For example, D:\Sales and D:\Accounting can be the root paths for two replicated folders, but D:\Sales and D:\Sales\Reports cannot be the root paths for two replicated folders. No. No. Hope this can be helpful. RDC divides a file into blocks. It's possible for individual members of a replication group to stay within a quota before replication, but exceed it when files are replicated. Since things are going so well, I think Ill kick back and read some DFSR best practices info from Warren Williams . From those, I hope you end up creating perfectly tailored solutions to all your day-to-day DFSR administrative needs. DFS Replication uses the topology defined by the administrator, which is independent of Active Directory Domain Services site costing. If the initial replication fails or the DFS Replication service restarts during the replication, the primary member sees the primary member designation in the local DFS Replication database and retries the initial replication. Antivirus applications can cause excessive replication if their scanning activities alter the files in a replicated folder. Heres a simple example put together by our Windows PowerShell developer, Daniel Ong, that shows this off: Its pretty nifty, check out this short demo video. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. * You can optionally disable cross-file RDC on Windows Server2012R2. DFS Replication does replicate files that are encrypted by using non-Microsoft software, but only if it does not set the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED attribute value on the file. DFS Replication can safely replicate Microsoft Outlook personal folder files (.pst) and Microsoft Access files only if they are stored for archival purposes and are not accessed across the network by using a client such as Outlook or Access (to open .pst or Access files, first copy the files to a local storage device). Hard link files are ignored by DFS Replication and are not replicated. To remove a server from a specific membership but leave them in an RG, set their membership state to disabled using Set-DfsrMembership DisableMembership $true . Weve been beating the Windows PowerShell drum for years now, but sometimes, new cmdlets dont offer better ways to do things, only different ways. DFSRDIAG is part of the DFS Management Tools and it's not being installed by default. If RDC is turned off, DFS Replication completely restarts the file transfer. Changed portions of files are compressed before being sent for all file types except the following (which are already compressed): .wma, .wmv, .zip, .jpg, .mpg, .mpeg, .m1v, .mp2, .mp3, .mpa, .cab, .wav, .snd, .au, .asf, .wm, .avi, .z, .gz, .tgz, and .frx. DFS Replication does not replicate files that are encrypted by using the Encrypting File System (EFS). You'll see Event ID 4614 and 4604 in the DFSR event log indicating sysvol replication has been initialized. To overwrite the configured schedule, use the WMI method ForceReplicate(). DFS Replication and DFS Namespaces can be used separately or together. This prevents DFS Replication from replicating these files until they are closed. Yes. The sample is useable for simpler setup cases and also demonstrates (with plenty of comments!) By default, a maximum of 16 (four in Windows Server2003R2) concurrent downloads are shared among all connections and replication groups. 2. No. Cross-file RDC uses a heuristic to determine files that are similar to the file that needs to be replicated, and uses blocks of the similar files that are identical to the replicating file to minimize the amount of data transferred over the WAN. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DFS Management. You want to force the non-authoritative synchronization of sysvol replication on a domain controller (DC). To upgrade or replace a DFS Replication member, see this blog post on the Ask the Directory Services Team blog: Replacing DFSR Member Hardware or OS. DFS Replication does not continue to stage files outside of scheduled replication times, if the bandwidth throttling quota has been exceeded, or when connections are disabled. If no changes are allowed on the branch servers, then there is nothing to replicate back, simulating a one-way connection and keeping WAN utilization low. To recover lost files, restore the files from the file system folder or shared folder using File History, the Restore previous versions command in File Explorer, or by restoring the files from backup. Yes. Windows Server 2012 and 2008 R2 dfsrdiag 1 dfsrdiag syncnow /RGName:"Domain System Volume" /Partner:OTHER_DC /Time:15 /v PowerShell 1 Sync-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName "Domain System Volume" -SourceComputerName "AD-01" -DestinationComputerName "AD-02" -DurationInMinutes 15 Not impressed? entry to further clarify how DFS Replication handles hard links and reparse points. 