A motivated city that nurtures healthy minds and bodies. Consolidated Canterbury Bankstown LEP. Information Protection Principles under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. The City of Canterbury Bankstown, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, licensors and other partners are not responsible for any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising from a breach of this agreement and/or any breach of your representations and warranties set forth above. As part of this process, Council completed Phase 4 of the Accelerated Local Environmental Plan Program by preparing and submitting a planning proposal. We will send you instructions to reset your password. If you wish to be contacted prior to the release of your submission, please indicate whether the submission is made in confidence. 6.10 Land at 15 Close Street, Canterbury Schedule 1 Additional permitted uses Schedule 2 Exempt development Schedule 3 Complying development Schedule 4 Classification and reclassification of public land Schedule 5 Environmental heritage Schedule 6 Pond-based and tank-based aquaculture Dictionary View whole EPI Parent Act Turn history notes on Log in now. Dont trash it, Recycle it, Premier to attend CBCity COVID Community Forum, CBCity supports local jobs for local people, Council's masked heros delivering more than meals, $500,000 in grants to support CBCity community groups, CBCity businesses get "Inside" scoop on COVID payments, Upgraded play space for Paul Keating park, Program sparks culture, connection and creation, Mayor announces extra COVID support for CBCity, Canterbury-Bankstown unites to help needy cope with COVID, CBCity creating better ways to stay safe and connected, CBCity provides at home school holiday fun, Unveiled: Canterbury's new leisure and aquatic centre, Canterbury-Bankstown mayor joins fight against State Government cash grab, New freedoms for residents as health restrictions ease, CBCity provides tools to increase community safety, CBCity improves safety at eight school crossings, Recognising Canterbury-Bankstown's extraordinary young people, Playground upgrades create places for all, New separated off-leash dog parks on the way, Congratulating CBCity's champion children and youth, 60 years in one job: life-long career celebrated, Canterbury-Bankstown celebrates Christmas, 'Local kindness rangers' lend a helping hand, Christmas and New Year 2021 Trading Times, Make a splash by becoming a swim instructor, Celebrate Lunar New Year in Canterbury-Bankstown, Australia Day Awards: CBCity's residents honoured, World-Class Sounds To Echo Through Bankstown, CBCity's Seniors To Kick Goals With New Walking Football Program, Celebrate 50 years of Vietnamese culture with CBCity, Ramadan Nights Lakemba returns in full swing, Ramadan Nights Lakemba: Take your tastebuds on an island adventure, Finding a job and having fun CBCitys Youth Week, Let your hair hang down at Youth Festival, Save on School Holiday activities this Autumn, Popular free swim instructor course returns, New look for water tanks adds more beauty to our parks, Campsie streets to come alive with major food and arts festival, Keep Connected, stay inspired meet our local heroes, CBCity hosts Australias largest citizenship ceremony, Volunteer call out for Canterbury-Bankstown Meals on Wheels, Bankstown set for a major transformation as a health and wellbeing precinct, Find your four-legged bestie at the CBCity Animal Shelter, Bryan Brown opens Little Library in Milperra, Greenacre family delights Australian Citizenship Ceremony, Meals on Wheels needs more volunteers to meet demand, Celebrate NAIDOC Week: a time to focus on challenges faced by First Nations People, WINTER FUN FOR KIDS WITH SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES. If you disagree with any of the Terms presented in this agreement, you may discontinue using the site immediately. This DCP applies to all land in the former Canterbury LGA only. These include local, village, small village, and neighbourhood centres. Provides specific provisions for centres within Zones B1 and B2 as identified by Connective City 2036. In January 2015, the Judicial Council adopted this statewide Language Access Plan (LAP) Report to provide recommendations, guidance, and a consistent statewide approach to ensure language access throughout the courts.. We, the City of These Terms apply to all visitors and users of this site. identifiable as being about you. It is our duty to protect the confidentiality of content you provide on our site in accordance with our Privacy Policy. LGA Canterbury - Bankstown PPA City of Canterbury - Bankstown Council NAME Canterbury - Bankstown consolidated LEP NUMBER PP_2019_CBANK_005_00 LEP TO BE AMENDED Repeals: Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015 1 / 18 Greater Sydney, Place and Infrastructure . 1 car space per employee or classroom, whichever is the greater + 1 Those links are provided for convenience and may not remain current or be maintained. Lest We Forget, 104-year-old veteran face of Anzac day campaign, Challenge to spark creativity during lockdown, Chester Hill bridges in for huge upgrades, CBCity opening extra funds to community groups, CBCity undertakes biggest survey on life post COVID-19, 'Huge demand' for new click and collect library service, CBCity delivers on promise for upgraded boat ramp, Have Your Say or say Gday to Mayor Asfour, CBCity forgotten in fight against domestic violence, New rain garden - a leap towards cleaner waterways, Party time as Ramadan Nights wins top award, GRANTS PROVIDE ADDITIONAL SUPPORT THROUGH CRISIS, First Council using Artificial Intelligence to improve recycling behaviour, Discover new opportunities at first virtual careers plus expo, New legislation makes cat de-sexing mandatory, Smart camera trial to improve safety and congestion, Award honors heritage and environment hero, Free "Outdoor Gyms". Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015 Canterbury-bankstown The maps are supplied by the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) - any enquiries about the content with in the maps should be directed to the department. In some cases, we or our agents may require access to your user accounts to respond to technical issues. From 1 September 2022 until 31 December 2022, the Bankstown Development Contributions Plan 2019 only applies to development applications or complying development certificates which were lodged but not determined before 1 September 2022. The distribution of this growth is outlined in the figure and table below. Any original content that you submit or post on our site may be made available to the public and allows users to share your content (with the end user acknowledging your contribution) under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Australian License. Where can I see the exhibition? Introduce new design controls to minimise the visual bulk of development on sites with a street frontage of 40 metres or greater in local centres, village centres, small village centres and neighbourhood centres: For sites with a 4065 metre street frontage, articulate the tower to give the appearance of at least two distinct building elements. The LEP is supported by Canterbury Development Control Plan 2012 which also came into force on 1 January 2013. Bankstown Development Control Plan 2015 Index of Bankstown Development Control Plan 2015 I ntroduction and List of Amendments Part A - Precinct Controls Part A1 - Centres Part A2 - Corridors Part A3 - Key Infill Development Sites Part B - General Controls Part B1 - Residential Development Part B2 - Commercial Centres Part B3 - Industrial Precincts . All feedback and comments received will be reviewed and considered by Council. Addresses different one and are now known as Canterbury Bankstown Council (Council). We are not responsible for the privacy practices of linked websites and we suggest you review the privacy policies of those websites before using them. The design guidelines include storey limits, setbacks, urban design, landscaping, parking, and amenity requirements. Personal information is information we hold which is Failure to provide accurate information violates the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of your account on our service. In some cases, we or our agents may require access to your user accounts to respond to technical issues. Requesting access or correcting your personal information. Community Engagement Policy and Framework, Our Diverse City ToolkitOur Diverse City Toolkit. All intellectual property in the content of this site including without limitation to text, software, source code, pages, documents and online graphics, photographs, sounds, audio, video and other interactive features are owned by or licensed to us. Thank you, your account has been created. strathfield council zoning map strathfield council zoning map Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii strathfield council zoning map The Department has not indicated when this review may be completed. Qu v cng c th ving thm Trung tm Phc v Thn ch ca Hi ng Thnh ph. You must understand and agree that, without limitation: Can your account be suspended or terminated? regulated by the Information Protection Principles under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Chapter 10 (Schools and Places of Public Worship), Draft Consolidated Development Control Plan and Guides. Any original content that you submit or post on our site may be made available to the public and allows users to share your content (with the end user acknowledging your contribution) under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Australian License. We also collect information from your interaction with us through this website. https://support.google.com/mymaps/answer/6328547?h https://localizejs.com/legal/privacy-notice, Draft Consolidated Local Environmental Plan and Supporting Studies, The pages that you access within Have Your Say Canterbury Bankstown including how long you spend on each page, Your route through Have Your Say Canterbury Bankstown (the journey of pages and other content that you visit), Any documents, images or videos that you download from the service, The type of browser and version you are using. Communicate information to you about engagement opportunities, events and other initiatives; and. Introduce new design controls in relation to active street frontages, facade design, corner buildings, roof design, materials, finishes and awning design. For further information about our privacy policy and related information practices, or to access or correct your personal information, or make a complaint, please contact us on haveyoursay@cbcity.nsw.gov.au. The Planning Agreements Register includes a table summarising all the agreements and complete copies of the planning agreements entered into by the City of Canterbury Bankstown, the former City of Bankstown,and the former City of Canterbury. From 1 September 2022 until 31 December 2022, the Bankstown Development Contributions Plan 2019 only applies to development applications or complying development certificates which were lodged but not determined before 1 September 2022. Whether you're a local, new in town, or just passing through, you'll be sure to find something on Eventbrite that piques your interest. types and forms of residential accommodation. When you create an account with us, you must always provide us with accurate information. Your password must have a minimum length of 5 characters. Focus at least 80% of new dwellings within walking distance of centres and places of high amenity. If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at haveyoursay@cbcity.nsw.gov.au. Log in now. Council will no longer be accepting submissions. Send you newsletters and information, but only when you have agreed to us sending you this information or when the information is necessary to assist with