Always set butterflies BEFORE you perform your leak down test. var google_conversion_label = "-DXeCK6WxgcQqNmu_QM"; Alkydigger Fuel Injection-Superchargers-Ignitions: Enderle Fuel Injection Set Up and Plumbing Instructions Mechanical Fuel Injection-TECH Setting Up Blown and Blow Through Engines Enderle Fuel Injection Set Up and Plumbing Instructions Enderle Fuel Injection Set Up and Plumbing Instructions Shop Parts if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Illustration of mechanical fuel injection expanded with the addition of an idle control circuit, barrel valve, and multiple nozzles feeding a throttle valve hat assembly. For an increased level of air/fuel ratio adjustment at higher engine speeds, an added high speed bypass jet brings more control. scr.type = "text/javascript"; All engine nozzles comprise the fuel system jetting. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Bob is a retired welding engineer and author of 6 books about mechanical fuel injection engine tuning at Items and services provided by Koehler Injection are intended for off road use only. Extra nozzles can be added for more fuel at the high end for ram air effects. Injector now can be powder coated to the color of choice made by the racer. Downloadable installation instructions: (click on pic) Tunnel Ram or. injection flow bench service, Enderle pump repair, nitrous oxide systems, NitrousCharger alcohol. Changing the size of the main bypass jet is one way to tune a mechanical fuel injection setup, as a bigger jet leans the engine while a smaller jet richens the engine. }; adroll_adv_id = "CUHVY3OLUVBZPJTAWUVLYM"; "Our Ultimate Goal is Your Success". In addition, the fuel pump should be fed with an adequate supply line to avoid inlet cavitation. Birds, Bugs, etc and Carbon Fiber Hats. adroll_adv_id = "CUHVY3OLUVBZPJTAWUVLYM"; js.src = "//"; For example, in Top Fuel racing, it is common to use several extra sets of nozzles in a setup. Fuel goes through the barrel valve, then through fuel lines, directly to the intake system feeding each cylinder. A jet restricts the flow and controls the amount of fuel delivered to the engine. }()); var google_conversion_id = 1068215464; The butterflies and metering valve are set before shipment. For nitro racing, that provides extra power at low engine-RPM from all of the oxygen in the nitro fuel mixture. Build your own custom newsletter with the content you love from EngineLabs, directly to your inbox, absolutely FREE! service, Enderle pump repair, nitrous oxide systems, NitrousCharger alcohol nitrous system featuring air operated solenoids, Nitrousmaster software, automotive machine shop and welding services in Urbana, IL. var _onload = function(){ ga('send', 'pageview'); Site Map | Performance Products | Pre-Owned Parts | Press Releases | Technical | Photo Gallery | Special Events | Contact Us, We STOCK the following performance race products: Aeromotive, Billet Connection, The Blower Shop (TBS), Control Cable, Deist Safety, DJ Safety, Enderle Fuel Injection, FIE, IMI Hi-Torque, JAZ Products, Lucas Oil, Mallory Ignition, Milodon, Prolong, SCE Gaskets, System 1 Filters, Total Seal Rings, Wilwood and XRP Plumbing. Some good info in the article. adroll_pix_id = "GGGXQ77VW5D5LL7AURJNOI"; Using our tune up, detailed instructions and expertise you can be. window._fbq = window._fbq || []; If the response is hesitant, the idle is too lean. Some setups use two sets of nozzles. Jennifer is a professional web developer and the daughter of drag racer, Bob Szabo. link to tester, Setting and Leakdown Procedure for Enderle Barrel Valve **NEW** Major Changes Added, TBS BLOWERS - SUPERCHARGERS - DRIVES-- ACCESSORIES, MECHANICAL "HAT" INJECTORS - ENDERLE-HILBORN- JBR, MECHANICAL INJECTION MANIFOLDS - HILBORN-ENDERLE, ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION -PARTS-CONVERSIONS, Harmonic Balancers- Oil Pumps-Gear Drives-Crank supports- Jesel, TUNNEL RAM & SINGLE PLANE & COMPLETE SETUPS, Drives- Magneto , Fuel Pump , Distributor, ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION -PARTS-CONVERSION KITS. This metering system uses two return lines, each with a check valve. A blank bypass jet is installed under the 9/16 hex plug on the metering valve and should not be removed. I would not hesitate to call them and ask for