The reason isthis is THE GREATEST SOURCE OF FRESHWATER IN THE WORLD. I think someone might notice a project of this scale. My purpose was to spark a conversation, said University of Chicago law professor Todd Henderson as he touched the third rail of Great Lakes issuesselling water to arid states outside the region. The only thing they do import from us, which needs to be stopped, is water. Todd Henderson, University of Chicago law professor, Photo by University of Chicago. Office: 336-903-0060 Cell: 336-957-7600,, Deep Reflection, Inc has 1/2 truckload of Styrofoam hinged trays. Unable to reach a road-funding agreement with the legislature, Michigan Gov. Lake Powell is draining due to climate change what does this mean for the local environment? Although the future is not certain, increases in temperature and alterations in patterns of precipitation are likely to affect water levels in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River system. Catch up on more Great Lakes Now coverage of Nestle and water withdrawals in the Great Lakes: Nestle Prevails: Law judge sides with water bottler in water withdrawal case Bottled Water Wars: Legal setback for Nestle, Michigan legislators move to restrict shipments out of Great Lakes watershed World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use. (LogOut/ Ask the Great Lakes Now Team Your PFAS Question, Beneath the Surface: The Line 5 Pipeline in the Great Lakes, Collection 1 An Exploration of the Great Lakes, Collection 2 Threats to the Great Lakes, Collection 3 Virtual Field Trips in the Great Lakes, Collection 4 Lesson Plans from Our Monthly PBS Program, Industries and public water supplies top list of main consumers of Great Lakes water, Question of Diversion: Great Lakes governors group silent on future water threats, Great Lakes Water Diversions Could Be More Numerous, Drinking Water News Roundup: Climate change and Illinois water withdrawals, clean water for Michigan students, Nestl Exit: North American bottled water brands sold to investment firm, Detroiters can get another 1,125 gallons of water under discount program, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Partnership, U.S. Judge: Flint has 5 months to finish long-overdue lead pipe replacement, Hope springs eternal for Michigan legislator who champions drinking water equity. If you dont see a commenting section below, please disable your adblocker. the called marveltrevor dion nicholas hamilton. Approximately 40 percent of all rivers in the United States and approximately 46 percent of all lakes in the United States have become so polluted that they are are no longer fit for human use. Its true that the weather plays a major role in water level fluctuations. Theres no denying that we humans share some of the blame. 13. Practically? For the latest breaking news and updates in Ann Arbor and the surrounding area, see. Chao Lake is one of the 5 great freshwater lakes of China that located at the juncture of Chaohu and Hefei cities in Anhui Province. He cited Illinois as an example of where selling water could benefit the state. Thanks for posting this article. Correlation does not imply causation. Climate change may very well have forced us into a new normal and be irreversible. Ruining their economy sending all the larger industrail manufacturing jobs back to America and Europe. Check out her link at the bottom for comments and questions on the topic and the original article. Gary. Nestle can continue to pump out and bottle water despite overwhelming public opposition. A native of the Great Lakes region, she served as coordinator of the Lake Champlain Basin Program in the 1990s. How about water? Short of slowing or reversing global climate trends something that would require a major societal shift away from fossil fuel dependence, which few people seem to be talking about an adaptive approach to management of water levels is being promoted. We have no tolerance for comments containing violence, racism, profanity, vulgarity, doxing, or discourteous behavior. The University of Michigan estimates that approximately 100 million pounds of fish are harvested from the Great Lakes by commercial fishermen. Italy faces new drought alert as Venice canals run dry, South American drought in 2022 partly driven by triple-dip La Nia, This is why we can't dismiss water scarcity in the US, Here are 3 ways tech can improve access to freshwater, Water security is a national security issue: What's needed now. I bet next a bunch of Democrats will be mad at Obama. prudential flexguard rate sheet That about six quadrillions (6,000,000,000,000,000) gallons, enough to cover the entire lower 48 of the United States with over nine feet of water. Chinese and US investors each own 1.9 per cent followed by the UK owning 1.1 per cent. Scientists are warning that nothing can be done to stop the depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer. This overused inflammatory headline refers to the ability of companies to bottle water within the Great Lakes watershed. There is strong evidence that in the future we will likely experience more extreme water levels both high and low that are outside the