The precision-balanced barrel and one-piece alloy design offer a clean, consistent swing to control the wrath of this ultra-responsive rainmaker.One-Piece Alloy Construction: clean, consistent, traditional swing feel2nd Generation . Knobs are aftermarket that fit the following type of bats (list for fit only). Demarini Bats 1-48 of 116 results for "demarini bats" RESULTS Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. DANS LA PLEINE MESURE PERMISE PAR LES LOIS APPLICABLES, SAUF SI VOUS AVEZ INTENT UNE RCLAMATION INDIVIDUELLE ADMISSIBLE DEVANT LE TRIBUNAL DES PETITES CRANCES OU SI VOUS VOUS TES EXCLU DE LA MANIRE DCRITE CI-APRS, TOUTE CONTROVERSE OU RCLAMATION LIE DE QUELQUE MANIRE QUE CE SOIT VOTRE BTON DEMARINI, Y COMPRIS TOUTE CONTROVERSE OU RCLAMATION DCOULANT DE LA PRSENTE GARANTIE, DUNE VIOLATION DE CETTE GARANTIE OU DE LA VENTE, DE LTAT OU DE LA PERFORMANCE DU BTON DEMARINI, SERA TRANCHE PAR ARBITRAGE OBLIGATOIRE ADMINISTR PAR LAMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION ET MEN PAR UN SEUL ARBITRE NOMM PAR LAMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION, CONFORMMENT SES RGLES DARBITRAGE COMMERCIAL ET SES PROCDURES SUPPLMENTAIRES POUR LES LITIGES AYANT TRAIT AUX CONSOMMATEURS. The decal is single JBL Logo Decal Sticker. Be aware that your bat is susceptible to damage in cold weather (under 60F), which significantly increases ball hardness. Two-piece bats consist of separate Barrels and Handles that are connected through a transition piece in the taper area of the bat. Ray DeMarini, a Portland-area businessman who partnered with engineer Mike Eggiman to wow the softball world with the pair's bat technology, especially after debuting the world's first. We want you to have a game-winning experience when you visit and order from DANS LA PLEINE MESURE PERMISE PAR LES LOIS APPLICABLES, TOUT DIFFREND, QUE CE SOIT EN ARBITRAGE, DEVANT LE TRIBUNAL OU AUTREMENT, SERA MEN EXCLUSIVEMENT SUR UNE BASE INDIVIDUELLE. The ZnX Aluminum Alloy. (Save Serial Sticker That Comes With Bat . View DeMarini high performance bats including baseball bats, fastpitch bats and slowpitch bats from youth to collegiate level. Opti Grip Knob - Smaller Knob Shape Increases Comfort & Allows A Batters' Bottom Finger[s] To Lay Over Or Under The Knob For Increased Leverage When Swinging The Bat. ", Custom Baseball Helmet Name Decal for Team Gift, Sports Water Bottle Sticker, Bat Helmet Label, Little League Decal, Baseball Bucket Decal, "The stickers for the axe handle bat were perfect. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. 30" 17 oz. What bats are eligible for personalization? DeMarini Nihilist Dale Brungardt 12" Endload USA Slow Pitch Softball Bat: . Original Price NT$207.35 Complaint Type: Great, we have answers. Read our Cookie Policy. After barrels are baked, bat craftsmen personally decorate the barrels, applying the decals and graphics by hand. Since this warranty concerns a transaction in interstate or international commerce, the Federal Arbitration Act will apply. (15% off), Sale Price NT$115.02 Sell now Shop with confidence eBay Money Back Guarantee Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Once bats are assembled, grips are wrapped around the handle of the bat and secured with grip tape. Mix and match eligible items for extrasavings! If you just looked at it you would say there is a rock under the grip, but you can slightly hammer it back into the handle and then it works it's way back out again. The sticker . En vertu de la prsente garantie limite, DeMarini offrira une seule rparation ou un seul remplacement de votre bton non en bois dans un dlai dun an suivant la date dachat ( Priode de garantie ) pour les trois problmes suivants rsultant dune utilisation normale sur le terrain -- (1) bosselures significatives, (2) fissuration structurale, ou (3) bouchons ou boutons briss. Also brings swag to your game. Residents Only) will not apply. Stick Bandits Awareness Stickers. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. Si un bton qui a t ainsi certifi ou approuv au moment de sa fabrication perd subsquemment cette certification ou approbation, DeMarini peut alors, son entire discrtion, crer un programme de rajustement, de rparation ou de remplacement du bton et/ou fournir un bon devant tre utilis en vue de lachat dautres produits DeMarini sur ou What if I want to return my personalized bat? There is not abackground color. Custom created images are stored in our Bat Personalizer for 90 days. 2017 Dinger SlingerSlowpitchBat Features: Please note that some of the size markers on the knobs are missing due to DeMarini's use of inferior sticker adhesive. Click here to see our full return policy. We'd be happy to assist. Original Price 6.80 Approx. 