If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. Located at Fountain Park Every Saturday Morning from 8am till Noon Chestertown, MD 21620. farmersmarket@chestertown.com. Tuesday night, Gross said she looked forward to working with the council. With his wife Michelle holding the Bible, Chris Cerino is sworn in as Chestertowns mayor Monday night, Jan. 6. Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. On the Pocomoke, you have the Pocomoke River Canoe Company in Snow Hill, a great outfitter to get you out anywhere from Pocomoke City upriver which is a unique place to see the cypress swamps, unique to the shore, especially the upper Pocomoke. The election also chose council members for the First and Third Wards. AxiomThemes 2022. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. A key tax break opportunity could soon open up for Kent County's municipal residents, so showing up in Chestertown on Tuesday, March 14 at 1 p.m. at the County Commissioners offices on High . Chris Cerino - 364: David . A fair number of candidates or their representatives were on hand for the tabulation of the votes at the firehouse after the poll closed at 8 p.m. Gatto and Mumford-Pautz were there, the latter with her sons, Mark and Steve. --chris cerino, mayor of chestertown ***** "the owner and operator of shore studios is passionate about quality and is incredibly thoughtful in how he conducts his work. However, the margins of victory in all three races are such that the absentee count will not change the result. Magazine. He sees a need to re-envision the marketing of Chestertown as a heritage tourism destination, especially using social media and revamping the town website to enhance its appeal to a younger demographic group. Christopher Michael Cerino, 51, of 104 East Campus Ave., Chestertown, Md., cited by NRP Officer Amanda Kloetzli and entered a guilty plea on March 27, 2019, in Kent County District Court. Nassawango Creek which feeds the Pocomoke has been meticulously preserved by conservation groups, and thats incredible. Share with Us. With the Black Lives Matter murals in Chestertown now approved in law, Chestertown Mayor Chris Cerino said it was time to consider more permanent messages that underscore Chestertowns anti-racism position and recognizes black contributions to Chestertowns history. Chestertown Town Hall. One of the things he wants to get done, he said, is to re-establish a dialogue between business and town leaders. Send in a letter of interest and two-page rsum to Mayor Chris Cerino, 118 N. Cross St., Chestertown, MD 21620. I stumbled on the booth for the Echo Hill Outdoor School which is about 15 minutes from Chestertown. Chris Cerino, Mayor. Box 284, Chestertown, MD 21620 USA 443-480-0221 | info@nationalmusic.us. Create a password that only you will remember. Videos. We'd love to hear eyewitness Subscribe to this newsletter to have the latest obituaries delivered to your inbox twice weekly. Located on the banks of the Chester River, Chestertown is the oldest mid-Atlantic port of entry. A short distance away, Arrowood was giving away grilled hot dogs, with Geddes standing nearby. that is degrading to another person. That was an eye opener. He won a decisive victory with 543 votes Tuesday, Nov. 5, in a seven-person contest to take over the towns reins from Mayor Margo Bailey, who announced in March her decision not to seek another term. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. Cerino proposed that the town set out on an 18-month plan to build CHESTERTOWN Mayor Chris Cerino took Gov. Thats very uncommon on old maps made by Europeans, to have that level of detail about indigenous people they met. Mayor Chris Cerino The mission of the organization is greatly needed in this county (and so many places) and you and the board should feel good about the needs you have identified and are willing to take the steps to make a difference. She said at one point the poll workers had set out chairs for a busload of Heron Point residents waiting to vote. . Same thing on the Pocomoke. I grew up in Reston, Virginia, and I spent countless hours on Lake Anne and Lake Fairfax. The Maryland Department of the Environment pheck@thekentcountynews.com. VIEW FULL REPORT . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Chestertown Equity Advisory Committee. