It will also discuss the CARE (Connect, Acknowledge, Respond, Evaluate) service provision framework and will share Ohio's practical, free, trauma-informed tools and materials developed for you to raise awareness with those you serve and the agencies you work in. Each #AdvoChat (Advocates + Chatting)offers an opportunity to improve your professional skillset and knowledge base with detailed, hands-on video training, engagingly delivered to you without having to leave your desk. Website by Infantree, Find Your Local Domestic Violence Program. During her last four years at Transamerica, Kim served as the president of World Group Securities, Inc., the Transamerica broker-dealer with the largest number of registered representatives. (Or Why Not? We can better address and eliminate intimate partner violence if we see the problem as an ongoing crime of controlmore like a long-term hostage situation than a series of domestic violence assaults. Click here to check. Since doing so, they have reduced their local DV homicide rate from 11 (2000-2013) to one. Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 10:00am. Videos included in this playlist: Safety Planning for the Holidays, Interconnectedness of domestic violence and homelessness, assessing for & responding to reproductive coercion, navigating when a survivor is in crisis, emotional safety for children, mindfulness techniques for survivors, emotional safety planning, lets talk about boundaries, trauma-informed play therapy interventions for youth, healing from trauma: centering the survivor, supporting children through trauma, building resiliency, and more. Privacy Policy Terms of Use 2023 Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV). Register for upcoming webinars or view recorded webinars on a variety of topics. Find a domestic violence advocate who can help near you. Exclusive to affiliates of PCADV member programs, our online learning center offers more robust industry training. Police Domestic Violence. The intended audience for these trainings was legal services programs, domestic violence programs and sexual assault programs who have VOCA grants. Videos included in this playlist: Trauma-Informed Mindful Movement, Safety Planning for the Holidays, Mindfulness Techniques for Survivors, Lets Talk About Boundaries, Healing from Trauma: Centering the Survivor, Virtual Book Talk with Author and Survivor Kelly Sundberg, A conversation for building resiliency, writing workshops, and more. Research has found high rates of both past and current intimate partner violence (IPV) among people in SUD treatment settings. Team: Changing Minds Winner of Open Minds Initiative! In this webinar, Kim Scouller will help you to become a better financial advocate for victims and survivors of abuse. Domestic violence impacts all of our communities. This playlist includes webinars that are geared toward anyone who identifies as an advocate or wants to support victim-survivors of domestic and sexual violence. In this webinar we will be talking about safety planning and the unique . Implementation Science: What Does it Take to Improve Outcomes? Help is just a few clicksaway. Transcript Link: Zoom . Let your voice be heard on domestic violence public policies. The webinar introduces participants to a slideshow presentation church leaders can use with their congregations. Information included: Overview of the DVPI program; Best and promising practices; Evidence-based practices; Transitional Housing Voluntary Services Training E-Learning Across the Nation DV Counts Informational Webinar (Aug. 16) Proposals Open for the Collaborative Responses to Domestic Violence in Rural Communities Conference Annual CAAN Meeting (Nov. 2-3) Resources Financial Resource Guide for Survivors Applying for OVW Funding Rainbow House Domestic Abuse Services, which serves a three-county area in North Eastern Wisconsin, created the second Domestic Violence High-Risk Team (DVHRT) in the state to better address the needs of rural survivors and proactively intervene in high-risk cases before greater escalation. Weve painstakingly verified information on shelters in LA to shelters in NY, and every domestic violence program in between. To learn more about this exciting venture, to expand the eco-system of holistic and inclusive support for survivors and advocates, please visit Project Opal. Building Trauma Informed Tribal Child Welfare Systems: New Shifts in Policy and Practice, 8/8/16 Scroll through to explore our library of resources! With Only Blue Skies, we envision transforming the largest industry in our country from one that talks about womens financial needs to one that is actually doing something about it helping women address their own financial needs through education. Sign up to receive alerts about upcoming violence prevention education webinars. You do not have to have the word advocate in your job title to benefit from these videos. Recorded versions of our webinars hosted to educate domestic violence professionals. All online