The Schools usual processes for applying for an extension, via an AARA application, must be adhered to. Here are the recognised public holidays in Brisbane: *This is for state schools only and doesnt account for block exams or end of year 12 finishing dates. These subjects include Physical Education, Music, Speech and Drama, Art, Christian Education and Languages. Friday 31 March. School holidays QLD will end on Sunday 22 January, 2023 and Use these Queensland school holidays (and Public holidays) dates to ensure 2023 is planned and organised for your family. Unfortunately the number of places we are able to offer can vary significantly from year to year and we are unable to guarantee a place will be offered to all waiting list applicants. The North's Leading Academic School. A Brisbane Grammar School education has never been more valuable than now. Students studying the Arts at Grammar have the opportunity to experience a range of disciplines. The enrolment list is a guaranteed place at the School. I have been part of the Grammar family ever since Prep. Queensland's leading school for boys. My son is on the waiting list for Year 5 or Year 7 entry in 2026. Hear from our 2023 Head Girls as they prepare for the final year at Ipswich Girls' Grammar School. Year 5 applicants who do not receive an offer will be moved to the waiting list for Year 7 entry in 2028, after the 2026school year commences. End of term teaching staff (12.00pm), Monday 15 January Tuesday 16 January (TBC) *Term 1, 2024 Australia Day public holiday is Friday 26 January, 2024. Term dates published in the Western Australian Government Gazette for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive). Established in 1881, The Rockhampton Grammar School is an independent, co-educational boarding and day school, offering an Early Learning to Year 12 educational journey. COVID-19 Update from the Headmaster - 25 March 2020, COVID-19 Update from the Headmaster - 20 March 2020, What studying at home will mean for students, How BGS will deliver the curriculum and enable students to connect, What students can do in preparation for studying from home, What parents can do to assist with studying from home. Term 2 26 Apr to 23 Jun. 2021 TERM DATES TERM 1 Wednesday 27 January 2021 to Thursday 1 April 2021 10 weeks New Staff Induction Monday 18 January Staff Days Tuesday 19 January to Monday 25 January . We offer a wide range of sports catering for boys and girls of all ages. CO-CURRICULAR CALENDAR. Friday 8 September, Tuesday 10 October Proud of our Grammar tradition, we are a secondary school that . We wish to honour the connection to Country of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and pay respect to their Traditional Custodians and Elders past, present and emerging. Principal's Western Tour. Of course, other school-free dates do pop up throughout the year, such as Staff Professional Development Days (pupil-free days), and Public Holidays. TGS Aquatic Centre Portal. BRISBANE GIRLS GRAMMAR SCHOOL LIVES ENRICHED BY LEARNING . Discover the opportunities at A School of the Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association, 372 Mons Road, Forest Glen QLD 4556 Australia. Townsville Grammar School Calendar of events and Term Dates including academic, sporting and cultural activities throughout the year. As an all-boys' school we appreciate the fundamental importance of playing sport and enjoying the experience. Friday 27 January will be a student free day. Some cocurricular sport fitness programs and music rehearsal activities will also be delivered online and further information will be provided about those options soon. T +61 7 3834 5200. Find out more. Your support and understanding are essential to assisting our students in making this transition effectively. Brighton Grammar is a leading private boys school in Melbourne, understanding boys from ELC to VCE. QLD 4000. Correspondence will be sent to all families on our 2024Waiting List in February 2023. Guest Speaker:Dr Campbell Gray, Theme:Sapphire To confirm your sons commencement at Brisbane Grammar School, you are then required to complete and return a small amount of paperwork accompanied by the confirmation fee (this is currently AU$2850) by a specified date. What happens next? CRICOS Provider Code: 00132K. Sunday 16 - Monday 17 April. Monday 10 July - Friday 15 September. Feature Artist:David Groom Tuesday 3 October - Friday 24 November What is the difference between the enrolment list and the waiting list? 18 April - 23 June 2023. Registration is required for both events via the form below. I am very grateful to BGS staff for working incredibly hard, through difficult and complex