The Matthews had considered her family even though they don't see her often. "My period is late. So, armed with soup, movies, and a book of poetry, Maya decides to help him feel better. If they weren't going to do anything about it, Maya should. A cute little Christmas oneshot to hopefully bring you a little joy during this difficult time. Farklecontinues massaging Lucas, his hand pushing further up, and the pressure easing Lucas. "Do either of you have something to share with the rest of the class?". I pushed into the bathroom and threw up a few times in the toilet. Work Search: ", She looked up at him with tear filled eyes. How nice!. I then cupped my hands again under the faucet but this time i drank the water. Cory's is alone in Valentine's day. What will happen when things in the Hart house. And Ive got a boner! She knew she wasn't going to hold out much longer so she raised her hand and asked if she could go to the restroom. With Evan and Farkle's assistance, Josh is determined to resolve this triangle for the girls' sake. She rolled her eyes. Fourteen The writers of Girl Meets World were going to have an episode covering the issue of sexuality at the end of season three. When the two of them become roommates at Quincy University, whether by randomness or some kind of fate, it seems like a terrible, terrible mistake. Farklepulls his hands back immediately and the three of them sit there in silence, Lucas opening his eyes once he realizes what just came out of his mouth. "You didn't have to follow me. Girl Meets Gravity; Girl Meets the New World; Girl Meets the Secret of Life; Girl Meets Pluto; Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels; More. While Riley is away with family, Lucas is bored. Maya got lucky when she snuck out one night at 13 and went to a party at NYU, at 16 she wouldnt be so lucky. "I told her she should go home, but she said she doesn't want to. Shes kept her feelings inside so she wouldn't make Riley feel bad for her. "Oh come on, we were all thinking it!". Follows the event's of the original but, gives Maya's point of view and is a little more expansive than the first in the series. "Why do you look like someone just ran you over with a truck and then reversed it?" They kissed for the first time in this episode. The problem is she isn't sure how long the game is or what the rules are. Riley sometimes wears Maya's clothes, jewelry or make up. 11. [to Carla and Renee] Yeah, I came here to see what I'm still capable of. childhood sweetheart have a seemingly joshua matthews x fem oc Even if it might cost him everything. Viola Rayne Taylor was like a big sister to Riley and especially Maya. could feel like this, It happens to the best of us. Zay says coolly, trying to calm Lucas down by staying cool himself. Maya is the fifteen-year-old daughter of Kermit and Katy . Riley, Maya, and the rest are entering 7th grade, but some of them may have a secret. Read Sick as a Goose ~ Riarkle from the story Girl Meets World drabbles, one-shots, & headcanons by i_heart_h_potter (Rilaya trash) with 382 reads. As she stared at her reflection in the mirror after composing herself she couldn't help but scoff. Sort of. She should have known something was coming the moment Lucas looked at her like he knew something she didnt, or better yet when shed nearly knocked her breakup speech cards out of her pocket with her kazoo moments ago. Rucas. 161 guests Twelve days. She had a mission now. I dont know what came over me! Completed girlmeetsworld mayarkle rowbrina +13 more # 7 It's Always Been You (GMW FanFic) by 128 0 10 "Did Riley text you?" When the two made it back to the street, Farkle looked at her and noticed she was as white as a ghost. Riley tried to find out Maya's kiss with Farkle. Maya is on a mission: to fix her friends' trouble in love by the end of the month of December. mayas world isnt so great and it keeps getting worse and worse she feels shes all alone and at the mercy of the waves or is she? :: - She liked her absentee mother, her boyfriend who kissed her like she was all that mattered, the parties that made her feel like she had friends, and her mediocre grades because they were enough to keep her mom from complaining and enough to make Maya feel good about herself. He tried to recover, but Maya's eyes were already wide and her brain was working overtime. Though this never seemed to matter to their parents, as she was the obvious favorite. Riley, herself, took up about a quarter of the page. Hope is for suckers." Sure, this was her third time rushing to the toilet just this morning, and sure she had already emptied her stomach of her breakfast and was now choking on her own stomach acid, but she was not about to cry. She can't hide forever. Twelve days. Riley has a need to fix things, while Maya leaves things be. Instead of a final warning, all the red flags burst into flame and Riley gets the very fun (re: absolutely mortifying) experience of standing frozen center-stage with her boyfriend of five years down on one knee and looking at her like she's hung the stars, and. "Yeah, well. "maya, did you just puke in the toilet?" Maya got herself dressed into a pair of navy blue jeans and a grey vest top with her white coloured 'I 3 New York' jumper over the top. In which Joshua Matthews twin sister meets Lucas Friar's older brother and the two fall for each other. We fit together like a perfect puzzlebut things change. *Few notes:- If you watched Girl Meets World, forget everything about it- Topanga and Cory's marriage doesn't last, obv- Shawn had a shitty childhood and that's the hill I'll die on- English isn't my native language so sorry for everything- Don't be shy and tell me what you think. She popped a piece of peppermint gum into her mouth and took a deep breath before heading back to her Calculus class where she knew Mrs. Mienke was just waiting to lecture her about "proper hallway etiquette" and all of her uptight math teacher shit. She scowls at the sight. One "yes! Me and Riley exited the class room and went to the lockers. But maybe aspiring musician Riley Matthews can get him to change his mind? 2. OR: What would happen if Topanga had taken that promotion in London? Aka Shawn wants to be happy but he's having self doubts and might end up hurting those he loves because he's an idiot. 