8 The legacy DFSR administration tools do not have the capability to clone databases. For more information, Testing Antivirus Application Interoperability with DFS Replication ( SYSVOL is replicated using DFSR. If you choose to disable RDC on a connection, test the replication efficiency before and after the change to verify that you have improved replication performance. If you need to change the path of a replicated folder, you must delete it in DFS Management and add it back as a new replicated folder. Dfsrdiag.exe is a command-line tool that can generate a backlog count or trigger a propagation test. What would DFSR Windows PowerShell do? For more information, see Make a Replicated Folder Read-Only on a Particular Member ( That domain controller has now done a D2 of sysvol replication. The old admin tools work against one node at a time DFSR Windows PowerShell should scale without extensive scripting. Replication groups can span across domains within a single forest but not across different forests. All parameters are filled in contextually, from target properties. For a list of editions that support cross-file RDC, see Which editions of the Windows operating system support cross-file RDC? Best practices and the latest news on Microsoft FastTrack, The employee experience platform to help people thrive at work, Expand your Azure partner-to-partner network, Bringing IT Pros together through In-Person & Virtual events. exactly how to write your very own DFSR scripts. The Conflict and Deleted folder is not replicated, and this method of conflict resolution avoids the problem of morphed directories that was possible in FRS. This ensures that the RPC communication across the Internet is always encrypted. This can take up to an hour, and I have things do. Computer: For more information, see Review Requirements for DFS Replication ( Hmmm. The following list provides a set of scalability guidelines that have been tested by Microsoft on Windows Server 2012, Windows Server2008R2, and Windows Server2008: Size of all replicated files on a server: 10 terabytes. If you are using Windows Server2008 or Windows Server2003 R2, you can simulate a one-way connection by performing the following actions: Train administrators to make changes only on the server(s) that you want to designate as primary servers. Files are staged on the sending member when the receiving member requests the file (unless the file is 64 KB or smaller) as shown in the following table. Updated the What are the supported limits of DFS Replication? Certain scenarios are supported when replicating roaming user profiles. This can result in sharing violations because an open file isn't replicated until the file is closed. Number of replicated files on a volume: 11 million. The amount of disk traffic is still proportional to the size of the files because the files must be read to and from the staging folder. The staging folder location is configured on the Advanced tab of the Properties dialog box for each member of a replication group. DFS Replication does not replicate the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY value. Use the DFS Replication WMI provider to script alerts. For experienced DFSR administrators, heres a breakout of the Dfsradmin.exe and Dfsrdiag.exe console applications to their new Windows PowerShell cmdlet equivalents. These are all now implemented directly in the new cmdlet. DFS Replication relies on Active Directory Domain Services for configuration. RDC is a general purpose protocol for compressing file transfer. Data replicates according to the schedule you set. However, DFS Replication does not further reduce bandwidth utilization if the network interface becomes saturated, and DFS Replication can saturate the link for short periods. Changing ACLs on a large number of files can have an impact on replication performance. . Applications other than DFS Replication can be hosted on the same server depending on the server configuration. If small changes are made to existing files, DFS Replication with Remote Differential Compression (RDC) will provide a much higher performance than copying the file directly. DFS Replication does not merge files when there is a conflict. Otherwise, register and sign in. You can choose a topology when you create a replication group. DFS Replication then uses Remote Differential Compression (RDC) to perform a synchronization that determines whether the data is the same on the sending and receiving members. For a list of scalability guidelines that have been tested by Microsoft for Windows Server2003R2, see DFS Replication scalability guidelines ( If you notice something missing then you can restore SYSVOL on DC1 and mark it as authoritative. However, when using RDC, the amount of data transferred is proportionate to the size of the ACLs, not the size of the entire file. Customer questions about the previous entry, which incorrectly indicated that replicating .pst or Access files could corrupt the DFS Replication database. For more information, see Add a Failover Cluster to a Replication Group ( Find out more about the Microsoft MVP Award Program. Nave approaches like Force sysvol replication. In addition, DFS Replication can be used to replicate standalone DFS namespaces, which was not possible with FRS. DFS Replication treats the Conflict and Deleted folder as a cache. When a quota threshold is reached, it cleans out some of those files. Added How can files be recovered from the ConflictAndDeleted