2010 1,818,940 Kicked off with the 1987 publication of the TURNING POINT Christian Worldview series book Turning Point: A Christian Worldview Declaration (1987, Crossway Books) by Herbert Schlossberg and Marvin Olasky, the series was designed to advance lines of argument that would appeal both to conservative Protestant and Catholic intellectuals alike and featured such little-known but deeply influential (within certain religious right circles) books as E. Calvin Beisners Prospects For Growth: A Biblical View of Population, Resources, and the Future (1990, Crossway Books.). 2005 138,653 2003 0 As Christians, Compassion is called to be good stewards of the resources God has given us, and we are very passionate about ensuring we are. Ranked No. Compassion International is an American child sponsorship and Christian humanitarian aid organization headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, that aims to positively influence the long-term development of children globally who live in poverty . Bethel Redding is one of the strongholds of the fast-growing New Apostolic Reformation movement and promotes the doctrine that believers can wield all of the miraculous powers described in the New Testament book of Acts as having been demonstrated by Jesus apostles following his death. 2012 0, Christian Embassy EIN 95-6006173 ( CCC ministry, evangelizes on Capital Hill and in the Pentagon ), 2001 5,000 We are with you. and according to New Vision Mitala said homosexuality was one way of making the world extinct.. 2008 30,000 Headed by longtime ex-gay leader David Kyle Foster, Mastering Life Ministries (MLM) is currently producing (as its main organizational project) the Pure Passion video series which features videos of ex-gay leaders, and alleged experts who purport to describe long-discredited cures for same-sex attraction. But in all cases, we provide love, education, 2007 9,000 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning), Machine Tools, Metalworking and Metallurgy, Aboriginal, First Nations & Native American, 'Poverty stopped with us': Compassion International celebrates 70 years of ministry, World Food Day 2022: 'Many go hungry, the lucky eat once a day'. According to Scott Lively, credited with helping inflame anti-LGBT hatred from Eastern Europe and Russia to Uganda, Bright and lively were friends (see:http://www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/newsarchives.php?id=8239619); and according to Lively it was Campus Crusade For Christ leader Warren Willis who initially brought Lively to Uganda, in March 2002, to speak along with Ugandan Stephen Langa at an anti-pornography conference (see: http://www.defendthefamily.com/_docs/resources/3038513.pdf). 20012006 0 Teen Challenge Subsequent legal decisions which built upon that decision established that religious groups can rent out public school facilities on the weekends. 2002 15,300 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against the Christian Legal Society, that a CLS chapter at a public law school could only be recognized by the school if it allowed non-Christians and gays to become chapter leaders. 2003 10,500 Eldredge also stressed that the religious rights national anti-gay rights effort must be perceived as a genuine grass roots uprising. The ADF is currently representing a group of plaintiffs challenging a provision of the Affordable Care Act that requires employee health plans from for-profit employers to provide contraceptive coverage. 2011 47,000 Transgender people face high barriers to legally change their name and/or gender marker, and are somtimes required to undergo forced sterilization or compulsory psychological treatment. Everett Swanson was on a successful preaching tour in South Korea when he encountered the bitter poverty of Korea's unwanted children. Ernest LeFever was president Ronald Reagans first choice, in 1981, for the State Department assistant secretary of human rights but was rejected by the US Senate amid controversy over his stance that abuses of human rights by right wing authoritarian regimes should be addressed via quiet diplomacy; by contrast, LeFever held that the United States should directly confront human rights abuses by communist or socialist regimes. 2005 0 The fortune of the narrowly-targeted Alliance for Marriage has risen and fallen with the religious rights efforts to prevent the legalization of same-sex marriage. In addition, many of the ADFs other substantial funders, including the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation and the Edgar and Ellen Prince Foundation, are represented at The Gathering along with the National Christian Foundation. I would have either gotten into crime and drugs, which were always available around me. frontline church partners, we provide children with the opportunity to rise above their 2013 0, Christian Anti Defamation Commission (EIN 65-0962138). 