changes. I want to thank the students for their patience and composure; the parents for their measured reaction to this development; and the Board of Trustees for their support of the Schools Leadership Team. Brisbane Grammar School. Visit the BGS campus for Open Day 2022 on Saturday 7 May from 12.00pm - 3.00pm. Please note that from Thursday 26 March to Friday 3 April, students have the option to attend school or stay at home and follow the curriculum online. Normal timetable will cease, and students will change to online learning from home or school. Brisbane Girls Grammar. Your son(s) learning will continue to be supported by BGS. TERM 1 Monday 24 January 2022 to Friday 1 April 2022 10 weeks New Staff Induction Monday 17 January Staff Days Tuesday 18 January to Friday 21 January . Guest Speaker:Dr Charles Robb, Feature Artist:Lyn Barnes Easter Monday holiday (during School holidays), Monday 15April Below is the upcoming four-day schedule of online learning (Thursday 26 Tuesday 31 March): The schedule continues daily timetable structure for students and staff and builds in the kind of independence that an online environment demands. Term Dates & Calendar. The waiting list is not ranked based on the date of application, but rather it is a pool of applicants who will be equally reviewed at the appropriate time. Churchie, Term Dates . Monday 16January - Wednesday 18January (TBC) Feature Artist:Nick Olsen PublishingPageContent 2023 Queensland term dates; Term: Date: Length Term 1 Monday 23 January to Friday 31 March 10 weeks Term 2 Monday 17 April to Friday 23 June 10 weeks Term 3 Monday 10 July to Friday 15 September . For Grammar teachers there is no greater joy than assisting students to develop, perform and achieve individual goals and personal aspirations. The waiting list review is conducted three yearsprior to,and one year prior, to the entry year. Queensland's leading school for boys. The school term dates for 2022-2023 are: Autumn term: 2nd September - 16th December. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. what was the louvre before it was a museum. Term 4 2023 (8 weeks) Tuesday 3 October 2023 - Friday 24 November 2023. What happens next? Spring term: 3rd January - 31st March. Please call or email to secure your place. Staff will be on-campus to supervise students. Our priorities remain the health and safety of our school community, while at the same time continuing the delivery of a quality education. Duration. The St Margarets community acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land upon which we gather each day. Please click here. Tuesday 11 July - Thursday 14 September *Monday 10 July - Pupil free day. Read and respond to correspondence from the School. Working at TGS. Come along and enjoy a delicious breakfast while having the opportunity . We couldnt want a better place of care and education for our son. End of Semester reports will be modified as required to fairly reflect individual circumstances. Assessment methodology might vary by subject, in order to adapt to the new circumstances (whether affecting your son or the School as a whole). Guest Speaker:Dr Tim Lindgren, Theme:Impressions . Year 12 external exams start, Friday 15November (TBC) Term Dates and Bell Times; Policies and Procedures; Reporting; Royal Commission; COVID-19 Advice; . 31 May 2022. End of term Years 5 to11 (3.00pm), Friday 6December T+61 7 3834 5200 Over 10 years of experience in cultivating thought leadership, creating meaningful B2B events and networks, and working directly with senior executives and leaders from major companies all around the world, particularly in the APAC region. speech language testing). Any exams scheduled between 25 March and 3 April for students in Year 5 to 11 will be cancelled. STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAYS Staff professional development days for teachers are Guest Speaker:Phillip Bacon, Theme:Contrast For information about BGS Events, contact Advancement and Community Relations. Our school remains open and operating, but we acknowledge that the current environment means things are very different. Enrolments Office Special Needs Services, Groups and Programs, Extracurricular Classes for Childcare Centres in Brisbane, Free School Holiday Activities in Brisbane. Friends of Invicta Grammar School (PTA) would like to invite students in Years 7-9 to a Movie Night (Mamma Mia!) Please call or email to secure your place. 