This led to a heavy argument between Bob and Emmett and created bitterness between them on the way to the robbery. They missed Cole by several hours who had already taken the train to Salt Lake where Kay and his deputy followed. A very large portion in the Oregon Area as well! Joining afterwards were Bill Doolin, Dick Broadwell, Bill Powers, and Charley Pierce. Kay nudged the door open with his elbow, aimed his revolver at Bill and said, "Bill! This mountain would later be known as Dalton Mountain. Due to the sensationalism that surrounded the Dalton Gang's exploits, they were accused of robberies all over the country but operated chiefly in California, Kansas, Oklahoma Territory, and Indian Territory. The first possibility is town of Dalton, in Lancashire, England, which was originally named Dale-ton, and meant the town in the dale. Grat and McCardle fired at each other almost simultaneously. The brothers who were members of the Dalton Gang were Bob, Grat, Emmett, and Bill.[4]. On the morning of Oct. 5, 1892, Bob, Grat, and Emmett, together with Dick Broadwell and Bill Powers, rode into Coffeyville, Kan., intent upon robbing the towns two banks. In 1954, the actor Robert Bray played Emmett Dalton in the episode "The Dalton Gang" of the syndicated western television series, Stories of the Century, starring Jim Davis as fictitious Southwestern Railroad detective Matt Clark. The second possibility is D'Alton, which was later shortened to Dalton, meaning a high hill. Grat returned to Oklahoma in the spring of 1892 and shortly afterward joined his brothers gang. The gang specialized in bank and train robberies. McCue of the Montgomery County District Court for second degree murder. Bob discovered his location in Timber Hills while Grat was away searching in Coffeyville and went ahead to lead the posse in making the arrest himself before Montgomery could escape the territory. The cellmates would sing and talk to drown out the sound of the saw. The family traces back to Abraham Lehmann, a cattle merchant in Rimpar, Bavaria, who changed his Yiddish (German-Jewish) surname Lw (Loeb) to the German . Cole had split up with Grat at Gila Bend, Arizona after the two got in argument in which Cole was trying to convince Grat not to join Bob and Emmett. Bob and Emmett were able to steal horses and riding rigs. A rail ticket from California to Indian territory was too expensive for the boys, so Bob and Emmett crossed the Tehachapi's and began riding across the Mojave Desert while Bill went ahead by train to lay out food and supplies for them. Hello!". He began walking behind his plow when he felt a rifle poke him in the ribs. He married Minnie McDaniel on July 30, 1910. When the train came in at 9:45pm, they backed a wagon up to the express car and unloaded all the contents. Street work was being done at the time, and one of the workers noticed the men dog-trotting across the alley with rifles, and began to yell, "The Daltons are robbing the bank!" One of the brothers moved to oklahoma yet died in California. While their older brother "Bill" Dalton never joined any heists, he served as their spy and informant. To help pay him the two thousand dollars he asked for, Bill sold almost all of his horses and mules. Leona outlived all of her brothers and sisters. Expecting there to be an escape, and because none of the other deputies would listen to him, Wagy decided to quit. (He was pardoned in 1907, reformed, and led a respectable businessmans life in Los Angeles until his death on July 13, 1937.) For some reason, however, the body was buried as Bill Powers. She then traveled to Visalia with her two daughters, as well as her sons Ben, Cole, Lit and Bill, for Grat's trial. alton, Louis Kossuth Dalton, Bea Elizabeth Lelia Phillips (born Dalton), Littleton "lit" Lee Dalton, John Franklin Dalton, Grat Roy Reynolds Dalton, Roy Johnson, Genie Gilstrap Perrier (born Dalton), May 3 1871 - Cas Co, Belton, Cass County, Missouri, United States, July 13 1937 - Hollywood, Los Angeles County, California, United States. The Dalton Gang's criminal enterprise was ended on October 5, 1892 when they attempted to rob two banks at once in Coffeyville, Kansas. The only evidence found at the robbery was a coat made from a tailor from Visalia. The second train robbery by the Dalton Gang in Oklahoma was at a small station called Lelietta on September 15, 1891, about four miles north of Wagoner, Oklahoma. One night, Jim Wagy heard a noise in the basement and upon investigation discovered that someone had tried to break the lock to the grated window. The Lehman family is a prominent family of Jewish German-Americans who founded the financial firm Lehman Brothers.Some were also involved in American politics. Send flowers to the service of Pastor Terence Hundrey Hambrick He also said that Grat was accompanied by Riley Dean, the man who had been arrested with Bill for the Ceres robbery, as well as a dog. Lindsey in Ardmore, Oklahoma, tracked him to the cabin and surrounded it on June 8, 1894. Kay and his deputy were following only one or two days behind them, but couldn't get any officers at the towns ahead of them to make an arrest. Unclaimed. This family hails from Tennessee, but eventually ends up in Montana by 1883's end. Emmett was then hit in the back with a load of buckshot. 