learning session times are listed as EasternTime. The new look of community building has drastically burdened businesses, nonprofits, and academic institutions. The IHS Forensic Healthcare Project provides in-person and web-based training related to the identification, collection, and preservation of medical forensic evidence obtained during treatment of victims of sexual and domestic violence.. Webinars National MSPI and DVPI New Grantee and IHS Programs Welcome Call/Webinar. Melissa Hart of eBodyGuard will introduce you to the eBodyGuard technology that is creating a revolutionary approach to personal safety that puts the right information in the hands of 9-1-1 operators, law enforcement and attorneys. OVC FY 2023 Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance Grant Program Pre-Application Webinar. When Domestic Violence Goes Digital Abuse has gone digital. If you are a fierce advocate for children/youth, these webinars could provide lots of useful and practical information for how to show up for kids. GOTR envisions a world where every girl is free to boldly pursue her dreams. Heather Joyner from Franklin County Emergency Communications in North Carolina will give a play-by-play of what her day looks like, the challenges she faces and share tips on how to make sure help arrives as quickly as possible. Girls on the Run uses running and relationship-building to build girls' resilience, helping them to be joyful, healthy and confident. This webinar was presented by PreventConnect, a national project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA), and featured speakers from DCADV and CHILD, Inc. . If you or a friend is suffering from physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse or verbal abuse, this free service can help. This self-paced training consists of five lessons and serves as an introduction to the dynamics of domestic violence. This webinar will explain strangulation and discuss the new law. March 8, 9 am - 4 pm PST. Learn how to determine what kind of leader you are, What happens when you dial 9-1-1? During the morning session, you'll learn about offender . Click here to become a member and save. But they cause a host of physical, emotional and cognitive consequences that can impact every area of a persons life--including their ability to access and participate in dv services. This presentation is best suited for community leaders, professionals, and activists who are eager to maximize their online presence. COD: Overlapping Issues: Domestic & Sexual Violence, Mental Health, Trauma & Substance Use (2018) This recorded webinar featuring Kim Pentico from the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), will be exploring different aspects of economic justice as prevention work. Watch Webinar For Advocates Trauma 1: Secondary Trauma & Self-Care The Center on Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury's groundbreaking research revealed that over 8 out of 10 people accessing domestic violence services had experienced head trauma, often repeatedly and concurrently. In this webinar, Gael Strack of the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention will share insights and research on the intersection of non-fatal strangulation and domestic violence. 2021 ARP COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines and Mobile Health Units Supplemental Funding, Domestic Violence Health Care Partnership Project, Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day (HCADV Day), Project Catalyst: State-Wide Transformation on Health, IPV, and Human Trafficking, National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence, The National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence, Institute for Leadership in Education Development, Strategies and Training to Advance Greater Elder Safety, Supporting Organizational Sustainability SOS Institute, FUTURES fights back against Trump Administration Policies that Hurt Immigrant Families and those Seeking Asylum, Building Collaborative Responses to Human Trafficking, Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking, Workplaces Respond to Domestic and Sexual Violence, Helplines for Abusive Partners? . We have such a large library of webinar recordings that it is overwhelming this webpage! Other Webinars with this Speaker: Disaster Without, Disaster Within: Natural Disasters and Family Violence; Sept 29: The Road Less Traveled: Family Violence in Rural Communities; Dec 7: Role of Faith-Based Organizations and Domestic Violence (this webinar) Or click here to view and register for other upcoming NSA webinars on the JCH Platform. In 2014, Kim co-founded and launched Only Blue Skies, a Womens Business Platform focused on making financial education and the financial profession more accessible to women. This conference focuses on sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, human trafficking, and elder abuse to highlight promising practices and emerging issues to effectively respond to these crimes in all of our