historical range experienced over the past century. Over the years drought conditions have hurt areas like Playa Lakes in Anson, Texas, Photo by USDA NRCS Texas via Half Lie #5 The Great Lakes are Diverted Out West, Lie #6 The Waukesha & Foxconn Flip Flop, How Many Gallons of Water is In the Great Lakes? Your email address will not be published. China's current expenditure on its national eco-compensation programmes averaged $8 billion annually over the most recent five year period. In 2012, the Seaway Corporation logged 1,491 downbound transits through the Lake Ontario-Montreal section with a total cargo load of 18.9 million metric tons. Manage Settings At the time, veteran Great Lakes water activist Lynn Broaddus said this wont be the last of the profit-minded outsiders who want to tap the regions water. Since then, he has authored a vast range of content and established a loyal base of 75,000 visitors per month. However, most are farmers who irrigate their fields to grow crops. Yamdrok Lake. They export numerous cheap items to our country tainted with toxic and cancer causing substances. You are lying, I have relatives there, and Nestle is pumping water out of there and putting it into big bags and on barges to be sold to China. Calls to Take Over Nestle Bottling Plant to Help in Flint Water Crisis, Nestle Named a Top Plastic Polluter in Canada, Lame Duck Governors Want to Weaken Great Lakes Compact, Canada Plans for a Nuclear Waste Dump on Lake Huron, Volunteering the Flint Water Crisis 5 Things I Learned, New Systems Monitor Great Lakes Algae Blooms including Michigans Saginaw Bay, High Levels of Arsenic in Michigan Water Wells. I dare say very few. The revenue from the sale of water could be used to shore up state budgets and provide relief for lakefront communities impacted by the lake levels, Henderson proposed. Clearly, residents object to the stealing of Great Lakes Water. A public resource. His calculation is based on the annual average rate, but he notes that the daily evaporation rate can be ten times higher during the late fall. Whether a cruise, a guided tour to unforgettable destinations, Stamp - USED at the best online prices at eBay! No, China is not currently taking water from the Great Lakes. The issue is not engineering ingenuity, rather the astonishing lack of integrity among negotiating parties or consideration for the dispossessed (check the headlines) that would sway any water-diversion scheme to the Great Lakes and the nations disadvantage. Obama Sells Great Lakes Water To China 9,411 views Dec 17, 2013 With the United States as well as the rest of the world suffering from water drought, President Obama is allowing Ch. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 15. Re: Swiss Nestle is Stealing Great Lakes Water, Shipping it to China Well they do say the next oil will be water. I tend to screen out the F*%K yous, and the death threats from the bat-shit crazy crowd. I. As of September 2015 Michigan is, indeed, the only such state, despite the best efforts of Wisconsins republican governor, Scott Walker. But again, Prof. Henderson wasnt attempting to resolve all the issues, just spark a conversation and get comments like yours. As of now, China has not joined the convention, representing a key blow to the UN's efforts. The public opposed the proposal from Nestle to double the amount of water pumped from Michigans major aquifer. With record high lake levels wreaking havoc around the region, Henderson noticed the proposed solutions by elected officials and the Army Corps of Engineers were focused on expensive deterrents like hard barriers. "If you continue to have this. Free shipping for many products! Waukesha is 17 miles west of Lake Michigan and resides on the cusp of being outside what is considered the Great Lakes Water basin. The ominous words of David Brauer of the Ogallala Research Service should alarm us all, Our goal now is to engineer a soft landing. One so-called expert noted, Lake Michigan water is being shipped by boat loads over to China! Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec, Image by E Pluribus Anthony via Public Domain. NEXT Sherrill Faw Realty, LLC We can show you any listing in Wilkes County including HUD forclosures. For example, wildfires burned an astounding 3.6 million acres in the state of Texas alone during 2011. Water diversions in the Great Lakes basin are regulated by appropriate state, provincial and federal government authorities. (LogOut/ According to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the U.S. interior west is now the driest that it has been in 500 years. If you would like to be part of our project as a collaborator, we invite you to submit your application. The five largest saltwater (Red ones are the largest five, orange ones are the dried ones) and fresh water lakes (Blue ones are the traditional five-large-lakes, cyan ones are those that are supposed to be in the largest five) in China. Jeff Kuss Could Have Ejected Once He Knew His Plane Was Going To CrashBut He Didnt, Man Jailed After Claiming to be Transgender to Assault Women in Shelter, Trump: Democrats Against North Korea Summit Just Like