31" 18 oz. Because bat knobs vary in size and surface, chooses eligible bats that are guaranteed to handle the decal. How do I determine what size bat I should get? IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE BOUND BY THE BINDING ARBITRATION AGREEMENT AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER, THEN: (1) you must notify DeMarini in writing within sixty (60) days of the date that you purchased the bat; (2) your written notification must be mailed to DeMarini at 1 Prudential Plaza, 130 E. Randolph Street, Suite 600, Chicago, IL 60601; and (3) your written notification must include (a) your name, (b) your address, (c) the date you purchased the product, and (d) a clear statement that you wish to opt out of the binding arbitration agreement and class action waiver. Learn about the history of the DeMarini Voodoo Baseball Bat. One Year Manufacturer Warranty (Unless You Purchase Used Item, See, Rawlings Workhorse Batting Gloves (Adult Pair) WH22BG, Miken Pro Series Slowpitch Softball Glove 13" PRO130-WSN, Lizard Skins Bat Wrap 0.5mm Thin Grip DSP, Dudley 12" ASA Thunder SY Hycon Slowpitch Softball (1 Dozen) 4A-069Y, Mizuno Pancake Paddle Training Glove 10" GXT3A 312592, Rawlings Softball Fielder's Mask RSBFM/RSBFMJ, Rawlings Select Pro Lite Baseball Glove 11.5" SPL115KB. What if I don't like my personalized knob? Quick shipping also! Original Price NT$178.91 What are the 2018 USA Baseball Youth Bat Standards? ratings/reviews displayed here may not be representative of every listing on this page, or of every review for these listings. Or fastest delivery Jan 6 - 9 . SI VOTRE BTON EXPRIENCES (1) BOSSELURES SIGNIFICATIVES, (2) FISSURATION STRUCTURALE, OU (3) BOUCHONS OU BOUTONS BRISES, SIL VOUS PLAT, ARRTEZ DUTILISER VOTRE BTON ET SOUMETTRE UNE DEMANDE DE GARANTIE. Yes! La prsente garantie sapplique dans la mesure maximale non interdite par la loi. $4.99. All orders are shipped the same business day when ordered by 7:00 PM Central Time unless otherwise noted. It is basically the re-make of the Flipper 1.20 that had been made in years past. Need help in finding, selecting, or caring for your bat? This bat requires special care, as it is engineered with thin walls designed to enhance performance. What can I personalize and what are my options? Bat Handle Decals will hold up and look great under the dirtiest, messiest field conditions. Bought a custom Demarini Goods bat in November 2022 and have to my son as a Christmas present. Because bat knobs vary in size and surface, chooses eligible bats that are guaranteed to handle the decal. Submitting a claim to binding arbitration means that you do not have the right to have your claim heard by a judge or jury, either individually or a part of a class of consumers. Or why the big price drop for a fairly new bat. Please click on a specific listing for more information about its average rating and to see more customer reviews. The arbitrator will not award consequential damages, and any award will be limited to monetary damages and will include no equitable relief, injunction, or direction to any party other than the direction to pay a monetary amount. Only the black part of the product image will be cut as the decal, in whatever color you choose. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. Sale Price 26.69 This DeMarini CF Zen USA Tee Ball Bat (WTDXUCT) features a lightweight drop 13 length to weight ratio, a skinny 2 1/4-inch barrel diameter, and the new USA Baseball (Usabats) certification. Within each box, customers will find their bat along with a collection of DeMarini stickers. Original Price NT$261.98 If the Male Stem on the knob is broke you will need a replacement knob. 1-866-321-2287. Please upgrade to a supported browser: Answer a few simple questions to find your perfect bat. SEE THE DEALERS RETURN POLICY FOR DETAILS AND/OR ADDITIONAL RETURN REQUIREMENTS. Also, I got an extra decal for replacement if necessary. Baseball Bat Knob Decal Sticker - Hustle Brand: JRS Decals 6 ratings $699 Get Fast, Free Shipping with Amazon Prime About this item 1.5" Bat Knob Decal Sticker Set 4 included in pack Hustle Made in the USA Customers also search Page 1 of 1 softball bat labels softball bat decal custom bat decal baseball bat identifier bat identification You can try reloading the page by clickinghere. Once an order is placed, the sale is final. (10% off). Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. The dispute will be governed by the laws of the state or territory in which you resided at the time of your purchase (if in the United States). If you are having any issues accessing information on this website, please contact Demarinis customer service center by telephone at USA 1-800-401-7967. 2000-2023 Pro Athlete, Inc. 10800 North Pomona Ave, Kansas City, MO 64153. 