Wow, I love the "Psychedelic" one. Apparently this ship followed the sign, made a wrong turn, and got trapped in a forest of giant Twitter hashtags. "Walking Man" was commissioned by Munich Re, a reinsurance company. I'd love to embed both the location of the Wildwood Farm, and my waterfall, where the new trees are planted. Here's a tourist's photo gallery showing close-up images of the Kiwi and its commemorative plaque. The only island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island located in Northern Canada. In a strange turn of events, the coordinates "3441'19.4"N 13926'13.9"E" bring us to a harbor of sorts in Tokyo, Japan, where a clearly visible ship lies beneath the surface. (Image credit: Digital Globe, GeoEye, Google), This is what happens when you have far more money than sense, (Image credit: 2011 Google - Imagery 2011 DigitalGlobe, Cnes/Spot Image, GeoEye, U.S. Geological Survey). There are many more funny places on google earth yet to be discovered.Dont forget to comment below and make sure to share this post with your friends on Social Media. Will U Marry Me 2. RomanceHoneymoonDestinations on September 04, 2013: These are hysterical! The artist of this amazing work, Sren Poulsen, created this map between 1944 and 1967 by hand, dragging stones out onto the edge of the lake using a sled on the ice during the winter (clever!) Newfound Google Earth images have revealed an array of mysterious structures and patterns etched into the surface of China's Gobi Desert. A perceptive Google Earth user discovered an abnormally shaped object near the coast of Antarctica, setting off a flood of comments from YouTube users. I am in Austin, and I've heard of the farm you mentioned near here, but I hadn't heard it was used as a landmark for mapping! I rarely go on Google maps, I'm amazed at the level of detail you can get on the land. Are there things we can do that protect us and those around. Sure, Google Street View can help you see the beauty that's hidden all over the world in the form of sprawling landscapes, mountain views, and seaside settings, but that's not what we're here for. Well done! Hamad bin Hamdan al Nahyan, a billionaire Sheikh and member of Abu Dhabi's ruling family, has had his name carved into the sandy surface of al Futaisi Island, an island he owns in the Persian Gulf. Use the Search bar in the left panel to find a location and see its current imagery. That would make your fun lens even more fun! Maybe it was written by a person who was just trying to be funny or to catch media's attention. Petra, Jordan The area around Petra has been inhabited since 7000BCE, but these rock-cut ruins date back to the Nabataean Kingdom of the 1st Century. Brooke-Greaves to indicate the position of Whipsnade wildlife park. After that, you must navigate to the official Google Earth website or open the Google Earth app. Yes, Google Earth captured this image showing a tiny island that resides inside a crater lake on an island called Volcano Island in a lake called Taal lake on the Philippine island of Luzon.. From all of the weird and unusual ones in Nevada to the possible murder scene, you can find just about anything on . A lot. The farmer cleared away most of the trees for grazing his cattle but left some woodland standing as a habitat for wildlife. Which one made you laugh the most? I had no idea these things were on Google map. In 2011, it was a big spiderweb; in 2012, it was a couple of cow heads sending a cryptic greeting to "Mom," and for 2013, they did something that looked like a cross between daisies and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. When I'm bored I will search Google Maps to find something like that. NASA warns of 3 skyscraper-sized asteroids headed toward Earth this week. I'm not sure how that figures into the owners' hopes to turn it into a dream wedding location, but good luck to them. The desert wilderness lies in western Australia, covering over 100,000 square kilometers. See that link for what this pool looked like in 2007, before it turned icky. 1. 