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Her son Matthew is a graduate of the college, and her daughter works there. Turners Creek Park & Sassafras Natural Resource Management Area. Julie King. Meeting on March 14th, 2019, 7:30am Holiday Inn Express, Chestertown. Name: Christopher M Cerino, Phone number: (410) 810-2194, State: MD, City: Chestertown, Zip Code: 21620 and more information John Vogelpohl, Patapsco Valley State Park. With Sultana we do a lot of history programs, and in colonial times, and in prehistoric times, the waterways sustained you and connected you to the rest of the world. Arrowoods second-place finish in his first run for office may reflect his considerable activity as chairman of the towns recreation commission. Key takeaways from Cerinos time in office include the economic enterprises and social justice projects he helped enact, promote, and fund. You have permission to edit this article. chris cerino chestertownplymouth township mi police scanner. Chris Cerino, Mayor. On the social justice front, Cerino has been collaborating with Chestertown residents and town officials to generate community dialogue surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion issues since September 2020. Terms of use and Privacy Policy, cookies that taste like mcdonaldland cookies, religious interview questions and answers, California Leftists Try To Cancel Math Class, common coding variances include all of the following except, what does captain shakespeare whisper to tristan in stardust, romero y hojas de guayaba para el cabello, how to insert wheel of names in powerpoint. For the past four years, the town has been operating on a tight budget, with no room for staff raises or capital improvements like repaving roads, according to Cerino. Chris Cerino serves as Vice President at Sultana Education Foundation in Chestertown, MD. Commissioners are nominated by the mayor and approved by the town council. Also known as: Mr Chris M Cerino, Chris Cerino, Mr Christopher M Cerino, Mr Christopher Cerino, Christopher Cerino . The incident occurred Friday, Feb. 5 in Anne Arundel County. Landgraf presented Cerino with the Presidents Medal at the 2018 George Washingtons Birthday Convocation. Thats where I learned my love of fishing and canoeing. The members of the Downtown Chestertown Association applaud Mayor Chris Cerino for his service, beginning with his 2013 pledge to create a more business friendly environment. After graduating college, I came to Chestertown with my mom to visit the Tea Party Festival. By PETER HECK The resignation of Chestertown Mayor Chris Cerino on April 6 has raised procedural questions, and other concerns, among the remaining council members on how to fill the vacant seat. Christopher M Cerino from Chestertown, MD. An erroneous statement in the final candidates forum that the town had waived $3.6 million in utilities hookup fees for Coventry, may have cost her votes at the last minute. With the Black Lives Matter murals in Chestertown now approved in law, Chestertown Mayor Chris Cerino said it was time to consider more permanent messages that underscore Chestertowns anti-racism position and recognizes black contributions to Chestertowns history. Michael Barber, Virginia Department of Historic Resources. Don't Threaten. CHESTERTOWN Promising to be an active mayor and to work collaboratively with council members in the best interest of was set in motion last month when Mayor Chris Cerino abruptly resigned. Present- Chris Cerino, John Queen, Tom Hayman, Baker, Vic Sensenig, Brandy Barrett, Ruth Shoge and Kate Livie Absent- Bishop Ronald Fisher, Latoya Johnson and Brandi Barrett Proceeds benefit the Foundations environmental literacy programs, partner school program Our speaker will be: Chestertowns Mayor Chris Cerino Find out what is happening with Kents main town. Tolliver and carried unanimously. When people went up the Potomac, or settled here in the Upper Bay, that was the blueprint for where to go. Filed Under: News Homepage, News Portal Highlights, Spy Chats. Town of Chestertown 118 N. Cross Street, Chestertown, MD 21620 tel: 410-778-0500 fax: 410-778-4378 email: office@chestertown.com url: www.townofchestertown.com May 10, 2021 Mayor Chris Cerino Council David Foster A. Herz, Jr. Rev. And there are very few areas in the country where you can see that, and it hasnt been covered over by condominiums or by rip rap and a big dock. Its very unique. He said his tenure on the planning commission made him familiar with all sections of the town. CHESTERTOWN Shore Medical Center at Chestertown "will be a viable organization for the foreseeable future," Ken Kozel, president and CEO of Shore Regional Health, told the Chestertown . The Student Newspaper of Washington College since 1930. In the sixth and final installment of the Focus on the Counties series, Tom speaks with Kent County Administrator, Shelley Herman Heller. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Arrowood was the only mayoral candidate present, though most of the others sent representatives. Keep it Clean. By MAHDC | 2020-10-20T17:28:06-04:00 February 20th, 2017 | Chestertown | Comments Off on Chestertown seeks HDC member. and its hard to imagine Chestertown without it, said Chestertown Mayor Chris Cerino. Chestertown Mayor Chris Cerino Resigns April 7, 2021 by James Dissette Email In Tuesday's rescheduled Town Council Meeting led by Acting Town Mayor Rev. When you overlay satellite image onto his map, it is not that far off. Mayoral candidate Bill Arrowood (left) grilled hot dogs in the parking lot across from the Chestertown firehouse on Election Day, to the amusement of fellow candidate Holly Geddes (with sign) and a supporter. Gross was nearby, as were Mark