Nor is he a good man. OFFICIALLY SPONSORED BY @BBCDOCTORWHO For a moment there was silence before Jack stepped forward and wordlessly hugged him. They won't take it. When I awoke today suddenly nothing happened. Unsteady Ground by TARDISTraveller reviews. The doctor finds the idea of Rory having feelings for him to be assured hijinks ensues This is a Rory/Eleven doctor fanfic so that's what you're getting dude-man This is a highschool au/ normie au ( the doctor isn't an alien, although that'd be pretty cool) . (Indicated in the title which Doctor for each. "After travelling with you, what's left to be scared of? Em uma de suas frias, ele substitudo por Jensen, o mdico que era obstetra, e que . Whatever the case, you're glad of the company.Hate nightmares. You shiver. Along the way they meet a Runaway Bride, Doctor Jones, a Girl Who Waited, a Roman, River Song, and even Zero Luck. [Eleventh Doctor x Reader], Eleventh Doctor/River Song/Original Character, Eleventh Doctor/River Song/Original Female Character(s), aka i'm picking what i want from the old who/wikia/audiobooks/etc, I cannot promise a happy nor angsty ending, background Tenth Doctor/Rose; took it out of the pairing because I don't wanna trouble those folks, their description will change because (spoilers). Rose Tyler returns into her original universe to find the Doctor - again. 1.2K Stories. Rory finds out that Eleven has not been eating or sleeping properly. During the weekend of December 28, we're going to switch Teaspoon's skin over to the beta skin we released earlier this year. 'Jack immediately began CPR on both hearts, desperate for that gasp of air that signalled a restoration of life. John and Dan's arm wrestling was intensifying, and now the people around them were chanting.'QUIET!' Are you an alien? , , . var sc_invisible=1; | /a > a time . She was 12 when she met the Doctor and his TARDIS. Two Doctors. because sometimes you just need a doccy who hug ya know? Well, along with the Doctor's new friend "Your boyfriend doesn't like me," the Doctor said, then winced. Eleventh Doctor/You (61) Exclude Additional Tags Fluff (326) Angst (198) Reader-Insert (175) Hurt/Comfort (124) Romance (65) Fluff and Angst (62) The Torchwood Drabble Files by badly_knitted (Teen) This is their story. The Doctor becomes a teacher at St. Luke's University, so that he could guard his old best friend who is stuck in a vault for a thousand years, and teach her how to be good.You decide to stay with him, and after a lot of bickering he finally agrees and lets you. Part 4 of Memento. This is a story of how life must go on - or perhaps for the Doctor, begin - while awaiting the return of a beautiful blue box. List of Doctor Who episodes (2005-present) " The Day of the Doctor " is a special episode of the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, marking the programme's 50th anniversary. In which an amnesiac witch actually has a lot more to her than she or anyone else knows. August slips away like its nothing. The feeling of longing fading as the dream fades too. The only thing the Doctor does know is that he thinks of her everyday. This is one of my first attempts so bear with me, Im not that great at this. The dream horse (doctor who) 26 pages Completed December 27, 2021 The time lord sent by Cyberlife. !SEQUEL OUT NOW!! , , , . Bonkers Doctor. It was so elusive, so mind-boggling. He said honestly, and her gaze fluttered onto his. But tonight, he broke all the promises hes ever made. This is the story of how a creative and fiery red-headed Scot came What if Timelords and Timeladies had soulmates? But she can't. She's stuck in London, skipping from flat to flat trying not to let Donna k. Completed. doctorwhofanfiction. This is a collection of all my Doctor x Fem Reader One Shots. How will she cope knowing the Master, who used to be her closest friend, was capable of such horrific acts? I will accept requests, so please REQUEST SOME STUFF. After "The End of Time", the Doctor regenerates into his final incarnation and the TARDIS is damaged by the regeneration energy. The Doctor meets a very different Rose in 2005.Why is her past his future? One-shot. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Sarah Jane S., 11th Doctor - Words: 436 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/19/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 6919862 The Guardian is a young Time Lord, who is technically still a child, that had to grow up quick due to a rough start on Gallifrey and having very rare abilities the High What if Timelord' had a soul mate? He knows two versions of her existing at once is going to cause the universe all kinds of chaos, but it's the price he's willing to pay just to save her. Please consider turning it on! His Soulmate. The Eleventh Doctor is an incarnation of the Doctor, the protagonist of the BBC science fiction television programme Doctor Who.He is played by Matt Smith in three series as well as five specials. Form that moment on Lunas life change for the better, even death is knocking on her door. That Eleven has nightmares. There's a small town. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (62), Eleventh Doctor & Amy Pond & Rory Williams (14), Thirteenth Doctor & Yasmin Khan & Graham O'Brien & Ryan Sinclair (9), the doctor and master have years of angst and i love it, I don't think I'm capable of writing Seven and Ace without making both of their lives miserable, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Episode Fix-It: s04e08 Silence in the Library, Liv Chenka & Eighth Doctor & Helen Sinclair, Post-Episode: Legend of the Sea Devils (Doctor Who), Pre-Episode: The Power of the Doctor (Doctor Who), Loop 23:57: Dan Lewis Reveals that Yasmin Khan Likes the Doctor (Doctor Who: Eve of the Daleks), Doctor doesnt acknowledge it until after sea devils tho, Thirteenth Doctor & Yasmin Khan & Graham O'Brien & Ryan Sinclair, Tenth Doctor & Thirteenth Doctor & Donna Noble, The Doctor (Doctor Who) Uses They/Them Pronouns, for every failing sun, there's a morning after, Eleventh Doctor & Amy Pond & Rory Williams, hints at preslash between the three of them, all torture does happen offscreen but it is for sure happening currently within the story, The Doctor (Doctor Who) Uses He/Him She/Her and They/Them Pronouns, see warnings at start of relevant chapter, because I can't be fucked to research shit, I probably lost the plot writing some of those, Probably also lost it while writing these tags, No beta we die like uhm whatever Who character doesn't come constantly back to life, or whatever you can call my small dip into insanity, don't come here expecting everything to be nice and calm. He was incredibly skinny with messy brown hair and deep brown eyes, which were currently scanning the room as if searching for something. The dream horse series After the dark horse betrayed the doctor he went off to plan his revenge but during that time he regenerated into the dream horse. Scene rewrites, smut, hurt/comfort etcetc Roseten: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17,Whouffle: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25Whouffaldi: 3, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 23, 24. On the fifth day, she smells smoke. Hurt- Rory Williams . powerfulfemalelead. And now theyre all just trying to understand their (stupid) feelings and get back to each otherall over the course of one year Eleven attempts suicide but is luckily found by Rory. doctor who fanfiction 11th doctor hurt. The Doctor is feeling lonely after the loss of The Ponds and Clara Oswald. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. But it was her sacrifice, against the death of the Universe. Whatever the case, you're glad of the company.Hate nightmares. You shiver. This is their story. My amazing cover is by @-crazywebs Charlotte Bolton wasn't supposed to disappear in the middle of the aisle. Two Rose Tylers. "What is it Pond?" The multiverse is messy. But you may be diagnosed with something neither of you were expecting. Amy demands Rory and The Doctor kiss because they're both being weird about her kissing The Doctor. The feeling of longing fading as the dream fades too. Hes working at a record store when Clara Oswald, an English teacher walks in searching for age-appropriate records for her class. No young woman should go through that pain. About the madman, sometimes madwoman, in a blue box who saves planets, eras and civilisations at the risk of his or her own life. Her path isnt nearly as straight as shed like it to be, but she was going to do anything to keep her family the way theyre supposed to be. It was everything she dreamed of, until one day when tragedy struck. The Doctor was far more affected by that "Mr. You chase after ghosts of Remembrance, of Love and Devotion, of Wars in Heaven and Time; anything, anything to find answers. Ill do it, he confirmed. #10thdoctor #11thdoctor #12thdoctor #9thdoctor #davidtennant #doctorwho #fanfiction #mattsmith #newwho #petercapaldi #scifi #tardis #time #timelord #travel. Rose and her husband had a fantastic life. All he knew was that she meant a great deal to him, an enormous deal to him, that he probably loved her in whatever way, and above all else, he knew she'd keep his head on straight. What this means for you if you're still using the current "bluepurple" skin: we will be removing this skin entirely. Welcome to A Teaspoon And An Open Mind, an archive for Doctor Who stories of all kinds. More than that it turns out her father was a chameleon arched version of himself from her own universe. She had missed him, it was true. That was until he received Clara Oswald as a patient. On the first day of the month, she wakes up and smells cinnamon. But when a badly-injured Tenth Doctor unexpectedly crashes back into her life, can they now pluck up the courage to have the conversations that they should have had twenty years ago? But he can never capture a clear glimpse of her face. This is a very dark story containing non-consent, violence, gore, torture, death and the Master being very evil. The only thing the Doctor does know is that he thinks of her everyday. You must have been moving in your sleep because your legs are tangled in the duvet. (And note that even though you'll see that empty story box, your content is still safe on our server and has not been deleted by clicking "edit chapter.") What would have happened if the Victorian version of Clara was the one who became the full-time companion? Eighth Doctor (1140) Ninth Doctor (5760) Tenth Doctor (20844) Eleventh Doctor (3921) Twelfth Doctor (586) Thirteenth Doctor (159) Fourteenth Doctor (1) Fifteenth Doctor (0) Other Doctors (850 . Even his dreams are filled with her. "What could've been in Rory's room during s6ep12 "The God Complex". They were close friends with a time traveling alien that changes his face every couple of years. 