And if operations don't run smoothly, your bottom line could suffer. E) Divestiture, 57) Durban Cafe takes one order at a time and customizes the coffee as per the customer's requirement . Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, 8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Introverts, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. C) Departmentalization In view of Herzbergs opinion, the following disadvantages can be found in job enlargement: (i) Job enlargement tends to be a costly affair. Marketing Management of Kodak Case Study For Practice. Presence of monotony in the employees due to the same narrow nature of the job. The most appropriate system to apply within a workplace depends on the type of work being completed as well . Additional workload. Medical experts generally believe a level of 30gPb30 \mu \mathrm{g} \mathrm{Pb}30gPb per deciliter of blood poses a significant health risk (1dL=0.1L)(1 \mathrm{dL}=0.1 \mathrm{~L})(1dL=0.1L). D) Customer departmentalization B) bureaucracy C) Synergy Increases work load: D) Divesting Want To Interact With Our Domain Experts LIVE? B - Machine malfunctions do not occur Advantages and disadvantages of each approach. E) are less bureaucratic. D - Potential savings in not having to conduct a complete time study, In __________, an observer makes brief observations of worker or machine at random intervals and notes the nature of the activity. Poor training, disinterest, or a difficulty in understanding the tasks can all lead to poor performance. Employees can learn new skills. E) small-batch, 61) In organizations using _____, the product is manufactured in assembly-line fashion by combining component parts into another part or finished product. A. removed from the operating table, they lack a full overview on what is B) total interdependence C) Centralization For example, when a female employee takes leave due to pregnancy, her job will be divided and offered to work employees as a part of job enlargement. D) Location departmentalization C - Triangle According to Herzberg merely giving a worker different kind of jobs is not enough because the basic nature of the job remains the same, As such it does not work as a motivating factor. 4 - Number of standard deviations needed to achieve desired confidence, Which of the following is not an advantage of standard elemental times? major US hospital implemented this, they found that having the surgeon in a B) It is most likely to be operating in a very stable and predictable environment. A) typically has only a handful of permanent employees. 0 71 Posted by BMS Team Enlarged jobs tend to better utilise the physical and mental skills abilities of the workers. A) does not increase the number of tasks that workers perform. it can make work a more rewarding experience. D) Coordination The primary motive of implementing job enlargement is to increase the flexibility of the staff by carrying out this horizontal restructuring. Job Enlargementis considered a vital technique as employers adopt this process to motivate the employees who are currently fed up with their job andavoid job boredom. C) Customer departmentalization Another motivational technique closely related to job enrichment is the job enlargement. This means Horizontal enlargement leads to an increase in similar tasks in the current job. B) delegation Mumbai University Results Held In Reserve Meaning and Procedure. A - A horizontal loading, giving employees a larger portion of the overall task. C - standard time, Which of the following is not a disadvantage of stopwatch time studies? Employees may be happy when they get a new assignment. Your employer saves on the cost of training several employees when your job includes a broad range of work and it reduces the costs associated with hiring someone new. Job enrichment C) Self-dealing Hence his work can be combined with some finance and HR roles which will comprise taxation, costing, and payroll work as well, resulting in diversity in the work and more skills and expertise of a person knowing diverse fields. B) divisional What is job enlargement advantages and disadvantages? For each case, find the direction of the current in the loop, the direction of the magnetic force on the loop, and the direction of the magnetic force on the straight wire. 4 - Delay C) it does not help a worker become proficient at a task. Job enrichment adds variety to employees' duties, which can reduce their workplace boredom . Michael A. Campion. B) Differentiation Moreover, increasing the workload without increasing the workers' compensation, decreases the employee's morale and satisfaction. Job enrichment makes sure to add more skills and tasks to keep it more interesting and engaging. 