Mumford, holding a sign for his mothers council race, and supporters of Shoge and Brown. Search for: Search. In an area as small and closely-knit as Chestertown, a mayor needs to understand the complexities of public perspective on every issue and initiative, so communication and connection with residents is key to strong leadership. For complete information about the cookies we use, data we collect and how we process them, please check our, actual instructions in flowcharting are represented in, rhode island groundwater classification map. They were the highway systems for indigenous people for thousands of years, for Europeans, and today a lot of towns like Chestertown are on the Bay because the Bay was the lifeblood for the economy, for your sustenance. The mayor attributed his decision to vacate the mayorship to mental and physical health concerns brought on by excessive stress. The Sultana Education Foundation offers a diverse variety of history and science-based field programs serving students and teachers throughout Maryland and beyond. Absentee ballots for the Chestertown election for mayor and council weren't expected to change the winners, and they didn't. It doesnt get much better than Chestertown and Kent County, Cerino said to Saucedo. Sometimes for a town of our size, its nice to get new ideas and new energy.. "The Town of Chestertown is eternally grateful to USDA for their steadfast support of the revitalization of our municipal Marina and for the associated stormwater improvements made along the community's waterfront, said Chestertown Mayor Chris Cerino. And the same for Dorchester, and Talbot, and Caroline counties, every year since 2001. Its a lot of fun. Its a great loss to the town, but I understand his point of view, Hertz said at the end of the April 6 Town Council Meeting. On land, Chris Cerino, Chestertowns mayor and vice president of the Sultana Education Foundation, leads a walking tour of the towns National Register Historic District, which includes many restored Georgian-style homes. Chestertown Covid-19 Response, Chestertown, Maryland. Chris Cerinos Kent County by Water: A Portrait of Marylands Most Scenic Peninsula On Friday, November 7, 2014, Chestertown Mayor and Sultana Education Foundation Vice President Chris Cerino will unveil his new book, entitled Kent County by Water , at Robert Ortiz Studios at 207 South Cross Street in downtown Chestertown. By getting those kids out on the water, we want to show them where they live and re-connect them to the river that basically determined where this town is located. Located at Fountain Park Every Saturday Morning from 8am till Noon Chestertown, MD 21620. farmersmarket@chestertown.com. In the Third Ward, incumbent Mabel Mumford-Pautz faced two younger challengers, Sam Shoge and Alex Smolens. There were 81 absentee ballots pending in the ward, many of which are expected to be from Heron Point, where Gross is a resident. Shortly before the polls closed, Smolens, standing in a group with Arrowood, said he thought the election had brought out good candidates. I had been a camp counselor for going on 10 years, and I loved working with kids. This is the kind of love Chestertowns next mayor should have for the area and community theyll be serving for four years because its love that inspires true progress. The amount of information he recorded about the native people who lived here is just invaluable, to see there were that many Indian communities on these rivers and he meticulously noted where these towns were. My Dad would take us to Riverbend Park and Great Falls National Park when I was little. Our rates. Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. And here, Kent County between the Sassafras and Chester rivers is one of the last great colonial landscapes in the Chesapeake region. I think I have a good record of that on the planning commission, he said. Chris Cerino is getting a little antsy. During Mondays Town Council meeting Mayor Chris Cerino announced that that after eight years as town mayor he would not be running for a third term in the November 2021 town government election. Sultana Projects, Inc. Chris Cerino . Whether it's an issue of transportation or taxation, the environment or public health, community policing or criminal In the sixth and final installment of the Focus on the Counties series, Tom speaks with Kent County Administrator, Shelley Herman Heller. News Editor t-poses one last time to College community, Mental Health Working Group completes report including recommendations for improving student wellbeing. View phone numbers, addresses, public records, background check reports and possible arrest records for Chris Cerino. We'd love to hear eyewitness Chris received a Masters of Education degree from University of Virginia. Revitalization of the marina was a contentious but prosperous undertaking. Choose wisely! Stetson was also present. Don't knowingly lie about anyone Youre going to see lotus blooms in July and August, lots of eagles, a different side of the