communities. In this session, participants learn about the connections between workplace . Welcome, this is your discreet connection tohelp. [#ADVOCHAT SESSION] Domestic Violence High Risk Team Formation in Rural Communities | 3/15 @ 1pm EST | Learn More + Register at Researcher and practitioner presenters share the results of the Harris County Health and Relationship Study, a collaborative partnership to examine . It also shares strategies advocates can use to assist victims of domestic violence during the pandemic. : Teen DV Month Last Minute Call to Action Menu, Collaborating to Address the Needs of Trafficked Survivors with Disabilities, Collaborating to Address Trafficking in Rural Communities: Lessons from the Field, 2017 NCHDV Call for Abstracts: Ask the Experts, A Cross-Sector Model for Addressing Gender-Based Violence Impacting the Workplace, Trauma-Informed Care for Refugees and Children, Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care for Organizations, Legal Aspects of Human Trafficking for Health Providers, Supporting Safety and Change: A policy Framework for Engaging with Men Who Use Violence, Trauma-Informed Approaches to Working With Immigrant Children, Trauma-informed Approaches to Domestic Violence Exposure, Adverse Childhood Experiences And Resiliency: Opportunities For Early Child Care Providers, We Believe Moms Matter: Enhancing Child Welfare Responses to Mothers Experience Domestic Violence, Context and Practice: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Building Affirming Environments for LGBTQ + Youth, Healthy Moms, Happy Babies: Using the Relationship Assessment Tool and Universal Education, Strong Collaborative, Strong Families: Co-Located Domestic Violence Services Within Child Welfare, Assessing Trauma-Informed Practice: Lessons Learned From a Trauma Audit, Building Competence and Resilience in Children and Parents: The Advocate as Change Agent, Introduction to Labor and Sex Trafficking: A Health Care & Human Rights Challenge, Measuring Trauma-Informed Practice: Tools for Organizations, Collaborating with Community Based Organizations and Faith Based Communities to Address Human Trafficking, Labor Trafficking and the Intersection of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Addressing and Responding to Domestic and Sexual Violence in Healthcare Settings, Assembling the Pieces:Tools to Build an Effective Board, Building Promising Futures: Guidelines and Outcome Measures for Enhancing Response of Domestic Violence Programs to Children & Youth, Reimbursement and Payment Strategies for DV/Health Partnership, Promising Futures: Capacity Assessment for DV/SV Programs for Supporting Children, Youth, and Parents, Expanding Healthy Moms/Happy Babies: Spotlight on Our New Young Mothers Safety Card, Beyond Screening: A Patient-Centered Approach to Domestic Violence, The News About Childhood Trauma: Findings and Implications, Addressing and Preventing Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence in Campus Health Centers, Domestic Violence, Mental Health, And Substance Use Coercion, Promoting Healthy Teen Relationships in Pediatric Health Settings, Thats Not Cool: Mobilizing Youth Communities for Teen Dating Violence Prevention & Education, Navigating Fund Development Strategies During Transition, New Public Health Strategies for Violence Prevention, Gender Based Violence, Health, and HIV: Intersections and Implications for Clinicians, Open Enrollment: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing abuse, Ending the Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: A Public Health Approach, Applicant Webinar on Funding Announcement: Phase II to Identify and Provide Brief Counseling on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in PCMH Recognized Health Centers, Improving Health Outcomes through Violence Prevention, Returning to Being Good Relatives: Addressing Lateral Oppression and Violence, Achieving Access for Parents and Children. Date. All rights reserved. What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us: Domestic Violence, Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury and a Way Forward 2.3K views 2 years ago 4 5 Steps to Empower Survivors to Succeed. Attendees will learn industry tips to enhance their social media presence through proven best practices. 9:00 am - 12:15 pm. This playlist includes webinars that begin to scratch the surface of an issue. Create an account to save and access your bookmarked materials anytime, anywhere. Some abusers use coercive control without physical violencewhich can be especially confusing for victims and survivors. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in these webinars are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of PCCD, AOPC or the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women. Online Learning Center. You will also learn of the innovative strategies deployed by the NNPD Domestic Violence Team in their efforts to engage the community in the fight against this public health epidemic. In the Know. Those of us who work with domestic violence have known for decades that abusers intentionally target a victims head, neck and face with terrifying and painful repeated assaults and strangulation. This playlist includes webinars that provide tools, resources, and other information that could aid victim-survivors in their healing journey. Located in NNPD Headquarters, and based out of the Special Victims Unit, the NNPD DV Team utilizes a multi-pronged approach to domestic violence: victim advocacy, law enforcement training, community partnerships, data analysis, domestic violence education and awareness saturation. You can also purchase individual subscriptions or agency subscriptions for access to all our live and archived webinars. Learn about relevant federal and state laws, Identify the intersection between domestic violence and sex trafficking, Understand why victims of sex trafficking dont always identify themselves as domestic violence victims and that the psychological and trauma bonds with their trafficker are fundamental obstacles. The Indiana Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team (INDVFRT) works to prevent deaths related to intimate partner violence by engaging in a systematic multi-disciplinary review of past ipv-related fatalities or near-fatalities to identify systemic barriers or gaps, and by making recommendations for systems and social change. This webinar will introduce you to the CARE framework of delivering services, using accommodations to make services more effective and responsive, and free, downloadable educational materials and practice-based tools for service providers and survivors of violence. 415 N McKinley Street . This will be a full day of learning, with lunch provided. In partnership with the Idaho Sheriff's Association, learn more about Idaho VINE's features. Videos included in this playlist: Too Often Forgotten: Impact of Domestic Violence on Children, Emotional Safety for Children, The Power of Play: Domestic Violence and Trauma-Informed Play Therapy Interventions for Youth, Supporting Children Through Trauma, and more. Save to calendar . This webinar series will examine the intersections between trauma, domestic violence, and the opioid epidemic; discuss innovative approaches to addressing these complex issues; and offer practical strategies for domestic violence programs and opioid/substance abuse treatment providers. ET. These invisible injuries impact the brain, are almost never immediately treated, and rarely identified. Instead of searching the Internet, it is all right here. . This webinar will provide a detailed overview of immigration forms of relief survivors often qualify and highlight recent changes that impact eligibility for and processing of VAWA, Battered Spouse Waiver, and U and T Visas. Archived Recordings. The webinar series, entitled Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates, aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. WEBINAR SERIES Experts from the Center for Violence Prevention regularly conduct free educational webinars on various topics related to youth violence prevention. From what used to be standard prostitution cases, now theres a keen eye out there for warning signs of human trafficking, says one investigator. A-CVS-2018-WOMADV-00013, awarded by the Office on Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs. Over the past 13 years at ODVN, Rachel has led multiple statewide initiatives on trauma-informed approaches as well as other topics. Zoom . ACTIVATE YOUR SCHOOL: How-to-Guide for hosting an Audrie & Daisy Screening at a Local High School, FIGHTING FOR CHANGE: Make Your Voice Heard With Your Elected Officials, Case Management Approaches to Support Trafficked Victims/Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Whats the Dish? Recorded Video Webinars Advocacy Domestic Violence Sexual Violence Children Exposed to Domestic Violence Home Visitation/MIECHV Prevention Legal Gender & Sexual Minority Wheels Technology & Safety Teen Dating Violence Trauma Informed Care Vicarious Trauma Faith Leaders This page provides access to recorded webinars hosted by the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health on various topics related to trauma, mental health, and domestic violence. This webinar gives step-by-step tips and tools to help any agency that serves survivors the ability to calculate local impact so stakeholders and especially funders and government officials to see how funding programs for survivors at this critical time provide an incredible return on investment. The Importance of an Intimate Partner Abuse Screening Tool for LGBQ/T Communities and Families, Strategies for Centralizing the Voices of Young People of Color in Anti-Violence Work, The Benefits of Mentorship: Empower, Lead, Succeed in Organizations Serving Survivors of Violence, Considering Children: How the Opioid Epidemic Affects Child Survivors of Domestic Violence, Open Enrollment!
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