Trunks' father doesn't seem very pleased though. The story of a young boy who was the product of two enemy races. Both the two Saiyans would still be busy training, but the future events of that time were uncertain, his powers only limited it seemed to certain key aspects he could not fully flesh out. He also fought two of his own race; young girls with still untapped potential begging to be released. futurebardock futuregohanxerzascarlet adventure +22 more # 7 There she meets a strange boy with a Yep. Unlike Goten's recently departed brother, Goten had pretty much been raised by Bulma, and he had called her mom ever since he learned to talk. He wanted it to be his own play! When Goten is 18 he is fed up with life on earth. [Reposted from Twitter for easier reading]. Or Bulma Briefs and the quest to find her dream man. As easily he had dispatched the Emperor, the two were just far stronger. "Alright First Up is Goten and his Opponent is Ikose." He said. When a new villain shows up to threaten Earth, everyone knows Goku will be there to defeat it and save everyone like he always does. His brother has the perfect life and his best friend at the best university. He knocked them aside like toys, their power still incomparable. In a world decimated by the androids Videl and Gohan have still found each other. Enjoy..! (Cover art by Cloud-Kitsune on DeviantArt) Low class peasants like him were sent out, while the higher class reigned over them. He had no issues with making dimensions, entering or exiting. Please consider turning it on! In doing this, the entire course of history is changed forever. Creatures from outer space looking for the best host compatibility to survive on earth Izuku is raised by Nezu after Inko died giving birth and dad couldn't deal with him. . Work Search: Otherwise known as the Destruction of Planet Vegeta and or the Genocide of the Saiyans. Something I dont think I would ever do as much as I want to. And he recognizes it immediately, it's his adopted mom. 293 Stories. Then nothing. Notes: And beneath it all, the homeworld of a race of warriors and conquerors. Sign up Log in. When in this state Goten's power level increases dramatically. Future Trunks Briefs Trunks Briefs Son Goku Future Son Gohan Son Gohan Vegeta . And most importantly A boy is reincarnated into the body of one of cells children the cell jrs. This puts Gohan in a spot that allows him to be able to even take on actual Gods. The voice calls out. His hair is predominantly black in the upper part of his head, but he also has three blonde-colored bangs along the lower part of his head. <3. This work could have adult content. Somehow, someway, a divergence in time led to the images diverting into two. Will Gouya and Trunks be . Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. With a gaping interest in events, how he could utterly change time itself; He could collide both present and past! After finally achieving the Super Saiyan God form and having Old Kai re-unlock his Mystic/Ultimate form he becomes Ultimate God Gohan. When the auto-complete results are available, use the up and down arrows to review and Enter to select. Future Gohan's Fairy Tail (F.Gohan. Wow this kid looks like Goku wait what if he is no way Goku Grew up but he looks so much like him. So join Goku After Gohan failing to defeat the androids, a mysterious portal appeared taking the Saiyajin hybrid After Gohan failed to defeat Super Buu, Goku and Vegeta save Piccolo, Goten, Trunks, and Gohan insi Because he comes from the future and believes he knows what is going to happen, Future Goten is usually shown thinking that only some things will matter and others probably would not (although he is usually right in the long term). If a new story would not form, then he will just make his own! Just read.. Explore. Today. However, this newly arrived female droi What happens when two mortal hating beings fall in love? His life was good until the age of 4 when he was diagnosed quirkl You wonder and think, did Doctor Gero only create 17 and 18? Maybe. This contrasts to his present day counterpart, who is upbeat, well mannered, and respectful towards his opponents. The son of the man looked up to the green man after a long and arduous training session to prepare for the aliens to arrive on their home for the wish orbs, chatting happily with the man, as if there was no bad blood between them, and the green man ignored him, though he was listening to the boys words. This made this form impractical against foes of any real speed. "You remember the deal right, Goten?" It also causes an extreme drop in his speed and agility, tiring him even more and reducing his effectiveness overall. Goten also shares the same pinyin name as Master Roshi's pinyin name, as both Goten and Muten in Chinese pinyin are read as "Wutian". He looks confused. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Goten is Gohan 's younger brother and Trunks ' best friend. Due to a hostile and lonely life with nearly everyone dead, Goten best and only friend is Future Basuko. Major Fluff. By combining his intense training with his hidden potential, Future Goten achieved this form upon witnessing the death of Future Kibito at the hands of Future Dabura. by Tevin Lashawn Moore 74.9K 973 28 After Gohan's relentless struggles against two artifical humanoid cyborgs, Gohan dies in the end leaving Trunks to be earth's protector. Goten stares at the group barely able to tell who is who. Goten: Zenos, where are we? It should be noted that the kanji (ten/tian) is exactly the same one used in Tien Shinhan's name. Bring me back to that past I now seek-!. Future Goten Yuri_Namikaze Summary: What if Goten had actually been born before the Androids killed Chi Chi? However, the scope of their entire relationship is different. Sorry, I truly do not get time to write any more. 4. But one day while she is helping Bulma with a project she oh so happens to agree to help her husband! Not normally would I write a DBZ fanfic, but Dragon Ball Super is like SUPER amazing! Yo guys what's up it's AblazeMonkee I'm back for another video in today's video we are going to be doing another what if yes we will be continuing the oldest. |-|Equipment=. 2. You never knew how much faith you needed to have in others until you are s A man gets reborn into the Dragon Ball realm as Cell's clone from Super but start out as a Imperfect Model and stable, will he reach Perfection and help the heroes or wi Just trying to pass the time, because I'm bored out of my mind , (DBzBroly x Future Trunks) Theres new androids Trunks has to deal with, but this time hes not fighting alone. The man, after training on a planet of heavy gravity, now faced one of his kin. "Maybe one little peek won't hurt." He blushes when he realizes everyone is looking at him. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The photos and songs here it is, enjoy it when i start doing chapters! DBZ. "Just stay in the damn time machine." Want to know what would happen? Before the time Present Goten was born, the timeline had been altered by him, as well as Cell's trips to the past. 5 Years aft Basically a story dedicated to the greatest fighters in the universe. Today I decided to return back to the first what if I ever made! They also have quite a bit of personality differences; while Present Goten is well mannered and respectful like his father, Future Goten is not, taking more after his paternal grandfather, Bardock. His sword also turned into the Sword of Dreams- a white sword with light red edges, larger in size and in the shape of a great sword. He demanded his son to hurry up and leave, before he turned his furious gaze on the Emperor, shock, realization, and fear now on his face. etc. Hey guys what's up it's AblazeMonkee I'm back for another video in today's video we are going to be continuing what if goten was in the future ! A collection of scenes loosely brought together to make a continuation of the Mirai AU created in the first work. The one purpose of introducing them was shoving Mai into Trunks. The pink monster now became thin. A portal to the dead was opened up. Instead of training to overcome this problem, Goku decides that they'll simply work on mastering the basic Super Saiyan, feeling that it is the best way to fight and gain power. Unknown to them, the man was watching the fight, observing their techniques and movement, he spoke to no one, but was smiling all the same, reminiscing, what his old mentor had told him. Guess again. This mastery of Super Saiyan enables full control over the energy output and consumption, completely diminishing strain on the body, even while constantly maintaining maximum power for. Except the parody is exactly what it is. Izuku Yagi was the son of No.1 hero All Might and No.5 hero Green Telek with a sister named Izumi Yagi. That was why Whis could not, and can not stop him in their Universe 7. As you can tell I've been really out of it when it comes to posting, sorry. Goten frowned crossing his arms to wait for it to open. A Stranger Arrives! Goku says extending his hand to the boy. He didnt need any designation of what era or time that the Saiyan race still populated planet Vegeta, he already knew. Future Zeno: Hi Goten. Hey guys whats up its AblazeMonkee Im back for another video in todays video we are going to be continuing what if goten was in the future ! With the release of the Dragon Ball Super Broly Movie years prior, Dragon Ball Super Hero releasing trailers, I decided that movie would be the great way to introduce the Saiyans to the future. Before jumping into the past, Future Goten had saw the logic in Future Bulma's invention as it could be the key to saving their world, though the former wasn't entirely convinced by the idea as he wasn't entirely convinced that Goku nor Vegeta were the caliber of warrior that was needed to defeat the Androids, showing that despite his logic and he was incredibly overconfident as he still fought against the Androids after hearing, though got thrashed good and hard by the Androids from his timeline even after becoming a Super Saiyan, it was then that he finally decided that to cut his loses and give her idea a try. He feared to speak of it, so nobody knows the su Its tournament time for the Z fighters but Goten has more than fighting on his mind What will happen during a match between Trunks and Goten? Future Goten was shown to be able to completely pressure Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta in the same form - causing Goku to note that Future Goten was even is stronger than him. Trunks reminds his little brother. Bardock: YUM YUM! Keyller, kEnaelyza, Lunaticalum, Latte0910, HarleQuin714, Luz_Ifer, Usami07, the_real_lord_grim, scarletcamelia24, Beri_Litt, CreatureofHabitz, Amaya_Winchester1967, ioona, Melanyba_6, LilPsychoLala, Sesantos, yada1993, MarieTheirin, griffonskies, Shedemonica, DyingEmbers, hewwocopter, Son_Nickie, MDCBD, Trash_nerd12, shereeashleigh, mysideofthecoin, Kiomori, riverdaze, moon01234, LunaNix, Mysterious_Prophetess, sofiacass, gardengalaxy, DeathLadyShinigami, Solei98, Renalafae, and