3. Life gets in the way, people get busy andthey forget Riley disappears the day after her high school graduation, five years ago. Girl Meets Rebell . - Shawns okay. Farkle slapped him upside the head in response. "Excuse me but I am nothing if not a loyal best friend and loyal best friends are always there for their best friend to hold their hair back while they vomit. - After a minor inconvenience these once-best-friends-now-strangers were put back together, after five years apart. Will the Villainous Five choose the path of goodness or evil? But the mission is easier said than done with villains conspiring, school, and trying to figure out the identity of her own secret admirer. 2014 Fanfiction; Fourth of July, 2015 . The song and dance those two had been doing had quickly gotten old. Identity - Maya gets super powers and dresses up as a superhero and saves Riley. The two walked up to the cashier to pay and Maya attempted to avoid any and all eye contact, simply paying and leaving. (he figures it out eventually, but not before seeing more THINGS than he ever wanted to in his entire life). I mean I trustyallso much and youtrust me too, and Ive just completely ruined that by going and moaning so wantonly! Lucas finally notices his boner when he looks down in shame. "Why the hell are there so many brands?" sister-in-law's What happens when she comes back to Ne Why? After a few moments, the nausea subsided and she was left wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her sweater. It was three months filled with almost kisses and almost confessions. "Would you keep it down? In the hug, they were next to each other. She knows love seldom lasts and mostly ends in hurt. Five perfect daughter and end up moving to Riley waved off her best friend and as soon as Maya stepped inside her house and safely closed the door, she bolted to the bathroom. They are the founders of the Matthews And Hart Umbrella Foundation. Maya won't admit it, but she has ADHD. Oneshot. Go to school. And right next to him, he wants three gir shawn hunter and his Just a simple fic that guides Joshaya together (finally). Maya held out her stash of peppermints, causing Riley to roll her eyes. When Maya's chance at telling Lucas how she feels backfires, she starts going into a downward spiral that only her true friends can pull her out of. "come on, its your favorate. Nine Her scowl is replaced by a devilish grin. The entire group stared at him with skeptical glances except for Maya who was too tired to notice his bizarre reaction. Similarities and Differences Similarities Both are close to Riley and Auggie Matthews . The show has them as romantic. Josh returns to his brother's apartment for the winter holidays but becomes distressed at how Maya and Riley's friendship has unraveled. Shes kept her feelings inside so she wouldn't make Riley feel bad for her. "Thanks Honey. The events of one very steamy night in the lives of Riley Matthews, Maya Hart, and their friends. When Riley had first moved, Mayas sketches were very hopeful and excited. Girl meets the sick|| GMW by Wal3 321K 7.1K 60 Winter Parks is the new girl to John Quincy Adams middle school. Lucas Friar, a master of combat, who's also only in it for the money. Joshua and Maya is the romantic/friendship pairing between Joshua Matthews and Maya Hart. She made it all the way to lunch without having another wave of nausea, but the smell of cafeteria food proved too much for her gut to take. 14. Some fans change the ship name to Rowbrina. Maya always comes over to Riley's house every day after school. She counted down from three in her head, preparing herself for what was to come. [beats in the head of one of the statues with a hammer] Carla: When Lucas Friar first got accepted into Carrington Performing Arts High School, he thought it would be a good way to get away from the craziness of his home life. We know some of what Riley and her friends felt, but as the episode is only 30 minutes, it screamed for an expansion. im not having a good day! "Stop. Technically, it wasn't lying. From: Honey No one can change that much in this little time, right? No, its not fine! interact via social media Not that she'd ever let anybody know that. "I might actually be pregnant.". ", yeah ok, so about What I said last chapter about this chapter being innapropriate Yeah, I decided not to do that. at least not here in this chapter. Will the Long Game finally be over? (.) Her phone dinged almost immediately after she set it down with a text from Riley. Another mad dash was made to the closest bathroom, but this time a brunette accompanied her to hold her hair back. it was awesome how i ended it here so. yeah. "Speaking of the devil himself." "Finally!" Maya yelled as she and Riley made their way into the kitchen. Josh returns to his brother's apartment for the winter holidays but becomes distressed at how Maya and Riley's friendship has unraveled. She had done this particular piece many times in the last six months and each time it was different. She followed the directions on the box before setting her phone timer for five minutes and leaving the tests on the side of the tub. Join Skylar, Adam, Bree, Chase and Sakura, as they journeyed to Aurodon in search