2005 51,000 [14], Compassion International is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability[15] in the US, holds a grade of "A" from CharityWatch,[16][17] and has met the "20 Standards for Charity Accountability" from the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance. 2013 0, Christian Broadcasting Network (EIN 54-0678752), As exhaustively documented by Right Wing Watch (RWW), a project of People For the American Way, the Christian Broadcasting Network, founded by Pat Robertson, has been a major global vector for anti-LGBT propaganda and right-wing conspiracy theory (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/search/node/%22Christian%20Broadcasting%20Network%22), In 2013 on CBN, Robertson made the claim, as characterized by RWW, that gay people in San Francisco try to cut peoples fingers with special rings in order to infect them with AIDS (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/gay-aids-ring-video-pat-robertson-doesnt-want-you-see). 2004 15,500 2005 8,000 Compassion International Colorado Springs CO 80997 800-336-7676 Colorado Spgs CO | IRS ruling year: 2014 | EIN: 36-2423707 Compassion International is a Christian child development organization working to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. has a history of hyperbolic claims, such as concerning the U.S. Air Forces firing of Senior Master Sgt. Director of TruthXChange Dr. Peter Jones is author of Letter To a Homosexual Friend, in which he writes (see: http://truthxchange.com/books/letter-to-a-homosexual-friend/). [9], The organization also helps in emergency situations and in the funding of health centers. When you sponsor a child, you care for and 2004 10,500 In its Fall 2011 issue, the Ivy League Observer featured an article by one of the leaders of the Princeton Group initiative, venture capitalist Chuck Stetson, a co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage and the CEO of the (anti-gay) National Marriage Week. Headed by Georgia pastor Fred Hartley Jr. III, the Revival Prayer Institute has financed travel, by American evangelicals from the Christian and Missionary Alliance, to Africa and elsewhere to establish satellite branches of the College of Prayer. Featured speakers at the 2009 AI Ethiopia conference included Campus Crusade for Christ (now rebranded as Cru) Vice Presidents Bekele Shanko and Delah Adadevoh who in 2013 were two of the three featured speakers at Campus Crusade For Christs Pamoja III conference held from late December 2012 into early January 2013 near Lagos, Nigeria a conference which drew upwards of two thousand young evangelical leaders from across Africa. Weve been working weve had to work on this, our team had to work on this personally to get this material done. Tjey are pain-management coping mechanisms. 29), Ed Silvoso has been credited with convening the 1999 Singapore meeting that led to the formation of one of the NARs most important apostolic networks, the International Coalition of Apostles. 2005 7,000 Homelessness. Everett Swanson (member of Converge) to help children orphaned by war in South Korea. American Family Association 2006 $11,226 2010 49,800 The hallmark of Compassion's work is one-to-one child sponsorship. 2012 160,000 It presupposes complementary but distinct roles for men and women. 2006 540,305 Founded in 1952, Compassion partners with more than 8,000 local. 2011 564,750 After being convicted and sentenced to prison for his Watergate scandal crimes, Colson converted to born-again Christianity and was subsequently personally groomed as a top Fellowship leader by longtime Fellowship head Doug Coe (note: along with Cromartie, Colson has been one of the most frequently featured speakers at The Gathering, which functions as a private philanthropic funding adjunct of The Fellowship.). The way God used sponsors through Compassion to death, and separation from God is the result of mans rebellion against God, which 2003 180,000 2011 32,300 Set up your online account. 2012 106,250. An entire literature, from Miller and other evangelical aid and development theorists, now spells out exactly how the Villars Statement vision is to be, in quite practical terms, applied in the field; and, major evangelical aid and relief organizations are now integrating this approach into their international programs. 2004 3,332,936 eternal salvation, but also for the transformation of culture and economic life. Over the years we have counseled thousands of men and women and continue to provide on-going services to over 100 people monthly. In the footnotes, on page 245, Reese refers readers to my friend David Kyle Fosters website: http://www.masteringlife.gospelcom.net, especially for homosexual issues., Andy Reese has contributed to the growing climate of homophobia in Uganda by traveling to Uganda to train pastors in the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches, Ugandas biggest network of born-again churches boasting, by some claims over 10,000 member churches, by other claims 20,000. My heart was filled with joy. 2010 1,064,925 It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians. (see: http://www.tv.com/m/shows/the-700-club/trivia/). 2005 109,750 2008 541,414 2004 2,000 2012 0 (http://www.transform-world.net/newsletters/2013/Global414Summit.pdf). The attempt to synthesize Marxist categories and Christian concepts, to equate 2007 56,717 The ex-gay ministry His Servants is run by Don Schmierer, a Program Director For Howard Ahmansons Fieldstead & Company from 1992-2011 (and maybe even more recently). We have it both in English and Spanish. 