Esoteric knowledge that we should all know. 04 Mar 2023 21:41:06 Tray = 26 He give plenty of examples in this book on how once you see the code and study it for Zachary does a great job explaining how gematria is used in our daily life, how they have used these in sports, news, government and killings to herd the masses by fear and misleading. Companies are making record profits while caring for our health. But do they really? This excellent book by Zachary K. Hubbard is his second book after Letters & Numbers, which teaches Gematria. 1540 can be looked at as the same date calculations as 0514, or May 14th, which in 1948 was the date Israel became a nation (again). Football Basketball Baseball Hockey UFC Golf Nascar Horse Racing Live YouTube Streams and Call-In Shows, There are many Frequently Asked Questions when it comes to Online Sports Betting: What are the Best Sports Books? Gretzkys most famous quote was You miss 100% of the shots you dont take. Kobe was known for taking too many shots. How does one become a Patreon to get access to the Protected info? Perhaps I received a dodgy copy or it's a personal issue. He uses numerology to decode politics, sports, deaths and more by using an ancient code called Gematria. Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission. I will pay you to do another one, Im sure it will be better. As in it looks like your desperate for money. 2023 Gematria Effect News. This news comes 103 days after the murders. Support this work! CashApp: $GematriaEffectNewsVenMo: @Zachary-Hubbard-9PO BOX 1967 Yak. Since then, he has been able to predict Champion after Champion, for all of the Major Sports Leagues, both Pro and College. See you there! If youre a skeptic, pull the trigger on this one. Prior to 2013, I taught in elementary schools, teen homeless shelters and group homes. property, February 24, 2023. Synopsis: Healthcare professionals, government officials, and everyday people find themselves in the midst of a pandemic as the CDC works to find a cure. (119, 911) It's me, Zachary K. Hubbard, and this is the 20th channel due to Google's censorship. Aliquam blandit etiam vel massa eget mollis. With a little practice you'll be ready to place bets on any sport. I drop the mic. How English's Numerical Code Reveals the Scripting of History, News, Elections, Rigged Sports, and More See through Fake News Lies in Numerical Disguise! 2023 Gematria Effect News. No one Covers Sports like the Gematria Effect. 1. Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club thats right for you for free. Zachary K. Hubbard's 2nd Book! The Leagues script their games with numerical riddles. My name is Zachary K. Hubbard and teaching is my passion! 18. Z. Outro Lessons of Father C.R., the Problem with Secrets & the Power of Knowledge., Also it is 113 min long. The film was written by Scott Z. Burns = 177 / 42 If you consider yourself a truth seeker or finally starting to question the lame stream scripted media then this book is for you. Youve switched out one villain for another; youre giving the bankers a pass while focusing on the Jesuits. Leaving this just in case you were not aware: George Floyd = 119 Hate How Racial Division Has Been Programmed by Mainstream Media Purposefully For Decades Books 2; Number Games: 9/11 to Coronavirus 366. by Zachary K. Hubbard. ). We dont share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we dont sell your information to others. Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2020. Hey Zach I dont know if you already knew this but Kobe died on Wayne Gretzkys 59th birthday. Tune in for Live Streams on YouTube, as Victor aims to create a place where people can collaborate information on Rigged Sports! RH is a two day festival. Zachary K. Hubbard's 1st Book! Thank you for helping me in that effort! Ctrl + Enter in search field. I vote second from the top. Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2022. My name is Zachary K. Hubbard and teaching is my passion! My name is Zachary K. Hubbard and teaching is my passion! An interesting subject, however I couldn't finish the book. Add to Wishlist. Proin et semper metus consequat etiam. They are connected together as one cabal. *Memphis = 38,, This comes on March 4, or 3/4, like 34.Black = 34Memphis = 34, Today is 159 days after Morants 23rd birthday, August 10, 2022.Black Man = 159, And he is accused of punching a 17-year-old.NBA = 17,,, This news comes on March 4, or 3/4, like 34.Maryland = 34One = 34, Tom Sizemore died in his 62nd year of life, on the 62nd day of the year, March 3, 2023.Sacrifice = 62Faustian Bargain, He died exactly 34-weeks into Tom Hanks age.Tom Sizemore = 139 (34th prime)Tom Sizemore = 58 / 59 / 139 / 158Freemasonry = 58 / 59 / 139 / 158. Then Jesuss second return comes and he will split the Mount of Olives in two with his foot, an he will reign for 1,000 