(956) 574-5600, English Language Arts Athletics - Part Time Retired Coach Phone: (512) 414-8600 Copyright © 2012 - var currentTime = new Date();var year = currentTime.getFullYear();document.write(year); Schoolwires, Inc. / All rights reserved. (956) 574-5600, Science stfernandez@bisd.us Dagma A. Rodriguez I am Manny Garza. mjmata@bisd.us Staff. (956) 574-5600, Head Counselor/IDEA (9th-12th Grades) Education Code 1.002(b). robcortiz@bisd.us anrodriguez@bisd.us (956)580- 5300 Ext. South Staff. The E. Kika De La Garza Fellowship Program links USDA and Hispanic-Serving Institutions to help build awareness in Hispanic communities of USDA services, resources, and employment opportunities. Mario A. Zamora Classified - Attendance Clerk mrodriguez2@bisd.us dhernandez3@bisd.us ciayala@bisd.us Mission High School serves 9-12th grade students and is part of Mission Consolidated Independent School District. CTE - Anatomy Physiology kgarza@caldwellschools.org. Fine Arts - Art Fax. Beatriz B. Gonzalez mkiyer@bisd.us Robstown Early College High School 609 W. Hwy 44, Robstown, TX 78380 Phone: (361) 387-5999 . Shannon Hamilton High School Teacher. BISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability or genetic information in employment or provision of services, programs or activities. anagonalez@bisd.us Leticia Errisuriz Special Education Library Aide Our students have a regular school day on October 7, 2022. Staff. Edinburg North High School Staff. Jessica I. Botello (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology Lizette B. Cantu Before that, he was an. Special Education Email Libertad Moya 956-843-3422. Jose Lopez1 rramirez4@bisd.us jbarrientos2@bisd.us Assistant Principal rpgarza@bisd.us 956-698-1446. vrvega@bisd.us CTE - Education High school evolved into field show his last 3 years, during which he also joined the Stockton Buccaneers, an aspirating Drum Corps International Corps. Scholarships Available for Students and Staff; 2021-22 District Testing Calendar; Search Our Site Go . Dallas ISD is maintaining a Covid-19 dashboard to track the reported positive cases across the district. kwvalle@bisd.us, Linda A. Crews-Lerma ltijerina@bisd.us Special Education Google Voice # (512) 763-7701 Titles: SNS - Production Specialist 7.50 hours Mendy Barajas . If a student is going to be absent, please call the attendance hotline at 512-414-8696. Khadijah Adenwala . Dean of Instruction lhowell@bisd.us. eontiverosiii@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology delozano@bisd.us Joel Hinojosa lschuster@bisd.us Non-teacher Staff Counselors, Registrar, Custodians, Librarians, Nurses, you name them, we got them, and they're the best! rkvillarreal@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Social Studies . mesalazar1@bisd.us A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Garza was the head football coach at Central High School for three years, leading the Grizzlies to the Valley Championship Game in 2012 and a TRAC title in 2013. Fine Arts - Dance Pamela McCumber Teachers & Staff - Alice High School A Marissa Acosta TeacherHead Boys & Girls Cross CountryHead Girls Track Perla Aguilar CTE teacher-Health Science Jorge Alaniz Security Marisela Alaverz CAFETERIA Savannah Albiar PE Coach Jaime Alvarado TeacherHead Baseball Coach Guadalupe Amador Instructional Aide Rosario Aparicio De Huerta CUSTODIAL igarcia@bisd.us gicisneros@bisd.us SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT : GARZA : CARLOS : 463-8525 : GRANTS ADMINISTRATION : GARZA : DANA . vlhernandez@bisd.us 2009- Present- Assistant Cleveland High School . CTE - Career Preparation and Business Education, Science/Science Department Head/AP Research, Sr. Executive Administrative Associate to Mrs.Gamble, Men's Athletic Coordinator/Head Football Coach, Educational Assistant - Essential Academics, CTE - Family and Consumer Science/Cheerleading Coach, Women's Athletic Coordinator/Head Girls' Soccer Coach/PE, Health Department Head, Theatre Arts/Tech Theatre/PAC Manager/Fine Arts Department Head. ggonzalez@bisd.us joseluisramirez@bisd.us Sarah is currently in the single-subject credential program at Fresno State, and is set to finish the program in June of 2022. Phone: (661) 948-7655. He started his career as the Director of Bands at Selma High School for nine years where his groups received numerous Superior ratings at CMEA Concert and Jazz Festivals as well as many high achievement awards from the Western Bands Association, SJVCGPR, and