the administration of the site; Respond to queries that you have contacted us about; Content you post on the site publicly can be viewed by anyone accessing the site. Permit single carports forward of the front building line in special circumstances provided the development is compatible with the character of the local area. Endorsment by Canterbury Bankstown local planing panel We will deal with all requests for access to personal information within a reasonable timeframe. Where practical, you may choose not to identify yourself, deal with us on an anonymous basis or use a pseudonym. By making a submission you agree to this privacy policy. The Consolidated LEP is to be Council's principal planning document to regulate the function and growth of the Canterbury Bankstown Local Government Area. You can also visit Council's Customer Service Centre. Consultation has concluded Background At the Canterbury Bankstown Local Planning Panel meeting on 30 June 2020, the Panel adopted the Draft Consolidated Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to produce a single set of planning rules for the Canterbury Bankstown Local Government Area. This includes: How do we use the information we collect? Council adopted the Draft Consolidated Development Control Plan to support the Draft LEP. While using the site, you must not violate any applicable laws and regulations. The LEP will replace all of council's previous principal planning instruments (Canterbury Planning Scheme Ordinance, LEP 138, 148 and 178). Our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information is (TIS National) , . The Canterbury Bankstown Local Planning Panel endorses the Planning Proposal and supporting technical studies to progress to exhibition, in accordance with the Gateway Determination. 5.4 Draft Planning Agreement - 60 Kitchener Parade, Bankstown . There are six Draft guides on exhibition, which include demolition and construction, engineering standards, heritage, landscape, tree management and waste management. 66 - 72 Rickard Road (Corner of Jacob Street), TIS National, TIS National , , , Bankstown Upper Ground FloorBankstown Civic Tower66 - 72 Rickard Road (Corner of Jacob Street)Bankstown NSW 2200, Campsie 137 Beamish StreetCampsie NSW 2194. Provides specific provisions for the Bankstown and Campsie strategic centres as identified by Connective City 2036. Minutes for this Council meeting can be viewed here. It provides objectives and controls that guide these types of developments, such as child care facilities, schools, places of public worship, home businesses, telecommunications facilities, sex services premises, amongst others. It is our duty to protect the confidentiality of content you provide on our site in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We provide your data to our analytic providers for analysis. Consolidated LEP and Employment Land Strategy. https://support.google.com/mymaps/answer/6328547?h https://localizejs.com/legal/privacy-notice. Here's how this projects helps to deliver our Community Strategic Plan. Apply one set of general The development controls includestorey limits, setbacks, urban design, amenity, landscaping, access and parking. Ordinary Meeting - 24 September 2019 - Minutes.PDF. website is treated. This document summarises the contributions or levies payable under this Plan. We may terminate or suspend access to your site and/or account immediately, without prior notice, including without limitation if you breach the Terms. Canterbury Bankstown, take our privacy obligations seriously. Documents (12) Draft Planning Proposal. this privacy policy to explain how personal information collected on this The plan also identifies projects that will be funded by the contributions and levies. Information Protection Principles under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. We may need to verify your identity before providing you with your personal information. be unachievable. Councils Customer Service Centre, Bankstown Branch, 66-72 Rickard Road, Bankstown, 8.30am5pm weekdays, Councils Customer Service Centre, Campsie Branch, 137 Beamish Street, Campsie, 9.00am-5pm weekdays. Contributions levied under this plan will still continue to be indexed . For more information, visit: The following Terms and Conditions govern the use of Have Your Say Canterbury Bankstown. Linked sites, affiliated services or third party content or software have their own Terms that you must comply with. The final report was endorsed by Council on 23 June 2020. Apply the former If you wish to be contacted prior to the release of your submission, please indicate whether your submission is made in confidence. About our agency; Our role in the planning system; What we do; What we don't do; Our policies and guidelines; Our purpose and values; Our performance 73 5.6 Report on Council's Performance in the Assessment of Development Applications for the first quarter of the 2020/21 financial year, Clause 4.6 The Policy outlines how contaminated land issues are addressed by Council's planning and environmental decision-making processes. The questions are optional. About us. This site is owned and operated by City of Canterbury Bankstown using software licensed from Harvest Digital Planning (The HiVE). If you do not agree to the revised terms, please discontinue using our site. The Draft LEP will replace Bankstown LEP 2015 and Canterbury LEP 2012, and will apply to development applications lodged on or after the date that the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment approves the Draft LEP. worship to the LGA i.e. Final Planning Proposal document. Please note all submissions received by Council are not confidential and may be made available to the public through the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Land Zoning Map Land Application Map Floor Space Ratio Map Height of Buildings Map The City of Canterbury Bankstown owns and retains all proprietary rights in the intellectual