2. I'll grab a screenshot, just in case it goes away.). Some of these spoked designs that dot Jordan's Azraq Oasis seem to be positioned in a way that aligns with sunrise on the winter solstice. Linguists Explain Slang Trends Through History, Drone Captures Video of Mauritius Underwater Waterfall Illusion from Above, For Anyone That has Ever Worked Retail, These Rants are For You, The Last Great Moment of Elvis Career was this Chilling Performance of Unchained Melody. At 265 feet (81 meters) long, it was once one of the largest shipwrecks visible on Google Earth, located at 19 38'45.99"N 37 17'42.17E (opens in new tab), although it now appears to have sunk almost completely. Amazing Desert Pattern China. Thanks for the entertaining lens and "agricola est in agro" which is about all I can remember from the two years of Latin my mother made me take in 5th and 6th grades (and I am thankful that she did). There's a bunch of these in the remote parts of China, and they're enormous. Munich sets the record for world's largest jaywalker? SheilaMilne from Kent, UK on January 04, 2015: I did enjoy this! One site in the lush farms near Crdoba, Argentina, is distinguished by appreciating work of true love.If aircraft flies across the fertile land of the Pampas area, a wonderfulguitar-shaped forestin fields often surprises the passengers.The site is more than an excellent example of land art, with shapes incorporated into a natural landscape.It is an emotional tribute to the lost sweetheart of a man.In 1977, Pedro Martn Ureta, a young Argentinefarmers wife named Graciela, died tragically.He planted trees in a shape that resembles a guitar if viewed from the top in her honor, and Ureta still maintains the stunning memorial almost 40 years after her death. Those things were simply amazing! I usually use it only for 2 things: check out where we are going to spend the next holiday or , more often, when i am homesick I use it to ''visit'' my favorite spots in Canada (I know it sounds stupid but it makes me feel better). Dubbed "the boneyard," this 2,600-acre cemetery of steel at coordinates 32 08'59.96" N, 110 50'09.03"W (opens in new tab) is closed to the general public, but Google Earth provides a high-resolution glimpse of what's inside: virtually every plane the military has flown since World War II from the B-52 StratoFortress (opens in new tab) to the F-14 Tomcat in various stages of decay. For example, here's a picture of a skier. We appreciate your support! Explore with us and find weird, inexplicable and awesome things. I'm going to have to spend some more time to really come up with a favorite. Yes, Google Earth captured this image showing a tiny island that resides inside a craterlakeon an island called Volcano Island in a lake called Taal lake (opens in new tab) on the Philippine island of Luzon. The imagery is available to anyone who downloads the software, and archaeologists have taken advantage of this rich resource. I took a screenshot of it in Google Maps years ago when I noticed the paint was starting to fade (in the photo, you can still see the fading ghost and Pac-Men munching down the street), so here it is for posterity. Of course, the symbols will likely remain a mystery. A cool land formation in the Sudan. Log in, Strangest Sights in Google Earth, Part II. Copy the coordinates and paste them into the Google Maps or Google Earth search line . We run to Google for restaurant recommendations, directions, and attractions opening times. Seventeen meters tall, he's been poised to cross Leopoldstrae since 1995. Google Maps Coordinates:40.452107, 93.742118 ADVERTISEMENT Outside Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Gansu, China, you can find this collection of white lines in the desert. Guy in white runs faster than everyone else, evidently wanting to jump on the back of the vehicle. TheBadlands Guardianis located in the southeastern corner of Alberta, Canada, next to Medicine Hat.The natural formation looks more like a human head facing west wearing an indigenous full headdress from the satellite view.A valley eroded in clay soil is the face.Some people say that the person seems to have earphones, which in reality is just a road and a well of oil. Deep in the Heart of Texas is a farmer who's very proud of his last name. One of my favorite places in the world is Avebury, a village inside a Neolithic stone circle. ^_^. What is it indicating?Concentric circles markings on fields and strange geometrical patterns in the desert could lead alien believers and conspiracy theorists to think deeply and find out how and why the artworks were created. Whether youre able to spend this Fathers Day with yours or not, we hope to help. Very interesting. My son and I had quite the laugh! Copy and paste any of these coordinates into Google Earth and explore these places yourselves! A play park for hundreds of hippos year-round, it offers a constant water supply from the converging Seronera and Orangi rivers in the Serengeti National Park. Upon further investigation by Guardian, the mysterious desert pattern appears to be mining, power, and military sites. This compensation may impact how and where links appear on this site. Hugs. The SS Ayrfield is one of many decommissioned ships in the Homebush Bay, just west of Sydney, but it stands out from others is the incredible forest that adorns the rusted hull. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, 205615.47S, 1643930.56E New Caledonia, A Little Phallic?41.84201, -89.485937 Dixon, Illinois, USA, Mattel Logo33.921277, -118.391674 El Segundo, California, UTA Flight 772 Desert Memorial16.864841, 11.953808 Sahara Desert, southern Tnr of Niger, Barringer Meteor Crater35.027185, -111.022388 Winslow, Arizona, These cool, weird, and funny Google Earth images are hopefully making you smile, laugh, and realize what can be seen from space. Thanks for the time to put it together. Nevertheless, the Jureskos have been marketing it as "Lover's Island" since it was first featured by Google Earth in 2009. Finding herds of animals is like finding Easter eggs, but Google Maps enthusiasts have located a number of these eggs. According to AZ Central, the Giant Triangle was likely used as an airstrip for Luke Air Force Base and part of an airfield that is now used for instrument training by F-16 pilots. The lion is home to a colony of cavies and wallabies which can be seen occasionally on the lion. The only funny thing I saw out there was that they still had a photo of our old truck in our yard after we had long since sold it. Subscribe to our YouTube channel! Ellen Brundige (author) from California on January 05, 2015: I'm jealous that you've been able to visit some of these, Sheila! Google Google Maps Oddities - Reddit - Dive into anything 1. Plenty of space in the desert! According to experts, this is a secret military base, and the structures are used for a variety of purposes including weapons testing, spy satellite calibration and testing of radar instrumentation. David Tewksbury, a GIS (geographic information system) specialist at Hamilton College in New York, aimed to preserve a visual record of the abandoned Nike missile launch sites before they vanish either as a result of being reclaimed by nature, repurposed by the military or redeveloped. If youre bored, use Google Maps to take a stroll.There are, however, many creepyaerial photoscourtesy of google, you can discover in various parts of the world.Below is the list of the top 10 weird places on google earth that you should check out. This little "sub-sub-sub island" would never have received its strange distinction if not for careful trolling of Google Earth by map geeks around the world. Luckily, satellites captured a few high-resolution images of a herd on the move in Chad, at coordinates 10.903497 N,19.93229 E (opens in new tab). Congrats on Hub of the Day! The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. On Google Maps, use the nearby parking lot and people-shadows to get a sense of scale. (Image credit: Image courtesy Google Earth), (Image credit: Google Earth via Google Earth Anomalies). "Let's make bizarre maze-grids in the desert and puzzle those Americans!" Heart-Shaped Lake41.303921, -81.901693 Columbia Station, Ohio, USA, The Lion Point51.848637, -0.55462 Dunstable LU6 2LD, UK. This Google Earth image shows the Oahu Defense Area in Hawaii, which was equipped with missiles in open air with earthen revetments, or embankments, between paired launch sites, shown here in 1968. Heres Why. Before you plan that next public confrontation or hot hookup, take a glance around for those cameras. Google Earth 26. Jesus Loves You Boise National Forest, Boise, Idaho, USA 43.645074, -115.993081 Jesus Love You each letter is about 31 feet (9.5 meters) long. I saw one the other day that purportedly showed a ghost standing on the edge of house site. Google Earth Coordinates: 6359'56.79"S 11843'44.48"E. 7. Looks more like a bar graph chart, but this landing stripes in Arizona desert is used for landing purposes giving a unique aerial view on Google Earth. 15. Some of those missiles even carried nuclear warheads. funny things on google maps. Airplane Boneyard 32 08'59.96 N, 110 50'09.03W Tucson, Arizona. Haha. These pesky critters can create nesting mounds spanning some 47 inches (120 centimeters) across and are typically surrounded by bare ground up to 108 square feet (10 square meters), according to physicist Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, a specialist in image processing and satellite imagery analysis at the Politecnico of Torino in Ital. The world's largest Coca-Cola logo, for example, can be seen at 18.5292 S, 70.2500 W (opens in new tab) on a hillside in Chile; it is said to be made of 70,000 empty Coca Cola bottles. My guess is that the swimming pool is part of a school that is now closed. You weren't supposed to see that! The civil war in Syria has imperilled hundreds of archaeological sites, including causing damage to all six