or PreExisting folders? No, using WindowsBackup (Ntbackup.exe) on a computer running Windows Server2003 or earlier to back up the contents of a replicated folder on a computer running Windows Server 2012, Windows Server2008R2, or Windows Server2008 isn't supported. For more information about initial replication, see Create a Replication Group. Files are also staged on the receiving member as they are transferred if they are less than 64 KB in size, although you can configure this setting between 16 KB and 1 MB. However, you must open the proper ports in external firewalls. Applies To: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008. .pst and Access files tend to stay open for long periods of time while being accessed by a client such as Outlook or Office Access. Scripts can use WMI to collect backlog informationmanually or through MOM. DFSRdiag. TechEd North America 2014 with live demos and walkthroughs: Its the age of Windows PowerShell, folks. To view or manage replication groups that contain read-only replicated folders or members that are failover clusters, you must use the version of DFS Management that is included with Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 8, or the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7. No. On the Problematic ADC, open ADSIEDIT.MSC tool and go to following distinguished name (DN) value and edit below attribute: However, DFS Replication does replicate folders used by non-Microsoft applications, which might cause the applications to fail on the destination server(s) if the applications have interoperability issues with DFS Replication. The contents of the file are not replicated unless the contents change as well. DFS Replication replicates permission changes for files and folders. Facepalm. The server clocks must be set within five minutes of each other (by default) for Kerberos authentication to function properly. All DCs begin at state 0. New-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName "RG01" | New-DfsReplicatedFolder -FolderName "RF01" | Add-DfsrMember -ComputerName SRV01,SRV02,SRV03, Add-DfsrConnection -GroupName "rg01" -SourceComputerName srv01 -DestinationComputerName srv02, Set-DfsrMembership -GroupName "rg01" -FolderName "rf01" -ComputerName srv01 -ContentPath c:\rf01 PrimaryMember $true, Get-DfsrConnection -GroupName * | Set-DfsrConnectionSchedule -ScheduleType UseGroupSchedule, Get-DfsrMember -GroupName * | Update-DfsrConfigurationFromAD, Get-DfsrMember -GroupName "rg01 " | Set-DfsrMembership -FolderName "rf01" -StagingPathQuotaInMB (1024 * 32) -force, Get-DfsrMember -GroupName * | Set-DfsrServiceConfiguration -DebugLogSeverity 5 -MaximumDebugLogFiles 1250, Restore-DfsrPreservedFiles -Path "C:\RF01\DfsrPrivate\PreExistingManifest.xml" -RestoreToOrigin, Start-DfsrPropagationTest -GroupName "rg01 " -FolderName * -ReferenceComputerName srv01, Write-DfsrPropagationReport -GroupName "rg01 "-FolderName * -ReferenceComputerName srv01 -verbose, Get-DfsrBacklog -GroupName rg01 -FolderName * -SourceComputerName srv02 -DestinationComputerName srv01 -verbose, Get-DfsrBacklog -GroupName rg01 -FolderName * -SourceComputerName srv02 -DestinationComputerName srv01 -verbose | ft FullPathName, (Get-DfsrBacklog -GroupName "RG01" -FolderName "RF01" -SourceComputerName SRV02 -DestinationComputerName SRV01 -Verbose 4>&1).Message.Split(':')[2], Get-DfsrState -ComputerName srv01 | Sort UpdateState -descending | ft path,inbound,UpdateState,SourceComputerName -auto -wrap, Get-DfsrPreservedFiles -Path C:\rf01\DfsrPrivate\ConflictAndDeletedManifest.xml | ft preservedreason,path,PreservedName -auto, Get-DfsrMembership -GroupName * -ComputerName srv01 | sort path | % { Get-DfsrPreservedFiles -Path ($_.contentpath + "\dfsrprivate\conflictanddeletedmanifest.xml") } | ft path,PreservedReason, DFS Replication in Windows Server 2012 R2: If You Only Knew the Power of the Dark Shell, major new features in Windows Server 2012 R2,,,,, DFSR best practices info from Warren Williams. To recover files directly from the ConflictAndDeleted or PreExisting folder, use the Get-DfsrPreservedFiles and Restore-DfsrPreservedFiles Windows PowerShell cmdlets (included with the DFSR module in Windows Server2012R2), or the RestoreDFSR sample script from the MSDN Code Gallery. The only reparse points replicated by DFS Replication are those that use the IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK tag; however, DFS Replication does not guarantee that the target of a symlink is also replicated. This method is known as "opportunistic locking.". The following list provides a set of scalability guidelines that have been tested by Microsoft and apply to Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019. Propagation shows you if files are being replicated to all nodes. Although DFS Replication will work at dial-up speeds, it can get backlogged if there are large numbers of changes to replicate. Learn more from " Setting Up DFS-based File Replcation ." Do not use DFS Replication in an environment where multiple users update or modify the same files simultaneously on different servers. When creating replication groups with a large number or size of files we recommend