These priorities are aimed at enhancing our focus on the hiring, development and advancement of women and people of color at every level. The Chairperson reported that she had a meeting Mr and Mrs Ferguson about the death of their daughter Raychel. The chief executive of the troubled Northern Health and Social Care Trust is to step aside from his post. Gail and her husband, Kim Wilson, have a combined family of nine children and a large posterity. Members agreed to invite the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service to give evidence to the Committee. Board Member, International Fund for Ireland. The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety appoints non-executive directors, with the approval of the Minister for Health, Social services and Public Safety. If you have a comment or query about benefits, you will need to contact the government departmentoragency which handles that benefit. Why Alex Murdaugh was spared the death penalty, Why Trudeau is facing calls for a public inquiry, The shocking legacy of the Dutch 'Hunger Winter'. Deputy Principal, Equality and LGBT Policy Unit, Department for Communities, Northern Ireland Executive. 'Executive' directors are senior members of the HSCB's full time staff who have been appointed to lead each of its major professional and corporate functions. She is the recipient of five Honorary Doctorate Degrees, the Congressional Award Foundations Horizon Award, Salt Lake Chambers Giant in Our City Award and the internationally recognized ATHENA Award. He has a bachelors degree in philosophy and economics from Columbia University in New York and a masters degree in economics and international studies from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Health and Social Care Board set to close Monday, 28 March 2022 Speakers provide wealth of insights at research conference Monday, 28 March 2022 Celebrating developments in social prescribing Thursday, 10 March 2022 MEETINGS HSCB Board Meetings 2021-2022 10 November 2021 PUBLICATIONS e-Update - Past issues of our ezine. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Chief Executive, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful. Daniel also serves on the Womens Leadership Institute Executive and Advisory Boards, as an advocate for elevating women in the workplace and in politics. Deputy Secretary, Healthcare Policy Group, Department of Health. This is a scrutiny Committee and does not replace the operational performance management arrangements for which the Executive Directors are responsible. Share on Facebook (external link opens in a new window / tab), Share on Twitter (external link opens in a new window / tab), Share by email (external link opens in a new window / tab), Which problem did you find on this page? The Performance and Finance Committee provides a second line of assurance within the Integrated Governance and Assurance Framework and will ensure that robust governance, risk management and assurance processes are in place across the organisation to promote the delivery of key corporate objectives. He was also Chief Executive Officer with Ulster Supported Employment 2015-2016. Driver, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. Crystal Maggelet is the CEO and Chairwoman of FJ Management Inc., a diversified family business. If you have a question about a government service or policy, you should contact the relevant government organisation directly. For voluntary service in Northern Ireland, particularly during Covid-19. Mr Joe Westland (Clerical Officer). Head of Parks, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. For services to storytelling in Northern Ireland. She holds degrees from the University of Tennessee, Texas State University, and Brigham Young University. For services to public transport and to community engagement in Northern Ireland. The organisation is now part of Waltham Forest PCT. For services to athletics in Northern Ireland. 3.34 p.m. Ms Carl N Chuiln left the meeting. Matt has served on a number of state and national banking committees. Over the past 10 years, Northern Trust has given approximately $160 million to charities globally. Dec 2017 - Mar 20202 years 4 months. For services to local government in Northern Ireland during Covid-19. 3.16 p.m. Ms Sue Ramsey left the meeting. We are pleased to report on progress toward creating long-term value for our clients, employees, shareholders, communities and other key stakeholders., Connie Lindsey, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, added, Northern Trust is committed to creating more equitable possibilities to achieve long-term financial success for those who face hurdles because of their race, ethnicity, gender, geography or socio-economic conditions.. Consider the effectiveness of the key controls through which risks will be managed. (Tick all that apply),,, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), Swansea, Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA), Northern Ireland, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) enquiry service, contact the relevant government organisation directly, Travel advice (including self-isolation), Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations contact the, Driver licensing and tests, MOT and vehicle testing. Comments or queries about the Blue Badge scheme can be emailed to or you can also call 0300 200 7818. Steve previously served on the boards of other healthcare and not-for-profit entities. Trustees volunteer time and expertise to help advance our mission. Bernie is Deputy Chief Executive for Belfast Trust. Northern Trust Departments and Services If you wish to contact a service or team within the Northern Trust, please use our A-Z Service Guide. The meeting commenced