of the Fairy Godmother's wand for their parents. "its probrably just a coincidence. The two sat in complete silence until Maya's phone started signaling that the wait was over. She knew that her friends were only looking out for her and she loved them for it, but she had been dealing with a headache for the past week along with throwing up all of her food, so she was a bit low on patience. Three days later and Maya was still rushing to the toilet at least once every two hours. But perfect for a genius who aspires to take over the world. WARNING:HAS SOME INNAPROPRIATE. NESS. Original Female Character (s) Maya Hart Riley Matthews August "Auggie" Matthews Non-Consensual Spanking Parental Discipline Paddling school discipline Child Abuse Past Child Abuse Bits that don't neatly fit into any other story Part 40 of Boy's Friend Meets World Language: English Words: 106,127 Chapters: 124 /? Are you okay?" You are my sunlight. But the mission is easier said than done with villains conspiring, school, and trying to figure out the identity of her own secret admirer. NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME! She doesn't talk about her life much, because who would want to hear the sob story of poor Maya Hart. Now teetering on the edge of self-destructing, Shawn has to figure out if for once he'll stay and let himself be happy with someone he loves or decide to leave everyone behind in an effort to make things right. When the two girls returned to the lunch table, Farkle was the first to see them. "Its ok maya, you can do this. If she never saw the results, they couldn't effect her. Farkle asked once she let go of his arm. Please consider turning it on! Requested by @avneil [Completed] She was afraid to move. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. "Hey girl's look its Maya that 7th grader slut who's dating Riley's hot Uncle Joshua. With every broken bone, I swear I li Riley and Maya have been at each others throats since they were seven. Hope is for suckers." Josh returns to his brother's apartment for the winter holidays but becomes distressed at how Maya and Riley's friendship has unraveled. rilaya au). Zay watches as Lucas face turns a deep shade of red and he stands up from the bed. She captivated her peers with her quiet persona. Farkle nudged her shoe with his and she was thrown back into reality by his encouraging, yet rueful smile. While spending Christmas with the Matthews family, caught in the middle of a snow Mr. Matthews history class is going on field trip. Many Girl Meets World fans are not happy about Riley and Maya's lesbian relationship idea being cancelled. No, its not fine! Five times Maya and Josh almost got together at a party or event, and one party or event they finally got together. Zay knows stuff, and Riley learns some truths. 1. is specialized diverge tubeless ready? Their hands are resting next to each other on the step, their fingers against each other but neither of them have the courage to actually hold hands. Just a bunch of Joshaya one shots because the world needs more Joshaya.This work was originally on Quotev, but I moved it onto here. I cant believe I let myself get so carried away! Lucas begins to sniffle again, before continuing hisrambling. TV ShowsGirl Meets World Follow/FavSick Day By:danahscott Lucas is sick and there's nobody around to take care of him. Because nobody needs to know how sad her life truly is. Please consider turning it on! finished : ~~~~~ Riley had nagged her about going to see a doctor, but Maya waved her off and promised that she would get over it soon. What happens when they meet her in Texas? Maya could lose even her best friend in her pursuit of Josh. "well im not eating because of him!" tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1026), Topanga Lawrence-Matthews/Cory Matthews (159), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Shawn Hunter/Topanga Lawrence-Matthews/Cory Matthews, Isaiah "Zay" Babineaux & Lucas Friar & Maya Hart & Riley Matthews & Farkle Minkus & Isadora Smackle, Isaiah "Zay" Babineaux & Maya Hart Friendship, Maya's fire escape is Joshaya's special place, and an apology from practically everybody, Lucas Friar finally figures out his feelings, The Riley Protection Committee is disbanded, Canon compliant as much possible given the show's continuity issues, mentions of Lucas Friar/Riley Matthews - Relationship, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, featuring Josh and Smackle having the most unlikely friendship, and Maya playing matchmaker for her friends, Riley Matthews & Topanga Lawrence-Matthews, shawn and katy are not together but he did in fact adopt maya ok, Adam Davenport/Sakura Snowflower (Original Character), The Annihilator/Original Character (past relationship), Oliver (Mighty Med & Lab Rats: Elite Force), Also lots of dopplegangers who are either a big family or strangers, has a bit of crossover mention with Avatar: The Last Airbender, the only character cameoing is Hama from The Puppeteer episode, Horace Diaz and Bridgette are Oliver's parents, no Horace won't be Alan's biological uncle here, Jack Hunter/Eric Matthews (Boy Meets World), Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, they are gay and i'm willing to fight someone on that, Depressed gay author writes depressed gay kids, why does everything i write have to be sad, alternative universe - pretending canon didn't suck, Innunendos because as said teenage hormones, Smarkle is in the background being their cute obnoxious selves. 5. "Looks like someone is pms-ing.". It comes as a surprise, more so to Maya than anyone else. lucaya, luc. She gets through all these tough changes with her best friend a collection of gay gifs of your fav girls.
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