of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the country, which is considered one of the oldest occupied areas of the Earth. And a fascinating journey it was! This site is part of an affiliate sales network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites, such as Top 200 Picks From 200 Weekly Newsletters, 48 Weird And Funny Images Caught On Google Maps Street View, Travel to Egypt: 2022 Travel Guide & Advice, 50 Best Bars In The World: From Classic To Unique, Travel to Canada: 2022 Travel Guide & Advice, Travel To The Netherlands: 2021 Travel Guide & Advice, Travel To Finland: 2022 Travel Guide & Advice, Travel To England: 2022 Travel Guide & Advice, Try JOURNO free And get instant access to $918.92 in travel goods, 11 Proven Ways To Be A Responsible Traveler. Other African critters on Google Maps include: Just plug those coordinates into Google Maps and zoom in. Unfortunately, the human race keeps on being fruitful and multiplying, which leads to a certain amount of urban sprawl around formerly rural cemeteries. But Google Maps Street Viewwell it has a silly side and the internet has found all of the funny google street views. Mysterious structures and patterns etched into the surface of China's Gobi Desert. 1. Didn't know that. Teenager Wants to Know if Shes Wrong for Refusing to Change Rooms, Strangely Familiar Places or Liminal Spaces Explained. Copy and paste any of these coordinates into Google Earth and explore these places yourselves! in 1990. Their building is equally artsy, but more neoclassical than modern. It's a bit stretched and skinny in the Google Maps version, and it's also rather more serious than most of the items on this page. A synthetic wonder 9. But sometimes things go wrong; and people, or their limbs, in this case, are duplicated. We can only guess what stands behind this creepy message. R2: Post relevant content (Image credit: Image copyright DigitalGlobe, courtesy Google Earth). I suppose they're more classy-looking than some dude's farm in Texas that says "Luecke.". How did you do that! LOL brilliant lens! A batman symbol on the roof of a building in Okinawa, Japan. 2. I use Google Earth a lot, and there is a lot more to see! I didn't know about the Fingermaze in Brighton even though I live not far away. Using Google Earth coordinates to view historic events can be entertaining and educational. 65353.00 S 311115.40 E Katavi National Park, Tanzania, Lips in the Desert122213.32N, 231920.18E Sudan, Batman!26.357896, 127.783809 Okinawa, Japan, These funny Google Earth images range from symbols seen in space to islands shaped like a heart, Luecke Farm30.08N, 97.14W Smithville, Texas, The Bulford Kiwi51.19N, 1.72W Salisbury SP4 9BG, United Kingdom, Fingerprint Maze50.84N, 0.17W Hove, England, An island in a lake on an island 69.793 N, 108.241 W Canada, A herd of elephants10.903497 N,19.93229 E Chad, Shipwreck19 3845.99N 37 1742.17E Sudan, A hidden bunker? Here are two other vehicles in odd places (Leipzig, Germany): 51.329184, 12.326607 and 51.309732, 12.392793. love it and thank you for all your hard work in it. (Ive actually been here!). Google maps kept this swimming pool blurred for a while, but the secret is out: stealth bombers are amphibious! Interesting and great lens. In this image, the two greenish patches contain herds of hippos. CRASHED UFO 1. As the google vehicle passes them, they run behind it. Other Google Earth users said it may be an antenna associated with a nearby remote-controlled wind farm. All they are is HTML links: I find the right location on Google Maps in a spare window, copy the URL, and then place them here in a text module. Psst! Hippo Pool 653'53.00 S 3111'15.40 E Katavi National Park, Tanzania Google Earth. After a call to police, a tragic mystery had finally found closure, as remains of a . However, it turns out that accolade goes to a 4-acre spit of land in northern Canada where no human has likely stepped foot. 50 Weird places on Google Earth with coordinates - Part 1 YK Chau 34.2K subscribers Subscribe 548 55K views 5 years ago 00:09 1651'53.4"N 1157'13.7"E UTA Flight 772 Desert Memorial 00:22. Big Bunny. Thats legitimately frightening. Sports fields and facilities appear to be falling into disrepair. Best of Google Maps Street View around the world Argentina Australia Belgium They start just as abruptly as they begin, and the ends fit almost perfectly inside of a square you might imagine around them. Fascinating. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a0e12e8f243181368ff6ae17cc9c19c4");document.getElementById("ca1b94736d").