Chesapeake. Previously, Chris was an Advisory Board Member at The Gunston School and also held positions at Chestertown Town Hall, Kent County Maryland. There are 6 professionals named "Christopher Cerino", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. Tuesday night, Gross said she looked forward to working with the council. He won a decisive victory with 543 votes Tuesday, Nov. 5, in a seven-person contest to take over the town's reins from Mayor Margo. An outdoorsman and singer-songwriter, Chris devotion to the Eastern Shore is hard to find among many. Photo by Chris Cerino. Keep it Clean. Jeff Mouton & crew, Patapsco Valley State Park. And of course, catch the Sultana for a public sail thats a unique way to see the middle Chester River. Of the towns 3,040 registered voters, 1,166 came to the polls, for a 38 percent turnout. Commissioners welcome Greenwill Consulting Group as lobbying firm for Kirwan, Talbot Humane reports increase in animal intake in 2022, Donations to Brighter Christmas Fund continue, Easton man sentenced to 14 years for drug, firearm charges, Tilghman man charged with child sexual abuse, Three nurse practitioners join UM SMG Primary Care, Cambridge man charged with threatening a state official, Oxford residents voice anger, upset with town, police decisions. Chestertown, MD. In the sixth and final installment of the Focus on the Counties series, Tom speaks with Kent County Administrator, Shelley Herman Heller. By PETER HECK pheck@thekentcountynews.com. The festival features three days of Tall Ship sails, tours, incredible live bluegrass music, lectures, exhibits, family activities, regional food and more. To view our latest e-Edition click the image on the left. The members of the Downtown Chestertown Association applaud Mayor Chris Cerino for his service, beginning with his 2013 pledge to create a more business friendly environment. November 5, 2013 by Dave Wheelan. Mark Mumford, clerk of the Circuit Court for Kent County, administers Your Message. Its not part of their lexicon. The District encompasses 51 acres of the historic downtown area, stretching from the Chester River waterfront to Mill Street. Plus, his narratives and his descriptions of the region provide a fascinating glimpse about the Bays potential for today. For the Oysters and Indians paddle trip, we show you archaeological evidence very easy to spot that this is a big base of operations for the indigenous people who preceded us. There were 81 absentee ballots pending in the ward, many of which are expected to be from Heron Point, where Gross is a resident. He was a tough act to follow, and I would like to publicly thank him for his many years of service as Mayor and as a member of the Chestertown Planning and Zoning Commission. For more information or to schedule your VIRTUAL CLASSROOM: LIVE!, email Chris Cerino at ccerino@sultanaeducation.org. Since 2000, Chris designs and leads environmental education programs for school children on one of the most exciting educational facilities on the Chesapeake, the Schooner Sultana. and its hard to imagine Chestertown without it, said Chestertown Mayor Chris Cerino. Of the towns 3,040 registered voters, 1,166 came to the polls, for a 38 percent turnout. If you are using our Services via a browser you can restrict, block or remove cookies through your web browser settings. CHESTERTOWN Chris Cerino is Chestertowns new mayor. he took aerial coverage of my wedding day and venue and made a beautiful montage video to music. On land, Chris Cerino, Chestertowns mayor and vice president of the Sultana Education Foundation, leads a walking tour of the towns National Register Historic District, which includes many restored Georgian-style homes. Present- Chris Cerino, John Queen, Tom Hayman, Baker, Vic Sensenig, Brandy Barrett, Ruth Shoge and Kate Livie Absent- Bishop Ronald Fisher, Latoya Johnson and Brandi Barrett With roots this deep, its Chris Cerino Bernadette Bowman Bernadette Bowman. In 2012, the Town of Chestertown, Maryland, bought a rundown, 55-slip marina along its waterfront from a private owner. Ill do lots of listening, he said, to find out what the job entails and how to move Chestertown forward., Cerino said he will need to use his time effectively because of his responsibilities with Sultana Projects. Log in, The Master of Wood Vicco von Voss by Jenn Martella. He said he will ask merchants what the town can do to bring people in to their businesses and what impediments the town can remove. Located on the banks of the Chester River, Chestertown is the oldest mid-Atlantic port of entry. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. Published by. Theres a great outfitter in Dorchester County called Blackwater Paddle and Pedal. 