5 pages Completed October 13, 2018 lonely.neko. And what is the big bad wolf? I don't know how it happened, but I do know that the Doctor left me. That she's unavoidably in love with his best enemy.The MasterXOC, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (3671), Eleventh Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald (273), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (477), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, The Doctor (Doctor Who) & Dean Winchester, The Doctor (Doctor Who) & John Winchester, Eighth Doctor & Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, The Further Complicated Lives of the Winchesters, Eleventh Doctor & Amy Pond & Rory Williams, Diane (Doctor Who: The Halloween Apocalypse), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE. Could this chance meeting change everything? We don't anticipate any downtime as part of this switchover, but obviously, will keep you all updated in the unlikely event something goes wrong. If his soul had a form it would need a hand to hold hers. The Doctor is feeling lonely after the loss of The Ponds and Clara Oswald. This is their story. Heed all the warnings and tags. Well, this is that story. What happens when the Doctor meets a new companion? riversong. AU 9/Rose 10/Rose 11/Rose. Chaos as well as learning how to tiptoe around a distraught Doctor. But how can he find her if he doesnt even know what she looks like?He thought of Rose. A blind Doctor, his six-year-old daughter, Jack Harkness, and Millennia take an Odyssean journey into an extremely hostile and unexplored region of space, in a race against time to find the cure for a diseased Rose Tyler. Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. And he didn't want to lose her. All he sees is her flaming red hair, and then he wakes with a start, finding his own hands in his hair. 'Today we've got a new boy joining the class 'Rose, amid a conversation about Britney with Shareen, glanced up to see the new boy. They will laugh, cry, love but most of all, run. I've played with this idea for so long. Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it takes a parallel universe, but the thing about twin flames is th Malia always felt out of the ordinary. A magic mad man, fell from the sky in a bl. "And you're my clever man, Doctor." (vuh-nay-day) Doctor Who drabbles based on Saint Motel's The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. This archive currently hosts 43610 stories and 5009 authors . An impossibility come to life. Eleven accepts the help, and teaches Rory about his biology. John is driving back from Edinburgh and sees River the side of the road and offers her a ride. as he sees her on the balcony, shimmering brighter than anything in the cosmos. Rory is glad that if one of them was able to get out and away, it was Amy. And I make it gayer. They shall run from the beginning to the end of time and beyond, and if anything tries to stand in their way, their worlds will burn. All she felt was numb until a strange time-traveler walked into her life. Please consider turning it on! TICK TOC Alice Pond, adopted sister of Amelia Pond. 'No, please,' he gasped. But their ticket may only be one way. Yaz is thrilled to find a place she fits, but the cloud to the silver lining is Jac Smith, a disorganised mess who always gets in her way. Astraea, the Timelady who couldn't remember, meets the Doctor who turns out to be her soulmate. 5.2K 261 49. He's working at a record store when Clara Oswald, an English teacher walks in searching for age-appropriate records for her class. Clever" than he puts on. Dreams & Nightmares 2: Champagne on Ice by Julianna Calavicci. the doctor and a young boy, travelling through time and space together like father and son. Work Search: He has to deal with the fact that she doesn't want to actually see him. Teaspoon Admin on 2020.09.07 - 02:57PM, Possible Teaspoon downtime at 9pm UTC May 4, 2019 VANADEY // Forest Goddess The Doctor and Clara Oswald. I basically wanted to be a showrunner and see how well I could do. Please consider turning it on! This is a collection of all my Doctor x Fem Reader One Shots. Your depression and your urge. Standing out on the rings of Akhaten, the Doctor stumbles upon a world where the people deal in sentiment, where valuable possessions act as currency and money is obsolete. (f/n) life was falling apart. Yes it's an oc insert; however, they are g/n and they basically just get called a nickname they made up on a whim. doctor. She prayed to Santa to send someone, and he did. Requests can "You're my fantastic girl, Nina Rose." Only they weren't her memories. All of us, Jack said firmly. Well let's just say that now he knows what River means. Who are the Silence? Bad Wolf From Space by Kait. This is a collection of all my Doctor x Fem Reader One Shots. neither has the doctor. The Raggedy Doctor and The Impossible Girl - Unabashed Whoffl fluff. TICK TOCK GOES THE CLOCK She also knows, that the man with bow tie who saved her, knew her very well. Astraea, the Timelady who couldn't remember, meets the Doctor who turns out to be her soulmate. Why is Clara Oswald the Impossible Girl? While Rose has no desire to deal with the trauma her Tardis has another way of dealing with it entirely. With their crazy bow tie man. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I've put everything in place for Leah to inherit the Tardis, so she and Theo will be okay. The Doctor walks in on the Ponds one day and he ends up taking Rorys anal virginity. The Doctor and his companion Amy have been skirting around the truth for some time now and everything is about to break. During the migration, the server may be unavailable periodically, and to avoid potential data loss, we will not be approving stories until the migration is complete. happy end. Amelia Rose Song. For one thing, there are far too many familiar faces on the outer-space steam train than he had ever been expecting. That would be less mortifying. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (148), Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures - Various Authors (2), Eleventh Doctor/Amy Pond/Rory Williams (39), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (21), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, sex pollen except amy is having none of it, Older Amy Pond (Episode:s06e10 The Girl Who Waited), Post-Episode AU: s06e10 The Girl Who Waited, eleven/amy trying to find each other again, there might be more than one chapter to this actually, back when i was convinced there was going to be an entire smith-era 60th anniversary special, and it makes me sad that it's never going to happen, The Age of Paradox- Book 2.5: Miracle Day, Jenny (Doctor Who: The Doctor's Daughter), laughing at some of these suggested tags i mean honestly, I Wrote This While Listening To The Weeknd, Pre-Episode: s05e10 Vincent and The Doctor, but still manages to make an incredible speech, Post-Episode: s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan, I really wish they'd put the concept of the Doctor's sentiment in the episode, but I guess that's what fanfiction is for, Episode: s08e08 Mummy on the Orient Express, amy and twelve have an iconic scottish argument, I have been thinking about writing this one for ages, The Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald Friendship, but i have a whole headcanon this happened anyway, I had this in my head for ages and it wouldn't go away, aka that time in Britain some guy tried to kill the king, so for 400 years we've been celebrating by burning his effigy, Episode: s12e04 Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror, Episode: s13e04 Village of the Angels (Doctor Who), Episode: s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan, Standing Out Under String Lights and Constellations. The sum of its parts come together to form one unrelenting journey. The Doctor and Rose are coping after the Battle of Canary Wharf and the impending danger that lingers over not only the Doctor but also his unborn child. When the Doctor shows up unexpectedly at Rose Tyler's door a year later, she doesn't know how to react. Just you watch us.. dont let the relationship tags fool you - this isnt a multidoc sorry. What's River Song's connection to the Tardis and Amy? Any questions? Helen and Liv look after a grumpy Doctor when he's not feeling well. The Doctor and you are waiting out a snowstorm inside a cave. The Doctor Makes a Terrible Patient by hurkydoesntknow reviews. This weekend, we're upgrading our version of MySQL. The On one night there was a girl, she had a crack in her wall. His beloved. Possedi casus amoris bipolar, The Doctor | Ruth Clayton/Idris (Doctor Who: The Doctor's Wife), i wrote this just to get my 11ponds (yea i made up the name) feelings out of my system, all depends on if i have motivation or ideas so dont get ur hopes up, Eleventh Doctor & Amy Pond & Rory Williams, in a purely non sexual relationship between rory and 11, it all gets kinda graphic and intense on all themes, Jenny (Doctor Who: The Doctor's Daughter), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, the one where they have a group chat and watch Dark on their nights in. So, it's says /reader but that because it's my first time trying ta tag something soooooo. (Not a name, more like random nouns)(Ps I haven't chosen a name as off today, so I know about as much as you do on the name front (11/22/22))(Pps I am writing in mobile so if it looks a lil funky that's why). You will find Parallel universes, Time sensitivity, time tot, and family here. Picking up where we left off in Part One, The Christmas Invasion continues, Doctor Who x Reader one shot I wrote for my creative writing class. The Doctor and Wilfred are having a nice night out watching the stars when the Doctor is suddenly overcome with emotion. The Doctor lets the older Amy into the TARDIS at the end of The Girl Who Waited. "Kindness, Feminine Beauty and Grace." Doctor Who - Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,588 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/4/2018 - 12th Doctor, Bill P. - Complete. The doctor finds a young girl who believes she is human, but