My style is to collaborate, build consensus, and work with others to achieve goals. Copyright 2023 - Alaska Watchman All Rights Reserved, Palmer recall vote set for April 19, and over 300 residents have already voted, Click here to learn more about the reasons behind the recall effort, Is the Anchorage School District breaking the law by offering graphic sexbooks to kids, OPINION: Vilifying truth-tellers in Alaska and beyond. Generally regarded as a conservative, Sumner donated $500 to oppose recalling City Council Members Sabrena Combs, Brian Daniels and Jill Valerius. A majority of voters backed the recall of Sabrena Combs, Jill Valerius and Brian Daniels after an unofficial ballot count wrapped up Friday. Three Palmer city council members are being recalled, according to updated results of a special election held this week. The city of Palmer opened early voting on Sept. 20 for the Palmer City Council elections. Recall supporters accused Combs, Valerius and Daniels of violating the Open Meetings Act by participating in a closed social justice Facebook group. The Recall Palmer Three group accused the trio of secretly planning action on mask mandates and police oversight during backdoor meetings on the social media platform. Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Click hereto see the unofficial results. One year after narrowly losing its conservative 4-3 majority, the Palmer City Council appears to be headed back into conservative control. I remember helping work on the first website for Friday Fling years ago. . 103.7 MikeFM Your Hill Country Mix Tape.{C664992A-BD0D-4D34-B936-DB8CC68C839A} Palmer, AK 99645. The Sporting Exchange Limited. Recall petitions for Daniels, Combs, Valerius and then-council member Julie Berberich were then submitted to the clerk designee Kristie Smithers and rejected on Sept. 21. Negotiations set to resume between school bus drivers, Durham, A Hatcher Pass area road fix for the Arctic Winter Games could be on ice, Teamsters, Durham reach tentative agreement to end bus strike, Senate has new pension proposal for state employees and teachers in bid to aid recruitment and retention, Legislature gives full approval to Willow resolution, signaling Alaska support for major new oil project, Decision on Willow oil project could come Monday, March 6, Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. takes multimillion-dollar stake in grocery chain Three Bears. A general election took place on November 18, 2017, for races where no candidate received 50 percent of the primary vote. Alaskas News Source reached out to recall petitioner Cindy Hudgins and recall campaign treasurer Jacquelyn Goforth for comment but they declined to comment. Berberichs recall petition was rejected due to its close proximity to her run for reelection and the other three were rejected due to incomplete signatures. I would like to extend the departments participation in these trainings. The city administration has prepared to run the. A: I believe it is time to consider annexation of areas outside of Palmer. The unofficial results are in for Tuesday's election in Palmer: Steve Carrington and Pam Melin, both Republicans, won three-year seats on the Palmer City Council. 231 West Evergreen Avenue Palmer, AK 99645. I dont think what we did constitutes breaking the open meetings act. A: Currently the city is finalizing the process where businesses can pay their sales tax online. Conservatives had a good night in the Oct. 4 Palmer and Wasilla city elections, according to the unofficial results on election night. The candidates each completed questionnaires for the Frontiersman. These classes are good but what is more important are the people. Copyright 2023 - Alaska Watchman All Rights Reserved, Political lines form in push to recall leftist Palmer City Council members, filling out an application for an Absentee By-Mail Ballot, Click here to learn more about the recall effort, Watch: Rep. Don Youngs memorial service will be livestreamed, Is the Anchorage School District breaking the law by offering graphic sexbooks to kids, OPINION: Vilifying truth-tellers in Alaska and beyond. The city council will certify the election during a special meeting on Oct. 11 at 6 p.m. Click here to view Palmers unofficial results. I would like to see our dirt roads finally get paved! In addition, this leave runs concurrently with Family and Medical Leave Act leave, for up to 12 weeks. Users should contact the city clerk's office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. I think the City of Palmer needs to get back to doing the basics of what cities do. Oshkosh Mayor Lori Palmeri wins election over Herman in 54th Assembly District . You may contact Town & City Halls for questions about: Palmer public records If Combs, Daniels or Valerius are recalled, new council members will be appointed until the next election. Its good to hear that the city is working on online payment of sale tax thats one issue that I have wanted to see. The City of Palmer is holding a special election on April 19 to determine if three members known by some as the "Keyboard Cabal" of the Palmer City Council should be recalled. The election results will be certified May 3. We take care of streets, provide water and sewer, fire and police departments. Read on. Other mayoral forums. The RECALL PALMER THREE group has raised nearly $7,500 and has spent over $5,000 of that. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Wendy Williams is apparently plotting her return to television.. After being spotted by paparazzi at a New York City PETCO, the longtime talkshow host gave an update on her current life plans. A majority of voters backed the recall of Sabrena Combs, Jill Valerius and . Current mayor Steve Carrington is among seven in the 2022 ballot. Chairman Palmer will continue to serve alongside newly-elected EAC Vice Chairman Thomas Hicks, and EAC Commissioners Christy McCormick and Ben Hovland. While Sumner said he hates to give money to Democrats, he opposes the recall because he believes most recalls simply undermine the effectiveness of elected officials. Those in Precinct 11-075 can vote in the Mat Su Borough Gym. When polls closed, Carrington had earned 231 votes (31.8%) in the four-way race, while Melin had 222 votes (30.6%). I would support annexing the areas that Agnew Beck has identified as making the most sense economically in order to provide orderly growth and development of our town. City of Kerrville Parks and Recreation reminds citizens that a Red Flag Warning is in effect until further notice City of Kerrville says that May 7 General and Special Elections will . He also had 10 rebounds, playing nearly 43 minutes. PALMER The Palmer City Council interviewed one of their candidates for the vacant City Clerk position at a special meeting on Aug. 24. Monday - Friday 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. Nicknamed the "City of Lakes", Minneapolis is abundant in water, with thirteen lakes, wetlands, the Mississippi . The Palmer City Hall, located in Palmer, TX, provides municipal services for residents of Palmer. The city of Palmer reported 390 ballots that were cast on Tuesday and another 319 have yet to be reported. Even if none of the posts contain sufficient detail to conclude unequivocally that the OMA is being violated by the communication, I recommend that council members not participate in communications by social media.. LP 5,379. The Palmer Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 22-008, passed October 11, 2022. We also visited @JamesCityCounty Director of Elections, Dianna Moorman, who recently testified to the @EACgov on poll worker recruitment best practices and continues to administer top quality elections. The time listed here is the correct time for the advertised meetings. Estimated time commitment: Mandatory training: 3 hours Other special elections may be called from time to time by the City Council. The results are expected to be formalized at the Oct. 11 meeting of the City Council. A: Recently the city employees (not just the police department) completed classes learning to recognize and address Unconscious Bias, Microaggression in the Workplace and Worplace Diversity. MONTGOMERY Republican U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer, who represents Alabama's 6th Congressional District, told Alabama Daily News that one of his biggest priorities this year will be to help curb Q: If elected, how would you plan to use your time in office to improve the city of Palmer? Share with Us. Early voting underway in Palmer recall election, Early voting has begun in a special election to decide the recall of three Palmer City Council members over allegations that they violated the Open Meetings Act, Fish and Game announces king salmon closures in the Cook Inlet area, No Palmer Recall-Keep Combs-Daniels-Valerius, Stay up to date with the Alaska's News Source Digital Digest. The Alaska Watchman aims to raise awareness of key issues affecting Alaskans. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. A: I decided to run because I care about this city and I have a passion to engage in the challenge. After being a mom for a month, Heather Rae El Moussa has come to a sinking realization: being a mom is exhausting! Pro-recall advocates couldnt disagree more with Sumners stance. The Selling Sunset alum shares son Tristan with husband Tarek El Moussa.She posted a one-month postpartum update today, and, yup we can definitely relate. Copyright 2023 - Alaska Watchman All Rights Reserved, Conservatives lead city council, mayoral races in Palmer & Wasilla, Fairbanks conservatives lead in 6 of 8 races on election night, Is the Anchorage School District breaking the law by offering graphic sexbooks to kids, OPINION: Vilifying truth-tellers in Alaska and beyond. Three Palmer city council members are being recalled, according to updated results of a special election held this week. . More importantly, a good trusting partner. Sitting members are shown in bold text. Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman 5751 E Mayflower Ct, Wasilla, AK 99654 | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | The MAT-SU FRONTIERSMAN is owned by Wick Communications. a Ketchikan-based law firm for up to $4,000 to conduct an investigation to determine if the Facebook group activity constituted a violation of the Open Meetings Act. This training gives officers the tools and practices to deescalate situations and reduce unnecessary individual and officer harm. "I'm shopping for kitty litter because I have a wax museum in Paris and one in California," Williams said. The investigation concluded that the council members private discourse in a closed Facebook group was a violation of Alaskas Open Meetings Act, and a failure to perform their duties of office. A: As a business owner myself, I take into consideration the effect on local businesses every decision we make as a Council. Palmer council members that attend the Alaska Municipal League newly elected official training are given instruction on how the Open Meetings Act affects their communication, and are given updates once a year by the city attorney. The law generally protects the publics ability to observe public officials conducting public business. The City of Palmer and the Mat-Su Borough hold an election each year on the first Tuesday of the month. Valerius then called into question the time at which Bests motion was made, alleging that because it occurred after the meeting had gaveled out, it could also be considered a violation. Alabama plays at Texas A&M on Saturday. Disclaimer: The city clerks office has the official version of the Palmer Municipal Code. At the beginning of March 2022, Kherson residents astonished the world by taking to the streets to resist the occupation. A: If there hasnt been a recent survey of what Palmer businesses would like from the city, that is a good starting point. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 20 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska. WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Commissioner Donald Palmer began his year-long term as Chairman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). Conservatives had a good night in the Oct. 4 Palmer and Wasilla city elections, according to the unofficial results on election night. The city of Palmer opened early voting on Sept. 20 for the Palmer City Council elections. According to campaign disclosure forms submitted to the Alaska Public Offices Commission, the group supporting the recall has raised and spent a greater sum than those opposing the recall. Edna DeVries won her bid for Matanuska-Susitna Borough Mayor and her seat was vacated. The council then voted 6-0 to pass a consent agenda at their Sept. 14 meeting which included an informational memorandum to contract Scott Brandt-Erichsen of Keene & Currall, P.C.C. Working closely with the Palmer Chamber and supporting them in efforts to keep retail dollars in Palmer is one way the city can be sure that our decisions have a positive effect on local business. by Chris Palmer. var year = today.getFullYear() She noted that in 1983, there were four members of the Palmer City Council who were recalled after privately discussing city business in the local Valley Hotel. Create a password that only you will remember. As of March 22, the pro-recall group has brought in $7,150 from 11 donors. Daniels said he feels that national partisan politics have gained a voice at local council discussions and helped fuel the recall effort. They really didnt think they were going to have any opposition to what they were doing, she said. Disclaimer: The city clerk's office has the official version of the Palmer Municipal Code. The Alaska Watchman aims to raise awareness of key issues affecting Alaskans. Steve Carrington was appointed mayor and Carolina Anzilotti was appointed to the council in January. The polls are open from 7:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m. Below are the twoCity of Palmer precinct locations: September 18th though October 3rd at Palmer City Hall, 231 W. Evergreen Ave. Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m through 5 p.m. For questions regarding your voter registration and your voting location, please go to the State of Alaska Division of Election's website byclicking here or calling (907) 373-8952. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. According to thecity financed investigation, the council members in question discussed mask mandates and other controversial matters in the private online group. The council already includes one appointed member. If Sumner thinks its not a big deal, then I dont trust him either.. They brought the weapons to the Center City on Nov. 5, 2020 in support of former President Donald Trump's baseless claims of election fraud, according to the report. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Court ruling may give Anchorage School Board pause in barring parents from testifying against sex books, Alaska deaths outpace births by widest margin since 1951, Founding member of Covenant House AK details how youth shelter deliberately rejected its faith-based morals. More. Lee Henrikson and Pamela Melin are also running for a seat on the Palmer city Council. The building houses government offices, including the Palmer legislative body, and provides public records, government services, and information about Palmer services. Read More Happenings Events Newsletters Press Releases Home of the Alaska State Fair Phone: 907-761-1301 Fax: 907-761-1340 Office Hours Monday - Friday 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. This tool will not provide information for individuals who chose to keep their residence address private. that is degrading to another person. An unusually large number of early votes were cast in this election, city officials say. Local government 2022 Elections Palmer is a city in Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska. She has served in #Virginia elections for 18 years. var today = new Date() If you have questions regarding the State/Federal election please contact the Alaska State Division of Elections. Vice President resignation & new appointment. A: I would like to see the Council focus on local municipal issues. There are just over 300 early, absentee-by-mail and questioned ballots left to tally. I want to address them. Subscribe for $2.15/week. Court ruling may give Anchorage School Board pause in barring parents from testifying against sex books, Alaska deaths outpace births by widest margin since 1951, Founding member of Covenant House AK details how youth shelter deliberately rejected its faith-based morals. Many community leaders, on both the left and right, have taken opposing sides on the recall election, which began with early voting on April 4. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism There are two seats available with four candidates running for Council. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. racist or sexually-oriented language. Alaska My Voter Information. We had it reviewed by an independent attorney, his analysis was pretty ambiguous as well, Theres not a lot of precedence, especially in social media for what constitutes a meeting, a like or a comment or anything of that nature.. Voters who wish to cast their ballots on Election Day can vote at either of the two precincts at the Dorothy Swanda Jones Matanuska-Susitna Borough building. With those ballots counted, the unofficial tally Friday was 499 votes to 371 votes in favor of recalling Combs; 493 to 373 in favor of recalling Valerius; and 498 to 373 in favor of recalling Daniels. Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. The Government have announced an extra $ 74 million on Truancy Officers in an attempt to reel in New Zealand's disastrous truancy rates. Combs agrees with Daniels and said that the focus from residents who live both inside and outside of Palmer city limits on national political issues during council meetings has taken time away from local governing. The general discussion of boards and commissions dated October 15, 2020 did include likes or comments from four members, and related to issues upon which the council might have the power to act, but I did not locate any associated council consideration of the topic of procedures for appointments in that time frame, Brandt-Erichsen wrote in his memo. A: I like Palmer and giving back to my community. Three other candidates, who the city council chose earlier this year to temporarily replace three left-leaning council members who voters recalled, were headed to victory. A: I support looking at annexation. In April, Russians started violently dispersing the ongoing protests, shooting at unarmed civilians. Taking to Instagram the actress, 29, announced she welcomed her first child -- a baby boy -- with Darius Jackson. A: I do not feel there needs to be policy or procedure changes to the Palmer Police Department. Hudgins said the three council members in question have essentially broken trust with the people they are supposed to represent. The Alaska Watchman aims to raise awareness of key issues affecting Alaskans. 2022 Anchorage Daily News. Berberich had 144 votes (19.8%) and Henrikson sat at 126 votes (17.4%). Our reports look to inform and equip Alaskans to effectively engage the culture for the common good. Coming from a broadly Judeo-Christian perspective, we are committed to the highest standards of journalism and ethical reporting. Pro-recall votes made up the majority of the roughly 400 ballots cast in-person on Tuesday. The anti-recall side has received $6,227 from 29 donors, most of whom are vocal supporters of left-leaning activism that has developed in the Mat-Su area in recent years. Users should contact the city clerks office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. Sports on TV, Radio: March 3, 2023. There has certainly been a lot of outside voices influencing this, Daniels said. You have permission to edit this article. Berberich had 144 votes (19.8%) and Henrikson sat at 126 votes (17.4%). The most recent campaign disclosures show each side drawing money from well-known movers and shakers in the community. City of Palmer October 3, 2023, Regular Election. On the ballot before voters in the city of Palmer is a recall petition for council members Brian Daniels, Sabrena Combs and Jill Valerius. She covers breaking news, the Mat-Su region, aviation and general assignments. Discussion on a proposed mask mandate appeared to violate the law, the report found, but any violation was mediated by extensive public debate on the topic before the council rejected the proposed mandate. 