And thats a Systems Approach to food. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body. And this evening, Ill also be doing our every week, I do our group class, and its done in private group class, we do it on our own infrastructure here. And thats really the Truth Freedom Health Platform Movement, okay. Thats how Im able to do these educational videos. And by the way, theres a book that goes along and the entire Your Body, Your System program. Now what are the health benefits of Ginger so we walked through the molecular aspects and the biological aspects. This button displays the currently selected search type. So this was manifested in one of the grand challenges that the National Science Foundation put forward in 2003. Many of you have asked how you can help. Lungs are being filled with fluid (because of an overreactive immune system) and one way to address the immune system is mega dosage Vitamin C. 80-90% of people on ventilators are dying. And then we have angiogenesis regulators, VEGF What is that? When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. The fact that you are so desperate to denounce him means he is right over the target. The promise were making is as a science improves, this formulation will also improve. She either saw as a Vata, Pitta, Kapha body type alright so this is the way Eastern systems were understood and I wanted to find the intersection of both of these, this led me on a Fulbright research back to MIT in 2007 my goal was to integrate East and West. So lets go to Ginger. Im going to jump right into our talk today. But interestingly enough in the Indian system of medicine there are three terms Vata Pitta and Kapha that are directly related to a way that my Grandmother would diagnose your body. Is anyone surprised? Many also know Shiva Ayyadurai because of his claims against vaccines. Antitumor effects in cancer, hepatoprotective effects. Very powerful the next thing is Ginger also modulates allergy the allergic response because your body produces histamines you know so if you look at antihistamines okay so Ginger has an antihistamine effect so as you can notice here what Ginger does the basophils, this purple structure here produces histamines in response to allergens now what histamines are implicated in antigen. Learn how your comment data is processed. So when we look at the Synergistic Principle, were able to also discover that, when you look at that, you know, Yogi who, or that medicinal healer is mixing many things together, weve been able to use this same approach to develop a new product. The proof (8/20) And what many of these nutraceutical companies do is throw formulations that say they throw a lot of marketing. And then you can figure out the system will calculate the right foods, supplements, exercises, yoga postures that are right for you. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions. 1000s of genes get upregulated with the Interferon System, and type one IFNs are present in virtually all cells in the body in every cell in the body. Now, you can see, were going to now look at the molecular targets of Ginger. It's a place to come and rest and reset your body. Ginger also has a very powerful effect. . . He is widely known as the inventor of email. Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Scott Adams & Elizabeth Warren are BOTH Racists. Any controversy that exists comes from a lack of understanding that Email is a system. What are the health benefits of Ginger has so many profound effects first of all you know its oxidative damage its anti-ageing okay inflammation amazing for nausea and vomiting. CytoSolve is a decentralized, inclusive, transparent, open, personalized system based infrastructure for finding the Scientific Source of Truth. And then we take a finite set of the designs, and then we go test it on the wind tunnel. etc. Vagas Pessoas Aprendizagem Fechar Fechar. its not the simple exchange of text messages but one of the things that the invention of email brings us to is a system of innovation, again another system that the innovation of Email did not occur in the military industrial academic complex. You cant do that. 01 Mar 2023 12:51:31 So, thats really at a high level what Ginger is about. Then they do small sets of humans called Phase 1 larger sets called Phase 2, and many, many humans call Phase 3. sorry Joel C-1984 is a plandemic not pandemic. For everybody listening in, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai holds four degrees from MIT. How much are the MDs Taught about The the five Immune Systems and Diet in their Medical Training. So, Ginger has a powerful effect on modulating inflammatory enzymes and cytokines. Dr. Shiva share how the theory of the immune system being taught now is about a 100 years old. And the interesting thing is 20% of the stuff that goes into phase 1 never makes it which means it fails. Vitamin A. Vitamin C. Vitamin E. If you're having radiation to treat lung cancer, avoid large doses of supplements like: Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) Vitamin C. Green tea extract. Gingerol also molecular targets of the interleukins interferon gamma and TNF-a, okay, right here. Now, 33 years later my dear Mom was dying of a horrible disease called pulmonary fibrosis, in a suitcase she had saved all of this and then the senior technology editor of TIME magazine Doug Aamoth by the way one of the few journalists, if not the only reviewed all this material and he wrote an article called the man who invented Email. Which means that the compounds in the food are bioactive. Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. But here is really the talk about what is the essence of the TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH Movement. They have the largest Ivory Towers ( Hospitals ) with state of Art Equipments you will not find in rest of the World yet they are The Sickest Nation in the World ( Check on CDC website ). Here you claim that Dr. Shiva claimed that Pirbright patented SARS-CoV-2. I got him to watch the Immune System video in which Dr.SHIVA explains the concept of resilience - a Systems concept. But we got a little bit busy with upgrades were doing to our data center. In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email breaks down the complexity of the Immune System and its interconnections to understand that modern science clearly shows that the future of medicine is personalized and precision medicine: the right medicine for the right person at the right time. The Inventor of Email, Systems Health, CytoSolve. And so one of the areas that I thought CytoSolve would be very powerful used is in the entire drug development field, which is highly highly takes a lot of time to do its highly, highly inefficient, you can see and its inefficient, it is broken, the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry is broken. So here I have no curcumin, no resveratrol, very tall, I have a high amount of inflammation. Email is not the simple exchange of text messages. Yes, Robert says a brilliant tool for help. Instead you should have recommended the food for it like 1 apple, 2 oranges, carrots, tomatoes, etc. Without fear. Trump is getting rid of the swamp. for example, some people have nuts and shellfish and pollen and what Ginger does is it mitigates the allergic reaction by reducing the production of histamines in the basophils so Ginger works inside the basophils so you dont have this allergic response and then finally relative to asthma. And because he was briefly married to Fran Drescher. Engineer. Full analysis: CytoSolve And by the way, what youre learning here youre not going to learn anywhere else because Systems Biology is still relatively a new field and Systems Biology says We dont just in order to understand the whole human here, we got to understand how the genes interact with proteins across cells and tissues to understand the whole. It starts blowing them up and it also the antifungal nature of Ginger is it also disrupts the cell membrane disruption so it disrupts the cell membrane thats what the essential oil of Ginger does. Lavoro Persone Learning Chiudi Chiudi. Well the research shows a maintenance dosage is around 250 milligrams to 4.8 grams per day for pain you want to take about two grams per day for sugar control diabetes 1.6 grams per day or 1600 milligrams, for migraines 250 milligrams single dose and nausea 250 milligrams to two grams. As The English would.say : So how does that work? All right now, lets look at the biological effects of Ginger. This was to for to understand new ways to stop SIDS where babies are dying their sleep but I also in that medical school understood another system the interoffice mail system which included the secretary who had the inbox, outbox folders and she would write this thing called a memo to, from, subject, carbon paper completely different system and this was put into an envelope and this was then transferred through these pneumatic tubes. All right, everyone. That Interferon System is everywhere and unfortunately the MDs and the scientists dont even talk about the Interferon System. All the places curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric, so youre seeing all the red lines are all the different places where curcumin has an effect at the cellular level, including at the nuclear level. CytoSolve is an amazing, revolutionary breakthrough, which allows us to look at all the literature over here on the bottom right, mine it, and mathematically model it. So lets look at it in detail so remember heres gingerol and inflammation leads to harmful disproportionate immune response. Se lo espandi, fornisce un elenco di opzioni di ricerca per far corrispondere i risultati alla selezione attuale. He shares with. Take an Example of USA. The RNC was not with Trump all the way. Anyway, thats the background introduction about, you know what the VA SHIVA Truth Freedom Health Movement all about. What Has Dr. Fauci Said About a COVID-19 Vaccine? So anyway, in closing, what I want to share with you is when we take a Systems Approach, like weve done to developing mV25, is that when you take Ginger again, we can also take an Eastern and Engineering Systems Approach. So if you see a lot of skin issues, you know, you want to look at the liver anyway. The various types of IV therapies offered at Amen Clinics are targeted to each patient's . So if you go back to look at engineering, transport, conversion and storage, that is Fulbright Research Center related to Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. 4 Ways How Ginger Affects the Immune System. 115 different chemical compounds have been identified, which doesnt mean that theres not any less, its got minerals, its got vitamins, its got Gingerols. When Was the Last Case of Polio in the United States? Anyway, thats a quick synopsis of this theres greater videos that weve done that will educate you on more, alright, so thats the full nature of the Immune System. So you dont even get anything close to the elephant. Ginger does something quite powerful you can see right here are the calcium ion channels so under asthmatic conditions ca two ions enter right so calcium ions enter the airway smooth muscle cells and cause contraction of the airways. If a Patient goes with an ailment to the MD what would the response be of the MD. He never said that. VACCINES Beyond VAXX & Anti-VAXX. What I discovered and this was on the front page of MIT by the way MIT was quite intrigued why you know at arm with all these four degrees do I want to go back to India and I did and they did a front page article on this but what I discovered was the Indian system of medicine that uses the word Vata, Pitta and Kapha was directly related to the engineering systems concept that Id learned at MIT, transport conversion storage. You notice it doesnt have the OH group. Okay, many minerals, vitamins and Gingerols. CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 12,260 research articles, 231 clinical trials, widely researched for 89 years medically. used speakers for sale craigslist; pioneer woman carne guisada; dr shiva ayyadurai immune system vitamins; By . Look at the photo you posted from his Facebook. We have many different Certification Programs in there. Become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior. And about a year ago, a couple years ago, we started looking at the many different types of things that are out there that can lower discomfort and pain in the body.
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