I did check and double-check to be sure I hadn't done anything obviously wrong during my installations. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. If you're like me and was wonder why Nora always has a brown face, you literally cannot use any other mod that adds it's own texture or changes the face in any way, other wise this one throws a hissy fit and breaks everything. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18287, Showlooksmenu console fix Facial distortion Fmin value, Fallout4Custom ini for "Full Dialogue Interface", Installed "lookup failed fix" by deathclay, Fallout4 ini for "Lockpick Bar" by systel. are there any mods that add more face customization stuff like makeup, facepaints, face tattoos etc? FOR ALL MOD AUTHORS WHO USE LMCC IN THEIR MOD PLEASE UPDATE YOUR LINK FOR IT SINCE THE ORIGINAL MOD PAGE NO LONGER EXISTS. Had this reply from EmissaryOfWind: This mod includes: AGCP's Face details add-ons. Character Preset, Cyberpunk 2077 Gals (Panam and Meredith) Looksmenu Preset, CyberTattoo2287 - LM(CC) API Support - Black Wires, Damian El Gordito Kawai XD - LooksMenu Preset, Daughters of Atom - LooksMenu Preset Pack, Deadly Handsome - Synth LooksMenu Preset Pack, Denizens of the Apocalypse - NPC Replacer, DETECTIVE KHAI MINH DAO BATTLEFIELD HARDLINE PRESET, divisi's Kingrock Bluff Uniquely Working Child Settlement (Saved Game), DonEb14n's girl - Looks menu and BodySlide presets, DonEb14n's girl v2 - LooksMenu and BodySlide presets, Doofus revised Looks Menu presets with my custom BodySlide presets, Dr. Phibbs Neuro-Atomic Presets - Allison and Tony, Dracula Preset - (Castlevania Lords of Shadow), Edge of Tomorrow - Emily Blunt as Rita Vrataski LooksMenu Preset, Eleanor - A LooksMenu Preset and Save File, Ellen the Public Defender - A Looksmenu Preset, Enhanced Vanilla Face Presets For Females, Erin - The Beautiful and Realistic LooksMenu Preset, Eugenie - Female Character LooksMenu Face Preset, Face and TWB Body preset - With RadMorph Preset, Fallout Ladies - Cait (HiPoly) Replacer and Face Preset by LamaKreis, Felicia Hardy Face Preset - True Wasteland Body Preset - Radmorph Preset, Ginger - A Natural and Beautiful Redhead Character Preset, Greywind920's Blonde Ambition LooksMenu Character Preset, Heather Casdin - Unique Double Overhaul ( Synth Hunter Version and Wasteland Doctor ), Helen Alexis and Lucy Preset - European Beauties, High Polly True Wasteland Body Looks Menu Preset - CBBE, I am from The Institute - LooksMenu preset, Immersive Gameplay Looks Menu Compendium Patch, Immersive Piper Preset by PokaPefk (with Replacer), Immersive Wastelanders - Cait Piper Curie MacCready Danse Preston Deacon and More - Replacers and Presets included, Interesting Sole Survivors Vol. :), does not work for me anymore, one day it just stopped, File: "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". Just in case. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Best with BodyGen enabled. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Mod won't work without it. Not an absolute requirement. The character presets catch some bad cases of "explosion faces". I'm having an issue with LooksMenu Customization Compendium. Richard Ravager III and Nora LooksMenu Presets, Curie And Nora ------two looksmenu presets, Curie Face and Outfit Replacer and Presets, Cute Atom girl preset and Cute preset Black face fix, Cybernetic Beauty - A.N.G.E.L. :) After two full playthroughs I'm confident I've fixed this! Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. LooksMenu Customization Compendium - Castellano - Spanish, Looks Menu Customization Compendium v10 Spanish, Looks Menu Customization Compendium ---- traduzione italiana, Traduction Looks Menu Customization Compendium - French. IMO it's crap. --UPDATE-- I got mine to work by removing deLuxe Makeup. Thank you for posting this, worked for me as well. Required only if you want the Optional Face Paint Replacer. Log in to view your list of favourite games. (2k LooksMenu Customization Compendium ba2) folder 138.0MB You are downloading an archived version of this mod which is no longer supported by the mod author. I use Real HD Face Textures 2k and didn't realize it has its own tintmasks so they were conflicting and somehow this caused most of the skin details and makeup from Looks Menu Customization Compendium to not show up and causing my player to have a brown face. *Probably just as necessary. You MUST have this installed for this mod to work. THBrows. CurioINC/mimaef's Makeup for Men. I have attached my new save's load order below. If you have the free HD DLC textures pack in your game, UNINSTALL it. 1 (Female Only Edition), Jacob Collins - Character Preset - Fallout 4, Jake Callum - Male Raider LooksMenu Preset, Jane Bod Rev.2 -- Bugfixes - LooksMenu Support - LMCC Support, Jasmine - A Sex Doll Character preset - CBBE looksmenu and bodyslide, Jenny - an AfroAmerican female LooksMenu preset, Jessica Alba 2.0 Preset (Complicated Version), Jill Valentine (REmake) LooksMenu Face Preset, Joel Miller - The Last of Us Looksmenu Preset, John McDonough - Human Hancock LooksMenu Preset, Jola - Female Character LooksMenu Face Preset, Jonathan A1-00 (Mads Mikkelsen Death Stranding - Clifford Unger), Judge Dredd (Karl Urban) Looksmenu Preset, Judge Dredd Ma-Ma (Starring Lena Headey) Inspired LooksMenu Preset, K-Pop Curie Overhaul and LooksMenu Preset, Kala's Tattoo Shop- CBBE Skin Overrides for LooksMenu, Kate from LOST - LooksMenu Character Preset, Katelynn - Just Another Raider Queen Face Preset, Kazuya Kirima - Asian Male Looksmenu Character Preset, Killer Frost and Caitlin Snow Face Presets, King Charles II of Spain LooksMenu Preset, King Ezekiel from The Walking Dead Looksmenu Preset, Kingsport Light House Settlement (Ghouls and Children Of Atom Included), Kristina - WIP Faces preset v.0.5 for LooksMenu, Kristina Pimenova - Face preset v.1.0 for LooksMenu, Las Jevas Latina - Looksmenu Player Face Presets, Latina Maria LooksMenu Face Preset (Hispanic), Leon (Resident Evil 2 Remake) Looksmenu Preset, Lisa Manoban - BLACKPINK LooksMenu Preset, LOCKE'S COMPANIONS REMASTERED REPLACERS - CAIT - DEACON - PRESTON - PIPER - DANSE - MACCREADY - X6-88, LOGAN - Discarded Prototype Synth LooksMenu Preset, LooksMenu - Additional Pubic Hair Overlays, LooksMenu - Pubes Forever (Fallout 4 Edition), LooksMenu Body Sliders Extended - Atomic Beauty Edition, LooksMenu Body Tattoos (CBBE) (EVB or vanilla), LooksMenu Preset -Recovering Psycho Addict And Cage Fighter Cait-, LooksMenu Preset -Young Charismatic Piper-, Looksmenu Preset for I'm Darlene Looks Menu, LooksMenu Presets - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Change the path for the models to one that you created earlier. I will be strongly grateful for any help provided. Kara - Face Preset Description Hey ! Fallout 4 looks menu mod installation tutorial (windows 10 only) Pesty Kitten 20 subscribers 47K views 5 years ago Links: Script extender - http://f4se.silverlock.org/ Looks Menu Mod -. The "id" of an overlay must be unique, this is the unique name used by the Script API and is analogous to "template". The .json files are in the Preset folder. And this is with a clean working game and no other mods installed besides requirements. And Yes I already loaded the same as your load order. Log in to view your list of favourite games. All rights reserved. I do have the mod working thanks to an updated INI, however this mod breaks when ever I load any mod effecting/changing the Pip-Boy. All rights reserved. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14171/? [FNV] Some Fallout: The Frontier Rework Teasers! The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. the rest of the files in the pack are fine. Also requires a compatible version of F4SE. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 2 - Looksmenu Color Problem - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Troubleshooting: Edit: I fixed the issue by reinstalling LooksMenu about 5 times. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. The Looks Menu Customization Compendium A customizable looks menu is created by AGodComplex, a developer of game mods for every major video game including: Arma, Linea I and II, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Unreal Tournament, Team Fortress 2, and many more. Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp UnderwaterGlassFix.esp MK18.esp Wana_SA58.esp . The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. What should I do? The Pip-Tablet seemed to have changed the lipstick colors. Hard required alongside True wastland bodys, Opcional, O MOD original usa esse e os outros opcionais na verso com animao. Presets and replaces use makeup and eyebrows from this mod. Since I can't upload the pics of my load order, I'll have to just write it here: As far as appearance mods go, other than the LMCC, I also have the LooksMenu mod, CBBE, Realistic faces 2k, Misfit ink, and the Silky Smooth Skin (SSS) mod. Fallout 4 Mods Body, Face, and Hair 2K LooksMenu Customization Compendium ba2 2K LooksMenu Customization Compendium ba2 Endorsements 502 Unique DLs 19,851 Total DLs 31,795 Total views 67,868 Version 1.2 Download: Manual 17 items Last updated 20 October 2022 6:16AM Original upload 26 November 2021 6:07AM Created by Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Thanks ! 2K Faces Installation And Rust Face Troubleshooting Guide, Curie Face and Outfit Replacer and Presets, optional but i run 2K faces + 4-8k bodies for my character, 2K LooksMenu Customization Compendium ba2. Probably not required, but highly recommended and needed to create presets. After collecting dust since 2019 I decided to look through the files of my favorite mods, The mod kept breaking due to turning off critical values that would cause it to randomly cease and cause discoloration and for sections to disappear entirely. 116. LooksMenu - Traduction francaise (French). It's just gone. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp=1 ArmorKeywords.esm=1 SettlementKeywords.esm=1 Homemaker.esm=1 HUDFramework.esm=1 SpringCleaning.esm=1 LooksMenu.esp=1 LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp=1 YogHarleyBat.esp=1 CleanSettlement Beds.esp=1 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp=1 Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp=1 KSHairdos.esp=1 SHB.esp=1 LongerPowerLines3x.esp=1 It conflicts with delux makeup, appealing moles, custom lip gloss, and a few non-overlay tattoo mods. pack 1 - Coulson Daisy YoYo and Mack, Looksmenu Presets -Cait Piper Curi PLUS Male AND Female Player-, LooksMenu Synth Body Replacer (EVB or vanilla male), Lord Treavor Pendleton preset from Dishonored, Lore Friendly Companions ( Horizon Compatible ), Lore-friendly Deacon - a LooksMenu Preset, Lou's Presets - Looksmenu preset pack of 5 and a Bodyslide Preset (DISCONTINUED), Madison - LooksMenu Preset - Optional Piper-Curie-Cait Re-placer, Major Motoko Kusanagi - A LooksMenu Preset, Malevolent Ellen the Carthographer Overhaul, Marcy and Jun Long are robots (Project Amelia Redux), Marie Rose LooksMenu Face Preset and Curie Replacer, Mason the Mercenary - A Male LooksMenu Preset, Mathilda V2.5 - Ellen replacer and Vara V2 presets, Mikasa Player Character Preset (and Bodyslide Preset), mikeburnfire's Zach Hazard (Zank Moreland) Looksmenu Preset, Miss Pauling LooksMenu Preset and Cricket Replacer, Mixed Martial Arts - Robert Whittaker (LooksMenu Preset), MONSTERaider - Female Synth Skins (CBBE - Atomic Beauty - Fusion Girl - TWB), MONSTERaider - Feminine Beast Skins (CBBE - Atomic Beauty - Fusion Girl - TWB), Movie Star Presets - (Norman Reedus) Daryl Dixon and (Pedro Pascal) The Mandalorian, Movie Star Presets - Die Antwoord's Ninja and Yolandi, Movie Star Presets - Natalie Portman - Cara Delevingne - Bambi Northwood, Movie Star Presets - Rutger Hauer and Tom Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds (Male and Female LooksMenu Presets). are there any mods that add more face customization stuff like makeup, facepaints, face tattoos etc? I just installed this as a preset requirement and it broke all the models. All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, This mod will not be available on Bethesda.net for console users. Had some family issues that prevented me from coming back to address this. I managed to identify my problem but not it's solution. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. I deleted the game, redownloaded it, deleted all my mods, configured the game to use mods, and started to download mods again. 1 / 3. Alice Madness Returns Preset, Alien Beauty - Angels of Darkness Character Preset Pack, Alva Fredriksson Starlight Ownership Modded, Alysraza Tattoos (LooksMenu - CBBE - SHB - EN - FR), Amy CBBE Female Preset - Face and Body - Beauty, Anastasha Asian Girl Preset - CBBE - Looksmenu - BodySlide Presets 1.0, Angelika - Looks Menu - Character Preset and _FG_ Bodyslide - Preset, Anna - METRO Last Light - character preset, Annunaki's Characters Remastered - Looksmenu Presets, April - A Looksmenu Preset CBBE (Optional Bodyslide Preset), Area Secured - X6-88 Looksmenu Preset (X688), Arnold Schwarzenegger Character Looks Menu Preset, ASO Cbbe (Tribal Tattoos And Forged Brands), Atom Girl Outfit and Skin Override - Fusion Girl Bodyslide Files, Atomic Protagonist - Handsome Asian Male Preset, Attempted Ciri Yennefer And Triss Face Presets With Standalone Custom Eyes(Optional Follower Replacers), Ava Caravaggio LooksMenu Preset - Optional Cait Piper Curie Replacers, Aveline Norte Preset - French Mexican preset 2, Awesome Girl with Red Hair - LooksMenu preset, Basic Skin Overrides - Clean - Dirty - Old, Battle Hardened Nate - A Rugged and Tactical Looks Menu Face Preset for the Sole Survivor, Battle Hardened Nora - A Tactical Looks Menu Face Preset for the Sole Survivor, Beautiful Institute - Synth and Scientist Replacer (Female Only), BEJP's Character Armor Racks and Settlers, Belfast from Azur Lane - LooksMenu preset, Bennzoor's Male Face Presets (For LooksMenu) New Faces, Beth 'Fanatic of Atom' - Looksmenu Character Preset, Bioshock's Little Sister - A face preset for you or your companion ( LooksMenu ), Blonde Female Preset - Erasda the Immaculate, Blood Drive - Grace d'Argento and Julian Slink - LooksMenu Presets, BodyQueen - True Wasteland Body and Looksmenue Preset, BodyTalk Vanilla Outfits (rearenging patch), Booette Nanako chan preset AND 3 BodySlide presets, Bowsette Nanako Chan preset With Custom eyes and Nails, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul- Jimmy McGill AKA Saul Goodman preset, Breaking Bad and El Camino and Better Call Saul- Mike Ehrmantraut preset, Brigandage and Beauty - Raider LooksMenu Pack, Bunch of LooksMenu presets and one BodySlide preset, Buzz Lightyear Looksmenu Preset and Danse Replacer, Captainoob's Angels - Looksmenu and Bodyslide Presets, CBBE LooksMenu Skin Female Dirty Body Override, CBBE Nuclear Dirty - LooksMenu Skin Override, CBBE Oni Female Dirty Body - LooksMenu Skin Override, Chloe Price Life is Strange Cricket Replacer and LooksMenu Presets, Chloe Users PLEASE update - LooksMenu Presets of Arcadia Bay - READ DESCRIPTION Before Downloading Chloe Or Any Future Presets I Add, Chocolate Kim LooksMenu Face Preset (African American Black), Chucky Bride - face presets for you or your dear companion, Clarissa - A LooksMenu Preset and Save File, Clint Eastwood - Mysterious Stranger Replacer, COCO KDA Kaisa - (Fusion Girl - Atomic Beauty - CBBE), Companions of Fallout 3 and New Vegas - Presets, Corps et Visages Uniques pour Joueur et Compagnons (CVUJP), Courtney Ford LooksMenu Face Preset and Piper Replacer, Cpt. Adds engine modifications to improve character creation. Character Preset, Cybernetic Beauty - B.A.R.B.I.E. Showing 1 - 10 of 10 comments Emmote Feb 7, 2018 @ 3:41pm Oh, and you need F4SE, -REQUIRED- for presets to even show up in-game. i'm not so sure but just to be safe. Using Outfit Studio create slidersets for the body, destination is also the same folder path. Valve Corporation. Are you able to apply makeup from LooksMenuCompendium ? Pas rellement 'obligatoire' mais FORTEMENT RECOMMAND ! I tried "2K LooksMenu Customization Compendium ba2" instead and it works, if I put the plugin at the end of my load order, but than I have the brown face bug. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. You are free to modify my preset as you want, and create your own character ! Enhanced Vanilla Face Presets For Females, Erin - The Beautiful and Realistic LooksMenu Preset, Eugenie - Female Character LooksMenu Face Preset, Evangeline LooksMenu and CBBE Presets Plus Glory Replacer, Everyday People - Character Preset Collection, Extended Facial Sculpting - now with 90 percent less beta, Extended Hair Colors for LooksMenu ---- traduzione italiana, Extrem3's Lone Survivor - A LooksMenu Preset, Ezio Auditore da Firenze - An Assassins Creed face preset, Face and TWB Body preset - With RadMorph Preset, Faces of commonwealth - Presets for LooksMenu, Faces of the Commonwealth - Ghoulish Player, Falling Skies - John Pope (Colin Cunningham) -LooksMenu Preset, Fallout Ladies - Piper (HiPoly) Replacer and Face Preset by LamaKreis, Felicia Hardy Face Preset - True Wasteland Body Preset - Radmorph Preset, Felicity Jones face preset (Jyn Erso - Rogue One), Femshepping's 8 Unique Female Faces (Faceripper and LooksMenu compatible), Final Render's Character Looks Menu Preset, Fitness Babe Looksmenu Preset and Bodyslide Preset, French Mex Character Preset - Aveline Norte, Fusion Girl LooksMenu In-Game Sliders and BodyGen, Game of Thrones Characters Recreated in Fallout 4, Giancarlo Esposito LooksMenu preset (Gus Fring - The Dentist - Moff Gideon - Anton Castillo), Ginger - A Natural and Beautiful Redhead Character Preset, goodlooking deacon looksmenu preset and replacer, Goodlooking Piper replacer and looksmenu preset, Gorgeous VAULT-GIRL by cedaie - LooksMenu Preset, Greywind920's Blonde Ambition LooksMenu Character Preset, Handsome Jack - A (Lot of) LooksMenu Preset(s), Healthier Bobby DeLuca - LooksMenu preset, Heather Casdin - Unique Double Overhaul ( Synth Hunter Version and Wasteland Doctor ), Helen Alexis and Lucy Preset - European Beauties, Hermes the Ginger Daddy - Character Preset, Hey Blue got a minute - Piper looksmenu preset, Hey Handsome - Heather Casdin Looksmenu Preset, High Polly True Wasteland Body Looks Menu Preset - CBBE, HiPoly Faces REDUX (Seamless Kit - CBBE - TWB - FG), HiPoly Faces REDUX (Seamless Kit - CBBE - TWB - FG) Ukrainian translation, Hot Busty - Fransisca tratata - Face-Body Slide Preset - CBBE, I am from The Institute - LooksMenu preset, Ida Body Texture - LooksMenu Skin Override, Immersive Lovers Embrace Remastered - trad. u/Rocksterjelle. (Fixed) Crickets Presets - Dean Woods (Scourge of the Commonwealth), 2K LooksMenu Customization Compendium ba2, A Big Tiddy Goth Girl - Looksmenu preset - Now with optional bodyslide preset, AarlaunaRose's Character Tweaks - MacCready, Ad Victoriam Soldier - Paladin Danse Looksmenu Preset, Agent Cooper Twin Peaks Save Game and Face Preset, Ahab - A male character progressive preset, Alexa Face Preset (an actually good preset), Alexis - African American Looksmenu Preset, Alice Collins - Character Preset - Fallout 4, Alice The Lost Soul. But when I tried to use a LooksMenu male preset that I had created, it came out looking like this (picture below). Only for the Preset version, Not required but adds more details for face tattoos. I wanted to share a nice female chatacter that I recently created. To get the looks menu, open console and type slm 14 (slm being short for showlooksmenu and 14 being the number given to your character by the game). Basically the esp file works, so we know it's not load order, because all the extra texture items show up in LooksMenu, except none of the textures for those extra items will load.
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