bloodychild Trying to find a way home while fitting in this new world, she had to fight both old and new enemies! Goten, having never gotten the chance to know his parents, due his father dying from his heart virus before he was even born, and his mother dying alongside his maternal grandfather in an attack on his kingdom around when he was still an infant. Rather than attempting the more arduous and time-consuming task of refining this form, they came to the conclusion that that the basic Super Saiyan form is better suited for combat, making a plan to master it and abandon this form completely. A/N: I will do any boy from any saga. He studied another image. In this state Future Goten is referred to as "Super Goten". Chapter Three: Saiyaman Apperas/Combat Training. The world was suddenly much larger than it seemingly once believed. Goten decides to use the opportunity to sneak off. After Future Shin unlocked his dormant powers with the ritual, They became able to effortlessly wield the Z Sword. King Vegeta is watching over his son when a stranger comes to Planet Vegeta with news that he can reveal the future. A dark being that took the mans form, promising extinction of every living being. Crackling electricity and their clash breaking the landscape around them in a furious explosion of combat. Stay In The Time Machine Work Search: In Dragon Ball Super, Future Goten first uses this transformation during his spar with Goku after arriving in the present timeline. Goten thinks to himself. He smiled. Goten's Twin Sister (A Trunks Love Story) The boy became a man, and his brother from space came, determined to bring him back to the fold of their heritage and race. ' . Six months later, the Androids attack and kill the rest of the Z Fighters, except for Goha A book of Oneshots featuring your favorite Dragon Ball boys. He said to himself. Sitting comfortably in his pod, he looked at the village of the green skinned race, demanding the wish orbs. Zeno: You're in my palace. From stories of the past an unlikely warrior might just be brought to Trunks' side and an extinct warrior race might rise again to defend Earth or to doom it. After the events that unfolded and the destruction of Planet Vageta, like the . "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN THE TIME MACHINE!" 2. When Super Saiyan Rage Future Goten drew upon the power of everything still alive on the planet, he became immensely more powerful, gaining an aura of light energy similar to the Spirit Bomb, only red in color. Another large difference is that Future Goten is able to see through enemy tactics and adapt strategies while in a fight, something his present counterpart while able to do so if he applies himself is far from efficient at. He watches as Trunks single handedly defeats Frieza, his father, and his entire army. Future Trunks decides to take him to the future with him, so that he can finally meet his dad who died all those years ago. The pink monster smashed a fist across his face, the man retaliating with a foot to the stomach. Work Search: When he appears in front of him, the boy looks completely shocked. I really wanted to give Hanvi some more love and I personally would've loved to see them in a future timeline so here it is fam! Future Gohan in Yokai Dimension (A. by Bullet's Husband 62.7K 943 21 Age.762 Gohan was battling the Androids. Future Goten ( Mirai no Goten) is the Saiyan and Earthling hybrid son of Future Goku and Future Chi-Ch from an alternate future.Before the time Present Goten was born, the timeline had been altered by him, as well as Cell's trips to the past. An hour later, a spaceship finally comes into view. . Quizzes Stories People Fiction Fanfiction Nonfiction Tests Surveys. The parent he had never had nor met. As the dimension opened up, he smiled at the sight. What if the person they love was a mortal themselves? His chuckle turned to full laughter, nothing for anyone to hear but his own ears. While training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Goku, Future Goten not only master the Super Saiyan form and match his father's might, but also surpass him as well. Just a little Future Gohan and Videl oneshot. And it has already been done. . Therefore, the two Goten had completely different lives (as opposed to those who lived before the Time Machines arrived, they lived exactly the same lives as their counterparts until the point at which the two timelines diverge: three years before the androids arrived). However, this newly arrived female droi After Gohan's relentless struggles against two artifical humanoid cyborgs, Gohan dies in the end leaving Trunks to be earth's protector. Everyone runs towards it making it even harder for Goten to see. A DBZ fanfiction. But he knows his mother said what she said for a reason, and he needs to stay put and keep his ki hidden, no matter how dirty Trunks played. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.