needs.My wife and I are not sure what type to get ,but we know that the basic hearter furnance is not the most efficient.We will try it and get back to you all.Again thanks for the info and the laughs.God bless and have a wonderful Christmas and Holidays. Think about it, if you heat with gas you turn this thing on and turn the gas down then the increase in your electric bill well more than makes up for what you save on gas. I sent it back to get another heater, and GUESS WHAT IT DOESN'T WORK EITHER. U CANT HEAT HOT WATER DUH! Directions to Burkett Heating & Cooling Authorized Dealer & Servicer We are authorized to install, repair, and maintain heating & cooling systems manufactured by some of the most renowned companies in the world. My personal choice - an oil-filled radiator, with the price tag of around $40 to $60. EdenPUREs manufacturer makes several claims about its heater. Yes but they are ugly units and they both worked. Only if you needed this type Of heater. Any way, thank you. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. PUT A THRMOSTAT IN EACH LARGE ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE THEN INSTALL A SWITCHER TO CONTROL EACH THERMOSTAT IT CUT MY BILL IN HALF. I have a utility room in my barn that requires an electric heater. Electric heat is VERY expensive, no matter how much you pay for your heater. It is designed for heated or cooled air to go through only the vents of the zones you have on. Unplugged edenpure. And the glaring discrepancy between SCI's unsubstantiated bulb life claims and what consumers are reporting about the actual bulb life with the Edenpure products shows that SCI's claims have no basis in fact. Smart Thermostats. up. I spent aA LOT of time researching!! If you rent, I would go with the DuraFlame at half the price and monitor the use, wear sweats, socks, and you will not only save money, you will be warm enough and have lower bills.+. Some are made in China using cheap bulbs and some are made in the usa. It can be a $20 heater from Walmart or a $400 Eden Pure. Secure it to the basement wall using the appropriate masonry anchors for your foundation wall. How can heated ceramic plates absorb water? It is now the 12th of Jan. and no heater. It is a well-marketed $40 electric heater selling for $400 or more. Both heated equal areas in comparable ways, even though the Lasko only costs about $50. But using ANY space heater will lower your heating bill if you turn your thermostat down! Zero marketing at that point. Its only ment to heat up a small area with a person in it. Have now started a dispute claim with my credit card company. Because heating up a room with electric heat is the most expensive way to do it, simply closing off furnace ducts to unused rooms would result in bigger savings using an EdenPURE, and it would not involve the cost of a new heater. I borrowed one of these heaters from my Mom and it heated the whole back half of my house. If you have any questions with any of our products both before or after your purchase, please feel free to contact our customer service department at 1-877-432-8639. I have tried to return it for refund, but had to have the ORIGINAL shipping container, which I do not have after 2+ months, and neither Bass Pro Outlet nor Edenpure will accept the return w/o original shipping box, which Edenpure will NOT sell me because they say they only have one container per heater produced. I am trying to heat about a 400 SQ foot area. The EdenPURE heater is several times as expensive as other infrared electric heaters. Heating the ceramic creates a more even heat. There is no combustion taking place in any electric heater, and no oxygen is being used. I used to think Alex Trebec was an honorable man, but after seeing him and others like him offer this insurance that IS a SCAM for seniors, I have no respect for him. The point has been made of how some feel about it. THINK ABOUT IT. No complaints at all. Yes other heaters have safety cut off switches but there not much good if your sofa has set on fire because the fire was too close. His school plays football in the shadow of North. Most of these testimonials are not of much use. I called customer service and they sent me a prepaid shipping label to return it and they sent me another one. So, I turned on the EdenPure, had it on high, which I didn't need to do, and my upstairs is varying from a toasty 70 degrees to 67 at the farthest areas from the EdenPure. I will never buy another one and will tell others not to, they are well overrated. The Air King 8132 1500 watt ceramic space heater covers areas up to 150 square feet. The BTU (British Thermal Unit) was developed for flame based heat, not electricity. Bill Burr announced spring and summer North American dates for his Live Nation produced 2022 arena and amphitheater tour, Bill Burr (Slight Return), visiting 23 cities from April through August including Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse on April 23, 2022. Of course heat rises, but are any of you 8 feet tall to feel that it may be warmer at the ceiling?? Price? This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). If you are going to call names and state things are scams, what do you think about these celebrities, who we would normally feel are honest, endorsing the senior life insurances they state is ONLY 9.00 per UNIT. Last night it was 24 degrees outside, and inside my living area may have been 60 in the middle of the night, but with daylight, the temp in my living area was 64. How long do the bulbs last, how much do they cost, and does a technician have to do the work? Keith Schroeder (author) from Wisconsin on December 18, 2010: Joe T, I wrote this article after testing the EdenPURE heater. No its all on the website and in the advert's you've just got to read and understand. They said they could not do a refund because it was past the 60 days and I said I thought the 60 day thing was for the smart people that decided they didn't want it, not for a DEFECTIVE product of which I have received 2 in a row.Anyway they refused to refund my money so I guess I'm just stuck with this piece of junk. Delivery & Pickup Options - 214 reviews of Bill's Burgers, Wings & Things "New venture by the owners of the Maxican Restaurant here in Burnet. Construction Company. I have not used it consistently 24 hours a day. Many times, the ductwork system in these homes are the coiled ductwork types that gets holes poked in it, or is otherwise leaky ductwork. CLAIM: With other heating sources, you'll notice you get sleepy because they are burning up oxygen. There was an ad/coupon in the Sunday paper and then I caught the informercial on tv and felt I had found a good thing. I have two Eden Pures in my home and they really work. Bill Burkette, who was the original lead singer of American vocal group The Vogues, died Thursday at the age of 75.The group was formed in 1958 at the old Turtle Creek High School, calling . The same amount of air goes through. Plus, as someone else said, there are varied types of heat. i have one, and believe me it has paid for itself, i have hot water heat powered by natural gas. I cannot comment about the energy saving from the Edenpure Gen 4 as it quit working about 2+ months after it was purchased on EBay from Bass Pro Outlets. You do the math. Was given to me as a gift and I'm looking to buy a second unit for my second floor.
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