), and background. The projects identified will be evaluated by financial returns and environmental impact. Applicants need not be citizens of the United States; however, they must be candidates for a doctoral degree at a graduate institution within the U.S. Often goals for a fellowship application include increasing the awardees potential for becoming an independent investigator, in which case an appropriate expected outcome might be that you mature into an independent investigator. All Nieman Fellowship applicants must complete an online application form. Candidates applying for a Nieman-Berkman Fellowship for Journalism Innovation should explain how their proposed projects or course of research could have impact on the broader world of journalism. After you finish it, you'll have a useful template to be submitted. Unfortunately, there is no standard terminology. If preliminary findings or pilot data are available, these should be described briefly especially if they illustrate how the applicant will be conducting thematic analyses or applying coding systems to the data. indicate if this was a poster or oral presentation and who presented the work. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATIONTwo letters of recommendation, one from the dissertation director/chair and one from another faculty member, are required. The sections that follow outline the elements of the work plan, the proposed project for the fellow, the purpose of the project, approaches for accomplishing the project, the perceived outcome, expected deliverables, and a timeline for the work plan. The Specific Aims document must concisely answer the following questions: A draft of your Specific Aims document is ideal for eliciting feedback from your mentor(s) and colleagues because evaluating a one-page document is not an enormous time investment on part of the person giving you feedback. Please clearly date all your samples and do not send more than the requested number. The Deans Office is happy to help. Recipients of the fellowships will receive $27,500 to support completion of the dissertation. Also, reviewers, a committee of experts and sometimes non-experts, will scrutinize your application, so anything less than polished may be quickly eliminated. Help advance the Nieman Foundations mission to promote and elevate the standards of journalism by making a donation. endobj Create the file from scratch with PDFfillers creation tool and add the required elements with the help of the editing tools. Providing an account of how you became interested in the materials can be very effective. Do not inflate your own experiences, but do expound what you have learned from them. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Recipients of the fellowships will receive $27,500 to support completion of the dissertation. Fellowship applications are often composed of numerous documents or sections. Use instructive headings and figure titles that inform the reviewers of the significance of the next paragraph(s) or results. Brainstorm ideas for how to pitch the project. You will be notified by email when each of your letters of reference has been received. To not to create a new document from scratch all the time, make the original file as a template. Create and link your account now. For yourinformation, this is a version of the letter emailed to your reference writers. By using this site you agree to our use of cookies as described in our, You have been successfully registered in pdfFiller, Something went wrong! Christine Overstreet, Director of Fellowships212 Converse Hall413-542-2536coverstreet@amherst.edu, Eric Myers, Associate Director of FellowshipsConverse Hall 213413-542-5079ermyers@amherst.edu, Mailing address: Office of Fellowships, Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002, Amherst College220 South Pleasant StreetAmherst, MA 01002, Reflection Questions for Personal Statements, A brief review of the context for the research (what has already been done), An explanation of what you are trying to learn (research question), A description of your methodology, itinerary, and budget (what and how), Justification for why it must be done in the intended location, Evidence that you have the necessary preparation (coursework, skills), Identification of partners/mentors/affiliates in the intended location for the study, with affirmations of their support, Discussion of why this pursuit matters to you and to anyone in the field, Indication of what you will do following the research project, An explanation of your previous academic work, A discussion of the chosen program including your specific track within it, if applicable, Commentary on why you have chosen to pursue this course at this institution in this country, Evidence that you have the requisite academic preparation and skill set to succeed, Identification of partners/mentors/affiliates in the department, if required (usually only for research degrees), Indication of what you will do after achieving the intended degree. Send only your very best work. International Nieman Fellowship applicants: December 15, U.S. Nieman Fellowship applicants: February 14. List your funding sources, projected duration of funding, and proposals . Your intellectual curiosity will be more evident if the reader sees you exercising it. Foundations are a particular sort of funder. When developing this plan, it is helpful to think deeply about your training needs. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. Were my ideas easy to follow? Nonetheless, it is very simple and fast to do. Explain why you are the right person to do this work (in terms of skills and background). Because the proposal is reviewed by a multidisciplinary committee, it must be compelling to scholars who do not have expertise in the given area. <> Fellowship Programme for Young Government Officials 2015/2016 Fellowship work plan Name Home Institution Host Institution List your proposed goals, desired outcomes, and timeframe for your three-month Fellowship. NEH Fellowships are competitive awards granted to individual scholars pursuing projects that embody exceptional research, rigorous analysis, and clear writing. Getting feedback from colleagues and others who can provide constructive criticism is strongly encouraged. are the ones everyone knows about, and since virtually anyone can apply for them, they are extremely competitive. No, Is the Subject Area "Alumni" applicable to this article? The, 2022 Chairman's Safety Performance Award Winners, 2022 Energy and Environment Award Winners, Environmental Performance Award Application, Innovative Technologies or Process Award Application, Overall Environmental Excellence Award Application, Portland Cement Association's Regional Economic Forum, 2023 PCA Spring Committee and Council Meetings, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, PCA East, North, Central, & Mid Atlantic Regional Outlook May 2022, PCA Southeast US Regional Outlook May 2022, PCA New England US Regional Outlook May 2022, State & Market US Summary (13 Categories, 1 Year), State & Market Trend (46 Categories, 20 years), Construction PIP by State (23 Categories, 20 years), Resiliency Potential in the Wildfire-Prone Single-Family Market October 2020, The Potential Impact of Tariffs Levied Against Chinese Cement, Railway-Related Cement Consumption Outlook, Trump Infrastructure: Potential Taxpayer Savings from the Use of Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), Attitudes & Perceptions Study: Soil Cement, FDR and RCC Pavement Market, Long Term Cement Pavement Consumption Outlook, Energy-Related Cement Consumption, September 2017, Airport-Related Cement Consumption Outlook, July 2017, U.S. Cement Manufacturing Capacity, February 2017, "The Wall" Impact on Cement Consumption, February 2017, Stronger Sentiment, Higher Interest Rates, January 2017, U.S. Portland Cement Industry: Plant Information Summary, Transportation & Infrastructure Priorities, Energy & Environment Regulatory Priorities, Occupational Health & Safety Regulatory Priorities, Sustainable Cement & Concrete Manufacturing Toolkit, Sustainable Cement & Concrete Construction Toolkit, Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures Course, Troubleshooting: Solutions to Concrete Field Problems, Masonry Walls and the Importance of Mockups, Verifying Compressive Strength of Masonry, The Masonry Society Becomes Sole Sponsor of Code and Specification, Special Inspection in the Codes and Standards, Placing Joints in Concrete Flatwork: Why, How, and When, The Difference Between Curing and Drying Concrete. This list should include key information to organize your game plan for applying, including Sponsor (agency sponsoring the fellowship) name; URL for funding information; Sponsor deadlines; and any other requirements or critical information. No jargon. Copyright: 2016 Yuan et al. What they do not ask for is sometimes as important as what they do ask for. The dissertation fellowship aims to strengthen research on education and learning by supporting early career scholars from a wide range of fields. To promote and elevate the standards of journalism. NEH will request letters of reference from your recommenders approximately seven to ten days after the application deadline. The NAEd and Spencer believe scholarly insight from many different disciplines can contribute to an understanding of education as a fundamental human endeavor and advance our ability to address significant current issues in education. A great recommendation comes from someone who knows you (and your work) well. What personal and journalistic values and intellectual interests have influenced your decision to apply? In addition, we ask that you please provide your full name, title, department, institutional affiliation, telephone number, and e-mail address. Provide a brief summary (50 words) of your study plan. Therefore, the NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship supports individuals whose dissertations show potential for bringing fresh and constructive perspectives to the history, theory, or practice of formal or informal education anywhere in the world. Read examples from former winners. What you say in your first paragraph will often determine if a panelist continues to read carefully. No, Is the Subject Area "Careers in research" applicable to this article? Remember, reviewers often evaluate the qualifications and appropriateness of your mentoring team. To explain how and what you think, you will likely include content such as current events, historical examples, or things you have been involved in. The organization offers numerous teaching and other fellowship programs and has attracted specialists who could practice anywhere in the world. As you develop your fellowship proposal, meet regularly with your mentors to elicit feedback on your ideas and drafts. Please include the applicants full name in your letter. You'll be suprised by how clearly you'll see ways to clarify or enliven your writing. However, put your best with all efforts and present true and genuine info with your fellowship work plan sample word template, and check it twice during the process of filling out all required fields. To what extent does the proposal (whether by rationale for data analysis or by a discussion of preliminary results) make a case that the dissertation is likely compelling and important to the broader field of education research? e1004934. Writing a compelling fellowship takes time, a lot of time, which is challenging to balance with a hectic laboratory schedule, other responsibilities, and family obligations. Ask your mentors, advisors, and friends to give you input as well. What is the driving question or interest that will shape your year? Let your application reflect who you are. 2023 Portland Cement Association. Once an applicant completes the references section of the online application for each recommender, SlideRoom will send an auto-generated email to each person with a link to access the online recommendation portal. Next, it is provided to the relevant addressee in order to provide some details of certain kinds.
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