Youd expect anywhere between $175-200 from private breeders. All you need is a nesting box, a healthy breeding diet, and a quieter space to make cinnamon conure clutches of eggs. We have multiple pairs now in the nest boxes. They enjoy foraging toys and will spend hours removing every last treat, strong and challenging toys are highly recommended. On the one hand we might also speak of single and double factor violets, as I already have tree violets which are significantly darker in appearance. You can buy them with attached toys from any good pet or bird store. from seed to pellets), wait at least six months. These birds have a personality that is just as bright as their plumage. Research and selective breeding have resulted in a variety of color mutations each with its own distinct color palettes and patterns. Everything you wanted to know About Quaker parrot Colors. Personally, I regret it, considering it is a different kind Green-cheek here that has a totally different morphology and colour intensity as the molinae sordida in which specie the violet is born. yellow sided Personality: These guys are the same as the normals in personalitythey love attention and will even cuddle with you for. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. You must log in or register to reply here. American Dilute. Alternatives made from natural untreated seagrass mats are safer. With my previous experiences with Peach-faced Lovebirds and Lineolated parakeets, I first thought that this was an instance of Dark Factor, given the dark green colour much like the dark green Roseicollis or dark green Lineolated. See more Green-cheek Mutations here! A green-cheeked conure may not require the kind of space a larger parrot needs, but provide you will still need an enclosure that is at least 24 inches square and 30 inches high with metal bars spaced 1/2 to 3/4 inch apart. This bird has an independent personality and may be shy and standoffish around people it doesnt know. This is a gentle, fun-loving bird thats a joy to have around. Cost: If youre looking for a green cheek conure, consider the yellow sided mutation. Signs you should avoid the breeder include cramped living conditions, inactive birds, and breeders who avoid your questions or do not seem to have much information on their birds. Eucalyptus, Lillypilly and Bottlebrush are safe and make excellent perches. Now this is one mutation I find gorgeous! $250. Here is a brief overview, the example prices of some of your Conures necessities. This bird is native to heavily forested and woodland areas of Paraguay, Argentina, and parts of Brazil. Common Names: Green-cheeked conure, green-cheeked parakeet,yellow-sided conure, green-cheeked parrot, Scientific Name: Pyrrhura molinae with six subspecies with slight varieties: P. molinaeaustralis, P. m. molinae, P. m. phoenicura, P. m. restricta, P. m. flavoptera, P. m. hypoxantha, Adult Size: One of the smaller conure species, it measures around 10 inches in length and weighs about two to three ounces, Life Expectancy: Can live 30-plus years in captivity. Seven Not-So-Secret Facts , Top 28 Fascinating Birds with Long Beaks(With Pict, Reasons Your Parakeets Arent Drinking: Solutions and Tactics. The normal ones have grey feet, while yellow-siders have red or pink feet. But this bird is different because it has a bright yellow chest and a tail that is maroon or light red. Green-cheeked Conure Scientific Name: Pyrrhura molinae Appearance: It is a small bird, up to 10 inches long. Green cheek conures have a lifespan anywhere between 10 and 25 years. Call Terry @ (210)859-5198 to reserve a baby Turquoise Green Cheek. Sometimes the larger and stronger Pyrrhura Molinae Molinae is bred in all other existing mutations, perhaps with the aim, among other things, for show specimens to obtain a larger size. Breeding pineapple/pineapple pairs doesnt help much either. Conures come in eye-catching colors, yellow, green, orange, and blue. The turquoise green cheek has always been one of my favorite color mutations, but this beauty just very quickly took that spot. The price can range between $450-$750 depending on the region and breeder. In the wild, these birds might fly many miles per day in search of food, a mate, or a nesting site. Pyrrhura's Geert Van Nieuwenhuyse. Expect that your bird may need two to four hours outside the cage for exercise and social time every day. Just chillin! Another common mutation of the Green Cheek Conure is the Suncheek gene mutation. Through the study of various dark chicks from the green and turquoise pairing, I could conclude that this was a violet factor. Find local birds in birds in Loughborough. If you find yourself bringing home a Yellow-Sided Conure, dont be surprised if you see your new companion dancing in their cage or happily chirping to themselves. May not be as noisy, but can still get loud and may not be well-suited for apartments, Requires at least two to four hours of exercise, socialization. Here is an overview to help you identify your own conure, someone else's, or choose your next family member. Those who know me, know that I work slowly and thoughtfully, then hastily to strive for breeding in the short term. Established Green-cheek Conure mutations available