years while Satan is chained up during that time. Browse the Archives to see all of the Past Predictions. He was born a perfect person too because His father wasnt Joseph if you get my drift. All Rights Reserved. Just FYI, The Rapture will most likely happen before the Tribulation begins because Gods people are not appointed to Gods wrath as the wrath of God was satisfied when Jesus died on the cross. It debuted that same weekend in Italy, where it grossed $663,000 from 309 theaters. Very much wanted to see your video. Number Games | 9/11 to Coronavirus was written for the purpose of educating the people of the world about the agendas that are being carried out against us, and the very clear plan that went into motion in 1968, when coronavirus was coined, World Trade Center construction in New York began, and 9-1-1 was made the United States' national emergency dialing code. For their Numbers Game. There was a problem loading your book clubs. Jesus said I and the Father are one.. so as evil mimics good. Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store. He has also created over 10,000 YouTube videos on the subject and over 30,000 blog posts, many of which have been censored by Google and Big Tech, as well as companies such as Etsy. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. I'm a 20 year old kid from Jersey and discovered Zach's work in early December 2021, this plus Zachary's first book (Letters and Numbers) have been the only books I've actually read and enjoyed. Floyd = 26. 4. A single word or phrase can yield several values depending on which alphanumerical cipher is used. Deposit Funds, Place Bets, and Withdraw the Winnings, Video Tutorial for each Sportsbook. Number Games: 9/11 to Coronavirus is a noteworthy follow up to Letters & Numbers, which gives the reader insight into the Cabal responsible for the 9-11 attacks and the perpetual COVID fear "news". Prior to 2013, I taught in elementary schools, teen homeless shelters and group homes. The Complimentary Ciphers, Tributes to Hebrew Gematria & Greek Isopsephy Thank you for helping me in that effort! It was in that year I discovered Gematria, and since then it has been my mission to help this knowledge reach the world. Prior to 2013, I taught in elementary schools, teen homeless shelters and group homes. Gematria Effect News: With Zachary Hubbard, Johnathan, Rambo. This is an indispensable file of all of the best information in one place! This is the knowledge to have. Contrived Islamic Terrorism & False Flags in Public Places- Schools, Theaters, Concerts, Malls, etc. 2/16/2011 was the 47th day of the year and had 22 and 11 numerology. Couldnt you say the Jesuits, Freemasons and Illuminati act as one, and are in fact one? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello and welcome! This news comes on the 55th day of the year. Grammers full name, Allen Kelsey Grammer, equates to 79. I used this book along with Zach's amazing youtube channels to wake up my family to whats been going on for over a century . Kindle. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. Hi, I'm Zachary K. Hubbard, the most censored man on Google thanks to telling the truth about criminal federal agendas that need to be stopped in their track. All Rights Reserved. Shipping cost, delivery date, and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. Big video on it: 2023 Gematria Effect News. The 7-year Tribulation ends in the Battle of Armageddon. All Rights Reserved. . All rights reserved. Audible . ): PayPal: $GematriaEffectNewsVenMo: @Zachary-Hubbard-9PO BOX 1967 Yakima, WA 98907. The decision also comes 20 months and 23 days after the murder, in 2023. Date: New to Old, TFR Live Yom Kippur, Alec Baldwin, Russia-Ukraine, Aaron Judge, The Queen October 5th 2022. Hailing from NY, Victor is a Well Versed in the Art of Gematria Decoding. The #JaMorant news comes on March 4, or 3/4. After years of calling in to Zach's show, Martin sprouted his own wings and started a Gematria page for Sports Decodes. King James Bible was written in 1611, exactly 405 years before LeBron won a ring in Cleveland in 2016, which was the same year Donald Trump became the 45th President., Was cured from 5 years of genital herpes virus and itchy blisters on my genital part in 21 days with Dr. Nelson Salim Herbal Medicine. Brittany Spears and Steve Quayle both cant print. No one Covers Sports like the Gematria Effect! Live YouTube Streams and Call-In Shows. For the Sharps out there, this has all of the necessary tools and resources in one document. Follow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations. Gematria Effect Sports. The span between its last day of filming and 3/11/20 is 9 years, 3 weeks, and 3 days or 3311 days. Are you ready to fly? Thank you for helping me in that effort! Is this the next 911! Kate Winslets character: Erin Mears = 102 / 119 / 57 It reminds me of when the FBI came to my house on August 21, 2018, or 21/8, and falsely accused me of threatening Jews.Holy Roman Empire = 218, 2023 Gematria Effect News. Trumped! I'm a 20 year old kid from Jersey and discovered Zach's work in early December 2021, this plus Zachary's first book (Letters and Numbers) have been the only books I've actually read and enjoyed. 