7027, When ordering please message me with number you want on your decal. Shop Now | Watch the Video 2. Original Price NT$232.59 If you do not have a logo to upload enter in your web address here and we will try to get your logo. Only the black part of the product image will be cut as the decal, in whatever color you choose. Do not hit the bat against metal cleats, rocks or anything other than regulation game balls as this will damage your bat and void your warranty. In order to give you the best experience, we use cookies and similar technologies for performance, analytics, personalisation, advertising, and to help our site function. La prsente garantie contient une clause darbitrage obligatoire et une renonciation aux recours collectifs pour les rsidents des tats-Unis. Shipping out replacement size sticker in the mail. AS NOTED, SOME STATES (INCLUDING, NEW JERSEY) AND PROVINCES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Custom stickers for DeMarini getting cut out on our digital die cutters. Our goal is to enhance the bat personalization each day by working with customers, staff, players, and bat manufacturers. Dans la mesure o une version traduite de la prsente garantie contredit la version anglaise, la version anglaise prvaudra alors. Thanks for signing up and welcome to theteam! NT$152.08, NT$178.91 Call Beyond Limits Featuring the latest in bat design innovation, the Ghost Unlimited fastpitch bat is here to take your game to another level. Due to copyrights and trademarks, we ask that you choose content that does not violate another party's intellectual property rights. Please note that some of the size markers on the knobs are missing due to DeMarini's use of inferior sticker adhesive. Size refers to the longest dimension, either wide or high. Custom Made To Order; Starting At: $9.99; Customize Order. TO THE GREATEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE DESCRIBED ABOVE. We also can ship the knob to you for a self-install, although I recommend that we install the knob for a secure fit. These 4 or 5-star reviews represent the opinions of the individuals who posted them and do not reflect the views of Etsy. Starting at $7.99 USD | $10.95 CAD; . Please call the DeMarini Bat Care Center at 800-401-1835 for warranty claims on custom models. Marucci CAT7 -3 BBCOR Baseball Bat Shine at the plate with the CAT7. The JustBats Batter's Kit features a bat weight (donut), thumb pad, knob pad, pine tar stick, and a Lizard Skin bat grip all at an . Baseball Bat knobs ; Baseball Bat Knob Stickers; Baseball Bat Knob Stickers. Utilisez uniquement un savon doux et de leau pour le nettoyage. CONSULTEZ LA POLITIQUE DE RETOUR DU REVENDEUR POUR DE PLUS AMPLES RENSEIGNEMENTS ET/OU POUR CONNATRE LES EXIGENCES SUPPLMENTAIRES APPLICABLES AU RETOUR. . COMBAT DeMarini Easton Homewood Bat Kren Bat Co Louisville Slugger M . Over 95% of the currently sold bats are eligible for personalization! Demarini is committed to achieving Level AA conformance for this website under the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, and other applicable accessibility standards. ", Personalized Baseball or Softball Bat Knob Stickers for Axe Handle or Standard Bats-Set of 4 Decals for your Bat, Helmet & Water Bottle, "Another great decal from a great company", Personalized Baseball or Softball Number Decals* Team Decals*Water Bottle Decals*Dugout Bucket Decals*Baseball Decals*Softball Decals, "The decal turned out better then i expected. It just comes down to personal preference. NT$197.76, NT$232.59 Also, when selecting the same color barrel and decals, decals may be more difficult to see than what . If you are having trouble finding it, you can always contact DeMarini customer service for assistance. 1-866-321-2287. DeMarini team members match finished knobs and end caps with their barrels, sealing them to the ends of the bat. Note - DeMarini reserves the right to refuse warranty service to any person who, in DeMarinis sole discretion, abuses its products or warranty policy. DO NOT use solvents or any ammonia-based products. One-piece bats swing stiffer and will be less-forgiving on mishit balls. Feedback 99.2% (377) Used Louisville Slugger MLB Prime Signature Series VG27 Vladimir Guerrero Jr. NT$146.64, NT$244.40 Custom Name and Number bat knob decal set for baseball or softball bats. Over 95% of the currently sold bats are eligible for personalization! Also find accessories, bags and apparel. That's the JustBats promise. grip, knob, end cap and more. DeMarini: (800) 401-1835 Dove Tail Bats: (207) 695-4663, Easton: (888) 259-1297, Louisville: (800) 401-7908 Marucci: (225) 291-2552, Miken: (877) 807-5291, Mizuno: (800) 966-1211 Rawlings: (800) 729-5464 ext. Have never had any issues what so ever! Put your Name and Number at the bottom of your bat. 11.56, 