in Australia - Cinnamon, Yellowside, Pineapple, Turquoise, Jade (Misty) and Violet. As the name implies, this mutation of the Green Cheek Conure has a striking and distinct blueish-green plumage. Including Single Factor (SF), Double Factor (DF) and mutation combinations. Were here to share our passion for birds by constantly publishing informational content to help you find the beauty of birds. Turquoise Violet Green Cheek Conure | Victorian Bird Co Victorian Bird Company 1.32K subscribers Subscribe 8 Share Save Description 269 views 10 months ago Check out these beautiful double. The Green-Cheeked Conure has a friendly, inquisitive nature. (See photos). We recommend them for people with some bird handling experience, at around a year old they will start to test their boundaries and can become nippy. Personality: Cinnamon green cheek conures are typically more shy and cautious than yellow sided or normal green cheeks. Green-cheek Conure Mutations. While Green-Cheeked Conures can be outgoing and funny, they also can be a bit shyer than other conures. The following photographs are the property ofMaranatha Aviaries . Ratios are changed during times of breeding. That baby is just gorgeous. Fully flighted they are strong flyers and can easily slip through an open door or window. Terminology and views have changed somewhat during this period. Green Cheek Conure Age Baby Ad Type For Sale Gender N/A They'll be $200 each if 5 or more taken each time, otherwise $300 each. A green-cheeked conure should do well when paired with other green-cheeked conures, but do not house them with different species of birds. Turquoise Green-cheeked Conures with the violet result in a deeper turquoise blue colour with a violet haze over it. Newspaper is fine to use in cage trays. Unlike the yellow sided mutation, which we will discuss later, who has pink feet, the normal green cheeks have grey feet. Report Ad View Photos Hand-Reared Tame Baby Quakers & Green-Cheeked Conures Geelong, Greater Geelong Thanks for stopping by! I saw him and thought of you Monica! What if it has some unique coloration or markings that make it stand out from all the rest? The shorter life expectancy of the . Buy and Sell Parrots Birds in Yelden with Freeads Classifieds. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They are true soft feather companions so cuddling and bonding are always on the to-do list. Colors. This bird is gentle and affectionate too, making it a good choice for a first-time bird owner. Green-cheeked conures are popular pet birds. They have a lovely, muted sapphire wing hue and an off-white base, and a bright blue head with dull burgundy tail feathers. Drop dead gorgeous! A Pineapple is bred from a Cinnamon and Yellow-Side Green Cheeked Conure, resulting in a bird thats fun-loving and always willing to play. Some of the known Mutations - May not all be found in the U.S. The lutino; The dilute (Amarican dilute - suncheek) Nederlands Franais English . does not intend to provide veterinary advice. These articles were written in the past 30 years. Double Factor Violet Green Cheek Conures. We recommend feeding Conures - Vetafarm Nutriblend Mini, Parrot Essentials and South American Pellets. However , a second problem now arose: the dark green male produced a lot of infertile eggs and the eggs that did hatch gave weak chicks. I agree Miranda! The following photographs are the property of Maranatha Aviaries . How much does Green Cheek Conure Cost, all GCC Mutations Price Check, Green Cheek Conure Colors and Mutations. They take time to warm up before becoming affectionate around you, but it is well worth your patience once they do! We highly recommend Forage Conure Blend. 1 x Green split Turquoise double factor violet. This diurnal is a gregarious and hyperactive bird. Wow! Cheeky, inquisitive and mischievous it's no wonder they are our most popular Conure. If not, ask your local vet or pet store to trim them for you. The pricing for a green cheek conure has range which start at $250 for lower quality birds and ends up at around $500 for the best quality breeds. Pellets are offered 24 hours a day; Sprouted seed Adzuki, Barley, Sunflower, Safflower, Mung, Chickpea. Green cheek conures are one of the most popular pets in the world. We have one male and one female for sale currently. If you own a female Conure cuttlebone or a calcium block is essential to avoid egg binding and bone deficiencies. They have white rings around their eyes. Pet Keen is reader-supported. This mutation is less common to find and will cost anywhere between $300-$800 depending on location and breeder. The plumage of this conure is a light beige or cream. Deciding to clip your Conures wings is entirely up to the situation in which you want to keep it. There exist for the moment only one real and rare mutation of the P.Molinae Molinae that resembles the yellow-sided mutation of the molinae sordida, but is larger, inherits differently, has dark black legs and has not the same colour intensity. SF Violet turquoise opaline (yellow-sided), dF Violet turquoise opaline (yellow-sided). All conures are prone to feather picking, which usually occurs because the birds are bored or neglected.
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