On Dec. 19, 2016, Lester met with GPD Investigator Dexter McCune regarding property she alleged Boynton had stolen. How did his phone get in there and how was there activity on his phone if he was not in the kitchen with his phone?" "I think I was hit over the head with something.". Her husband, Matthew Boynton, was at a nearby restaurant when he got a text from Jessica that read like a suicide note. Collectively, they examine the bullets' trajectory from the closet, into the bedroom wall and ceiling. The chain of custody on that stuff is messed up. Then-Griffin Police officer Matthew Boynton was arrested on July 28, 2017 for giving a false statement to his own department about having possession of a gym bag full of clothes, underwear. That was the best physical evidence that we had, Yates said. Griffin Police Department Officer Matthew Boynton has been arrested and charged with two felonies. They turn her over from her stomach to her back. She thinks he found it before the incident. In April 2016, the wife of a Griffin, Ga. police officer is found inside a locked closet. I mean he might have grabbed my arm before, but I don't think he would intentionally do anything to hurt mebut like I said, he's changed so much here, lately, she said. I would have said, 'suicidal' not 'suicide thoughts.'. While she places a blood pressure sleeve around her arm, an officer stands over her, shining a flashlight on Jessica's face, revealing that it's covered in blood. Jessica's husband and high school sweetheart is Griffin Police Officer Matthew Boynton. "I left the location, I'm back en route, I'm on Carver Road right now. But she doesn't buy it, especially since her head was perfectly laid on a pillow, she said after watching the bodycam footage. A request is made to notify the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. In 2016, something terrible happened to Jessica Boynton, a 19-year-old mother of two. The next door neighbor interview was conducted after Matthew returned to full duty. an officer questions the others. I was at Atlanta Medical Center for a month. Their neighbor says Jessica wasn't suicidal at all. Matthew interviews with the GBI early that morning. She had always kept it hidden, but now, there it is for everyone to see. Matthew loved being part of the brotherhood. Her neighbor, who asked us to protect her identity, says she knows the motive: Jessica had uncovered Matthew's dark secret. However, the GBIs own photographs, search warrant and evidence log all corroborate that the officers phone was on the kitchen counter after Matthew had already left the apartment. Did she try to kill herself or shoot herself in the head? He asked her what she thought could've happened. It can be inferred that approximately half or more cops are abusive husbands/wifebeaters. Matthew admits to having an affair. Matthew calls another officer and reports Jessica is refusing to leave with him. Reliving his steps inside the apartment after he heard gunshots fired, he said, My whole upper body went numb. Matthew sends another text to his mistress, a Spalding County dispatcher, Give me a few. "They did not. Lt. Curtis Keys is dispatched to the scene. EMTs start carrying Jessica down the stairs on a backboard and click her into a gurney and swing open the ambulance doors. So if there is no gunshot wound, what really happened inside that closet? She loved me. So just one?" It's possible, but I mean it's very doubtful, because he's never hurt me before. With the suicidal text message and Jessica's DNA found on her husband's gun, less than a month after her hospital bed interview, Matthew was verbally cleared by the GBI, according to the chief, and as of June 6, Matthew returned to full duty with a new service weapon on his hip. "He felt that perhaps it was maybe an anxiety attack. I mean he might have grabbed my arm before, but I don't think he would intentionally do anything to hurt mebut like I said, he's changed so much here, lately, she said. "I didn't know if I was dealing with a possible active scenario where she still had the gun, and she had shot Tyler, and then I could have been the next target," Matthew says in the interview. Get him downstairs. Her mouth covered with a breathing apparatus and several machines attached to her, in an effort to monitor her condition. Geez, im no cop , no investigator and know absolutely nothing on how investigations are even done but if the doctors say she wasnt shot what more do they need..that little punk got away with it.please tell me im missing a story and he has been arrested for the attempted murder of his wife.please.and please tell me that every stupid ass cop that had any involvement with this case is no longer a cop..oh and his Grandpa, well i think he needs a little jail rehabilitation as well..i could go on and on, but obviously they wouldnt understand anyway..what a disgrace to all REAL POLICE OFFICERS, https://the-grip.net/2016/10/18/gbi-completes-boynton-investigation-requested-by-gpd/ this says she was SHOT!!! In response to 11Alives questions about the case, the GBI said, We are confident in the investigation that was conducted., RELATED: Jessica Boynton says she's free as a bird', MORE | Watch the Facebook Live with Brendan Keefe. It could have a negative effect on them, but those things have to be dealt with on a case by case basis. He was there to tell the court that he wanted to keep Jessica away from him and their two sons, because he said, he feared for their safetybecause she allegedly fired his gun in the house while their boys were home. ", Following that phone call, Mathews, perceiving that she was threatened, called the GBIs director of professional standards to file a formal complaint and to gain clarity about what