WGI. Classified - SPED One To One Aide Robert Ortiz . dvillarreal2@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology negarcia@bisd.us, Antonio Reyes Claudia Garza School Counselor. Math Classified - Registrar The District shall provide equal opportunities to all individuals within its jurisdiction or geographic boundaries. Katherine Garza Email Katherine Garza. Yaquelin M. Helms Classified - Special Education Life Skills Aide lmdelgado1@bisd.us Anthony B. Weigl English Migrant In his free time, Mr. Tinkle enjoys listening to music, collecting records, writing songs, cooking, and spending time with his wife Emily and twin daughters, Grace and Elizabeth. Classified - Special Education Life Skills Aide cggarcia2@bisd.us atrevino2@bisd.us mgvarela@bisd.us Clear. Athletics - Defensive Coordinator Diana T. Lerma dtlerma@bisd.us (956) 574-5904, Counselor's Clerk Consuelo Ramirez chcastillo@bisd.us Materials from this series in compliance with Section 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) of the regulations can be found here: New Title IX Rules and Regulations Materials, Veterans Memorial Early College High School, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), Parent & Family Engagement / Participacin Familiar, Public Relations and Community Engagement, Special Programs/Title I, Title II, Title IV, Title IX-A, Curriculum, Instruction & Human Resources, Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability, ISET - Innovation, Strategy & Educational Technology, Facilities: Non School Use of School Facilities, Facilities: Use of Facilities & Playing Fields Application/Contract. English Rodney Morales English Joe Castellano Athletic Director. ctefertiller@bisd.us Special Education Sandya R. Kesoju - Columbia Basin College, Pasco, Wash. Juanita Garca Avils - Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Chicago, Ill. Silvia Saldivar - Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD / Berta Palacios Elem., Pharr, Texas, Alok Arun - Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Barranquitas Campus, Barranquitas, Puerto Rico, Guillermo Marcillo - West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas, Elinor Lichtenberg - University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, Engil Pereira - University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, Texas. gibarra@bisd.us jahernandez1@bisd.us, Damian E. Lozano (956) 574-5600, Fine Arts Sedatole, Brian: CTE - Culinary Arts Website: 512-594-0919: Shankar, Shobha: District Licensed Specialist in School Psychology: 512-594-0821: Shelton, Cole mjrobledo@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, English Language Arts Shayna Coello Miguel Diaz (956) 574-5600, Special Education Social Studies His experience through college marching band and DCI gave Dennie the necessary skills and experience to become a visual caption head starting at Washington Union High School and later at Justin Garza High school. mtjohn@bisd.us Special Education Oniel A. Cuevas SIGN IN; Facebook; Classified - Special Education BI Unit Aide yvelasquez@bisd.us Freddy Martinez. Dennie Turner is the visual caption head at Justin Garza High School as well as the current music director at Scandinavian Middle School in Fresno, CA. Classified - Sped Resource Aide I can't recommend this school enough. mgarza | Helena Public Schools Staff Manuel Garza Hello. For more information visit the Campus Website, Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students. dmleal@bisd.us Quill & Scroll Honor Society for High School Journalists; Rainbow Prism; Rangerettes Drill Team; Rangers; Rock the Street Wall Street; . CTE - Business (956) 574-5600, Fine Arts joealvear@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Assistant Coach Email Dr. Carmen Pacheco 956-843-4432. Special Education avargas2@bisd.us Search for people on this page. Classified - Clerical Assistant II Math Student finds bullets at Edinburg school, forces lockdown. 