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A heart-shaped lake located in Columbia Station, Ohio. There are a ton of huge glyphs in the deserts of Chile and Peru created by the Inca and Tiwanaku civilizations from about 800 AD up until the Conquistadors stamped out the old civilizations in the region. Nathalie Roy from France (Canadian expat) on May 08, 2013: I had no idea Google map could be so fun. The band was shown performing among various aircraft hulks. The geoglyphs seem to date back 2,000 years. Now that youve seen our list of 38 weird and funny Google Earth images, what did you think? Google Earth offers a safe peek at the sites of mysterious disappearances, nuclear disasters, unapproachable or distant locations, secret government bases, diamond mines, and even the outlines of the past crater strikes. Here's another clever use of land: the Turia river used to flood the city of Valencia, sometimes fatally, so they diverted the river away from the city and turned its bed into green spaces and parks! He has also spent many years writing and editing for technology and video games outlets, later becoming the editor of All About Space and then, Real Crime magazine. Google addressed the allegations that it killed a donkey head-on today. Airplane Boneyard 3. A 87,500-square-foot picture of Colonel Sanders the KFC logo once appeared at 37.646163 N, 115.750819 W (opens in new tab) just off Extraterrestrial Highway in Nevada, but has since been removed. Furthermore, the site is not ideal for a secret military base, since it's relatively close to a major population area and no towers or barriers were spotted, said Stuart Hamilton (opens in new tab), former GIS program director at the Center for Geospatial Analysis at the College of William and Mary, and now a professor at Salisbury University in Maryland. Weve included the coordinates for every weird Google Earth destination we found. R1: Mark NSFW Posts Any post with sexual language or imagery, nudity, or gore, or excessive lewdness must be marked NSFW. All buildings are 1:25 scale, most are replicas of real places in the Netherlands, and they all help tell the history and legends of Holland. I have seen all of them from start to finish.. i wonder if there's like this in Philippines? Loved the animal (crop Circles) well done.. CraftyandClever from everywhere but mostly Cali on November 28, 2012: I need to spend more time on Google maps. Castle Hill Farm's maze varies from year to year. Great Lens, keep up the great work.:). A painting of the Northern Cyprus flag on a mountain near Nicosia/Cyprus. reports that at the coordinates 44 24'46.22," N, 7 76'88.63 W, there's a giant pink bunny on top of a hill in the Piedmont region of Italy. very great collections ,congrats, two thumbs up! Go to any place in China on Google Maps and you'll see that none of the roads line up. The slightly wobbly earthen circle is the henge surrounding the village. It began after World War II and its the largest military aircraft boneyard in the world. At half a mile tall and 2 miles long altogether, the letters HAMAD may be the world's largest; regardless, they're visible from space. But in reality, it is just a cliff structure discovered in Gharb, Darfur, Sudan.Just think about it for a second, with your imagination as it could be the lips of the earth like Ego, the living planet from Guardians of the Galaxy, or an enormous-sized monster buried.This weird and wonderful cliff could be a time portal or a black hole. Yikes! Thanks to the quirky humor of one Mark Gubin, this rooftop has been visible on the final approach to the General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (off the map to the south) since 1978. Your email address will not be published. The Madurodam is an entire miniaturized city, airport, canal, and railroad. This is also another likely symbol used for military training in Nevada. The second part of the list of the 25 coolest and most curious places to explore on Google Earth. 52.376552,5.198303 zoom in on the dock. Speed demon Most people don't record their own traffic infractions, but this is no ordinary vehicle. One of the seagulls was cheeky enough to photobomb the driver in order to show his lunch. This Couple Having S*x on the Highway 8. Read More. There, Google Earth images have revealed the entire ancient Roman city has been pockmarked with holes dug by looters since the start of the civil war. NY 10036. Imagery via Google Earth. Entertaining lens! Villisca Ax Murder House China 35.414520, 119.499892 Number one of our list might surprise you. The Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Ariz., is where U.S. military planes go to die. Marcy Goodfleisch from Planet Earth on January 04, 2015: This is fun information! A giant smartphone in