They Defend MS-13 & Attack Tax Cuts. These springs are connected to the lakes and yes the water is being bottled up and taken away. Greed! Yes. In the end that will give all the illegals here in America new jobs and nothing will change for natural born Americans. take our poll story continues below Completing this poll grants you access to Freedom Outpost updates free of charge. We cant just say no for reasons that arent attached to the law, said Matt Gamble, the Department of Environmental Quality supervisor whos coordinating the response effort. Hendersons proposal follows a recent foray into tapping Great Lakes state water reserves. USACE forecasts Lakes Michigan and Huron to remain lower than normal for the next six months. I would welcome a roundtable of all experts and even non-experts with creative vision to debate the problem and find solutions, cooperatively. The Mekong River Commission facilitates regional diplomacy between Mekong countries. TANKERS WITH OUR FRESH WATER IN HUGE BLADDER-LIKE TANKS TO PUT INTO THEIR [AQUIFERS]THAT THEY HAVE ABUSED AND ARE NOW DRIED UP!! Considering the massive worldwide water crisis that we know is coming in the years ahead, shouldnt we be doing everything that we can to protect this precious natural resource? All articles were originally published on and belong to their respective authors. is a privately funded financial publication particularly created for professional and personal investors and intellectually restless individuals. If things dont turn around soon, we are going to be facing an absolutely crippling water crisis in this country. But University of Regina paleoclimatologist Jeannine-Marie St. Jacques says that decade-long drought is nowhere near as bad as it can get. Hendersons water-trading idea is not the first. Most likely its 20+ times as 3ft pipeline may work for oil, but how about 20 of them for water? Henderson told Great Lakes Now that a convening of water managers, environmental groups and other interested parties would be a logical next step to look for creative ways to deal with rising lake levels. If Texas is drying out, they need to look at past choices, non-sustainable water usage, activities that impact climate disruption and not running a huge garden hose up to Lake Michigan. The content of this site has been restored on a non-profit basis to preserve knowledge and serve as a historical archive. Copyright 2023 Thumbwind Publications LLC, 6 Lies and Half Truths about Great Lakes Water Use, Lie #1 Obama Allowed Great Lakes Water to Be Sold To China as Half the U.S. Faces Extreme Water Crisis, Half-Lie #2 Companies are pumping millions of gallons of water out of the Great Lakes and selling it to China. Every day our ports are filled with imports from China, how many of these items make it to the consumer without being tested for toxic substances. . Recently the blogosphere and news sites have been bristling that Barack Obama is allowing water from the Great Lakes region to be pumped and sold to China. Great Lakes states as well as Ontario and Quebec are to keep track of impacts of water use in the basin. 4. Ulungur Lake. How much gas do you use in a week? Other companies that bottled water from the Great Lakes region include Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Avita. In response to reader Peter and others, its true that there is no simple fix to the problem of extremely low (or high) water levels in the Great Lakes region. Link to original source article, questions and commentary, Your email address will not be published. For more information about the crunchnestle alliance, contact Andy Conn (530) 906-8077 camphgr55 (at) or Bob Saunders (916) 370-8251. By using a little-known loophole in the 2006 Great Lakes Compact, Obama minions are allowing Nestle Company to export precious fresh water out of Lake Michigan to the tune of an estimated $500,000 to $1.8 million per day profit. This is false. Wonder if Wilkes can use the water at the dam and let the Chinese steal it, bottle it. An out-of-court settlement was reached in 2009. Earlier this month, the International Joint Commission released a report and invited public comment on a proposal to establish an Adaptive Management Plan for the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Systems. Since 2000, Nestle Waters North America sell bottled Spring Water marketed with the Ice Mountain label. See our affiliate disclosure for details. INVESTOR TIMES is always open to the incorporation of talent in its team of journalists and editors. Sarha Palin is a victim of herself! Gretchen Whitmer recently announced she would use her authority to borrow $3 billion for road repairs. Consider Bill Richardson's unsuccessful run for president: "One of the famous moments of the 2008 campaign was Bill Richardson telling people in the Great Lakes we need a national water policy . They make dangerous products that kill animals and makes kids sick! good golly miss molly demons in wilkes, idolatry with christmas trees, china stealing our waterwhat else is gonna ruin this holiday season???? The Milwaukee suburb of Waukesha, Wisconsin, with dangerous radium levels in their groundwater, has