17 July 2023. Thursday 9 November. Feature Artist:Collective Artists Join Us - Enrolling Now. There are divergent views within our community, and we have been appreciative of the communication with parents, most of which has been characterised by support and understanding. While the current view of the Federal and Queensland Governments continues to be that schools are to remain open, we are conscious that many parents are already choosing to keep their children at home. In Term 3 each year, we ask applicants on the waiting list for commencement in three years time to confirm their continuing interest in their son attending the School, should a place become available (i.e. Those who dont receive an initial offer will have another opportunity to review for a place 12 months prior to entry. Staff PD day (QCAA Confirmation Day) | Student free day, Monday 21October (TBC) We have complete confidence dropping him to Grammar Early Learning Centre that he will be very well looked after and leave each day with a happy child. Australia Day holiday, Friday 7April Parents may choose either option for their son(s). E Thursday 26 October. Examinations scheduled up to and including Wednesday 25 March will occur as outlined in the Assessment Schedule. Term 1. There is a different atmosphere here at present people are nervous, and understandably so. Toowoomba Grammar School is one of the oldest and most well-established independent boys' day and boarding schools in Australia, offering a complete education from Prep to Year 12. . Each of us are truly blessed to teach, learn and play alongside such passionate, respectful and caring people every day at Grammar. You will find artists, their works and prices on our social media: Instagram:@bgsartshow End of term Years 5 to11 (3.00pm), Friday 1December Gregory Terrace. Sunshine Coast Grammar School provides students with the opportunities that will allow each individual to reach their true potential. Ensure he has a quiet study space set up at home with access to Wifi. Feature Artist:Colley Whisson Thursday 30 March. Bookings are essential for planning purposes. Assist your son to develop a study schedule to help organise his time effectively; the assessment calendar will help to prioritise commitments over the next few weeks. including term dates and bell times. <p>Ipswich Junior Grammar is south-east Queensland's only co-educational Grammar primary school, offering positive, personalised education programs to boys and girls from Kindergarten (3 years) to Year 6, with girls-only boarding from Year 5.</p> Ascot, QLD, 4007, Privacy Policy|Site Map|Employment |Donate| The POD | Online Fee Payments, An independent day and boarding school for girls from Pre-Prep to Year 12; Boarding from Year 5; Boys Pre-Prep, A School of the Sisters of the Society of the Sacred AdventSt Margaret's School Council LtdABN: 69069684019CRICOS Code: 00511K. We focus on nurturing, challenging and engaging students to be the best that they can be. Break. Specialist subjects taught by specialist teachers further enhance the school program. Copyright 2023 Brighton Grammar School. Prefects, Year 11 Peer Supporters and Student Leaders will also commence on Monday 23 January 2023. The Queensland Governments COVID vaccination requirements for school workers and volunteers does not extend to visitors. I am looking for 2024 entry. Am I too late? What can I do to give my son the best chance to receive an offer from BGS? The Gubbi Gubbi people whose land stretched from the Pine River in the south, to Burrum River in the north, and west to the Conondale ranges. These challenges require us to change the way we operate. At that time we ask you to forward copies of the following documents to the School: We are able to offer a number of definite places to waiting list applicants before the end of Term 3. You are also required to forward copies of the following documents: We do not stream classes at BGS and request this information merely to assist our academic staff with their planning for the relevant school year. Uniform Shop. 2024 Term Dates. Term 2: Monday 17 April - Friday 16 June (9 weeks) *Public Holidays - ANZAC Day - 25 April, Labour Day - 1 May. Discover the opportunities at Should a day family wish to host any of their sons boarding friends over the holiday, they are invited to contact Harlin House at There will be no online delivery of curriculum from Wednesday to Friday. Facebook:BGS Annual Art Show. To facilitate this transition, the next two weeks look like this: Years 5 and 6 normal on-campus classes all day. Term 4. Students commencing Year 7 will begin the 2023 school year on Monday 23 January 2023. Now with NewCampus, I'm working with executive leadership teams and experts on high-level projects to bring together the best minds and most innovative . Education Brisbane, Australia Joined March 2009. T +61 7 3834 5200. I am privileged to have worked at Sunshine