1600 Chicon St. Austin, TX 78702 Map Phone: (512) 414-8600 Fax: (512) 414-8610 Principal: Drew Nichols Campus Website Claire M. Carpenter - Yakima Valley College, Yakima, Wash. Nathan W. Calley jacastaneda@bisd.us Special Programs - AVID Classified - Data Management Clerk jlzarate@bisd.us krosas@bisd.us Emma I. Ortega mhjohn@bisd.us Classified - Career Resource Lab Aide jroshea@bisd.us Social Studies (956) 574-5600, Foreign Language lerrisuriz@bisd.us, Manuel Matias AV Union High School District. CTE - Speech After the E. Kika De La Garza fellows meet with USDA leaders, they gain insights, perspectives, knowledge and collaboration opportunities to share with students and colleagues in their home institutions and communities.. (956) 574-5600, Special Education The U.S. Department of Education recognizes Garza among about 40 schools in the country that exemplify the best practices for improving outcomes for at-risk students. orsalinas@bisd.us Mark . He received his Bachelor of Music in Music Education at San Diego State University and his single-subject teaching credential at CSU Sacramento. scontreras2@bisd.us Michael Capistran Social Studies The districts non-discrimination policy; DIA (Local) and FFH (Local) Training materials used to train the districts Title IX personnel. Email Manuel Lunoff. Staff; UIL; Poth Independent School District. shoskins@bisd.us Classified - Clerical Assistant II English Brownsville Early College High School; Hanna Early College High School ; Lopez Early College High School; . Imagine a high school where at-risk and dropout youth attend school, graduate from high school, and successfully transition to college and work. . Leave a message with your name and student number with a brief explanation about why you are going to be out. Classified - Special Education CBVI Aide Moises Maestro CTE - Computer Maintenance AESOP Help. lmmacias@bisd.us Classified - Attendance Clerk Principal jmwood@bisd.us. Foreign Language - Spanish Kimberly W. Valle csescobedo@bisd.us DE Pre-Calculus, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus redelagarza@bisd English At Garza not only are the staff genuinely caring, but the student body is as well. Staff Directory | San Benito High School Staff Administration Michael Abeyta Dean of Instruction Email Michael Abeyta Edward Abrego Assistant Principal Email Edward Abrego Rebecca Martinez Assistant Principal Email Rebecca Martinez Carrie Reyes Assistant Principal Email Carrie Reyes Gabriel Trevino Assistant Principal Email Gabriel Trevino She then caught the coaching bug after a summer tour in Taiwan with AIA (Athletes in Action) in 1991. rmorales@bisd.us mdzarate@bisd.us Stephanie Garza English Language Arts Teacher. 90% Attendance is Required. 4100 N Grantland Ave., Fresno, CA 93723 (559) 275-4100 | (559) 201-7262 Attendance Hotline: (559) 276-1613 [email protected] close. Transportation Request Forms. jdelgado@bisd.us EDINBURG, Texas ( ValleyCentral . mmcosay@bisd.us Garza is a school of choice for any student with 10 or more credits who has completed two full years of high school. rbolivar@bisd.us ezgarza@bisd.us . mlgross@bisd.us Special Education - BI Aide Vilma N. Orduna agabbert@bisd.us From Jefferson Junior/Senior High School:. nslomeli@bisd.us Mandated Child Abuse Report Form. Keller High School. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS lelongoria@bisd.us Jesus O. Villarreal Xochitl Talamantes-Cerda (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology KHSD prohibits discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, or bullying in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis and/or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or . Gloria Perez (956) 574-5600, Social Studies gmgarcia@bisd.us Elementary School, Lincoln High School and Humanities/Communications Magnet, Mark Twain School for the Talented & Gifted, Marvin E. Robinson School of Business and Management at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview, Personalized Learning Academy at Highland Meadows, Personalized Learning Preparatory at Sam Houston, Raul Quintanilla Sr. Middle School STEAM Academy, Rosie M. Collins Sorrells School of Education and Social Services at Yvonne A. Ewell Townv, School for the Talented and Gifted at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, School for the Talented and Gifted in Pleasant Grove, School of Health Professions at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, School of Science and Engineering at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, Sudie L. Williams Talented and Gifted Academy, Thelma Elizabeth Page Richardson Elementary School, Thomas L. Marsalis Elementary STEAM Academy, West Dallas STEM School Program at Pinkston, William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard for the Academically Talented and Gifted, Young Mens Leadership Academy at Fred F. Florence Middle School, Young Womens STEAM Academy at Balch Springs Middle School, Leonides Gonzalez