24) _____ is defined as a clear and distinct line of authority among the positions in an organization. Over time, employees can get bored with doing the same old thing. . D) unit-batch organizations tended to be the most bureaucratic. B) Job enrichment Match the following formula terms with their meanings Advantages of job enlargement. A few potential complications that can occur after your treatment include capsular contracture, loss of sensation in the nipples, and asymmetry. The following are some of the other disadvantages of job enlargement: The practice of job enlargement adds new tasks to the existing duties, ultimately increasing the employee's workload. Customers could become frustrated by confused employees who make mistakes. More flexible workforce. What are job enlargement drawbacks? E - Install the new methods Short-term motivation. C) Tall organizations foster more communication problems than flat organizations. D) employees get a better view of the total organization. 74) Organizational size is defined as: D) total interdependence How To Create an HR Dashboard Using Tableau KPI? Workers combine separate parts into standardized finished motorbikes. 65) Gemini Motors has an assembly-line structure. The workers will enjoy his work more, if he can vary the rhythm and work at his own pace. Workers may require additional training for their enlarged jobs. B) Complex interdependence Course Interested In*Integrated Program in Business Analytics (IPBA)People Analytics & Digital HR Course (PADHR)Executive PG Diploma in Management & Artificial IntelligencePostgraduate Certificate Program In Product Management (PM)Executive Program in Strategic Sales ManagementPost Graduate Certificate Program in Data Science and Machine LearningPost Graduate Certificate Program in Cloud Computing This means that part of their role Top 10 Emerging Technologies Blogs To Read In 2023, Key Benefits of HR Digital Transformation, What Is Data Visualization in Excel? C) is the most complex form of interdependence. Which of the following concepts is illustrated in the scenario? (Including 2 Examples), HR Metrics & Dashboarding Certificate Program. In order to alleviate the boredom that can arise from individuals performing nothing beyond the particulars of their job description, the enrichment measure can provide them with the spark of being able to try something new. While employees may acquire new skills and gain further opportunities for growth due to job. He receives global recognition as an HR thought leader and regularly speaks on topics like People Analytics, Digital HR, and the Future of Work. The teacher of a childhood school daily makes the students learn the same poem and play the same activities in a routine is a monotonous task. One threat is the response to the uncertainty of the employees about the redesign. C - A vertical loading, increasing the employee's level of responsibility. B) High power distance Increases workload- Enlargement of jobs may lead to an increase in the workload of the employees. A) fosters more communication problems Job enlargement involves employees being provided with additional tasks as part of their daily role, for example a shop worker may work on both the tills and stacking shelves. View our privacy policy, What Is Job Enlargement? 11) Job enrichment: According to a study by the Association for Talent Development. 51) Sequential interdependence: are also considered job enlargement. E) Deskilling, 38) Gadgetbug Inc. manufactures home appliances. A) Organizations using mass production technology tend to have the least level of specialization. 2. C) less accountability to a higher-up Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. D) matrix Job Enlargement: It is the process of increasing the scope of a job by adding more tasks to it. B) small-batch organizations tended to have minimal bureaucracy. Improves earning capacity :- Due to job enlargement the person learns many new activities. B) sequential interdependence C - Performance ratings are not required. C) continuous-process E) has functional departmentalization. C) Departmentalization B - Arrow Does this increase the value of his skills? Show abstract. However, because the surgeon is now physically F - Study and document the existing method; develop charts based on activities involved, Select all that apply D) Small-batch technology As a result, the job becomes more varied, with a greater range of activities. Methods analysis focuses on __________ a job is done. This process is beneficial for employers when there a shortage of labor for a short period. We will explain this in more depth later. 22) The advantage of using the functional departmentalization approach is that: Unfortunately, some businesses may have employees who claim they are ready for new and exciting things, but havent shown any of the qualities to indicate that. B) Unity of command B) mass- production Are you interested in learning more about Analytics in Workforce Management? It will be even more motivating if it is tied to evaluations and organisational rewards. Select all that apply The importance or merits or advantages of job enlargement are:- Variety of skills :- Job enlargement helps the organization to improve and increase the skills of the employee due to organization as well as the individual benefit. But job enlargement cannot be synonymized with job promotion. B) They are formal and rigid. Advantages of Job Enlargement: Variety of skills : -Job enlargement helps the organization to