1822 Map of Maryland by H.C. Carey -The Rumsey CollectionIn this occasional series of conversations with the region's county executives, we spotlight the diverse and complex realities facing Marylanders living outside Baltimore and across the state. Your email address will not be published. According to the Chestertown Unites Against Racism website, Cerino was commended by Town Council members for his support of the Equity Advisory Committee and their initiatives. Proximity to the Chester River has shaped Chestertown in the past and present. Log in, Out and About (Sort of): Parole or Not? Chestertowns Arts & Entertainment District was certified in 2015 under a program administered by the Maryland Department of Commerce and the State Comptrollers Office. The resignation of Chestertown Mayor Chris Cerino on April 6 has raised procedural questions, and other concerns, among the remaining council members on how to fill Vice President at Sultana Education Foundation. The Sultana Education Foundations Downrigging Weekend Festival is one of the largest annual tall ship gatherings in North America. The members of the Downtown Chestertown Association applaud Mayor Chris Cerino for his service, beginning with his 2013 pledge to create a Connect with intelligence. And thats really really cool. The Town of Chestertown will host the grand opening of the newly renovated Marina on the lawn of the newly named Cerino Center, which houses the Marina and ShoreRivers offices at 207 S. Water Street, at 1:00 p.m. on November 1st, 2019. Meeting on March 14th, 2019, 7:30am Holiday Inn Express, Chestertown. This has been a particularly difficult twelve months for everyone, and especially our elected officials. The Town of Chestertown will host the the grand opening of the newly renovated Chestertown Marina on Friday, November 1 at 1:00 p.m. Covid-19 Update from Mayor Chris Cerino on Friday, May 1, 2020 Mayor Chris Cerino, Chestertown, MD. Youre just half an hour from this giant city, Washington DC, but youre at one of the most beautiful spots Ive seen nationwide. Cerino, chairman of the towns planning commission and vice president of Sultana Projects, rolled up 45 percent of the vote. Kayakers and canoeists can enjoy exploring many islands in the Potomac River. Chestertown Town Hall. Harpers Ferry National Historical Park offers a variety of experiences for visitors. Chesapeake Through the Ages Sunday, November 3 The town is excited about this expansion. CHESTERTOWN Mayor Chris Cerino took Gov. Send in a letter of interest and two-page rsum to Mayor Chris Cerino, 118 N. Cross St., Chestertown, MD 21620. Since 2000, Chris designs and leads environmental education programs for school children on one of the most exciting educational facilities on the Chesapeake, the Schooner Sultana. Male . Your email address will not be published. It will take a team effort to shape the communitys direction, he said, adding, Im a team player.. Previous. Next. It has been designated by the state of Maryland as an Arts and Entertainment District; its mayor, Chris Cerino remarked, "The downtown arts scene has grown by leaps and bounds in the past decadeChestertown is fast becoming a regional arts destination." Chestertown Unites against Racism August 10th, 2021. A leader with demonstrated interest in Chestertowns diversity and inclusion initiatives would be able to gather more momentum for the programs Cerino supported, and supplement them with their own goals. I love to park near downtown and spend an afternoon admiring the Georgian homes lining the historic district. They rent bikes and kayaks. I cant be a full-time mayor like Margo, he said. By MAHDC | 2020-10-20T17:28:06-04:00 February 20th, 2017 | Chestertown | Comments Off on Chestertown seeks HDC member. Ellsworth Tolliver, Mayor Chris Cerino resigned via a letter to the Town and Council citing stress levels that have impacted his mental and physical well-being. The election brought out people from the whole community, he said. There were 141 absentee ballots outstanding as of Monday night, according to Mulligan. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Thats when I really started loving the Bay, and the uniqueness of the Upper Bay. Prior to Mondays Mayor and Council meeting, Chestertown Zoning Administrator Kees de Mooy and Mayor Chris Cerino held a private conversation about plans for the Ajax basketball court, which was mistakenly caught on ZOOM and published. The charter requires that the Chestertown Board of [] Chris Cerinos Kent County by Water: A Portrait of Marylands Most Scenic Peninsula On Friday, November 7, 2014, Chestertown Mayor and Sultana Education Foundation Vice President Chris Cerino will unveil his new book, entitled Kent County by Water , at Robert Ortiz Studios at 207 South Cross Street in downtown Chestertown. The Falls are just awesome. The High Street mural was completed this week. Now, six years later, the renovations at the towns property, located on the Chester River, are well underway. Since 2000, Chris designs and leads environmental education programs for school children on one of the most exciting educational facilities on the Chesapeake, the Schooner Sultana. Sultana Education Foundation is a non-profit organization that offers experiential education.
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