been approved to borrow up to 8.4 million gallons of Lake Michigan water every day (or 3 billion gallons every year). All three water protection bills were introduced by Democrats. Plunging water levels are beyond anyones control, says another expert, James Weakley. Gary Wilson, Excellent question Al and one of many that would have to be resolved. In a comment that was removed from this post due to other offensive language, someone wrote: THE CHINESE ARE TAKING OUR WATER AND LEAVING US WITH THE [TOILET] WATER!! It must not have anything to do with man made things, like a massive new water pipe line going into the southern states. The Great Recycling and Northern Development (GRAND) Canal scheme to dam James Bay, on the southern end of Hudson Bay, to create a freshwater reservoir and divert the water from the 20 rivers that flow into it to Georgian Bay. However, some conspiracy sites and forums have erroneously reported that the Obama Administration sold Great Lakes water to China. The blogosphere and news sites have been bristling that former President of the United States, Barack Obama allowed water from the Great Lakes region to be pumped and sold to China. The event put a spotlight on the vulnerability of laws barring diversions. As the global climate warms and water scarcity mounts, Great Lakes water is more valuable than ever before. Right now, the United States uses approximately 148 trillion gallons of fresh water a year, and there is no way that is sustainable in the long run. How Nestle makes billions bottling free water | AJ+, Copyright 2023 Thumbwind Publications LLC. Causing them to now owe us large amounts of money they can never pay back. Rather than divert precious and fragile resources to prop up an ill-fitting lifestyle, residents of those regions would better support the national economy and national security either by adopting a lifestyle commensurate with the arid climate or relocating to a more-hydrated part of the country. Right now, the Great Lakes hold approximately 21 percent of the total supply of fresh water in the entire world. Nestl is able to pump millions of gallons of groundwater for a measly $200 per year DEQ permit. For half of the cities analyzed, a . Thats all we can do., 5. I was raised to understand that when you have a problem you must look at what behavior or circumstances led to that problem (debt, lack of resources etc.) Clearly, residents object to the stealing of Great Lakes Water. 100 trays per bundle. In fact, conditions could get worse in the Southwest and Southeast, according to the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration. I already busted this myth in a previous post but will summarize it again here. If you found your way to this article recently, you may have discovered it on Snopes or another mythbuster page. There are approximately 3,000 high capacity wells registered with the state. About half of Texas is experiencing moderate to severe drought.. The Great Lakes Water Authority has no jurisdiction in cases like this. Michigan, Zebo the least of REEEbells. http://forum.bodybuilding.c=129669653is this what you read Fins? More water is diverted into the Great Lakes than is diverted out, particularly at the Longlac and Ogoki diversions in Ontario. We all know our shorelines and saturation levels are at record highs. "How many boats are loaded with exports to China from the United States? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. These lakes had already been fluctuating below average levels for 15 years. Ensuring the Healthy Future of Our Waters in the Great Lakes Region New Study Finds Affordable Water For All Michiganders Is Possible The Water Affordability . They are composed of numerous aquifers (groundwater) that have filled with water over the centuries, waters that flow in the tributaries of the Great Lakes, and waters that fill the lakes themselves. Per the compact rules, Waukesha would have to return the same amount of water it takes from Lake Michigan back into the lake. It turns out that the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is powerless to stop the foreign company from proceeding with its pumping. who would win in a fight libra or sagittarius; advanced spelling bee words for adults; san antonio spurs coaching staff 2021; eeoc notice of appearance form; The US Coast Guard plays a vital role for each of the Great Lakes States and the national economy. Its bottling centers are located in Mecosta County, Michigan, and Guelph, Ontario. the choice is yours. or a relaxing all-inclusive resort getaway, Holding only 16% of its capacity, Pine Flat is the best example of why there is high anxiety over the approaching wet season. education. In 1998 the Nova Group obtained a permit from Canadas Ontario Ministry of the Environment to export approximately 160 million gallons per year of water from Lake Superior for export to Asia in bulk containers. 