exporting a database clone and using pre-seeding techniques to minimize the duration of initial replication. No. Added the Does DFS Replication continue staging files when replication is disabled by a schedule or bandwidth throttling quota, or when a connection is manually disabled? Local time means the time of the member hosting the inbound connection. Can you hop into Event Viewer and look for Warnings or Errors in the DFS Replicationlog? There is no reboot required after installing the feature. By now, you know that DFS Replication has some major new features in Windows Server 2012 R2 . On Site A's DC1 DFS Replication Log there's no recent errors indicating replication trouble with DC2. The replication continues from the state it was in when replication stopped. If any part of the file is already being transmitted, DFS Replication continues the transmission. For information about what's new in DFS Replication, see the following topics: DFS Namespaces and DFS Replication Overview (in Windows Server 2012), What's New in Distributed File System topic in Changes in Functionality from Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2008 R2, Distributed File System topic in Changes in Functionality from Windows Server 2003 with SP1 to Windows Server 2008. Date: 3/13/2015 2:45:21 PM Yes, DFS Replication in Windows Server2012R2, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server2008R2 includes the ability to add a failover cluster as a member of a replication group. The set of signatures is transferred from server to client. Now I finally have brand new modern circuits to all my branch offices and the need for weird schedules is past. DFS Replication does not communicate with File Replication Service (FRS). This new setup should be humming now no schedule issues, big staging, no bottlenecks. Cross-file RDC allows DFS Replication to use RDC even when a file with the same name does not exist at the client end. To manage DFS Replication from other versions of Windows, use Remote Desktop or the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7. For example, if all logon scripts were accidentally deleted and a manual copy of them was placed back on the PDC Emulator role holder, making that server authoritative and all other servers non-authoritative would guarantee success and prevent conflicts. Try our Virtual Agent - It can help you quickly identify and fix common File replication issues. In the old DFSR tools, you would have two options here: 1. It led to a charter for our Windows PowerShell design process: 1. If the local path of the replicated folder on the destination server(s) is also a volume root, no further changes are made to the folder attributes. As the DFSR development team, we wanted to be part of the solution. Compression settings for these file types are not configurable in Windows Server2003R2. That domain controller has now done an authoritative sync of SYSVOL. Yes. entry to clarify how DFS Replication handles hard links. Don't configure file system policies on replicated folders. No. Lets say Im the owner of an existing set of replication groups and replicated folders scattered across dozens or hundreds of DFSR nodes throughout the domain. If you were already comfortable with the old command-line tools or attached to the GUI, why bother learning more of the same? Sharing best practices for building any app with .NET. As a result, various buffers in lower levels of the network stack (including RPC) may interfere, causing bursts of network traffic. DFS Replication is not limited to folder paths of 260characters. This can delay when the file is available on the receiving member. Its as simple as this: Done! No. I spent many years in the field before I came to Redmond and Ive felt this pain. DFS Replication sets the System and Hidden attributes on the replicated folder on the destination server(s). If setting the authoritative flag on one DC, you must non-authoritatively synchronize DFS Replication does not need to know anything about the contents of the fileonly which blocks have changed. To remove DFSR memberships in a supported and recommended fashion, see note 2 above. section with results from tests on Windows Server2012R2. Hi folks, Ned here again. There's no indication of recent dirty shutdown on DC2 event viewer logs. Next, run the following command from an elevated command prompt on the same servers that you set as non-authoritative: DFSRDIAG POLLAD. To learn about different methods of tuning replication performance, see Tuning Replication Performance in DFSR on the Ask the Directory Services Team blog. Better yet, it defaults to recommended configurations. If the schedule is closed, files are not staged. Screened files must not exist in any replicated folder before screening is enabled. Edited the Does DFS Replication replicate NTFS file permissions, alternate data streams, hard links, and reparse points? The following attribute values are replicated by DFS Replication, but they do not trigger replication. DFS Replication does not perform bandwidth sensing. For more information, see "DFS Replication security requirements and delegation" in the Delegate the Ability to Manage DFS Replication ( Propagation test completes in few minutes from DC2 => DC1 but not in opposite direction. Because this process relies on various buffers in lower levels of the network stack, including RPC, the replication traffic tends to travel in bursts which may at times saturate the network links. Yes. Essentially, the server becomes a rogue primary server, which can cause conflicts. The DFSRADMIN tool requires remembering to create connections in both directions; if I dont, I have created an unsupported and disconnected topology that may eventually cause data loss problems. How to force an authoritative and non-authoritative synchronization for DFSR-replicated SYSVOL (like "D4/D2" for FRS),, Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. 