property. Lining up plans in Mount Lewis? You are encouraged to read the draft documents to see if there are any proposed changes relevant to you. Contributions levied under this plan will still continue to be indexed as allowed for by the condition of consent. Canterbury-Bankstown Consolidated Canterbury Bankstown LEP. Council is awaiting the finalisation of the Draft LEP by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. We make no warranty that the site will meet your requirements or be uninterrupted or error-free. Canterbury control to the LGA, which does not support car stack lifts. The survey form is now closed. This privacy policy may be updated from time to time. The Commercial Use of Footways Policy provides a framework that enables the commercial use of public footways whilst addressing the requirements for public access and circulation. The Project team will report back on key outcomes. The DCP contains more detailed development controls, standards and guidelines for all new development in theCanterbury part of the City of CanterburyBankstown. Produce a single set of development controls for our City by combining and aligning Bankstown DCP 2015 and Canterbury DCP 2012 into a Consolidated Development Control Plan, as described below for each chapter: Recognise centrebased child care facilities as a sensitive land use Any loss or damage incurred from those communications or dealings are solely between the user and the third party. Council delegate to the Local Planning Panel its statutory function(s) in considering and voting and determining the Minister's Gateway Determination with request to the proposed Canterbury Bankstown LEP." On 3 March 2020 the Panel resolved to exhibit the draft consolidated LEP. 1 car space per 4 children. Apply the former Canterbury control to the LGA in What are the conditions with a users account? Please note all submissions received by Council are not confidential and may be made available to the public through the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. The exhibition period for Council's draft consolidated LEP and supporting studies has been extended for a further four weeks until 22 May 2020. For sites with a street frontage greater than 65 metres, require separate towers above the podium. Our friendly Customer Service Call Centre is open Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm to assist with all enquiries. Obtain a Qualifying Master's Degree. If you are under 18 years old, please ensure that your parent or guardian understands and accepts these Terms and Conditions (including the Privacy Policy and Moderation Policy). A planning proposal was endorsed by the Canterbury Bankstown Local Planning Panel to progress to exhibition on 6 March 2020. LGA i.e. Section 3.34 . Except for Intellectual Property which is in the public domain or for which you have been given written permission, you may not copy, alter, transmit, sell, distribute any of the Intellectual Property on this site. For any other purposes that we indicate to you when we request your personal information. Track your DA License Requirements. The Exhibition took place from 10 March 2020 until 22 May 2020. that a drainage easement cannot be created or the use of an alternative After your account has been terminated, the content you have posted may also remain indefinitely on the site. Planning Proposal.PDF. While no online service is completely secure, we work hard to protect information about you against unauthorised access, use, alteration, or destruction, and take all reasonable measures to do so. Our website may contain links to other websites. We collect personal information provided by you when you register to use this site. Thank you, your account has been created. of uses in Zones B1, B2 and B4 specific to food and drink premises, medical The Bankstown Demolition and Construction Guidelines ensure demolition and construction works are safe, do not impact on the city, and are carried out in accordance with relevant legislation requirements. all information, data, images and other materials are the sole responsibility of the person from whom the content originated; you are prohibited from advertising or offering to sell or buy any goods and services, you cannot transmit Content that contains software viruses or programs designed to change or destroy the functionality of any computer software or hardware; or, you cannot collect or store personal data about other users of the site, you cannot impersonate any person or entity, including without limitation to a, you cannot interrupt or interfere with the site or servers or networks connected to the site, you cannot attempt to gain unauthorised access to the site or other use accounts. State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009. After your account has been terminated, the content you have posted may also remain indefinitely on the site. At Bankstown City Council, we strive to provide a flexible and inclusive . 69. The following document are available to view for information purposes only: Bankstown LEP 2001 - repealed 5 March 2015. For details of how Harvest may access personal information, please refer to Harvests Privacy Policy. can find more information about your privacy rights on the Information and Privacy Commission website. We have a number of planning documents to effectively manage our Cityin a way that promotes sustainable development and addresses community expectations.. A smart and evolving city with exciting opportunities for investment and creativity. Unauthorised use of your password or account must be immediately reported to us. The Canterbury-Bankstown Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022 enables Council to impose Section 7.11 contributions and Section 7.12 levies on development to help fund the cost of providing new public local infrastructure and services across the City of Canterbury Bankstown.
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