at1.32 p.m. in public session., Call 0800 587 2750 For services to education in Northern Ireland. if(window.da2a)da2a.script_load(); For services to golf in Northern Ireland., Call 0800 587 0912Email, Contact your local Jobs & Benefits office. New Integrated Care System for Northern Ireland in development. For services to innovation. For services to young people in County Antrim. Hes a proven values-based executive committed to the preservation and enhancement of not-for-profit, community-focused health ministries into the future through the development of a highly effective and dedicated executive and governance leadership, an engaged workforce, and a values-centered work and care delivery environment. For queries or advice about claiming compensation due to a road problem, contact DFI Roads claim unit. Members took evidence from Dr Michael McBride, the Chief Medical officer. Health Minister Robin Swann, has announced an extension to the term of the Non-Executive Chair of the Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT). Kate Paul is the recently retired President and CEO of Delta Dental of Colorado during which time she served as the Chair of the Delta Dental Plans Association. For services to the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. Members noted a letter from the Royal College of Nursing inviting the Chairperson to speak at a conference. Satisfy itself that CTFs are managed in line with guidance in the Trusts Standing Financial Instructions, Departmental guidance and legislation. The Risk and Assurance Group is chaired by the Chief Executive. In particular, the Committee will review: The Committee consists of three Non-Executive members and is chaired by a Non-Executive Director. South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, "Belfast trust transforms patient administration system", "The South Eastern Health and Social Services Trust (Establishment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2006", "South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust set to announce new chief executive", "Northern Ireland waiting lists 'alarming' as 4,000 children waiting more than a year for appointment", "NI Census 2011 - Key Statistics Summary Report, September 2014",, This page was last edited on 9 November 2022, at 21:15. Members took evidence from the following witnesses: Lately Lead Officer, School Catering Service, Education Authority Northern Ireland. Neil Guckian - who was appointed as the new Western Trust Chief Executive in May, has taken up his role, starting July 1st. [5], In April 2022 there were 4,513 children who had been waiting a year or more for a first consultant led outpatient appointment. If you wish to check on a problem or fault you have already reported, contact DfI Roads. For public service to communities across Northern Ireland. Lecturer, Belfast Metropolitan College. 3.15 p.m. Mr Tommy Gallagher left the meeting. During more than 46 years in banking, Spencer served on boards including the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Union Pacific, the U.S. National Parks Foundation, and Utahs 2002 Olympic Winter Games Organizing Committee. South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust. Spencer Eccles is Chairman Emeritus of the Intermountain Banking Region of Wells Fargo & Co., and Chairman & CEO of the George S. and Dolores Dor Eccles Foundation, one of Utahs largest charitable foundations that has awarded grants totaling more than $750 million to enrich the lives of all Utahns and strengthen the future of the state. Mr Alister Strain (Clerical Supervisor) Principal, Nendrum College, Comber, Northern Ireland. During the Achieving Greater Together volunteer campaign in October alone, partners contributed more than 5,500 hours of service and supported more than 180 global charities. Western Trust services are delivered by four directorates: Acute Services Adult Mental Health and Disability Services Primary Care and Older People's Services Women and Children's Services These service directorates are assisted by support directorates: Chief Executive's Office During his career in investment banking, he worked with a number of major multi-hospital healthcare systems across the country, including Catholic Health Initiatives, Catholic Health Partners, SSM Health System, and SCL Health. Chief Executive, Titanic Belfast. For services to pre-school education. Dr Flanagan has agreed to take up the post of associate medical director when his interim replacement is appointed. New chief executive's salary not disclosed. Ensure the views of the local community, experts by experience and staff input are incorporated into the development of services. As leader of a tristate health system, he created an operating model based in population healthhelping transition the region from fee-for-service toward more global payments. . He trained and qualified as a Social Worker and held a number of senior professional positions including Director of Social Services with a Health and Social Care Trust. Executive Director, UK Operations, British Red Cross. For services to the agri-food industry and the economy in Northern Ireland. Ms Carl N Chuiln MLA The Chief Executive and Directors are paid employees of the Trust. She is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Utahs Honors College where she designed and developed a Leadership Colloquium for outstanding Honors College students. As Chairman and CEO of First Security Corp. (1982-2000), he carried on the Eccles leadership of the nations oldest multi-state bank holding company, which merged with Wells Fargo in 2000. In addition to the Chairman Mr Peter McNaney, the following people are members of Trust Board. The committee consists of two Non-Executive Directors