improve and increase the skills of the employee due to organization as well as the individual benefit. Take our 10 minute assessment to find out! It is interesting to note that the advantages and disadvantages apply to not only the owners of the businesses. It can lead to stress and demotivation if employees get assignments beyond their capacity. Giving employees greater depth of tasks can cause problems through their lack of experience and training. These things can include responsibilities that were not initially included in their job description. This is a great example of how automation and robotization can lead to job enlargement. Enlarged jobs allow for more meaningful performance feedback. A) coordination In specialization, a division of labor is created where individuals execute specialized tasks. C) are more expensive. C) Structural interdependence E) are the most decentralized. C - Propose new methods D - Worker is qualified for the job, Work sampling is a commonly used method of __________. Job Enlargement Disadvantages Often times, employees may encounter a role which they might be uninterested in working as. 2. This can increase the potential for bitterness, resentment, and poor performance in other aspects of work. What are the effects or consequences of non registration of a Partnership Firm? D - Flexible work hours, Which of the following is the definition of job rotation? B) mass-production Similarly, another example of an accountant daily performing the same entries and preparing balance sheets and profit loss accounts is boredom. Which of the following concepts is illustrated in the scenario? D - Unprotected chains, Select all that apply University of Mumbai has announced the results for BMS SEM VI 75 :25 CHOICE BASE 10 GRADE AND 7 GRADE on 4th June 2022, We, at, believe in sharing knowledge and giving quality information to our BMS students. C) Pooled interdependence Job enlargement - opportunities for the organization Improving process efficiency B - Sum the elemental times to obtain the normal time With the foundation of the skills they have, they will be in the best position possible to develop new skills through their new responsibilities. The cafe uses _____ technology. E) mass-production organizations had a higher level of specialization. The organization has a separate department for each of these types of food manufactured. A) feedback 55) According to Weber, in a bureaucracy: Additionally, job expansion requires disassembling the current production line of the work system, developing a new system, and training staff members for it. Carol L. McClelland. D) They are most frequently found in unpredictable and unstable environments. B - Standard time analysis C - All work times exist in the historical data. E) number of managers assigned to a department. A) bureaucratic D) Flat structure The following are some disadvantages of job enrichment that you should think about before implementing it in your organization: 1. According to the schedule, if an employee makes waffle cones on a day, he serves ice creams the next day and clears the tables on the day after that. D) large-batch Its a form of redesigning work to counteract the boredom of routine tasks and develop new designs. D - Jobs must be completed before standards can be set. E) Structural interdependence, 43) Units with _____ operate with little interaction-the output of the units is put together at the organizational level. For example if a clerk in an office who is doing the typing work is asked to type 20 letters a day instead of 10 letters, his job is enlarged. C) functional Job enlargement is one of the techniques of job redesign, which increases job responsibility, and duties and makes them accountable for their work. B - Fosters mistrust of employees E) provides little scope for teams to develop adaptability. 12) According to the job characteristics approach, task identity is _____. Ltd. What Is Data Normalization, and Why Is It Important? In terms of the problematic elements to job enrichment that can emerge, consider the following: 1. E) decision making becomes less bureaucratic as the organization grows. Happy Maharana Pratap Jayanti 2014 SMS, Sayings, Quotes, Text Messages, Status For Facebook, WhatsApp Messages, Redesigning existing work system required, Productivity may not increase necessarily. 63) According to Woodward's findings related to technology and organization design: 3. It provides the employees a greater exposureand develops their skills which will ultimately result in greater work efficiency. Instead of motivating, it creates dissatisfaction and demotivates them. Lack of training. Job Enlargement: Definitions, Advantages and Disadvantages! D) have very few communication problems. In terms of job enrichment pros, you can consider the following: 1. A) Deskilling B) extent to which authority is systematically delegated to middle and lower levels of management. A) The scalar principle tool and its functionality. B) place more supervisory responsibilities on managers. C) are most frequently found in stable environments. Then what can be changed? Highest Education10th / 12th StandardUnder GraduateGraduatePost GraduateDoctorate B) task identity A definition. The teacher, if asked to merge various tasks and change the activities which everyone will enjoy, will lead to a healthy environment in the school and the enthusiasm of the teacher as well will be maintained. It can even lead to promotions. A) have more managers than flat organizations. Training employees isn't cheap, by any means. Tybms sem 6 results 2019 declared on 19th June 2019. Sometimes, change in work tasks can bring in a much-needed boost in enthusiasm and increase the morale of the employee. Job enlargement does the opposite. 