\"Thanks for Watching tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. A tournament held between their universe and another. Then, realization hit him, it went over him like a wave, and he could not help but chuckle. This would be the start to his story! "Just stay in the damn time machine!" Even so, he always retains his already natural aggressive, serious, yet surprisingly focused demeanour. In this story, you are Trunk's little sister by two years. Hey Goku that was some crazy adventure huh?, The man nodded. The mans rival promises to a young boy of their race from another universe. Then looked back to the time before, looking back to the time of an old Empire of the Saiyan race. After going through multiple timelines and having a lot of battles he fi 21, awoken from her slumber by the androids 17 and 18, seems to form a new barrier between the world peace Gohan and Trunks seek. To him, his only family was Gohan, Trunks, and Bulma. The old nemesis of the Emperor resurrected. Can this so call 'love' last forever? Videl gave up hope. bardock goku dbz vegeta gine dragonball raditz gohan saiyan kakarot bulma frieza trunks goten dbs kingvegeta dragonballsuper broly turles saiyans. But Future Earth's reduced population emboldens the remnants of Frieza's forces who set out to finish the old mission to clear the planet of life. Words are said and things get taken too far when one thing leads to another Universo de M. Trunks. But faith somehow managed Gohan. Future Goten ( Mirai no Goten) is the Saiyan and Earthling hybrid son of Future Goku and Future Chi-Ch from an alternate future. Goten mocks him, clearly upset. Goten argues. They all crowd around the crater blocking his view and ability to see if his father had come out yet. When Goku died of the Heart Virus, his only daughter, Rosamoona, was only one. All rights and copyrights are held by the respective copyright holders. Summary: Based in Mirai Trunks timeline after he defeated Cell. The man shouted his rival to move away, hurling the mass of all living beings energy at the monster, the monster dying with cries of pain, disintegrated by the ball of energy. In his childhood, he wore a black shirt with red short sleeved with his name on the chest along with black sweatpants and grey boots. After Goku noted the inherit weakness of transforming, a reduction in stamina and ki, Goten learned to perfect this form with his father. He frowns as he realizes Trunks purposefully parked the time machine far away to discourage him from leaving it. Dragon Ball | Reader | Anime/Manga Race Goten. That was all he had ever known, but he definitely eager to see his dad. Nor can the Grand Priest. He retains Future Goten's scars on his face as well his sword. I don't own these characters except myself.The first chapter is a huge battle. Through the empty black of his humble abode, he saw images. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. |-|Transformations=. But with the arrival of his son and bald headed friend, they managed to defeat him and sent him away. We've actually seen pictures of your dad, Trunks!" While possessing little to no fear of the Androids, Future Goten is not above expressing shock and horror at the introduction of Android 16. What if Goten had actually been born before the Androids killed Chi Chi? Their battles were not over. Also, his aura is surrounded by repeated flashes of blue bio-electricity. He still laughed, over nearly forgetting it in his own excitement to make this timeline happen. When during his first adventure in the present timeline, he is usually seen wearing a vermillion jacket reaching his abdomen with his own kanji on the right sleeve, a white tank-top, black pants with a black belt, grey and black boots, black fingerless gloves, and computerized watch. Also like his father before him, Future Goten has learned to fear his mothers temper, but this did little to deter the loving bond he desired from his mother for so long. Ive been recently reading a bunch of watchig the movies and the future Fanfiction that those stories are embedded into my brain at this point. After a couple of stumbles and some holding against a column, Goten was back on his two feet. It's when Goten sees Goku's hair that he finally realizes exactly why his mother had told him not to get out. He returns to use this transformation during his training with Vegeta, and later several times against Goku Black and Future Zamasu. Pinterest. left kudos on this work. "It's not fair. Therefore, the two Goten had completely different lives (as opposed to those who lived before the Time Machines arrived, they lived exactly . Planet Vegeta stood in view, small dots of pods and ships dotting the orb like shape. The man and his rival fusing. By working to remain transformed for extended periods of time, Goten and his father gradually learned to overcome the transformation's drawback to feel as natural in this form as their base state. In fact, he seems downright livid. Moving images that told stories like a video that played. Teen Gohan x Future Trunks By the time we are introduced to the pair of Androids, over three fourths of the world's population has been eliminated due to their spree of destruction. He was quite thankful his dimensional abode could hide him from ever being detected. You can request anything you want, except lemon. His rival, the same splitting image of the mans own rival too had joined, and both were eager to fight another. It was worth the trouble to make his mother happy. DragonBall, DragonBall Z, DragonBall GT, DragonBall Super and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd. Renders and backgrounds provided by Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, Dragon Ball Legends, Dragon Ball Z: Bucchigiri Match, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. \"Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Future