6:25 a.m., ESPN2 Formula One Bahrain Grand Prix practice from Sakhir. Legislative Council. One seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court is scheduled to appear on the ballot, as well as several other nonpartisan local and judicial elections. Be Proactive. I am willing to change my position based on new information. Monday - Friday 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Wick Communications. LP 62,451. . 231 West Evergreen Avenue Court ruling may give Anchorage School Board pause in barring parents from testifying against sex books, Alaska deaths outpace births by widest margin since 1951, Founding member of Covenant House AK details how youth shelter deliberately rejected its faith-based morals. Register or Buy Tickets, Price information. A: I will work to be their COI and advocate. PALMER, Alaska (KTUU) - Early voting in Palmer's special recall election began on Monday and will continue at Palmer City Hall until Election Day on April 19. The Palmer Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 22-008, passed October 11, 2022. They are more connected to the community, they know their neighbors, and crime decreases. The state collation officer for the presidential election (SCOPs) in Rivers State, Prof Charles Adias has adjourned the collation of results for February 25, 2023 election in the state over an alleged . accounts, the history behind an article. play_arrow. Combs works in community relations for Palmer-based Matanuska Electric Association, Valerius is a doctor who started a medical practice in Palmer and Daniels is co-owner of 203 Kombucha, a Palmer business. A: I want to help Palmer work better for the people who live here. Palmer city council recall Officeholders Brian Daniels Jill Valerius Sabrena Combs Julie Berberich Recall status Recall approved (Daniels, Valerius, and Combs) Did not go to a vote (Berberich) Recall election date April 19, 2022 Signature requirement 169 signatures See also Recall overview Political recall efforts, 2022 Recalls in Alaska Part of the trade that sent Kevin Durant to Phoenix, Bridges has reached 30 or more points in three of Brooklyn's last six games. The request for an absentee ballot must be received by the City Clerks Office no later than Friday, April 8, by 4 p.m. Click here to learn more about the recall effort. The Alaska Watchman aims to raise awareness of key issues affecting Alaskans. Court ruling may give Anchorage School Board pause in barring parents from testifying against sex books, Alaska deaths outpace births by widest margin since 1951, Founding member of Covenant House AK details how youth shelter deliberately rejected its faith-based morals. The Canvass Board is scheduled to meet on 10/4, 10/,5 & 10/6 at approx. The group No Palmer Recall-Keep Combs-Daniels-Valerius reported a total income of over $6,000 but has spent just over $1,200. "Awww," Tom Brady wrote, adding a red heart emoji. However, screenshots of the legal memo were shared on local Facebook groups on Oct. 1. The high stakes Palmer recall vote is officially set for Tuesday, but as of the April 16 tally, 318 residents had already swung by City Hall or mailed in their ballots early. LET GO OF SHAME. Keke Palmer is now a mother! Two Virginia men who were convicted of carrying guns near the Convention Center as votes from the presidential election were being counted in 2020 were given sentences Wednesday that spared them from additional jail time. 1:30 p.m., FS2 NASCAR Cup Pennzoil 400 . We won't share it with anyone else. This includes seven Labor members (Tara Moriarty, Penny Sharpe, Greg Donnelly, Anthony D'Adam, Daniel Mookhey, Peter Primrose, Mark Buttigieg), five Liberal members (Damien Tudehope, Taylor Martin, Natalie Ward, Natasha Maclaren-Jones and Aileen MacDonald), three Nationals . Her makeup-free face looks exhausted as . Coming from a broadly Judeo-Christian perspective, we are committed to the highest standards of journalism and ethical reporting. Q: If elected, what changes would you support within the policies and procedures of the Palmer Police Department, if any? play_arrow. The city had 5,888 residents as of 2020, according to the United States Census Bureau. Later that month on Aug. 24, council member Richard Best moved to direct City Manager John Moosey to have an investigation of the alleged violations conducted by an independent law firm based on the claims made by Coons. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Office Hours The petition booklets were issued in November and at least 169 signatures were certified on Jan. 21. Keep it Clean. Like everyone who runs for Council, I love Palmer. But ultimately there is far more tedious but important things that we deal with on a local level that we have been unable to do because of these huge distractions.. The filing deadline for this election was November 28, 2022. 