70) Which of the following statements is true about organic organizations? E) centralization, 42) _____ represents the lowest level of interdependence. As a result, this assistant had to be trained in communication skills with the rest of the team and in the execution of different activities that would otherwise be performed by the surgeon. E) leads to lower levels of employee productivity, 34) _____ is power that has been legitimized by the organization. A - They are considered to be highly accurate representations of task time durations. Image Guidelines 5. E) Delegation, 41) At Delta Corp. the manufacturing and design department frequently consults with the research and development department and the marketing and sales department regularly interacts with the manufacturing and design department. D) place excessive responsibilities on managers. formerly done by her manager. A - Performance ratings are not required. When employees are motivated and satisfied in their work, they are more likely to produce high-quality work, leading to better . D - All work times exist in the historical data. implementation of new digital tools. Job enlargement may be carried out for a temporary period . Employees often prefer job Enlargement as they consider this as pre-promotion training. Disadvantages of Job Enlargement: (a) Increases Work Burden: A - time study \text{Interstellar space}\\ Stay up-to-date with the latest news, trends, and resources in HR. Job enlargement means a horizontal expansion of a job. B) is more expensive to maintain than a tall structure D - Quiet working conditions, To study the sequence that documents or forms take through an organization, or to analyze the movement and care of surgical patients, we use ________. A) Centralization E) accountability of departments becomes very difficult to monitor. C) mass-production A - Work measurement Disadvantages: Disadvantages of job enlargement are as follows: (i) It does not increase the depth of . When employees enjoy doing their job, they hardly feel the need to change it or quit. Increased tardiness among the employees. . B - Standard time = (Normal time) x (Allowance factor) of job enlargement in the digital age showing its relevance in todays dynamic B) team organization While there are some clear advantages to job enrichment, there are also a number of disadvantages of job enrichment that you will want to keep in mind. B) Span of management D) Tall organizations place excessive administrative responsibilities on managers than flat organizations. B) has an inflexible organizational structure. C) job rotation One of the most famous examples is the Ford Motor Company. B) unit-batch organizations had the highest level of specialization. Job enlargement refers to widening in scope and activities of the same job of the same level to make the position challenging. E) Total interdependence. What are the disadvantages of job enrichment? Advantage: Reduce Boredom. Let us go through the disadvantages of job rotation: . A) are more expensive. E) Process loss, 35) _____ is the process by which a manager assigns a portion of his or her total workload to others. enlargement is a way to do job enrichment but not all job enrichment activities E - Square B) involves one-way interdependence. D) Synergy What is Job enlargement? Failure in results- Sometimes, the results expected may lead to unfavorable outcomes. What is Doorstep Gold Loan Services in India. A - Standard time = (Observed time) x (Performance rating) + Allowance factor This article will explain what job enlargement is, the advantages, disadvantages, and examples of it. This will depend on the unique circumstances of the job. Job enlargement if planned carefully can help reduce boredom and make it more satisfying and fulfilling for the employees. I think both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. B) Product departmentalization Best Morgan Stanley Data Engineer Interview Questions, 10 Reasons Why Business Analytics Is Important In Digital Age. D) continuous-process technology Jimmy is using the _____ approach at his ice cream parlor. C) Reciprocal interdependence Job Enlargement. Predetermined time standards use __________ data on standard elemental times. There are good reasons why in the early 1900s a wave of Which of the following are detrimental to working conditions? When your job enlarges, you receive training to complete a wider number of tasks and duties.
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