2006 50,400 Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history., Domestic Policy, and the battle against LGBT rights. 2007 2,000 Kennedy grew up in a well-known slum outside of Nairobi, Kenya called Mathare. In the mid-1990s, Bright was one of the co-founders (along with James Dobson, Larry Burkett, D. James Kennedy, Donald Wildmon, and Marlin Maddoux) of the Alliance Defense Fund (now Alliance Defending Freedom) that according to Human Rights Campaign Vice President Fred Sainz is easily the most active antigay legal group ( see: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/12/us/legal-alliance-gains-host-of-court-victories-for-conservative-christian-movement.html ) and which has emerged as a significant force in the World Congress of Families that internationally has rallied social conservatives worldwide against gay rights, and reproductive and womens rights. Even during difficult financial times in the economy, God has blessed Compassion with dedicated sponsors and donors who care deeply about impacting children around the world, allowing our ministry to continue to grow year over year. Palau is also linked to top NAR leadership by marriage, to Louis Palaus sister Ruth Noemi Palau (now Ruth Silvoso.) 2013 89,500, Florida Family Policy Council (EIN 53-2436800). Since the Rev. Pepperdine University has established close ties to the Ugandan justice system (see: http://law.pepperdine.edu/news-events/news/2010/05/judiciary.htm), through its Global Justice Program. 2009 171,100 TheCall head and co-founder Lou Engle has claimed that homosexuality can be caused by demon possession and be cured by exorcism of those demon spirits. 2010 93,949345 Compassion, Compassion International, Compassion Sunday, the Compassion Logo and the FILL THE STADIUM Logo are registered trademarks of Compassion International, Inc. All donations in the United States are tax deductible in full or part. 2002 106,000 2007 11,116 In 2006, Ugandan First Lady Janet Museveni herself traveled, with an entourage that included her daughter Patience and top Ugandan government leaders and religious leaders including Ugandan evangelist and head of Ugandas National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches Alex Mitala, to Silvosos yearly Argentina conference. 2012 1,223,550 As the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it, Paul Cameron is an infamous anti-gay propagandist whose one-man statistical chop shop, the Family Research Institute, churns out hate literature masquerading as legitimate science. During that 2006 ADF briefing to The Gathering, Family Research Council head Tony Perkins gave a special presentation in which Perkins declared the LGBT rights movement to be the second most dire threat to America next to militant Islam. 2005 82,800 2007 16,824 Christian Union events and magazine coverage have showcased numerous leaders who have been featured speakers at The Gathering including Eric Metaxas, the late Charles Colson, and Marvin Olasky. 2008 9,000 (see: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/11/christian-legal-society-martinez-upends-campus-religious-groups_n_1508295.html and http://www.clsnet.org/page.aspx?pid=528). In this paradigm, Homosexuality is generally understood as, variously, caused by or association with demon possession or demonization; homosexual acts open the door to those conditions. 2002 0 Freedom Tools goes into considerable detail concerning the actual process of carrying out exorcisms, including providing specific language, chants or incantations, which are to be used in the process. 2003 5,000 2002 32,500 2008 71,200 2004 9,500 Your donation helps children when they need it most.. For information regarding COVID-19 and how Compassion is working through it, please visit our COVID-19 FAQ page. But is it hopeless? 2004 104,200 Up until the death of its founder D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries served as a leading force for Christian dominionism in America. Here are a few you can contact: Restored Hope Network, PO Box 22281, Milwaukie, OR 97269 (www.restoredhopenetwork.com); Outpost, P.O. 2005 22,000 The Explosive Power of the New Apostolic Reformation, http://www.twocare.org/gathering-greens-etc/, Marco Rubio Attends a Radical Anti-Gay Mega-Church With Extreme Beliefs, Anti-Gay Policy, Exorcisms, and Creationism At Marco Rubios Miami Church, Truth Wins Out Commends Former Ex-Gay Leader Randy Thomas For Coming Out As Gay, Truth Wins Out Dismayed By TLC Special Promoting False Ex-Gay Identity, PFOX Humiliated After Billboard Twin Turns Out to be Gay and Not a Twin, Pence, Sessions, Price, Pompeo, Conaway Sponsor Antigay, Anti-Islam, Creationist Bible Study Network, One Half of Freedom 2015 Cosponsors Funded By National Christian Foundation, Twocare.org Investigation Reveals, The Biggest Anti-LGBT Rights Funder In America: Case Study #1 The Alliance Defending Freedom, From U.S. to S. Korea to Africa, Christian Anti-Gay Activism Led By The NAR, Embattled Homophobic President of Burundi Tied To Anti-Gay New Apostolic Reformation.
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