Omsk, Russian Federation, coordinates 55 00 55.9 N 73 25 30.1 E Google Maps A plane landing in a forest near Hillsboro, USA, coordinates 45.408166, -123.008118 Google Maps Ben Biggs is a keen and experienced science and technology writer, published book author, and editor of the award-winning magazine, How It Works. It's fun to explore the world through the eyes of Google Maps. I was unaware of most of these, HAHAHAHA I loved the heart shaped island and the stealth bomber XD, Wildlife area created by owner with name carved into the ground. In contrast, the light reddish-yellow color of the red desert contributes to the sunlight and evaporation.When the water evaporates from thepond, salt, and potassium crystals are left behind and collected for further chemical process.This is one funny google maps coordinate that can confuse the user. Love the practical jokers with the 'Welcome to Cleveland" sign. (Image credit: Sensis Pty Ltd, Digital Globe, Google), Google earth, satellite images, Chinese desert, Another strange sight in China's Western desert, Read more about the swastika geoglyphs and other Kazakhstan designs, Aerial Photographic Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East, Cosmic rays reveal 'hidden' 30-foot-long corridor in Egypt's Great Pyramid, New Hubble footage shows exact moment a NASA spacecraft slammed into an asteroid 7 million miles from Earth. I have always been intrigued with how these map look and the way they pinpoint a day in time. I think you can also add this one now! Here, another image of the strange site in the Chinese desert. Peg Cole from North Dallas, Texas on January 04, 2015: This was really quite entertaining. Likely different colored sand that looks like a pair of red lips from above. Three cheers for aerial photography champions who keep updating their desktops for passing planes. What a great idea for a lens. The Bulford Kiwi was created by WWI New Zealand soldiers camped in Wiltshire, England, stuck waiting for a ship home. These Two Suburban Samurai 4. The Street Car's speed is captured while driving into what looks suspiciously like a 30mph zone. David Kennedy, of the University of Western Australia (opens in new tab), who co-directs the project, calls it "a central bull's-eye tomb with, in this case, three triangles each with at least a part of a connecting line of stone heaps running to the center.". Leave us a comment! One structure in the complex did somewhat resemble a helicopter testing area, analysts said there's no reason it would necessarily be linked to military activities. Considering the number of people who troll Google Earth in their free time, it isn't surprising that enormous advertisements have started popping up in remote areas for their viewing pleasurea concept known as "mapvertising." If something weird is captured on Google Street View, someone on the internet is bound to find it. It is cooler than I thought! . It's amazing! All images are screenshots from Google . His plan is to build a geo-referenced database so that anyone can research the Nike missile sites through Google Earth. Well try to update co-ordinates too, ASAP. Thanks for letting me know it can be done. Normally, words written in sand wash away, but these letters are large enough to form waterways that absorb the encroaching tide. One of those weird things was a mummy-like shape on a balcony in Nancy, France. A mysterious set of satellite images seen on Google Earth created a stir when an ex-CIA analyst told (opens in new tab) he had discovered "structures" in the desert around Kashgar, a city in China's remote Western desert that is part of the Xinjiang province. I loved the miniature city. The melting of the ice appears to reveal a portion of the 60-foot diameter object, which many argue is a metallic . France joins the creative parking brigade with a fighter plane in the Paris West University Nanterre La Dfense parking lot. This mysterious triangle in the Nevada desert. But with further analysis, Stefan Geens, a technologist and geospatial blogger who has spent months in that part of China, said the site was likely part of a major manufacturing or economic center. Bummer. Thank you for sharing. and levering them into position during the thaw. Skip to content. Just copy and paste into Google Earth/Maps and explore for yourself! The magnified visual of this underwater car was found by a resident of the area who had spotted something strange on Google Earth. Surfed in for a 2 minute "eyeballing", surfed out 30 minutes later. you liked the video please remember to leave a Like \u0026 Comment, I appreciate it a lot! Like Comment , ~ : )
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