Goten became much stronger thanks to continuous training and extra guidance under Future Shin, able to defeat Future Dabura as a Super Saiyan. Please consider turning it on! Future Goten trains with Piccolo instead Goku, for his second time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and they increase in power enough to become the two of four the Z Fighters capable of holding their own in a fight with a Cell Jr. At this point, Future Goten was capable effortlessly killing a Cell Jr. and fought on par with (less restrained) Perfect Cell, a feat no one could match (let alone top) but his father Goku, and then later Super Saiyan 2 Gohan. Now he wanted to make his own. Gohan describes Super Saiyan Future Goten as having as large a ki as Super Saiyan Goku had on Namek. Trunks hollers, catching everyone's attention. How come you get to see and talk to your dad, and I can't?". Both desperate and driven to win, they pulled out many techniques, and the man was forced to his limit. Unlike Pan in GT, you are able to turn Super Saiyan and maybe even a bit more ;) . After the fight with Bojack and his allies, the z-fighters say their goodbyes to the time travelerbut once trunks starts the time machine, it messes up and leads our You and Goku are amazing friends but when he takes training too far, does he loose your trust? Fanfiction Romance Trunks x OC. In his childhood, his hair was somewhat similar to his father's, messy and unkempt. Popularity changes people. "Hey guys, what are you all doing here?" Goten's name literally means "Awakening to Heaven" or "perceiving heaven", as "Ten" can translate as sky or heavens. Just One Punch || BNHA 60 parts Ongoing F! Age 737 was the starting point where all the future events had begun. He couldnt have that. This is going to be a truten story this all the information, read if you want to find out more, this is the first book in the Goten x Trunks sieries. Grows up with My Saiyan Academia, Gohan and Deku, Future Heroes (DragonBall Z x Hero Academia). The man, known as Son Goku, gave a hand to the Cerelian, Granola, smiling. This story is not really meant to be plausible; it is just meant to be adorable and give you a small idea of what it could have been like if Goten came. He would not understand it now, but the man would later discover his foe of royalty to be his greatest rival and ally. Goku frowns looking up at the boy, who looks a lot like him. While Xeno Goten has no control over his body in this form as he is being controlled by Demigra, he is capable of resisting it mentally as he encourages the Future Warrior to keep on attacking him to dispel Demigra's hold over him. Trunks had wished that they could fight Cell, which was a terrible mistake. Can he admit the extent of his friendship? He swiped once more, the images changed, giving him certain key points. A thought about the current time but brushed it off. ). "I have lavender hair and blue eyes. However, Goku told him that this form spends too much ki to be maintained. He gave a swipe of his hand and the images changed to a lush sky, with grass and water on the planet. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I won't be writing that, so don't request it. Noble and arrogant, he told the man how their race valued and functioned. Then read it and stay tuned for updates.. This state - Super Saiyan Rage - possess upward pointed hair, electric sparks like a standard Super Saiyan 2 and a golden aura - However Goten possess a red part inside the aura, instead of blue. Right before Kagome turns fifteen and meets Inuyasha and the gang, she went to go see her cousin Bulma when she is twelve years old. I hope you all enjoy :). Songfic sulla canzone: What a believe degli Skillet, sulla coppia Mirai Gohan/Mirai Videl. By time that flows through every level He circled his arms first around. Both had achieved a blue form that they further pushed the limits of. He is even (though very rarely) shown to be cocky, such as when he became a Super Saiyan fourth Grade, but when realizing how outclassed. If he went at Age 737, then it was the time where Frieza would make the choice to eradicate the Saiyan race. **I don't own any of the characters or the art here I simply found this on Tumblr & thought it was cu Just a quick fic on Goten's teenage problems, lol. He would have to deal with the characters of the past first. What happens if Gouya has romantic feelings towards Vegeta's son, Trunks? Goten: Zenos I. give a second. Future Goten Chapter 1: Stay in the Time Machine, a dragon ball z fanfic | FanFiction Rated: Jun 9, 2016 I know a lot of this stuff isn't possible, because Goten wasn't born, Goku didn't stay alive long enough, they can't say that etc. Goten groans. Cookers are running back and forth to fill thier hungry saiyan's stomach. Orphaning him, this combined with the fact that he grew up in an apocalyptic world, is intelligent, broody, serious, and aggressive (such as when he lashed Goku for not taking the threat of the Androids seriously or when punched him in the face before he began to berate him for not taking heart medication), unlike his main timeline counterpart, who had a personality is very similar to his father's. *Everyone comically falls, minutes later, they are finally finshed eating*. How did I get here? The only goal is to endure the dangers of life in a broken down society full of famine, marauders and death.
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