1:00 p.m. each day in Palmer City Hall (231 W. Evergreen) to review Absentee, Early, Questioned, and Special Needs ballots. Certified Municipal Officials According to state voter rolls, Palmer has 4,920 registered voters within the city limits, which means there are many more potential ballots that could be cast over the next few days. Palmer Public Library Closed Until Further Notice, Click Here For More Information, City Offices Closed on February 20th for Presidents Day. Palmer Train Depot Repeal Rank Choice Voting Signing Hosted By Alaskans For Honest Elections Bill. var year = today.getFullYear() The City of Auburn General Municipal Elections are held in November of even-numbered years and are consolidated with Placer County Elections Division. The requested information could not be loaded. They knew exactly what they were doing. I would like to see additional use of safe and effective traffic calming methods on our streets. Our reports look to inform and equip Alaskans to effectively engage the culture for the common good. On Aug. 10, Lazy Mountain resident Mike Coons alleged that four council members participating in the closed Mat-Su Moms for Social Justice Facebook group had committed Open Meetings Act violations in 2020. My husband and I have a very good relationship with Palmer PD. document.write(year) The hotly-contested At-Large Division II race was almost projected to be a runoff between former State Rep. JP Morrell and City Council member Kristin Gisleson Palmer until the very end, when all . On election day (April 19) in-person polling will occur from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at theMat Su Borough building (350 East Dahlia Ave, Palmer). Pine City, NY 14871 607-259-9262 . Invalid password or account does not exist. On Monday during the Wasilla City Council meeting, the results from the Oct. 4 elections were certified. Disclaimer: The city clerk's office has the official version of the Palmer Municipal Code. Click here to support Alaska Watchman reporting. I dont think you should be violating the Open Meetings Act, but I think we should reserve recalls for exceptional things, like if someone is embezzling money and committing a violation of the criminal code.. If you don't know your assigned polling place, you may find it online by using the Alaska State Division of Elections Online Polling Place Locator, or contact the Borough Clerk's Office at (907)861-8683 or the Alaska State Division of Elections at 1 (866)952-8683 (toll free). Click here to support Alaska Watchman reporting. Use this page to check: Voter Registration Status. Federal elections The city of Chicago, Illinois, is holding general elections for mayor, city clerk, city treasurer, city council, and police district councils on February 28, 2023. Please keep your comments respectful. I believe in all our First Responders including our Palmer Police. Angela Long, Chairman of Canvass Board, reported that after . PDP 2,358. . The key to annexation is letting affected land owners know in an unbiassed way what it will actually mean for them. Trustee seats currently held by Sam Padgett, Jessica Farr, and (vacant) will be elected in November 2024. Zaz Hollander is a veteran journalist based in the Mat-Su and is currently an ADN local news editor and reporter. The information available through the Voter Information tool is pursuant to AS 15.07.195. BOSTON (AP) Mikal Bridges scored 38 points and the Brooklyn Nets overcame a 28-point deficit to stun the Boston Celtics 115-105 on Friday night. I want to see the City of Palmer focus on the basic and important things that cities do best: streets, water & sewer and first responders. [VASHA HUNT/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] The votes favored a recall against all three by a roughly 63% to 37% split, according to unofficial results. Please call (907) 861-7801 and ask for the Clerk's office if you have questions regarding meeting dates and times. Thats nearly half the turnout from the last regular election and the official April 19 election day hasnt even arrived. This year's election is scheduled for October 7. Located 42 miles northeast of Anchorage on Palmer Public Library Closed Until Further Notice, Click Here For More Information, City Offices Closed on February 20th for Presidents Day, Community Center (Depot) & Downtown Pavillion. This has been a long time coming and something I think all our city council wants to see. Click here for the latest updates. All rights reserved. We had at the last meeting an allegation made by the public that the city council had breached the Open Meetings Act with members participating in a closed Facebook group and I would like to ask for council support to direct the city manager to hire an investigator to review and to bring back a report to city council as to any findings pertaining to that, Best said in an August 2021 council meeting.
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