1. And according to recent forecasts, it appears that drought conditions may soon get even worse in the Southeast and the Southwest. The States bordering the Great lakes can make all the laws and pacts they want with each other and Canada, but the Supreme Court can step in anytime they want and override everything. How many boats are loaded with exports to China from the United States? Also, if you put the necessary legal safeguards in place, putting water flow and health from Michigan and other Great Lakes states first, then why shouldnt we divert, help the countrys agriculture, e.g., NOT other commercially parasitic entities. Images on this page may contain affiliate links in which we may receive a commission. A few diversions have been approved under the compact, including withdrawals from Lake Michigan by New Berlin and Waukesha in Wisconsin. Waukesha is the first city to apply for a diversion of Lake Michigan since a ban on such practices was enacted in 2008. We are not hopeful that Lansings current leadership will prevent the stealing of Great Lakes water by foreign companies. Just recently, the Huffington Post ran an article entitled These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think. He felt more creative solutions were needed and proposed in a Chicago Tribune column selling the excess water to regions in need. Whats worse is that none of these blog authors are checking the facts. He also mentioned vast swaths of western states in the midst of drought. Committed to educating the public about solutions to our ecological, economic and political crises. Record low rain falls, and a climate that goes through cycles some of them thousands if mot millions of years old, (lo[n]g before man) and its impossible to know what cycle we are in. Its a Lie. I still think this would work and solve many problems! This helps set the stage for huge dust storms in the future. Enter by 4/16, We can show you any listing in Wilkes County including HUD forclosures. Writing in the journal Nature Sustainability, an international team of researchers says thieves steal between 30% and 50% of the planet's water supply every year. Its origins go back to concerns raised when opening the Great Lakes to international shipping in the 1950s. I think he knows there are significant barriers that would have to be overcome before Great Lakes water could be sold and while they may be insurmountable, theyre worth discussing. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for China Taiwan 1966 Sc#1483-85 Festivals Stamps. Canadian provinces Ontario and Quebec have a separate agreement that matches the compact. Nipigon, Ontario mayor says Waukesha water decision sets worrying precedent 'We all hear about Arizona, we hear about Texas, we hear about California . 2. A recent report by the IJC states: Climate change poses new challenges for adapting to fluctuating Great Lakes water levels. We have too much water here, but plenty of communities have too little water, he wrote. The Great Lakes Compact, signed in 2008 by eight U. S. states and two Canadian provinces, stipulates that the Great Lakes' waters can only be used in the Great Lakes Basin for domestic and agricultural uses, and that any water drawn off for use in other areas must be returned to the basin. Lakes Michigan and Huron, the hardest hit by extreme low water levels this past year, received the least rain last month and remain 19 inches below their long-term average. The only point upon which we appear to agree is the fact that none of this is President Obamas doing, contrary to the monkey saymonkey mindlessly repeat style of right leaning bloggers and opinion writers, all of whom would benefit greatly from a months vacation from Fox, Vox and Bing. Experts have been quoted blaming the weather for low lake levels in everything from this blog to the New York Times and in NBC News reports, but as described in detail in a previous post about how climate change and variability drive water levels on the Great Lakes, just blaming the weather is not the full story. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. At a time when the United States is facing the greatest water crisis that it has ever known, Obama is allowing water from the Great Lakes to be drained, bottled and shipped to China and other countries around the globe. The event put a spotlight on the vulnerability of laws barring diversions. this thing should be taken down immediately. For example, according to a Reuters article from just a few weeks ago, the state of California is currently experiencing the driest year ever recorded. . They just assume that there will always be plenty of fresh water for all of us to use just like there always has been. When John Engler was governor of Michigan in 2001, he made an agreement with bottle water giant Nestle, allowing them to open a plant in Mecosta County. Major reservoirs around the state need gully-washing storms this winter. All good questions. Sarah is just a victim of the witch doctor not the other way around, Nads. Catch the latest drinking water updates with Great Lakes Nows biweekly headline roundup. Change). If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. In 2004, China signed a multimillion-dollar fishing license agreement with North Korea that led to a drastic increase in the number of Chinese boats in North Korean waters.
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