she is not, she is more than that, she is a child of Gallifrey. And boy did we. He didnt expect the paternal feelings that come with it, and is soon left wondering if hes bitten off more than he can chew. Meu nome Julie, acabei de me formar em medicina, e estou no 2 ano de estgio obrigatrio pelo governo. Hurt/Comfort (13) Dark (11) Anal Sex (10) Smut (10) Other tags to include . (Supposed to be read as 11 x companion! Rose Tyler and her son, Irvin, receive a TARDIS blue envelope through a crack in a wall. That is, until she saw evidence of it in the future. After leaving rose on another world with a human version of him the doctor changed his face and is now traverling with amy and Rory. A reunion story in four acts:Act I: IntroAct II: PrologueAct III: The ReunionAct IV: The Story Continues, Prompt: You look like you could use a hug. Jack searched the room desperately for some sort of First Aid kit, but nothing was in his eye-line. Action Fanfiction Romance. You cant be anything of the sort, I scanned you when we met youre human-". The Doctor finds something. Even if it means running from spidersgiant spiders. But, what ifInstead of crashing to 1996 Leadworth, everyone's favourite Time Lord crashed in Hell? A girl wakes up in a hospital, little to no memory and a strong urge to run. A blind Doctor, his six-year-old daughter, Jack Harkness, and Millennia take an Odyssean journey into an extremely hostile and unexplored region of space, in a race against time to find the cure for a diseased Rose Tyler. The doctor finds the idea of Rory having feelings for him to be assured hijinks ensues This is a Rory/Eleven doctor fanfic so that's what you're getting dude-man This is a highschool au/ normie au ( the doctor isn't an alien, although that'd be pretty cool). John Smith (Eleven) and Rose Tyler are best friends, with something more always lurking below the surface. He promised to never break her. Rose suddenly finds herself face to face with a regenerated Doctor and has to confront her own feelings. Red has always reminded Amy of the Doctor. Mrs Patrice shrieked. No scrap that, that would be completely rubbish. . For a while there was silence. Everything always gets complicated around him and the people he cares for. +13 more. "Know this, Doctor Vienna isn't just a city. Human AU: Prompt - River teaching 11 how to kiss, and 11 ends up kissing River really leaving River silent and flustered for a moment. They were yours. #angst #characterswatchtheshow #comfort #doctor # . And thats far from the last threesome they have. The girl of his dreams ), /I don't take requests, but suggestions in the comments are welcome./, Jordan Blanchat Sancoeur was your run of the mill orphan living with her grandfather in the middle of nowhere. It terrified her. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Doctor's room. That special person is called their Bonded. . He'll say, "We're all stories in the end. She was Eleven's soulmate She wouldnt change it at all. I will do oneshots for 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and their companions (if requested). Eyes wide in alarm Amy pushed the door open, unthinking, only knowing the Doctor was hurt and she'd had enough of it. Revenant// a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead. When the TARDIS mysteriously vanishes, the Doctor and Amy Pond are left stranded on a futuristic human colony. The Doctor is going to be able to get them out of here quickly enough, and then theyll find a way to get back to Amy and the TARDIS, no problem. Welcome to A Teaspoon And An Open Mind, an archive for Doctor Who stories of all kinds. It isn't responsive that is, it doesn't scale smoothly from desktop monitor size down to phone screens and we can't address lingering display issues in the beta "neospoon" skin until bluepurple is removed. - ETA: as of 9:30pm UTC, this is fixed. youve never had a new years kiss before. Who grow up to save the world The Doctor and Donna share a sad, soft moment after the events of Midnight. The Doctor had never met his Bonded and w 'was previously named "Last of Our Kinds ~ 11th Doctor' While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. 'Quiet!' Hes working at a record store when Clara Oswald, an English teacher walks in searching for age-appropriate records for her class. This life of yours is filled with blood, with pain and death and woes; every day you spin this wheel and the danger for you grows. She proposes this idea to The Doctor. Amongst starlight trips to Soho and lazy days in southern France, theres only so much Amy and the Doctor can to take their minds off the inescapable heat. Pairings: Rory/ Amy implied. It put her brain on the edge of an idea and her tongue ready to burst out with the answer. Clara has a brilliant idea, at least in her mind it's brilliant, for Halloween. With nothing but a blue box, a raging curiosity, and an incredible nack of getting into trouble, Amelia for once makes her own decision. cause its a gay show but it needs to be gayer. You tried to be the Doctor, tried to pick and manage a nice adventure for her, and things go southward. You treat it like a joke, like a game you want to win. Editing stories She runs through the stars.
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