he meant by, Were gonna have a problem.. This stinks, and the fact remains, it appears he tried to kill his wife, so what are you guys going to do?? The remaining items such as a hope chest, clothing and other miscellaneous items were returned to Jessica. (South Florida Sun Sentinel/TNS) I don't think he meant to do it, or at least that's what I like to think.". She's like a sister to me, Browning says, her voice quivering. "I would want to know how he did it and how does he live with himself every day knowing that he did something like this," said Jessica. I'll be there in about two. I think it just kind of happened. While sifting through pages and pages of the report, a GBI evidence photo caught her attention. The shooting occurred on the evening of April 14, 2016. I finally had the evidence that I needed that Matthew was cheating on me. Despite Jessica Boynton's fiery allegations, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation closed her case, clearing Matthew to return to work. Inside their apartment Matthew Boynton hears crying. To stage a suicide," said the neighbor. Cops now know what was behind that closet door -- but the true mystery is just about to begin. Jessica believes her suicide attempt was staged. Was the investigation a mess up or a cover up? "I was with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for 33 years," said Tim Miley. Warner Bros. Entertainment | Published: 7/28/2017 6:16:14 PM. We're going to be doing that to do touch DNA on the gun, and um, and why we're doing that is obviously one to corroborate everything that's what believed happened, and that way it also, it also eliminates the possibility of her family saying, you had something involved in this, or whatever, the GBI agent said to him. Emphasis on evidence. She had a job interview and it was going to be her first step to freedom. You want to start recording me, and started quoting me, you'd better let me know ahead of time, or we're gonna have a problem. "Really somebody just needs to look at it, somebody of great knowledge of things like this, and then let them tell me what they think," said Jessica Boynton. But the story is far from over: Jessica now claims the April 15 incident was a staged suicideconstructed by her husband. Yates also said Boynton had provided a statement during the subsequent Internal Affairs investigation, acknowledging the items Sanders turned in were Lesters belongings. A lot, she said, doesnt add up, especially since, she said, she had reason to live. He calls out for Jessica, but no answer. Like, how hours after the shooting, the phone was put into an evidence bag, sealed and logged into GBI evidence, it was still calling Matthew's girlfriend. It's a question 11Alive investigators asked a few months ago, when Griffin Police Officer Matthew Boynton's wife, Jessica, allegedly shot herself in the head with his service weapon,. And its assigned to Matthew. A phone that text messages were sent and received to/from following his recollection of hearing,POP-POP! and running out of the apartment. No, never. Chris DeMarco, GBI's assistant special agent in charge, arrives on the scene and meets with Griffin Police Chief Michael Yates for a briefing. "It's just inconvenient. Her complaint, which she checked on, was never filed. Griffin, Georgia is the kind of small Southern town where high school sweethearts stay married forever. There were two bullets, on different walls inside the closet. Just one minute later, Matthewcalls 911, reaching Spalding County dispatch. I just came up the stairs, two rounds be advised I smell gun smoke, and I can't get an answer at the door, he says out of breath and panicked. [I miss] getting to see them every day and getting to watch them grow more and more into the boys and men that they're going to be someday, Jessica said sobbing. They call in Spalding County Sheriff Wendell Beam, who happens to be Matthew's grandfather, along with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. She's still breathing. I just came up the stairs, two rounds," Boynton says on the recorded call. nd police notify Jessicas family that she has died. It doesn't sound like anything I would say. 'We're not going to do this in Georgia anymore' | Prosecutor fighting to stop animal abuse, NASCAR star Chase Elliott hurts leg in snowboarding accident, Forecast | Cooler air moving in for the weekend, Metro Atlanta, north Georgia hit with widespread damage after storms produce powerful winds, calls 911, reaching Spalding County dispatch. OR OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. He grabs his police radio, stationed on top of the white microwave in the kitchen charging, and puts his phone on the counter. Security camera captures the family walking in around 10:15 p.m. Earlier that night Jessica's husband Matthew headed to Waffle House for a late-night bite with a fellow officer, leaving his service weapon . The doctor said the second most striking observation while assessing Jessica was that neither of her hands had any evidence of gunpowder. "I don't really know what happened in the closet, I just know that I did not try to kill myself," said Jessica Boynton. Matthew Boynton along with Lee Boynton, Josh Guthrie and Courtney Callaway moved all of my personal belongings from the residence. Police investigate further and find a gun underneath Jessicas limp body. Griffin Police officer Matthew Boynton was cleared in his wife's shooting, but his interrogation still cost him his job. Matthew's mistress worked as a dispatch officer, reporting to Sheriff Wendell Beam, who just happens to be Matthew Boynton's grandfather. "Her hands appeared to be pristine, but also he noted that she had no gunpowder burns.". Sheila Mathews publishes The