with the Executive Director of Finance and the Divisional Director of Strategic Development and Business Services attending. In addition to trustees serving on our central Board, trustees also serve on governing boards for hospitals and other care services, as well as charitable foundation boards. Don't include any personal or financial information, for example National Insurance, credit card numbers, or phone numbers. Mr Poots said he also intends to appoint a new interim medical director to the Northern trust. As a black belt in taekwondo, Janice finds great joy as a volunteer martial arts instructor for at-risk elementary students in the Park City School District. The trusts give services to the public locally and on a regional basis. The Chairperson thanked the witnesses for attending. Members of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council have thrown down the gauntlet to the Western Health and Social Care Trust, to set out their evidence of South West Acute Hospital (SWAH) staff being threatened, and on what basis the Chief Executive, Neil Guckian, levelled allegations against members of Save Our Acute Services (SOAS). Chief Executive ref:52946799 Branch: Southern HSC Trust area (SHSCT) Location: Trust Headquarters, Craigavon Area Hosp Directorate: Chief Executive's Office Functional Area: Chief Executive's Office Salary: (See job details) Contract Type: Permanent Opening date: 10/12/21 Closes: Wed, 05 January 2022 @ 12:00 PM Mike Leavitts career is divided into the three distinct parts. The Committee noted a review of acute hospital bed capacity send by PA Consulting. Fellow of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management with significant experience in clinical and corporate leadership and governance. If your query is about another benefit, select Other from the drop-down menu above. Janice received her J.D. For services to the promotion of the Aberdeen Angus breed and to agriculture. Chief Executive, Hospitality Ulster. William McKee, Chief Executive, Belfast Health & Social Care Trust She is the co-chair of the Utah Homelessness Council, serves on the Shelter the Homeless Board, is co-chair of the Kem C. Gardner Institute and author of Courage to be You, Inspiring Lessons from an Unexpected Journey. Dr Maria O'Kane, Chief Executive Catherine Teggart, Director of Finance, Procurement and Estates Colm McCafferty, Interim Director of Children and Young People's Services Jan McGall, Director of Mental Health and Disability Services Lesley Leeman, Interim Director of Performance and Reform For services to nursing in Northern Ireland, particularly during Covid-19. "The staff are rightly proud of the services throughout the trust, and I want to acknowledge their clear commitment to improving emergency care waiting times for the benefit of patients.". Still not finding what you are looking for? A fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, Rob has served on many foundation, chamber, and service boards. Quarterly review and approve the Principal Risk Document. Cathy was previously Belfast Trust Medical Director from August 2014 and Deputy Chief Executive from July 2017. She currently serves as a director of the COPIC Companies, National Jewish Health and the Denver Art Museum. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. He is currently Senior Vice President for Microsoft Health. They will both join the Northern trust on "temporary secondment". CHICAGO - Northern Trust released its latest Corporate Social Responsibility report today, marking a full decade of transparent, detailed information across the company. [6], The area covered by South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust has a population of 346,911 residents according to the 2011 Northern Ireland census.[7]. Mr Robert (Bob) McCann is a Chartered Certified Accountant with extensive experience in general management having operated successfully at Board level as a director or senior manager in a diverse range of industries including the energy, information technology, logistics, customer relationship management, agri-food and transport sectors. Temporary Chair, Governing Body, SERC. Until Thursday's announcement, Mary Hinds worked at Northern Ireland's Public Heath Agency while Mr Cummings was employed at the Health and Social Care Board. For queries or advice about criminal record checks, email, Application and payment queries can be emailed Gordon Howie has been involved in health care investment banking for nearly 30 years. Mr William James . For services to healthcare, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Duty Press Officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110. For services to healthcare, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. For services to girlguiding and to the community in Northern Ireland. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 5.41 p.m. During a period of extraordinary social, health and economic challenges, 2020 was a year that for Northern Trust focused on compassion, communication and support, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael OGrady said. EVENTS. 45 Bush Road, Antrim, Antrim, BT41 2RL. Senior Playgroup and Family Project Manager. Janice Ugaki is the Co-Founder and President of Firmseek, an award-winning strategic marketing and technology company based in Washington, DC. The Committee noted a response from the Minister to a number of issues raised by Members at the Committee meeting on 10 January 2008. Professor, Management Development and Associate Dean for Global Engagement, Ulster University. Charge Hand Porter, Lisburn Health Centre, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust. Share this page [CDATA[//>
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