help. If you had a blower with 7 PSI of boost, that would be a decent combo. The second set is for controlling fuel distribution cylinder-to-cylinder. The barrel valve on this blown alcohol engine shown with additional fuel pathways for various drag race tuning functions: starting, burnout, staging, launch, and high speed lean-out. var google_conversion_language = "en"; Docket Case disposed with disposition of Default judgment by court. js.src = "//"; Racers with a little bit of MFI knowledge regularly exceed extended performance goals. Items and services provided, by Koehler Injection are intended for off road, No responsibility whatsoever will be accepted, by Koehler Injection for any damage, injury or, We offer Koehler Enderle alcohol tunnel ram fuel injection, engine balancing, industrial balancing, fuel injection flow bench. With the inlet opening facing down at 6 o'clock, the V Notch in the cover should be at 9 o'clock for Belt Drive Rotation or Rear Cam Rotation ( Pump turns Clockwise when turning the Hex Shaft) Installation Instructions for Economical, compact and extremely versatile. dealer in the world of Enderle Fuel Injection A 2-way style shutoff will damage the fuel pump. For most any configurationsuch as inline, V-style, opposing, or rotary enginesmechanical fuel injection can be easily adapted to the various different cylinder locations. A set of bypass jets is furnished usually 6 to 8. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; If you dont have a leakdown tester, we sell a nice one with -6AN and -8AN fittings listed under Tools and tuning aids .You will need one eventually,,,,might as well quit fiddling around. Items and services provided by Koehler Injection are, No responsibility whatsoever will be accepted by Koehler Injection for any. 4011-32 1/4" ball x 10-32 3.95, 4012-32 w 1/4" ball x 10-32 7.95, 361-1 w safety pin .. 2.14, 371-1 1/2" thread length . .26, 371-2 3/4" thread length . .31, 372-2 10-24 or 32 stainless lock washer . .19, 373-1 10-24 stainless nut RH .. .18, 373-2 10-32 stainless nut RH .. .18, 374-1 # 10 .19, 374-2 1/4" . .25, 374-3 5/16" .. .28, 374-4 3/8" . .30, 375-3 5/16 x 1" .. .78, 375-1 1/4 x 1 " .59, 4012 Throttle stop knob .. 2.50, 373-3 10-32 steel nut LH . .88, 4016 Throttle return spring .. 8.95, 4020-R RH 10-32 heim . 8.60, 4020-L LH 10-32 heim .. 8.60, 372-1 8-32 stainless lock washer .. .14, 371-3 1" thread length . .36, 371-4 7/16" thread length .. .22, use for Barrel valve turnbuckle and other linkages, 671 Bug, Bird, BAU 20.57, 1471 Buzzard, BarnDoor .. 24.63, Gibbs1 Gibbs Lubricant 12 oz. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Some MFI setups add idle dribblers for better control of the idle fuel amount delivered to each cylinder. If you are going alcohol racing there is only one way to supply air and fuel and that is with a. Koehler - Enderle tunnel ram Fuel Injection. In this system, idle air volume is set with a throttle stop. (function(d, s, id) { Enderle Fuel Injection is the world leader in Mechanical Fuel Injection for race cars, marine, tractor pullers, mud boggers, etc. Air is controlled with butterflies in a fuel injection hat or manifold. 37 were here. $54.00 MFI systems with alcohol or nitro fuels, combined with forced induction can provide extremely high power levels. offers unlimited alcohol fuel flow curves that can't be matched by, modified gas carburetors. 16: Personal consultation after the sale! All logos and images are reserved. Blower lubers partial set, commonly in the rear of the blower. Items and services provided by Koehler Injection are intended for off road use, No responsibility whatsoever will be accepted by Koehler Injection for any damage, injury or loss, We offer Koehler Enderle alcohol tunnel ram fuel injection, engine balancing, industrial balancing, fuel, injection flow bench service, Enderle pump repair, nitrous oxide systems, NitrousCharger alcohol nitrous, system featuring air operated solenoids, Nitrousmaster software, automotive machine shop and welding. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); if (!window.__adroll_loaded){__adroll_loaded=true;setTimeout(_onload, 50);return} After pulling fuel from a vented fuel tank, the fuel is delivered through a barrel valve that controls the amount of fuel with the position of the air valve. > Alcohol makes more power and costs less per pass than Racing Gasoline. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); The leak percentage shown is specific to our leak tester only and will probably be different from other types of leak testers. $3.59-4AN Pill Plug. All Text and images on this website are copyrighted by David Koehler 2018 and beyond. "" : ""); Usually, a mechanical cable with linkage connects from the driver-controlled throttle, and the butterflies are adjusted with a throttle stop for idle. The latest trick is to use a larger fuel pump that would flow approximately 15 GPM without any restrictor. Good A # 10 inlet line can be used with a 0 or a size pump, although a # 12 line will work with the smaller pumps also. Air filter on some installations such as those used in dirt track racing or on street-going vehicles. var google_remarketing_only = false; Enderle Tech Make Tech Selection . Waterman Nostalgia Bertha Fuel Pump: 17.50 GPM. from United States. In addition to the main fuel injection parts, it also provides a variety of fuel lines, fittings, and hoses to complete the job. Good Extra fuel goes back to the fuel supply through this main bypass circuit. fbds.async = true; The fuel system should be drained between races. All text and material are copyright 1989-2023 by Good Vibrations Motorsports. If your injector was shipped directly from the factory, it should be set up for your application. We will guide you through your first steps. (function() { Crower does not participate in monetary programs. ((document.getElementsByTagName('head') || [null])[0] || fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Enderle Fuel Injection by Good Vibrations Motorsports | Simi Valley CA While EFI has many more controllable features, at the same time, the cost and understanding of the technology for tuning is much greater. Some racing classes such as drag racings Nostalgia Top Fuel restrict the size of the fuel pump. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; To richen the idle, rotate the turnbuckle towards the rear of the injector, (shortening the linkage leans the mixture, lengthening richens the mixture). With those nozzles and that bypass pill, I show you're putting about 2.8 GPM into the motor at about 86 PSI. if (!_fbq.loaded) { Industry: Fuel systems and parts, motor vehicle Printer Friendly View Address: 1830 Voyager Ave Simi Valley, CA, 93063-3348 United States var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Baumi, Jan 20, 2005. Urbana, IL USA 217-531-1770 M- F 9-5 CST Postal Money Order Site Map var fbds = document.createElement('script'); (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Bob and Jennifer maintain a blog at their websites in addition to co-writing articles for various auto industry resources. Check your flow sheets for verification. Good Vibrations Motorsports. A set of bypass jets is furnished which includes a jetting card showing the engine information and settings. Racecar Engineering is proud to distribute and support the entire Enderle Fuel Injection product line. Kits come with instructions to make assembly fast and easy. var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); Use a smaller bypass to richen the fuel mixture and larger bypass to lean it. (function() { Additionally, high-speed bypass jets come on when the engine reaches a certain engine speed. Enderle Fuel Injection is located at 1830 Voyager Ave in Simi Valley, California 93063. To lean the idle, reverse the procedure. To meet the class requirement, racers use oversize fuel pumps with inlet restrictions. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; 2023 Power Automedia. This site has been created & maintained by Good Vibrations Motorsports. Injector can be sent back to Enderle and for $125.00 they will professionally install the linkage kit on an existing Bird injector. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; We carry an Extensive Line of Enderle Fuel Injection Components at DISCOUNTED Prices! ga('create', 'UA-214369-3', ''); All Text and images on this website are copyrighted by David Koehler 2000 and beyond. Enderle is an old school type company that has been great about helping me the couple of times I needed things from them, including custom length linkage rods and a quick turnaround flowing a fuel pump for an engine that was on the dyno. offers maximum torque & HP, reaction time and repeat ETs. Most fuel injection systems have a main bypass circuit. var fbds = document.createElement('script'); One half to one turn should be ample. Will Call by "" : ""); We pride ourselves on providing a Fuel Injection that is as "plug and play" as possible. Linkage Kit SideSaddle Dual Carb, Parts Breakdown C $25.98 to C $36.17. Those power levels were measured by Dons special on-board dynamometer, installed on Connie Kalittas NHRA machines. Other components that are common in a mechanical fuel injection setup include: If you would like to learn more about tuning your setup, check out our earlier article on the effects of weather on mechanical fuel injection. METERING VALVE This metering system uses two return lines, each with a check valve. Brand: Enderle Part Number: 71-1000 Alternate MPN: 711000 Warranty The Enderle fuel injection lineup includes everything customers may need for their projects. Idaho. (function() { We specialize in fuel injection, both sales and service, and I will beat anyone's online advertised price for Enderle fuel injection.Call 402-597-3242 to get the right parts the first time and remember "It Pays Better To Win" and win you will with Cavalieri Racing Equipment Co. 22 products Sort By Upcoming Events No upcoming events found Home window._fbq.push(['track', 'PixelInitialized', {}]); INSTALLATION IN ENDERLE BLOWN ALCOHOL INJECTOR PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE INSTALLING YOUR FUEL SYSTEM. var google_conversion_label = "-DXeCK6WxgcQqNmu_QM"; _fbq.loaded = true; Mechanical fuel injection is easily configurable from small setups to very large power outputs. Items and services provided by Koehler Injection are intended for off road use only. Have no fear. We carry an Extensive Line Good Vibrations has Been Empowering Racers Since 1989. This bypass controls the fuel mixture at full throttle and has little or no effect on the idle. Vibrations is Your Injection Connection! In these setups, an oversized fuel pump delivers more fuel than the engine needs. On the other end of the spectrum, MFI is a staple of the huge 10,000-plus horsepower engines in NHRAs Top Fuel and Funny Car applications. On top of a 1071 BDS Blower.. adroll_adv_id = "CUHVY3OLUVBZPJTAWUVLYM"; Adjustable heime if (document.readyState && !/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)){setTimeout(_onload, 10);return} ((document.getElementsByTagName('head') || [null])[0] || Works on blowers or tunnel m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Carb & Injector Linkage Kits Linkage kits are available for just about every application. _fbq.push(['addPixelId', '260825620774985']); js.src = "//"; Zoomie Headers. To compare, electronic fuel injection (EFI) works with a similar air valve although it may be throttle controlled or controlled electrically. 8am-4:30pm PST Hours:Monday through Friday10am to 5pm CST Closed: Sat-Sun Closed: Holidays, 2023 All Rights Reserved, INSTALLATION IN ENDERLE BLOWN ALCOHOL INJECTOR, Setting Up Blown and Blow Through Engines, Setting up Blown Alcohol Engines Enderle, TBS BLOWERS - SUPERCHARGERS - DRIVES-- ACCESSORIES, MECHANICAL "HAT" INJECTORS - ENDERLE-HILBORN- JBR, MECHANICAL INJECTION MANIFOLDS - HILBORN-ENDERLE, ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION -PARTS-CONVERSIONS, Harmonic Balancers- Oil Pumps-Gear Drives-Crank supports- Jesel, TUNNEL RAM & SINGLE PLANE & COMPLETE SETUPS, Drives- Magneto , Fuel Pump , Distributor, ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION -PARTS-CONVERSION KITS. Zoomie Headers. Phone: 562/945-7669. We have 415+ man years of combined experience. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Additional components are added for air and throttle control for power modulation. Racing mechanical fuel injection on an outrageous, supercharged nostalgia racing Ford sedan. Linkage is added to operate the barrel valve spool or metering device from the air valve. Mechanical fuel injection works with a simple throttle-controlled air valve and a fuel pump, usually running at one-half engine speed. ga('create', 'UA-214369-3', ''); Zoomie Headers. Mechanical fuel injection, with stacks, on a V8 street rod engine. (function () { scr.src = host + "/j/roundtrip.js"; The bypass pill is located under the 9/16 hex plug on the metering valve. Alcohol Barrel Valve. They cause flow problems which in turn creates poor consistency and power when the engine is under load. Whether it's a fuel pump, filter, or 3-way shut-off valve, the company has what to offer. var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); (function(d, s, id) { These are used to modulate the air to the engine, common in racing around the world. ga('send', 'pageview'); Site Map | Performance Products | Pre-Owned Parts | Press Releases | Technical | Photo Gallery | Special Events | Contact Us, We STOCK the following performance race products: Aeromotive, Billet Connection, The Blower Shop (TBS), Control Cable, Deist Safety, DJ Safety, Enderle Fuel Injection, FIE, IMI Hi-Torque, JAZ Products, Lucas Oil, Mallory Ignition, Milodon, Prolong, SCE Gaskets, System 1 Filters, Total Seal Rings, Wilwood and XRP Plumbing. For any additional information call 805-526-3838, Hours:Monday through Friday10am to 5pm CST Closed: Sat-Sun Closed: Holidays, 2023 All Rights Reserved, Setting up Unblown Engines Enderle Tunnel Ram, TBS BLOWERS - SUPERCHARGERS - DRIVES-- ACCESSORIES, MECHANICAL "HAT" INJECTORS - ENDERLE-HILBORN- JBR, MECHANICAL INJECTION MANIFOLDS - HILBORN-ENDERLE, ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION -PARTS-CONVERSIONS, Harmonic Balancers- Oil Pumps-Gear Drives-Crank supports- Jesel, TUNNEL RAM & SINGLE PLANE & COMPLETE SETUPS, Drives- Magneto , Fuel Pump , Distributor, ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION -PARTS-CONVERSION KITS. making laps the first day and winning in a short time. if (!_fbq.loaded) { if (window.addEventListener) {window.addEventListener('load', _onload, false);} This bypass controls the fuel mixture at full throttle and has very little effect on the idle. document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0].parentNode).appendChild(scr); It is our experience that alcohols performance is changed about half as much as gasoline with the typical changes in air conditions, says Mike Chilando, owner of Alkydigger. The idle speed is controlled by the butterfly shaft stops on each end of the butterfly shaft. We ship worldwide daily! var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; It is simple to tune: there are only one or two adjustments to make in the bypass circuit for tuning a well-developed system, with air-to-fuel ratio as a powerful parameter to guide precise tuning. All text and material are copyright 1989-2023 by Good Vibrations Motorsports. fbds.async = true; m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) ENDERLE FUEL INJECTION AUTO RACING DRAG RACE HOT RAT ROD BLACK OR WHITE T-SHIRT. Sponsored. Products. Enderle Bug Catcher Fuel Injection mcsqL7 745 subscribers Subscribe 40 Share Save 29K views 12 years ago Changing the Nozzles and Fuel Pump out on a Bug Catcher. ENDERLE FUEL INJECTION - Online Store Products Enderle produces mechanical fuel injection kits and components for high-performance applications such as drag racing, sprint cars, and street performance vehicles. if (!_fbq.loaded) { The Feb. 2005 Rodders Digest has an article about doing a Hilborn mechanical fuel injection on a street driver. Appointment Only. This provides more fuel pressure at low engine RPM for good response. _fbq.loaded = true; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0].parentNode).appendChild(scr); Enderle Fuel Injection Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Simi Valley, California 16 followers js = d.createElement(s); = id; Finding and maintaining the optimum air/fuel ratio for your setup is the simplest way to determine bypass jetting values for optimum tuning. scr.src = host + "/j/roundtrip.js"; > Smaller or no radiator required. _fbq.push(['addPixelId', '260825620774985']); Linkage Kit SideSaddle Dual Carb. -12 line to an 80-1 pump..from there i have a 3 way shutoff valve..the top of the shut off valve is a -6 line teed off with one of the return lines from the metering block that goes back to the inlet of the pump ..the right line on the 3 way shut off valve goes into the inlet side of metering block.and the 2nd return line also taps into the . A gasket or silicone seal must be used on the bottom of the injector. Email: You'll also find a wide variety of fuel pumps and extensions, barrel valves, hat components, dist blocks, nozzle bodies and jets, hat lines, injector hoses, fittings, spacers and adapters, fuel filters, and everything in-between you need for the job. 