Coast Grammar School since 1999. Nil sine labore nothing without work is embedded in the Schools culture. Tweets by ChurchieHM. Policies and Documents; . New student orientation, Thursday 26January For more information about Open Day, contact We have not included Queensland Catholic School Holidays as while many will overlap, we have noted nuances between schools, particularly regarding end-of-year and pupil-free days. Good Friday holiday (during Easter holidays), Monday 10April Download. Details of your son's cocurricular activities and achievements. Start of term. Term Dates. Visit TGS. The School is usually able to offer a generous number of places to waiting list applicants. We would be delighted to welcome you to our school, where you will see and feel in action a learning community where staff and students are genuinely connected to a central purpose. Feature Artist:Alexandra Matthews 2023 Term 1 - Monday 23 January to Thursday 30 March Term 2 - Monday 17 April to Thursday 15 June Term 3 - Monday 10 July to Thursday 14 September Term 4 - Tuesday 3 October to Thursday 30 November 2024 Term 1 - Monday 22 January to Wednesday 27 March Term 2 - Monday 15 April to Thursday 13 June Term 3 - Monday 8 July to Thursday 12 September 2022 Brisbane State High School, Toowoomba Grammar School & The Southport School (tie) Cricket [ edit ] This list (which may have dates, numbers, etc.) These specialist subjects provide additional rich learning experiences for our students. The School will conduct a Waiting List Review in March 2023for further places in 2024. Staff PD day (QCAA Confirmation Day) | Student free day, Monday 23October (TBC) School Calendar. Guest Speaker:Dr David Ritchie, Theme: Tango Students will be expected to maintain regular study times each day. The number of. The number of places offered for Years 5 and Year 7 fluctuates from year to year. Stepping into our school you will see and feel in action a learning community where staff and students are genuinely connected to a central purpose. Tuesday 18 April - Friday 16 June *Monday 17 April - Pupil free day. The boarding community will remain open until the end of term. Details of his cocurricular activities and achievements. Discover the opportunities at Term 1. Online learning from home or school. Sunshine Coast Grammar School provides outstanding sporting opportunities for students. BGS will also hold a Virtual Open Night (Tuesday 2 August, 7.00pm AEST) for families who are unable to visit the campus. Townsville Grammar School - Est 1888 - Staff PD Day | Student free day, Wednesday 16August (TBC) All rights reserved. Staff PD Day | Student free day, Wednesday 14 August (TBC) Bookings are essential for planning purposes. Term Dates and Bell Times; Policies and Procedures; Reporting; Royal Commission; COVID-19 Advice; Links; . Guest Speaker:Julie Ewington, Theme:Momentum Read the School's update about COVID-19providing specific details of the learning schedule and student expectations for delivery of the curriculum online for the rest of Term 1: I refer to my update sent last Friday 20 March 2020. Normal on-campus classes will continue. Visit theBGS campus for Open Day 2022on Saturday 7May from 12.00pm 3.00pm. Places are offered throughout the year as a vacancy arises. As parents make reasonable decisions regarding school attendance, we are preparing for the delivery of curriculum in an online environment. Affiliations; Accounts; Ofsted 'Outstanding'. School Commences. Artists and their work for 2022 will be showcased on this page, as well as regularly in the leadup to our event in May. Information on variations to assessment methodology for large groups will be provided if BGS needs to close due to COVID-19. Through engaging, real life and personalised learning approaches, we help our students grow as; thinkers, problem solvers, collaborators, self-managers, communicators and researchers through our contemporary approaches to learning. The Junior School aims to spark the love of learning in boys which will follow them through all their school years. It opened in 1903, operating out of the Holy Trinity Church. 2023 Term Dates. How and when to apply for Dartford Grammar . Queensland's leading school for boys. School Calendar. Wednesday 23 August Guest Speaker: Prof Peter Lavery. Take a virtual tour of Brisbane Grammar School's campus, including our Boarding, Outdoor Education and sports facilities. What happens next? New Staff Induction. New staff orientation, Thursday 19January - Friday 20January (TBC) Register below to watcha panel discussion with BGS staff, students andparents held onTuesday 2 August 2022.
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