Grip, an independent newspaper in Griffin. "Matthew," said Jessica. After you got on the radio and you were outside communicating on the radio, you never went back in to actually check, check on the kids, the agent questioned Matthew about once he removed himself from the apartment. And Sanders was beyond fascinated by this one. The second bullet hole is more of a mystery. That's the last thing the 19-year-old remembers. The purpose of it, is when you're fighting with somebody to keep the weapon from coming out of your holster, but it's certainly easy to take it out under most cases. she asked. Did he cause his estranged spouses injury? "He told 911 that he was so worried and he was trying to get back to the house as fast as possible. The conversation bounces from officer to officer. Jessica's hair is so matted with blood no one can find the actual gunshot wound to stop the bleeding. The babys muffled cry echoes, getting louder as the officers sweep their guns back and forth, searching for the shooter. Her marriage had been crumbling, and she and her husband of six months Matthew Boynton, 20 . What he finds turns this case of a suicide upside down. It was retrieved from the kitchen counter in front of the microwave oven," she probed further. It's one of their owna police-issued .40-caliber Glock. "During that time I investigated hundreds of cases with gunshots and many, many suicides.". Jessica Boynton was just 19 years old when she was found inside a locked closet with a gunshot wound to her head. GBI director Vernon Keenan wrote a letter indicating the gunshot wound was self-inflicted by Jessica, closing the case. The subsequent investigation was short-lived, with it having been deemed a civil matter. However, with the later discovery of previously-unknown evidence, it evolved into an Internal Affairs investigation resulting in two felony charges against the former law enforcement officer. Uh, just my service weapon, he responds. "The second shot that was fired, it entered the back wall of the closet approximately a foot, no more than a foot off the ground. Jessica is also slinging allegations at Matthew's brothers in blue at the Griffin Police Department, and Matthew's grandfather Sheriff Wendell Beam. She also stated that she just wanted her things back, so I informed her that I would do a report on the incident.. I love you and the boys.". He tells Trammel that he was in the shower, using his cell phone, when Jessica walked into the bathroom, pulled the shower curtain back and snatched his cell phone. How did Jessica react when she saw those messages? "I saw a lot of things change after time. "What you're saying to me, that's not, you know, I don't see anything he did wrong by saying that," Fred Mays told Mathews. Jessica Lester-Boyntons property has already previously been returned to her by my step dad (Charles McDaniel Jr.) shortly after Jessica got out of the hospital. But did something else happen that spring night in 2016? After Jessica was shot, Matthew, then-20, was back on duty with his gun on his hip, before key interviews were conducted and the GBI director wrote an official letter about the cases conclusion, stating that the shooting was ruled a suicide.. There was a question of what was and was not community marital property, so that took some doing to sort that out, also, Yates said, adding that many of the items reported as stolen including the clothing, computer and household items had been cited as community property during the couples divorce. The paramedic begins accessing her head wound, but they're having a hard time finding it through her hair and thick blood. Matthew Boynton allegedly deprived ex-wife Jessica Lester of her belongings and lied to the authorities about doing so, Griffin police Lt. Michael Natale said in a statement. Jones eyes a small child sleeping on a bottom bunk bed in the back bedroom. Dr. Vernon Henderson, chief of Trauma and Critical Care at Atlanta Medical Center was on-call the morning Jessica came in and treated her for the next month while she was in the hospital. The July 29 arrest of former Griffin Police Department Officer Matthew Boynton stemmed from a theft report filed Dec. 19, 2016, by his former wife, Jessica Lester. Example video title will go here for this video. She's even fighting with EMS, dude, the fellow officer tells Matthew. I attempted to contact Jessica Boynton via telephone to advise her that this is a civil matter. Ashamed the FBI hasnt picked up on this yet . I told him, You're going to have to go get it, because I cant get it out of the case., Do you know how it was that you got shot?, Have you ever had any type of thoughts about hurting yourself?. There's so many useless words thrown in there, then there's so many words left out, she said. RE-open the case Georgia!!!!!! SHE WAS NOT SHOT.and do they really think that she would have hit herself hard enough with any object to cause the damage that was done? Then he hits investigators with a jaw-dropper. She told the agent, they were at home when they argued about his mistress and the photo that Jessica found on his phone that night. Get him downstairs, one of the officers whispers to another. In it, she logs Matthew Boynton's every move, including his unexplained disappearances with their two boys. Hewrote a letter to Jessica's attorneyJune 10, in which he questioned the finding that Jessica's head injury was a self-inflicted gunshot wound, saying there was no investigation at the hospital. The neighbor says Jessica came over to her apartment with the kids, clearly upset about the fight. Reliving his steps inside the apartment after he heard gunshots fired, he says, My whole upper body went numb.
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