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The check valve in the tee fitting is the main jet return and opens at 1-2 psi. window._fbq.push(['track', 'PixelInitialized', {}]); of Enderle Fuel Injection Components at m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) with a savings in not having to run down and ship in every little piece no one told you about. adroll_email = ""; }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); We are typically open M-F For idle-to-full-throttle drag racing, the fuel mixture is simple to control with jetting for maximum power. var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; To richen the idle, adjust the turnbuckle so that the arm on the metering valve moves in the open throttle direction. An electric fuel pump provides the fuel at a constant fuel pressure. Kinsler Fuel Injection founded by Jim Kinsler in 1967 has been supplying the High-Performance and Racing World with the Highest Quality fuel injection systems and components. A 2-way style shutoff will damage the fuel pump. Do not change the bypass jet to cure problems at idle. if (window.addEventListener) {window.addEventListener('load', _onload, false);} Spring pressure in the idle control valve sets the fuel volume as shown. Enderle Fuel Injection CLAIM THIS BUSINESS 1830 VOYAGER AVE SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Get Directions (805) 526-3838 Business Info Founded 1966 Incorporated CA Annual Revenue $4,209,568.00 Employee Count 20 Industries Manufacturing - Fuel Systems And Parts, Motor Vehicle Contacts Kent H Enderle Contact Business Message Send Message Company Summary These jets divert a certain amount of fuel away from the engine and back to the fuel tank, which is useful for controlling the overall fuel flow to the engine. adroll_pix_id = "GGGXQ77VW5D5LL7AURJNOI"; Tuning is simple by controlling the amount of excess fuel bypass back to the fuel supply. To richen the idle, adjust the turnbuckle so that the arm on the metering valve moves in the open throttle direction. The Crower Fuel Injection Division was sold to Ron's Racing in Tucson, AZ in 1990. (function () { This site has been created & maintained by Good Vibrations Motorsports. That motor needs about 2.0 GPM to run right, which means about a .170 bypass pill. All logos and images are reserved. For naturally aspirated setups on methanol with the proper 1-3 PSI idle check, 7% of the engine size is always danged close place to start. Butterfly color choice is red, blue, black, or purple alum. var host = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? MFI has a long history with many different formats of racing: drag racing, circle track racing, boat racing, and top-speed events like those held at Bonneville Speed Week. Linkage Kits. Choose quantity in "view orders" or at "checkout" . We offer Koehler Enderle alcohol tunnel ram fuel injection, engine balancing, industrial balancing, fuel injection flow bench service, Enderle pump repair, NitrousCharger alcohol nitrous system featuring air operated solenoids, Nitrousmaster software, automotive machine shop and welding services in Urbana, IL Enderle Fuel Injection Specialist. Adjustable heime end Hose ends with tubular bends should be used instead to avoid flow problems. "" : ""); The site aims to help racers get the most power and consistency from their engine setups. You might consider converting it to EFI. s.parentNode.insertBefore(fbds, s); Applicable to any racing application. 8am-4:30pm PST fbds.src = '//'; -16AN x -12 ORB fitting with Return Ports. Enderle Fuel Injection can be contacted via phone at (805) 526-3838 for pricing, hours and directions. The return line must never discharge directly towards the tank outlet. Constant flow fuel injection is engine-air-controlled with one or more of the following: Engine fuel supply i scontrolled with the following: Understanding the basic layout of a fuel system, additional components make the mechanical fuel injection system useful.
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