6 Jul 1879, d. 13 Sep 1928 in Oklahoma City. Bob and Emmett then took a train headed back to Needles before stopping at Kingman. James Lewis Dalton and Adeline (Younger) Dalton (whose sons gave their name to the Dalton gang) had fifteen children and ten of those fifteen were boys. When they came back into the front room both Maggie Rucker and the girl remained quiet as they both expected Kay to have been killed. He was found 2 miles away, dead. He then decided the sack bag was too heavy to carry, and ordered the silver taken out, then stashed what cash he could fit into his coat pockets. Middleton had been threatened by Dalton for not helping him escape the country fast enough and was afraid of him. Angered by the charges against Grat and Bill which he knew to be false, Bob decided that the best way to help his brothers would be to acquire enough money to pay for their bail and defense. In close order, the five crossed Walnut Street from the alley to the Condon Bank, holding Winchester rifles close along their legs. After being left on the sidewalk by Bob and Emmett, Thomas Ayres had run into one of the hardware stores and grabbed a rifle. Emmett Dalton (May 3, 1871 July 13, 1937) was an American outlaw, train robber and member of the Dalton Gang in the American Old West. His deputy abandoned him after being wounded. Part of the ill-fated Dalton raid on two banks in Coffeyville, Kansas, he survived despite receiving 23 gunshot wounds. Around eleven, they noticed Dalton and Dean returning from their hunt, so they sent deputy Perry Byrd to go and retrieve Kay. After the train left Hennessey, and was approaching the stop at Waukomis, Oklahoma, Short noticed a group of mounted men who looked as if they were trying to beat the train, and feared it was the Dalton Gang coming to free Bryant. ", Jim Wagy also showed up after the break out to overlook the scene. He was born to Lewis and Adeline Dalton and was the youngest of the Dalton brothers. In 1883, viewers meet the Duttons who settle in Montana near Yellowstone National Park and found the Yellowstone Ranch.James Dutton (Tim McGraw) is the patriarch of the family, a Civil War veteran . Riley would feed the outlaws, and would do the same for any passing officers, but he would never reveal each other's whereabouts to either parties. Emmett Dalton (May 3, 1871 July 13, 1937) was a train robber and member of the Dalton Gang in the American Old West. The Daltons had plenty of friends in the area willing to hide them and easily lost Kay once they were in familiar territory. Officers were watching Lit at Clovis Cole's, but didn't think to watch Owen's place. All in the band were killed except Emmett, who was wounded and spent 14 years in Kansas State Penitentiary in Lansing. Some years later, Lit Dalton asserted that Bob and Emmett had told him many times that they had robbed the train. Marshal; Grat Dalton (leader of the Dalton Gang); Bill Dalton (co-leader of the Wild Bunch); Eva May Dalton; Bob Dalton (Dalton Gang); Leona Randolph Dalton; Nancy May Dalton; Simon Noel "Si" Dalton; Hannah Adeline Dalton and Robert Renick "Bob" Dalton less, 4346 Bailey Ave, Amherst, NY 14226-2133 +1 716-838-2233 Website. The stakeout ended in Montomerys death. The next day, Christmas Eve, 1891, the posse of both Sheriff Kay and Sheriff Hensley woke up at three in the morning and ascended the mountain to Dalton's camp. Share. Emmett Dalton was portrayed by Frank Albertson. In 1910 he bacame a special Peace Officer in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Lit noticed that Grat's horse was indeed limp and agreed to help Grat sell it. McCardle's bullet flew straight over Dalton, but Grat's bullet struck the tree within inches of McCardle's face and filled his eyes with bark. A fourth brother, William M. "Bill" Dalton (1866-1894) was an outlaw as well and mainly rode with the Wild Bunch. Emmett, however, was against the idea. Part of the ill-fated Dalton raid on two banks in Coffeyville, Kansas, he survived despite receiving 23 gunshot wounds. After he left, the judge asked Yoes who the man was, as he seemed educated and well-informed. Henry Coleman "cole" Dalton, Lewis Kossuth Dalton, Bea Elizabeth Dalton, Littleton Lee "lit" Dalton, Lelia Dalton, F Roy Reynolds Dalton, Roy Johnson, Genie Gilstrap Dalton. Hannah Adeline Dalton (a twin) b. Short took the prisoner back and placed him in the baggage car. Frank is buried in Coffeyville, Kansas. Ayres was not killed, but he remained paralyzed for life. By Stephanie Dalton March 03, 2008 at 03:10:47 Hello, I am trying to find a family tree for the Dalton family of which 2 members of the Dalton gang are from. At about 8am, a telegraph messenger came into the room and handed the deputy marshal a telegram, reporting the robbery at Red Rock by the Daltons at 10pm the previous night. She was born on April 10, 1956, in Berea, Kentucky, the daughter of the late John M. & Eliza Jane (Isaacs) Webb. When Bill and Dean were acquitted, Bill was rearrested by Kay after his bondsmen were convinced to withdraw by detective Hume. He was a saloon keeper in Kansas City, Missouri when he married Adeline Lee Younger. He was given a life sentence in the penitentiary in Lansing, Kansas and pardoned after fourteen years. Kay tracked the Daltons to their mother's home, and kept watch of the house for a few days before being forced to return to Kingfisher because of bad weather.
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