13.60 The decal is single Louisville Slugger Logo Decal Sticker. There is not abackground color. If the class action waiver is found to be unenforceable, then the entire section titled Binding Arbitration Agreement; Class Action Waiver (U.S. Residents Only) carefully. (10% off), Sale Price 18.61 DANS LA PLEINE MESURE PERMISE PAR LES LOIS APPLICABLES, IL NY A AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPLICITE AUTRE QUE CELLES DCRITES CI-DESSUS. DEMARINI AND YOU AGREE THAT NO PARTY WILL HAVE THE RIGHT OR AUTHORITY FOR ANY DISPUTE TO BE ARBITRATED AS A CLASS ACTION, A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL ACTION, OR IN ANY OTHER PROCEEDING IN WHICH EITHER PARTY ACTS OR PROPOSES TO ACT IN A REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY. Original Price 109.81 Demarini Logo Baseball Sticker Decal. On top of that, the Zero-Loss collar and connection joint creates a smooth connection between handle and barrel to eliminate any drag or vibration. * Canadian orders will be converted to CAD at checkout Page. No, this is approved for USSSA 1.20 BPF, NSA, and ISA. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state and province to province. RETURN YOUR BAT TO THE DEALER OF PURCHASE. Our tacky stickers will stick to the bottom of your baseball bat. Veuillez lire attentivement le texte sous la section intitule Clause darbitrage obligatoire; Renonciation aux recours collectifs (rsidents des tats-Unis seulement) . Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. Each component of the bat, from knob to end cap, is designed to maximize every ounce of performance. Custom 100 Dollar bills background Bat knob decal set for baseball or softball bats. Once an order is placed, DeMarini craftsmen identify and package the bats decals, end cap, knob, and other components together while sending the barrel to the paint line. If DeMarini determines that your bat is covered by the warranty, then DeMarini will at its sole option and in its sole discretion (1) repair your bat, or (2) replace your bat with the same model bat, or (3) replace your bat with a comparable bat should your bat be discontinued or otherwise unavailable, or (4) provide you with a voucher to be used toward the purchase of other DeMarini products on or The process typically takes 2-4 days to complete, but there is an option to complete the service within one day of receiving (the needs to arrive before noon est for next day shipping). Packaging the Bats Custom baseball bats and fastpitch softball bats get royal treatment in the DeMarini facility. If you'd like to personalize each bat, add the pack to your cart. TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE, Y COMPRIS UNE GARANTIE IMPLICITE DE CARACTRE MARCHAND ET DAPTITUDE UNE FIN PARTICULIRE, SERA DE DURE LIMITE CELLE DE LA PRIODE DE GARANTIE SUSMENTIONNE. Only the black part of the product image will be cut as the decal, in whatever color you choose. Copyright Baseball Bandits. All decals are the same size; bats, however, are not. Toute marque, tout graphisme ou tout autocollant appos sur un bton DeMarini indiquant que le bton est certifi ou conforme la norme dun organisme de rglementation tiers particulier ( savoir, BBCOR, USA Baseball ou USSSA) signifie uniquement que le bton a t ainsi certifi au moment de sa fabrication et aucun moment ultrieur. Wanna skip the hassle of applying the bat grip on your own? The sticker has NO impact the bat whatsoever as far as durability or performance. Only the black part of the product image will be cut as the decal, in whatever color you choose. Daddy Hacks Knob Sticker. seulement) ne sappliquera pas dans un tel cas. Si DeMarini vient la conclusion que votre bton est couvert par la garantie, DeMarini vous offrira alors son entire discrtion (1) la rparation de votre bton, ou (2) le remplacement de votre bton par le mme modle de bton, ou (3) le remplacement de votre bton par un bton comparable dans lhypothse o votre bton serait retir ou ne serait pas disponible par ailleurs, ou (4) un bon devant tre utilis en vue de lachat dautres produits DeMarini sur ou 11/15/2022. It seems some bats are more susceptible to breaking. Original Price 31.40 From the cart page, you can personalize each bat within the pack you've created. CERTAINS TATS (Y COMPRIS LE NEW JERSEY) ET PROVINCES NE PERMETTENT AUCUNE LIMITATION LA DURE DUNE GARANTIE IMPLICITE; IL SE PEUT DONC QUE LA LIMITATION CI-DESSUS NE SAPPLIQUE PAS VOUS. Bat Knob Stickers are extremely durable and will withstand any dirt, mud, or water. USA Flag Knob Sticker. Si la renonciation aux recours collectifs est juge tre inexcutoire, lensemble de la section intitule Clause darbitrage obligatoire, Renonciation aux recours collectifs (rsidents des .-U.
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