Cigarroa, M.D. Map (956) 574-5600, Assistant Coach Diane Harris (956) 574-5600, Program Specialist COACHING STAFF. (956) 574-5600, Fine Arts CTE - Law Enforcement Staff Directory; Keller HS; KHS Staff Directory. mdeleon3@bisd.us We are an open-enrollment/open-exit academic school of choice designed to meet the needs of students. Victoria L. Hernandez & Mrs. Constancio, L.V.N. Necessary Documents; Annoucements; FAQ ; Skyward Parent Access; . (956) 574-5600, English Language Arts Maria's love for basketball was fueled by a great coach while playing in Alberta, Canada on the Grade 9 team as an 8th Grade student. jaurbina@bisd.us xgarcia@bisd.us hihernandez@bisd.us Special Programs - AVID Dennie completed his Bachelors of Arts in Music Education at California State University, Fresno in December of 2012. (956) 574-5600, Librarian lerodriguez@bisd.us Email Dalila Munguia. Drafting in Music Education at the American Band College of Central Washington University. Email Claudia Garza 9567650280. Daisy Valdez Social Studies Links. Math (956) 574-5600, Social Studies Head Coach. Sharyland High School. Garza graduates from St. Thomas Aquinas High School. Name: Title: Location: Keller High School; Search. Marlane Rodriguez (956) 574-5600, English Language Arts mazamora1@bisd.us Evita Salazar-Lopez Ivonne Banda Business Director. Email Celia Anzaldua. Krystal Garza anbenavidez@bisd.us dpardo@bisd.us Learn. (956) 574-5600, Math/Department Chair (956) 574-5931, Class of 2024Counselor CTE - BCIS lgcisneros@bisd.us Titles: SpEd - Speech Pathologist - High School Email: Hoyt Arnold . scburks@bisd.us jcavazos@bisd.us Staff Administration Classroom Teachers Master Schedule Staff Directory Staff Resources Staff Administration Classroom Teachers . jrvargas2@bisd.us More. mivazquez@bisd.us Fine Arts - Assistant Band Director Hector A. Pena Foreign Language - Spanish Place: The Golf Club at Cedar Creek. Ismael Garcia1 Gricelda P. Ramos (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology Name Position; Bentzen, Elizabeth: Campus Instructional Coach: Behrens, Brian: Media Specialist: Moyers, Dineah: Transportation Driver: Orr, Christine: ISS Aide (MS/HS) Classified - SPED One to One Aide After students complete the graduation requirements to earn a high school diploma, the Garza community comes together to celebrate their accomplishments at a cheer-filled Star Walk through the school. (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology (956) 574-5600, Science Javier A. Gonzalez (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology elayala@bisd.us Email Samantha Baker. (956) 574-5600, Fine Arts . Dennie completed his Bachelors of Arts in Music Education at California State University, Fresno in December of 2012. Cathy I. Ayala Athletics - Physical Education Zapata. RELATED: Fans were starting to filter out following the Central and Bullard High . phanderson@bisd.us cramirez@bisd.us High School, and College Preparation Initiatives; Other Initiatives; Out-of-School Learning Opportunities; . BISDs Title IX Coordinator: Carmelita Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent For Human Resources/Title IX/504. Search for people on this page. While at CSU, Fresno, he was a member of the Bulldog Marching Band and scholarship group the Bulldog Beat. 1 2 3 > showing 1 - 50 of 145 constituents. In 2010, Dennie earned a tuba spot with the Santa Clara Vanguard. Joseph R. Oshea Ricardo Bolivar A-G Requirements; Course Description; . Search for people on this page. Fax: (512) 414-8610 Melissa De La Garza Academic Counselor M - P. . (956) 574-5600, Fine Arts | Questions or Feedback | Terms of Use. Email Sherea Harris-Turner. iarizmendia@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Science Martha M. De Lara . (956) 574-5600, Fine Arts Cristina G. Garcia Special Education cylgarza@bisd.us, 9th Grade Assistant Principal Garza Independence High School is a highly rated, public, alternative school located in AUSTIN, TX. Senior Lizzy Litwinko Honored; Rex Smith Tennis Courts; CIAC Sportsmanship Video; 2021-2022 Superintendent's Proposed Budget; PreSchool Round-Up; BOE Meeting Dates Feb 2020 - Jan 2021 In the following years, 2011 and 2012, he earned lead trumpet spots, however was only able to finish marching his age-out year in 2012. English tlongoria@bisd.us Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2019. (956) 574-5600, Science Raul Ramirez III horozco@bisd.us
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