99. My name is Zachary K. Hubbard and teaching is my passion! The Shmita year (7-year period) begins on the Jewish New Year/Rosh Hashanah 5783, in which the celebration starts on Sept. 25, 2022 and ends on the first full day of the new year, Sept. 27, 2022. This news comes on March 3, or 3/3, reminding that Timothy McVeigh was put to death at 33. @freetofindtruth. University of Idaho = 103. To donate to the cause, please use the following methods (thank you! It's Quality over Quantity with Smart Picks, so put your Confidence in Godfidence IQ! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello and welcome! We work hard to protect your security and privacy. Gwenyth Paltrows character: Beth Emhoff = 110 / 74 / 56 / 46 / 42 / 38 I wish he had focused on the stronger ones and organized them into a cohesive narrative rather than a tireless rambling text that leaves more questions than answers. Education Memorial Murder by Numbers News. I highly recommend both this book and Zachs amazing daily videos. Display Cipher Chart: d;c. Find Matches in User Tables: Shift + Enter in search field. Make sure you read the fine print. 4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars (86) Paperback. The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage. The Personal / Universal Side of the Letters and Numbers Code The Numbers of Our Lives, Family & Loved Ones Does God Speak Through Numbers? Gretzky is Canadian. [] Its like the Jesuits ordered Steph Curry. Gematria Effect News /w Zachary K. Hubbard. The List Price is the suggested retail price of a new product as provided by a manufacturer, supplier, or seller. 3. Thank you for helping me in that effort! Thank you for helping me in that effort! Soderbergh acknowledged the salience of these post-apocalyptic themes is heightened by reactions to the September 11 attacks and Hurricane Katrina. The News Dairy - Latest News Online The Byte News - Latest News Online TheByteNews is a multi-sport news website that delivers the latest news, articles, features, and updates on global sports such as UFC, NBA, NFL, NASCAR, eSports, Tennis, Formula 1, Boxing, WWE and Golf. 2. We teach you how to do this with In-Depth Tutorials and Video Walkthroughs. This is the knowledge to have. This excellent book by Zachary K. Hubbard is his second book after Letters & Numbers, which teaches Gematria. I like this book becasue it takes a different approach to the conspiracy realities. removes the scales from ones eyes, Reviewed in the United States on June 15, 2022. Hello and welcome! There is a code as old as time and as simple as A, B, C is 1, 2, 3 that is being used every single day to contrive the stories that become the news, and in turn, our collective reality. Was it by the numbers? What I managed to read was interesting, but I couldn't get past the lack of paragraph spacing, chapters and even the basic font just didn't seem right. His inspiration to learn this code came on September 11, 2001, when as a freshman in college, he witnessed the biggest lie ever told, and he promised himself that he would expose the lie for what it is, and those responsible. Consider this is the year of the 59th U.S. Presidential Election. Matt Damons character: Mitch Emhoff = 102 / 83 / 57 / 47 Christians, Jewish and Kabbalah Mysticism. He made a straight and narrow path to Heaven by sending 1/3 of Himself into the womb of a Jewish virgin. 10 Following. Then, in the midst of the week, at the 6th trumpet, anti-christ will place the abomination of desolation in America while simultaneously invading Israel, starting 42 months of his rule.. Ezekiel 38:9 and vs 16 depict 2 lands, each covered by a cloud = both houses of Israel. Jesus defeated death for us when He was crucified a perfect man. It was in that year I discovered Gematria, and since then it has been my mission to help this knowledge reach the world. Discounts, promotions, and special offers on best-selling magazines. For International orders you can shop at the following,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Steph Curry scored 30 points for the 10th straight game. My name is Zachary K. Hubbard and teaching is my passion! Sports News portal made by fans to cover MMA, Tennis, F1, NBA and more. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. No Import Fees Deposit & $10.46 Shipping to Canada. Gematria Effect News is a place dedicated to spreading truth, knowledge and awareness to the masses, about Gematria, the ancient practice of coding numbers into words, a Kabbalistic practice, and how it is used by The Cabal, every single day, to contrive propaganda, rig elections, rig sports, and even murder, all for the purpose of steering the public, and not for the .,, The Murdaugh trial began January 23, and it ended March 2, 38-days later.Murder = 38Killing = 38Death = 38RIP = 38, This news comes 258 days after Alex Murdaughs birthday.Order of Illuminati = 258. Its whats missing in my game, the closer.. Understanding the value of numbers afforded me so much more freedom. To add the following enhancements to your purchase, choose a different seller. From 9/11 to Coronavirus exposes the Agendas being waged against We the People and How to Fight Back! This Book is about that code, known as Gematria. To order the book, please use the following links (alphabetic order), Buy the book:Amazon:, Amazon (Kindle Edition):, Barnes & Noble:, Booksamillion:, Bookshop:, Target: . He has been teaching and vlogging for over 7 years about Gematria, symbolism and history. To order the book, please use the following links (alphabetic order), Buy the book:Amazon:, Amazon (Kindle Edition):, Barnes & Noble:, Booksamillion:, Bookshop:, Target: . Anna Jacoby-Herons character: Jory Emhoff = 201 / 56 Zach is the OG of Gematria, having discovered it's connection to Sports in 2013. Morbi semper nisl et dictum cursus. Since 2013, he has not only been helping people see through mainstream propaganda, but he has also been helping them win considerable sums of money in the world of sports and stocks, because as he has proven, those things are rigged by the Gematria code, no different than the news, and they are all being contrived together, and all by the same entity. Read more. Bitcoin Sports Guide - How to Bet on Sports with Bitcoin! Allen's big mistake gives the Dolphins their first lead, 24-20, a total of 44 points, after the sack-fumble on Allen that was recovered for a Miami TD. My problem with this Gematria book is the author does not go through a list of numbers and their individual significance. And with Dr. Nelsons instructions, I used the product for 21 days after completion of the herbal product, I was advised to do another Genital Herpes PCR test I did and to my surprise my result was negative, with no traces of the virus in the blood. Reviewed in the United States on August 11, 2021. News, videos, scores and more delivered to you first from the fans perspective! As with his first book (which was only available as a download) this is another masterpiece of truth bombs. We teach you how to do this with In-Depth Tutorials and Video Walkthroughs. 3 is the magic A must read book after hearing about the knowledge thro the author of his videos with examples of truth with the numbers. My name is Zachary K. Hubbard and teaching is my passion! The 4 Foundational English Ciphers, Where Geometry Meets Gematria Meets English. The G Spot Washington D.C., Scottish Rite of Freemasonry & the Geometry of Sex Wikipedia states in the films Theme and analysis: Steven Soderbergh was motivated to make an ultra-realistic film about the public health and scientific response to a pandemic. If you consider yourself a truth seeker or finally starting to question the lame stream scripted media then this book is for you. Marion Cotillards character: Leonora Orantes = 74 / 57, The virus in the film is identified as MEV-1 = 33 / 42 / 119, Jude Laws character Krumwiede claims to have cured himself of MEV-1 using a homeopathic cure derived from Forsythia = 101 / 1133 / 1174. Truth seekers, the new investment group starts this month! The word . If youre not familiar with As with his first book (which was only available as a download) this is another masterpiece of truth bombs. Another fantastic read and cant wait for his next book. 14. Can't wait for your next book, I'm buying multiple copies and leaving them on peoples doorsteps and am going to be handing them out whenever I can before its too late. The author has gone to Lenght to explain the number sequence / numerology that certain groups follow when they carry out certain events. Show History Table. It goes with the news coming on March 2, the 61st day of the year.Church = 61, Keep in mind he is 47-years-old at the time of this news.Maryland = 47,, This news comes on March 3, or 3/3, reminding that Timothy McVeigh was put to death at 33.Police = 33Order = 33Secrecy = 33Masonry = 33*False Flag = 33, Let us not forget he was killed on May 8, or 5/8, in 96.Freemasonry = 58 / 59 / 139 / 158Secret Society = 58Terry Yeakey = 58 / 59 / 139 / 158*Freemason = 96, This news also comes 47 days before the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 2023.Policeman = 47Cop = 47Government = 47Authority = 47News = 47Time = 47, Think of the 47 degrees on the Masonic compass and square, Also, today is 66 days before the anniversary