2 Paradoxically, these old commands leaves servers in a non-recommended state. - Firewalls are disabled on all DCs (temporary) - Active Directory replication looks good on all 4 DCs. Disable DFSR Sysvol replication on problematic ADC; Then you should initiate DFSR Sysvol non-authoritative restore on that ADC; Steps to perform a non-authoritative restore of DFSR SYSVOL (like "D2" for FRS) Step 1. During the recovery, this volume is not available for replication in either direction. To prestage a replication group member, copy the files to the appropriate folder on the destination server(s), create the replication group, and then choose a primary member. For more information about the initial replication, see Create a Replication Group. This can fix an issue where your group policy objects are. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact It does not replicate all the data in the folder again. Ok, weve talked topology creation now lets see the ongoing management story. For this reason, specify the primary member manually only if you are certain that the initial replication has irretrievably failed. However, when hosting multiple applications or server roles on a single server, it is important that you test this configuration before implementing it in a production environment. There are a number of ways to monitor replication: DFS Replication has a management pack for System Center Operations Manager that provides proactive monitoring. Lets make that happen: That was painless I dont have to figure out the server names and I dont have to whip out Calc to figure out that 32GB is 32,768 megabytes. DFS Replication opens files in a way that does not block users or applications from opening files in the replication folder. Additional Information: However, the reparse tag and reparse data buffers are not replicated to other servers because the reparse point only works on the local system. DFS Replication overcomes three common FRS issues: Journal wraps: DFS Replication recovers from journal wraps on the fly. Yes. Your can restart the FRS service to force FRS replication in an active directory To restart the FRS service, launch services.msc from the Run option on the Start Menu And restart the FRS service and you will get the Event ID 13516 on FRS event log this will ensure the FRS status is fine Learn. List replicated folders in a replication group: dfsradmin rf list /rgname:<REPL_GROUP>. For more information, see System Center Data Protection Manager ( State 0 means that all DCs are . Accurate times are also important for garbage collection, schedules, and other features. I went ahead and did a non-authoritative once more on DC02, and ran a DFSRDIAG SYNCNOW. With tabbed autocomplete, parameters always in the same order, mandatory parameters where required, and everything else opt-in, it is very easy to pick up and start working right away. 2. (If you can't see the preview, go here: Edited the Does DFS Replication work on ReFS or FAT volumes? You know how it is. Out of the gate, DFSR Windows PowerShell saves you a significant amount of code generation and navigation. No. Edited the Can DFS Replication replicate Outlook .pst or Microsoft Office Access database files? Remote differential compression (RDC) is a client-server protocol that can be used to efficiently update files over a limited-bandwidth network. 2. Nonetheless, the bandwidth throttling is not 100% accurate and DFS Replication can saturate the link for short periods of time. You'll see Event ID 4114 in the DFSR event log indicating sysvol replication is no longer being replicated on each of them. The operation completed successfully. SIS is used by Remote Installation Services (RIS), Windows Deployment Services (WDS), and Windows Storage Server. Or you can select No topology and manually configure connections after the replication group has been created. Ensure that each of the replicated folders has a unique root path and that they do not overlap. For a list of attribute values and their descriptions, see File Attributes on MSDN ( Doing so can cause DFS Replication to move conflicting copies of the files to the hidden DfsrPrivate\ConflictandDeleted folder. On computers running Windows Server2012R2, Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server2008R2, Dfsrdiag.exe can also display the updates that DFS Replication is currently replicating.
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