of his death.Terrance Yeakey = 66. To me this means that the start of the new Jewish year in 2022 (5783), is the start of the new Jesuit cycle (5784), but of course they dont want you to know its only going to be a Shmita cycle of 7 years, not another 5783 months. The Complimentary Ciphers, Tributes to Hebrew Gematria & Greek Isopsephy. It looks like WhatsApp is not installed on your phone. His Wikipedia page states: Public interest in Burns 2011 film Contagion renewed during the COVID-19 pandemic, making it the seventh-most downloaded film on iTunes by March 6, 2020. I will rectify to a 5 to be a truth seeker. From September 27, 1540 to the first day of RH on September 25, 2022, it is 5783 months (and 29 days), like the Jewish year well be entering into!!!! We know bodies are often dropping for Mr. Hanks. Thanks again for your work Zach. Join in for the Latest News and Current Event Breakdowns from the world of Sports. If you like learning new and useful information then this is for you. Zach, Rapper Tray Savage dies while delivering a George Floyd tribute in Chicago at age 26, 26 days after George Floyd Thanks! Each Sport has it's own dedicated section. You can search your name or any other phrase and the online gematria calculator will calculate the . Zachary K Hubbard (Author) Zachary K Hubbard (Author) Spreading Truth Knowledge and Justice. With the membership, you also get access to all sports content. Please try again. Is exactly 6999 or 7000d (1000weeks) after 911. 18h. I An interesting subject, however I couldn't finish the book. Trained under the tutelage of Zachary Hubbard, Rod brings the Big Bet Energy to the sports decoding community! Found Zachs work in late 2015 and havent looked back since. List prices may not necessarily reflect the product's prevailing market price. He is beyond mind blowing in his exposure. 2023 Gematria Effect News. Us truth seekers see it all. Can you explain your Jew departure and Jesuit culprit adoption? Prior to 2013, I taught in elementary schools, teen homeless shelters and group homes. With an undeniable track record, for both Futures and daily games, he continues to bring this Knowledge to the People! It is as simple to learn as elementary arithmetic and as deep as time. All Rights Reserved. Kabbalahs Tree of Life, the Torah, Genesis & Roots of the English Numerical Code It was in that year I discovered Gematria, and since then it has been my mission to help this knowledge reach the world. What Revelation 13:18 (666, Number of the Beast) Reveals About Mankind, History & the Holocaust. A lot of numerical examples, comparison of dates and numbers significance. Murder by Numbers, the Celebrity Kill Code- Movies, Music, Media Sports & Government Perhaps this is in a different book? The 4 Foundational English Ciphers, Where Geometry Meets Gematria Meets English Bitcoin is the future of money, so learning this valuable skillset now will set you up for success! Welcome back truth seeker! My apologies to you with this review as think 3 stars is a no faker. This book is not easy to sit down and read - at best it's a reference work for other researchers such as John Hamer's "Welcome to the Masquerade," which summarizes some of the author's most important finds in the Corona psyop. If you've ever tried to research Sports Betting, you'll find that the information is very fragmented with many sites to keep track of. For the latest information on COVID-19 and vaccines, Please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Gematria is a fascinating language that is spoken nearly everywhere on earth and its a shame so few people know it exists. The span between its first day of filming and 3/11/20 is 113 months and 13 days. 7. Weather Warfare by the Numbers, 1952 Lynmouth Flash Flooding Present This news from the Seattle based Amazon comes on 47 date numerology. The people that were skeptical changed their minds only because of your work. As the reader will learn, these agendas, as well as many others that are related, have been executed by a numerical code, known as Gematria, and they are for the sake of building a surveillance state across the world, so that powerful interests can peer into and keep tabs on the lives of the masses, for the sake of continued power and control. Thank you for helping me in that effort! My intent as your teacher of this age- old secret is to be as clear, logical, honest, evidence based and intriguing as possible. This system, developed by practitioners of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), derived from Greek influence and became a tool for interpreting biblical texts. You may need to contact your publisher, there are authors coming out saying they cant get their books in paper form because if a paper shortage. Hes currently 57-years-old and from Minneapolis, and graduated from the University of Minnesota.